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Bahagian 1 1. Diagram 1 shows types of immunity. Rajah 1 menunjukkan jenis-jenis imuniti.

Immunity Imuniti Active / Aktif X

Natural Semulajadi

Artificial Buatan

Natural Semulajadi Acquired through the placenta and breast milk Diperoleh melalui plasenta dan susu ibu

Artificial Buatan

Acquired through the injection of serum Diperoleh melalui suntikan serum

Diagram 1 Rajah 1 (a) (i) Name the immunity X Namakan imuniti X X: [1 mark] (ii) Give one example for Y and Z Berikan satu contoh Y dan Z Y: Z: [2 marks]

(b) Table 1 shows the natural immunity acquired by receiving antibodies. Jadual 1 menunjukkan imuniti semulajadi yang diperolehi dengan menerima antibodi. Immunity is acquired naturally by the mother from offspring via placenta during pregnancy Imuniti diperoleh secara semulajadi dari ibu melalui plasenta semasa mengandung. Zygote receives antibodies from the mother via placenta Zigot menerima antibodi dari ibu melalui plasenta This type of immunity is short-lived Imuniti jenis ini adalah untuk jangka hayat yang pendek(sementara) The immunity response is not stimulated by antigens Tindakbalas imuniti tidak dirangsang oleh antigen B-cells do not produce antibodies Sel B tidak menghasilkan antibodi Table 1 Jadual 1 Tick () the three correct descriptions of this type of immunity, in the boxes provided in Table 1. Tandakan () tiga pernyataan yang betul tentang jenis imuniti tersebut dalam ruangan yang disediakan di Jadual 1. [3 marks]

(c) A person was bitten by poisonous snake and was quickly injected with serum. Seseorang telah dipatuk ular berbisa dan dengan segera disuntik dengan serum.


In the graph below, draw a curve to show the changes in the level of immunity in the blood after injection with serum containing antibodies. Dalam graf di bawah, lukiskan lengkung untuk menunjukkan perubahan aras imuniti dalam darah selepas menerima suntikan serum yang mengandungi antibodi.

Amount of antibodies in the blood Jumlah antibodi dalam darah

Time (day) Masa (hari)

[2marks] (ii) Explain the immune response after the injection of serum based on the graph in 2(c)(i) Jelaskan gerakbalas imun selepas suntikan serum berdasarkan graf di 2(c)(i) [2 marks]


State the two examples that can be treated by this type of immunity. Nyatakan dua contoh yang mana boleh disembuhkan menggunakan jenis imuniti ini. 1 .. 2 .. [2 marks]

2. Diagram 2 shows the cross section of a human heart. Rajah 2 menunjukkan keratan rentas jantung manusia.


Diagram 2 Rajah 2 (a) Label structures A, B, C and D. Labelkan struktur A, B, C dan D. A: . B: . C: .. D: .. [4 marks]

(b) State the functions of structures labeled P and Q. Nyatakan fungsi struktur berlabel P dan Q. P: Q: [2 marks]

(c) The muscular wall of D is thicker compared to the muscular wall of structure E. Explain why? Dinding berotot pada D lebih tebal berbanding pada E. Jelaskan mengapa? [2 marks] (d) Draw arrows to indicate the direction of blood flow in the heart. Lukiskan anak panah untuk menunjukkan arah peredaran darah di dalam jantung. [1 mark] (e) Give three differences between structures Q and S. Berikan tiga perbezaan antara struktur Q dan S. 1. ........................................................................ 2. 3. [3 marks]

Bahagian 2 1. a) Nyatakan definisi bagi sistol State the definition of systole stage. (3 markah)

b)Explain how the blood pressure of person is regulated during physical exercise. Terangkan bagaimana tekanan darah seseorang dikawatur semasa senaman fizikal. (6 markah)

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