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Two marks, one mark for each correct response: Circuit training series of exercises, 3-5 sets, timed, skill and fitness Fartlek training speed play, bursts of flat out running, jog to recover Interval training exercise/rest adjust FITT to make progress Weight training sets, reps, working against resistance Continuous training steady state training/aerobic Carried out through cycling/running/dancing/walking at various aerobic intensities Flexibility static stretching, limb moved beyond normal range, held for 10 seconds, repeated, timing gradually increased active stretching, limbs moved beyond normal limit, repeated rhythmically, slowly at first, no bouncing passive stretching, use partner to apply beyond normal range, position held for set period of time, gradual reduction in force by partner


Two marks, one mark for each correct response Maintain skill levels Maintain concentration levels Some activities last a long time/event keep going all game/reduce fatigue

Clayesmore School


Three marks. One mark for each correct response. Improves different energy systems/good all-round training/uses aerobic and anaerobic systems/all fibre types/respiratory system. Can improve stamina/CV endurance/ VO2 max/increase tolerance to lactic acid. Can improve recovery time. Can improve speed/agility (through sprinting). Helpful for changes of pace during activity/emulates team games. Hill work/demands can increase muscular strength/muscular endurance/power. Motivating/varied/less tedious.


3 marks for 3 from: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Plyometrics involves bounding/hopping Jumping/indepth jumping When the athlete jumps onto (and off boxes) Muscles have to work concentrically (jumping up) (and) eccentrically (landing) important that the muscles are warmed and stretched before attempting this type of training This type of training is very strenuous on the muscles and joints and a reasonable amount of fitness must be present before this training is attempted

1 mark for (type of activity) (8) This type of training is designed to improve dynamic strength/plyometrics improve the speed with which muscles contract/power/any sport that involves sprinting, throwing and jumping will benefit from this type of training/players of many team sports such as netball or rugby

Clayesmore School


One mark for a correct description of aerobic exercise (points 1-3) and one mark for a correct example of aerobic exercise. Aerobic 1 2 3 4 Aerobic is about cardiovascular endurance/fitness of heart, blood and blood vessels It involves the presence of oxygen Aerobic work involves the ability to exercise for a long time Examples of aerobic activities are: interval training/fartlek training/circuit training/cross training/aerobics/continuous running for over 20 minutes.

One mark for a correct description of anaerobic exercise (points 5-7) and one mark for a correct example of anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic 5 6 7 8 Anaerobic is about ability to work at a high intensity For a short period of time Anaerobic is without oxygen Examples of anaerobic activities are: sprint running/sprint swimming/players in a netball or basketball match who work for up to about 40 seconds.


(i) Circuit training is a circuit of exercises that are completed one after the other, e.g. exercises performed in sets of three/timed/repetition. At the end of the activities the subject re-starts from the beginning and completes the full circuit again. This might happen several times. Rest periods. (ii) Advantages of Circuit Training: References to components of fitness, Every individual undergoes a programme suited to their needs, Persons can follow their own improvement e.g. record time taken for the series of repetitions, They could record the number of repetitions for each activity pre-programme, Progress can be recorded, This type of programme can be self-motivating, The programme can be changed to prevent boredom, Works different muscle groups.


Clayesmore School


One mark in total for answers related to assessment Exemplar Height; Weight (body type); Age; Past sporting history; Resting heart rate; Current medical history; Check facilities. One mark for a correct response related to: Identification of specific fitness components Strength; Stamina; Flexibility; Speed. (In relation to the chosen activity) In order to gain 4 marks, candidate needs to identify each component of fitness and say how it is applied to a specific activity. Strength, stamina, flexibility and speed without an explanation = 1 mark. Mention of 3 factors out of 4 = 1 mark. Four marks, one mark for each correct response related to: Progression , e.g. Increase number of shuttles etc there should be evidence of progression through the six weeks. Increase in repetitions/weights lifted/improved time FITT principles with application. Two marks, one for each correct response related to skill related fitness: Exemplar Candidates specifically relate training drills such as dribbling a basketball 10 meters at speed to the activity (1) dribbling in and out of cones brings in dodging again important to the real thing (1); Goal setting with examples Variety of activities. One mark for a response related to the need to have a sport/activity specific related programme, with examples One mark for candidates who refer to the need to develop different body parts as related to the chosen game/activity, e.g. standing broad, jump improves leg power appropriate to jumping

Clayesmore School

For candidates who refer to the importance of warm up and cool down One mark for each Test, re-test.

Clayesmore School

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