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Report Ideation Feb. 1, 2013 UPDATED

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 1a. This session was beneficial. 1b. Why or why not? I love collaborating as a school-wide faculty I am excited about potential changes to progress reports!

Strongly Agree

Agree Agree Strongly Agree

I know that progress reports will be changed somehow. I'm just not convinced anything from this meeting will impact the changes. Everyone is ready for a change. It was interesting to hear the ideas from vertical teams. It was fun to come up with ideas. This session was beneficial in highlighting all of the positives and areas that need improvement. It was also surprising to find all of the different styles of progress reports within the different grade levels. As a specials teachers who writes "blurbs," I feel like what I contribute to the progress reports is minimal and redundant, as it is very much like what is written on the website. The "blurbs" are not specialized for the students, but only seeing most grades once a rotation, it is difficult to write more individualized comments. After the first trimester I was still struggling to learn all of my students' names. This session allowed us to collaborate with other teachers from various grade levels on different methods for writing progress reports. While we were still a bit "stumped" on specials reporting, we all agreed that they need to be more personalized and less "generic." It was great to hear thoughts and ideas from teachers at all levels and in base classrooms as well as specials. Both of my groups had a couple of teachers who could share a parent perspective as well. It was a great discussion! We could have used a little more time at the beginning for the quick write and share; I felt a little rushed at the beginning. The second discussion was a good length. It was beneficial to meet and discuss with colleagues from a variety of grade levels and special areas; it was beneficial to hear how progress reports are currently formatted in various departments in school (i.e. VELD, ELD, ULD, etc...). It was helpful to get the big picture of what everyone does for progress reports. We would have liked to have more time to think of how we would like for it to look in the future, now that we have spent time seeing how it is done now. Progress reports are a huge part of our job as teachers. It takes time to assess and gather information needed, and then the reports are time consuming to write. I think there are better ways to communicate information that we'd like to share with parents. I'd like to explore different ways that we could meet the needs of both

Agree Neutral Strongly Agree

parents and children. I liked hearing about what other grades do, but next time I want to see a sample The fact that we were placed with ULD teachers made it interesting but less relevant. It made us all think and explore new ideas and ways to report on student progress. I have been having thoughts and questions swirl around in my brain since our meeting such as: What is the purpose of the progress report? What kind of progress do we want to report? What do parents want to know? If we don't know the answer to these questions, how do we make any decisions? It's hard to find a balance between too specific and too broad. Could My Learning portfolio be a part of reporting? P.S. I am glad that you are in charge of this! You are brilliant, and I love having you around. We need to talk about progress reports! It gave you a chance to talk about what was working and not working with the current progress report model. It gave me the opportunity to hear other opinions on the subject from Eld and Uld alike. It was beneficial to talk about who does progress reports and who does not. We also discussed the amount of time it takes to compile information and to write them. I am a special who teaches four grade levels and sees the students once a rotation. I would like to see some balance in how I am required to report. It is not the same for all specials. Some get to write "blurbs" and others not, such as myself. I thought it was helpful to hear how the lower graders wrote their progress reports. I also thought it was helpful to be able to talk about concerns and share ideas with others. The white boards were especially helpful.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral

As a new employee, I enjoyed talking with teachers in a variety of grades about how they do progress reporting. Also, it was helpful to talk about the positives and negatives of each method, as well as ideas for improvement. I really enjoyed hearing Jill's report on meeting with other Private Schools in the area as well as parent's feedback on Progress Reports! I also really enjoyed sitting with such a diverse group of teachers and hearing all the different views and responsibilities our staff has on PRs. Being a first year teacher it was interesting hearing how the progress reports differ between grade levels. This discussion continues to a topic of great interest. I heard many different ideas and I know we need more time to share ideas.

We learned all grades/ages have the same challenges, and we collaborated on ways to make improvements on communicating the true essence of a child to the parents. It got us thinking about our current practices and whether they are purposeful and meaningful for parents, teachers, and students. A very important topic which needs addressing It wasn't beneficial to me as I don't write progress reports any more. My attendance may have been beneficial to the others as I provided perspective from past years (but I am not too sure about that!)

Strongly Agree Agree Agree

I think it opened the conversation to begin meaning thoughts and ideas. I hope something positive comes from this - this time. We've been down this road before... It was interesting to learn about the differences in the way progress reports are prepared for each grade as well as specialist areas. I was also surprised by the number of concerns over the preparation of the reports as well as the timing of conferences. It helps somewhat to understand what the classroom teacher does when writing progress reports so that I can determine what kind of contribution I could make that would help in that process. It exposed me to progress reports which I don't have much experience with.

Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree

Got people thinking Love that we are gathering teacher ideas :) I like meeting with people from other grade levels to hear ideas about what people like and don't like about the way we are doing progress reports now. It's always helpful to work with peers not on our team I loved how it was positive. We did not even think about gripping because we were thinking about how to change. I got excited!

Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly

We got to meet as a whole school!!! It was great to hear all the different thoughts from 3s teachers to 6th grade teachers.

GREAT to see meet in different groups and brainstorm. It is always beneficial to meet with others form different grade levels and subjects. Really helpful to see all the different aspects of progress reports, and how we can improve them.

Loved meeting with other grade levels. Great content was discussed. Looking forward to follow up next week.

Changes need to be made to progress reports as the teachers are overwhelmed

Got me thinking about what needed to change. Getting things kick started toward fixing progress reports! It's nice to share ideas and listens to concerns from other disciplines. Also it feels good to have a say in developing the improved report. Time for us to discuss the problems and what we want.

Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree

I'm frustrated by the inconsistencies of progress report writing and enjoy the opportunity to give input. Great hearing the groups ideas and brainstorming. It is time to revise. I think it got a ideas rolling for the meeting on Wed. The following meeting was much more beneficial due to the prep work we did on Fri. The gallery walk was a great way to start the Wed. meeting. Love the idea of collaboratively work on the P.R. "evolution" and brainstorm ideas with various teachers of different grade levels. Beginning of much needed discussion

Too close to home-- still working on Progress Reports while this meeting was going on. A little frustrating. I liked working in groups that were not my team. It would have been helpful to have examples of the different division's reports. Liked hearing others ideas and being able to bounce ideas off of each other. To understand that there will be a major overhaul of the PR. There was excellent conversation, but I think I was too overwhelmed and tired to find it as productive as it might have been. I do not do progress reports in the same form as most teachers do, so this was very informative. I enjoyed working in diverse groups and brainstorming on white boards. I also believe listening to others' ideas and thoughts about reports was very interesting. I love brainstorming with my colleagues. I always leave enlightened from their ideas! This session was a little overwhelming because there were so many great ideas being tossed around. I had trouble reigning in my ideas/opinions/thoughts. Great work in groups Great start to the discussion, everyone gets a voice. I love the openness of the format-non-constrictive to what we do currently, technology, budget, etc. I got to say what my dream progress report would be. Brainstorming is so helpful--lots of ideas flying around. Love that we were reminded not to be constrained by what we do now. We were able to collaborate with different grade levels and to better understand what progress reports look like and how they make each other feel.... This session was very beneficial for me because I was able to learn how progress reports differ in each grade. I learned with change we can have better progress reports at Trinity. I think that it would be great to make our progress reports digital. It was pertinent and addressing a current issue, progress reports. Very helpful to hear other colleague issues with reports and hear the differences between grade levels. This session was important to have because there is a community concern with the current progress reports. I found it most beneficial to meet with the different grade levels to discuss wants and needs that might be more grade specific. I enjoyed

Agree Strongly Agree

writing down notes that could be further talked about in a following session. I agree that this topic of progress reports should continue to be a school-wide discussion, and I look forward to seeing the outcome. As a newcomer and an assistant teacher, I learned a lot about Trinity's progress reports and Trinity's faculty's opinions/feelings about them and what they felt were their strengths/challenges. I thought it was great to have the veld, eld and uld together.

Neutral Strongly Agree Disagre e Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree 2a. The content of this session can be applied to my work. 2b. Why or why not? Depends on the changes we see in progress reports... I at least HOPE so!

My work will be what is finally decided for us.

Strongly Agree

I'm not really clear on what my input is with regards to progress reports. I would like to find an efficient and valuable way to report student progress in science lab. AND, since the base teachers teach some science in the classroom, there needs to be a way for us to collaborate and both add input. Not immediately, but down the road. I am looking forward to positive change. Thank you for asking for our input. The content of this session is applicable to our workload of writing progress reports, however, it is yet to be determined what action steps will be taken to edit or change the current progress reports moving forward. Although I do not currently write progress reports, I do hope to do so in the future. It was interesting to see how each grade level/specials does progress reports. It was helpful to outline the strengths and weaknesses of how progress reports are done now, so that now we can look at the future and changes that need to be made. Whatever decisions are made about how progress reports will look for varying grade levels/departments will affect me directly in the way that the information is recorded and presented to parents. The electronic portfolios have offered an opportunity for me to think about different ways in which to organize information for sharing with parents. I see how the content of the work we did today is connected to that whole

process. Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree As an assistant, I do not do progress reports. Often given them to read after the fact. I think it is obvious that if this process is streamlined and the progress report is more purposeful, I will be able to have at least 3 more days with my students and possibly have less stress and more sleep during 3 months of the school year. Progress report writing/collecting/explaining is a significant part of my work here. As I teach, it can make me think about any further benchmarks that I think should be included into the new progress report model. If some of the changes we discussed are made then, yes these can be applied to my work. I am hopeful that there will be positive changes. Although I have not written progress reports myself, this workshop was helpful because it helped me to better understand how our progress reports are written now and how people would like them to be changed. It was interesting to hear the prospective of those from other grade levels ( especially from the ELD, because I did not know their progress reports were so different from ULD)

Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagre e Agree Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree

It reminded me to keep my eyes open to so much more in the classroom and to think about different ways we can relay what we see in the classroom to the parents. I constantly wonder if am I getting a truly good picture of what motivates a child and how I can best share his strengths and weaknesses. Always great to hear what other grade levels wishes are and see how it works with our thoughts!!

It depends on follow-up and follow-through to the session. It is my work and the report card needs revising. see above

As an assistant teacher in pre-k, our reports seem to be very different from that of ELD and ULD. same reason - as a media specialist, I do not write progress reports It's a great learning and discussion tool.

This is an area that I need to address in order to figure out how to be the best teacher I can be. It is hard to teach the curriculum we have chosen to teach if the progress report is not aligned with the things we are teaching.


Changing PR's.

Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral

Progress reports have been a hot topic since I started at Trinity. We need to work on this to make it better for everyone (teachers, parents, and students).

This will help all of us with what is to come with the new format of progress reports. This doesn't apply to me as much being a media specialist, but I feel for my coworkers who have to do them, and I would like to see the process improved.

Progress Reports will be changing to beter reflect our students.

In the long run this will help us to develop the new 21st century report (card, progress report) As I teach I am thinking about skills that need to be assessed and be on a progress report. Will directly effect ease and consistency of progress reports!

Yes need to know what we want to see from our students. I write PRs! It can be applied to progress reports. The reports are very time consuming. I loved the gallery walk and hope to utilize the plan in my classroom. :) The content of this session can help me evaluate my students in more specific areas and collect more relevant student information to be shared with parents.

Because progress reports are time-consuming. And it is very hard to keep everything super personalized. We are working on them right now so it was fresh in my mind. I have not yet been able to see what an actual progress report looks like. I will make an effort to see one soon! I write progress reports and hate the process we have now. My reports are individual and in narrative form, but collaboration with teachers takes place before and after they are written.

Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree

Yes if we begin to change these reports. I will be be writing report cards next year and many years to come, I hope! So, I am excited about. He changes in the future! Still needed think time! Progress Reports take a lot of valuable energy and time, and are an important tool. Especially with the work that I've been doing as of late within my department, how we will report student progress is a key component. I don't write progress reports, but it's good to think about how to demonstrate progress and identify each students' strengths and challenges. "Glow and grow"

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

This can be applied to my work in helping Kathy with Progress Reports. This is also helpful because I now understand how progress reports differ between the grades. These meetings have helped me to further learn the need for change in progress reports. Because it is something I do as a classroom teacher ever year. How can we make the process better is important to me. I want the work we do as teachers to be helpful to parents and give a clear picture of their students work. Parents often say too much reading and they can be consumed by the B,D,S aspect of the report. Yes, progress reports directly relate to every teacher at this school. It is important to continue this discussion because there is an apparent need for change.

Gave me a better understanding of my purpose in laying the foundation of threes.

3a. Check all that apply 3b. Please tell us anything else you want us to know. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session.

I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session.

I would like there to be a follow-up session. n/a I would like I enjoyed hearing thoughts and ideas that teachers from other grade levels there to be a contributed to our group. As a result of the time spent, I gained a broader follow-up perspective on the needs of others teaching children of different age groups. session. I would like looking forward to the gallery walk! that will be a nice follow-up there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. , Will one more session be enough. I would like Great examples of the car elements to get us thinking of creative this session to alternatives... be offered Thank you for prefacing that we are not making decisions-- we are again. brainstorming and thinking of good and bad ideas... I would like I loved that "the sky was the limit." We had "free choice" to create and design there to be a a wish list of what it should look like. It makes me feel that we are trying to follow-up make life easier for the teachers and moving towards the 21C...LOVE IT!!! session. I would like this session to be offered again. More input by I am so glad that you are addressing this Jill! I look forward to changes being teams made for next year. I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like I am only familiar with the progress reporting method for the 3s classes. I there to be a would love to learn more about how the older grades assess their students follow-up and report their progress. session. Also. I would love to see how Evernote/ My Learning can be incorporated into progress reporting. I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like I was out sick Monday so I'm the slacker just completing this Tom there to be a Sat Friday Feb. 1st. Sorry Jill!!! follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. whatever the teachers need I would like there to be a follow-up session.

I would like

I would like to know more about what the specialists think would be important

there to be a follow-up session.

to include.

Jill, I was HERE...but in a meeting in the lab with Jeff and some technology visitors. I LOVED doing the gallery walk to discover what everyone discussed! I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like Thank you for wanting our input so much!! this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like Great work Jill! there to be a follow-up session. I would like Would like for some decisions be made about what will happen next. this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. optional great use of faculty meeting time! continued work? Week long summer? I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like Keep us informed on the upcoming changes to Progress Reports there to be a follow-up session. Thank you. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like I look forward to reviewing the reports from other schools.

there to be a follow-up session. Thanks for considering making changes because what others are currently doing is so taxing and takes away so much instruction time. Thank you for this opportunity to change our reporting system.

I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like Thank you! there to be a follow-up session. I would like Thanks, Jill! this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session.

I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like this session to be offered again., I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. Loved the mix up of collaborating with different grade levels

Progress Report Ideation Feb. 1, 2013

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree 1a. This session was beneficial. 1b. Why or why not? I love collaborating as a school-wide faculty I am excited about potential changes to progress reports! I know that progress reports will be changed somehow. I'm just not convinced anything from this meeting will impact the changes. Everyone is ready for a change. It was interesting to hear the ideas from vertical teams. It was fun to come up with ideas. This session was beneficial in highlighting all of the positives and areas that need improvement. It was also surprising to find all of the different styles of progress reports within the different grade levels. As a specials teachers who writes "blurbs," I feel like what I contribute to the progress reports is minimal and redundant, as it is very much like what is written on the website. The "blurbs" are not specialized for the students, but only seeing most grades once a rotation, it is difficult to write more individualized comments. After the first trimester I was still struggling to learn all of my students' names. This session allowed us to collaborate with other teachers from various grade levels on different methods for writing progress reports. While we were still a bit "stumped" on specials reporting, we all agreed that they need to be more personalized and less "generic." It was great to hear thoughts and ideas from teachers at all levels and in base classrooms as well as specials. Both of my groups had a couple of teachers who could share a parent perspective as well. It was a great discussion! We could have used a little more time at the beginning for the quick write and share; I felt a little rushed at the beginning. The second discussion was a good length. It was beneficial to meet and discuss with colleagues from a variety of grade levels and special areas; it was beneficial to hear how progress reports are currently formatted in various departments in school (i.e. VELD, ELD, ULD, etc...). It was helpful to get the big picture of what everyone does for progress reports. We would have liked to have more time to think of how we would like for it to look in the future, now that we have spent time seeing how it is done now. Progress reports are a huge part of our job as teachers. It takes time to assess and gather information needed, and then the reports are time consuming to write. I think there are better ways to communicate information that we'd like to share with parents. I'd like to explore different ways that we could meet the needs of both

Strongly Agree

Agree Agree Strongly Agree

Agree Neutral Strongly Agree

parents and children. I liked hearing about what other grades do, but next time I want to see a sample The fact that we were placed with ULD teachers made it interesting but less relevant. It made us all think and explore new ideas and ways to report on student progress. I have been having thoughts and questions swirl around in my brain since our meeting such as: What is the purpose of the progress report? What kind of progress do we want to report? What do parents want to know? If we don't know the answer to these questions, how do we make any decisions? It's hard to find a balance between too specific and too broad. Could My Learning portfolio be a part of reporting? P.S. I am glad that you are in charge of this! You are brilliant, and I love having you around. We need to talk about progress reports! It gave you a chance to talk about what was working and not working with the current progress report model.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree 2a. The content of this session can be applied to my work. 2b. Why or why not? Depends on the changes we see in progress reports... I at least HOPE so! My work will be what is finally decided for us. I'm not really clear on what my input is with regards to progress reports. I would like to find an efficient and valuable way to report student progress in science lab. AND, since the base teachers teach some science in the classroom, there needs to be a way for us to collaborate, and both add input. Not immediately, but down the road. I am looking forward to positive change. Thank you for asking for our input. The content of this session is applicable to our workload of writing progress reports, however, it is yet to be determined what action steps will be taken to edit or change the current progress reports moving forward. Although I do not currently write progress reports, I do hope to do so in the future. It

Strongly Agree

was interesting to see how each grade level/specials does progress reports. It was helpful to outline the strengths and weaknesses of how progress reports are done now, so that now we can look at the future and changes that need to be made. Whatever decisions are made about how progress reports will look for varying grade levels/departments will affect me directly in the way that the information is recorded and presented to parents. The electronic portfolios have offered an opportunity for me to think about different ways in which to organize information for sharing with parents. I see how the content of the work we did today is connected to that whole process. As an assistant, I do not do progress reports. Often given them to read after the fact. I think it is obvious that if this process is streamlined and the progress report is more purposeful, I will be able to have at least 3 more days with my students and possibly have less stress and more sleep during 3 months of the school year. Progress report writing/collecting/explaining is a significant part of my work here. As I teach, it can make me think about any further benchmarks that I think should be included into the new progress report model.

Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral

3b. Please tell us anything else you want us to know. I enjoyed hearing thoughts and ideas that teachers from other grade levels contributed to our group. As a result of the time spent, I gained a broader perspective on the needs of others teaching children of different age groups. looking forward to the gallery walk! that will be a nice follow-up Great examples of the car elements to get us thinking of creative alternatives... Thank you for prefacing that we are not making decisions-- we are brainstorming and thinking of good and bad ideas... I loved that "the sky was the limit." We had "free choice" to create and design a wish list of what it should look like. It makes me feel that we are trying to make life easier for the teachers and moving towards the 21C...LOVE IT!!!

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