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Motion Capture in #195 1. Start Organic Motion software Stage Administration a. Connect. The URL is 192.168.5.

17 (in case it isnt already there). b. LED on should be checked. c. You can do an Auto Exposure Calibration (Beta) if you want. d. Keep this program open in the background. 2. Start MotionBuilder 2010 (NOT the 64-bit version). a. From the Asset Browser |Devices, drag the OM Device clock into the 3D view. Thisll bring up the Organic Motion plug-in controls. (In the Navigator Window, the OM Device gets listed under the Devices.) i. Make sure the address is ii. Check the Online box. It should go green if all is well. iii. Check the Live box. iv. Check the Recording box. v. In the Model binding dropdown, choose Create. Thisll put a yellow skeleton into the 3D view. b. The skeleton needs to be characterized so that MoBu and Maya will recognize it as a character. In the Asset Browser, under Characters, drag the Character Icon onto one of the bones in the 3D view and tell it to Characterize a Biped when asked. This adds the Character in a Character section in the Navigator. c. Rename that Character (in the Character section of the Navigator) to OM (for Organic Motion), by right clicking. This is more than just being tidy, but is important to avoiding a lot of confusion later on. In other words, youll want to do this. d. Double click on OM in the Navigator to bring up its Character Settings. e. Change the Input Type to Stance Input, and check Active. You should be able to see OM react when you are in the MoCap space. 3. File | Merge in the file LABMorpheusMocap.fbx. a. In the Character Controls (where you see the picture of the character) change the character name so that we are working on |Mocapeus|Mocapeus. b. Under Edit in the Character Controls, change the input to OM, the Organic Motion character. c. In the settings for the OM Device, press recharacterize d. To record, press the red recording button, then play. e. After recording, go to the OM Device settings and uncheck Live so that you can see what youve recorded. 4. This is the point where you want to work on the Retargeting options for foot stabilization, filter your curves, etc. 5. Plot the animation to MoCapeus Control Rig. (Character Controls | Edit | Plot) 6. Save the file, and open Maya.

1. Open Morpheus ImportMocap.mb 2. Import the fbx file you just saved from MoBu. Use the MotionBuilder preset, and change the File content setting to Update Scene Elements. 3. At this point you should see the rig moving around your scene. 4. Make sure your timeline is open enough to encompass all of the animation. 5. Grab any of the Effectors (the balls at the joints). Under the animation menus, choose Skeleton | Full body IK | Go to stance pose 6. Drag the Mocap2Morpheus.mel script into the 3D window and let it play through. 7. You can delete everything, except the all_anim group.

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