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Name: Jennifer Heckel Lesson Title: Problem Solving Strategies: Using Addition or Subtraction Introduction: In this lesson, students

will practice simple addition and subtraction word problems. Emphasis will be placed on that fact that when you need to put groups together, you must add. If the problem asks you to take things away, you must subtract. This is the building block of basic problem solving. Content Area and Grade Level of Students: Kindergarten Math Objectives: The student will be able to verbalize the difference between addition and subtraction. The student will be identify when to use addition and subtraction in a word problem based on the key words together and take away/left. The student will be able to solve simple word problems up to 10 using addition and subtraction. Standards Addressed: Common Core K.OA.2- Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10 by using objects or drawings to represent the problem. PA State CC.2.2.K.A.1- Extend the concepts of putting together and taking apart to add and subtract within 10. Relative Advantage: The relative advantage of using video to show simple addition and subtraction word problems is the fact that it visually shows how to put groups together and take groups apart. Since math is a very abstract concept, the more you can visually show example in real-world contexts for the students, the better learning will take place. Timeline: This lesson will take place over one fifteen to twenty minute math class in a typical kindergarten classroom. Materials: YouTube Add/Subtract Video: http://youtu.be/feRV7t5djwY

Word Problem Worksheet: http://mathwire.com/problemsolving/kfood.pdf Grouping Strategies: This is a whole group lesson, with students gathered around a SmartBoard or projector in the classroom. For the worksheet at the end, students will return to their desks or table groups. Learning Activities: The teacher will review the addition, subtraction, and equals signs in simple math equations. The teacher will review what each math symbol means. As a class, review how to add and subtract simple equations such as 3+2=5, 7-3=4, etc. Ask the class, What happens when you are not told whether to add or subtract? How do you figure out what you need to do with the numbers? Explain that students need to listen to key words in a problem such as together/in all or take away/left. These key words tell you what to do with the numbers. First, the teacher will get the students thinking about simple mathematical word problems. Present the class with two real-world word problems: Maria ate two cookies. Jenna ate four cookies. How many cookies did they eat in all? and Sidd had 3 pencils. He gave Scot 2 pencils. How many did Sidd have left?. Explain that both have numbers in the problem, but how do we know what to do with those numbers? There was no plus or minus in those problems. Students must learn to look for clues to help them know what to do. Show the YouTube video called Add and Subtract Song. In this video, students will learn what the key words for adding (put together) and subtracting (take away) are through song and visuals. At the 1:00 mark, pause the video and review the key words for addition (put together). At the 1:40 mark, pause the video and review the key words for subtraction (take away/left). Continue the video until you get to the end, and have students join in on the singing. Assessment: After watching the video, the students will be given a simple worksheet with two sets of pictures. Students must listen for key words to solve simple word problems. On the front, there will be 4 birds in the sky and 3 birds on a bird bath. At the bottom will be 4 ____ 3 =_____. Students must listen to the story and decide whether there needs to be a plus or minus sign in

the first blank and what the answer will be based on that. The story is as followed: Four birds are flying in the sky. They fly down and join three birds at a birdbath. How many birds are there all together? On the back is a plate on a table with 5 cookies. Two cookies are on the table beside the plate. At the bottom will be 5_____2 =______. Students must listen to the story and decide whether there needs to be a plus or minus sign in the first blank and what the answer will be based on that. The story is as followed: Mrs. Jones baked 5 cookies for her children. They took 2 cookies away to eat. How many cookies are left to eat? Adaptations for Learners with Special Needs: For those learners with special needs, students can practice the word problems at the end with manipulatives instead of worksheets to aide in hands-on reinforcement. References: Common Core Standards http://www.corestandards.org/Math Common Core PA Standards http://static.pdesas.org/content/documents/PA_CC_Standards_PreKHS.pdf YouTube Adding and Subtracting Song Link http://youtu.be/feRV7t5djwY

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