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Drug Generic Name Insulin (Regular) Peak 2-4 h Mechanism of Action Trade Name Humulin R, Novolin R, Regular Insulin,

Velosulin BR Onset 0.5-1 h Uses Classification: Dose Frequency 30-60 mins before meal and at bedtime Pregnancy Risk Category B Teaching Indications

Antidiabetic, Short-acting Adult - 5-10 units, Child insulin 2 - 4 units Duration 5-7 h Nursing Implications: (Contradictions Warnings, Interactions) Dose Range

Common side effects

Enhances transmembrane passage of glucose across cell membranes in muscule and adipose tissue. It lowers blood glucose levels by inceasing peipheral glucose uptake and by inhibiing the liver from changing glycogen to glucose

Emergency treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis or coma. Used IV to stimulate growth hormone secretion to evaluate pituitary growth hormone reserve. Other uses include promotion of intracellular shift of potassium in treatment of hyperkalemia and induction of hypoglycemic shock as therapy in psychiatry

Hypersensitivity to insulin, interactions with alcohol, anabolic steroids, mao inhibitors, guanethidin, salicylates, dextrothyroxine, corticosteriods, epineprhine, furosemide, thiazide diuretics, propanolo and other beatblockers, garlic, and ginseng

Most adverse effects are related to hypoglycemia, anaphylaxis (rare), hyperinsulinemia, numb mouth, tongue, and other paresthesias, visual disturbances, staring expression, confusion, personality changes, ataxia, incoherent speech, irratibility, inability to concentrate, loss of consciousness, delerium, hypothermia, coma, postpoglycemia or rebound hyperglycemia, lipoatrophy and lipohyptrophy at injection site, insulin reistance, generalized urticia or bullae, lymphadenopathy

Learn correct injection technique, notify prescriber of reactions at injection sites, check blood glucose often as directed, respond to beginning symptoms of hypoglycemia, carry some form of fast-acting carbohydrate at all times to treat hypoglycemia, notify prescriber immediately of S&S of diabetic ketoacidosis, continue taking insulin during illness, avoid OTC medications unless approved by prescriber.

Nursing Process Pre-admin Assessment Evaluation Lab Monitoring



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