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Time started: 19.40 Time Adjourned: 20.40 Lauren introduction, general overview and order of events, explained how question and answer session works. Lauren ran through shortlist of name. Starting off questions: Someone asked why name change is not till 2013- Lauren answered that it is too large a job to be undertaken during the academic year. Someone asked when name was last changed Someone asked if students association part remaining at the end.

Official Reading out:

Constitutional Amendment Run-off voting proposed. Explained why these were proposed at committee. Everyone seems happy with voting method, no abstaining.

Name change: 35 members in total voting.

19.49 first round started: Completed 19.56 no outright majority, option with lowest LGBT* - voted out. LGBTQ 9 LGBTQ+ - 10 Pride 8 LGBT+ - 6 GSM - 3 Lauren goes through options 19.56 second round started Completed 20.01 GSM is out. GSM 1 Student Pride 7 GULGBT+ - 10 GULGBTQ 11 LGBTQ+ - 5 20.03 third round started 20.07 LGBT+ is gone. GULGBTQ 9 GULGBTQ+ - 9 Student Pride - 9

20.07 fourth round started. 20.11 ended LGBTQ - 9 GULGBTQ+ - 10 Student Pride -11 20.12 fifth round started 20.14 ended Q+ - 19 Pride 12 Abstentions - 2 GULGBTQ+ new name for association. Lauren before we move onto elections, symbol discussion: administration must be discussed website and banking issues Easiest way word plus wherever symbol cant be used? Symbol used wherever possible, plus otherwise Vote on whether were happy with this - outright majority are happy.

Post-Mat member: Candidate David Wheeler stood for this, gave speech explaining reasons why. Nominations opened to the floor 38 yes 1 no 1 abstentions First year ordinary member: Candidates: Craig, Kim, Jen, Rian. Each gave speeches explaining why. Craig - 6 Kim - 22 Jen - 6 Rian - 3

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