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Abortion is morally unacceptable Intentional abortion is wrong. 1. The law does not allow intentional abortion 2.

Intentional is a murder 3. Intentional abortion is often unsafe 4. Most people believe abortion should not be done for any reason

The law does not allow intentional abortion 1. article 346 KUHP , a woman that intentionally abort her pregnancy or tell someone to do it for her is punishable by imprisonment for up to four years 2. The law however makes an exception for abortus medicinalis or abortion with medical indication, on which the baby's and/ or the mother's life is threatened. 3. There are different laws in different countries but generally after 3 months, aborting pregnancy is punishable by law. 4. article 33 UU 2009

Intentional abortion is a murder 1. Different religions have different belief in whether or not a baby has a life. Catholic &Muslim (40 days). 2. My opinion is based on the view of a doctor that a fetus is not technically alive until the cell attaches itself to the uterus in one week time 3. Point of catholic church is that no matter how small the baby is, it is still alive, which is basically true because most likely, when pregnancy is discovered, it is past one week.

Intentional abortion is often unsafe 1. Abortion that is done intentionally without reason is illegal. Therefore, most of these abortions are done in an unsafe way 2. Unsafe abortion leads to further complications and in extreme cases death

3. Due to this fact, countries often ignore the fact that intentional abortion is being committed unless it is reported. 4. For this I am even more against abortion because not only it harms the baby, it also potentially hurt the mother.

Survey result 1. Survey shows that to Indonesians, abortion is unacceptable 2. 100% people think that a fetus is a living organism 3. However, Conclusion 1. I am against abortion unless it has severe medical indication that backs it up 2. My view is biased because I have never been in a situation that makes me have to take such extreme action 3. I live in a country where most people are pro-life 4. For the time being I am pro-life

http://www.depdagri.go.id/produk-hukum/2009/10/13/undang-undang-no-36-tahun-2009 http://www.aborsi.org/hukum-aborsi.htm http://www.antaranews.com/view/?i=1203765104&c=NAS&s= http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2007/02/23/abortion-is-a-moral-good/ Survey Dr. MED. Hardi Sutanto, SpOG Spesialis Obstetri Ginekologi (rumah sakit Grha Kedoya Lt 1 bagian ginekologi)

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