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Now I Know My ABC Next time wont you sing with me?

Pronoun pronome em ingls. E pronome uma palavra que representa ou substitui um nome. Em ingls, h basicamente trs tipos de pronomes. Mas aqui veremos apenas dois tipos mais usados.

Primeira lista
I You He She It We They Eu Voc/vocs Ele (pessoa) Ela (pessoa) Ele/ela (neutro) Ns Eles/elas

Esses pronomes so utilizados antes dos verbos e so os sujeitos das oraes.

Exemplos: I like my family Eu gosto da minha famlia. You could go there Voc poderia ir l. Does he tell a good joke? Ele conta uma boa piada? Segunda lista
Me You Him Her It Us Them Eu Voc/vocs Ele (pessoa) Ela (pessoa) Ele/ela (neutro) Ns Eles/elas

Esses pronomes so utilizados depois dos verbos e preposies e so complementos.

Exemplos: Mary hates me Mary me odeia Why is she with him? Por que ela est com ele? Tell us about the accident Conte-nos sobre o acidente.

1) Utilize o pronome correto. a) _________ (I / me) need to work tomorrow morning. b) She plays with _________ (I / me) at the park. c) Did we take _________ (they / them) to have a snack? d) _________ (they / them) followed the instructions and got them. e) _________ (he / him) is very shy. Thats why _________ (he / him) doesnt talk to_________ (she / her) f) _________ (we / us) develop many kind of projects for _________ (they / them). g) Could _________ (they / them) take some notes? h) _________ (she / her) doesnt know about computers. i) Do_________ (I / me) have to finish this for _________ (he / him) now?

2) complete com o pronome correspondente. a) Do you like computers? I love __________. b) Marcos likes Carol but she hates __________. c) Felipe is bad at Math but I'm very good at __________. d) Mary likes this book very much. Could you give it to __________. e) John! Where are your brothers? I can't see __________. f) My mom loves my brother and me. She loves __________.

What is a Computer?
Nowadays, in most modern societies, almost everybody has an idea about what a computer is. We depend on computers in every aspect of our lives whether we know how to use one or not. But does everyone really know how a computer works inside? A computer is an electronic machine which processes data and provides the results of the processing as information. There are three basic steps in the computing process. The first one is input, which consists of feeding data into the computer's memory. Then comes the processing: the program is run and the computer processes the data by performing a set of instructions. The third and final step is the output furnished by the computer, which allows the user to see the results either in printed form or on the screen. The world of computers has created a specific language of its own. English words such as software and hardware are used worldwide and have been borrowed by many different languages. Software is information in the form of data and programs, and hardware refers to the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system. Despite the constant presence of computers in most modern societies, it is a great mistake to believe that everybody in the world is computer-literate, is familiar with computers and knows how to use them properly. In some contemporary societies, many people still have no idea about the existence of computers, and even in the so-called developed countries, there are lots of people do not know or do not care about what a computer is.

(in the present form) O presente simples utilizado para falar sobre coisas/assuntos em geral. Mas no ingls, de acordo com as pessoas que praticam a ao, a estrutura ser diferente. Forma Afirmativa I (eu) YOU (voc) HE (ele) SHE (ela) IT (ele/ela neutro) WE (ns) YOU (vocs) THEY (eles/elas) AM (sou, estou) ARE (, est) IS (, est) IS (, est) IS (, est) ARE (somos, estamos) ARE (so, esto) ARE (so, esto)

Forma Negativa I (eu) YOU (voc) HE (ele) SHE (ela) IT (ele/ela neutro) WE (ns) YOU (vocs) THEY (eles/elas) AM NOT ARE NOT IS NOT IS NOT IS NOT ARE NOT ARE NOT ARE NOT

Forma Interrogativa AM ARE IS IS IS ARE ARE ARE I (eu) YOU (voc) HE (ele) SHE (ela) IT (ele/ela neutro) WE (ns) YOU (vocs) THEY (eles/elas)

1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of TO BE. a) I __________ a businessman. b) __________she a good employee? c) They __________ (not) Brazilian. d) __________ the letters over there? e) The written agreement __________ under the notebook. f) The office __________ (not) in a good condition.

g) __________ we at a good proccess? 2. Make sentences using the TO BE. a) he / very handsome b) I/ not / a rebel person c) you / the famous person d) Robert De Niro / an actor e) Rihanna / a soccer player ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ?

3. Create sentences using the words below in affirmative, negative form or questions. a) the best programmer b) the capital c) the manager d) Arabian d) Bill Gates e) the pen drive f) _________________ g) _________________ h) _________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

4) Write the sentences below in English and write a dialogue: Qual o seu nome? Qual a sua profisso? Quais so as suas frutas favoritas? Qual seu time de futebol favorito? Person A ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Person B ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Simple Present
O presente simples utilizado para falar sobre coisas/assuntos em geral. Mas no ingls, de acordo com as pessoas que praticam a ao, a estrutura ser diferente. Quando houver os pronomes I, YOU, THEY, WE e contedo que indique plural, utilizaremos a estrutura apresentada a seguir: Forma Afirmativa
make process

I You We They The boys Those children

create go have study save play develop get in shut down

Forma Negativa
make process

I You We They The boys Those children

create go


have study save play develop get in shut down

Forma Interrogativa
make process I create go have study save play develop get in shut down


You We They The boys Those children

No entanto quando houver os pronomes HE, SHE, IT e contedo que indique singular, utilizaremos a estrutura apresentada a seguir: Forma Afirmativa
makeS processeS

He She It The child That girl

createS goES haS studIES saveS playS developS getS in shutS down

Forma Negativa
make process create go

HeHe She She It The It child That girl The child That girl


have study save play develop get in shut down

Forma Interrogativa



process create go have study save play develop get in shut down


She It The child That girl

We call hardware the actual physical components of a computer system. Here they are: Input devices they take the information from the outside world and convert it in one way or another into the binary code which the computer can cope with. It may be a card reader or a CRT (cathode ray tube) terminal, for example. Central processor it is the part of a computer where arithmetic and logical operations are performed. It acts as the brain and processes the information in accordance with program of instructions. Output devices they receive the messages from the computer as a result of its calculations. This can be given on a television screen, on a printer, or stored on magnetic or disks.

VOCABULARY actual: reais cope with: enfrentar, aceitar. card reader: leitora de carto (perfurado) Cathode ray tube: tubo de raio catdico (tela de televiso e terminais de computador) brain: crebro; parte importante do sistema. in accordance with: de acordo com

The software of a computer system is the set of program that tells the computer what to do. There are two main types of programs: Systems Software it includes operating systems, programming languages, utility programs. Applications Programs they include software that does accounting; word processing; data management, communications and graphics. A software package is a special-purpose computer program that is available for sale. They come on either disks or DVD. Examples of software package include word processing packages, financial planning packages and numerous game programs. VOCABULARY set: conjunto utility programs: programas utilitrios accounting: contabilidade

word processing: processador de texto management: quadro de gerentes special-purpose: objetivo; inteno especial

1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of simple present. Check the explanation about DO. a) They __________________ (to shut down) the computer when they __________________ (to finish) the job. b) You ___________________ (not - to have) to sleep too late. You __________________ (to need) to get up early tomorrow morning. c) ________________ we ________________ (to have) to develop this project this morning? d) _____________ your brothers _______________ (to play) soccer very well? e) The boys __________ (to like) to _____________ (to speak) with their friends. f) The parents usually ___________ (not - to get up) late during the week because their children _______________ (to have) to go to school early. 2. Complete the sentences using the correct form of simple present. Check the explanation about DOES. a) Mariana ___________ (to study) logistic at ETCZL in the morning and she ________________ (not- to go) downtown every day. b) __________ your sister ____________ (to go) to school in the morning? c) __________ he ____________ (to make) many films? d) That girl __________ (to live) near here. She ________ (to live) far from here. e) The dog ________________ (to walk) with its owner on the walk side. f) I am glad because Sally always ____________ (to shut) the computer down 3. Come back to the text Hardware and Software and copy some examples about the structure DO and DOES. Ex. We call hardware a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ c) ______________________________________________ d) ______________________________________________

4) Escreva em ingls o texto a seguir: Computadores so produtos importantes, pois eles ajudam as pessoas a terem uma vida mais eficiente. No entanto, necessrio saber como us-los corretamente. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


Keys Exerccio
1) Traduza para ingls as frases correspondentes: Essa tecla move a tela para baixo. __________________________________________________________

Essa tecla move a tela para cima. __________________________________________________________ Essa tecla move o cursor para direita. __________________________________________________________ Essa tecla move o cursor para o incio da linha. __________________________________________________________

Essa tecla move o cursor para o fim da linha. __________________________________________________________

Cloud computing
Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). The name comes from the use of a cloud-shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user's data, software and computation.


Reviso de Contedo (Present)

1) Escreva as frases a seguir em ingls. a) O que e Onde voc estuda? b) Por que voc quer seguir essa profisso? c) O que voc tem a oferece a empresa? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

2) Com base nas perguntas do exerccio 2, responda em ingls. a) ___________________________________________________________________ b) ___________________________________________________________________ c) ___________________________________________________________________

3) Mark the best answer

I) That short girl ___ four languages. a. speak b. speaks II) Jane is a teacher. She ___ French. a. teach b. teaches III) When the kettle ___, will you make some tea? a. boil b. boils IV) I always ___ the window at night because it is cold. a. close b. closes V) Those shoes ___ too much. a. cost b. costs VI) The food in Japan is expensive. It ___ a lot to live there. a. cost b. costs VII) His job is great because he ___ a lot of people. a. meet b. meets VIII) He always ___ his car on Sundays. a. wash b. washes IX) My watch is broken and it ___ to be fixed again. a. need b. needs X) I ___ to watch movies. a. love b. loves XI) I ___ to the cinema at least once a week. a. go b. goes XII) The boys never ___ tea in the morning. a. drink b. drinks XIII) You and I both ___ to the radio in the morning. a. listen b. listens XIV) Mark Sullivan ___ a big wedding. a. want b. wants XV) George ___ too much so he's getting fat. a. eat b. eats XVI) The earth ___ round the sun, doesn't it? a. go b. goes XVII) The shops in England ___ at 9:00 in the morning. a. open b. opens XVIII) The post office ___ at 5:30 pm. a. close b. closes XIX) Jackie ___ two children now. a. has b. have XX) Mr. Smith ___ too much. He always has a cigarette in his mouth. a. smoke b. smokes XXI) When the phone ___, please answer it. a. ring b. rings XXII) The computer ___ well a. works b. work 12

Modal Can
CAN utilizado quando queremos dizer que alguma coisa possvel ou que algum tem habilidade para fazer algo. E quer dizer PODER. Forma Afirmativa
I You We They The boys Those children He She It The child That girl remember feel listen talk move insert see understand escape


Forma Negativa
I You We They The boys Those children He She It The child That girl remember feel listen talk move insert see understand escape


Forma Interrogativa
I You We They The boys Those children He She It The child That girl remember feel listen talk move insert see understand escape



Modal Could
COULD algumas vezes o passado de CAN. tambm utilizado para dizer que algum tem uma possibilidade ou permisso, de maneira forma, para fazer algo. E quer dizer PODERIA. Forma Afirmativa
I You We They The boys Those children He She It The child That girl remember feel listen talk move insert see understand escape


Forma Negativa
I You We They The boys Those children He She It The child That girl remember feel listen talk move insert see understand escape


Forma Interrogativa
I You We They The boys Those children He She It The child That girl remember feel listen talk move insert see understand escape



1) Write sentences with CAN and COULD and use the verbs. Pay attention to write the correct sentence in the correct form. a) (can / she / to go to the movies) b) (can / they / not to smoke) c) (can / the boys/ to travel) ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ?

d) (could / those drivers/ not - to drive) ______________________________________ e) (could/ the companies/ to pay) f) (could/ he/ to do me a favor) ______________________________________ ? ______________________________________

2) Read the conversation A) What can we do on the weekend? B) We can go to the movies. A) Oh I am sorry, I cant go to the movies because I dont have money! B) So, we could go to the park and walk around there. A) Great! Can we be there at 9am? B) It sounds good. See you there on Saturday.
4) Escreva um pequeno dialogo utilizando os modais. A) ___________________________________________________________________ B) ___________________________________________________________________ A) ___________________________________________________________________ B) ___________________________________________________________________ A) ___________________________________________________________________ B) ___________________________________________________________________

Android is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. Initially developed by Android, Inc., which Google backed financially and later purchased in 2005. Android is open source and Google releases the code under the Apache License. This open source code and permissive licensing allows the software to be freely modified and distributed by device manufacturers, wireless carriers and enthusiast developers. Additionally, Android has a large community of developers writing applications ("apps") that extend the functionality of devices, written primarily in a customized version of the Java programming language. These factors have allowed Android to become the world's most widely used smart phone platform and the software of choice for technology companies who require a low-cost, customizable, lightweight operating system for high tech devices.

Simple Past
O passado simples utilizado para falar sobre coisas/assuntos em geral, que j aconteceram em um determinado momento. No ingls, utilizaremos a estrutura apresentada a seguir para todas as pessoas que praticam a ao: Forma Afirmativa
I You We They The boys Those children He She It The child That girl maDE ATE createD WENT haD studIED saveD playED developED gOt in SHUT down

Forma Negativa
I You We They The boys Those children He She It The child That girl make eat create go have study save play develop get in shut down developED gOt in SHUT down


Forma Interrogativa
I You We They The boys Those children He She It The child That girl


make eat create go have study save play develop get in shut down developED gOt in SHUT down


Em ingls, os verbos no passado so divididos em verbos regulares, aqueles que possuem a terminao ED; e os irregulares, que no possuem uma regra prpria. Essa caracterstica somente aparece na forma afirmativa.

TO BE (in the past form)

Forma Afirmativa I (eu) YOU (voc) HE (ele) SHE (ela) IT (ele/ela neutro) WE (ns) YOU (vocs) THEY (eles/elas) WAS (era, fui, estava) WERE (era, foi, estava) WAS (era, foi, estava) WAS (era, foi, estava) WAS (era, foi, estava) WERE (ramos, fomos, estvamos) WERE (eram, foram, estavam) WERE (eram, foram, estavam)

Forma Negativa I (eu) YOU (voc) HE (ele) SHE (ela) IT (ele/ela neutro) WE (ns) YOU (vocs) THEY (eles/elas) WAS NOT (no era, fui, estava) WERE NOT (no era, foi, estava) WAS NOT (no era, foi, estava) WAS NOT (no era, foi, estava) WAS NOT (no era, foi, estava) WERE NOT (no ramos, fomos, estvamos) WERE NOT (no eram, foram, estavam) WERE NOT (no eram, foram, estavam)

Forma Interrogativa WAS WERE WAS WAS WAS WERE WERE WERE I (eu) YOU (voc) HE (ele) SHE (ela) IT (ele/ela neutro) WE (ns) YOU (vocs) THEY (eles/elas)


The ENIAC is created

The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, the ENIAC, was constructed between 1943 and 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. It was the most powerful computer up to that point but was the largest as well, weighing over 30 tons. Additionally it required that almost 50 vacuum tubes be replaced everyday. While operating the ENIAC used almost 150 kilowatts of power, which is equivalent to what many small towns used at that time. The ENIAC was important because of its power, but its many drawbacks made it unrealistic for common use. One of these drawbacks was that it had no memory. The same researchers who created the ENIAC then set out to create a similar computer that allowed for the storing of programs.

BASIC is created
BASIC, Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Language, was created by Tom Kurtz and John Kemeny, both professors at Dartmouth. BASIC remained in use for the next twenty five years. One unique quality of basic was that it was developed to be easier to understand than previous computer languages. Even someone not familiar with the language could understand some of what was happening by simply looking at the code. This made programming easier for the mainstream and made it more like speaking commands in plain English. BASIC was the beginning of intuitive programming.

Reviso de Contedo (Past)

1. Complete the sentences, using the verbs in the parentheses and in the past form. a) Last year I __________________ (not - spend) my holiday in Ireland. b) It __________________ (be) great. c) I ________________ (travel) around by car with two friends and we ______________ (visit) lots of interesting places. d) In the evenings we usually __________________ (go) to a pub. e) One night we even __________________ (learn) some Irish dances. f) We __________________ (be) very lucky with the weather.

g) It __________________ (not / rain) a lot.


h) But we __________________ (see) some beautiful rainbows. i) j) Where __________________ (spend / you) your last holiday? Last summer I __________________ (to go) to Stuttgart.

k) Yesterday Bill __________________ (to play) football in his team. l) Jenny __________________ (not - to watch) a film about dogs. m) On Friday last week Andrew and Ron __________________ (to wash) the familys car. n) I __________________ (to do) my homework in the afternoon. o) In 2001 __________ our class __________________ (to make) a trip to Norwich? p) Paul __________________ (to say) nothing to me. q) The weather __________________ (to be ) really nice. 2) Escreva dois pargrafos sobre o que voc fez no seu ultimo fim de semana ou frias, com alguns detalhes. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3) Escreva em ingls o texto a seguir: Muitas pessoas no estudaram informtica mas sabiam que os computadores realizavam as tarefas mais rpidas. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


3. Find in the chart the corresponding verb in the past.


Comparision + ER and MORE THAN

Em ingls dizemos que a comparao feita de uma maneira, para adjetivos ou advrbios curtos, e de outra para longos. Essa medio feita por meio de contagem de sons. Veja a seguir exemplos curtos e seu correspondente na comparao:
Traduo mal grande barato frio rpido engraado bom feliz duro, difcil alto quente tarde longo perto novo quieto pequeno forte novo (pessoas) Adjetivo bad big cheap cold fast funny good happy hard high hot late long near new quiet small strong young Forma comparativa +ER worse bigger cheaper colder faster funnier better happier harder higher hotter later longer nearer newer quieter smaller stronger younger

Veja a seguir exemplos dos longos e seu correspondente na comparao: Traduo Bonito Confortvel Lotado Difcil bonito (somente homem) Importante Interessado pacfico, tranquilo srio Adjetivo beautiful comfortable crowded difficult handsome important interested peaceful serious MORE Forma comparativa beautiful comfortable crowded difficult handsome important interested peaceful serious THAN


Superlative + EST and THE MOST

O superlativo um comparativo, mas um item que se destaca entre um grupo. No caso dos adjetivos e advrbios curtos, seguem exemplos e seus correspondentes na forma do superlativo: Forma superlativa THE +EST THE worst THE biggest THE cheapest

Traduo mal grande barato

Adjetivo bad big cheap

Veja a seguir exemplos dos longos e seu correspondente na forma do superlativo: Traduo Bonito confortvel Lotado Adjetivo beautiful comfortable crowded THE MOST Forma comparative beautiful comfortable crowded

AS + Adverb + AS
Nesse caso, temos um comparativo de igualdade. E a regra a mesma para advrbios curtos e longos, seguem exemplos e seus correspondentes na forma desse comparativo: Traduo to fluentemente como to cuidadosamente como Adverb fluently carefully Forma comparative AS AS He speaks English as fluently as his brother She drives as carefully as her mother


1) Complete the chart. Adjective Ex. A Ex. B Ex. C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. amazing unusual worse than the shortest good happier than the saddest pretty tall the most interesting busi Comparative Superlative the biggest the busiest the most exciting

2) Mark the correct choice.


Em ingls, h duas maneiras de se expressar o tempo futuro, com intenes diferentes: Will (quando eu decido fazer algo no momento da fala) To be going to (eu j decidi fazer algo e tenho intenes de fazer) FUTURE - WILL Forma Afirmativa
I You He She It The child That girl send do receive write type organize


Forma Negativa
I You He She It The child That girl send do receive write type organize


Forma Interrogativa
I You He She It The child That girl send do receive write type organize



FUTURE TO BE GOING TO Forma Afirmativa

I am You are He is She is It is We are They are


send do receive write type organize

Forma Negativa I You He She It We They Am NOT Are NOT Is NOT Is NOT Is NOT are NOT Are NOT


send do receive write type organize

Forma Interrogativa Am I Are you Is he Is she Is it Are we Are they


send do receive write type organize

Practicing text 1 There computers were smaller, faster and more reliable than the first generations. They cost less money, used less power and generated less heat. Practicing text 2 These tiny integrated circuits were smaller and more dependable than the second generations transistors. () Third generation computers were smaller, faster, less expensive, more powerful and more reliable than the previous generations.


Living in the Future

Our life in the future will be changed forever by multimedia. The way we live, work, and play will be totally different from what it is now. Bert C. Roberts, Jr. states in on article that soon we will probably be answering our televisions and watching our phones. Our interactive TVs will actually be some combination of television, telephone, and computer through which we will have access to shopping, movies, and other types of information whenever we want them. Videophones will enable us to communicate instantly in voice, picture and text with loved ones or business associates anywhere in the world. We will probably be talking to intelligent devices. At a voice command, cars will be able to guide us to pre-programmed destinations such as movies, theaters, and restaurants. And once we arrive at our destination, ours cars will even be able to park themselves. We will use our personal electronics mail box to send and receive letters through our telephone lines all without paper. The classrooms of the future will have audio, video and interactive multimedia, and kids will be watching, listening to and talking to on-line encyclopedias. Education will be revolutionized by distance learning - the use of video teleconferencing when the teacher and student are in different places. Multimedia will make it easier to work at home to telecommute - which means less traffic and less air pollution. In this multimedia era, life will be a little easies, traffic a little lighter, the environment a little healthier, and everything more accessible.

1) de acordo com o texto, cite 3 idias que surgiriam no futuro. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2) se voc pudesse inventar algo para o futuro da humanidade, o que seria? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


1) Number the sentences ( 1 ) WILL ( 2 ) GOING TO a) ( b) ( c) ( d) ( e) ( ) Ela vai entregar o programa a tempo. ) Eles viro amanha com os resultados? ) Quem vai levar o formulrio? ) Eu estarei aqui amanha. ) As empresas no devolvero a diferena.

2) Complete the sentences using the correct form, according to the structure WILL. a) - The phone is ringing! - Don't worry, _______________________ (I, answer) it. b) - I need to leave now. Is there a bus stop nearby? - No, but _______________________ (I, give) you a ride. c) _______________________ (we, not, get) to the school on time. Look at the traffic! d) Paul just called: _______________________ (he, be) here soon. e) _______________________ (we, not, start) the meeting before 2 pm. Everybody is busy right now. f) I think _______________________ (Sandy, have) a great time in Greece. It's a wonderful country. g) If we don't give our friends a map, _______________________ (they, not, know) how to get here. h) - Do you really have to leave? - Ok, _______________________ (I, stay) for a few more minutes. i) - I can't wait to see Mary! - Oh, _______________________ (she, not, be) at the party. She had to go on a trip. k) - These bags are really heavy! - Here, _______________________ (we, help) you carry them. 3) Complete the sentences using the correct form, according to the structure TO BE GOING TO. a) There are lots of dark clouds in the sky. _______________________ (it, rain). b) - Do you all want to come to the beach with us? - Thanks, but we can't. _______________________ (we, choose) our new house this weekend. c) - So, what time _______________________ (we, meet) tomorrow? - Sorry, _______________________ (we, not, go) to the theater after all. Our car isn't working very well. d) Our sales are going very well. _______________________ (we, make) big money this month. e) _______________________ (I, not, shop) at Willow Mall anymore. I was there this morning and the prices were absurd! f) Yesterday, Tammy decided to buy a new car. _______________________ (she, go) to a dealership tomorrow. g) So, what did you decide? _______________________ (you, join) the club?


4) Escreva dois pargrafos sobre o que voc far na prxima semana ou frias, com alguns detalhes. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Reading: Computing Languages

C++ was developed from the C language. It was designed as a systems programming language with features that make it easy to control the computer hardware efficiently. It was used to produce the Microsoft Windows operating system. It is portable, and programs written in C++ can be easily adapted for use on many different types of systems. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a page description language used for creating websites. HTML uses a system of tags to mark page links and formatting. For example, the tag <u> tells the program to start underlining a text. Although programs cannot be created using HTML, small programs can be embedded in HTML code using a scripting language like Java Script. Java is a programming language originally designed for programming small electronic devices such as mobile phones. It can run unchanged on any operating system that has a Java Interpreter program. Java is used for writing programs for the World Wide Web. Visual Basic is a programming environment, not simply a language. It uses the language BASIC, a simple language developed to make it easy for people to learn how to program. Visual Basic has predefined objects such as dialog boxes, buttons, and text boxes which can be chosen from a toolbox and dragged across the screen using the mouse and dropped into the required position. BASIC programming code is attached to form a complete program. Visual Basic is used to write general purpose applications for the Windows operating system.


Basic and Creative Software

Considered the manager of the computer system, it comprises a set of program files, that control all the hardware devices, such as monitor, keyboard, printer; and the software resources, such as commands and data to and fro programs and applications. A database is the electronic equivalent of an indexed file cabinet. It is a collection of organized information contained in records that are made up of fields that contain a specific item of information. The records are organized in files, in such a way that information can be easily stored, organized and retrieved. Originally designed to edit text documents, these programs have become sophisticated incorporating several features of a publishing program. For example they can import graphics, etc. Features such as Search/Replace allow users to find any string of letters in a text. Automatic hyphen splits a word between two lines so that the text will fit better on the page. Thus, processing is more than just typing. This is the electronic equivalent of an accountant's handwritten worksheet with arranged in rows and columns. The difference is not only the automation but also the flexibility of uses, because even the simplest spreadsheet can be used as a data base and can produce visual representations in the form of graphics, pie charts, etc. Desktop publishing programs are meant to design, implement and publish books, flyers, magazines and other printed pieces. They are, in fact, a combination of different tasks including word processor, graphic and information design, printing technology and image manipulation. They are also supported by many other applications, such as font creation and type manipulation applications.


Reviso de Contedo (Future)

Put the verbs into the correct form. Use will. 1. You _________________ (earn) a lot of money. 2. You _________________ (travel) around the world. 3. You _________________ (meet) lots of interesting people. 4. Where _________________ (she/ to stay) in Florida? 5. Everybody _________________ (adore) you. 6. You _________________ (not / have) any problems. 7. When _________________ (you/ to come) back here? 8. Many people _________________ (serve) you. 9. They _________________ (anticipate) your wishes. 10. There _________________ (not / be) anything left to wish for. 11. Everything _________________ (be) perfect. 12. But all these things _________________ (happen / only) if you marry me.

Put the verbs into the correct form. Use going to. 1. It _________________ (rain) . 2. They _________________ (eat) stew. 3. I _________________ (wear) blue shoes tonight. 4. We _________________ (not / help) you. 5. Jack _________________ (not / walk) home. 6. _________________ (cook / you) dinner? 7. Sue _________________ (share / not) her biscuits. 8. _________________ (leave / they) the house? 9. _________________ (take part / she) in the contest? 10. I _________________ (not / spend) my holiday abroad this year.



1) TO BE
a) Seu primo alto? b) Onde est meu lpis? c) Qual o seu nome completo? d) Sua casa no aqui. e) Eu tenho 22 anos de idade. f) O melhor carro esportivo ________. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

g) Qual o seu endereo? h) Quem voc? i) j)

Minhas melhores qualidades so __e ___. Quantos anos voc tem?


2) Presente simples / Simple Present

a) O que voc gosta de fazer? ____________________________________________ b) A empresa no envia produtos aos domingos. ____________________________________________ c) Seus pais trabalham pela manha. d) Quem gosta de dirigir? e) Eu sei o que eles querem. f) Sua amiga explica muito bem. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

g) Ele no vende muito bem.

h) Por que voc quer trabalhar nessa empresa? ____________________________________________ i) O que voc faz de melhor? ____________________________________________

3) Passado simples / Simple Past

a) Onde voc comprou isso? b) Quem foi o primeiro presidente? c) Eu quis terminar ontem. d) Por que voc foi de tarde? e) Ele foi um bom funcionrio. f) Onde voc trabalhou? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

g) Como foi sua ultima experincia profissional? ____________________________________________ h) O que ele aprendeu na empresa onde ele trabalhou? ________________________________________ i) O que voc fez na quinta passada? ___________________________________________


a) Eles sabem nadar muito bem. b) Vocs no podem fazer isso. c) Jack,poderia vir aqui um instante? d) Ela pode terminar isso agora? e) Eu podia fazer! f) Quem poderia enviar esse arquivo?

4) Modals ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

g) Como ele pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da empresa? ____________________________________________ h) Quais so 2 defeitos que voc poderia melhorar? ____________________________________________ i) Ela no podia chegar atrasada. ____________________________________________ 5) Futuro - Will ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

a) Eles vendero os produtos. b) Onde sero as festas? c) Eu no estarei aqui amanha. d) Quem vir para a aula amanha? e) O que voc far daqui h 3 anos?

f) Eles terminaro esse projeto amanha cedo. _________________________________________ g) Nos no voltaremos na prxima semana. ________________________________________ h) O que eles faro no fim de semana? ____________________________________________ 6) Futuro Going to ____________________________________________

a) Quando ela vai viajar?

b) Ele vai ser um timo programador. ____________________________________________ c) Quem vai terminar isso? ___________________________________________

d) Seu chefe no vai desligar o computador. _______________________________________ e) Quando eles vo viajar? ____________________________________________


INFORMATICA - Vocabulario Tecnico

Vocabulary English Portuguese branch area cable cabo component component computer system sistema data dado, informao data base banco de dados device dispositivo dialog box caixa de dialogo drawback defeito environment ambiente file arquivo formatting formatao information informao key tecla keyboard teclado knowledge conhecimento language linguagem operating system sistema operacional printer impressora procedure procedimento process processo program programa programming programacao screen tela set conjunto sheet folha, planilha spreadsheet planilha system sistema text box caixa de texto type tipo Verbs Portuguese fechar controlar converter criar desenvolver escapar terminar entrar, acessar inserir mover jogar, tocar, rodar imprimir processar ler receber recolocar, substituir correr, rodar programa procurar ver enviar desligar armazenar pegar, levar, conseguir digitar entender escrever

English to close to control to convert to create to develop to escape to finish to get in to insert to move to play to print to process to read to receive to replace to run to search to see to send to shut down to store to take to type to understand to write



CRUZ, Decio Torres, SILVA, Alba Valeria, ROSAS, Marta. Ingls.com.textos para informtica. ed Disal. 2003
MASCULL, Bill. Business Vocabulary. Cambridge University Press. 2002 MURPHY, Raymond Basic Grammar in Use 5 Ed- 1996 Cambridge University Press RICHARDS, Jack C. Interchange Lab Guide. Third Edition. Ed Cambridge. 2005 Internet www.google.com.br http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_(operating_system) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing


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