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One sentence (or paragraph) that contains all the places of noun declension
Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
The noun is marfu' in 6 places, mansub in 11 places and majrur in 2 places. Add to

this the 4 or 5 tawabi' (followers), then you end up with 23 or 24 places in all. To
illustrate each of these examples means that you require about 23 or 24 sentences.
However, some places go together such that you can have two or more places in a
single sentence.
The attachment below is an attempt at constructing a single sentence (which is more
like a paragraph) that contains all 23 or 24 places of nominal declension together the
i'rab/tarkib of each place. I did this sentence a long time ago, and it is anything but
elegant. So I appologise in advance. The main idea of the sentence is to juxtapose all
the places of nominal declension to see how each one is distinct from the other, and
how each one functions differently from the other in terms of the grammatical
meaning that it conveys.
Insha Allah, when I have more time on my hands as well as the urge to want to do it, I
will try to recompose the sentence in more elegant Arabic. For now the idea is pure
I hope you find the document useful, insha Allah. Please then make du'a for me and
my family.
I had also attempted something similar for the verb declension but was unable to
complete it due to the number of nawasib & jawazim that have to be accounted for in
the paragraph. Nevertheless, I will here reproduce what I had prepared then.

Again the Arabic can do with some touching up. You might want to do the i'rab/tarkib
of the verbs (which are all highlighted in red).

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