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SQL Queries

1. To find the number of commas in the given String select trim(length( 'Manish, Somesh, Katrin, Rajesh, Rohan' )) -trim(length(translate( 'Manish, Somesh, Katrin, Rajesh, Rohan', 'A,', 'A' ))) from dual 2. sql query to retrieve the first day of the month... select to_char(trunc(sysdate,'MM'),'DAY') from dual 3. Query to get the number of days between two dates is easy to get select months_between(to_date('01/06/2004','MM/DD/YYYY'), to_date('01/06/2003','MM/DD/YYYY'))/12 "Years", months_between(to_date('01/06/2004','MM/DD/YYYY'), to_date('01/06/2003','MM/DD/YYYY')) "Total Months", to_date('01/06/2004','MM/DD/YYYY') to_date('01/06/2003','MM/DD/YYYY') "Total Days" from dual; 4. Query to extract the given string 'a;b;c;d;e;f' as (a b c d e f) select col1,col2,col3,col4, trim(substr(col,1,instr(col,';')-1)) col5, ltrim(substr(col,instr(col,';')+1)) col6 from( select col1,col2,col3, trim(substr(col,1,instr(col,';')-1)) col4, ltrim(substr(col,instr(col,';')+1)) col from( select col1,col2, trim(substr(col,1,instr(col,';')-1)) col3, ltrim(substr(col,instr(col,';')+1)) col from( select col1, trim(substr(col,1,instr(col,';')-1)) col2, ltrim(substr(col,instr(col,';')+1)) col from( select trim(substr(col,1,instr(col,';')-1)) col1, ltrim(substr(col,instr(col,';')+1)) col from( select 'a;b;c;d;e;f' col from dual ))))) 5. Following is the query Table 1 Col1 2 5 7

9 4 6 Query output to be as follows (row1+row2) 2+5=7 (row2+row3) 5+7 =12 (row3+row4) 7+9=16 etc etc /* Solution given by Zoran Hudec */ select col1,col1+nextval from (select col1, lead(col1,1) over(order by rn) as nextval from (select rownum rn,col1 from table1) ) OR /* Solution given by Rene Geilings */ SELECT * FROM (SELECT col1 , LAG(col1) OVER (ORDER BY row_num) AS prev , LAG(col1) OVER (ORDER BY row_num)+ col1 scol1 FROM (SELECT ROWNUM row_num, col1 FROM table1) ) WHERE scol1 IS NOT NULL 6. Following is the QueryO/P Wanted ! Table A ------SNo Sname 1a 2b 3c Table B -------SNo Course 1x 1y 1k 1z 2x 2z 2d

3y 3z 3e I need the output in the following format where course is x or y or z. 1xyz 2xz 3yz /* Solution given by Tom Klingenberger */ select a.sno, x.course x, y.course y, z.course z,j.course j from a, (select sno, course from b where course = 'x') x, (select sno, course from b where course = 'y') y, (select sno, course from b where course = 'z') z, (select sno, course from b where course = 'j') j where a.sno = x.sno(+) and a.sno = y.sno(+) and a.sno = z.sno(+) and a.sno = j.sno(+) 6. The Follwing is the Query id date --------------1 NULL 1 NULL 1 NULL 2 NULL 2 21.03.2004 3 22.04.2003 3 10.04.2003 Want the id when the date is never filled Output shud return as ID 1 /* Solution given by Michael Ringbo */ select distinct t1.id from t1 where not exists (select null from t2 where t2.id = t1.id and t2.mydate is not null) 7. Following is the Query IF I HAVE TWO COLUMNS LIKE THAT ID COLUMN A 1 A 2 Z 3 I 4 Z COLUMN B 10000 20000 30000 40000

5 6 7 8 9


50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

Find the Query which will SUM THE COLUMN B, GROUP BY COLUMN A WITHOUT DISTRUBING THE SEQUENCE Output shud be as A 80000 Z 60000 I 12000 P 13000 D 6000 select col1,sum(col2) from t3 group by col1 8. How to find only the duplicate records select name,count(*) from X1 group by name having count(*)>1 9. Query to find the TOP N Analysis SELECT Empno, Ename, Sal FROM (SELECT Empno, Ename, Sal, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SAL Desc NULLS LAST) AS Emp_Rank FROM t_emp ORDER BY SAL Desc NULLS LAST) WHERE Emp_Rank <= 5; 10. Write a Query to display the Lowest & Highest in Sal column with following Conditions 1. Display 'LOW' in column SAL If SAL < 4000 2. Display 'HIGH' in column SAL if SAL > 4000 select empno,ename, case when sal < 4000 then 'LOW' else 'HIGH' end from t_emp 11. Partitions Queries

/* Sub-Partition by List */ create table test_part(a number) partition by Range(a) subpartition by List(a) subpartition template( subpartition SP1 values('5000'), subpartition SP2 values('10000')) (partition P1 values less than('5000') tablespace users (subpartition P1_SP1 values('5000') tablespace users, subpartition P1_SP2 values('10000') tablespace users)) /* Sub-Partition by Hash */ create table test_part(a number) partition by Range(a) subpartition by HASH(a) subpartition template( subpartition SP1 tablespace users, subpartition SP2 tablespace users) (partition P1 values less than('5000') tablespace users (subpartition P1_SP1 tablespace users, subpartition P1_SP2 tablespace users)) /* Example for adding partition */ alter table test_part add partition P2 values less than ('10000') alter table test_part add partition P3 values less than ('15000') alter table test_part add partition P4 values less than ('20000') alter table test_part add partition P5 values less than('20000') alter table test_part add partition P2 values less than ('MAXVALUE') /* example for modifying partition */ alter table test_part modify partition P2 values less than ('10000') /* Example for droping partition */ alter table test_part drop partition P3 alter table test_part drop partition P6 /* Example for splitting partition */

alter table test_part Split Partition P1 at('2000') into (partition P4, partition P1) /* Example for adding partition and setting subpartition*/ alter table test_part add partition P6 values less than('25000') set subpartition template(subpartition SP5 tablespace USERS) alter table test_part set subpartition SP6 /* Example for merging partitions */ alter table test_part MERGE SUBPARTITIONS P1_SP1,P1_SP2 into SUBPARTITION P1_SP1 /* Queries for querying partitions info */ select * from dba_tab_partitions where table_name='TEST_PART' /* Queries for querying subpartitions info */ select * from user_tab_subpartitions where table_name='TEST_PART' /* queries for dropping tables */ drop table test_part 12. Query to find the last day of the given date (format as mm-yyyy) select to_char(last_day(to_date('01-'||'2005','mm-yyyy')),'dd') from dual 13. Query to find the current day of the week SELECT DECODE ( TO_CHAR(LAST_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-1)),'fmDAY'),'MONDAY','1', 'TUESDAY','2', 'WEDNESDAY','3', 'THURSDAY','4', 'FRIDAY','5', 'SATURDAY','6', 'SUNDAY','7', '8') as x FROM DUAL 14. Query to find the day of the week SELECT TO_CHAR(LAST_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-1)),'DAY') FROM DUAL 15. 9i has a new function SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH, which is probably best explained with the following example: SQL > select * from scott.emp 2/ EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO

----- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -----7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17/12/1980 800.00 20 7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20/02/1981 1600.00 300.00 30 7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22/02/1981 1250.00 500.00 30 7566 JONES MANAGER 7839 02/04/1981 2975.00 20 7654 MARTIN SALESMAN 7698 28/09/1981 1250.00 1400.00 30 7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 01/05/1981 2850.00 30 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 09/06/1981 2450.00 10 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 19/04/1987 3000.00 20 7839 KING PRESIDENT 17/11/1981 5000.00 10 7844 TURNER SALESMAN 7698 08/09/1981 1500.00 .00 30 7876 ADAMS CLERK 7788 23/05/1987 1100.00 20 7900 JAMES CLERK 7698 03/12/1981 950.00 30 7902 FORD ANALYST 7566 03/12/1981 3000.00 20 7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 23/01/1982 1300.00 10 14 rows selected. SQL> SELECT LPAD(' ', 2*LEVEL-1)||SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(ename, '/') "Path" 2 FROM scott.emp 3 START WITH ename = 'KING' 4 CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr; Path /KING /KING/JONES /KING/JONES/SCOTT /KING/JONES/SCOTT/ADAMS /KING/JONES/FORD /KING/JONES/FORD/SMITH /KING/BLAKE /KING/BLAKE/ALLEN /KING/BLAKE/WARD /KING/BLAKE/MARTIN /KING/BLAKE/TURNER /KING/BLAKE/JAMES /KING/CLARK /KING/CLARK/MILLER 14 rows selected. 16. Query to show all running SQLs /* Given by Manoj Kumar */ select distinct spid, s.sid, s.serial#,to_char(sysdate - last_call_et/(24*3600),'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss') "LAST_ACTIVITY", logon_time, osuser, s.program, schemaname,

sql_text from v$session s, v$process p, v$sql t where s.paddr=p.addr and t.hash_value(+)=s.sql_hash_value and s.type !='BACKGROUND'; 17. Following is the query SQL> DESC PATH Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ---COL1 CHAR(1) COL2 CHAR(1) SQL> select * from path; Col1 Col2 ------ -----AB BC BD CM DG MH RY 7 rows selected. the result to be as follows B,C,C,M,M,H /* Solution given by Rolland Sovarszki, Romania*/ PL/SQL version, which can be easily converted into a procedure: DECLARE result VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT * FROM path START WITH col2 = 'H' CONNECT BY PRIOR col1 = col2) LOOP result := i.col1 || ', ' || i.col2 || ', ' || result; IF i.col1 != 'B' THEN null; END IF; END LOOP; Dbms_Output.Put_Line(result); END;

OUTPUT: A, B, B, C, C, M, M, H, 18. Query as follows /* query asked by Shekhar Priyadarshi, Malaysia */ Say in Table T I have two colums A, B I want to get the sum of A based on values of B. I should get the sum in two buckets For B=0 And B not equal zero. Example AB ___ ___ 10 21 30 43 52 60 So I should get the result set as SUM (A) B ______ __________ 10 For B=ZERO 11 For B=NONZERO /* Solution by Michel Cadot */ Select decode(b,0,'B=ZERO','B=NONZERO') B, sum(a) from t group by decode(b,0,'B=ZERO','B=NONZERO') /* Solution by Horace Chow, Hong Kong */ Select decode(X, 0, 'Zero', 'Non-Zero'), sum(Y) from ( select decode(B, 0, 0, 1) X, Y from T group by decode(B, 0, 0, 1) )

19. Query as below /* query asked by Wesley , India */ If an employee taken continues leave from 25-Feb-2006 to 03-Apr-2006, we have to display the monthly leave breakup like Feb 4 Days, Mar 31 Days and Apr 3 Days. How to write a procedure, Please advice us. Record it will be store in Start Date : 25-Feb-2006 End Date : 03-Apr-2006 Notification Date : 25-Feb-2006 No of Days : 38 /* Solution by Zoran Hudec, Australia*/ select (dt2-dt1+1) days,ddd.* from ( select greatest(start_date,startdt) dt1,least(end_date,enddt) dt2, leave.*,months.* from (select to_date('25-Feb-2006','dd-mon-yyyy') Notification_date, to_date('25-Feb-2006','dd-mon-yyyy') start_date, to_date('03-Apr-2006','dd-mon-yyyy') end_date from dual ) leave, (select trunc(asofdate,'mm') startdt,last_day(asofdate) enddt from ( select trunc(add_months(sysdate,l-6),'mm') asofdate from (select level l from dual connect by level<12) )) months where months.startdt between leave.start_date and leave.end_date or months.enddt between leave.start_date and leave.end_date ) ddd 20. Query as follows I have a query as below: select quantity from material_table. quantity --------20 40 10 I want the query to return only first two records (i.e. to stop the query when the sum of quantity is 60 in this case).

/* Solution by Zoran Hudec, Australia */ select quantity from ( select quantity, sum(quantity) over ( order by transaction_date range unbounded preceding ) as running_sum from material_table ) where running_sum<=60 21. Query to insert & into a varchar2 datatype column create table test1 ( a varchar2(15)) insert into test1 values('1 \& 2') 1 row Inserted 22. Query as follows /* query by kuruba sreedhar, India */ iam having data in column called col1 -----23.23456 456.7894 123.3456 324.67845 like this i have 20000 records here in data after the dot i want only 2 digits with out rounding /* Solution by Alexander Lavecchia, Germany */ Select trunc(col1 , 2) from table; 23. Query to delete duplicate records from a table DELETE FROM emp a WHERE rowid <> ( SELECT max(rowid) FROM emp b WHERE a.empno = b.empno ) 24. Query to display date in 3 different formats /* Solution by Frank S, United States */ select to_char(sysdate,'day dd month yyyy','nls_calendar=''Arabic Hijrah'''), to_char(sysdate,'day dd month yyyy', 'nls_calendar=''English Hijrah'''), to_char(sysdate,'day dd month yyyy','nls_calendar=''gregorian''') from dual 25. Query as follows /* Query by Raghu K, United States */

need to split a string into seperate values. eg. col1 col2 ---------100 - 'a,b,c' 200 - 'a,x,b,d,e' 300 - 'c' result: value count ------------a-2 b-1 c-2 etc. /* Solution by Michel Cadot, France */
SQL> select * from t; COL1 COL2 ---- --------100 a,b,c 200 a,x,b,d,e 300 c 3 rows selected. select let, count(*) nb from ( select col1, col2, rn, decode(rn,1,0,instr(col2,',',1,rn-1))+1 n1, instr(col2,',',1,rn)-decode(rn,1,0,instr(col2,',',1,rn-1))-1 n2, substr (col2, decode(rn,1,0,instr(col2,',',1,rn-1))+1, decode(instr(col2,',',1,rn),0,length(col2)+1,instr(col2,',',1,rn)) -decode(rn,1,0,instr(col2,',',1,rn-1))-1) let from ( select col1, col2, rn from t, (select rownum rn from dual connect by level < 10) ) v where decode(rn,1,1,instr(col2,',',1,rn-1)) > 0 ) group by let; LET NB ---------- ---------a 2 b 2 c 2 d 1 e 1 x 1

26. Query to find the #week from the date given select to_char(sysdate, 'ww') from dual;

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