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dar al-hijrah times


by Abdikadir M. Ibrahim
made up of combination of three mol-
ecules, one oxygen atom and two hydro-
gen atoms (H2O). However, the surface
of the earth is about 75% water, only 1%
is drinkable water, 97% is salt seawater
abdikadir @ daralhijrah.com and 2% is frozen water in ice caps.
page 5A
Benefits and Facts
Definition & introduction
Water is the cornerstone of life; it is
an essential base of our daily life. All

W ater has five properties. It is

universal, meaning almost everything
living beings’ life depends on water.
No body can count all the benefits that
living beings acquire from water. Water
dissolves in water. It has less dense as is what makes human body to maintain
a solid...ice floats. For example, lakes health; it controls bodily heats, assists to
freeze from the top than down, the excrete toxic substances through perspi-
temperature inside the water is much ration and urination. More quality water
warmer than the outside temperature. It we drink is more healthier that our body
has a high specific heat; it takes energy would be. It is water that keeps our mus-
to change the temperature of the water cles to maintain stronger, without drink-
because it absorbs and releases energy ing enough water our bones, muscles,
very slowly. For instance, our body’s and also our whole body system gets
temperature is constant, whether it is weaker. Besides, we would lose weight
very cold in the winter or very hot in the without drinking stable amount of water,
summer. It constantly stays the same; for which could lead us into Chronic Cel-
example, 98.8 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 lular Dehydration that could cause our
degrees Celsius, there will be no chang- body to be weakened and to be suscep-
es at all. It has a high tensile strength; tible to be affected. For that reason, our
it is very hard molecule, for its particles immune system would be paralyzed
stick together very tightly. For example, and suppressed; thus, our health would
if a person lands on water facing his or be in danger. We inhale and/or exhale
her stomach down, he or she does not water by means of oxygen from the air,
sink, but rather they would stay on the which 75% of its surface is water. In ad-
surface. It also has a high heat of evapo- dition, all the chemical reactions in our
ration; an example of it is when people body occur in water as a result of that
run, they heat up, and their body would we exhale carbon dioxide. Plus more
react by sweating, then this water of than portion of our body is water. As
sweating cools them down. Water is mentioned in the Qur’an, the Muslim

Final Love
by Fartun Ahmed 'Qodow’
The Art of Giving
fahmed @ daralhijrah.com & Today’s Result
page 6A-7A now are taking serious measures in
being involved with the community
by Mohamed Samatar themselves because of the recent
msamatar @ daralhijrah.com rumors of some Mosques were
page 3A master mind the recruitment. With
the lack of education and any evi-
dence, most Somali parents are lis-
tening to the only source, the media.

T But the flip side to this story is how

he sovereign of service once Somali parents are over reacting and
said “The best way to find yourself is to lose overprotecting.
yourself in the service of others.” - Mahat-
ma Gandhi Scrutiny in our community:
Sometimes I think the best job in The Merriam-Webster dictionary
the world besides being everything, defines scrutiny as a close observa-
[Married couple] is giving back to the community and tion and surveillance. Since the story
Introduction many energetic, smart, youth today broke out in late December last year,
and use their minds to differentiate are taking advantage of the service almost all media reporters are knock-

A prominent English writer

Aldous Huxley once stated “There’s
between right and wrong instead of
co-siding with others to execute it for
you. The essence individuality stands
needed in their communities and ing on the doors of Mosques, homes,
giving back. The past six months, and even some other places such as
an incident has occurred in the Twin college campuses attempting to find
only one corner of the universe you can be on is; the choice to make your own Cities concerning Somali young men some information of the disappear-
certain of improving, and that’s your own standards while ignoring what others went back to their homeland to fight ances of the boys. However, many
self.” Believe it or not the slogan of perceive to be correct or in their con- along with Islamic Militia. Everyone be appalled to hear the greater scru-
“me, myself, and I” is more impor- formity level. has heard this story, so I will not go tiny is coming from the Somalis in
tant then most people believe it to into detail. However, what is hard to the community. For example a youth
be. Love Before Marriage believe is the one who have to suffer who travels to a local mall to hand
When most people think about in- A famous philosopher once quoted for this horrible act are the Somali out flyers for an upcoming event at
dividuality they unite it to thinking “Love never dies a natural death. It dies youth next door who are the back- a Mosque might hear comments like
outside the box and being a creative because we don’t know how to replenish its bone of the Somali community. “Have not you heard, stop what you are
person, the core of individuality is not source. It dies of blindness and errors and doing and run home” or in another inci-
about any of those aspects but to the betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it The Awakening in the Somali Com- dent a shop owner might ask “Where
deeper understanding of dedication dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnish- munity: is this from?” and not even accept the
to careful thought and consideration. ing.” Love is the strongest affection Many families have now just arose flyer afterwards. If the adults and
Islam preserves mankind to think from lack of caring of their kids and elders are doing an absurd actions

Fadliga iyo Mucjisada Life Making 101 Poem: Mother Change! Faa’iidooyinka Axaadiista
4A Qur’aanka 4A 5A 8A 8A Nabiga (scw)
Dar Al-Hijrah Letter from the
A Bilingual Press of Religion, Culture,
Community, Education, Health, & Opinion
fahmed @ daralhijrah.com aibrahim @ daralhijrah.com

AIDROUS ALI KAAMIL HAIDER In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
aali @ daralhijrah.com khaider @ daralhijrah.com
All praises and thanks are due to Allah, the Exlated, for guiding us to the path of
SECRETARY: MULTIMEDIA: Islam. Many thanks also go to the writers, editors, founders, designers, organizers,
MOHAMED SAMATAR AIDROUS ALI and sponsors of Dar Al-Hijrah Times.
jsamatar @ daralhijrah.com aali @ daralhijrah.com In this issue of Dar Al-Hijrah Times, we chose water as our theme. With only 3%
fresh water in supply and 77% frozen, the National Geographic predicts that of the
TREASURER: SPONSORED BY 23% freshwater, only half a percent is available to nourish every person, animal
MARYAN YUSUF DAR AL-HIJRAH and plant on the earth to survive. However, 60% of a human being’s body walk-
myusuf @ daralhijrah.com ISLAMIC ing on this earth is made of water. With advent technology, people have found this
CIVIC CENTER very recent, compared to the Quranic revealtions and prophetic hadiths (traditions)
SSU MAIN BRANCH 14 century ago that revelead human beings were in fact made of water. Allowing
504 CEDAR AVE SUITE # 2 SUPERVISED BY to perform important functions in our bodies such as transporting our nutrients and
MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55454 DAR AL-HIJRAH YOUTH COUNCIL blood, water is essential to our living.
612.227.8374 / 612.481.4423 (DYC) But the most amazing aspect of water, aside of its complexity, is its availability
sj @ daralhijrah.com dyc @ daralhijrah.com to the world’s population; approximately 1 billion people do not have access to
clean water. What this means is that majority of people do have accessibility to
clean water. If you are reading this issue, it is more than likely that you are on
good hand of being to drink clean water at this moment or, better yet, buy a sealed
bottle of water, equivalent in price with a bus faire ticket. The Prophet (pbuh) said
©2009 | All rights reserved that“No one can refuse surplus water without sinning against Allah and against man.”
And amongst those Allah will ignore on the Ressurection Day is “the man who,
The Dar Al-Hijrah Times is published every month throughout having water in excess of his needs, refuses it to a traveler...” (Hadiths).
the year and edited and produced by Salahudin Student Union, We ask ourselves to be cautious of water, despite its abundance we might be
a young aspiring students from elementary to college levels. The actually put to charge by Allah for not allowing to be free for all. For sure, “Then,
newspaper discusses current issues within the religion, culture, on that Day, you shall be asked about the delight (you indulged in, in this world)!” (Quran
community, health, education, and opinions. The publication does 102:8)). Lets be thankfull for Allah for providing it to us, and let us be careful as
not necessarily represent the views of advertisers or personal writ- to how we handle our waters.
ers outside of the DTimes or Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Civic Center- Till our next issue, we leave you with peace from Dar Al-Hijrah Times to wher-
staff. Any pictorial or cartoon usage are solely for the purpose of ever you may find yourself.
conveying the message of the article presented. DTimes prohibits
all aspects of denigration involving, but not limited, race, religion,
gender, age, or culture. Editor in Chief

Letter of Policy
Dar Al-Hijrah Times encourages its readers to voice out their
opinions on issues related and mentioned in the publication(s).
Letters submitted to DTimes can be either typed or handwrit-
ten, making your hand writing legible, within the range of
300 words, signed, and included all the necessary documents
with the letter. Letters can be sent to the following address:
Dar Al-Hijrah Times, 504 Cedar Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454.

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lowings are the statistics of the publication:
Circulation: 2,000
Readers: 3,000
# of Pages: 8
Frequency: Monthly
Distributor: Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Civic Center
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3A Vol. 2 No. 3 | March 2009 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1430

Closer Look At
The Art of Giving & Today’s Result: continued from page 1A

and can not even lift our community out from this scrutiny and adding more

Dar Al-Hijrah’s Programs

observation then needed, how will we ever be out from this scrutiny. I be-
lieve it caused many youths to rethink about what they are doing. In this
generation youth are here to help and build the community with knowledge
both in Islam and other academics, but the community, elders including
parents are giving back in a dreadful form. [PROGRAMS] To seek knowledge is a sacred responsibility and binding
action upon every Muslim, female or male. Being part of a Muslim community
Volunteerism: that resides within a non-Muslim nation, a great responsibility rests upon every
Youth volunteers are the heart of any community. It is because of them Muslim's shoulders to understand and convey the religion of Islam in the noblest
that communities are able to organize organizations, social services, confer- way that has been taught and preached by our great teacher prophet Muhammad
ences, playgroups, health services, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, (pbuh).
open libraries, run schools, teach our kids and the list goes on. Paid employ- Therefore, Masjid Dar Al-Hijrah has established programs on Friday, Satur-
ees only make up a small part of the social services network; without volun- days, and Sundays. These weekly programs focus on people from any educational
teers such accomplishments would not come to a standstill. Dawah, the call level including students, the principle that guide fellow Muslims in their daily
of people to the right path of Islam, is understood in many approaches, and lives and the essence of Islam. The programs include:
many Muslims are taking the advantage and teaching people about Islam
and its values. Salahudin Islamic School is one of the Dar Al-Hijrah‘s Islamic schools that
Thus, I conclude that the Muslim community is going through difficult currently service students of all ages. Its curriculum includes memorization
times; nevertheless, we should keep our heads up high and strong and know of the holy Qur’an, Islamic Beliefs (Aqeedah), reading and writing Arabic,
that Allah (swt) said in the Qur’an, “Verily, with every difficulty there is relief, with Islamic manners (Tarbiyah), Islamic history (Seerah), prophet’s way of life
every difficulty there is relief.” (94:5-6). May peace and blessing be upon you (Hadith), jurisprudence (Fiq), and remembrance of Allah (Thikr). It is has
been serving the Muslim community in Minnesota for a number of years. It
........................................................................................................................ has passed through different level of situations that has encouraged its staffs,
students, parents, teachers to double their efforts to promote for the wellbeing
Upcoming Events of the societies. Now, Salahudin School reached a level which its students es-
tablished to form a Salahudin Student Union. To enroll please contact us (612)

A Look Back & 227-8374/(612) 298-3021 or info@daralhijrah.com

Dar Al-Hijrah Youth Council (DYC) shall welcome any Muslim youth in

Moving Forward the state of Minnesota to enhance their religion and culture, expand their educa-
tional level, strengthen between families and youth ties, and establish non-vio-
lent methods for peace, institute integrity, and work for better future. To work
Saturday March 28, 2009 | 9:00am - 12:00pm with or become a member, please contact us 612-644-3864 (612) 481-4423 or
Salahudin Islamic School ( at Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center)
........................................................................................................................ Salahudin Student Union (SSU) is a student organization that helps youth
get more involved in Islamic activities and to get Muslim youths involved in

Open House at the community and keep their Islamic values. SSU is a branch of Dar Al-Hijrah
Youth Council that deals with younger students. It works closely with students
in elementary and middle school, operates a bi-yearly journal, holds Islamic

Dar Al-Hijrah events, workshops, and producing documentaries regarding issues in our
society. To work with or become a member, please contact us (612) 226-0134
Saturday April 2nd & 16th, 2009 | 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center Salahudin Journal is published by Salahudin Student Union; a group of
........................................................................................................................ youths from Salahudin Weekend Islamic School. It is produced bi-yearly, and
this is part of the community that promotes education and knowledge. Every

To Love or Not To Love? issue discusses current affairs in the community, Islamic, health, science,
education, literature, entertainment, and many more. To become a columnist
(Somali/English) or subscribe, please e-mail us sj@daralhijrah.com

That is the Question Dar Al-Hijrah Times is a newspaper that is published monthly by SSU of-
ficials and members of Dar Al-Hijrah. The newspaper discusses current news
both in the world and community at large.
A Youth Event
Karmel-AlHikmah Islamic School (KAHIS) is a private Islamic school
Friday April 3, 2009 | 4:00pm - 8:00pm based in South Minneapolis, offering high quality academic and Islamic in-
struction. It is an elementary school for children 3 to 5 years of age. The school
Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center intends to grow by adding a grade each year insha’Allah. To enroll please
contact us (612) 227-8374

Tajreed Sareeh (Sahih Bukhari): Being one of the six major Hadith collec-
tions, Sahih Bukahri is the most authentic book after the Quran. Written by the
Muslim scholar Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, this book covers almost
all aspects of life in providing proper guidance of Islam such as the method of
performing prayers and other actions of worship directly from Muhammad.
General Information:
Instructor: Imam Sharif Mohamed
Email address: halaqa@daralhijrah.com
Phone Number: 612-481-4423/612-226-0134
Day(s): Fridays
Time: 7-8:30pm
Location: Sisters’ section @ Masjid Dar Al-Hijrah
Type of the Program: Teachings of Bukhari book (Hadith)

Qisasul Ambiya: Muslims regard those individuals chosen by Allah as the

divine Prophets of Islam. All Prophets brought the same basic message of
worshipping one God and abstaining from any form of idolatry. Allah has also
mentioned in the Quran several times “And whoever obeys God and the mes-
senger, these will be [in paradise] with the prophets and the truthful and the
martyrs and the righteous, upon whom God has bestowed favors", thus Qisiul
Ambiya will not only teach you about the stories of the Prophet’s but also the
untold stories of History. Starting from Prophet Adam this book will take you
all the way to the common era of the 21st century. Many unrevealed questions
of today’s society such as division, land, and even war will become as clear as
crystal because the Prophets of Allah not only held lessons they held history.
Instructor: Imam Sharif Mohamed
Email address: halaqa@daralhijrah.com
Phone Number: 612-481-4423/612-226-0134
Day(s): Saturdays
Time: 7-8:30pm
4A Vol. 2 No. 3 | March 2009 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1430

Closer Look At
Fadliga iyo Mucjisada Qur’aanka
by Hamza Said
hsaid @ daralhijrah.com
Dar Al-Hijrah’s Programs cont’d
Fadliga Quraanku aad iyo aad ayuu u Wayn Yahay:

Location: Sisters’ section @ Masjid Dar Al-Hijrah

Type of the Program: Teachings of History of Prophets N abi Muxamed (S C W) isa goo kahad laya qiimah iyo fadliga uu
Qur’aan ku leeyahay waax uu yidhi:
Life Making 101 : In today’s world where everything is being flipped from it is original aspect, Islam and “Qofkii akhriya xaraf ka mida qur’aan ka ilaahay waxa uu lamid yahay qof shaqaystay 10
Muslims are going through several major changes. Therefore, in this program we will put Islamic Education xasano, isagoo sii waday hadal kiisa waxa uu yidhi ma odhanayo alif laam miim waa xaraf
into practical skills and practices of everyday life inshAllah. Our intention of this program is for it to be a ee alif waa xaraf, laamna waa xaraf , miimna waa xaraf.”
model to follow by placing everything in its original place instead of flip flopping it from its innovative site.
The program will consists of lectures, discussions, specific study cases, research in particular topics and of Mucjisada:
course learning from one of the profound Islamic author’s book ( Mukhtasar Saheh Bukhari~ Abijamra). Just Sida lawada ogsoon yahay quraanku waa daawo iyo
as many other courses in life require significant policies we intend to make our polices ones that will evolve mucjiso miiran. Wuxuuna daawo u yahay qofkii ku
directly from the teachings of this program, in other words teachings will involve an itinerary of actions that dhaqma, ee qof walba daawo uma ahan. Marka waxaan jeclaadey inaa halkaa ku
will prolong through an individuals lifetime inshallah. soo gudbiyo aayadaha iyo suuradaha quranka ugu fadliga badan.
General Information:
Instructor: Abdikadir Ibrahim Fadliga Faataxadu Leedahay:
Email address: lifemaking101@daralhijrah.com Asaxaabiga Abuu sacid oo Rasuulka SCW misaajidka
Phone Number: 612-227-8374 kula jira wuxuu yiri: Rasuulkaa wuxuu igu yiri: “Abuu
Date: Saturdays & Sundays sacidow ma waana ku bareyn quraanka suurada ugu wayn
Time: Instantly after Fajr- 8:00 AM intaana misaajidka ka bixin,” markaas aan xoogaa joognay
Location: Sisters’ section @ Masjid Dar Al-Hijrah ayaan waxaa arkay Rasuulka SCW oo bixi raba, markaas inta
Type of the Program: Lecture, discussion & teaching of Bukhari book qabtay ayaan Rasuulka ku iri: “miyaadan iga balan qaadin
inaa I bartid suurada quraanka ugu way intaana misaajidka
Dar Al-Hijrah Health Screening Service: DAHHSS is a free and accessible health service provided ka bixin?” Markaasaa Nebigu yiri: “(1)Waa alxamdu lilaahi
by Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Civic Center for the community in partnership with the Minnesota Department rabil caalamiin, (2) Sabcu mathaanii, (3) Wal quraani cadiim.” Marka waa Faatixada,
of Health, where memebers of the community can check their blood pressure, diabetes, weight, height, and saddexdaa magacna ayadaa leh.
child and teen check ups.
Fadliga Aayatul Kursi Leedahay:
New Dar Al-Hijrah Masjid (mosque): This masjid is currently open and serves for four (4) prayers Asaxaabiga Ubayi waxaa laga wariyey nuu yiri: Rasuulkaa wuxuu yiri isagoo
including Friday sermons starting at 1pm with morning and afternoon Islamic schools (dugsi). It is located waydiinaya su’aal asaxaabigaas: “Abaa mundirow! magaraneysaa kitaabka Alle
at Cedar Ave. and E. Lake St. (quranka) aayada ugu fadliga badan? Markaasuu saxaabiga ku jawaabey: Ilaahey iyo
3015 Cedar Ave. S. | Minneapolis, MN 55407 | 612.226.5661 | info@daralhijrah.com Rasuulkiisa garanaya. Saa mar labaad ayuu Rasuulka SCW ku celiyey su’aashaad kor ku
xusan. Markaasuu Abaa mundir yiri: “haa, waa aayatul kuris”, markaas Rasuulka SCW
Yearlong Children School: farxad darteed buu gacanta si naxariis leh fiiraha uga dhuftay, wuxuuna yiri: “cilmi ayaan
This new program is on Mondays through Thursdays from 3:30pm-6:30pm at the center. Contact for more kuu hanbalyeynaayaa Abaa Mundirow.”
information at 612.227.8374 | 612.423.5401
Fadliga Labada Aayadood Ee Suuratul Baqara:
Sh. Ali Sufi: Islamic weekend school on Rasuulka SCW wuxuu yiri: “Habeen qofka aqriya labada aayadood ee suuratul
Saturdays and Sundays | 2pm - 5pm baqara u danbaysa ku falin.” Macnaha waxay uga filan yihiin qiyaamu leylka iyo
sharta insiga iyo jinniga….labada nooc waa suura gal, intaba waa la yiri.
Iftin: Islamic weekend school on
Saturdays and Sundays | 8am - 12pm Fadliga Labada Aayadood oo Baqara U Danbeeya oo La Isku Daray:
Cabbaas waxaa yiri: Waxaa is ag fadhiyey Nebiga iyo Maliku Jabriil, ayagoo is
ag fadhiya ayaa waxay maqleen albaab laga furay samada shanqartiisa, markaas
Malaku Jabriil ayaa cirka fiiriyey, oo yiri: “Sharqartaa maqlaysid waa albaab samada
........................................................................................................................ ku yaal, oo manta ka horna aan la furin.” Markaasaa albaabkii cusbaa malagbaa
ka soo dagay. Markaasaa Jabriil Nebiga u sheegay, oo ku yiri: “Albaabkii cusbaa
waxaa ka soo baxay malag, malagaas oo aan waligiis maanta ka hor u soo bixin dhulka.”
Markuu Jabriil war bixintaa siiyey Nebiga SCW ayaa malagii cusbaa Nebiga ayuu
UPDATE: Life Making 101 Course salaamay, wuxuuna malagii yiri: “Waxaa ku bishaareysataa labo nuur oo adiga lagu
siiyey, oo aan Nebi kaa horeeya la siiyay jirin waa suuratut faatixa & labada aayadood
oo baqara ugu danbeeya.” Intaa markuu Malagii Nebiga u sheegay wuxuu ku daray:
As we wrap up our sixth unit in Life Making 101, our skills are growing at an “Hal xaraf oo ka mid ah aqrin maysid ilaa waa lagu siinayaa.” Macnaha waxaa laga
immensely high speed. In last months edition we had started working on the Do’s wadaa faatixada iyo labada aayadood waa duco oo haddaa aqriso ducadaas waa
and Don’ts of Leisure time, but just a few weeks ago we finished up that unit. In lagaa aqbalayaa. Marka halkaa waxaa ku ogaanay faatixada iyo labada aayadood
that unit we have learned that in Islam leisure time is not very prevalent because oo baqra ugu danbeeya inay duco yihiin, oo haddaa aqrisid ducadaa farta lagaa
Muslims have very well structured timelines, which allows them to not really have saaraayo.
any time leftover. We learned that if there is leisure time which is again rare, to
spend that time in worship such as reading the Quran, writing something benefi- Fadliga 10ka Aayadood ee Suuratul Kahfi Ugu Horeeya:
cial, taking a nap, and so on. We then studied the different types of games that were Rasuulka SCW wuxuu yiri: “Qofkii dusha ka xifdiya tobanka aayadood oo suura-
played during the time of the Prophet which included horseback riding, archery, tul Kahfi ugu horeeya, waxaa laga badbaadiya sharta ninka il cawir.” Gaalkii dhibta
wrestling and many more. Finally we finished up that unit by learning about games badnaa 10ka aayadood oo suuratul Kahfi u horeysa ninkii dusha ka qabta shartiisii
and activities that are permissible and forbidden in Islam. As for our final assign- wuu ka badbaadey.
ment we wrote up a definition to leisure time including a list of activities that are
allowed and are not allowed. Fadliga Suuratul Fatxi ( Inaa Fatax):
That is when we started our sixth unit which was finance and budget as a Muslim Cumar Ibnu Khadaab (A.K.N) wuxuu yiri: waxaan u imaaday Rasuulka SCW markii
organization. In this unit which we are still currently in, we have been making a xudaybiya laga soo laabtay oo aan wali wadada ku sii jirno, markaasuu Nebigu wuxuu
list which hovers around 200 ways to create funds for an organization or business. yiri: “Habeenkaan waxaa la igu soo dajiyey suurat, suuradaasoo aan ka jeclahay ad-
These ways included banks sales, silent auctions, private dinners, and many others. duunka waxa yaal kuligiis.” Markaasuu aqriyey Suuratul Fatxi. (inaa fatax).
As the needs of the Muslim population continue to grow we need to develop a
financial base so that we can better fund our centers, programs, and needs this is Fadliga Suuratul Tabaarak:
exactly what we are hoping to get from this unit. As our wrap up assignment we Rasuulka Alle SCW wuxuu yiri: “Hal suurat quraanka ku jirta, oo sodon aayadood
will be writing up the best ways in creating income, our needs, and how to meet ah, saaxiibkeed way u shafeeco qaadaa maalinta qiyaame, ilaa shafeecadeeda laga aqbalo,
those needs. Shortly after that we will be starting our newest unit on Manners and suuradaasna waa Tabark.”
Character in Islam.
Finally, as far as our Hadith book goes we are almost finished, if I am not mis- Fadliga Suuratul Kaafiruun:
taking we have learned over 220 hadiths (the book totals about 300 hadiths) When Rasuulka SCW wuxuu yiri: “Suurada Kaafiruun layiraahdo waxay u dhigantaa
learning these hadiths we learn how they can be applied to our lifestyles and in fact quraankoo afar loo qaybiyey qeyb ka mid ah.”Aanis Ibnu Maalik wuxuu yiri: Nebiga
many of theses hadith can and are answers to everyday questions. Life Making 101 wuxuu yiri: “Suuratul Kaafiruun waxaa aqridaa goortaa seexaneysid maxaa dhacay
is exactly that making life, reconstructing life, or changing life whatever you may qofkii aqriya suuradaas shirki banaankuu ka yahay.”
want to call it is a course worthwhile.
Life Making 101 is a course that is offered at Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Civic Fadliga Qulhuwale:
Center on Saturdays and Sundays from Fajar Prayer until 8am Sacidul Qudriye wuxuu yiri: Rasuulka SCW wuxuu yiri: “Ilaaha nafteydu gacan-
tiisa ku sugan tahay ku dhaartaye; suuratu qulhu wale waa thulathul quraan.” Xadiis
kale oo Abu Hureyra warinaayo wuxuu yiri: Rasuulka SCW wuxuu yiri: “Qulhu
walaahu axad waa saddex meelloo meel quraanka.”

Fadliga Labada Mucawadeeynka (suuradah falaq naas):

5A Vol. 2 No. 3 | March 2009 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1430

Asaxaabiga Cuqba layiraahdo wuxuu yiri: Rasu- organs could not do their work. Water allows and 4. Kreger, Chris. “Importance of water” Exploring the
ulka SCW wuxuu igu yiri: “Cuqbow miyaadan ogeyn makes easy for our body to transfer the food, oxygen, Environment.” 2 Feb. 2002.
11 aayadood habeenkii xalay ahaa in la igu soo dajiyey, carbon dioxide, and all the other chemical reactions 5. Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of
11kaas aayadoodna wax la mid ah aan waligeed horay loo that take place internal and external of our body. the future. 17 Mar. 2008
arkin waa Qul acuudu bira bil falaq iyo Qul acuudu bira Overall, 70% of our body is water. For example, if a 6. Qura’an, the Muslim Holy book. (21:30) (23: 12)
binaas.” Sidoo kale Cuqba wuxuu yiri: anigoo Nebiga person’s weight is 200bl and step on scale about 120 (25:48-49, 54) (35:27) (86:5-6).
SCW la socdo, oo meel maka u dhaw mareena, saa waxaa of that weight is water. On the other hand, when it
imaatay dabeyl xun, oo mugdi iyo modow daran wadata, comes to lose weight, water is very significant be- ...............................................................................
markaas Rasuulka SCW wuxuu guda galay inuu Alle magan cause it does not contain calories, cholesterols, and its
galaayo, oo akhrinaayo Qul acuudu bira bil falaq iyo Qul sodium is pretty low. Thus, a person can lose weight Poem: MA
acuudu bira binaas. Markuu Nebiga labadaa suuradood easily just by urinating and sweating.
Alle ka magan galay, wuxuu yiri: “Yaa Cuqma, labadaan by Luulay Abdirahin Osman
ku magan gal, waayo Ilaah mid magan gala wax labadaan Islam losman @ daralhijrah.com
la mid ah oo ku magan galo maba jireen” As Qur’an talked about everything that has some
............................................................................... value for human life, it clearly stated in number of Ma why stand behind me,
times the importance of water; thus life originally Hiding under my hijaab?
Water: continued from page 1A made from water according to the Qur’an. “Have not Why are you troubling me,
those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth Making me cry every time?
Sacred book, the whole life is made from water. were joined together as one united piece, then we parted If you fly away in the sky,
Dehydration kills us faster than the famine and them? And We have made from water every living thing. How will I catch you?
hunger. It is recommended that average person should Will they not then believe?” (21:30). If you hide in the earth,
drink about couple glasses of water everyday, some We conclude from the verse life starts with water, How will I find you?
say eight ounce of water. In order for one to maintain means without water, there would be no life on earth Where have you gone to
healthy and function well mentally he or she should in the first place. Now, National Aeronautics and without telling me?
drink enough water so that his or her brain would Space Administration, (NASA) is exploring other God created me,
work properly. Human joints need more water to do planets to see whether it had been water in the past, so Then you adopted me
their work right; as an example, water makes the joints that human beings may live there one day. Scientists but why have you left me all alone?
to obtain lubrication, so that they can remain in mois- understand now if place like mars had water; it had Why hide from me?
ture and avoid frictions. been a life sometimes in the past, recognizing that life Ma is the joy of the whole world,
We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, so our depends and originated on water, which Allah (God) I hold you in my eyes not knowing when I wake
lungs would remain moistures; otherwise, it gets stiff stated numerous times in the Qur’an over centuries up.
and cannot take O2 and CO2 in and out. Our Kidneys ago.
take out waste products from our body; for example, In terms of creation Adam was the first human, and How will I live without you, mother?
uric acid and lactic acid, so in order for these waste he was created from clay mixed with water. Allah the Where will I look for you?
products to be taken away from the body, they have to Almighty said, “And indeed We created man (Adam) out It’s so lonely without a mother.
dissolve in with water. Our back is supported by spinal of an extract of clay (water and earth)” (23: 12). It means Who has ever been able to replace a mother?
cord, and liquid-water is stored in it. Thus, if there is that our life started with water so we partially water if Can anyone tell me what a mother means?
no water in its system, it could not make movements, not whole. Eve was the second human, Allah created A mother is but a mother.
which allows us to move and do the work. her from Adam’s last rib. Eve and Adam married, and If you call me once MA,
Beyond that, is the pregnant woman; she needs more Allah gave them many children to populate the earth. My soul will find solace.
water than any other person, from day one when she Allah said, “And it is He Who has created man from water, I know deep in my heart,
starts having morning sickness up to when she gives and has appointed for him kindred by blood, and kindred by Allah has called you home,
birth. Even though she needs water all the time as any marriage. And your Lord is Ever All-Powerful to do what but all I ask for is....
other person, she requires more water during her gesta- He wills” (25:54). As any other living creatures, our return my happiness and peace that you took with
tion period. In addition, some part of her fetus’s cell’s life’s beginning point was water. The offspring were you.
growth depends on how much water and nutrients, she created the combination of male and female sexual
has consumed. Hence, water allows her to transfer the discharge (semen). In here Allah said, “So let man see Why do you play such Hide and Seek with me?
nutrient from her body to her fetus. Water helps the from what he is created! He is created from a water gush- Just once show me your face;
mother to excrete the waste products easily and avoid ing forth, proceeding from between the backbone and ribs” All I ask for is your beautiful face.
constipation, which usually is common during gesta- (86:5-6-7). Humans are coming from the semen from Where is my darling mother?
tion period. Amniotic fluid (the cover of the baby) is their fathers’ backbone and semen from their mothers’ Come to me,
mostly water. Suppose the mother drinks more quality clavicle (the collarbone), this was our first develop- Waited for so long.
water, the chance of having a health baby is higher mental stage. Thus, the lives of all living creatures rely The day has raised
than when she does not drink enough quality of water. on water to some extent. The evening is about to pass by
Plus the baby would receive enough milk from her On the other hand, Qur’an stated in details the sig- Where can I found you?
after parturition. nificant of water to our daily lives. We purify ourselves The light has lighted in the house
Furthermore, in many cases a lot of food that people with water, swim, drink, shower, and cook from it. It Every child has united with their mother
eat depends on water. When there is plenty of rain, rains to all living things not only for humans, so they Why am I alone forever?
the land becomes prosper so all living creatures in- would have prospers and good life. Animals eat from All I have for you is....
cluding humans would have something to eat. On the the rain; thus, humans would consume more meat and Four words that will make you smile forever
other hand, if there is a drought, there would be no plenty of milk from the animals. Allah said, “And it is “I LOVE YOU MA”
crops, which almost the partial of the world’s popula- He Who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going
tion depends on it. The drought causes starvation and before His Mercy (rain); and We send down pure water from
hunger; it could cause the lack of milk and meat from the sky” (25:48).When all the grasses, fruits, and trees
the animals who most people’s daily lives depend on become dry, which has no shadow, or any other things
them. Animals’ lives are also based on water as people to use, it is the rain that makes them alive and re-grow OPINIONS
do, thus without rain, they would not maintain a life them back again so that they reproduce once again.
and in turn, people would not receive neither meat nor Here another verse Allah said, “That We may give life
milk from the animals. thereby to a dead land, and We give to drink thereof many
With water, we purify ourselves; we wash in water, of the cattle and men that We had created” (25:49). It ex- What roles do the Somali youth, parents, reli-
swim, and cook from it. Because of water, we remove plains when rain rains; it could bring back the grass and gious scholars, community leaders, and profession-
the toxin and poison from what we eat. Besides, almost vegetables, which was ruined by the droughts. Again als respectively have to do in order for the Somali
everything we drink or eat is related water to some in the Qur’an Allah said, “See you not that Allah sends Community in Minnesota to come together and join
extent; for instant, according to researchers, the milk down water (rain) from the sky, and We produce there- hands and bring this community out of this disas-
we drink is about 83% water, the watermelon 84%; with fruits of varies colours” (35:27). Rain produces the ter we are in socially? Explain each each category’s
Diet Coke contains 98% water, and many other juices crops, leaves from the trees, and green grass from the role in bringing the community together and what
that we drink. land, which are our biggest sources on earth. Qur’an effect they might have on the view of others.
Moreover, all the reactions that happen in our body has furnished centuries and centuries ago the essence .........................................................................
occur in water. Hydrologists denoted that the diges- of water to living beings and especially to human life.
tive system requires water. For example, our main Unfortunately, certain people are either ignoring it Dar Al-Hijrah Times encourages its readers to voice out
body component of blood plasma is 92% water, the or do not want to appreciate the bounty of Allah, in their opinions on issues related and mentioned in the
human fetus, which is the growing physical vehicle is which He gave them. Then as result, people are draw- publication(s). Letters submitted to DTimes can be either
90% water. The blood, which conveys our fluid and ing pictures on the water’s surface, which will never TYPED (preferably) or HANDWRITTEN, making your hand
nutrient to our body, is 90%, water. Brain, which is be visible to our sights. It means, when one is looking writing legible, within the range of 500 words, signed,
the center and controller of our whole body, is 85% for an answer, which he or she did not understand its and included all the necessary documents with the
water. Similarly, a kidney which makes the process question in the first place letter. Letters can be sent to the following address:
and refreshment of fluid in our body system is 82%, Dar Al-Hijrah Times, 504 Cedar Avenue, Minneapolis, MN
water. Muscles are the primary movers of our body, 55454.
and 75% of it is water. Liver that metabolizes and re- Reference:
moves the toxin from our body and about 69% of it is 1. Batmanghelidj, F, M.D. “Why do we need to drink Typed opinions can be sent to
water; the structural supporters of our body system are water?” Harmonik Ireland and the dtimes@daralhijrah.com
bones that contain 22% water. 2. Living Water Workshop. 17 Mar. 2008.
As above examples illustrates without water these 3. Victoria Whitehead. 17 Mar. 2008.
6A Vol. 2 No. 3 | March 2009 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1430

has provided for us the love we share amid our- and marriage. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said,
selves. We must love Allah that’s the foundation “A woman is normally sought as a wife for her wealth,
for everything else, for every other love. “To Allah beauty, nobility, or religiousness (adherence to Islam),
belongs the kingdom of the heavens and Earth. He gives but choose a religious woman and you will prosper”
life and causes to die. You have no protector or helper be- (Muslim). And he said, “A woman is married for four
sides Allah” (9:116) From the mercy of Allah we things, i.e., her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her
witness that Allah does not burden a soul beyond religion. You should marry the religious woman (otherwise)
what it can take this ease is a manifestation of His you will be a loser”(Bukhari). And he also said, “The
mercy, forgiveness, and compassion which all are whole world is a provision, and the best object of benefit of
fundamentals of love. “Allah does not impose on any the world is the pious woman” (Muslim).
self any more than it can bear. For it is what it has earned; Seeking a righteous mate is not just recom-
against it is what it has brought upon itself…”(2: 286) mended for men but also for women as the
Once love for Allah has been established Allah Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated “When someone
will instill in our hearts love for one another. Once with whose religion and character you are satisfied asks
Allah has loved one of his servants they need not to marry your daughter, comply with his request. If you do
worry for if Allah loves his servant every creation not do so, there will be corruption and great evil on earth”
on the face of the earth will love that servant. (Tirmidhi). Once commitment and righteousness

Love is a desire that has been created in all human have been ordered Islam encourages the seeing
beings it is also an essential factor throughout our of one another, this can be proven with the nar-

daily lives. Love especially before marriage is ration from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) “Go and
imperative for the strongest of love is the love be- look at her (the woman you are considering marrying)

e ever tween a husband and a wife. because this will help your time together to be strength-
y kid ened” (Ahmad). While many traditional mar-
enjoys Marriage in Islam riages still consent without seeing each other’s
equal Homosexuality, dating, and romance have spouses Islam strives to upbringing a marriage
ion” become increasingly popular for the past 50 in which both couples are filled with happiness
years. Now more then ever advocates are fight- that will last throughout hardships and obstacles.
ing for rights to marry the same sex or even have The Islamic process of marriage gives the seeker
equal opportunity when it comes to prostitution, a vivid opportunity to choose it’s spouse granted
with world wide norms like these Islam not only that Islam hopes to create an environment in

Asalaamu ‘Alykum
fellow brothers and sisters! Lights Camera ….. Do
encourages marriage but makes it a necessity to which the marriage will be preserved and last as
simply survive in society. Allah has said in the long as their lives. Once all the above conditions
Quran, “Marry the spouseless among you...if they are have been met and the two parties consent to the
not forget to smile and, Action. Hi Kids since our first poor, God will enrich them of His bounty”( 24:32) The marriage the process of the actual wedding cer-
article came out last month, JSSU has been on a tight first word Allah has stated in this verse is mar- emony begins. The wedding process begins with
schedule with many things to do for you but we have riage, this is to imply the importance of marriage the consent: Aisha (R) asked Prophet Muham-
a big announcement for all the kids out there and yes for the reason that in Islam marriage serves as a mad (pbuh) if women must be asked for their
we will be publishing our article this month like we means to emotional and sexual gratification as permission of marriage. Prophet Muhammad
promised so don’t worry, talk about close ones. We well as a means of tension reduction. Islamic mar- (pbuh) replied, “Yes.” She said, ‘The virgin is asked
have to take care of some business and we did and on riage is a religious duty that must be performed for her permission but she gets shy.” Prophet Muham-
March 28, 2009 JSSU is going to the moon, just kid- by those who have the means and ability to ful- mad (pbuh) said, “Her silence is her permission”
ding, but we are going public at the next youth event. fill this obligation. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (Bukhari and Muslim).
This will be a tremendous start for JSSU because will also said, “Marriage is my tradition who so ever keeps Once the basis of consent has been met the male
be introducing JSSU to everyone who attends Sala- away there from is not from amongst me.” It is a social must conclude the wedding contract by having a
hudiin Islamic School and many others. We will talk necessity because through marriage, families are wali represent the bride. Wali is a male relative
about our group and what we will be doing at educa- established and the family is the fundamental unit of the bride in most cases the father of the bride,
tional lecturers, workshops, fieldtrips and etc. If you of our society. Furthermore, marriage is merely but if he is not available then grandfather, brother,
like what you hear and want to join this group please a justifiable or halal way to indulge in intimacy uncle, ect… would be sufficient enough to stand
contact us at JSSU@daralhijrah.com and yes between a man and a woman. Marriage in Islam in the place of her father. The Prophet (pbuh) said
now we have our very own email. stands to disrupt many sort of sins particularly sin “No marriage contract is valid without a wali(guardian)”
Thank you and PEACE OUT May God Bless that correlates with sexual desires Prophet Mu- (Tirmidhi and Abu Dawood). He further stated “A
You.“Just because you are young does not mean you hammad (pbuh), said, “O young men! Any of you who woman may not act for another in concluding a marriage
cannot make a difference.” ~ JSSU are able to marry should do so. It lowers the eyes and pro- contract, and a woman may not conclude her own mar-
tects the private parts. Any of you who are unable to do so riage contract” (Ibn Majah and Daraqutni). Once
should fast. Fasting is a protection for you.” The im- these conditions have been met and finalized two
mensity of the importance of marriage in Islam is trusted witness must appear. Prophet Muhammad
that it is an obedience to the commands of Allah (pbuh) avowed “There is no marriage except with a
and following the guidance of the beloved proph- wallee and trustworthy witnesses” ( Bayhaqee). This il-
et Muhammad (pbuh) Allah Almighty reveled in lustrates the importance witnesses hold in a wed-
His description of the Messengers: “We sent Mes- ding ceremony. All in all when the above basic
sengers before you and gave them wives and children too” aspects have been met the final facet is then put
(13:38). into place that which shall be the Mahr or wed-
Marriage gives one repose and delight espe- ding dowry that is paid or given to the bride by
Final Love: continued from page 1A cially to the soul since sitting with, looking at, the groom. Allah says (what means): “And give to
and playing with one’s spouse allows the heart to the women their dowry with a good heart, but if they out of
mankind can share with each other it is incom- relax and strengthens it for worship. Without this their own good pleasure remit any part of it to you, take it
patible with hate and non-distinctive with like. the soul would grow tired and turn away from the and enjoy it without fear of any harm” ( 4:4). In western
Love is the finish line to marriage for it cannot be truth. The Almighty says: “Among His signs is that He societies it is believed that the dowry is given to
experienced fully and completely until the vows created for you spouses from yourselves so that you might the bride as a means to purchase the wife but in
have been tied. Islam stresses the importance of find repose with them. And He has placed between you Islam the dowry is given only as an honor and
love especially between the believers to the point affection and mercy. In that there are certainly signs for to show respect. The dowry is to show that the
where our beloved Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) people who reflect” (30: 22). Just within the regula- groom or husband to be is serious in his affection
has linked it with faith and entering paradise. “You tions we live under we stress on the implicitly of to both his wife and up coming life. The Mahr
will not enter paradise until you have faith, you will not have marriage and why we should conduct it, but in an (dowry) can come in many forms contrary to the
faith until you love one another...” Once a community essence marriage creates a human being to be and fact are many opinions which have stated certain
or a whole nation nurtures love and mercy upon feel complete in the heart, not only that marriage amounts the dowry must be. Although the fact of
each other they will develop feelings of affection solely defines to safe guard ones faith amidst the the matter is the Mahr (dowry) is obligatory and
that will correlate to the upbringing of peace and fact that marriage is said to be half of a believers must be paid but as to how much or what of the
justice throughout each individual’s home. faith. In a nut shell marriage in Islam is a highly Prophet (pbuh) has affirmed “Look for one even if it
Love is thee utmost blessing Allah has given us important factor in regards to maintaining a stable was an iron ring” (Bukhari and Muslim). According
after our faith. Throughout our lives we seek love society. It can be said without contradictions that to Ibn Qayyim the best and strongest opinion is
from those who truly have our affection whether in the current era the citizens of the world live in that the Mahr (dowry) can be of anything valu-
they are our parents or the boy next door. Granted marriage should not be classified as an encour- able. Whether it is something of material or of
that in Islam the true meaning and affection of agement but a necessity. intellect as long as it serves a quantity of value
love can only be felt in an environment were true it can be considered and acceptable. The Prophet
friendship and love exist for the correct reason. The Process of Marriage in Islam (pbuh) once said to one of the companions “Go,
Allah has created us in such a matter that we Commitment is the second most important for I have put her under your charge with what you have of
enjoy being loved and loving others. We humans factor when one is considering marriage. Com- the Qur’an” (Bukhari & Muslim). Islam provides
tend to love those who show us kindness, mercy, mitment is the means to an act in course of action for a balanced life in which both the husband and
happiness, and many others to follow. Yet we that is demanded of one, as by position, custom, wife can control many aspects of each others lives
rarely realize the kindness, mercy, and happiness law, or religion. When one is seeking marriage it as long as they look upon Islam for the ultimate
Allah has endowed upon us. The most vital love should be their outmost desire to affiliate with a answer, simply because Islam is not just a reli-
we ought to bestow is love for Allah for Allah soul mate that is truly committed to both the love gion but a way of life.
7A Vol. 2 No. 3 | March 2009 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1430

look appealing to her husband’s eye. In essence

The Obligations of a Husband towards His Wife the wife has many responsibilities to her husband Poem:
Divorce rates all around the world are climbing for she is the backbone of the relationship “Our
to there outmost peaks and it’s simply because Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the joy Today, Not Tomorrow
neither the wife nor the husband understand their and the comfort of our eyes, and guide us to be models of by Aidrous Ali
obligations towards each other. Obligations are righteousness”(25:74). aali @ daralhijrah.com
very vital to any relationship for if one performs She shall always withhold his property and not
his duties then he shall be paid in full for his let anyone into her house without his consent or Today, the darkness has come to us
duties. To start with in Islam the first fixation that acknowledgement. As for child bearing the wife Today, our brothers get killed
the husband must obligate to his wife is mainte- shall make herself desirable; to be attractive, re- Tomorrow, our sisters will get raped
nance, this not only includes clothes, food, and a sponsive, and cooperative. A wife must not deny Tomorrow, our building will get burned down
roof over her head but also love, kindness, com- herself to her husband, for the Qur’an speaks of Tomorrow, our family will die
passion, patience, honor and many others alike. them as a comfort to each other. Due consider- Tomorrow, our mosques
The husband must also provide the wife and ation is, of course, given to health and decency. By Our enemies
home with protection in his presence she must This is very important in that the Prophet (pbuh) Tomorrow, we will lose our respect
feel secure and well adjusted. In Islam a husband warned wife’s “If a man invites his wife to sleep with him
must be forgiving and understanding The Quran and she refuses, then the angels send their curses on her till Tomorrow has not happened yet
reads: “...and treat them [women] kindly”[4:19} And morning (Bukhari). Women and especially wife’s Now is our time
the Prophet, (pbuh), says: “[Fear] God, [fear] God in play a great role in most if not all aspects of so- The brightness has come back to us
the matter of women. They are weak partners, a trust from cieties. Many of the reasons the world is headed And the day we hold our hands together has come
God with you; and they are made by the divine word per- into a haven of self destruction is because there is We will hold our hands till we die for the sake of Allah
missible for you.” He also says: “Whoever of you whose truly a lack of profound mothers and wife’s which and our people
wife behaves in a disagreeable manner and he responds for centuries have served as the backbone to every That day is not later or tomorrow or after tomorrow
by kindness and patience, God will give him rewards as community. Yes, it is today and it’s now when my brothers, sisters
much as Job will be given for his patience.” Our beloved and I bring our souls back to ISLAM
Prophet (pbuh) was very considerate and patient Child Bearing Both the Mother and Father
with his wives and should be taken a sole exam- “Youths are corrupt and falling apart!” Nowadays
ple. Although many would consider a husband
and wife to only act as adults each and every time
the Prophet (pbuh) used to play with his wives
that is all one hears when it comes to kids. Yet
people haven’t realized the core of the corruption:
it’s the parents. Parenting is very vital and impor-
mainly Aisha. Thus the husband is obligated to tant in Islam. The main raison d’être marriage is
be relaxed and create an environment in where is done is so that two individuals can come together
wife is also happy and relaxed. and create a family, ultimately that family is the 2
Patience in an essence is very important in children. The Quran mentions “Your parents and
Islam especially in such a relationship as mar- your children, you know not which of them is the nearer to
riage. With marriage comes the passion and right you in usefulness; this is an ordinance from Allah: Surely 3
to intimacy for marriage is the shield to adultery Allah is Knowing, Wise” (4:11).
and acts of evilness. It is of supreme importance Beginning with infancy to adulthood parent’s 4 5 6
that the husband shall endeavor to handle the mat- obligation is to instill intheir children beliefs, 7
ters of sexual relations with skill, care and under- morals, and even values. “Narrated Abu Huraira:
standing. He should keep in mind that his wife is Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon 8
not an object just for his enjoyment but instead him) said, “No child is born except on Al-Fitra (Islam) and
9 10 11
he should regard her as a partner with whom he then his parents make him Jewish, Christian or Magian, as
should always seek mutual bliss, satisfaction and an animal produces a perfect young animal: do you see any 12
fulfillment. When approaching her he must ap- part of its body amputated?” (Bukhari). Parenting in
proach with loving generosity and tenderness he Islam in brief is very imperative especially in that
should always be aware of her feelings: Prophet parenting is a full time job a child never gets too 13
Muhammad (pbuh) stated “...and to assault his woman old to be parented. For example have you noticed
without introductory entertainment [to stimulate her] and how all of a sudden when the child turns 12 they 14
so he satisfies his own desire before she can achieve her stop coming to the mosque and obeying elders? 15
own fulfillment.” As for the rest the husband should It’s because their parents have neglected them in
help his wife especially in times of sickness. He that they have conceived them to be old enough to 16
shall help to bear the children if Allah blesses monitor themselves. Parenting can only be done
them with children. He shall make sure his wife in the best and complex way if both parents them-
attains sufficient knowledge of her religious obli- selves are a leading example. This is exactly why
gations and encourage her in observing her devo- the foundations of marriage are the core principles
18 19
tional duties. Once his wife becomes pregnant the to raising a child. If both the mother and father are
husband will need to be even more considerate satisfied and convey within each other hospital-
and do as much as he can to lift some ease to- ity, courage, mercy, and knowledge more then
wards her in times of hardship and pain. Overall likely the child will adapt to this way of life. In
a husband’s duties are plentiful. Allah has created other words if both the mother and father follow
everything to its capacity and his duties are what and lead an Islamic way of life why wouldn’t the
Allah as specified for the husband. child? Ralph Emerson stated “Be an opener of doors Across
for such as come after thee”. Parents indelibly must 1 GermanCar
The Obligations of a Wife towards Her Husband be the keys to every door, the shadow to every 3 What is Obligatory in Islam
In today’s societies women have classified there leader, and most importantly, the guiders of all is
obligations as the “caveman era” in where only in struggles. Communities, nations, and universes 7 Old paperboy's Cry
the past did women have to obligate to their hus- are built and based on families. Islam stands to 11 Water from the
bands. Surprisingly women have many duties and uphold these very values in order to create hu- Coca Cola Company
obligations to their husbands. If these obligations manity with balance and proportion. 12 Slender
were met the whole world could possible live in 13 Country in the Southern
peace and harmony. To begin with a wife’s first Conclusion Arabian peninsula
duty is to create a home where there is stability and With that said the topic of marriage by no 16 Black and White Cookie
comfort. The atmosphere of her home should be a means can ever be covered fully and inclusive in 17 Obtain
relaxing cool environment where her husband, her just one article. Marriage is a foundation and a 18 Japanese poemwith 17
family, and she can be filled with happiness. She growing need in humanity. Creating a marriage syllables
must be faithful and devoted to her husband at all filled with peace and harmony is the objective of 19 Female Sheep
times when it comes to loyalty he shall receive it many youngsters. Individuality, love, marriage,
even before her own kin. Her principal responsi- obligations, and parenting are just a few of the
bility is maintaining her household; she must pre- many different doctrines involved in understand- Down
pare the meals, sanitize the house, and have the ing marriage especially in Islam. Marriage is a 1 Wherebiceps and triceps are?
laundry prepared. Although these are her respon- religious duty, with intentions of bringing unity 2 Tri
sibilities the husband should and can willingly and brotherhood among the people. “The Believers, 4 Spiritual Leader
help her accomplish her duties. What is impor- men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin
tant is the mutual goodwill and love which will no the ma`roof (all of Islam), and forbid the munkar (all that
5 Pseudo
doubt stimulate each party to alleviate the burden is evil; kufr): they observe regular prayers, pay Zakat, and 6 14-Line Shakespeare Poems
of the other as much as possible. Although the obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His 8 Nothing
wife has the right to demand from her husband, in mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise” (9:71) 9 Shoe String
the best way possible she should avoid being too 10 University of Maine City
demanding and be content and satisfied with what 14 Unlock
he has provided for her. The wife should remain 15 Male Sheep
diligent in that she should take care of herself and 16 Any Numberdivided by itself
her beauty. She should always smell superior and
8A Vol. 2 No. 3 | March 2009 - Rabi Al-Awwal 1430

Change! Ninkaani walaalki wuxuu ka reebi jiray xumaanta What is today’s assistance?
by Maryan Yusuf mar kasta oo uu ku arko, waana xil weyn oo uu As the unemployment number raises so does the
myusuf @ daralhijrah.com gutay, jawaabta ninka la wacdiyay baxshayna marna dependency for more public assistance. Rent close
gar ma ahayn, waxaase ninka Alle ku ciqaabay waa to as $700 for a one bedroom apartment, all other
in uu ka hadlay arrin uusan cilmi u lahayn oo maam- expenses totaled up to a little over $400, more people

hange. Change.
Change. Change. Change.
ulka Alle ah. Nabigeenna (scw) ayaa maalintii Uxud
yiri: (sidee u liibaanayaan qowm daqray Nabigoodii
isaga oo Alle ugu yeeraya?), markaas ayaa Alle soo
now are realizing that the assistance they receive
from the government is double what they have to
pay for a 600 square feet apartment and necessities.
This word has been so dajiyay: (maamulka waxba kuma lihid, haddii uu Imagine trying to live with $437 a month in cash and
overplayed that we have rabo wuu ka toobad aqbalin ama wuu cadaabin illeyn $285 in food stamps, which is what a family of two,
lost sight in what change waa daalimiinee) would receive. Welfare recipients are up 1% from
is. It is good that you have In laga cabsado khaatimo xumo maxaa yeelay last year to 37,000. That’s about 100,000, Minneso-
prayed more consistently, ninkii caabidka ahaa wuxuu galay naar, halka kii tans citizens including children, who receive public
but the mere fact that you caasiga ahaa janno la geeyay. Taas waxay keenaysaa assistance and the numbers have not stop yet.
have does not insinuate change. A change in habit in aan nina camalkiisu la weynaan ee Alle khaatimo
maybe (a good one at that), But true change lies in the wacan la weydiisto sidii Rasuulkeennuba (scw) yeeli Going Back to the Basics:
reason why you pray consistently. That is why high- jiray. In the growing financial crisis today the stakes
lighting the reasons behind actions you take could not Xadiiskani wuxuu daliil u yahay Ahlu-sunnaha are raising and families are doing anything they can
be of anymore importance. You must without a doubt aaminsan in Alle qofkii uu doono u dhaafo dambiya- to make ends meet. On the 2nd of June last year is
covet Taqwa (bewaring of Allah) for if your not aware da shirkiga ka soo haray iyaga oo aan toobad keenin, when I realized that something odd about the weekly
of Allah’s watchful eyes then you, most certainly, are sida uu ninkaan caasiga ahba ugu dhaafay isagoo groceries the number of items of food we usually
not “changing” for the right reasons. You must also dambigii ku sii madax adag. brought sunk by half. At times I didn’t notice the
master the simple fact that Allah alone wields the Waxaa habboon qofka muslimka ah in aysan amount of food we wasted but know with prices
power to change others, you do not. Influence? Maybe caradu sawaabka dhaafin ee uu kitaabka Ilaahay ku of food at record highs everything is noticeable.
change never comes. Know that you are changing dabranaado. Colaadda muslimku u qabo gaalada iyo So that’s when our family started” take the right
only yourself, for yourself and by yourself. Remem- faasiqiinta waa inaysan gaarsiin in uu isagu diinta kh- amount” procedure which means pour as much as
ber Allah says in the Quran, “Allah knows the secrets ilaafo. Ilaahay wuxuu yiri: (yaysan idanku xambaarin you need and if you don’t you will be seeing a cut
of heaven and earth, and He knows what you reveal (caro aad u qabtaan qolo) inaad xadgudubtaan inay in your monthly allowance. This crisis has taught us
and what you conceal. (II. 33).” No one who walks masjid alxaraamka idiin diideen awgeed), wuxuu how to save money without making huge adjustments
the earth may know what lies in your heart, but you kale oo yiri Alle: (yaysan idanku xambaarin qolo to our financial structure, well for us it did. Oprah’s
better be sure you are changing for you because Allah caradeed in aydnaan caddaalad samayn ee caddaalad “What Can You Live Without?” Experiment On
repeats in the Quran again, “Whether you show what fala, isagaa Alle ka cabsiga u dhow’e). the 2nd of March episode has changed two families
is in your mind or conceal it, Allah is well aware of Yuhuuddu Markii haweentu caado hesho wax from excessive spending to the very basics with Suze
that and will call you to, account therefore. (II. 284).” lama cuni jirin, lamana joogi jirin guryaha, markaas Orman’s three-step money pledge:
You should be afraid, not only because Allah knows ayaa asxaabtu weydiiyeen Rasuulka (scw) arrintaas, • Do not spend any money for a day.
what your thinking (By all means feel free to be fright- markaas ayaa Alle soo dajiyay: ( waxay ku wey- • Do not use your credit card for a week.
ened), but because you know that Allah single-hand- diinayaan dumarka caadada qaba …), markaas ayaa • Do not eat out in restaurants for a month.
edly has sole ownership, and complete control over Nabigu (scw) yiri (wax kasta ku sameeya (dumarka Easy but very hard to keep it constant for a couple
you (Taqwa again). Also remember that if you wish dhiigga qaba) u tagis mooyee). months and who knows what kind of an impact it
to change the condition of a people, you must change Markii arrinkaasi gaaray Yuhuu- will have on you and your bank account. From the
the condition of the persons. “Verily never will Allah dii ayay dheheen: Ninkaani struggling middle class all over the media, and the
change the condition of a people until they change it wax kale ma doonayo in uu web, one cannot imagine what toll it has on the lower
themselves (with their own souls) [13.11]” Change is arrimahayagoo dhan nagu class of this economy. But the damage gets harder
self evident. When wills to change, he will change. khilaafo mooyee. Markaas ayay and harder if not done something about it now, when
It is contagious, a flu if you must. Dominating from yimaadeen Usayd ibnu Xudayr you are more flexible and able find resources how
host to host. The will of many is hard to ignore. As iyo Cabbaad ibnu bishr, wax- will you ever dig yourself out. History will be made
notable as a changing current. Undeniable like an omi- ayna dheheen: Rasuul Alloow when the American people rise up together and help
nous cloud. It hangs in the air like stillness before a Yuhuudi saa iyo saa ayay tiri out their communities and families
hurricane. Irresistibly compelling. Undeniably endur- ee soo uma tagno (dumarka
ing. But heed closely now my words, for the world to caadada qaba)?. Markaas ayuu is badalay wajigii ...............................................................................
change you must change at first. For If not one who Rasuulku(scw) ilaa aan is niri: Rasuulku (scw) wuu u
wills to change exists…neither does change. Stay carooday …).
strong Waxaa saaran daaciga iyo mujaahidka in ay xusu-
usnaadaan in aysan gar ahayn in ay khilaafaan waxa
............................................................................... ay dadka ugu yeerayaan. Eeg ciqaabta ku dhacday
BYE BYE ANALOG! ninkaan xumaanta ka reebaya walaalki isaguna ku
WELCOME DIGITAL! dhacaya dambi ka weyn. Taa macneheedu ma aha
Faa’iidooyinka Axaadiista in uusan qof dambiile ah qof kale xumaan ka reebi
Karin ee waa in ilaalinta diinta uu uga horreeyo
Nabiga (scw): dadka uu xumaanta ka reebayo.
Qofna camalkiisa janno kuma galayo ee naxariista
by Asad Muhammad Ilaahay ayaa lagu galaa, camalka saalixa ahna sabab
amuhammad @ daralhijrah.com ayuu u yahay ee isagu janno ma gooyo. Rasuulkeen-
nu (scw) wuxuu yiri: “(qofna jannada camalkiisa ku gali
maayo), markaas ayay ku dheheen ma xataa adigana?,

W alaalnimada diineed waxay keenaysaa in

wanaagga la is faro, xumahana la iska reebo. Qofka
markaas ayuu yiri xataa aniga in Ilaahay raxmadiisa igu
daboolo mooyee)”
Dar Al-Hijrah Times
la faro wanaag ama laga reebo xumaan isna waxaa ...............................................................................
saarann in uu aqbalo. 504 Cedar Avenue Suite #2
In Ilaahay laga sheego wax aan aqoon loo lahayn Welfare is not Much of
waxay ka mid tahay dambiyada kabaa’irta ah ee Alle Minneapolis, MN 55454
caro galisa, waxaana ka mid ah hadalka ninkaan ee Assistance After All
ah (wallaahi in aan Alle u dhaafayn hebel); maxaa 612.227.8374 | 612.481.4423
yeelay Alle raxmadiisu waa waasic, qofkii uu doono by Mohamed Samatar
ayuu u dambi dhaafaa, qofkii uu doonana wuu msamatar @ daralhijrah.com dtimes@daralhijrah.com
cadaabaa, qofkii uu doono wuu hanuuniyaa, kii uu
doonana wuu baadiyeeyaa, wixii uu doono ayuu www.daralhijrah.com
falaa, lama weydiiyo waxa uu sameeyo ee addoom-
ada ayaa la weydiiyaa waxay faleen. Alle wax cajsi
galin kara ma jiraan, waxa uu qadarayna waa ina ka
M ost Americans know the economy has hit
rock bottom ever since the Bush administration have
qarsoon yihiin oo ma ogin cidda uu u dambi dhaafi left the White House. What we don’t know is how
doono iyo cidda uu ciqaabi doono midna. hard the economy has hit most Americans. To this
In laga hadlo wax aadan cilmi u lahayn way xun- day the hardest hits are the government based fami-
tahay, haddii Alle iyo Rasuulkiisa (scw) laga sheega- lies, which run day out and day in to make ends meet.
na ka sii xun, haddii dhaar lagu sii darana iskaba daa. From the cost of a cup of coffee to a night out in the
Muslimka waxaa saaran in uusan Alle ku dhiir- city, everything that we did for fun is now not longer
ran ee uu ula dhaqmo si taxadar leh, uuna istaago fun. But one thing has remained frozen over the
mawqif addoonimo, uuna qaato amarkiisa, kuna years: the amount of welfare checks in Minnesota.
samro dhibaatooyinka dacwada ka soo gaaraysa, isla The staggering number show for a single person and
markaana uusan ku degdegin in uu dadka xugun ku child received $440 a little over two decades ago and
rido; maxaa yeelay shaqadiisu waa daacinimo ee ma still generates the same amount today.
aha qaallinimo.

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