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Alifah Syarafina A5-DMS

Nerves of Vertebra Column

Other than the zygapophysial joints (innervated by articular branches of the medial branches of the posterior rami, as described with these joints), the vertebral column is innervated by (recurrent) meningeal branches of the spinal nerves. These rarely described or depicted branches are the only branches to arise from the mixed spinal nerve, arising immediately after it is formed and before its division into anterior and posterior rami, or from the anterior ramus immediately after its formation. Two to four of these fine meningeal branches arise on each side at all vertebral levels. Close to their origin, the meningeal branches receive communicating branches from the nearby gray rami communicantes. As the spinal nerves exit the IV foramina, most of the meningeal branches run back through the foramina into the vertebral canal (hence the alternate term recurrent). However, some branches remain outside the canal and are distributed to the anterolateral aspect of the vertebral bodies and IV discs. They also supply the periosteum and especially the anuli fibrosi and anterior longitudinal ligament. Inside the vertebral canal, transverse, ascending, and descending branches distribute nerve fibers to the:

Periosteum (covering the surface of the posterior vertebral bodies, pedicles, and laminae). Ligamenta flava. Anuli fibrosi of the posterior and posterolateral aspect of the IV discs. Posterior longitudinal ligament. Spinal dura mater. Blood vessels within the vertebral canal.

Nerve fibers to the periosteum, anuli fibrosi, and ligaments supply pain receptors. Those to the anuli fibrosi and ligaments also supply receptors for proprioception (the sense of one's position). Sympathetic fibers to the blood vessels stimulate vasoconstriction.

Alifah Syarafina A5-DMS Spinal Nerves Spinal nerves and the nerves that branch from them are part of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). They connect the CNS to sensory receptors, muscles, and glands in all parts of the body. The 31 pairs of spinal nerves are named and numbered according to the region and level of the vertebral column from which they emerge

A short distance after passing through its intervertebral foramen, a spinal nerve divides into several branches. These branches are known as rami. Posterior (dorsal) ramus serves the deep muscles and skin of the posterior surface of the trunk. Anterior (ventral) ramus serves the muscles and structures of the upper and lower limbs and the skin of the lateral and anterior surfaces of the trunk. Axons from the anterior rami form networks on both the left and right sides of the body by joining with various numbers of axons from anterior rami of adjacent nerves, plexus. The principal plexuses are the cervical plexus, brachial plexus, lumbar plexus, and sacral plexus Meningeal branch. This branch reenters the vertebral cavity through the intervertebral foramen and supplies the vertebrae, vertebral ligaments, blood vessels of the spinal cord, and meninges. Rami communicantes, components of the autonomic nervous system

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