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Topics to cover:
basic search and then street view

All of the layers expanded. Lean
toward educational such as Ancient
Rome, National Geographic, weather

Historical Sky & Planets Ruler & Measuring


Places and how you can mark and go back to

Copy the image

Copy the image and place in various documents such as
word or powerpoints spandeclass

Title: Feb 23-10:33 AM (1 of 8)


Title: Feb 23-11:13 AM (2 of 8)

Online Quizzes
• Create a wiki space that has a page for each participant

• have participants get a google docs account

• create a quiz using google forms
note: the form must be embedded on a wiki or website
• have participants get embedded code for quiz
• have participants place code in their wiki page

• respond to form several times and then look at

spreadsheet results of form

• in the spreadsheet version go to the forms menu and

select "summary" to look at graphs of results

• have participants get a Proproofs account

• have participants create a quiz

• have get embedded code and again place in their wiki page
• have participants take quiz a few times and then look at
results on the website in their account

Title: Feb 23-11:44 AM (3 of 8)

A wiki space for this class will be created

• participants will create a google docs account

• participants will create a google docs presentation

• participants will show the presentation

• participants access the code to embed the presentation
on their wiki page

• participants will create a 280 slides account

• participants will create a 280 slides presentation
• participants will show the presentation

• participants access the code to embed the presentation

on their wiki page

Title: Feb 23-12:15 PM (4 of 8)

Working with Images

• saving images from the internet

•creating graphics using smartboard software and then

aphic Screen capture(shift-apple-4)

•Basics of Photoshop Elements

- adjusting
- mode
- filters & effects
- layers

•Inserting images into Word. Powerpoint, Keynote and wikis

Title: Feb 23-12:25 PM (5 of 8)

• Basics of Inspiration
• basics of Inspiration-diagram. outline. links
• using templates
•creating hyperlinks
•use as a webquest or webpage

• Create Webspiration accounts

• basics of webspiration-diagram. outline. links
• using templates

webspiration •creating hyperlinks


•importing existing Inspiration files

•exporting as an Inspiration file

Title: Feb 23-12:43 PM (6 of 8)

1. The Four Sections of the home page
• Level Resources • New Resources Staff Development Administrative
• Online-Tools


3. Treasure Hunt (see handout)

Title: Feb 23-1:01 PM (7 of 8)

• Participants will create PBWiki accounts
• Participants do the basics
- text editing
- create a new page
- link to a page
- create a hyperlink to a website
- edit the sidebar
- upload and insert graphics
- work with tables
- change basic settings like color
- share with you the instructor as
an editor

• If time allows create Flashcard and create

a hyperlink to the flashcards using

Title: Feb 23-1:14 PM (8 of 8)

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