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6 Try this test: Read the verses below from the Bible and then think back and try to remember the last time you heard a sermon taken from this text. Probably you never have. That is because these verses are among a good number which contradict the beliefs of most modern preachers and churches. Because of this most preachers have never preached on these verses. Probably they have never dealt with them except to try to explain them away, assuring their hearers that they do not mean what they say. Think of it! Modern professing Christians who refuse to believe all that the Bible teaches while claiming to believe that the Bible is Gods Word. So, take the test. Read these verses and decide if you and your preacher and your church really do believe all that the Bible says. Perhaps you will decide that some changes need to be made not in the Bible but in your thinking and understanding. Here are some of the Forbidden Scriptures about salvation that only a few people believe. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church (1 Corinthians 14:34, 35).
These verses show just how far most churches are from the teaching of the New Testament. Nearly all Protestants and many Baptists disobey these plain words. They allow women to speak in their church meetings. Some even ordain women into the ministry. Feminists think this doctrine is against women and rail against it. Some preachers who secretly believe this teaching are afraid of the women in their churches (and perhaps in their own homes) and therefore will not teach what the Bible says. But this teaching is not against women. It does not mean that women are inferior to men. There are many women who are just plain smarter than men. Some are even smarter than their own husbands! Many women are more talented than men, harder working, more creative, more ambitious, more successful, more knowledgeable, etc., and even more spiritually mature. But God has an order which He commands and that is what this passage sets forth. Just as a soldier of lower rank may be superior in all ways to the higher officers under whom he or she serves, and just as an employee may know more than his or her boss, so many women are superior to men. The issue here is not a matter of superiority. It is a matter of Gods order an order He has commanded to be followed in churches.

The apostle also wrote, Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression (1 Tim. 2:11-14). The headship of man over woman in the churches is a matter of order. Adam was created first. Adam bore the responsibility for the first sin. The woman was deceived. Adam sinned willfully. His was the greater sin because of his responsibility before God as Eves head. Preachers may try to explain away Gods order by saying that it was just a cultural matter of those times or was just Pauls opinion. Paul destroyed that idea and all other liberal objections. Just after he wrote that women are to be silent in church meetings, he wrote, If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant (1 Cor. 14:37, 38). So, if you think yourself a prophet (preacher) or consider yourself spiritual, Paul says you are to agree that his words on this matter are the commandments of the Lord. If you believe the Bible, you must agree that it is wrong for women to say anything in church meetings. They are to learn in silence. They are not to teach or usurp authority over the men.

(Usurp is an old word that means to take or hold office or power without legal right. If a woman holds authority in a church over a man, she is a usurper.) Paul finishes by saying, But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. Ignorance is a terrible thing. Especially is it harmful when it is ignorance of Gods Word. The consequences are catastrophic. No wonder Americas families are in ruins and her churches powerless against sin. Gods order is ignored. How can preachers and churches think to please God when they continue knowingly, service after service, to break this commandment of the Lord by allowing women to speak in their meetings? Repent of this disobedience! Obey this commandment of the Lord and Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40).

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