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Advancing Negotiation Skills Part 2

The Scotwork ANS Part 2 course is designed to continue participants development and deployment of negotiation skills learnt from the Advancing Negotiation Skills course. ANS Part 2 was developed in response to the 68% of participants who wanted more skills development from Scotwork.
Building on success
A typical participant takes a number of skills or techniques from the Advancing Negotiation Skills course, which they apply consistently in their negotiations, generating significant financial results. Part 2 seeks to double the number of key skills and techniques used and so double the benefit. The outcome for you: Multiplying the return on your investment from the Advancing Negotiation Skills course by re-activating and multiplying your negotiation skills Refining, improving and increasing significantly the number of key negotiation skills used on a daily basis Helping continue to develop a negotiating culture within your business Your consultant will discuss the course length, but it will be a minimum of two full days with the option of having a fully customised third day.

Refresh Challenge Practice Learn

This 2 day course allows you to: Embed the skills you learned Manage the 8-Step Approach Test recall of the negotiating process Negotiate new cases handling different types of conflict Improve negotiating observation and analysis techniques Develop recognition of value creation opportunities Set personal and transactional goals Build confidence levels

The method
We remember what we practise; this workshop gives over 11 hours of live negotiating practice and analysis. We remember what we experience; the ANS Part 2 course uses a variety of original exercises to give texture to the learning process. We remember what we see; the course uses strong visual images to improve recall and application of skills. We remember what we do; new case play materials reflect many of the common business challenges and will allow participants to draw direct conclusions to apply at work. The 5 new negotiating case plays allow the participants to explore the different dynamics of these original negotiating scenarios. We remember what we discuss; one-to-one discussion with the course leaders reviewing participants Awareness profile; existing use of the skills; personal negotiating challenges; and Skills and Actions plans. We remember what we find useful; restructured objective form, negotiating feedback form, negotiating results log and tactical advice notes. These all provide practical tools for participants to use in the workplace.

A typical Scotwork timetable is:

Evening Day 1 Day 2 6:45pm to 10:00pm 8:30am to 7:00pm 8:30am to 5:30pm

Like the Advancing course that participants have already completed, the timetable is intensive, challenging, practical and an enjoyable two days.

Open (Public) Courses

Open Courses take place in various locations throughout the UK. There are 12 places on each course, with participants from a wide range of industries, job functions and seniority levels to reflect real world negotiations. To maintain balance, a maximum of three participants from any one company will be registered per open course. Visit www.scotwork.com for upcoming dates.

One-Company Courses
The programme is delivered by two Scotwork consultants for up to 12 participants. Contact us to discuss your organisations needs and see if this is the right option for your team.

Please contact us to find out more Call 0141 357 3989 Email info@scotwork.com

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