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UNJU - FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA NOMBRE:....................................................... CARRERA:............................................... LU:............................. INGLES II - NIVEL DE APTITUD 1 PARCIAL JUNIO 2009 - ING.

. INDUSTRIAL 1) Lea el siguiente texto y... :, a.- Indique dos ejemplos de voz pasiva b.- A que se refieren las siguientes expresiones? 1 they lnea 2

he lnea 16

c.- Que funcin gramatical cumplen en el texto las siguientes palabras? 1 engineering (linea 2) 2 controlling ( lnea 6) 3 working (lnea 17)

d.- Responda en castellano 1 What are the systems that are the subject of Industrial Engineering design characterized by? 2 What systems are typical of industrial engineering? 3 Which are the key elements in the systems Industrial Engineers work with? 4 What is the dual role of an industrial engineer? 5 What does the process of engineering always start with? 1 . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . What do Industrial Engineers do? All engineers work at planning, designing, implementing and controlling the systems that represent the way people use technology. The systems that are the subject of Industrial Engineering design are broad and they are characterized by a need to integrate both the physical and decision making capabilities of humans together with all other aspects of the system design. Problems range from the design of a work method and work station, to the design of a factory layout and methods of controlling the flow of materials on the factory floor, to the design of an overall corporate plan involving materials procurement, production, inventory and distribution. The idea of a factory is also extended to include health care systems, municipal systems, transportation systems; in fact all the systems that are essential to the functioning of modern society. Systems that facilitate effective decision making and implementation An integral part of IE: Designing for People Human behaviour and capabilities are key element in the systems Industrial Engineers work with. In designing the layout of a production line for an automobile manufacturer, the checkout counter for a supermarket, the organization of office work flow for a bank or the materials handling system for a steel plant, the engineer must consider both He has a dual role, both to extend human capability to operate, manage and control the overall production system and to ensure the safety and well being of those working in the system. Design and development of these systems requires the unique background of the Industrial Engineer. The process of engineering always starts with measurement. Where other engineers might measure temperatures, pressures or machine failures, and demand processes for finished goods.

10 in areas such as scheduling, inventory, and quality control are typical of industrial engineering.

15 physical requirements and cost parameters and the physiological and behavioral performance of the human operators.

20 wind loads, the Industrial Engineer measures the time of a work cycle, dollar values of expenditures, rates of

2) Traduzca el siguiente texto: Systems Approach Engineers have attempted to develop a systems approach (termed safety engineering) to industrial accident prevention. Because accidents arise from the interaction of workers and their work environments, both must be carefully examined to reduce the risk of injury. Injury can result from poor working conditions, the use of improperly designed equipment and tools, fatigue, distraction, lack of skill, and risk taking. The systems approach examines the following areas: all work locations to eliminate or control hazards, operating methods and practices, and the training of employees and supervisors. The systems approach, moreover, demands a thorough examination of all accidents and near misses. Key facts about accidents and injuries are recorded, along with the history of the worker involved, to check for and eliminate any patterns that might lead to hazards. The systems approach also pays special attention to the capabilities and limitations of the working population. It recognizes large individual differences among people in their physical and physiological capabilities.

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