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--- Legend Release Notes ---


PRICE MANAGEMENT 1. Price Management 2. Loyalty voucher entitlements 3. Promo codes

FOH 1. Credit card cashing up declaration 2. Cell with dates error (FIX)

CONTROL PANEL 1. Other Please specify ethnic origin option 2. Multiple disability selection

ONLINE SERVICES 1. Online Purchase ID added to emails 2. Member termination dates and online bookings

BOOKINGS 1. Sector linkages causing application crash

REPORTING 1. Membership patronage report modification

1. Price Management Ref #2349* The Price Management application has been created to allow for the better management of bulk updating prices relating to agreements, inventory items and the discounts applied to them. There is supporting documentation (www.legendreleases.co.uk) which refers to the implementation, use and functionality available inside this application, below is a high level overview of the application. *A new icon will be available on your desktop called Price Management Check security tokens for access. The application is currently split into three main areas, Price Updates, Promotional Discounts and Entitlements. Automatic Membership Price Change Can be based on many different factors and for all prices associated with agreements and price types via a percentage or an amount. Manual Membership Price Changes Can be changed on a one to one scenario. Review and Approval Process Price changes go through different stages for signoff with 7 different stages this can be managed internally by security tokens to make sure all changes are signed off before being set live. Export price changes Price changes can be exported to excel. Create new version Creating a new version of a price rise will reduce administration time meaning every time prices change the user doesnt have to start from the beginning. Excluding members Members can be excluded from price rises. Inventory Price Changes In Pilot, full release in future feature pack. Discount Changes Upon altering inventory price changes it is possible to change associated agreement discounts. 2. Voucher entitlements in Price Management Ref #2421 Requirement: To have greater control over loyalty voucher functionality, including automatically assigned them to membership groups, giving those members entitlements as to how many vouchers they are allowed to use in a set period of time and to close any loop holes members may use vouchers for. This functionality will especially help for free but restricted use of activities and bookings. Proposal: A new voucher type will be created and set up in the same way as current loyalty vouchers are set up in the control panel. The voucher entitlements and associating them to members will be controlled via the Price Management application. Implementation: The first job to complete is to create the new On Demand voucher, this is done via the Control Panel as a normal voucher is created. In Control Panel > Data > Configure Vouchers either select to create a new voucher or edit an existing voucher to be used. Give the voucher a name, select Loyalty as the voucher type, sellable quantity as 1 and select the relevant inventory item and GL account. The first difference is on the validity option, a new tick box named Is On Demand Voucher has been created, ticking this makes the voucher available for

use in the new functionality, the second change is the redemption scope. The redemption scope is where a member may redeem these vouchers, All Clubs, Home group or Home club. Once the voucher has been created, open the Price Management application. Using the left navigation menu select, Entitlements and New Entitlement. A new Entitlement Package Configuration window will open. An entitlement requires a description and a short name, for which it will be referred to through the applications. The next part is giving the voucher a recurring schedule, this can be done by days, weeks, months or years. This will be used to calculate how many times a member can use the voucher in that period. An example of this is every month (1 - Month) or every 4 weeks (4 - Weeks). Also ensure the voucher has an effective from and to date. Selecting the scope and prices the voucher applies to is probably the most important part of creating a new On Demand Voucher, firstly select the scope from the tree structure to get membership options, this can be a selection of enterprise, groups or a single selection. Once the scope has been selected click Get Prices. The application will now scan the database and get all membership prices for the selected scope, the list of prices can be filtered as desired using the filer options at the top of each column. Make sure a check is against the agreements that the voucher will be applied to by either selecting all in the current filter or individually checking each required row. The final step is to create a new Benefit that the members on the selected agreements will receive upon saving this entitlement. Clicking on the New Benefit button at the bottom of the application will load a pop window titled New Entitlement Benefit. Some of the details will be taken from the entitlement and filled in, such as the description, recurrence and effective dates. Give the new benefit a description and a short name and when the benefit is effective from and to. These dates control when the members receive the benefit, as an entitlement can have different benefits that are active at different periods. The next options control how many vouchers the member is entitled to use in this benefit based on the recurrence set against the entitlement. For example a member may have a max of 1 voucher per day, 5 per week, 10 per month and then an overriding value of 10 per period. The final option is to select the voucher from the drop down list and click on the save button. If there are any more benefits to be added they can be added now or at a later date. The final step is to review the entitlement and benefit, ensuring the correct agreements are selected and click the save button. Upon clicking the save option the entitlement and any benefits will be created against the member, these vouchers will be offered for use in both the applications and online (if voucher configuration is enabled). The member will not be allowed/offered to use more than the entitlement benefit allows them to. The number of vouchers a member has associated to their account will be shown in the FOH member control and in the member info section as shown in the screen shot below. The screen shot shows current set of entitlements, including the amount allowed and the next set. For example if the recurrence is set to 1 month it will show the current months entitlement and then the next months.

3. Promo codes Requirement: To pre configure a promotional date dependant scheme to allow a discount of membership fees when people sign up to a agreement. Proposal: A new integrated module within Price Management to allow configuration and scheduling of promotional discount schemes across the enterprise. Implementation: Our first version of promo codes is now available with this release. This feature relates specifically to new memberships, either via a code entered online or as a promotional period through the new member wizard. Using the Promotional Discounts feature you will be able to create promotional schemes and associate them to upfront membership fees, these include Upfront Cycle Fee, Process Fee, Enrolment Fee, Prorate Fee and all associated add on fees. Discount types to apply include Percentage, Fixed Amount and No Charge. These discounts are then associated to either a club(s) and or agreement/price Type for a period of time. If promoting online a code can be tagged against the new discount scheme. If enabled a new section in the online signup process will allow the prospect to enter the code and see the discount applied real time. If selling in the new member wizard the code is not necessary but a promotion can be automatically applied. This can be overridden.

1. Credit Card cashing up declaration Ref #3106 Requirement: During the cashing up process it would be useful if the total value of credit card transaction could be presented to the user. Proposal: A new setting will be made available that will show the user a notification of the total transaction gone through on credit card, the user will be able to choose to accept this amount or override. Implementation: The functionality can be enabled in Control Panel > Global Settings > FOH > Use System Generated Amount for Card Lifts tick box. Once the setting is ticked the cashing up procedure will include the automated retrieval, of the total amount of the transactions

completed via credit card, when the user clicks to enter the amount for the credit card tender, and present the user with the following;

Upon clicking Yes the value highlighted will be added to the tender, ready to be added to a small bag. If the user clicks No security authentication will be required and an override reason must be selected from the pre-configured list. The security token can be found in FOH group of security tokens and is named FOH_CAN_OVERRIDE_CASHLIFT_CREDITCARD 2. Cell with dates error Ref #3572 Issue: A location which is split into sectors, like a sports hall, can have different times of availability, in some instances making a booking on a sector where the availability is earlier than another sector caused the application show and error and become unresponsive. Solution: The way in which Sports Hall gathers and draws the data has been altered that it will find the earliest booking and start from there, this will ensure the FOH no longer errors in this instance.


1. Other Please specify ethnic origin option Ref #2577 Requirement: The Other Please specify ethnic origin option is not required, the main reason being is that the option results in poor data integrity. Proposal: A new configuration option will be placed in the Control Panel which will remove the option from all locations, including Membership management, new Member Wizards and Sales. Implementation: The new configuration option can be found in Control Panel > Global Settings > Wizards (3) > Exclude Other from ethnic origin tick box. Once the option is enabled the ethnic origin option of Other will no longer be available for selection. Any members which already have this selection as their ethnic origin will not be affected, upon updating the member the option will no longer be available to select.

2. Multiple disability selection Ref #2577

Requirement: To restrict the number of disabilities that is available for selection to one in the new member wizard and membership management to ensure the correct capture of member data. Proposal: A new setting will be placed in the Control Panel which will remove the ability to set more than one disability against a member through the Legend applications, this setting will be at enterprise level only. Implementation: A new setting has been created in Control Panel > Global Settings > Wizards (2) > Allow multiple Medical Disabilities in NMW tick box. If the setting is not ticked the applications will only allow selection of one medical disability in the New Member Wizard and Membership Management, upon ticking the setting multiple medical disabilities will be available for selection.


1. Online Purchase ID added to emails Ref #3599 Requirement: For the online signup and basket confirmation emails to include the online purchase ID. Proposal: The ID will be added to the email before the main body of content. Implementation: A line of content has automatically been added to all emails for a basket or online signup confirmation. The line simply reads; Purchase Ref: XXXX. 2. Member termination dates and online bookings Ref #3602 Issue: Members were allowed to make bookings for the period in which there agreement would be terminated. Solution: A member who attempts to book a class after the termination date will no longer see the book link, it will instead be blank.


1. Sector linkages causing application crash Ref #3365 Issue: In certain instances modifying classes/activities sector linkage causes the application to crash. Proposal: An amendment has been made to make the process more efficient which will stop the application from crashing.

1. Membership patronage report modification Ref #3000 Requirement: To use the report to provide employer, postcode information and to filter by agreement and agreement price to restrict data output. Implementation: Two new columns have been added to the report named Postcode and Employer, two new filters have also been included for agreement and price type.

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