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Disclaimer: Please consult with a physician before starting any new exercise routine or diet.

INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW Congratulations! If you are reading this it means you have taken the first step towards transformation. Not to sound too cheesy, but you should really be proud of yourself. The key to any kind of success requires you to take action, and you've already done that by downloading this course... so you are on your way to a new and improved you! By the way, this course is totally free and there are no products or affiliate links here and nothing is being sold so whew! You can relax and enjoy. Just a little warning before we get started. Don't expect this to be like any other fitness program you've tried before. I'm not really a conventional guy and I'd say I have some pretty unconventional ideas. "The reasonable man adapts himself to the World; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the World to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionists Some of the topics that I cover might seem odd to you, but hang with me 'cause I promise there's a method to my madness. Besides, if you are anything like me, you've tried a bunch of the "conventional" methods before and perhaps they didn't end up giving you the results that were promised or that you expected. So, what's the harm in trying something a little different? You have nothing to lose (except fat) and only an opportunity to gain (strength!) Okay, that being said, let's start to get into the meat of this. First of all, I should tell you a little bit about my philosophies and how they will relate to this course on shaping up your body and your mind. For me, to be successful at anything, I've needed to be CONSISTENT at whatever I was doing until I reached my objective. So, to make any kind of transformation or change in your life, you've got to make a choice and stick with it and be CONSISTENT and UNSTOPPABLE in your determination to reach your goal. If you have no idea how to do this, don't worry, we'll dig deeper into finding

your motivation in the upcoming days and YOU WILL find your MOTIVATION. We all have a motivation and I'll help you find yours.

To be consistent at something, you need to start with a SIMPLE plan. If you make something SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE then you are WAY more likely to stick with it. I've read all these other fitness plans that say... Day One do 3 sets of these 5 sets of those, eat this, eat that... Day Two, do 10 sets of these, 4 sets of those, rest, eat, repeat..... aghhhhhhhhh... I mean really! Who in their right mind can keep up with all that? I can barely remember to pay my phone bill. I'm here to tell you that you don't need some crazy elaborate work-out program to transform your body. Complicated and elaborate DOES NOT equal EFFECTIVE. I repeat COMPLICATED DOES NOT EQUAL EFFECTIVE. That brings us to a very important principle that I will describe to you briefly: THE 80/20 PRINCIPLE. According to Vilfredo Pareto, a well-known economist and sociologist who lived from the mid 1800's to early 1900's, approximately 20% of the population owned 80% of the wealth. Okay, now you are probably wondering: What does that have to do with fitness? Well, as it turns out, this principle, also dubbed "Pareto's Law," can be applied to almost anything. For example, using this principle, you could say that 20% of your activities at work are accounting for approximately 80% of your income. Or, 20% of your customers are accounting for 80% of your income. The rest of them are basically wasting your time. When you apply this to your fitness/workout regimen, you could say that 20% of the exercises you do are giving you 80% of your results: muscle growth, weight loss, etc. So, if you can figure out which 20% is giving you most of your results and minimize or eliminate the other 80%, you've automatically trimmed down your workout time by 80% and you'll likely get the same or better results. See where I'm going with this? This is an extremely powerful concept to really GET, because once you see how this applies to your life, you can make some dramatic changes. Okay, I could go on and on, but I don't want to bog you down with too much information on the first day. I get REALLY excited about this stuff and I'm really happy to be sharing this information with

you. I'm sure you are eager to get started... but be patient over these next 7 days because we are going to be laying out a really solid foundation for you to start on. You can't build a strong house on a weak foundation. Tomorrow I'm going to start delving into your psychology and then we'll move on to getting your body healthy from the inside out. Together, we are going to find your motivation which is going to be the PSYCHOLOGICAL FUEL that you will need to transform your body. This is all about PERMENANT and LASTING CHANGE, not temporary fixes, so get ready!

Your First Assignment: Get out your digital camera, Polaroid, or find a sketch artist (not recommended) and snap a couple of "Before" pictures of yourself. I don't care much about taking measurements and all that stuff, but if it floats your boat... go ahead. I have no idea what mine are all I know is that I like what I see what I look in the mirror and more importantly, I like the way I feel. Remember, simplicity here is the key and the objective is to get results that you can see with your own eyes. Plus it will be fun to show people your "Before" pictures later or just keep them for yourself to see how far you've come. If you don't like the way you look in your pictures, don't worry... hang on to that feeling.. it's a GOOD THING!

PSYCHOLOGY OF THE MIND - Finding your motivation & drive. You are your biggest enemy. Breaking through your own psychological barriers and limiting beliefs will likely be much harder than the physical part of this transformation so I'm going to address this subject right out of the gates. A limiting belief or psychological barrier is anything that you believe about yourself, your environment, or the world at large that stands in the way of your reaching your TRUE POTENTIAL. Remember the story about the first guy that ran a mile under 4-minutes? Prior to him breaking through that 4-minute mark, most people thought it was impossible. This was a "psychological barrier" of the population at large. Well, after he broke through that 4-minute mark, all of the sudden it became possible and shortly after that, several other people broke through the same

barrier and since then hundreds if not thousands have followed. We all have these self-imposed barriers. The self-help gurus like to call them limiting beliefs, but whatever you call them, they have an enormous effect on you. They may be beliefs that you have about yourself or beliefs that you have about the world at large. The problem is that most of them are playing out in your subconscious without you being overly aware of them. The mind is a tricky thing! There are hundreds of self-help books and 7-day seminars on this subject, so I'm not going into any great detail here but I do want to touch on the subject because it's important to your success. I'll use a personal example to illustrate this concept. I've always had friends that were older than me and I always remember them saying that once you turn 30 your body starts going downhill and it gets harder and harder to stay fit. So, guess what happened? I turned 30 and it was almost as if a switch went off in my brain and I started getting fat. I had always been relatively thin and fit with little effort, but I turned 30 and all seemed to go to hell in a hand basket and I couldn't seem to lose the gut no matter how hard I tried. Then, I became friends with this guy who was almost 50 years old and he literally had the body of a 22 year old. In fact, he still got carded when buying alcohol. I originally thought that he must have won the genetic lottery, but when I saw pictures of his family and his younger brother who looked 20 years older than him I realized that his genetics probably only played a small part in his "Cocoon" like preservation. I had to know his secret, so I asked him and he gave me this simple answer: "I don't believe in aging." That seemed really stupid to me at first and it wasn't until much later that I realized how profound of a statement it actually was. Now, I'm not saying that you can just convince yourself that you don't believe in aging and expect to always look 22 for the rest of your life. I used that example to illustrate how powerful our thoughts are and how they can actually affect your body and your health. I realized that perhaps my belief that "my body would start falling apart at 30" was actually a psychological barrier that was preventing me from reaching my fitness goals. So, by meeting my older yet-seemingly ageless friend, I realized that my belief that I had adopted from my other peers was TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY

FALSE. They can go ahead and go on downhill after 30, but I decided not to subscribe to that belief. Once made that distinction in my mind, everything changed and my body started responding almost overnight! The point that I want to make here and really drive home is that YOUR PSYCHOLOGY WILL PLAY A CRUCIAL ROLE in your physical transformation. The first thing that you can do is to start identifying some of the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from reaching your highest potential. The good news is that SIMPLY by making these things CONSCIOUS they will no longer have the same power over you. You don't need to go through some 7-day seminar or read 20 self-help books to get this. I'll save you thousands of dollars and tell you they will all say about the same thing. IT'S YOUR BELIEFS THAT DEFINE YOUR LIMITS. Change your beliefs and change your limits. Some common examples: I don't have athletic ability. I'm too fat to get into shape. I'm too old. I don't have the genetics for this. Etc. These are just some examples to help you figure out what's holding you back. This is the time to get really honest with yourself. The more honest you can be, the better your results are going to be. Again, once you identify these beliefs, they will no longer have the same power over you and you will begin to experience your life differently. Also, don't be surprised when your body starts responding differently! The mind is a POWERFUL tool and when you start using it instead of it using you, I bet you'll see some dramatic changes in all areas of your life. That's it for today. Tomorrow I'm going to dig a little bit deeper into this and help you to really uncover your drive and motivation which, as I said yesterday, is going to give you the psychological fuel to make this transformation and change your way of life all together. Are you getting excited yet??? I am!

Tonight's assignment:

Sit down and write down 5 or 10 beliefs that you feel have been holding you back from reaching your potential. What are some of the thoughts that go through your head on a daily basis that DO NOT serve your highest purpose? You can apply this to any part of your life, but for the sake of this course, ask yourself the question: "What are common beliefs/thoughts that I have been having about myself that have held me back from reaching my physical goals (strength/fitness/health, etc)? Try to write as fast as possible and write the first things that come to your mind (don't edit and don't hold back.) Then, look at your list and pick out the top 3 or 4 things that seem the most relevant. Expand on those 3 or 4 things and write down how they have been affecting you up to this point and how they will continue to affect you if you choose to hang on to them. (Again, I'm saving you thousands of dollars in self-help seminar fees.) As I said, just by simply making these things conscious, they will no longer have the same power over you. IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO STEP BACK INTO THE DRIVER'S SEAT AND TAKE YOUR POWER BACK! Imagine how good it will feel when you have stepped back into your TRUE POWER! It will change EVERYTHING in your life, not just your body.

PSYCHOLOGY OF THE BODY - DEFINING YOUR NEW BELIEFS "Get Rich Quick" schemes don't work and neither do "Get Fit Quick" schemes. I don't advocate some kind of take-this-pill-and-you'll-have-a-six-pack in the morning routine. What you are embarking on is real transformation and it's going to take real energy, real sweat, real determination, and the reward at the end of the rainbow is WELL WORTH IT my friend! Stick with me, and you'll see! I'm going to help you find the psychological fuel that's going to keep YOU GOING... and GOING... and GOING. You are making some big changes and they will seem difficult at first, so it's important that you uncover what your motivation is so that you can always tap into that. Now that you've hopefully identified some of your limiting beliefs and realized that they are TOTAL B*LLSH*T, it's

time to define some of your new beliefs. You have a blank canvas and YOU decide what to believe. No one else. The possibilities are endless! When setting the objective to achieve any goal, fitness/health or otherwise, it's extremely important to know WHY you want to achieve the goal. The WHY is going to always point you to the source of your motivation and drive. We all have a reason WHY and a motivation. You have a motivation to transform your body, get in shape, or something similar, otherwise you would have never signed up for this course. Am I right? So, it's time to be honest with yourself again. Why do you want this? What are the potential upsides and rewards to following through? What are the potential downsides to not following through and staying on the same path that you're on now? Where does that path lead ultimately in 5, 10, 20 years? Do you like how that looks? If you stay on the same path how will it affect the people you love? If you make a transformation to an improved version of yourself, how will THAT change your life? How will you feel when you look down and see that you are fitting into the same jeans you wore 10 years ago? How proud will that make you feel that you sacrificed your sweat to get healthy? How good will it feel when all "the doubters" start saying things like "hey, you are looking pretty good, what are you doing?" It's time to regain your vitality and I'm going to help you. As you are probably starting to realize, this goes a lot deeper than just getting a six-pack. This is about improving the quality of your life and becoming a source of inspiration for those around you. I'll tell you briefly about how I found my motivation and drive and perhaps this illustration will help you find yours. I really let myself go between age 30-32. I was smoking a lot of pot, drinking a fair amount of alcohol, spending too many hours in front of a computer screen, and it really started to do a number on my emotional state, body, and overall health. I started feeling depressed all the time and just lost the lust for life. Although there were always exciting things happening around me, I had this feeling of mediocrity floating around inside me most of the time. In September of 2008, about 6 months ago (at the time I'm writing this) the person that I thought was the "love of my life" dumped me totally out of the blue. Although it seemed traumatic at the time, looking back, it was absolutely the best thing that could have happened to me. It was like a big slap in the face caused me to wake up and really look at my current life situation with open eyes.

Sometimes in life, we need those slaps. I believe that's the (Universe/higher self/God/insert whatever works for you) way of waking you up (at least briefly) so that you have a window of opportunity to change. It's easy to go back to sleep, but if you don't, there is BIG transformation to be had. For me, I decided to use the break-up as my motivation to make some drastic improvements in my life. Originally, my motivations were a bit manipulative because I thought that if I got back in shape and looking better than ever, I would win back the affection of my ex. Well, that wasn't in the cards, but what did happen was that I DID get into the best shape that I've ever been in and ultimately I DID IT FOR MYSELF, NOT FOR MY EX OR ANYONE ELSE. In the beginning, I used the break-up as MY MOTIVATION because it helped me to push myself just a little bit further when I was ready to give up. That's what you are looking for here: something that has a STRONG EMOTIONAL CHARGE that will help to keep you going when you are ready to give up. I use the simple mantra: "keep going... keep going... keep going." These little mind tricks work, seriously! Hopefully you've determined some of your limiting beliefs, so it's time to start deciding what will be on your new canvas. Having clearly defined goals are essential to your success and having VISUAL GOALS are even more powerful. So, since we are keeping things in the general context of the body, it's time to define your physical goals. Be specific. Do you want to lose/gain weight? If so, exactly how much? Do you want to get more lean? Do you want to build muscle? I'm going to guess YES to these. Write them down. Okay, enough for today. Tomorrow we are going to start getting into the practical part of this course: what you'll be eating, workouts, etc. For now, tonight's assignment: 1. Answer this question: Why are you doing this? What is your motivation? (refer to the list of questions in this email to further expand on this) Remember, your finding the source of your psychological fuel by uncovering your WHY. You want to feel that your current path and your current state of being is NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE to you. Remember that picture that you took before... if you don't like what you see, it's okay to feel angry that you've let yourself go and use that anger as your motivation. The point is not to be self-deprecating but to be honest with yourself.

Sometimes a little pain can be the best catalyst for change. Don't be afraid of it. 2. Define your goals and be clear. For me, I'm extremely visual, so I found a couple of pictures of athletes that had physiques that reflected the type of body that I wanted to obtain. I posted them on my bathroom mirror so that I would constantly be reminded of what I was aiming for.

STARTING FROM THE INSIDE - DETOX - GETTING YOUR CELLS HEALTHY So, hopefully by now, I've jumbled up your mind a little bit and now it's time to get into the nuts and bolts of how you are going to transform your body and improve your quality of life drastically. Tony Robbin's says "Confusion means you are about to have a break-through." So, if you are feeling a little confused about now, it's a good thing. Again, I'm saving you thousands of dollars here. And again, you're welcome. Continuing with the theme of starting from the inside-out, it's time to get your cells healthy. We've started getting your mind into better shape, so now we need to make sure that we are working with top-notch equipment if we are going to continue building a body that's going to last. Your body is only as healthy as your cells. If your cells aren't happy, then your body is not going to respond the way you want it too.. at least not for the long term. Remember, I advocate permanent change, not temporary fixes. I don't think many people would argue that we live in a toxic world that is getting more toxic by the day. In addition to that, we consciously choose to fill our body with more toxins. Luckily, the body is a pretty amazing machine and has the ability to cope with a lot of ABUSE. But, over time, just like a car, it will start to break down if you don't service it properly. Your body expends and enormous amount of energy in detoxification efforts to keep you alive and hopefully kicking. Now, imagine that you can relieve some of that stress from your body by helping it along a little bit. Once you lighten the load on your body, it will have excess energy left over to start doing things, such as: renewing cells, growing muscle, producing collagen for the skin, etc. Since you are going to be adding more physical stress to your body

by starting this program, it's important to do some simple things to help your body detox and get your cells healthier. This is not some crazy 21-day lemon juice and syrup fast, which I personally think is totally unnecessary and too extreme. These are some simple things that you can do to get your cells back on the right track. Remember, SIMPLICITY is one of the keys to your success. Water: Go out and buy a non-disposable water bottle that you can carry with you everywhere. It can be plastic or for tree-hugging hippies (love you all) you can opt for the Nylaprene (non-plastic.) If you have filtered water at home, great! If not, when buying bottled water, buy the biggest jug possible and use this to refill your portable bottle. This will reduce your plastic consumption. Supercharge your water buy adding fresh-squeezed lemon juice. Not only will this make your water taste better, lemon juice has a long list of benefits and they are inexpensive. Some Lemon Benefits: -blood purification -natural antiseptic to help fight infections -natural mosquito and fly repellant -high potassium, good for heart! Your cells need lots of water to purge out toxins. If your urine is darker than light yellow, you are not drinking enough. Ideally, it should be almost clear.

Alcohol: Use in moderation, or consider taking a break from this tasty adult beverage for a while. Give your liver a chance to recover. Most drinks have lots of calories and almost zero benefits besides making certain people more attractive. If you do want to keep drinking, make better choices. Stick with red wine or if you want to have a cocktail, I like Bacardi & diet coke (try to keep it to one)

Mary Jane: If you are a fan of this lovely lady, I don't blame you. There are many good times to be had when she's in town. However, there are some benefits to lying off the bong for a while. Marijuana does have the tendency to zap your energy and supposedly, it's also sometimes associated with lowering testosterone levels in men. Not the best thing when you are embarking on a journey of physical transformation. Use your best judgment and figure out what works for you.

Processed Foods & Beverages Try to stay away from things that have a list of ingredients longer than your arm. At least, use them in moderation. This goes out to all those Twinkie lovers out there. You don't have to go all crazy Whole-foods organic, but the key here is to make better choices. This is common sense. When you buy foods that are in the most natural state possible, they will be better accepted and used by your body. No one really knows what all those chemicals and preservatives are doing to you. Choose not to be a lab rat. I must admit, I love Coke Zero, but I try not to drink it too much because I know that the artificial sweeteners have been proven to be a neurotoxin and all sodas are extremely acidic which contribute to weakening your cell walls. Also, not good when you are trying to build muscle. I limit my intake to one or two cans per week. I feel that I drink enough water to counter-act the negative effects.

Breathing: When you are born, the first and most painful thing that you do, is take a breath of air. This is quite a shock to the system considering you've been floating around in amniotic heaven for 9-months. From that point forward, most people become very shallow breathers. Getting oxygen into your system on a daily basis has enormous benefits. Like water, the cells need oxygen to purge toxins. You can oxygenate your blood by starting a simple daily breathing routine. Take a couple of minutes out of every day and take 20 deep breaths. Oxygenating your blood will not only help to detoxify you, but it will also give you energy and give a boost to your metabolism. It's like adding Nitrate to your automobile fuel. And, it's FREE!

Tonight's assignment: Take a look at where you can decrease the toxins that are going into your body and decide what you are willing to change or modify slightly to take some pressure off of your body. Most importantly, START DRINKING WATER. If you don't do anything else, this will counteract A LOT of the negative effects that other things are causing.


This is so true! There was this girl that I went to college with and you could say that she had an eating disorder because all she could be seen eating in the cafeteria was carrots. By the middle of our first semester, she literally started turning orange! True story! She must have gotten tired of carrots (or being orange) and by the next semester she switched to cabbage. You can imagine what happened. This is obviously an extreme example to make light of and illustrate a very important point that plays true in all of us. If you put a bunch of over-processed nutrition deficient food in your body, your body is going to start reflecting that at some point. If you put natural nutrition-rich foods in your body, your body will reflect that over time. Common sense, right? Then why do we choose to put over-processed foods in our body that aren't doing us any good? There are all kinds of diet and food myths floating around out there and it can be difficult to sort through it all to uncover what WORKS FOR YOU. Most fad diets are just that, fads. They go in and out of style when people realize that they are too hard to follow or they don't create lasting and sustainable change. Or perhaps, it's discovered that they aren't overly healthy for you. Over the years, I've researched and experimented with different ways of eating and I've found something that works very well for me. I don't like to call it a "diet" because that implies restriction and that's not a word I like to use in my vocabulary or a philosophy that I live by. Every body and every metabolism is slightly different and what works for me, may or may not work as well for you. However, it's a good starting point and will probably be an improvement over what you are eating now. For example, some people do really well with being vegan. I've tried that and I feel good, but I get way too skinny and don't like the way I look. So, for me, it doesn't work in the long-term. When you start to really tune into your body and listen to what it needs, you can begin to make adjustments along the way to develop a way of eating that serves your body's highest potential. To get a lean, muscular, and ripped body, it's essential to start from the inside out. . Every meal that you eat should contain the following components:

A source of LEAN PROTEIN Chicken Breast (Grilled or Baked) Tuna (in water) Pork Chops (Grilled or Baked) Egg Whites Other Fish (Grilled or Baked) A source of GOOD FAT Avocado (My Favorite) Olive Oil Nuts/Seeds (pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, etc) A source of Carbohydrates Raw Veggies - Combine multiple colors Raw Whole Fruits -Organic w/High Fiber are Best Apples, Blueberries, Goji Berries, etc. Whole Grains/Beans Brown Rice, Black Beans, Garbanzo Beans, Lentils, Oatmeal, Sprouted Wheat High Fiber Cereal ALL BRAN or something similar Contrary to popular belief, you actually NEED FAT TO LOOSE FAT. If you don't have enough good fat in your diet that your body can utilize (Omega 3-6-9, unsaturated & unprocessed, etc), your cells will hang onto body fat because of the deficiency. When you start adding good fat into your diet by adding avocados, olive oil, etc, your cells will start releasing body fat since you are no longer deficient. Your cell walls are made of liposomes (fat), so your body needs this essential component to build healthy and strong cells. Remember, your body is only as healthy as your cells. Plan your meals by simply choosing one portion/serving from each category per meal. Between meals, snack on nuts, seeds, and fruits and/or a protein smoothie. A typical day will look like this: BREAKFAST 2-3 egg whites with one yolk Bowl of ALL BRAN cereal with ACTIVE CULTURE yogurt instead of milk. (This is absolutely the best way to kick start your digestive system for the day. The fiber will act like a broom sweeping through your system allowing you to shed all kinds of blockages and the yogurt will replace and give you your daily dose of good bacteria to aid in digestion.)

LUNCH Grilled Chicken Breast Tri-color salad (spinach, tomato, carrots) avocado with olive oil and lemon dressing

MID-AFTERNOON SNACK Protein Shake or Piece of Fruit and handful of nuts

DINNER Baked Pork Chop Raw Fruit Salad Avocado

POST WORKOUT/SNACK Protein Shake or serving of fruit & nuts I eat this way about 80% of the time and the other 20%, I eat whatever I want: Ice cream, pizza, cookies, etc. This equates to one free day per week and one free meal per week, approximately. I usually take Sunday completely off and give myself one free meal during the week. This is great if you want to go out and enjoy Mexican Food with friends or some other splurging. Remember, the key here is not to feel that you are restricting yourself. You still want to live and enjoy life and reward yourself for your hard work and dedication. BUILDING CARDIOVASCULAR STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE The workout portion of this course is broken into two parts: Building Cardiovascular Strength & Endurance and Building Muscular Strength and Endurance. I advocate building FUNCTIONAL and PRACTICAL strength that you will be able to use in your daily life, as opposed to the strength that you build in a gym, which really only serves you well when you are AT THE GYM. Today we are going to briefly cover the cardiovascular portion of your training and tomorrow we will close with the muscular portion of your training. When Matthew McConaughey was asked how he stays fit, he replied "I break a sweat every day." I love the simplicity of his philosophy

because it really works. If you do something every day to break a sweat, chances are you'll be much better off than you are now. Moving your body has multiple benefits that transcend just getting ripped and looking better. When you move your body you engage your circulatory system and assist the body in eliminating dangerous toxins through your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system does not have a pump (like the heart) so the only way your lymphatic fluid moves is when YOU MOVE. YOU ARE THE PUMP. When you are stationary for long periods of time, the lymphatic fluid becomes thick and toxic. Not good! So, to start moving your body, find an activity that you enjoy doing or that you can learn to enjoy doing multiple times per week. For me, I use running as my main cardiovascular activity. I like running because: I can do it anywhere, I don't need any special equipment, besides shoes, and there is no special preparation required. I can be out the door in 5 minutes. You want to choose an activity that you will be most likely to stick too. For example, if you choose swimming as your activity, you will need to have easy access to a pool regularly, have favorable weather, proper equipment etc. The more variables that are required, the more likely you will have conflicts and you might not stick with it. Whatever you choose, for the first month or so, you want to make sure you do this activity for at least 30 minutes and a minimum of 3x/week. Also, make sure that you do this activity at a brisk enough pace to break a sweat during each workout. Tip: If you are running, at the end of each run pretend you are getting chased by a rabid pit-bull for 30-60 seconds and sprint accordingly. This will activate your nervous system and will pump a nice dose of testosterone into your blood. Simple, right? 30 minutes - 3x/week - Break a sweat every time. Your Assignment: Decide on a sweat-breaking activity and make a schedule that you can stick too. Pick a time of the day that you are most likely to stick too and make a routine of it. I have the most energy in the early evening, so I always do my workouts before dinner time at around 7pm. Routines become habits. Habits become change. Change becomes Transformation.

BUILDING MUSCULAR STRENGTH & ENDURANCE To build muscle, it's necessary to expose your muscles to resistance. When your muscles get stronger, you increase the resistance and they grow. At the gym, resistance is typically provided by weights. Outside of the gym, resistance can be provided by using your own body weight. When you work out using your own body weight as resistance, you are much less likely to injure yourself. You intuitively know when to stop, as opposed to working out with weights. When you work out with weights, you are much more likely to push yourself to far and expose yourself to possible injury. I'm here to tell you that YOU DO NOT NEED A GYM OR WEIGHTS TO GET RIPPED. I haven't been to a gym in over 2 years and I'm more ripped than I've ever been in my life. I used to go to the gym 6-days/week for 2 hours at a time. Now I work out about hour/day and have increased my results 10-fold. The core and fundamental exercise that I use in my workouts is pushups or some variation thereof. When you do a push-up, you engage every major muscle group in your body. There are a seemingly infinite amount of variations that you can do to target specific muscle groups and muscles. These are JUST the basics. For the first 30 days, focus only on doing the standard/basic pushup. At a minimum, do a pushup workout at least 3x/week. I like to alternate my pushup days with my running days. That way, I'm working out every day (except Sunday) and it helps me to stay in a daily routine. Also, you'll give your body a day to rest between cardio exercises and muscle exercises. Remember, CONSISTENCY is another important key to your success. Daily routines equal consistency. For your pushup workouts, do at least three sets of basic pushups and do as many as you can with proper form. Rest a minute or so between sets. When you can no longer do a pushup with the proper form, you are done.

When you are getting started, your workouts may look like this:

Set One - 17 Pushups 2 Minute Rest Set Two - 13 Pushups 2 Minute Rest Set Three - 9 Pushups If you stick with this simple cardiovascular and muscle building routine, you are going to be in much better shape than 90% of the population. I hope that this course has provided you with some knowledge that will assist you in your own journey. I've simply shared with you some of the principles that have worked for me and improved the quality of my life and it's my wish that they will do the same for you! Thank you for playing! Be proud of yourself and STEP INTO YOUR POWER!

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