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Oracle DBA interview questions

By adm in | Ju n e 1 3 , 2 0 0 4

A reader subm itted this v ia e-m ail w ithout explanation w hether these questions w ere used for hiring a DBA at Oracle Corp., or w hether it was the Oracle database adm in position that som eone interv iewed for som ewhere else. Updat e: The questions were written by Jam es Koopm an for DatabaseJournal back in 2003 . 1 . Explain t he difference bet ween a hot backup and a cold backup and t he benefit s associat ed wit h each. - A hot backup is basically taking a backup of the database while it is still up and running and it m u st be in archiv e log m ode. A cold backup is taking a backup of the database while it is shut down and does not require being in archiv e log m ode. The benefit of taking a hot backup is that the database is still av ailable for use while the backup is occurring and y ou can recov er the database to any point in tim e. The benefit of taking a cold backup is that it is ty pically easier to adm inister the backup and recov ery process. In addition, since y ou are taking cold backups the database does not require being in archiv e log m ode and thus there will be a slight perform ance gain as the database is not cu tting archiv e logs to disk. 2 . You hav e just had t o rest ore from backup and do not hav e any cont rol files. How would y ou go about bringing up t his dat abase? - I would create a text based backup control file, stipulating where on disk all the data files w here and then issue the recov er com m and with the using backup control file clause.
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Posted 7/14/2004 at 5:59 pm | Pe rmalink



9/22/2010 Oracle DBA interview questions | TechIn the answer about difference b/w truncate and delete can hav e m ore points. eg.
truncate does not generate undo, unlike delete operation. delete triggers are not fired for truncate. truncate releases used space and has im plicit com m it(ddl opern.)

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Posted 8/2/2005 at 11:02 am | Pe rmalink

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I saw these questions on a web site. Can I hav e answers to them ? 1 . How m any m em ory lay ers are in the shared pool? 2. How do y ou find out from the RMAN catalog if a particular archiv e log has been backed-up? 3 . How can y ou tell how m uch space is left on a giv en file sy stem and how m uch space each of the file sy stem s subdirectories take-up? 4. Define the SGA and: How y ou would configure SGA for a m id-sized OLTP env ironm ent? What is inv olv ed in tuning the SGA? 5. What is the cache hit ratio, what im pact does it hav e on perform ance of an Oracle database and what is inv olv ed in tuning it? 6. Other than m aking use of the statspack utility , what would y ou check when y ou are m onitoring or running a health check on an Oracle 8i or 9 i database? 7 . How do y ou tell w hat y our m achine nam e is and what is its IP address? 8. How would y ou go about v erify ing the network nam e that the local_listener is currently using? 9. You hav e 4 instances running on the sam e UNIX box. How can y ou determ ine w hich shared m em ory and sem aphores are associated w ith which instance? 1 0. What v iew(s) do y ou use to associate a users SQLPLUS session with his o/s process? 1 1 . What is the recom m ended interv al at which to ru n statspack snapshots, and w hy ? 1 2. What spfile/init.ora file param eter exists to force the CBO to m ake the execution path of a giv en statem ent use an index, ev en if the index scan m ay appear to be calculated as m ore costly ? 1 3 . Assum ing today is Monday , how would y ou use the DBMS_JOB package to schedule the execution of a giv en procedure owned by SCOTT to start Wednesday at 9AM and to run subsequently ev ery other day at 2AM. 1 4. How would y ou edit y our CRONTAB to schedule the running of /test/test.sh to run ev ery other day at 2PM? 1 5. What do the 9i dbm s_standard.sql_txt() and dbm s_standard.sql_text() procedures do? 1 6. In which dictionary table or v iew would y ou look to determ ine at which tim e a snapshot or MVIEW last successfully refreshed? 1 7 . How would y ou best determ ine why y our MVIEW cou ldnt FAST REFRESH? 1 8. How does propagation differ between Adv anced Replication and Snapshot Replication (read-only )? 1 9. Which dictionary v iew (s) w ould y ou first look at to understand or get a high-lev el idea of a giv en Adv anced Replication

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env ironm ent?

Oracle DBA interview questions | TechIn

20. How w ould y ou begin to troubleshoot an ORA-3 1 1 3 error? 21 . Which dictionary tables and/or v iews would y ou look at to diagnose a locking issue? 22 . An autom atic job running v ia DBMS_JOB has failed. Know ing only that its failed, how do y ou approach troubleshooting this issue? 23 . How w ould y ou extract DDL of a table without using a GUI tool? 24 . Youre getting high busy buffer waits - how can y ou find whats causing it? 25. What query tells y ou how m uch space a tablespace nam ed test is taking up, and how m uch space is rem aining? 26 . Database is hung. Old and new user connections alike hang on im pact. What do y ou do? Your SYS SQLPLUS session IS able to connect. 27 . Database crashes. Corruption is found scattered am ong the file sy stem neither of y our doing nor of Oracles. What database recov ery options are av ailable? Database is in archiv e log m ode. 28. Illustrate how to determ ine the am ount of phy sical CPUs a Unix Box possesses (LINUX and/or Solaris). 29 . How do y ou increase the OS lim itation for open files (LINUX and/or Solaris)? 3 0. Prov ide an exam ple of a shell script which logs into SQLPLUS as SYS, determ ines the current date, changes the date form at to include m inutes & seconds, issues a drop table com m and, display s the date again, and finally exits. 3 1 . Explain how y ou would restore a database using RMAN to Point in Tim e? 3 2 . How does Oracle guarantee data integrity of data changes? 3 3 . Which env ironm ent v ariables are absolutely critical in order to run the OUI? 3 4 . What SQL query from v $session can y ou run to show how m any sessions are logged in as a particular user account? 3 5. Why does Oracle not perm it the use of PCTUSED with indexes? 3 6 . What w ould y ou use to im prov e perform ance on an insert statem ent that places m illions of rows into that table? 3 7 . What w ould y ou do with an in-doubt distributed transaction? 3 8. What are the com m ands y oud issue to show the explain plan for select * from dual? 3 9 . In what script is snap$ created? In what script is the scott/tiger schem a created? 40. If y oure unsure in which script a sy s or sy stem -owned object is created, but y ou know its in a script from a specific directory , what UNIX com m and from that directory structure can y ou run to find y our answer? 41 . How would y ou configure y our netw orking files to connect to a database by the nam e of DSS which resides in dom ain icallinc.com ? 42 . You create a priv ate database link and upon connection, fails with: ORA-2085: connects to . What is the problem ? How would y ou go about resolv ing this error? 43 . I hav e m y backup RMAN script called backup_rm an.sh. I am on the




Oracle DBA interview questions | TechIn

target database. My catalog usernam e/password is rm an/rm an. My catalog db is called rm an. How w ould y ou run this shell script from the O/S such that it would run as a background process? 44 . Explain the concept of the DUAL table. 45. What are the w ay s tablespaces can be m anaged and how do they differ? 46 . From the database lev el, how can y ou tell under w hich tim e zone a database is operating? 47 . Whats the benefit of dbm s_stats ov er analy ze? 48. Ty pically , where is the conv entional directory structure chosen for Oracle binaries to reside? 49 . You hav e found corruption in a tablespace that contains static tables that are part of a database that is in NOARCHIVE log m ode. How would y ou restore the tablespace w ithout losing new data in the other tablespaces? 50. How do y ou recov er a datafile that has not been phy sically been backed up since its creation and has been deleted. Prov ide sy ntax exam ple.

Posted 11/17/2005 at 5:58 am | Pe rmalink

Thank y ou for sending m e the answers

Posted 3/30/2006 at 5:20 pm | Pe rmalink

How to calculate the perfom ance of Oracle 9 i Databases in HPUNIX?

Posted 11/16/2006 at 10:17 am | Pe rmalink

How to defragm ent in Oracle?

Posted 11/16/2006 at 10:21 am | Pe rmalink

How to Start the database thru Com m and Prom pt when oracle is stoped in serv ice?

Posted 2/17/2007 at 5:56 am | Pe rmalink

1 .how to know how m any instance are up? 2.when w e are taking the hot backup then what is the background process?




Posted 4/26/2007 at 2:46 am | Pe rmalink

Oracle DBA interview questions | TechIn

the answer about difference b/w truncate and delete can hav e m ore points. 1 > In truncate ,we cannot rollback the changes m ade to the tables where as in delete we can rollback the changes 2> In truncate,no entry is m ade in ldf file (log data file) In Delete,entry is m ade in ldf file

satya narayana
Posted 6/21/2007 at 9:00 am | Pe rmalink

hi m y nam e is naray ana i am working one of the m nc com pany but i want answeres of these following questions plz help m e any one 1 .1 . Migration of Oracle database from 7 .x.x to 8i.x.x. to 9 i.x.x to 1 0g.x.x Methodologies and steps inv olv ed. We do it by 4 way s: (a) Exp/Im p dum p file (b) Data-pum p (c) by configuring Standby (d) RMAN 2. Standby database its configuration and concept 3 . Database Replication concept 4. Dataguard configuration

Posted 7/1/2007 at 10:23 pm | Pe rmalink

i am just confused w ith 1 . w ht is use of UNDO_RETENTION 2. AND use of undo retention policy 3 . cache hit ratio thank y ou Harish

Posted 9/17/2007 at 8:42 am | Pe rmalink

The use of undo_retention is that u get inform ation that after how m uch tim e the snapshot too old error will be effectiv e, this error depend upon undo_retention.

Mohammed Yacoob
Posted 10/16/2007 at 6:08 am | Pe rmalink

Hi chandrasekar, The following com m and will giv e the instance inform ation select * from v $instance; when we are taking the hot backup then what is the background process? CKPT background process



Mohammed Yacoob
Posted 2/25/2008 at 1:54 am | Pe rmalink

Oracle DBA interview questions | TechIn

Dear Venkat, for Window or Linux, sqlplus /nolog SQL> startup nom ount ORACLE instance started. > This com m and will show the database files details ( Total SGA, Fixed Size, Variable size, Variable size and Redo details > then connect sy s with sy stem credentail > check wether the User credentail has locked > if its alter the credentail with unlock. Thanks, Moham m ed Yacoob

Mohammed Yacoob
Posted 2/25/2008 at 2:00 am | Pe rmalink

Dear Siv a, There are com m and line procesures are there to check the oracle 91 i perform ance. > Before to test the Oracle 9i find the HPUNIX OS Perform ance counter Thanks, Moham m ed Yacoob

Posted 4/22/2008 at 8:17 am | Pe rmalink

delete: this can be rollbacked truncate: this cannot be rollbacked

Posted 4/22/2008 at 8:19 am | Pe rmalink

shared pool will hav e library cache and data dictionary cache

Posted 6/21/2008 at 3:58 am | Pe rmalink

Ans for Question 2 : RMAN> LIST ARCHIVELOG ALL; the abov e com m and list all the archiv elog that has been backup. Nav een




Oracle DBA interview questions | TechIn

T amilselvan
Posted 7/3/2008 at 3:11 am | Pe rmalink

How m any m em ory lay ers are in the shared pool? There are three lay ers in shared pool i) Library cache ii) Data dictonary cache iii) control structures control structures w ill consists of locks and latches

Pradeep Verma
Posted 1/27/2009 at 1:01 am | Pe rmalink

Ans for question 4 4 Dual table is a dum m y table m aintained by oracle serv er, y ou can use it to see current date and tim e etc. select sy sdate from dual the abov e com m and will giv e y ou current sy stem date.

raya tharaka ram

Posted 1/29/2009 at 8:13 am | Pe rmalink

how can y ou perform a baseline backup in oracle dba?


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