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Contents: Introduction Four Hemispheres of the Circle Four Quadrants of the Circle Chart Patterns
The position of the planets within the circle of the horoscope can be very telling of a persons personality. The hemispheres of the four compass points, and the four quadrants, channel a persons energy in a specific direction. A quick analysis of chart patterns and areas of the horoscope circle can give insight to a person's personality type. The horoscope circle may be divided into four hemispheres and four quadrants. The hemispheres are eastern, western, northern and southern. A persons quality of interaction with the world may be surmised when a majority of the planets fall within one of the hemispheres. Below are the four hemispheres.

Four Hemispheres of the Circle The eastern hemisphere, the left half of the circle, is typified by an awareness of self, and ones impact on the world. The keyword for people who have many planets in this hemisphere is that they mold situations. Their environment is acted upon by them, and carries their mark. The western hemisphere, the right half of the circle, is typified by an awareness of others, and the impact of the world on a person. The keyword for people who have many planets in this hemisphere is that they are molded by situations. They become a product of the environment, as the environments mark is left on them. The southern hemisphere, the top half of the circle, is typified by outward consciousness. People with many planets in this hemisphere are driven toward career and public life. There is much involvement with the community and the world at large. Recognition of their efforts is important, as it feeds the validation of their consciousness. The northern hemisphere, the bottom half of the circle, emphasizes family and self. This hemisphere is typified by subjective consciousness. Goals are oriented to personal pursuits and pleasures. Achievement in life is done so with an eye toward inner goals. The self is held to be of importance over the collective. The Four Quadrants

1st: The first quadrant, consisting of Houses One, Two and Three, is typified by emergence of the self individual and subjective awareness of self. Many planets in this quadrant makes for a person who is a strong individual, self assertive and self-motivated. 2nd: The second quadrant, consisting of Houses Four, Five and Six, is typified by differentiation and growth of the personal and subjective awareness of the others. An emphasis on this quarter creates a person who is relationship oriented, needing companionship to feel satisfied with life. This can result in an instinct for successfully working with other people. 3rd: The third quarter, consisting of Houses Seven, Eight and Nine, is typified by creative release, awareness of others, and objective awareness of others. People with many planets in this quarter work outwardly with much ambition. The cooperation of others is need for their pursuits. This combination makes for a person who is adaptable, cooperative when it suits them, and diplomatic. 4th: The fourth quarter, consisting of Houses Ten, Eleven, and Twelve, is typified by social interaction, political power, spiritual identity, and objective awareness of self. People with many planets in this quarter are the most independent and ambitious. They can make their own way without support from other people. The keywords for this quarter are uniqueness and selfsufficiency. Chart Patterns
There are seven widely recognized chart patterns. A chart pattern is a categorization of the distribution of planets in the horoscope circle. This method was devised by the well-known American astrologer Marc Edmund Jones in his book "The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation". Jones formulated seven distinct personality type based entirely on the pattern that the planets form in a persons chart.

The Splash: This chart type has the planets scattered all over the twelve sections. A person with this chart would have many interests in life, and may be capable at many things. The problem with the Splash type is the diffusion of energies in multiple areas. The Splay: The Splay is similar to the Splash. The difference is that there is at least one stellium in the chart. A stellium is a grouping of three or more planets in a sign. A person with a Splay chart is an individual, not bending to others rules. Tastes and interests will be varied and unusual. The life will be run on their rules, not others.

The Bundle: The Bundle chart features planets closely grouped in a few, consecutive signs. The person with this chart will be very proficient at specific tasks. Work and interests will be very focused.

The Locomotive: The planets range over a large number of consecutive signs. The locomotive planet is the one that leads the others in a clockwise position. This planet is often dominant. Its placement shows the area of a persons life that is also strong. People with Locomotive charts typically attack problems head-on. The Bowl: The Bowl is seen when all ten planets fall into six consecutive signs. A Bowl type of person is thoughtful and self-contained, given to learning from experiences. The type of personality depends on the position of the Bowl. If the Bowl is fully contained in one of the four halves, the person will have a forceful personality. The Bucket: The bucket chart features eight or nine planets filling one-half of the horoscope circle. The remaining planet or two, if there is a conjunction, is on the opposite half of the circle. The tenth planet forms the handle of the Bucket and is named the Singleton. Bucket people are driven towards their goals, with much energy used in a given direction. The Singleton planet can indicate the goal or direction that a Bucket type pursues. The See-Saw: The See-Saw chart features a number of planets on opposite sides of the horoscope circle. The two groups of planets must be in consecutive signs, with at least two empty signs on either side of the See-Saw. A person with a See-Saw chart can take into account two sides of a question. They weigh viewpoints when making decisions.

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