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Aggression may be defined as a "form of behaviour directed towards the goal of harming
or injuring another living being. "But this simple definition docs not necessarily include
emotion such as anger and need or motive to inflict pain. It can be physical or verbal,
direct or indirect. This framework excludes anger expressed as aggression towards
inanimate objects and emphasis intent to ham another living being, be it situational or

There are views which suggest aggression to be:

1)- Inborn urges;
2)- extremely stimulated drives, and
3)- social learning experience.

But there are situational aggressive acts where frustration

and social conditions lead to such behaviour. Yet there are

biological determinants of aggressioa which may be from

constitutional to biochemical and brain damage to drugs and

» nutritional deficiencies.

Aggression as inborn characteristic of human being is too well known though least
investigated. Sigmond Freud held that aggression originates from 'death instinct'. He
argues that hostile impulses generated by this impulse build gradually and if not released
in relatively safe and non-injurious ways it may take a harmful and violent direction.
While the instinctual view was under process of reassessment, Konard Lorenz (1996), a
Nobel laureate (technologist), reiterated that aggression springs from .an innate fighting
instinct which humans share with many animals. Both theories, though they differ in
many details, share the basic assumption, which is very pessimistic, that human beings
are genetically programmed for violence.

Recently, the drive theories of aggression (Dollard Miller, Mowrer and Sears, 1939)
featured prominently in psychology. This hypothesis suggests that frustration produced
by blocking goaldirected behaviour, arouses a drive where primary goal is to harm a
person or object. Such aggressive drive leads to aggressive acts. It148

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means that social situations may trigger strong motivation for aggressive behaviour.
Frustration, conflicts and stress resolution leads to aggression which is maintained and
reinforced through reward. As compared to instinctual urges, the drive theories which
explain aggressive behaviour on environmental condition and not 'built in' tendencies, are
more optimistic in respect to prevention or control of such behaviour and hope in future.

Aggression being a learned social behaviour is gathering increasing support. Aggression

is considered to be a specific form of behaviour which is acquired and maintained as
many other forms of activity. Detailed and careful analysis of aggressive behaviour points
to three basic steps:

1. The manner it is acquired.

2. The factors involved.

3. The conditions which maintain its performance.

The acquisition of aggressive patterns of behaviour is through observing in their

immediate and remote environment. For children it may be a model among their elders or
through media. Secondly, if such behaviour is immediately rewarded, the maintenance of
such behaviour is provided by attainment of material reward. Aggression may also be
maintained by selfreinforcement where aggressors may congratulate themselves for their
adventures -- a pride in their abilities to subdue others.

The social learning theory is optimistic where there is possibility of preventing and
controlling human aggression. This is because aggression is a learned form of social
behaviour and may be open to direct modification and reduced through removal of
adverse social conditions.

Personality has, long been considered to be the outcome of combination of genetic and
parental attitude. Either one is a bad coin from birth or the guilt of the deviant personality
is levelled squarely upon parents. One of the reality is human biology and his adaptive
potential and the other is our micro and macro environment (immediate and
remote). Interaction of these two realities produced complex behaviour pattern
individually and collectively. The former can be related to psychology and the latter to
other social sciences like sociology, ecology, anthropology, economics and
political development. Individuals can be manipulators of society while society
provides a framework of action.

Emporium Current Essays


Biological models of abnormality arc based on the assumptMMt that physical

events may be partly responsible for personality disturbance and behaviour
disorders including aggression. These events include heredity, constitutional make up,
biochemical changes, hormone, dietary, drugs, brain damage and effects of stress. To
elucidate only a few are rare but hit headlines are psychopathy, once called moral
insanity. It has recently been *found that chromosomal abnormality where instead of XY
(male) and XX (female), XYY chromosome may be associated with violent behaviour. It
has also been observed that children with minimal brain damage (MBD) secondary to
trauma before, during or after birth, may develop aggressive tendencies. Such children
may exhibit strange but consistent aggressive acts. Brain tumours and hormonal
imbalance, drug addicts and certain dietary deficiencies and excess may alter the
personality, temporarily or permanently producing aggressive and violent behaviour
patter. This, however, constitutes a very small proportion. In fact such conditions
may provide predisposition and preparedness to learn aggressive lessons rather than the
primary cause.

Physical environment like heat, noise, overcrowding has also been associated with
violent behaviour.

It is quite-possible that such primed individuals may be drawn to aggressive and violent
acts in a given social situation and explain the unwarranted killing and unbelievable
brutal acts in the name of some 'cause'.

It has been observed that at international level aggression, violence and terrorism is o.the
rise. But they cannot be lumped together. Political insurgencies and terrorism can be
disapproved but their genesis, origin and perpetuation will have to be analysed. The
under-privileged and civilised communities when left with no options behave violently
and their cause attracts international attention though unsympathetically. Though the
injustice done to them at the highest plane are focused but they are lost through negative
public opinion.

In Pakistan the Afghanistan phenomenon remains the dominant single event which has
radically changed our social scene. It is not the political happenings there but the fall out
which we embraced so willingly has initiated the heroin and Kalashnikov culture. This
culture breeds crime, aggression and violence which is now appreciated nationally
without generating remedial measures.

In the tribal society possession of arms is traditionally considered to be z&var

(decoration) used with care and caution.


Emporium Current Essays

Suddenly much more sophisticated weapons, cheap and plenty made available in Pakistan
had devastating effects. So has the heroin which was non-existent til! early 80s and now
freely available, has gone into our social political and economic fabric rather deeply. The
indeterminate masked murders, bomb blasts, armed dacoitics and car-snatching,
kidnapping, and rape are common day happening. The linguistic and ethnic riots and
brutality are on the increase. It is not only linguistic and ethnic divide but within ethno-
linguistic area bradarii clan, kinship and regional rivalries are rampant. The political
identity has been shattered so have the national goals. The divisional is vertical,
horizontal and criss-cross as well.

Violence breeds violence is an old saying. During the last 10 years many more things
have happened to contribute directly or indirectly toward a violent society. They are the
official or 'lawful' actions. The number of people hanged is statistically related to number
of murders. Both have shown steady increase in Sindh. The brutal and ruthless killings of
unarmed people by law-enforcing agencies are matched by mass killing on ethno-
linguistic issues. The 'unlawful' confinements and imprisonment of many conscientious
political leaders and activities for subjugation can be the lead given to the potential
kidnappers of innocent citizen for huge ransom.

The enactment of Hadood Ordinance" has brought old and obsolete yet violent
punishment - lashing, chopping hands, and stoning to death (Rajam).'Even if such
punishment has not executed but has had far reaching effects at subconscious level and
brutalised our environment.

If they have created fear, they have also generated anger. No one of any consequence or
status was lashed publicly or in person except the petty criminals, the young political
activists or the writers and journalists.

We have entered into a turbulent democratic era. The lessons learnt in the past will have
to be unlearned. The calls for new symbols, meaningful messages and solid role models.
The high hopes from democracy can only be achieved through tolerance,
accommodation, logic, justice and resolution of conflict through peaceful means.

'Origin and! nature cf aggressive fcefiaviojr

Aggression is a form of behaviour rather than an emotion, need or a motive.

Emporium Current Essays


Inborn Urges and Instinct

Aggression as destiny urges death and destruction.

//. Drive and Motivation

Frustration Aggression

Resignation and despair Renewed activity

///. Conflict and Stress Resolution

Maintained by reinforcement through consistent reward,

IV. Social Learning Experience

Observing -- model and media


Action directly rewarded

Maintained by reinforcement from outside and within

V. Social Conditions

Positive--Attack, Threat, Fear Negative ~ attitude, Faith, Belief.

VI. Individual Determinants Personally

Genetic (XYY Syndrome)

VII. Physical Environment

Heat, Noise, Crowding.

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