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Champion Counter#1 Counter#2 Counter#3 Counter#4 Counter Mecha

Ahri Akali Alistar Amumu

Talon Garen Cho'gath Malzahar Kennen Vayne Corki Olaf Lee Sin Garen

Anivia Annie Ashe Blitzcrank Brand Caitlyn Cassiopeia Cho'gath Corki Dr.Mundo Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fizz Galio Gangplank Garen Gragas Graves Heimerdinger Irelia Janna Jarvan IV Jax Karma Karthus Kassadin

Kennen Malzahar Vayne Morgana Cassiopeia Assasin (Talon,Akali) Talon Teemo Talon Tristana Karthus Caitlyn Fizz Kassadin Leona Pantheon Sivir Kassadin Assasin (Talon,Akali) Caitlyn Rumble

Cassiopeia Le Blanc




Fizz Kog'maw Vayne Tryndamere

Miss Fortune Twisted Fate Graves Tristana Ahri Renekton Malphite Udyr Riven Katarina Garen Janna/Alistar

Nunu Riven

Karthus Yorick Singed

Ahri Teemo


Lee Sin

Annie Talon

Talon Ahri

Kassadin / Xerath Sion


Katarina Kayle Kennen Kog'Maw Le Blanc Lee Sin Leona Lux Malphite Malzahar Maokai Master Yi Miss Fortune Mordekaiser Morgana Nasus

Leona Soraka Janna Talon Galio Warwick Lee Sin Gragas


Tristana Akali Sion Irelia

Alistar Irelia Cassiopeia

Jarvan IV





Rammus Assasin (Talon,Akali) Garen Talon Teemo



Ahri Janna Kennen

Cassiopeia Alistar Renekton Olaf

Nidalee Nocturne Olaf Orianna Pantheon Poppy Rammus Renekton Riven Rumble Ryze Shaco Shen Shyvana Singed Sion Sivir Skarner Sona Soraka

Cassiopeia Rammus

Blitzcrank Lee Sin


Kennen Vayne Ryze Kog'maw Trundle

Tryndamere Riven Warwick Teemo

Lee Sin Wukong Cassiopeia

Wukong Gankplank Xerath


Nasus Malzahar Ahri Janna Soraka Talon

Lee Sin Morgana Assasin (Talon,Akali) Alistar Alistar Miss Fortune Tristana Ryze

Swain Talon Taric Teemo Tristana Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Urgot Vayne Veigar Viktor Vladimir Volibear Warwick Wukong Xerath Xin Zhao Yorick Ziggs Zilean

Katarina Xerath Sivir Assasin (Talon,Akali) Assasin (Talon,Akali)

Fizz Swain Ahri Ahri



Rammus Morgana Corki Jax Assasin (Talon,Akali) Caitlyn Morgana Morgana Fizz Tristana Gangplank Corki Nasus Akali Talon

Teemo Twisted Fate Ahri Graves Malzahar



Urgot Zilean


Fizz Olaf Garen Teemo Renekton Le Blanc

Katarina Alistar

Miss Fortune

Cho'gath Udyr

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ter#4 Counter Mechanics

Silence + Gap closer AOE / Stealth Detection True Damage

You should burst her in one Combo or she might run away Zone her early to have a big advantage He earns some high Resists, True Damage just rapes it Try to keep her low on health, once she's dead smash her, prevent her from Comboing Try to keep her low in Lane, so you might One-Combo her Play defensive early, and stay behind Minions (Volley) DON'T FACECHECK BUSHES! Don't stay near Minions. Try not to eat all her Q's Try to harass as much as possible so you gotta rape with 6 Cho'gath stacks hp, % Damage is real terror. In Teamfight's focus for the Damage dealers. Poision him as soon as he ults. Be careful of her Ganks, get wards! Stay behind minions, his Q is real terror As soon as he jumps in in Teamfight, shot him away! Be aware of his High Mobility and calculate it in with your actions When he ult's you, don't forget to charge your stun! Early armour for his Parrrley, it's terror and MUST have! She gains movement speed so Garen having a hard time spinning her! Keep harass him, but don't push too hard or he might be able to run away! Self-explained - Just nuke in Teamfight Destroying his Turret's is very important! Harass her as much as possible and don't let her heal! He might area you, so better be aware you got flash! Early harass and deny farm, blind him as soon as he jumps you! Don't underestimate her early game, it's really strong! Karthus is one of the squishiest, deny his Ultimate and harass him in Lane Try to kill him before he reaches 6

Pink Wards, Oracle's Elixir

Constant Damage while egged Silence / Burst Stealth Spellshield Zoning Nuke / Burst Nuke / Burst %HP Damage / outharass / blind Gap closing skills Heal Reduction AOE Spells Zoning Heal Reduction / Toss back Gap closing skills CC his ulti / Attack-modifier Stun Outharass / Movement + Attack speed reduction Zoning + Movement Speed bonus (passive) Flash-y Abilities (Gap closing)

Magic resist QSS/MR Quicksilver Stash Banshee's Veil Magic resist / Early Boots Frozen heart, Randuin's Omen, Armour Magic resist Magic resist Armour Executioner's Calling Pink Wards, Oracle's Elixir Armour / Magic Resist (Banshee's Veil)

QSS Early Armour (poke Damage) Early boots

Long Range (easily destroy turrets) Constant Damage / Shield / Mobility / Kiting

Escape-Skills Blind/ outharass Strong early game Nuke / instant death / Deny Ultimate Silence / Gap close / Sustain

Any hard CC (Stun + Silence) Silence to prevent from ultimating Toss back, Caging Assassin / Nuke High MR / Zoning Heavy sustain / deny farm Flash-y Abilities / sustain Great range

Stun/Silence/Fear as soon as she Ultimates! If you got silence, use it on her! Her ultimate is really strong Toss/Cage whatever him, so he can't cast a proper ultimate Kog'maw got no escape skill, take advantage of it Constant damage her, and beware of her Lv. 6 Harass him, and don't let him heal up, stay behind Minions Don't get stunned easily, take a Champion which is fast! Don't let her come near you and stay behind Minons Harass him, once he casted ultimate, KILL HIM! Beware of his Ganks, OP SHIT! Focus him down as team, alone he might faceroll you. Focus her in Teamfights, be careful of her Q early-game Toss her back and don't let your team get her! Theultimated best way by to counter him is early, try to keep his health as low as possible. Her early harass is really annoying, stay behind minions and don't catch spears! His Lv.6 ganks are terrifying, don't push too hard! Remember, he gains attack-speed when low, don't try to 1 on 1 him! Don't stay all together or she Ulti's you all up! Get some early Armor, his poke damage is some pain in the ass Zone her early if you're ranged, be careful of her early Damage! His early ganks are terrifying, go for boots so you got a chance to run! He got strong early damage. be aware of that Poke her early is the best you can do. Poke him to death! Build some MR If he jungles, try to invade jungle early

Fish is real terror

Blind / Returning Damage / CC / Reducing Damage Thornmail Nuke / Burst Early deny farm / outharass Heavy burst / Toss back Blind / outharass / Zoning / Deny Q Farm Quicksilver Stash

Early deny farm / prevent from escaping Flash-y abilities

Early armor Deny farm True Damage / ArPen Early Boots

Flash-y Abilities, Poke Damage Flash-y Abilities High sustain Map control + Blind Oracle's Elixir, Pink Wards Early boots

Flash-y Abilities Forcing to stay lane by pushing. Gap closer Toss away Silence Heavy burst / Heal reduction Banshee's Veil, QSS

Burst his shield to prevent from farming!

Heal Reduction (eg. Ignite) Passive / Nuke / Damage per Second Deny almost every stun Heavy Burst / Gap closer / Zoning Gap closer Dodge / Blind / Returning Damage / Reducing Damage Spellshield Pink Wards, Oracle's Elixir Gap closer Zoning (destroying in Lane phase) Spellshield / Deny Q Farm / Poke Damage Spellshield / Deny Q Farm Heal Reduction Heal Reduction Immune to CC Executioner's Calling Early boots Attack speed slow / Blind Gap closer Forcing to use ultimate on himself / sustain Banshee's Veil Boots Oracle's Elixir, Frozen Heart Pink Wards, Oracle's Elixir

Walk in bushes when you got Omen aggro.

Credits to VII Avenue


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