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Privacy Wake Up Call

Commentary by J. Bradley Jansen

July 23, 2002

Last month, North Dakota sent a clear message to the financial community that
privacy matters. While some state legislators have passed opt-in privacy rules on
the selling and sharing of personal financial information, this was the first
clear popular referendum.

There are several important lessons to be learned from the people of North Dakota.

First of all, many financial institutions and Beltway regulators underestimate the
importance that people hold regarding their personally-identifiable financial
information. Despite being outspent at least six to one, proponents of the “opt-
in” requirement persuaded nearly three quarters of the voters to agree with them.
Money for fancy ads did not override privacy concerns.

Secondly, the effort made to defeat the proposal shows what financial institutions
consider the “opt-in” approach is unworkable as a business plan. Some bankers
argue they do not sell information because it would be stupid since customers
would leave them. Others maintained that the proposal would interfere with firms
that do business globally and nationally and therefore make the state an
unattractive place to do business. The patchwork of different state policies
complicates business’ ability to appeal to customers. The choice is not only
unworkable but unnecessary.

Unfortunately, the traditional consumer financial privacy protections that existed

under common law and in a climate of business competition to respect privacy is
gone. Since the implementation of the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970, the United States
Supreme Court has ruled effectively that we do not have an expectation of privacy
on the records someone else has on us.

Then-President Richard Nixon gave us the BSA as part of the War on Drugs, but the
law has been spectacularly ineffective in getting illegal drugs off our streets,
but it has been effective in eviscerating the privacy expectations of ordinary,
law-abiding citizens. It has ushered in the current climate of identity theft,
fear of online transactions and distrust of financial institutions’ use of our
personal information. By removing our previous privacy expectations, the BSA has
enabled a growing epidemic of identity fraud and lowered public confidence in our
financial institutions.

The privacy provision of the financial modernization law, Title V of the Gramm-
Leach-Bliley Act of 2000, established a floor and invites states to raise it. Now
that North Dakota has spoken, California may take up the gauntlet with the help of
a deep-pocketed funder. Should we address the problem differently, we need to do
so now.

The current framework of the opt-in/opt-out choice gives us two inferior

possibilities. Until we restore our common law tradition of privacy expectations
strangled by the BSA, a better approach to the status quo would be to initiate a
new framework such as a “home state” regulation approach.

Under a home state privacy regulation regime, each financial institution in the
country would have to claim one state where it is headquartered as its domicile.
The company would then follow only one set of rules and could operate throughout
the country. Such an approach is very workable for businesses.

What would consumers have to gain? The answer is everything: real choices for
real privacy and an easier way of determining the company that best fits one’s
preferences. Decide what level of comfort you have with an institution sharing—or
selling—your personal financial information and pick the best company following
the rules of the state that best matches your preferences.

Such competition would get us closer to the consent-based approach of data-use

that really underlies the current debate. George Mason University Law Professors
Bruce Kobayashi and Larry Ribstein have made a similar case for the state
regulation of computer cookies. Yale Law School professor Roberta Romano argued
similarly for securities’ regulation. Current headlines belie the benefits of the
Security and Exchange Commission’s monopoly regulation.

One or more states could adopt rules that meet the European Union’s safe harbor
data-use requirements which would greatly facilitate international commerce—and
the U.S. position in it. Home state privacy regulation would even encourage large
financial institutions to establish affiliates in various states that could
compete with one another for customers by appealing to their privacy preferences.
Both business and consumers would be better off under home state privacy
regulation rather than having inside the Beltway bureaucrats dictate regulations
that work against them.

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