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> ABO an aborigine (an original inhabitant) -- an offensive term [n -S] > FARTED <fart=v> [v] > ABOS

<abo=n> [n] > FARTING <fart=v> [v] > ARSE the buttocks -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] > FARTS <fart=v> [v] > ARSES <arse=n> [n] > FATSO a fat person -- an offensive term [n -SOES or -SOS] > ASSHOLE a stupid, incompetent, or detestable person -- an offensive term [n -S] > FATSOES <fatso=n> [n] > ASSHOLES <asshole=n> [n] > FATSOS <fatso=n> [n] > BADASS ready to cause or get into trouble -- an offensive term [adj] / a person who > FEMINAZI a woman who has an irrational and extreme hatred of men -- a is badass -- an offensive term [n -ES] derogatory term [n -S] > BADASSED {badass=adj} [adj] > FEMINAZIS <feminazi=n> [n] > BADASSES <badass=n> [n] > FUBAR disastrous -- usually taken to be offensive [adj] > BALLSIER <ballsy=adj> [adj] > FUCK to copulate -- usually considered obscene [v -ED, -ING, -S] > BALLSIEST <ballsy=adj> [adj] > FUCKED <fuck=v> [v] > BALLSY aggressively tough -- an offensive term [adj BALLSIER, BALLSIEST] > FUCKER one that fucks -- an offensive term [n -S] > BAZOOMS a woman's breasts -- an offensive term [n] > FUCKERS <fucker=n> [n] > BLOWJOB the act or an instance of fellatio -- an offensive term [n -S] > FUCKING <fuck=v> [v] > BLOWJOBS <blowjob=n> [n] > FUCKOFF one who spends time idly -- an offensive term [n -S] > BOCHE a German -- a derogatory term [n -S] > FUCKOFFS <fuckoff=n> [n] > BOCHES <boche=n> [n] > FUCKS <fuck=v> [v] > BOFF to have sexual intercourse with -- sometimes considered vulgar [v -ED, -ING,> FUCKUP a blunder -- an offensive term [n -S] -S] > FUCKUPS <fuckup=n> [n] > BOFFED <boff=v> [v] > GADJE <gadjo=n> [n] > BOFFING <boff=v> [v] > GADJO a non-Gypsy person -- an offensive term [n GADJE] > BOFFO a boff [n -FOS] > GAZOO {wazoo=n} [n -S] > BOFFOLA a boff [n -S] > GAZOOS <gazoo=n> [n] > BOFFS <boff=v> [v] > GINZO an Italian -- an offensive term [n -ES] > BOHUNK an unskilled laborer -- an offensive term [n -S] > GINZOES <ginzo=n> [n] > BOHUNKS <bohunk=n> [n] > GODDAM {goddamn=v} [v -DAMMED, -DAMMING, -DAMS] > BOINK to have sexual intercourse with -- usually taken to be offensive [v -ED, > GODDAMMED <goddam=v> [v] -ING, -S] > GODDAMMING <goddam=v> [v] > BOINKED <boink=v> [v] > GODDAMN to {damn=v} [v -ED, -ING, -S] > BOINKING <boink=v> [v] > GODDAMNDEST <goddamned=adj> [adj] > BOINKS <boink=v> [v] > GODDAMNED [adj -DAMNEDEST, -DAMNDEST] > BOOBIE a breast -- an offensive term [n -S] > GODDAMNEDEST <goddamned=adj> [adj] > BOODIES <boody=n> [n] > GODDAMNING <goddamn=v> [v] > BOODY the buttocks -- usually considered vulgar [n -DIES] > GODDAMNS <goddamn=v> [v] > BUBBA a white working-class man of the southern United States -- an offensive > GODDAMS <goddam=v> [v] term [n -S] > GOY a non-Jewish person -- an offensive term [n GOYS or GOYIM] : GOYISH [adj] > BUBBAS <bubba=n> [n] > GOYIM <goy=n> [n] > BUBBIES <bubby=n> [n] > GOYISH <goy=n> [adj] > BUBBY a breast -- often considered vulgar [n BUBBIES] > GOYS <goy=n> [n] > BUCKRA a white man -- often used disparagingly [n -S] > GRINGA a foreign woman in Latin America -- a derogatory term [n -S] > BUCKRAS <buckra=n> [n] > GRINGAS <gringa=n> [n] > BULLDYKE an aggressively masculine lesbian -- a derogatory term [n -S] > GRINGO a foreigner in Latin America -- a derogatory term [n -S] > BULLDYKES <bulldyke=n> [n] > GRINGOS <gringo=n> [n] > BULLSHAT <bullshit=v> [v] > HAOLE someone who is not a native Hawaiian -- an offensive term [n -S] > BULLSHIT to talk foolishly, boastfully, or idly -- usually considered vulgar [v > HAOLES <haole=n> [n] -SHITTED or -SHAT, -SHITTING, -SHITS] > HARDASS a person who strictly enforces rules and regulations -- usually > BULLSHITS <bullshit=v> [v] considered vulgar [n -ES] > BULLSHITTED <bullshit=v> [v] > HARDASSES <hardass=n> [n] > BULLSHITTING <bullshit=v> [v] > HEBE a Jew -- an offensive term [n -S] > CHICKENSHIT [n -S] > HEBES <hebe=n> [n] > CHICKENSHITS <chickenshit=n> [n] > HO a prostitute -- usually taken to be offensive [n HOS] > COCKSUCKER [n -S] > HONKEY {honkie=n} [n -S] > COCKSUCKERS <cocksucker=n> [n] > HONKEYS <honkey=n> [n] > COJONES testicles -- usually considered vulgar [n] > HONKIE a white man -- a derogatory term [n -S] > COLORED a nonwhite person -- an offensive term [n -S] > HONKIES <honkie=n> [n] > COLOREDS <colored=n> [n] > HONKY {honkie=n} [n -KIES] > COMSYMP a person sympathetic to Communist causes -- an offensive term [n -S] > HORSESHIT [n -S] > COMSYMPS <comsymp=n> [n] > HORSESHITS <horseshit=n> [n] > CRAPPER a toilet -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] > HOS <ho=n> [n] > CRAPPERS <crapper=n> [n] > HUNKEY {hunky=n} [n -S] > CUNT the female pudendum -- usually considered obscene [n -S] > HUNKEYS <hunkey=n> [n] > CUNTS <cunt=n> [n] > HUNKIE {hunky=n} [n -S] > DAGO an Italian or Spaniard -- a derogatory term [n -ES or -S] > HUNKIES <hunky=n> [n] > DAGOES <dago=n> [n] > HUNKY muscular and attractive [adj HUNKIER, HUNKIEST] / an unskilled laborer > DAGOS <dago=n> [n] -- an offensive term [n -KIES] > DARKEY {darky=n} [n -EYS] > JESUIT a scheming person -- usually used disparagingly [n -S] : JESUITIC [adj] > DARKEYS <darkey=n> [n] > JESUITIC <jesuit=n> [adj] > DARKIE {darky=n} [n -S] > JESUITICAL [adj] > DARKIES <darkie=n> [n] > JESUITICALLY [adv] > DARKY a black person -- a derogatory term [n DARKIES] > JESUITISM [n -S] > DICK to waste time -- an offensive term [v -ED, -ING, -S] > JESUITISMS <jesuitism=n> [n] > DICKED <dick=v> [v] > JESUITRIES <jesuitry=n> [n] > DICKHEAD an inept, foolish, or contemptible person -- usually considered vulgar [n > JESUITRY an unethical principle or practice -- usually used disparagingly [n -RIES] -S] > JESUITS <jesuit=n> [n] > DICKHEADS <dickhead=n> [n] > JEW to bargain with -- usually taken to be offensive [v -ED, -ING, -S] > DICKING <dick=v> [v] > JEWED <jew=v> [v] > DICKS <dick=v> [v] > JEWING <jew=v> [v] > DIKEY resembling a lesbian in nature or appearance -- an offensive term [adj] > JEWS <jew=v> [v] > DIPSHIT a foolish or contemptible person -- an offensive term [n -S] > JIGABOO a black person -- often taken to be offensive [n -S] > DIPSHITS <dipshit=n> [n] > JIGABOOS <jigaboo=n> [n] > DYKEY {dikey=adj} [adj] > JISM semen -- an offensive term [n -S] > FAGGIER <faggy=adj> [adj] > JISMS <jism=n> [n] > FAGGIEST <faggy=adj> [adj] > JOHNSON the penis -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] > FAGGOTRIES <faggotry=n> [n] > JOHNSONS <johnson=n> [n] > FAGGOTRY homosexuality -- an offensive term [n -RIES] > KANAKA a native Hawaiian -- a derogatory term [n -S] > FAGGOTY effeminate or homosexual in an overt way -- an offensive term [adj] > KANAKAS <kanaka=n> [n] > FAGGY effeminate -- an offensive term [adj FAGGIER, FAGGIEST] > KIKE a Jew -- usually taken to be offensive [n -S] > FART to expel gas through the anus -- usually considered vulgar [v -ED, -ING, -S] > KIKES <kike=n> [n]

> LES {lez=n} [n LESES] > LESBO a lesbian -- an offensive term [n -S] > LESBOS <lesbo=n> [n] > LESES <les=n> [n] > LEZ a lesbian -- an offensive term [n LEZZES] > LEZZES <lez=n> [n] > LEZZIE {lezzy=n} [n -S] > LEZZIES <lezzy=n> [n] > LEZZY a lesbian -- an offensive term [n -ZIES] > LIBBER one that supports a liberation movement -- an offensive term [n -S] > LIBBERS <libber=n> [n] > MERDE shit -- an offensive term [n -S] > MERDES <merde=n> [n] > MICK an Irishman -- an offensive term [n -S] > MICKS <mick=n> [n] > MOTHERFUCKER [n -S] > MOTHERFUCKERS <motherfucker=n> [n] > MOTHERFUCKING [adj] > NANCE an effeminate male -- an offensive term [n -S] > NANCES <nance=n> [n] > NANCIES <nancy=n> [n] > NANCY an effeminate male -- an offensive term [n NANCIES] > NIGGER a black person -- an offensive term [n -S] > NIGGERS <nigger=n> [n] > NITCHIE an American Indian -- an offensive term [n -S] > NITCHIES <nitchie=n> [n] > NONPAPIST [n -S] > NONPAPISTS <nonpapist=n> [n] > NOOKIE {nooky=n} [n -S] > NOOKIES <nooky=n> [n] > NOOKY sexual intercourse -- usually considered vulgar [n NOOKIES] > OFAY a white person -- usually taken to be offensive [n -S] > OFAYS <ofay=n> [n] > PAPISM the Roman Catholic religion -- a derogatory term [n -S] > PAPISMS <papism=n> [n] > PAPIST a Roman Catholic -- usually used disparagingly [n -S] : PAPISTIC [adj] > PAPISTIC <papist=n> [adj] > PAPISTRIES <papistry=n> [n] > PAPISTRY the Roman Catholic religion -- usually used disparagingly [n -RIES] > PAPISTS <papist=n> [n] > PEE to urinate -- sometimes considered vulgar [v PEED, PEEING, PEES] > PEED <pee=v> [v] > PEEING <pee=v> [v] > PEES <pee=v> [v] > PISS to urinate -- sometimes considered vulgar [v -ED, -ING, -ES] > PISSANT a type of {ant=n} [n -S] > PISSANTS <pissant=n> [n] > PISSED <piss=v> [v] > PISSER something extremely disagreeable -- an offensive term [n -S] > PISSERS <pisser=n> [n] > PISSES <piss=v> [v] > PISSING <piss=v> [v] > POM an English immigrant to Australia or New Zealand -- an offensive term [n -S] > POMMIE {pommy=n} [n -S] > POMMIES <pommy=n> [n] > POMMY an English immigrant to Australia or New Zealand -- an offensive term [n POMMIES] > POMS <pom=n> [n] > POO to defecate -- usually considered vulgar [v -ED, -ING, -S] > POOED <poo=v> [v] > POOF a male homosexual -- an offensive term [n -S] : POOFY [adj] > POOFS <poof=n> [n] > POOFTAH a poof -- an offensive term [n -S] > POOFTAHS <pooftah=n> [n] > POOFTER a poof -- an offensive term [n -S] > POOFTERS <poofter=n> [n] > POOFY <poof=n> [adj] > POOING <poo=v> [v] > POONTANG sexual intercourse with a woman -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] > POONTANGS <poontang=n> [n] > POOS <poo=v> [v] > POOVE {poof=n} [n -S] > POOVES <poove=n> [n] > POPERIES <popery=n> [n] > POPERY Roman Catholicism -- usually used disparagingly [n -ERIES] > POPISH pertaining to the Roman Catholic church -- usually used disparagingly [adj] : POPISHLY [adv] > POPISHLY <popish=adj> [adv] > REDNECK a white, rural laborer of the southern United States -- an offensive term [n -S] > REDNECKS <redneck=n> [n] > REDSKIN a North American Indian -- an offensive term [n -S] > REDSKINS <redskin=n> [n] > SCHVARTZE [n -S] > SCHVARTZES <schvartze=n> [n] > SCHWARTZE [n -S] > SCHWARTZES <schwartze=n> [n] > SHAT <shit=v> [v] > SHEENEY {sheenie=n} [n -NEYS]

> SHEENEYS <sheeney=n> [n] > SHEENIE a Jew -- an offensive term [n -S] > SHEENIES <sheenie=n> [n] > SHEGETZ a non-Jewish boy or young man -- an offensive term [n SHKOTZIM] > SHICKSA {shiksa=n} [n -S] > SHICKSAS <shicksa=n> [n] > SHIKSA a non-Jewish girl or young woman -- an offensive term [n -S] > SHIKSAS <shiksa=n> [n] > SHIKSE {shiksa=n} [n SHIKSES] > SHIKSEH {shiksa=n} [n -S] > SHIKSEHS <shikseh=n> [n] > SHIKSES <shikse=n> [n] > SHIT to defecate -- usually considered vulgar [v SHITTED or SHAT, SHITTING, SHITS] > SHITFACED [adj] > SHITHEAD an inept, foolish, or contemptible person -- an offensive term [n -S] > SHITHEADS <shithead=n> [n] > SHITLESS extremely frightened -- usually considered vulgar [adj] > SHITLIST a number of persons who are strongly disapproved of -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] > SHITLISTS <shitlist=n> [n] > SHITLOAD a large amount -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] > SHITLOADS <shitload=n> [n] > SHITS <shit=v> [v] > SHITTED <shit=v> [v] > SHITTIER <shitty=adj> [adj] > SHITTIEST <shitty=adj> [adj] > SHITTING <shit=v> [v] > SHITTY resembling shit -- an offensive term [adj SHITTIER, SHITTIEST] > SHKOTZIM <shegetz=n> [n] > SHVARTZE a black person -- a derogatory term [n -S] > SHVARTZES <shvartze=n> [n] > SKIMO an Eskimo -- an offensive term [n -MOS] > SKIMOS <skimo=n> [n] > SPAZ a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person -- a derogatory term [n SPAZZES] > SPAZZ {spaz=n} [n -ES] > SPAZZES <spazz=n> [n] > SPIC a Spanish-American person -- an offensive term [n -S] > SPICK {spic=n} [n -S] > SPICKS <spick=n> [n] > SPICS <spic=n> [n] > SPIK {spic=n} [n -S] > SPIKS <spik=n> [n] > SQUAW a American Indian woman -- an offensive term [n -S] > SQUAWS <squaw=n> [n] > STIFFIE an erection of the penis -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] > STIFFIES <stiffie=n> [n] > TOM to be a black person eager to win the approval of white people -- an offensive term [v TOMMED, TOMMING, TOMS] > TOMMED <tom=v> [v] > TOMMING <tom=v> [v] > TOMS <tom=v> [v] > TURD a piece of dung -- an offensive term [n -S] > TURDS <turd=n> [n] > TWAT the vulva -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] > TWATS <twat=n> [n] > UNCOLORED <color=v> [adj] > WANK to masturbate -- an offensive term [v -ED, -ING, -S] > WANKED <wank=v> [v] > WANKER one that {wanks=v} [n -S] > WANKERS <wanker=n> [n] > WANKING <wank=v> [v] > WANKS <wank=v> [v] > WAZOO the anus -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] > WAZOOS <wazoo=n> [n] > WETBACK a Mexican who enters the United States illegally -- an offensive term [n -S] > WETBACKS <wetback=n> [n] > WHITEY a white man -- an offensive term [n -EYS] > WHITEYS <whitey=n> [n] > WHITIES <whity=n> [n] > WHITY {whitish=adj} [adj WHITIER, WHITIEST] / {whitey=n} [n WHITIES] > WILLIE the penis -- usually considered vulgar [n -S] > WILLIES <willie=n> [n] > WOG a person of color, especially a person from northern Africa or western or southern Asia -- an offensive term [n -S] > WOGGISH resembling a {wog=n} [adj] > WOGS <wog=n> [n] > WOP an Italian -- an offensive term [n -S] > WOPS <wop=n> [n] > YID a Jew -- an offensive term [n -S] > YIDS <yid=n> [n]

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