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CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION The research focused on automating Accounts System.

The system is used to collect fees from students at Gusii Institute of Technology. It came about as a means of managing fees collection. It has been operating manually since then with a lot of problems being experienced; nevertheless the manual system in use is not up to the expected standards. There are still problems that definitely need to be solved. Its objectives were: i. To speed up the fees collection. ii. To avoid the unpaid fees.. iii. To keeps records of all payments. The organization has different sections existing that run the organization. a) Fees records

This section stores information about the fee paid. b) Register

This section stores information on fees balances. 1.1 Description of the current system The system that exists in the organization is a manual system i.e. all the activities are done manually.


Finance officer

Accounts clerks 1

Accounts clerk 2

Fig 1.1

Organization Chart





Cancel registration

Store records


Fig 1.2

Current System flowchart


Statement of the problem The effects of an automated system on fees collection.


Purpose of the study The purpose of this proposal is to establish the effects of an automated system on fees collection. . Project aims. The main aim of the project is to do away with the manual system and introduce an electronic system.



Significance of the new systems objectives The study was very significant to the management in general who would benefit in terms of efficiency. They benefited from the study by ensuring that the services are of high quality services to customers. The study would ensure that the organizations records are safe. The study will also help to increase accuracy.

1.6 1.7

Limitation of the study The study limited to Gusii Institute of Technology in Kisii town. Scope of the study The area under study was in Gusii Institute of Technology Kisii town. The study was conducted in May to July. The methods used were questionnaires and interviews respectively.


Most organizations have adopted the idea of information technology to improve its services to the customers and to increase productivity. Information Technology demands that for it to be introduced in an organization, the personnel must be trained on how to work on new technology and should accept 1change i.e. the personnel should be introduced to newly introduced technology. This would make the working environment conducive and would benefit the organization in so many aspects. Introduction of an electronic system in this organization should be considered as a progress that is aiming at development, accuracy, security, accountability and effectiveness. 2.2 Improve management of an organization According to Fayol (2004), Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims or objectives. Management should include introduction of systems that would help the organization accomplish selected goals and objectives. Management should focus on what needs to be done to achieve the objectives. Trivia (1966) emphasized technological management saying that managers consider themselves superstars but they should employ a tool to help increase productivity.

Drucker (2000) gives out his view of management in relation to IT that the set goals of management can be accomplished if management accepts change, establishes targets and trains the individuals on how to go about the changes. 4


Improve efficiency

Mike Marcin a dispatcher (www.machine.com) says that with todays technology and professional training, we are able to maximize use of resources and schedule more efficiently than we could a few years ago hence there is a need to introduce the current status of technology. He relates efficiency with technology; he says that efficient scheduling and routing should be conducted safely and effectively everyday with proper pre-planning. Laporte (1995) considers routing problems with turn penalties. The standard approach to these problems is a transformation or a changeover from old systems to electronic systems that would prove efficiency, scheduling of vehicles has always been considered as something of an art but increasingly it is evolving into predictable science. With the latest technology, transport software should be available technology will orchestrate an organization which is more stress free and accurate endeavor. 2.4 Security of records.

According to Wendy Robinson (1997) security measures should be taken to reduce danger deliberately or accidentally to physical or logical elements. Security should be aimed at protecting individuals from misuse of information. This shows that there is a need to introduce a system that would ensure security of these records.

2.5 Accountability of expenses Different authors gave their views on accountability. Allan Gerald (2003) considers that with auto-routing technology have greatly improved accuracy and accountability. 5

2.6 Summary. As per different views given by the authors, automation of this sector will ensure quick and efficient services to the customers. The authors view that the system that most organizations use are outdated and do not ensure safety of records, these systems are tiresome and time consuming. Automation of the petrol management will solve these problems, that is, the researcher wants to come up with a software solution to these problems.


This chapter contains design and methodology used in conducting a research, which will achieve the desired objectives of the research. The information that the researcher collected will help in coming up with a software to solve problems in matatu sector. The chapter also contains data analysis and presentation procedures. 3.2 Research Design.

The researcher focused on establishing the effects of the manual system in Kuria Dairy Farmers Association. The researcher used system structured and analysis design methodology (SSADM). This involves breaking the system into manageable phases. This method is concerned with identifying and defining problems, which are worthy solving. This design will help in playing a development role in the whole organization. 3.3 Sample design.

During the research, the researcher got different answers and suggestions about the manual system. The researcher was able to get these answers from the management and the users of the system. The table below shows the sample against target population. Department Students Lecturers Total Population 2000 180 2180 Sample 100 50 150


Sampling procedure The table shows 70% of the entire targeted population in the organization. 7

3.4 3.4.1

Data collection. Data collection instruments.

The method involved in conducting the research in the fields was primary and secondary sources. The researcher used interviews and questionnaire as the primary source that contained structured and unstructured questions. The researcher used both in order to gain much information that would help him in conducting the research and analyzing the data. Few hours were given to the staff members to fill in the questionnaire and later collected for sampling. The researcher also used secondary data sources by checking at how the workers were conducting their data to day tasks. This was of great advantage to the researcher because it gave him a clear view and understanding of the system. The researcher went through the literature of the organization and was able to view the organizational charts and the records the organization use in their manual system 3.4.2 Data collection procedure.

The researcher presented an introductory letter from the Principal of Gusii Institute of Technology to the Principal Gusii Institute of Technology. The manager scheduled for the research, which took place three weeks later. Interviews were used to conduct the research.


Data Analysis and Presentation. 8


Feasibility study.

A feasibility report was drawn from the feasibility study based on the respondents point of view. Technical feasibility. The researcher was able to observe the hardware and software in the organization and if they were compatible for an electronic system. The computers were in good condition and would support an electronic system that would change the current system into a more advanced system. Operational feasibility. The researcher noted that the staff had no problem with the new system and would appreciate the changes brought in the organization. The researcher explained to those who never understood the benefits of computerization and they were very positive about the value it would add in their operations. Economic feasibility. The researcher noted that for the new system to appear justified more resources would be committed to the system. However despite the cost, the benefits derived from the existing system are much less from the proposed system. The input and output from the old and the new systems have been described hence making the electronic system more viable.

3.6 Data Flow Diagrams. 9


Context diagram.

Fees Management System

Context diagram for fees Management System The system is named Rent Management System. The primary purpose of the organization is to control the flow information in the organization. 3.6.2 Level 1 data flow diagram.


1.0 Admission Number Balance Access file Fees file

Add new



Access file Add new records Registration File




The diagram depicts that the system first checks students details received by the fees system. If the student has a balance the system will reject the registration. 3.7 3.7.1 Conclusions based on findings. Alternative solutions. 10

Based on the findings of the researcher, there are four ways that can be used to computerize the systems. (i) Alternative one. The organization can decide to retain the current manual system which is prone to errors, time wasting, and tiresome. (ii) Alternative two. The organization can buy shelf packages. This will include commonly used programs that can be bought and used in the organization. (iii) Alternative three. Customizing software packages that can be made to work in an organization. (iv) Alternative four. Developing software that a programmer comes up with i.e. a computer program on the findings the researcher has made. 3.8 Recommendations.

The researcher advised the organization to develop an in house software that would prove efficient, meet the end users requirements, ensure the safety of records, ensure accountability of expenses and ensure excellent services to the customers.




This chapter involves developing a program structure by breaking the overall design into many smaller programs as necessary for easy understanding of the code. Detailed design will be dealt with. The design will consist of data design, process design and physical design. 4.2 Data Design

The researcher was able to view records in the organization. This data helped the researcher to gather information to build the proposed system. 4.2.1 Relational Databases

To reduce redundancies in data description, the researcher employed normalization as a way of examining data and its relation. Records were examined to see whether there was any relationship. Any data related was grouped together. 4.2.2 Logical Composite Data Design

The researchers examined all the entities and were input to the computer. The data input included:

Fees details Field Receipt number Data type Number 12

Date Course Admno Amount Paid Balance

Date Text Number Currency Currency Currency

Register Details Field Admno Student name Date Total Paid Balance Data type Number Text Date Currency Currency Currency


Entity life history

The researcher considered two entities in the organization. The entities are as follows: Register Admno Student name Date Total Paid Balance Fees Receipt number Date Course Admno Amount Paid Balance


Below is the entity relationship for the proposed system.



From the above entity life history, students against fees. The relationship is therefore one to many.

Process Design 4.2.3 Data capture.







Add new record Save changes and update Remove records Change details Close the form







Add records

Save changes and update

Remove records

Change details

Close the form


Physical design.

From the manual system, the researcher designed a user-friendly form that is easy for the end users and the organization in whole. The researcher also ensured security by providing passwords to the forms.

Splash screen

Log in Menu





4.5 4.5.1

Input design Splash Screen






Main Menu


Payment form


Register Form



Accounts form 19

4.6 Output Design 4.6.1 Payment report


Register report





Splash Form

Dim r As Integer Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Unload Me frmLogin.Show End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() r=r+1 If r = 2 Then Me.Lbl1.Caption = "The System is loading, Please be Patient.............." ElseIf r = 3 Then ElseIf r = 5 Then Me.Lbl1.Caption = "THIS IS A FEES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" ElseIf r = 7 Then Unload Me frmLogin.Show End If End Sub 4.7.2 Login

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() LoginSucceeded = False Me.Hide frmmenu.Show End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() 21

If (txtUserName = "user" And txtPassword = "user") Or (txtUserName = "admin" And txtPassword = "admin") Or (txtUserName = "USER" And txtPassword = "USER") Or (txtUserName = "ADMIN" And txtPassword = "ADMIN") Or (txtUserName = "joydeep" And txtPassword = "das") Or (txtUserName = "abhi" And txtPassword = "mahata") Or (txtUserName = "abhishek" And txtPassword = "yadav") Then LoginSucceeded = True Me.Hide frmmenu.Show Else MsgBox "Invalid Username/Password, try again!", , "Login" txtUserName.SetFocus txtUserName.Text = "" txtPassword.Text = "" End If End Sub 4.7.3 Menu

Private Sub mnubalancesreports_Click() rptfeesregister.Show End Sub Private Sub mnuclose_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub mnufeespayment_Click() frmfeepaymentdetails.Show End Sub Private Sub mnufeesregister_Click() frmregister.Show 22

End Sub Private Sub mnupaymentreports_Click() rptfeepayment.Show End Sub 4.7.4 Fees

Private Sub Cmdadd_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub cmdcompute_Click() Dim amount, paid, balance As Integer amount = Val(txtamount.Text) paid = Val(txtpaid.Text) txtbalance.Text = Val(txtamount.Text) - Val(txtpaid.Text) End Sub Private Sub cmdsave_click() If txtname.Text = "" Then MsgBox "cannot save empty spaces!!!" txtname.SetFocus Else adopayment.record.Update End If cmdadd.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() 23

Me.Top = 600 Me.Left = 4350 txtdate = Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy") cmdcancel.Enabled = False cmdsave.Enabled = True End Sub 4.7.5 Register

Private Sub cmdaddnew_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub cmddelete_click() confirm = MsgBox("are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbYesNo, "confirm deletion") If confirm = vbYes Then adoregistration.Recordset.Delete MsgBox "record delete!", , "message" Else MsgBox "record not deleted", , "message" End If End Sub Private Sub cmdsave_click() If txtname.Text = "" Then MsgBox "cannot save empty spaces!!!" txtname.SetFocus 24

Else adoregister.record.Update End If cmdadd.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub txtcompute_Click() Dim total, paid, balance As Integer total = Val(txttotal.Text) paid = Val(txtpaid.Text) txtbalance.Text = Val(txttotal.Text) - Val(txtpaid.Text) End Sub



Introduction. This chapter includes software that has been built as a result of the design made by the researcher. This will help to carry out the organizations task as per the users requirements. The prototype will mostly focus on the database, inputs, processes and outputs that are the basic systems components. The end users suggest change and the prototype is revised to accommodate these changes.


Program testing.

The aim of testing was to detect any errors that can cause the program to fail. A successful test should be one that does not show up the presence of errors rather the reverse. This kind of test ensured compatibility of the hardware and the software. 5.2.2 Types of testing. The researcher used different methods to test the data. (i) Storage testing Plays a role in testing that the capacity of data can be held by the system on any medium. (ii) Code testing Testing that ensures that codes are being well executed. (iii) Recovery and robustness Ensures that the system can recover in case of power black out and power surge.

5.3 System installation requirements. 26

The researcher found out that the organization needs a computer with the following specifications. i. Should be an Intel Pentium 4. ii. High powered uninterrupted power supply (UPS) iii. Should have a RAM of 2GB. iv. A hard disk of 400GB. v. A speed of 3.0 GHz

vi. A laser jet printer to print hardcopy outputs. vii. Windows XP service pack 3 5.4 Controls. The researcher introduced control measures i.e. restricting the system access by means of passwords, data encryption, and decentralization of data. 5.5 Site preparation. The researchers view was that a room to be set aside that was well ventilated; the floors carpeted and dust free. These specifications were enough o host the proposed system. 5.6 Training employees. The change of old system prompted a need for the personnel to acquire detailed knowledge on how to use the new system. The training was to be made successful by providing system manuals and training the working hours.


6.0 6.1.1

DOCUMENTATION Introduction Documentation is a means of communication between the analyst and users of the system. Documentation consists of users request, specifies the procedure required for running the system by the operations personnel, gives general sequence of events for performing the work and defines precise procedures for data control and security, data preparation, program running and output distribution. It is for the use of anyone who wishes to understand the detailed working of a program.


Documentation of system specification. Encompasses of all information needed to define the proposed computer based system. The proposed systems software was coded on visual basic platform version 6.


1nput. Input should be established effectively by making sure that data are correctly entered into the computer. Data is then stored in the database.


Processing. This involves clicking on the command buttons to get the required results. The outputs will be determined by the effectiveness of processing inputs.


Output. The processed data is produced in a softcopy form or hardcopy depending on what the user requires. The output should have no errors that can be created during input or processing.

6.2 Documentation of program design tools. 28


Flow chart symbols.

NAME Process Terminator Connector Decision Document Flow lines Input/output


DESCRIPTION Transformation of data.. Begins and ends a program. Connects two or more flowcharts. Options between conditions. Printed document. Direction of flow. Inflow ad outflow of data.

Display 6.3 Documentation of the coding used.

Shows processed data.

The researcher subdivided the program into smaller manageable modules that made it easier. This made sure that each component was completed at a time. 6.4 Documentation of the test plan. After coding each component module, the testing of each module followed suite. Testing was to ensure that the modules were free from errors. 6.5 Documentation of the user manual. The user manual was designed to specifically provide instructions and guidelines to the users concerning the proposed system.

CHAPTER SEVEN 7.0 7.1 LIMITATIONS, PROBLEMS AREAS AND FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS. Introduction. This chapter shows the limitations, problem areas and future improvements that can be solved by the new system. 29

7.2 Problem areas. 7.2.1 Input errors Input determines the output to be produced. If there is an error during input, processing will continue but the outputs will have errors. 7.2.2 Viruses Computer viruses affected the files hence making them to get lost or the program to appear to have errors while in the real sense is free from errors. 7.2.3 power failure There is constant power surge and power black outs in the organization 7.3 Future improvements. The researcher concluded that the organization needs to network its departments to enable sharing of resources and also ease communication. Different departments should also be integrated by the new system to ensure accuracy and efficiency between departments.

CHAPTER EIGHT 8.0 CONCLUSION 8.1 Degree of success. It is due to the hard work of the researcher that has proved the success of development of the new system. The research has been done intensively hence giving 30

proper explanation in design and more so documentation that is very friendly to the user. The researcher has also ensured that the program is flexible for future improvement. 8.2 Learning experience. The study builds a conclusion that the achievement of the organization will depend on the relationship between the management, the staff and the customers. 8.3 Cost incurred. Cost incurred Transport. Interviews and questionnaire preparation. Printing Binding Photocopying Stationery Blank CDS Total Amount. 1000 800 1000 600 680 300 200 4,580


Resource materials. The following are the materials that helped the researcher to accomplish the research: Stephen Doyle information system third edition published in 2001 by

Nelson Thornes Limited Delta Place. Wendy Robinson Strategic management information system 3d edition

published in Great Britain Pearson education page 6 and 13. Kenneth E. Kendel and Julia E Kendel (2005) system analysis and design

5th edition published by Baba Barkhan printers in India. Newspaper daily nation dated July 2001 page 12. 31


GUSII INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, P.O. BOX 222, KISII. OUR REF: GIT/NOTICE/VOL.2/10 YOUR REF: ........................................ DATE: 5th September 2010 32

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Dear Sir/ Madam RE: KPLAGAT KIPROP ADMNO: This letter is to confirm to you that the person whose names and admission number appears above is a bona fide student of Gusii Institute of Technology pursuing a Diploma in Computer Studies (DCS) Course. As a course requirement he is supposed to undertake research project for the award of the above Diploma. The title of the Research is AUTOMATION FEE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Any assistance accorded him will be self rewarding. Yours Faithfully Athanas Mokaya Principal

APPENDIX II QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Respondent, I am a student at Gusii Institute of Technology pursuing a Diploma in Computer studies in partial fulfilment for the qualification for the award of the Diploma, I am to carry a research and write a report. My research focuses on Fees Management System. Kindly respond to the questionnaire with ultimate honesty. The information will be held in confidence and will be used for academic purposes only. Please DO NOT write your name or PIN anywhere in the questionnaire. Place a tick in as appropriate and explain when required in the spaces provided.


Thank you for taking time to support this study. SECTION A: 1. Gender 2. Age Bracket PERSONAL DATA Male 20-25 36-39
3. Department

Female 26-29 above 40 Accounts 30-35


SECTION B: SYSTEM OPERATIONS 1) In that department, what exactly do you deal with? 2) Do you encounter any problems in the organization when dealing with customers? (a) Yes (b) No 3) If yes what are the problems? 4) Are you satisfied with the management of the organization? (a) Yes (b) No 5) If no, why? 6) Are the owners satisfied with how the organization is run? 7) How do you cater for finances? 34

8) What can you say about the manual system that you use? 9) What about introducing a computerized system that will solve all these problems?


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