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lour SLar PoLel

LxpecLaLlons aL Lhls level lnclude a degree of luxury as well as
quallLy ln Lhe furnlshlngs decor and equlpmenL ln every area
of Lhe hoLel 8edrooms wlll also usually offer more space Lhan
aL Lhe lower sLar levels and well deslgned coordlnaLed
furnlshlngs and decor 1he ensulLe baLhrooms wlll have boLh
baLh and flxed shower 1here wlll be a hlgh enough raLlo of
sLaff Lo guesLs Lo provlde servlces llke porLerage 24hour
room servlce laundry and drycleanlng 1he resLauranL wlll
demonsLraLe a serlous approach Lo lLs culslne

Iront Cff|ce Standard Cperat|ng rocedures
MosL buslnesses small or large have a fronL offlce or
recepLlon area 1he sLandard operaLlng procedures of a fronL
offlce clerk conslsL of many duLles and responslblllLles LhaL
lmprove Lhe efflclency of Lhe offlce as a whole lronL offlce
clerks should be wellversed ln every aspecL of Lhelr poslLlon
ln order Lo fulflll Lhe role Lo Lhe besL of Lhelr ablllLles

Serve as Lhe CaLekeeper
1 1he flrsL and mosL lmporLanL role a fronL offlce clerk plays
ls LhaL of belng Lhe offlce gaLekeeper ?ou are Lhe flrsL person
people see when Lhey walk ln and normally Lhe flrsL person
Lhey speak Lo when Lhey call ?ou musL be boLh frlendly and
pollLe Lo cusLomers and cllenLs buL also reLaln your auLhorlLy
as Lhe gaLekeeper ?our aLLlLude wlll reflecL elLher poslLlvely
or poorly on Lhe buslness as a whole and you musL always
keep Lhls ln mlnd lL ls up Lo you Lo ensure LhaL Lhe hlgherups
are only recelvlng Lhe people Lhey have Lhe Llme for and wlsh
Lo speak wlLh or see Always dlrecL Lhe person approprlaLely
and dlrecLly you may need Lo Lell someone he needs Lo leave
a message or LhaL he needs Lo slL and walL
uayLouay 1asks
2 ln mosL offlces Lhe fronL desk recepLlonlsL musL handle
mosL or all of Lhe dayLoday acLlvlLles such as plcklng up Lhe
mall llsLenlng Lo volcemall readylng moneybags waLerlng
planLs and resLocklng desks keeplng a blnder or checkllsL
handy wlLh all of Lhe regular Lasks for Lhe day can help
prevenL you from forgeLLlng someLhlng lLs also useful Lo
keep an address book wlLh lmporLanL and frequenLly used
numbers because lL ls ofLen Lhe fronL desks responslblllLy Lo
call malnLenance l1 and varlous oLher people LhroughouL Lhe
day as problems arlse
Crganlzlng Lhe uaLebook
3 LasLly unless Lhls [ob has been delegaLed Lo anoLher
employee such as Lhe bosss asslsLanL Lhe fronL desk ls
where Lhe daLebook ls kepL Always be aware of upcomlng
and canceled appolnLmenLs 8emember Lo Lake down Lhe
names and numbers of people who wlsh Lo make an
appolnLmenL on days LhaL are full ln case an appolnLmenL ls
canceled and a Llme sloL becomes avallable AL Llmes lL mlghL
be necessary Lo make LenLaLlve appolnLmenLs lf so slmply
place a posLlL noLe over Lhe Llme sloL 8emember Lo always
use pencll as Lhls ls easler Lo erase and cover up should Lhe
schedule change
!C8 SuMMA8? 1he fronL desk personnel Lask ls Lo answer all
Lelephone lnqulrles walk ln guesL/cllenLs wlLh regard Lo Lhe
lnformaLlon abouL Lhe reLlremenL faclllLles Lhe servlce belng
offered by Lhe faclllLy Pandle flrsL hand lnformaLlon abouL
cllenL/ reLlree's/guesL lnqulrles complaln and quesLlon ln a
professlonal courLeous and efflclenL manner whlch
guaranLeed Lo secure a saLlsfled cllenL/ guesL/reLlree's
CoordlnaLe or brldge Lo all oLher exlsLlng deparLmenL
CperaLe Lhe ClronL lnLegraLed PoLel SysLem handles peLLy
cash and bllllng procedure MonlLorlng of all Lhe ln and ouL of
all resldenL/guesL and prospecLlve guesL as well as employee
of all
lCuesL Cycle
- 1he guesL cycle descrlbes Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL each guesL
passes by from Lhe momenL he/she calls Lo communlcaLe a
reservaLlon lnqulry Llll he/she deparLs from Lhe hoLel ln facL
Lhe guesL cycle encompasses 4 dlfferenL sLages whlch are
deplcLed ln Lhe underneaLh dlagram

reArrlval Arrlval Cccupancy ueparLure

- Lach sLage of Lhe guesL cycle ls assoclaLed guesL servlce
and guesL accounLlng acLlvlLy(les)

1CuesL servlces

8eservaLlon 8eglsLraLlon Cccupancy servlces CheckouL
and hlsLory

2 CuesL AccounLlng

LsLabllshmenL of credlLs osLlng charges nlghL audlLlng
seLLlemenL of accounLs
- 8elow ls a descrlpLlon of Lhe acLlvlLles underLaken aL each
sLage of Lhe guesL cycle

1 rearrlval
- AL Lhe prearrlval sLage Lhe hoLel musL creaLe for every
poLenLlal guesL a reservaLlon 8ecord uolng Lhls lnlLlaLes Lhe
hoLel guesL cycle Moreover reservaLlon records help
personallze guesL servlces and approprlaLely schedule needed
sLaff and faclllLles
- 1he reservaLlon deparLmenL should Lhen compleLe all Lhe
prereglsLraLlon acLlvlLles and prepare guesL follos (appllcable
only for auLomaLed sysLems) uolng so wlll evenLually
maxlmlze room sales by accuraLely monlLorlng room
avallablllLy and forecasLlng room revenues

2 Arrlval
- AL Lhe arrlval sLage reglsLraLlon and roomlng funcLlons
Lakes place and Lhe hoLel esLabllshes a buslness relaLlonshlp
wlLh Lhe guesL
- 1he checkln clerk should deLermlne Lhe guesL's reservaLlon
sLaLus (le prereglsLered guesLs versus walklns) LaLer
he/she shall prepare a reglsLraLlon record or make Lhe guesL
slgn Lhe alreadyprlnLed prereglsLraLlon record (under some
of Lhe semlauLomaLed and all fully auLomaLed sysLems)
- 1he reglsLraLlon records shall lnclude Lhe followlng personal
and flnanclal lLems
a) ersonal lnformaLlon
1 name and Surname of Lhe guesL along wlLh bllllng
address Lelephone number and any oLher coordlnaLes
2 assporL number blrLh cerLlflcaLe and/or drlvlng
llcense number (whaLever appllcable)
3 Any speclal needs or requesLs
4 CuesL SlgnaLure
b) llnanclal lnformaLlon
1 uaLe of arrlval
2 LxpecLed daLe of deparLure or lengLh of sLay
dependlng on how Lhe sysLem ln Lhe hoLel ls deslgned
3 Asslgned room number
4 Asslgned room raLe
3 CuesLs lnLended meLhod of paymenL
- 8eglsLraLlon records can be used for varlous purposes
a) SaLlsfy guesL needs
b) lorecasL room occupancles
c) SeLLle properly guesL accounLs
d) LsLabllsh guesL hlsLory records aL checkouL
personal flnanclal lnformaLlon
e) Asslgn a room Lype and a room raLe for each guesL
f) ueLermlne longrun avallablllLy le reservaLlon
lnformaLlon versus shorLrun avallablllLy le room sLaLus
g) SaLlsfy speclal caLegorles of guesLs such as dlsabled
people Lhrough barrlerfree deslgns

3 Cccupancy
- AL Lhe occupancy sLage Lhe fronL offlce deparLmenL shall
coordlnaLe guesL servlces ln a Llmely and accuraLe manner
Moreover fronL offlce clerks should encourage repeaL guesLs
by paylng a greaL aLLenLlon Lo guesL complalnLs 1hls ls
ensured by placlng complalnL and/or suggesLlon cards ln
every publlc place and revenue cenLers ln Lhe hoLel
Moreover Lhe hoLel shall aL leasL on a dally basls collecL
commenL cards proceed wlLh Lhelr analysls and provlde
poslLlve feedback Lo guesL as soon as posslble

- ln addlLlon shall deslgn effecLlve procedures ln order Lo
proLecL Lhe funds and valuables of guesLs 1hls mlghL be
ensured Lhrough guesL key conLrol properLy survelllance
safe deposlL boxes and well deslgned emergency panels and
- AnoLher acLlvlLy aL occupancy ls Lo process posLlng of guesL
charges le posL room raLes l8 charges addlLlonal
expenses and Laxes Lo varlous guesL follos masLer lollos
Whlle dolng so fronL offlce clerks shall conLlnuously check for
devlaLlons from Lhe house llmlL and Lake correcLlve measures
as Lo change Lhe sLaLus of Lhe guesL Lo aldlnadvance
llnally fronL offlce clerks shall perlodlcally revlew AccounL
8alances ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe nlghL audlLor

4 ueparLure
- AL Lhe deparLure sLage Lhe guesL shall be walked ouL of Lhe
hoLel Moreover fronL offlce clerks shall creaLe guesL hlsLory
record llnally cashlers shall seLLle guesL accounL ouLsLandlng
balances le balance Lhe CuesL accounL Lo 0
- ln general a proper checkouL occurs when Lhe guesL
a) vacaLes Lhe room
b) 8ecelves an accuraLe seLLlemenL of Lhe guesL
c) 8eLurns room keys
d) Leaves Lhe hoLel
- AL deparLure checkouL personnel should encourage guesLs
Lo conslder reLurnlng Lo Lhe hoLel on any fuLure daLe 1haLs
why cashlers should acL llke a Lrue sales person and mlghL
evenLually accepL guesL fuLure reservaLlons 1haL way Lhe
sLages of Lhe guesL cycle become really a cycle (le sLarL from
where lL ends)
- lf aL deparLure Lhe guesL accounL ls noL fully seLLled Lhen
laLe charges accumulaLes ln such an undeslred case Lhe
responslblllLy of collecLlon lles wlLhln Lhe accounLlng
deparLmenL however Lhe fronL offlce deparLmenL shall
provlde all necessary Lypes of lnformaLlon Lo make Lhls
collecLlon easler qulcker and feaslble

ll lronL Cfflce SysLems
- unLll Lhe 1960s nearly all hoLels were operaLlng under Lhe
manual sysLem AL laLe 70s wlLh Lhe lnLroducLlon of
compuLers hoLels shlfLed Lo semlauLomaLed sysLems
nowadays mosL of Lhe flvesLar hoLels operaLe under Lhe
fully auLomaLed sysLem 8elow ls a brlef descrlpLlon of Lhe
Lhree dlfferenL sysLems under whlch hoLels mlghL operaLe
1 nonauLomaLed manual sysLems 1hls very sysLem
ls Lhe one characLerlzed by Lhe sole usage of hands ln facL all
formaLs procedures and dlfferenL klnds of calculaLlons are
done manually
2 SemlauLomaLed LlecLromechanlcal sysLems 1hls
sysLem geLs use of some LlecLromechanlcal equlpmenL ln
facL under Lhe semlauLomaLed sysLem each deparLmenL
mlghL have lLs own compuLer sysLem under whlch lL handles
all lLs operaLlons
3 lully auLomaLed compuLer based sysLems 1haLs
Lhe besL sysLem ever used ln Lhe hoLel lndusLry ln facL lL ls
characLerlzed by Lhe excesslve use of deparLmenLal sofLware
package programs lnLegraLed and connecLed Lo a maln frame
or Lermlnal slLuaLed aL Lhe fronL offlce deparLmenL

lllCuesL Cycle under 1hree ulfferenL SysLems
- AL Lhls sLage lL ls essenLlal Lo noLlce LhaL Lhe followlng
sLages of Lhe guesL cycle under Lhe Lhree dlfferenL sysLems do
noL confllcL wlLh each oLher ln facL Lhe only dlfferences are
due Lo Lhe naLure of Lhe sysLem use 1herefore whaL wlll be
dlscussed above ls noL Lhe repeLlLlon of Lhe sequence raLher
only dlfferences wlll be hlghllghLed

1 nonauLomaLed sysLems
A rearrlval acLlvlLles
-AL Lhe prearrlval sLage reservaLlon requesLs should be
lnLroduced ln a looseleaf noLebook or lndex card Moreover
only reservaLlons up Lo 6 monLhs horlzons shall be honored
LasLly lL ls noL pracLlcal under Lhls very sysLem Lo lssue
reservaLlon conflrmaLlon numbers lnlLlaLe prereglsLraLlon
acLlvlLles (aL Lhe excepLlon of vl and groups) and prepare
occupancy forecasLs 1he reason ls Llme and money loss
along wlLh lnsufflclenL labor force Lo manually conducL all Lhe
above menLloned acLlvlLles

8 Arrlval acLlvlLles
- AL Lhe arrlval sLage guesLs shall elLher slgn a page ln Lhe
reglsLraLlon book or flll manually a reglsLraLlon record under
Lhls very sysLem Lhe mosL wldely used fronL offlce equlpmenL
ls Lhe room rack ln whlch reglsLraLlon records are lnserLed Lo
serve as room rack sllps Moreover reglsLraLlon books and
records shall be Llme sLamped as an lnLernal conLrol provlng
when Lhe guesL exacLly came who reglsLered hlm/herLasLly
guesL follos shall be opened for each reglsLered guesL

C Cccupancy acLlvlLles
- under Lhe occupancy acLlvlLles reglsLraLlon records shall be
prepared wlLh mulLlcoples ln facL one copy shall be
dlsLrlbuLed Lo room rack anoLher sLamped Lo Lhe guesL follo
anoLher glven Lo swlLchboard operaLors and a flnal copy
handed Lo Lhe unlformed servlce personnel LasLly guesLs
wlLh charge prlvlleges charges and paymenLs shall be posLed
Lo respecLlve guesL follos

u ueparLure acLlvlLles
-AL deparLure sLage cashlers should seLLle each guesL
accounLs ouLsLandlng balance and geL room keys back from
guesLs Moreover cashlers shall noLlfy Lhe housekeeplng
deparLmenL LhaL Lhe room ls no more occupled (le room
sLaLus change) Lo leL Lhls very deparLmenL clean Lhe room
and prepare lL for new arrlvals ln addlLlon cashlers shall
remove room rack sllps from room racks Lo lndlcaLe
deparLure LasLly Lhese very rack sllps of deparLed guesLs
shall be flled ln a cardboard box Lo serve as a guesL hlsLory

2 SemlauLomaLed sysLems
- 1hls very sysLem ls less common ln small and mlddle slze
hoLels lor Lhese very hoLels flnanclally wlse mlghL noL
afford Lhe huge lnvesLmenLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe lnsLallaLlon
of dlfferenL hardware and sofLware
- 1he maln advanLage of Lhls very sysLem over manual
sysLem ls LhaL varlous reporLs can auLomaLlcally be
generaLed Powever Lhe ma[or dlsadvanLages assoclaLed
wlLh Lhls sysLem are varlous complexlLles of operaLlng and
conLrolllng devlces due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhese equlpmenL are
noL lnLegraLed wlLh oLher sysLems and are sub[ecL Lo frequenL
malnLenance problems

A rearrlval acLlvlLles
- AL Lhls very sLage guesLs can elLher call a naLlonal
reservaLlon neLwork or dlrecLly conLacL Lhe hoLel Moreover
reservaLlon clerks can prepare prereglsLraLlon records guesL
follos and lnformaLlon rack sllps

8 Arrlval acLlvlLles
- AL Lhls very sLage already reserved guesLs shall verlfy Lhelr
prereglsLraLlon forms and have only Lo slgn lL Cn Lhe oLher
hand walklns shall compleLe a mulLlple copy reglsLraLlon
record from Lhe beglnnlng

C Cccupancy acLlvlLles
- AL Lhe occupancy sLage ln order Lo Lrack Lhe dlfferenL guesL
charge expendlLures and all oLher posslble guesL LransacLlons
hoLels geL an lnLenslve use of varlous klnds of vouchers
Moreover Lhe mosL wldely used equlpmenL under Lhls very
sLage ls Lhe mechanlcal cash reglsLers and fronL offlce
posLlng machlnes LasLly under Lhls very sLage nlghL audlLor
shall conLlnuously resolve any dlscrepancy ln guesL accounLs
and efflclenLly reconclle guesL follos

u ueparLure acLlvlLles
- AL Lhls very sLage cashlers shall relay room sLaLus
lnformaLlon Lo Lhe housekeeplng deparLmenL Moreover
Lhey should place reglsLraLlon records of deparLed guesLs ln
properLy's guesL hlsLory flles

4 lully auLomaLed sysLems
A rearrlval acLlvlLles
- under Lhls sLage Lhe reservaLlon deparLmenL ls equlpped
wlLh a sofLware package whlch ls lnLerfaced and connecLed
wlLh one or more cenLral reservaLlon offlce(s) Moreover Lhe
reservaLlon deparLmenL can auLomaLlcally generaLe leLLers of
conflrmaLlon produce requesLs for guesL deposlLs and handle
prereglsLraLlon acLlvlLles for all Lypes of guesLs and generaLe
dally expecLed arrlval llsLs occupancy and revenue forecasL

8 Arrlval acLlvlLles
- AL Lhls sLage varlous reservaLlon records can be Lransferred
Lo fronL offlce deparLmenL Moreover hoLels mlghL be
equlpped wlLh an onllne credlL auLhorlzaLlon Lermlnals for
Llmely CredlL Card Approval self checkln / checkouL
Lermlnals LasLly all guesL charges and paymenLs are saved ln
elecLronlc guesL follos
- As far as walklns are concerned all reglsLraLlon acLlvlLles
should be lnlLlaLed from Lhe very beglnnlng

C Cccupancy acLlvlLles
- under Lhls very sLage guesL purchases aL dlfferenL revenue
ouLleLs are elecLronlcally Lransferred and posLed Lo
approprlaLe guesL accounLs Moreover Lhe fronL offlce
deparLmenL can run and process conLlnuous Lrlal balances
and Lherefore ellmlnaLe Lhe Ledlous work for Lhe nlghL

u ueparLure acLlvlLles
- AL Lhls very sLage cashlers can auLomaLlcally
produce bllls Lo be senL Lo varlous guesLs wlLh dlrecL bllllng
prlvlleges and creaLe elecLronlc guesL hlsLory records

lv lronL Cfflce lorms
- AL dlfferenL sLages of Lhe guesL cycle dlfferenL forms are
used dependlng on whlch operaLlng sysLem a hoLel chooses
8elow are some of Lhe common forms used

1 rearrlval acLlvlLles
a) 8eservaLlon record or a reservaLlon flle
b) LeLLer of conflrmaLlon
c) 8eservaLlon rack and reservaLlon rack sllps

2 Arrlval acLlvlLles
a) 8eglsLraLlon card (or record) or reglsLraLlon flle
b) 8oom rack and room rack sllps

3 Cccupancy acLlvlLles
a) CuesL follo shall be of dupllcaLe forms and pre
numbered for crosslndexlng conLrol purposes
b) vouchers supporL documenLs deLalllng facLs of a
LransacLlon buL does noL replace Lhe source documenL (le
Lhe lnvolce) Lxamples of vouchers mlghL lnclude charge
vouchers allowance vouchers paldouL voucher and
correcLlon vouchers
c) lnformaLlon rack sllps

4 ueparLure acLlvlLles
a) CredlL card vouchers
b) Cash vouchers
c) ersonal check vouchers
d) 1ransfer vouchers
e) CuesL hlsLory records

v lronL Cfflce luncLlonal CrganlzaLlon
- WhaLsoever sysLem and seLLlng Lhe hoLel mlghL use lL
should reflecL easy access Lo Lhe equlpmenL forms and
supplles necessary Moreover Lhe seLLlng shall reflecL
poslLlon flexlblllLy Moreover nowadays Lrend shows LhaL
LradlLlonal mall message and key racks are unnecessary aL
Lhe lronL uesk 8aLher Lhey shall be sLored ln drawers or
sloLs locaLed under or away from Lhe lronL uesk lor Lhls
would ensure securlLy and safeLy of guesLs

1 lronL uesk deslgned alLernaLlves
a) Clrcular or semlclrcular sLrucLure Lhls very sLrucLure
provldes an effecLlve servlce Lo more guesLs and appears
more modern and lnnovaLlve buL slnce guesLs wlll approach
Lhe lronL uesk from all angles more sLaff ls needed
b) 1radlLlonal sLralghL desk under Lhls very deslgn
fewer sLaff ls needed buL fewer guesLs can be served aL Lhe
same Llme
c) ueskless envlronmenL under Lhls deslgn Lhere ls no
lronL uesk aL all 1hls ls usually replaced by a hosLess or
sLeward welcomlng Lhe guesL seaLlng hlm or her on a
chalr/sofa and conducL reglsLraLlon acLlvlLles Lhere whlle for
example havlng a cockLall or a drlnk

vl lronL Cfflce LqulpmenL
1 8oom rack
2 Mall message and key racks
3 8eservaLlon racks
4 lnformaLlon racks
3 lollo Lrays or follo buckeLs
6 AccounL posLlng machlne
7 voucher racks
8 Cash reglsLers
9 1elephone equlpmenL

lronL uesk Cfflce Accessorles
Cfflce envlronmenL
1he fronL desk ls generally aL Lhe fronL of an offlce space or
bulldlng where Lhe recepLlonlsL or clerk works 1he fronL
offlce ls Lhe mosL vlslble deparLmenL ln an offlce bulldlng or
company so lL ls essenLlal Lhe fronL desk be efflclenL and
organlzed Lo accommodaLe managemenL coworkers vlslLors
and vendors especlally on very busy days 1he baslc cruclal
accessorles needed for a fronL desk offlce ls furnlLure Lhe
laLesL offlce equlpmenL and supplles

Lrgonomlcally correcL chalr
Avold purchaslng a desk and chalr LhaL ls more sLyllsh Lhan
ergonomlcally comforLable Lrgonomlcs ls Lhe deslgnlng of
offlce furnlLure and work envlronmenLs Lo opLlmlze human
wellbelng Lo lncrease producLlvlLy and prevenL chronlc paln
from repeLlLlve work 8emember you may be aL your desk for
a very long Llme so lf your furnlLure ls noL comforLable lL can
cause sLraln and over Llme posslbly ln[ury lf youre on a
budgeL check your local newspaper for sales and shop for
secondhand furnlLure Call around Lo buslnesses regardlng
Lhelr floors models SomeLlmes Lhe floor models may have
small marks on Lhem buL can be marked down 73 off
maklng Lhem a greaL deal AnoLher opLlon ls Lo lease or renL
furnlLure and as an added bonus paymenLs may be 100
deducLlble for buslness purposes
1echnology and communlcaLlon equlpmenL
urchase a compuLer or lapLop Lallored for your buslness
needs ln Lodays Lechnologlcal world a compuLer ls an
essenLlal parL of runnlng a buslness so lnvesL ln one wlsely
and Lo save money buy an alllnone prlnLer 1hls plece of
equlpmenL ls a prlnLer fax copler and scanner all ln one
maklng lL a greaL money and space saver ?our
communlcaLlon equlpmenL ls your llfellne lL should conslsL of
a mulLlllne phone sysLem wlLh a porLable handseL cell phone
and headseL so you can sLay connecLed and wonL mlss any
lmporLanL calls no maLLer where you go uependlng on your
buslness Lhe lnLerneL may or may noL be lmporLanL buL keep
ln mlnd havlng your buslness onllne connecLs you worldwlde
posslbly brlnglng ln new buslness and Lhese days lLs
lnexpenslve Lo be connecLed A dlglLal camera and web cam ls
noL so essenLlal buL are a greaL asseLs should you ever need
Cfflce Supplles
CreaLe a checkllsL of lnexpenslve and expenslve general offlce
supplles necessary for dally use lf your offlce uses cerLaln
supplles on a regular basls frequenLly conslder openlng an
accounL for dellvery LhaL glves you volume dlscounLs and
someLlmes freebles on large orders lf you havlng Lo penny
plnch look for deals aL dlscounL sLores and sales aL offlce
supply sLores 1he besL Llme Lo buy offlce supplles and sLock
up ls when klds go back Lo school and Lheres a back Lo school
sale wlLh no Lax on many lLems ?oull flnd some greaL buys
and be able Lo sLreLch a dollar

llnally add your personal Louch wlLh muslc famlly plcLures
palnLlngs works of arL and planLs Lo make your offlce more
llke home and a pleasanL envlronmenL Lo work ln

Rooms Division Department

O ln order Lo carry ouL lLs mlsslon global and deparLmenLal goals and ob[ecLlves every company shall bulld a
formal sLrucLure deplcLlng dlfferenL hlerarchy of managemenL supervlslon and employee (sLaff) levels 1hls
very sLrucLure ls refereed Lo as organlzaLlon charL Moreover Lhe organlzaLlon charL shows reporLlng
relaLlonshlps span of managemenL and sLaff/llne funcLlons
O 1here are Lwo Lypes of relaLlonshlps LhaL mlghL exlsL beLween any Lwo funcLlons aL any organlzaLlon charL
1hese are
1 Solld Llnes (lePPP) Lhls klnd of relaLlonshlp shows ulrecL Llne AccounLablllLy 1o lllusLraLe lf
poslLlon A and 8 are llnked wlLh a solld llne lL means (for example) LhaL A shall reporL Lo 8 LhaL 8 shall Lell
A whaL Lo do when Lo do and how Lo lL LasLly 8 shall be llable (le responslble) for A
2 uoLLed Llnes (le ) Lhls klnd of relaLlonshlp enLlLles boLh poslLlons llnked wlLh doLLed llnes Lo
have a hlgh degree of CooperaLlon and CommunlcaLlon buL noL dlrecL llne accounLablllLy usually ln Lhe
hoLel lndusLry where Lhe sole alm ls Lo saLlsfy guesLs poslLlons whaLsoever level ln Lhe hlerarchy Lhey
occupy shall coordlnaLe [olnLly Lhelr efforLs so as Lo provlde quallLy sLandard producL Lo Lhelr cusLomers
1herefore examples of doLLed llnes are numerous ln hoLel organlzaLlon charLs
O Lvery organlzaLlon charL shall be flexlble Lo reflecL Lhe everchanglng envlronmenLal dynamlcs and hence
be able Lo survlve ln accordance organlzaLlon charLs shall be revlewed perlodlcally ln order Lo deLermlne
wheLher Lhe acLual organlzaLlon sLlll maLch Lhe envlronmenL needs (le guesLs employees Lechnology
compeLlLors needs) or noL A SWC1 analysls (le SLrengLhs Weaknesses CpporLunlLles and 1hreaLs) shall
be a good sLarL Lo lnlLlaLe a change ln Lhe organlzaLlon charL or noL LasL buL noL leasL lL ls of exLreme
lmporLance LhaL Lhere are no 2 hoLels havlng exacLly Lhe same organlzaLlon charL and LhaL a hoLel mlghL have
an organlzaLlon charL change over Llme lor organlzaLlon charLs shall be Lallored Lo flL Lhe needs of each
lndlvldual properLy

1 8ooms ulvlslon ln a sLaLlsLlcs conducLed by Lhe uS Lodglng lndusLry ln 1993 lL has been shown LhaL Lhe
ma[orlLy of hoLels revenues (602 ) are generaLed from 8ooms ulvlslon ueparLmenL under Lhe form of
room sales 1hls very deparLmenL provldes Lhe servlces guesLs expecL durlng Lhelr sLay ln Lhe PoLel LasLly
Lhe 8ooms ulvlslon ueparLmenL ls Lyplcally composed of flve dlfferenL deparLmenLs
a) lronL Cfflce
b) 8eservaLlon
c) Pousekeeplng
d) unlformed Servlces
e) 1elephone
8eneaLh ls a brlef descrlpLlon of Lhe dlfferenL deparLmenLs decomposlng Lhe 8ooms ulvlslon ueparLmenL
along wlLh Lhelr relaLed maln responslblllLles

a) lronL Cfflce
E Sell guesLrooms reglsLer guesLs and deslgn guesLrooms
E CoordlnaLe guesL servlces
E rovlde lnformaLlon
E MalnLaln accuraLe room sLaLlsLlcs and room key lnvenLorles
E MalnLaln guesL accounL sLaLemenLs and compleLe proper flnanclal seLLlemenLs

b) 8eservaLlon
E Receive and process reservation requests Ior Iuture overnight accommodations.
E WlLh Lechnology developmenL Lhe 8eservaLlon ueparLmenL can on real Llme access Lhe number and Lypes
of rooms avallable varlous room raLes and furnlshlngs along wlLh Lhe varlous faclllLles exlsLlng ln Lhe hoLel
E 1here should be close relaLlonshlps wlLh Sales and MarkeLlng ulvlslon concernlng Large Croup 8eservaLlons

c) Pousekeeplng
E lnspecLs rooms before Lhey are avallable for sale
E Cleans occupled and vacanL rooms
E CommunlcaLes Lhe sLaLus of guesLrooms Lo Lhe lronL Cfflce ueparLmenL
E Cleans and presses Lhe properLy's llnens Lowels and guesL cloLhlng (lf equlpped Lo do so free of charge or
for a predeLermlned fee)
E MalnLalns recycled and nonrecycled lnvenLory lLems

d) unlformed Servlces
E Bell Attendants: Ensure baggage service between the lobby area and guestrooms
E uoor ALLendanLs Lnsure baggage servlce and Lrafflc conLrol aL hoLel enLrance(s)
E valeL arklng ALLendanLs Lnsure parklng servlces for guesL's auLomoblles
E 1ransporLaLlon ersonnel Lnsure LransporLaLlon servlces for guesLs from and Lo Lhe hoLel
E Conclerge AsslsLs guesLs by maklng resLauranL reservaLlons arranglng for LransporLaLlon and geLLlng
LlckeLs for LheaLer sporLlng or any oLher speclal evenLs

3 1elephone ueparLmenL
E Answers and dlsLrlbuLes calls Lo Lhe approprlaLe exLenslons wheLher guesL employee or managemenL
E laces wakeup calls
E MonlLors auLomaLed sysLems
E CoordlnaLes emergency communlcaLlons
'ltotects Coest ltlvocy'

2 lood 8everage ueparLmenL
O Accordlng Lo uS Lodglng 1993 sLaLlsLlcs l8 ueparLmenL consLlLuLes Lhe second largesL revenue generaLor
of a Lyplcal hoLel wlLh an average of 231 for lood sales and 86 for 8everage sales ln a flvesLar hoLel lood
and 8everage ouLleLs mlghL have Lhe followlng forms
E Culck Servlce
E 1able Servlce
E SpeclalLy 8esLauranLs
E Coffee Shops
E 8ars
E Clubs
E 8anqueLs
E CaLerlng luncLlons Weddlng 8lrLhdays

3 Sales MarkeLlng ulvlslon
O A Lyplcal hoLel should usually have Sales MarkeLlng dlvlslon Powever lf Lhe sLaff slze volume buslness
hoLel slze expecLed group arrlvals ls low enough Lhe hoLel mlghL have markeLlng sLaff placed under Lhe
reservaLlon deparLmenL (le no need for a Sales MarkeLlng ulvlslon)
O A Lyplcal Sales MarkeLlng ulvlslon ls composed of four dlfferenL deparLmenLs
a) Sales
b) ConvenLlon Servlces
c) AdverLlslng
d) ubllc 8elaLlons

4 AccounLlng ulvlslon
O 1he AccounLlng ulvlslon monlLors Lhe flnanclal acLlvlLles of Lhe properLy Some of Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL are
underLaken ln Lhe AccounLlng ulvlslon are llsLed below
a) ays ouLsLandlng lnvolces
b) ulsLrlbuLes unpald sLaLemenLs
c) CollecLs amounLs owed
d) rocesses payroll
e) AccumulaLes operaLlng daLa
f) Complles flnanclal reporLs
g) Makes bank deposlLs
h) Secures cash loans
l) erforms oLher conLrol and processlng funcLlons

3 Lnglneerlng and MalnLenance ulvlslon
O 1hls very deparLmenL malnLalns Lhe properLys sLrucLure and grounds as well as elecLrlcal and mechanlcal
equlpmenL Some hoLels mlghL have Lhls very dlvlslon under dlfferenL names such as malnLenance dlvlslon
properLy operaLlon and malnLenance deparLmenL

6 SecurlLy ulvlslon
O SecurlLy dlvlslon personnel are usually screened from lnhouse personnel securlLy offlcers or reLlred pollce
offlcers across cerLaln physlcal skllls and prlor experlence
O Some of Lhe funcLlons of Lhe securlLy dlvlslon are llsLed below
a) aLrols Lhe properLy
b) MonlLors supervlslon equlpmenL
c) Lnsures safeLy and securlLy of guesLs vlslLors and employees

7 Puman 8esources ulvlslon
O Some of Lhe duLles of Lhe human resources dlvlslon are llsLed below
a) 8esponslble for exLernal lnLernal recrulLmenL
b) CalculaLes employees salarles compensaLlon and Lax wlLhholdlng
c) AdmlnlsLraLes employees paperwork monlLors aLLendance
d) MalnLalns good relaLlons wlLh Labor unlons
e) Lnsures employees safeLy and worklng condlLlons

8 CLher ulvlslons
O All Lhe above menLloned deparLmenLs and/or dlvlslons should exlsL ln a Lyplcal flvesLar hoLel however Lhere
mlghL be some revenue generaLors LhaL are speclflc Lo cerLaln hoLels buL noL exlsLlng ln oLhers 8elow ls a llsL
of some posslble exLra or oLher dlvlslons LhaL mlghL exlsL ln a hoLel
a) 8eLall CuLleLs (le Shops renLed Lo ouLslders or managed by Lhe hoLel)
b) 8ecreaLlon laclllLles (ex llLness CenLer 1ennls CourLs and Clnema Saloons)
c) Conference CenLers
d) Caslnos

1he ma[or funcLlons conducLed by Lhe 8ooms ulvlslon ueparLmenL are

a) 8eservaLlon reglsLraLlon room raLe asslgnmenL
b) lulfllls guesL servlces and updaLes room sLaLus
c) MalnLalns seLLles guesL accounLs
d) CreaLes guesL hlsLory records
e) uevelops malnLalns a comprehenslve daLabase of guesL lnformaLlon
f) CoordlnaLes CuesL Servlces

O 1he sole prlorlLy of Lhe 8ooms ulvlslon ueparLmenL shall be ensurlng 6uest 5otisfoction whlch happens
when guesL expecLaLlons maLch whaL Lhe hoLel provldes

O lo otJet to ocbleve Coest 5otlsfoctloo fronL offlce deparLmenL shall prepare

a) Careful deslgned fronL offlce organlzaLlon charL
b) Comprehenslve goals sLraLegles and LacLlcs
c) lanned work shlfLs
d) Well deslgned [ob descrlpLlons
e) Well deslgned [ob speclflcaLlons
1 CrganlzaLlon CharL
1he lronL Cfflce organlzaLlon charL shall be deslgned accordlng Lo Iunct|ons uolng so noL only enhances
Lhe conLrol Lhe lronL Cfflce has over lLs CperaLlons buL also provldes guesLs wlLh more speclallzed aLLenLlon
Such a dlvlslon accordlng Lo funcLlons however ls noL pracLlcal ln mlddle and small slze hoLels due Lo Lhe facL
LhaL Lhese very hoLels donL posses enough and sufflclenL moneLary resources Lo ensure Lhe exlsLence of aL
leasL 3 [obholders (le one for each shlfL) for each [ob poslLlon 1herefore ln mlddle slze hoLels a fronL offlce
clerk mlghL be responslble for more Lhan one work poslLlon 1hls ls ensured vla cross Lralnlng Cn Lhe oLher
hand ln small slze hoLels one or Lwo fronL offlce clerk(s) mlghL be responslble for all fronL offlce acLlvlLles

A) 1yplcal funcLlons and poslLlons under Lhe 8ooms ulvlslon ueparLmenL

toot uesk Aqeot 8eglsLers guesLs and malnLalns room avallablllLy lnformaLlon

osblet Closes guesL follos and properly checks ouL guesLs

Accooots kecelvoble letk osLs charges ln correcL guesL follos and updaLes follos ouLsLandlng balances

-lqbt AoJltot ConLrols Lhe [ob of Lhe AccounLs 8ecelvable Clerk and prepares dally reporLs Lo managemenL
(ex Cccupancy 8eporL and 8evenue 8eporL)

,oll lofotmotloo letk 1akes Messages provldes ulrecLlons Lo CuesLs and malnLalns Mall

@elepbooe Opetotot Manages Lhe SwlLchboard and coordlnaLes Wakeup Calls

kesetvotloo Aqeot 8esponds Lo 8eservaLlon 8equesLs and creaLes 8eservaLlon 8ecords

DolfotmeJ 5etvlce Aqeots Pandles CuesL Luggage escorLs CuesLs Lo Lhelr 8ooms and asslsLs guesLs for any
blL of lnformaLlon requesLed

2 Coals and SLraLegles
ln every organlzaLlon goals and sLraLegles musL be prepared bearlng ln mlnd Lhe hoLels mlsslon sLaLemenL
and overall goals and ob[ecLlves An example mlghL be

Clobol Cool lncrease Cccupancy 8aLe of Lhe PoLel by
uepottmeot Cool lncrease ln Lhe number of Walklns by
5ttoteqy lmprove Sales llgures by descrlblng guesLrooms and PoLel Servlces

3 Work ShlfL
O 1he lronL Cfflce Manager shall schedule hls/her employees accordlng Lo seasonallLy buslness volume and
avallable sLaff ln hand
O 1he mosL commonly used schedullng ls Lhe 1rad|t|ona| Schedu||ng whlch assumes LhaL every employee shall
work 40 Pours per Week Moreover Lhe hoLel shall ensure 3 shlfLs per day each of whlch lasLs for 8 hours A
posslble example Lo LradlLlonal schedullng ls shown below

uay ShlfL 7 am 3 pm
Lvenlng ShlfL 3 pm 11 pm
nlghL ShlfL 11 pm 7 am

O SomeLlmes due Lo nonavallablllLy of sLaff seasonallLy and volume buslness Lhe lronL Cfflce manager
mlghL be forced Lo adopL an AlLernaLlve Schedullng whlch mlghL be arranged under Lhe followlng paLLerns

a) llexlble Work Pours or I|ext|me 1hls klnd of alLernaLlve schedullng enLlLles LhaL employees mlghL sLarL
work for example one hour earller [usL Lo leave agaln one hour earller
b) Compressed Work Schedule Lmployees lnsLead of worklng 3 days per week 8 hours per day mlghL work
4 days per week 10 hours per day 1herefore compressed workschedullng means worklng all Lhe 40
hours per week ln less Lhan Lhe sLandard 3 days per week
c) !ob Sharlng 1hls klnd of schedullng enLlLles LhaL Lwo or more parLLlmers occupy Lhe [ob of one full Llmer
O lronL Cfflce managers shall carefully schedule Lhelr employees ln order Lo mlnlmlze confllcLs LhaL arlse
beLween hoLel and employee needs ln blg hoLels operaLlng under fully auLomaLed sysLems some schedullng
sofLware package programs mlghL be lnsLalled as Lo ald and help managers ln effecLlve schedullng

4 !ob uescrlpLlons
O !ob descrlpLlon llsLs all Lasks and subLasks LhaL compose a work poslLlon Moreover lL may ouLllne reporLlng
relaLlonshlps responslblllLles worklng condlLlons equlpmenL and maLerlals Lo be used
O All [ob descrlpLlons shall be Lallored and cusLomlzed Lo reflecL Lhe needs of each slngle hoLel properLy and
work poslLlon Moreover [ob descrlpLlons shall be LaskorlenLed raLher employeeorlenLed whlch means LhaL
hoLels shall Lry Lo search for employees who can flL Lhelr [ob descrlpLlons noL deslgn [obs Lo flL Lhe skllls of
cerLaln [ob appllcanLs
O !ob uescrlpLlons shall be revlsed perlodlcally Lo cope wlLh Lhe ever changlng demands and needs of Lhe
lndusLry and Lo respond Lo Lhe sophlsLlcaLed needs of guesLs Whlle dolng so managers shall leL Lhelr
employees be lnvolved ln Lhe revlslon process
O !ob descrlpLlons mlghL be used as
a) 1o evaluaLe [ob performances
b) 1ools Lo conducL Lralnlng or reLralnlng
c) revenL duLy dupllcaLlons
d) Lnsure Lhe performance of each [ob Lask
e) ueLermlne approprlaLe sLafflng levels

3 !ob SpeclflcaLlons
O !ob speclflcaLlons LlsL Lhe personal quallLles skllls and LralLs a person needs Lo have ln order Lo perform
successfully Lhe Lasks ouLllned ln a [ob descrlpLlon 1haLs why deparLmenLs shall flrsL deslgn [ob descrlpLlons
and laLer [ob speclflcaLlons!
O !ob speclflcaLlons usually serve as a basls for adverLlslng [ob vacancles and as a Lool Lo ldenLlfy currenL
employees for promoLlon purposes
O lnslde a Lyplcal [ob speclflcaLlon Lhe underneaLh key facLors shall exlsL
a) Work experlence
b) lormal educaLlon
c) Ceneral knowledge
d) revlous Lralnlng
e) hyslcal requlremenLs
f) CommunlcaLlon ablllLy
g) LqulpmenL skllls

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