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Organisation non gouvernementale dote du statut participatif auprs du Conseil de lEurope NGO enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe


UC B4 - Anglais Ecrit


Type dpreuve : QCM et Essai Dure : 1h45 Session : Juin 2012

Fdration Europenne Des Ecoles - European Federation of Schools - Juin 2012 UC B4 Anglais crit - Corrig

1/ Questionnaire choix multiples

Texte de comprhension n1
1. Singapore is:
a. b. c. d. a large densely populated island a small crowded island a huge tropical island a small deserted island

2. What water problem is Singapore faced with?

a. b. c. d. it doesnt rain enough it rains too much people use too much water theres not enough space to store water

3. Singapore would like to:

a. b. c. d. become politically independent from Malaysia become water-independent from England become water-independent from Malaysia by 2015 reach water independence by 2061.

4. To reach this ambitious goal, Singapore wants to:

a. b. c. d. waste as much water as possible use new technologies and buy mineral water use new technologies, store and recycle water. stop people from watering their lawns


Singapore has:
a. b. c. d. only a few reservoirs leaky reservoirs reservoirs that recycle water reservoirs that can be used as water parks

6. Singaporeans drink:
a. b. c. d. a lot of mineral water water from toilets water from rainfall. salted water

7. Find another word for a high-rise building:

a. b. c. d. a skyscraper an old house a three- storey building. a shopping mall

8. In Singapore, a very long underground tunnel:

a. is going to be built b. delivers water to recycling plants c. collects rainfall d. uses ultra- violet light for purification

Fdration Europenne Des Ecoles - European Federation of Schools - Juin 2012 UC B4 Anglais crit - Corrig


9. Singaporeans use:
a. b. c. d. a lot more water than Americans about as much water as Americans far less water than Americans toilet water as drinkable water

10. The articles conclusion is that:

a. b. c. d. its possible to use water carefully but without enjoying a high standard of living Singaporeans mustnt drink water from their faucets Singapore will suffer from water shortage Singapore is an example to follow throughout the world

Texte de comprhension n2
11. The Fukushima nuclear accident was originally caused by:
a. b. c. d. an earthquake and a tsunami a human error an engine failure an explosion inside the reactor.

12. This nuclear accident was rated:

a. b. c. d. as a minor one as the worst disaster ever as a yearly occurence as extremely serious

13. On an international scale:

a. b. c. d. this disaster is a lot worse than Chernobyl Chernobyl was a lot worse than Fukushima this disaster is just as bad as Chernobyl Chernobyl and Fukushima have nothing in common

14. The sentence Japanese nuclear-safety officials raise their assessment of the crisis to Level 7 means that:
a. b. c. d. they now think theres nothing to worry about they now think the security threat was overrated they know nothing of international scales they now report the crisis is more serious than they first thought

15. The effects of radioactive contamination:

a. b. c. d. will be washed away by the rain will expand to 12 miles around the plant might spread to neighboring countries will only affect Japan

16. Because of exposure to radioactive material:

a. b. c. d. Japanese workers in Fukushima are likely to live longer Japanese workers in Fukushima are more likely to fall ill Japanese workers will not be allowed to stay Japanese workers will have to wear special masks

17. Around the evacuation zone:

a. b. c. d. the soil is not radioactive Its forbidden to plant rice and other vegetables Japanese people are encouraged to grow rice and other crops Japanese people can only grow rice

Fdration Europenne Des Ecoles - European Federation of Schools - Juin 2012 UC B4 Anglais crit - Corrig

18. Japanese nuclear officials

a. b. c. d. Expect the release of radiation to go up have not noticed any kind of radiation expect a new surge of radiation expect the release of radiation to keep going down

19. The Fukushima nuclear plant has released:

a. b. c. d. about as much radiation as Chernobyl far more radiation than Chernobyl a lot less radiation than Chernobyl slightly less radiation than Chernobyl

20. On the disabled reactors, plant workers:

a. b. c. d. are doing their best to fix the nuclear cooling system say that the situation is back to normal have managed to mend the nuclear cooling system are unlikely to restore the nuclear cooling system

Fdration Europenne Des Ecoles - European Federation of Schools - Juin 2012 UC B4 Anglais crit - Corrig


2/ Texte complter
21. a. matched b. parched c. patched d. latched 22. a. supply b. demand c. supplied d. supplice 23. a. largest b. larger c. high d. highest 24. a. lower b. slow c. bow d. low 25. a. slam b. ram c. dam d. scam 26. a. losses b. lost c. boss d. loss 27. a. reach b. reachen c. reached d. preached 28. a. luckily b. likely c. nicely d. smartly 29. a. for b. to c. on d. from 30. a. gap b. lap c. slap d. grasp 31. a. rarely b. scarity c. scarecity d. scarcity 32. a. haved b. have c. do d. did 33. a. account b. amount c. number d. total 34. a. it b. that c. them d. their 35. a. in b. around c. into d. for 36. a. leaking b. shortage c. longage d. shrinking 37. a. meaning b. sense c. up for d. do 38. a. policy b. politics c. politicians d. political 39. a. apparel b. thing c. device d. detail 40. a. by b. of c. in d. with 41. a. at b. for c. around d. in 42. a. save b. savings c. economy d. economics 43. a. level b. side c. shells d. high 44. a. thinkible b. feasing c. feasible d. faissible 45. a. buying b. beeing c. be d. being 46. a. seat b. flush c. chair d. bowl 47. a. thinking b. plan c. joke d. jokery

48. a. in b. into c. off d. by 49. a. aside b. away c. in d. into 50. a. misconceptions b. wrongs c. prejudices d. prejudicial

Fdration Europenne Des Ecoles - European Federation of Schools - Juin 2012 UC B4 Anglais crit - Corrig

3/ Essai
Evocation de laugmentation des tragdies /maitrise du vocabulaire des catastrophes naturelles Nowadays, MORE AND MORE disasters occur around the world, be it EARTHQUAKES, TSUNAMIS, FLOODS, DROUGHTS. Derniers vnements : floods in Thaland, on the French Riviera(the worst in 40 years ), record droughts in Somalia.( plus whatever new tragedy will take place in the next few months !) One of the reasons may be that NEWS TRAVEL FASTER NOW, and everyone is made instantly aware of every tragedy that happens around the globe but the INCREASE IN NATURAL DISASTERS is UNDENIABLE/ can not be denied Raison invoque ces bouleversements SCIENTISTS generally BLAME this increase ON CLIMATE CHANGE OR GLOBAL WARMING. - On average, temperatures in the northern hemisphere have never been as high as in the last ten years. - The shrinking of the ice-shelf in the artic regions is agreed on and might lead to more disasters! DUE TO the melting of ice, the sea level RISES everywhere and a lot of archipelagoes (such as the Maldives) are now threatened ...not to mention the extinction of some species (polar bears) Other links may come to mind: starvation in flooded regions, new outbursts of cholera .. - Deserts also seem to be gaining ground, in Africa or Asia Liens avec les texts: new concerns and new challenges HOWEVER, if we consider water, AS SHOWN IN THE LAST TEXT, there isnt a real SHORTAGE of it, the problem LIES in a SHARP INCREASE of the worlds demand, and a MISMATCH between where water is and where it is needed! IN OTHER WORDS, some regions tend to have too much water, while other suffers from droughts. The Singapore text illustrates the various ways dedicated leaders might try to make things right: by saving water, recycling it as well as by increasing storage capacities! So, it is up to us to develop strategies to tackle this problem! On the energy front, the Fukushima disaster has triggered off a lot of anti-nuclear reactions in Europe: both Germany and Switzerland have decided to step out of nuclear use, Italy does not want new nuclear plants and even in France, we tend to think that we should reduce our dependence on nuclear energy ! So, climate change might provide enough reasons to change our ways of life! Given the slow extinction of gas ressources, these disasters also show that the Western World needs to focus on new forms of energy as well as new ways of saving it - Each citizen should be made more aware of energy saving gestures, (follow the examples of Germans who are the most environmentally conscious in Europe) - We should try to use our cars less and less, even if they also pollute less and less -Solar and wind energy, as well as biomass should be developed but will it be possible in France in the near future, in a country where 80% of our energy comes from nuclear plants CONCLUSION Transition will take time , lets hope we will be spared further tragic events !!!

Fdration Europenne Des Ecoles - European Federation of Schools - Juin 2012 UC B4 Anglais crit - Corrig


GRILLE DE NOTATION - B4 Anglais crit : Essai -

NOM DU CORRECTEUR__________________________________ Prnom du correcteur___________________________________ N de candidat____________ Note attribue Evocation de laugmentation des tragdies /maitrise du vocabulaire des catastrophes naturelles Raison voque ces bouleversements /10 Observations obligatoires


Liens avec les textes : new concerns and new challenges




Respect du nombre de mots et du sujet Risques pris, qualit de lexpression et du vocabulaire utilis, matrise des mots de liaisons et transitions logiques entre les parties, respect des temps (prsent et present perfect), SHOULD TOTAL Apprciation gnrale :




Je soussign(e),____________________, certifie avoir corrig la copie dexamens en suivant le corrig dexamens en ma possession et en respectant la procdure de correction des examens.

Fait _______________________________________ le ____________

Signature :

Fdration Europenne Des Ecoles - European Federation of Schools - Juin 2012 UC B4 Anglais crit - Corrig


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