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Punctuation Cheat Sheet

Revision: 1.1 Date: 2010/09/09. Yu Heng (henrysting@gmail.com)

Symbol Name LATEX quote \textquoteleft backquote \textquoteright double quote \textquotedblleft back double quote \textquotedblright round brackets, parentheses: ( parenleft ( ) parenright ) square brackets, box brackets: [ bracketleft \lbrack ] bracketright \lbrack curly brackets, braces: { braceleft \{ } braceright \} angle brackets, wickets, chevrons: left angle bracket $\langle$ right angle bracket $\rangle$

Symbol = = + < > . n . Name equal to not equal to approximately equal to equivalent to plus minus plus or minus times divided by less than greater than much less than much greater than less than or equal to greater than or equal to square root of N-th root of innity proportional to integral of . . . contour integral of prime/derivative of double prime partial Real number Imaginary number sum over product over degree angle triangle parallel top element perpendicular congruent similar because therefore or and for all in not in exists implies subset of superset of union of intersected with LATEX = \neq \approx \equiv + \pm \times \div < > \ll \gg \leq \geq \sqrt{} \sqrt[n]{} \infty \propto \int \oint \prime \prime\prime \partial \Re \Im \sum \prod ^\circ \angle \triangle \parallel \top \bot \cong \sim \because 3 \therefore 3 \wedge \vee \forall \in \notin \exists \Rightarrow \subset \supset \cup \cap

Symbol : ; , . ? ! ... / \ | Name apostrophe colon semicolon comma full stop/period question mark exclamation mark ellipses small tilde caret underscore/understrike hyphen en-dash em-dash slash/stroke backslash LATEX : ; , . ? ! \ldots \~{} \^{} \_ ---/ \textbackslash

Greek Alaphet*
\alpha \epsilon \theta \lambda \pi \upsilon \omega \Gamma \Xi \Phi \beta \zeta \iota \mu \rho \phi \gamma \eta \kappa \nu \sigma \chi \delta \varepsilon \vartheta \xi \tau \psi


@ # % & vertical bar broken bar at sign empty set Number sign percent sign permil/permille ampersand degree degree Celsius currency sign pound sign dollar sign old style dollar sign cent sign Japanese yen sign euro sign Amstr onger capital ae ligature small ae ligature/diphthong bullet pilcrow section sign dagger double dagger reference mark copyright symbol registered sign sound recording copyright trademark numero sign \textbar \textbrokenbar1 @ \O \# \% \textperthousand \& \textdegree \textcelsius \textcurrency \pounds \$ \textdollaroldstyle \textcent \yen \euro 2 \AA \AE \ae \textbullet \P \S \dag \ddag \textreferencemark \copyright \textregistered \textcircledP \texttrademark \textnumero

e A

\Delta \Pi \Psi

\Theta \Sigma \Omega

\Lambda \Upsilon

Diacritics & Others*

Symbol x x x x x x x ` x x Name vector macron/mean(x bar) overdot(x dot) double dot acute caron grave circumex breve asterisk star circle diamond sharp natural at h bar nabla aleph sun symbol LATEX \vec{x} \bar{x} \dot{x} \ddot{x} \acute{x} \check{x} \grave{x} \hat{x} \breve{x} \ast \star \circ \diamond \sharp \natural \flat \hbar \nabla \aleph \odot = /

| | | | | | |

\.{x} \"{x} \{x} \v{x} \{x} \^{x} \u{x}

* means latex codes there only work in math mode. 1. Package textcomp is needed by most signs begin with \text. 2. One of the package eurosans/eurofont/eurosym will work. 3. Package amssymbl is needed.

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