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Auteur : KOBAYACHIMARU (http://chroniquesdufortbastiani.blogspot.com/)

Bright Horizon
Campagne inter-club (26/02/2011) Bright Horizon est une colonie minire dcouverte et contrle par le consortium Omni Consumer Pleasure (OCP). Au fil des dcades les colons (considrs comme des citoyens de seconde zone par OCP) sindignrent dune gouvernance non dmocratique (un vice-prsident dOCP tient le rle de gouverneur plantaire) et dune inscurit grandissante (des bandes de pillards, descendant des premiers colons - des forats sillonnent la plante). Afin de rtablir lordre et de maintenir la production, OCP fit appel une socit militaire prive, Unicorn Unlimited. Deux rgiments furent dpchs sur Bright Horizon. Connus pour avoir la dtente facile les mercenaires de Unicorn Unlimited nont pas calm les esprits. Ce qui tait une insurrection se transforma en rvolution. Les forces de dfense plantaires (PDF) rejoignirent le Syndicat des mineurs de Bright Horizon dans le projet de renverser OCP et dinstaurer un gouvernement dmocratique. LAssemble dmocratique de Bright Horizon (qui regroupe notamment des reprsentants des PDF et du syndicat) dcida de faire galement appel une arme prive pour soutenir les rgiments de PDF : DropZoneAegis (DZA) envoya un de ses lightning regiment, le 7e, les fameux Helljumpers. Soutenus par les Helljumpers de DropZoneAegis (DZA) les forces de dfense plantaire (PDF) bousculrent les mercenaires de Unicorn Unlimited. Une contre-attaque surprise de ces derniers vise reprendre linitiative. Les flancs de loffensive des PDF sont menacs. LAssemble dmocratique dcide denvoyer les Helljumpers pour ralentir cette contre-attaque... Un des deux axes de pntration de la contre-attaque de Unicorn Unlimited suit une route secondaire passant par une petite exploitation minire indpendante ; Caydons Hole. Ce point doit tre dfendu le plus longtemps possible. Deux autres cibles ont t identifies par le Bureau Tactique : un vhicule de communication dont la capture permettrait de pntrer le rseau tactique dUnicorn Unlimited et ainsi de rendre nos mesures dECM plus efficaces (objectif STORM) ; un peloton dartillerie autoporte qui peut craser notre dfense et qui doit tre captur ou limin (objectif ICE).

La campagne : Caydons Hole

Scnario 1 : Objective Ice

******************************************* Un convoi dartillerie dUnicorn doit se mettre en position pour craser Caydons Hole . Les Helljumpers ont fait appel la rsistance locale pour les aider organiser une embuscade. Les troupes dUU doivent sortir par la route au sud de la carte. Les Helljumpers doivent les en empcher en dtruisant lartillerie.

Les Helljumpers ont linitiative le premier tour. Ils se placent dans cinq positions renforces (+2D + 1D in conver) au moins 20 de la zone de dploiement des Unicorns (un rectangle de 20 cm de long sur 10 de large centr sur la route). La carte fait 4x3.

1x HotDrop SQUAD (lieutenant Koppers - positive leader) Chaque Fireteam est quipe de lance-rockets lgers (AP 2D ; AT(L) 2D). Il faut tester (TQ) avant chaque tir pour savoir sil reste des lance-rockets (type LAW). 1x ATGM (AP 3D ; AT(H) 3D) + 1 crew (Weapon team) 1x Gauss SAW on tripod (AP 2D) + 1 crew (Weapon team) Les Helljumpers commencent hidden.

3x 4x 3x 1x Artillery Vehicle (mvt 8/16 ; armor = Wolf ; no weapons) Unicorn Scout Vehicle (Wolf) Unicorn Maneuver Teams Unicorn Command Team (like Maneuver Team but the squad leader is a lieutnant).

Freedom fighters
A partir du 2e tour un groupe de rsistants arrive par un des Hot Spots ( placer au dbut de la partie) chaque tour. On dtermine le type de troupes sur la table ci-dessous. Dtail des troupes 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1d6 w/Small Arms + 1w/L Support (AP 1D) 1d6 w/Small Arms + 1 w/RPG + Leader 1d6 w/Small Arms & ROLL AGAIN 1d6 w/Small Arms + 1 w/RPG 1d6+2 w/Small Arms + 1w/L Support 1d6 w/Small Arms +Leader +1 L Support 1d6+2 w/Small Arms 1d6 w/Small Arms & ROLL AGAIN 1 w/L Support + 1 Leader 1d6 w/Small Arms +Leader +1 RPG 2d6 w/Small Arm + Leader

RPG 1-4 5-6 AP 2D ; AT(M) 2D AP 3D ; AT(M) 3D

Scnario 2 : Objective Storm

************************************************* Prendre dassaut le vhicule de communication afin de brouiller laccs au rseau des mercenaires Unicorn. Assaut aroport men par le lieutenant Spade et son squad. Il faut liminer lopposition et arriver au contact du vhicule de transmission. Il est possible de mobiliser une Heavy Battle Armor (mais qui ne pourra pas tre utilise pour la suite). Table Size: 3 x 3

1x HotDrop SQUAD (lieutenant Spade - positive leder) Chaque Fireteam est quipe de lance-rockets (AP 2D ; AT(L) 2D). Il faut tester (TQ) avant chaque tir pour savoir sil reste des lance-rockets (LAW).

1x 2x 2x Transmission Vehicle (mvt 8/16 ; armor = Wolf) son escorte : Unicorn Scout (Wolf) Unicorn Maneuver Teams

Les troupes dUnicorn doivent tester (TQ) leur degr de ractivit ou risquer de ne rien faire le premier tour.
Parasail Assaults are closer to the tradition of airmobile operations of the early 20th century. If a drop occurs prior to play, resolve unit placement during the Set Up Figures phase of the turn sequence as follows: Choose insertion point for each unit and roll a Troop Quality check. If the unit passes the check, place all its figures within 6" of the insertion point. If the unit fails its Troop Quality check, it has become scattered. Roll according to the table below with the appropriate dice and a scatter dice for each figure in the scattered unit:Tech level 2 Scatter 1D10 from insertion point. Figures in a scattered unit may only React on the turn they arrive. Treat each scattered figure as a individual unit for purposes of Reaction Tests, fire, and defense unless they are in cohesion with another friendly unit. On the following turn, the units activation must consist of moving all figures into cohesion with one another. Until cohesion is established with all combat effective figures in the scattered unit, it may only move to establish cohesion and fire as part of a Reaction or Round of Fire.

Scnario 3 : Caydons Hole

********************************************** Protger le flanc de loffensive.

Table Size: 4 x 4

omni mining syndicate

Les Helljumpers sont dj sur site, dploys dans les btiments avec les rsistants quils encadrent. 3x Workers Fireteams 1x Helljumper Squad (3 Fireteams command par le Lt. Oz, positive leader) 1x ATGM + 1 crew (weapon team) Au tour 2 arrivent par la route au sud : 1x Scorpion APC with one PDF squad inside (2 Fireteams); 1x Thor Heavy Battle Tank Au tour 3, Hot Drop de Battle Armors : 3x Battle Armors Si le vhicule de communication a t captur alors chaque tour on teste pour savoir si le rseau dUU peut tre brouill : 1-2 sur 1d6 = brouillage jusqu la fin de la bataille.

Hot Drop
Choose insertion point for each unit and roll a Troop Quality check. If the unit passes the check, place all its figures within 6" of the insertion point. If the unit fails its Troop Quality check, it has become scattered. Roll according to the table below with the appropriate dice and a scatter dice for each figure in the scattered unit: Tech level 2 Scatter 1D10 from insertion point. Figures in a scattered unit may only React on the turn they arrive. Treat each scattered figure as a individual unit for purposes of Reaction Tests, fire, and defense unless they are in cohesion with another friendly unit. On the following turn, the units activation must consist of moving all figures into cohesion with one another. Until cohesion is established with all combat effective figures in the scattered unit, it may only move to establish cohesion and fire as part of a Reaction or Round of Fire. If a drop occurs during play, follow the same method described above at the beginning of the turn the units are scheduled to arrive. Hot Drop or parasail units that arrive during play may do nothing in the turn in which they arrive other than establish their perimeter. They may not move unless forced to Pull Back. They may only React by returning fire.

OMS Victory Points

No U units exit the board by the end of turn 6 ..............................DECISIVE OMS VICTORY! Per U vehicle or half-strength + unit still on table at end of turn 6 (this counts destroyed/disabled vehicles)...................................5 pts Per U Soldier POW...........................................3 pts Per U Infantry Unit Reduced Below Half Strength................................................2 pts

UNICORn unlimited
2x Unicorn Heavy Battle Tank (Grizzly) 4x Unicorn Medium Tank (Bullfrog) 5x Unicorn Scout Vehicle (Wolf) 2x Unicorn Squad (6 Fireteams) 1x Terminal Air Controller : +2 (on GRID, laser designator) ; AP:10D / AT(H):8D Target on view + TQ check (if failed the air mission is now unavailable - no ammo). 1x Appui dartillerie lourde si cette dernire na pas t dtruite (peut tre demand par les squad leaders avec +1 on GRID). AP: 3D / AT(H): 2D de dommage et 3 de rayon par vhicule.

UNICORN Victory Points

Per vehicle or half-strength+ unit that exits south edge of the table by end of turn 3 .................. 3 pts Per vehicle or half-strength+ unit that exits south edge of the table by end of turn 5 .................. 2 pts Per vehicle or half-strength+ unit that exits south edge of the table on turn 6 ...............................1 pt Per OMS Soldier POW ...............................................3 pts Per OMS Infantry Unit Reduced Below Half Strength...2 pts Per OMS Vehicle Disabled..................2 pts Per OMS Vehicle Destroyed................ 3 pts

Drop.Zone.Aegis (DZA) corp.

CONFIDENCE LEVEL ..................... High SUPPLY LEVEL ............................. Average OVERALL TECH LEVEL ................. 2 ON GRID? ................................... No BODY ARMOR ............................. Hard (+2D) TROOP QUALITY ......................... D10 MORAL ....................................... D10

HELLJUMPERs organization
HotDrop Fireteam 1x Fireteam Leader w/Gauss ACR 1x Rifleman w/Gauss ACR 1x Rifleman w/Gauss ACR 1x Grenadier w/Gauss ACR/UGL (Lt. Support + 1D) or 1x Gunner w/Gauss SAW (Lt. Support + 1D) HotDrop SQUAD 1x Squad Leader w/Gauss ACR 1x Medibot 3x HotDrop Fireteams HotDrop PLATOON 1x Platoon Leader w/Gauss ACR 1x Platoon Sergeant w/Gauss ACR 1x Radio/Tech w/Gauss ACR 3x Squads 4x Heavy Battle Armors 2x ATGM NOTES Smoke Grenades: TQ check to deploy. +1D Defense and -1D Firepower for one turn. Gauss ACR: In Firepower Combat: +1 Firepower Die (For the entire unit, not per figure). Ignore one Cover/Armor die claimed by the target unit.

omni mining syndicate

planetary defense force (PDF)
CONFIDENCE LEVEL ..................... Average SUPPLY LEVEL ............................. Average OVERALL TECH LEVEL ................. 2 ON GRID? ................................... No BODY ARMOR ............................. Partial (+1D) TROOP QUALITY ......................... D8 MORAL ....................................... D8

PDF organization
PDF Fireteam 1x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle 1x Grenadier w/Assault Rifle/UGL (Lt. Support + 1D) 1x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. Support + 1D) PDF SQUAD 1x Squad Leader w/Assault Rifle 2x PDF Fireteams PDF PLATOON 1x Platoon Leader w/Assault Rifle 1x Platoon Sergeant w/Assault Rifle 1x Radio/Tech w/Assault Rifle 1x Medic w/Assault Rifle 4x Squads 2x Heavy Weapon Teams (AP : Med. Support +2D ; AT(L) 3D) NOTES

Drop.Zone.Aegis (DZA) corp.


Class : Light Type : Walker (Speed : 8/12) Basic TL : 2 Weapon TL : 2 Armor TL : 3 Sensor TL : 2 Front Armor : 2d8 Rear Armor : 1d8 - Main Gun : Fusion Gun (Light Energy Gun) AP:3D / AT(L):3D (Slow Firing Weapon) - Secondary Weapon : Twin HMG (Light Gun) AP:4D / AT:1Dy - Fire Support Heavy Battle Armor only : Main Gun : Medium Laser AT Gun (Medium) AP:4D / AT(M):3D Melee : +2D in melee (total 6D with HMG) Crew : 1 Attributes & Notes : Deathtrap An HBA may only fire one gun on a single activation (If its the fusion gun then : Slow Firing).

DEATHTRAP : When rolling for damage results, hits scored against vehicles with this unfortunate attribute receive a +1 die roll modifier. SLOW FIRING : Vehicles with a Slow Firing Weapon receive a -1 to all Reaction tests after the first during a turn. This modifier is cumulative with other Reaction modifiers. FUSION GUN : Energy Cannons ignore up to two dice of a target units cover or armor. (Slow Firing) LASER GUN : Laser Cannons of all types receive a +1 die roll modifier when rolling on the Vehicle Damage Table.

omni mining syndicate

sweat workers
CONFIDENCE LEVEL ..................... Low SUPPLY LEVEL ............................. Low OVERALL TECH LEVEL ................. 2 ON GRID? ................................... No BODY ARMOR ............................. No TROOP QUALITY ......................... D6 MORAL ....................................... D8

sweat workers organization

Workers Fireteam 1x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle 1x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle Workers SQUAD 1x Squad Leader w/Assault Rifle 2x Workers Fireteams NOTES Irregulars : need a supervising unit or a leader (at 4) to be activated (if not roll a quality check).


Class : Heavy Type : Anti-Grav (Speed : 10/20) Basic TL : 2 Weapon TL : 3 Armor TL : 2 Sensor TL : 2 Front Armor : 4d12 Deck Armor : 2d8 Rear Armor : 3d10 Side Armor : 3d12

- Main Gun : Heavy Laser Gun AP:5D / AT(H):5D - Secondary Weapon : HMG (Improved MG) AP:4D Crew : 3 Attributes & Notes : Improved MG Safe Haven Detonation Field (TL3) Smoke

LASER : Laser Cannons of all types receive a +1 die roll modifier when rolling on the Vehicle Damage Table. In the case of some Heavy guns, this can be cumulative with the Heavy Hitter attribute. DETONATION FIELD : Detonation Fields are electro-magnetic fields that may cause ATGMs to detonate prematurely, compromising their stand-off distance and penetration. A Detonation Fields Tech Level determines how effective it is against ATGMs. Subtract 1 die of Firepower from an ATGM attack for each TL of the vehicles DF. Thus, a TL 1 DF would subtract 1 Firepower die from an incoming ATGM and a TL 3 DF would subtract 3 dice. SAFE HAVEN : Some AFVs have are so trusted by their crews that no matter how badly theyre beaten about theyd rather stay safely inside them than risk exposing themselves on the battlefield. Crews of vehicles with this attribute receive a +1 Die Shift on Bail Out checks.


CONFIDENCE LEVEL ..................... High SUPPLY LEVEL ............................. Average OVERALL TECH LEVEL ................. 2 ON GRID? ................................... Yes BODY ARMOR ............................. Hard (+2D) TROOP QUALITY ......................... D8 MORAL ....................................... D10

unicorn organization
UU Maneuver Fireteam 1x Fireteam Leader w/Laser ACR 1x Rifleman w/Laser ACR 1x Grenadier w/Laser ACR/UGL (Lt. Support + 1D) 1x Gunner w/Laser SAW (Lt. Support + 1D) UU Support Fireteam 1x Fireteam Leader w/Laser ACR 1x Rifleman w/Laser ACR 1x Rifleman w/Laser ACR 1x Gunner w/Missile Assault Weapon (AP: 3/AT:4(H)) UU SQUAD 1x Squad Leader w/Laser ACR 1x Medic w/Laser ACR 2x Maneuver Fireteams 1x Support Fireteam UU PLATOON 1x Platoon Leader w/Laser ACR 1x Platoon Sergeant w/Laser ACR 3x Squads NOTES Laser ACR:
In Firepower Combat: +1 Firepower Die (For the entire unit, not per figure). Double Optimum Range for figures in the unit firing laser rifles or carbines. In Close Combat: -1 die shift (from d10 to d8, from d8 to d6, etc.) in Troop Quality if laser weapons are used in Close Combat. This shift may not reduce a unit below an effective Troop Quality of d6.


2U medium tank (bullfrog)
Class : Medium Type : Anti-Grav (Speed : 10/20) Basic TL : 2 Weapon TL : 3 Armor TL : 2 Sensor TL : 2 Front Armor : 3d10 Deck Armor : 1d6 Rear Armor : 2d8 Side Armor : 2d10

- Main Gun : Medium Laser Gun AP:4D / AT(M):3D or AP:3D / AT(H):4D - Secondary Weapon : HMG (Improved MG) AP:4D Crew : 3+4 Attributes & Notes : Improved MG Safe Haven Detonation Field (TL3) Smoke

LASER : Laser Cannons of all types receive a +1 die roll modifier when rolling on the Vehicle Damage Table. In the case of some Heavy guns, this can be cumulative with the Heavy Hitter attribute. DETONATION FIELD : Detonation Fields are electro-magnetic fields that may cause ATGMs to detonate prematurely, compromising their stand-off distance and penetration. A Detonation Fields Tech Level determines how effective it is against ATGMs. Subtract 1 die of Firepower from an ATGM attack for each TL of the vehicles DF. Thus, a TL 1 DF would subtract 1 Firepower die from an incoming ATGM and a TL 3 DF would subtract 3 dice. SAFE HAVEN : Some AFVs have are so trusted by their crews that no matter how badly theyre beaten about theyd rather stay safely inside them than risk exposing themselves on the battlefield. Crews of vehicles with this attribute receive a +1 Die Shift on Bail Out checks.

planetary defense force (PDF)


Class : Heavy Type : Tracked (Speed : 8/16) Basic TL : 2 Weapon TL : 2 Armor TL : 2 Sensor TL : 2 Front Armor : 4d12 Deck Armor : 2d6 Rear Armor : 3d8 Side Armor : 3d12

- Main Gun : 120mm Heavy Gun AP:4D / AT(H):5D - Secondary Weapon : HMG (Improved MG) AP:4D Crew : 3 Attributes & Notes : Improved MG Smoke

PDF APC (scorpion)

Class : Medium Type : Tracked (Speed : 10/20) Basic TL : 2 Weapon TL : 2 Armor TL : 2 Sensor TL : 2 Front Armor : 3d8 Deck Armor : 1d6 Rear Armor : 1d8 Side Armor : 2d8

- Main Gun : 30mm Gun AP:4D / AT(L):2D - Secondary Weapon : MMG AP:3D Crew : 2+10 Attributes & Notes : Smoke


2U scout (wolf)
Class : Small Type : Anti-Grav (Speed : 12/24) Basic TL : 2 Weapon TL : 3 Armor TL : 2 Sensor TL : 2 Front Armor : 3d8 Deck Armor : 1d6 Rear Armor : 1d8 Side Armor : 1d8

- Main Gun : Light Laser Gun AP:4D / AT(L):2D Crew : 2+4 Attributes & Notes : Smoke

LASER : Laser Cannons of all types receive a +1 die roll modifier when rolling on the Vehicle Damage Table. In the case of some Heavy guns, this can be cumulative with the Heavy Hitter attribute.

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