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The politicking in the economic recovery

All the politicians of the current world propose like essential measurements for the economic recovery the financial confidence, the employment creation, the decrease of expenses and the elimination of the corruption. But none of them speaks about the fundamental cause and the one that is necessary to resolve on: the buy capacity in the whole world. The financial system giving credit was The Bruto's thrust to the Socialist camp. But well, perhaps this thrust was from Cuba, because there came the moment in which the debt of the whole Soviet Union to the capitalism was equal to the debt of Cuba to this Union. The Socialist camp was already collapsing for its inefficiency, from before hand it was known that these countries might not pay, for being the least productive in our planet. These countries were the first ones in falling down. But later also it would affect developed countries, because its budgets were overdrawn by the shift leaders to show a false prosperity for the sake of its parties and also to fill the pockets of the particular financiers paying debts and interests to them, what produce the current global crisis. Yes, of course!, in addition to others, such as the subsidies, including those of bankruptcies and the little wars impelled by the manufacturers of weapon. The proprietors of the capitals and the managers of the financiers already have the money in its hands and possibly they enjoy it in the expensive hotels of Dubi, organizing events of feminine beauties, planning trips to the cosmos, raising its spirit in the delights of the expensive art, speculating on works of art and countless diversions including the way of taking the money from the others and to the budget of the State using the imperfection of the legality and to the financed politicians. Now those are managing governments make its inhabitants to pay for what they already have in its arks. The exaggerated profit of the big companies in cahoots with governments reduces earning to the middle class, which provides more work places and jobs might increase in something the buy capacity. The politicking proposes to limit taxes to the middle class and financial support by banks. This, instead of solving the problem it might exacerbate it, because: to whom are they going to sell? Without loans and without reductions of taxes the middle class can grow as the foam in the proportion in which the purchasing power of the population increases. The magnates of the capitals show the self-centered nature of the human being of

the must egoistic way as possible. Many North Americans, have resigned from its citizenship for that of other countries, which impose less taxes to its annual profit. The profit of most of them it is so many that they cannot spend it in one year after deducing the taxes for the government of the USA. Other ejs. the creation of nonfor-profit organization in the United States, which for the lobbying went so far as to create laws that eliminate the annual taxes. It is so much their egoism that they do not want to fulfill its duties with the nation that served to them as base for rising to the top of the system. Families and countries lost the ability to purchase when they borrowed, asking for money not for companies that would profit above outrageous interests that charged the speculators by loans; No, they used that money, in the best of cases, only for expenses. This meant that the following year would have even a lower purchasing power, and then returned to borrow. This way they get to the point that 70% of Gross National Product had to be used only to pay interests, without diminishing the debt at all. The debt became eternal and after paying interests already does not reach to cover the minimum expenses. When it was expected the improvement and the modernity of the capitalist system, now, in the 21st century, capitalism is more wild than in the 19th century, up to be endangering life on the planet, and to make matters worse, the communications media have been blaming it to the public. Living conditions have improved with the advancement of the sciences, but under the scientific-slavery system, where man is free in thought and relatively free in their actions, but every time he/she has less protection. What earlier was a responsibility of the proslavery in the care of its "pieces", now become personal responsibility; individual has to provide himself clothes, meals, healthcare and roof, but not even having a job he obtains these if he has debts and interests to be paid. It is possible to imagine the freedom in cases when they do not have jobs: they live outdoors, do not have subordinated to a boss because they eat what they find in the trash; their immune systems become stronger or perish and they can die freely where they want. Another option that the unemployed persons have is that of joining the criminal activities, what is demonstrated reliably in our days. Organizations and Governments that believe they govern the world, they try only to cushion the crisis stretching it, distributing the load over time. The real Government is invisible, blind and insensitive. It is the Government of interests: shareholders asking for profits, managers getting those gain for which they use to lobbyists, lobbyists recommended support to politicians, and politicians propose or eliminate laws to ease speculation and the abuse from large companies.

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