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Charles Baudelaire 1821 - 1867 1845-Salon de 1845 1846-Salon de 1846 1847-La Fanfarlo 1857-Les Fleurs du mal 1860-Les paradis

dis artificiels 1861-Rflexions sur Quelques-uns de mes Contemporains 1863-Le Peintre de la Vie Moderne 1868-L'art romantique 1897-Mon Coeur Mis Nu 1897-Fuses Arthur Rimbaud 1854 - 1891 Le Soleil tait Encore Chaud (1866) Posies (c. 18691873) Le bateau ivre (1871) Proses vangeliques (1872) Une Saison en Enfer (1873) Illuminations (1874) Lettres (18701891) Stphane Mallarm 1842 - 1898 Laprs-midi dun faune, 1876 Les Mots anglais, 1878 Les Dieux antiques, 1879 Posies, 1887 Divagations, 1897 Un coup de ds jamais nabolira le hasard, 1897 For Anatoles Tomb, 1961 (neterminata) Comte de Lautramont 1846 - 1870 Les Chants de Maldoror Posies Paul Valry 1871 - 1945 Introduction la mthode de Lonard de Vinci (1895) La soire avec monsieur Teste (1896) La Jeune Parque (1917) Album des vers anciens (1920) Charmes (1922) Varits (1924 - 1944)

Regards sur le monde actuel. (1931) Mauvaises penses et autres (1942) Tel quel (1943) Rubn Daro 1867 - 1916 Azul (1888) Prosas profanas y otros poemas (1896) Cantos de vida y esperanza (1905) Guiseppe Ungaretti 1888 - 1970 Il porto sepolto (1916 i 1923) La guerra (1919 i 1947) Allegria di naufragi (1919) L'allegria (1931) Sentimento del tempo (1933) Traduzioni (1936) Poesie disperse (1945) Il dolore (1947) La terra promessa (1950) Un grido e paesaggi (1952) Il taccuino del vecchio (1960) Vita di un uomo (1969) Rainer Maria Rilke 1875 - 1926 Leben und Lieder (Life and Songs) (1894) Larenopfer (Lares' Sacrifice) (1895) Traumgekrnt (Dream-Crowned) (1897) Advent (Advent) (1898) Das Stunden-Buch (The book of Hours) Das Buch vom mnchischen Leben (The Book of Monastic Life) (1899) Das Buch von der Pilgerschaft (The Book of Pilgrimage) (1901) Geldbaum (1901) Das Buch von der Armut und vom Tode (The Book of Poverty and Death) (1903) Das Buch der Bilder (The Book of Images) (4 Parts, 19021906) Neue Gedichte (New Poems) (1907) Duineser Elegien (Duino Elegies) (1922) Sonette an Orpheus (Sonnets to Orpheus) (1922) Eugenio Montale 1896 - 1981 Ossi di seppia (1925) Le occasioni (1939)

La bufera e altro (1956) Xenia (1966) Satura (1971) Diario del 71 e del 72 (1973) Georg Trakl 1887 - 1914

Leben und Lieder (Life and Songs) (1894) Larenopfer (Lares' Sacrifice) (1895) Traumgekrnt (Dream-Crowned) (1897) Advent (Advent) (1898) Das Stunden-Buch (The book of Hours) Das Buch vom mnchischen Leben (The Book of Monastic Life) (1899) Das Buch von der Pilgerschaft (The Book of Pilgrimage) (1901) Geldbaum (1901) Das Buch von der Armut und vom Tode (The Book of Poverty and Death) (1903) Das Buch der Bilder (The Book of Images) (4 Parts, 19021906) Neue Gedichte (New Poems) (1907) Duineser Elegien (Duino Elegies) (1922) Sonette an Orpheus (Sonnets to Orpheus) (1922) Gottfried Benn 1886 - 1956 Morgue und andere Gedichte [Morgue and other Poems] (1912) Fleisch (1917) Die Gesammelten Schriften [The collected works] (1922) Schutt (1924) Betubung (1925) Spaltung (1925) Nach dem Nihilismus (Berlin, 1932) Der Neue Staat und die Intellektuellen (1933) Kunst und Macht (1935) Ausgewhlte Gedichte [Selected Poems] (1936) Statische Gedichte [Static poems] (1948) Ptolemer [Ptolemys Disciple] (1949); Ezra Pound 1885 - 1972 A Draft of Cantos XXXI-XLI (1934) A Draft of XXX Cantos (1930) A Lume Spento (1908) Cantos I - XXVII (1925 - 1928) Canzoni (1911) Exultations (1909) Homage to Sextus Propertius (1934) Lustra and Other Poems (1917)

Patria Mia (1950) Personae (1909) Provenca (1910) Quia Pauper Amavi (1919) The Cantos (1972) The Fifth Decade of Cantos (1937) The Pisan Cantos (1948) Umbra: Collected Poems (1920) T. S. Eliot 1888 - 1965 Prufrock and Other Observations (1917) Poems (1920) The Waste Land(1922) The Hollow Men (1925) Ariel Poems (19271954) Ash Wednesday (1930) Coriolan (1931) Old possum's book of practical cats (1939) Wallace Stevens 1879 - 1955 The Snow Man (1921) Harmonium (1923) Ideas of Order (1936) Owl's Clover (1936) The Man with the Blue Guitar (1937) Parts of a World (1942) Transport to Summer (1947) The Auroras of Autumn (1950) Collected Poems (1954) Jorge Guillen 1893 - 1984 Cntico (75 poems), 1928 Cntico (125 poems), 1936 Cntico (270 poems), 1945 Cntico (334 poems), 1950 Huerto de Melibea, 1954 Del amanecer y el despertar, 1956 Clamor. Maremagnun, 1957 Lugar de Lzaro, 1957 Clamor... Que van a dar en la mar, 1960 Historia Natural, 1960 Las tentaciones de Antonio, 1962 Segn las horas, 1962 Clamor. A la altura de las circunstancias, 1963

Homenaje. Reunin de vidas, 1967 Aire nuestro: Cntico, Clamor, Homenaje, 1968 Guirnalda civil, Cambridge, 1970 Al margen, 1972 Y otros poemas, 1973 Convivencia, 1975 Final, 1981 La expresin, 1981 Horses in the Air and Other Poems, 1999 Fernando Pessoa 1888 - 1935 Antinous (1918) Sonnets (1918) English Poems (1921) Mensagem (1933) Poesias de Fernando Pessoa (1942) Poesias de lvaro de Campos (1944) Odes de Ricardo Reis (1946) Poemas dramticos (1952) Poemas inditas: 1919-1930 (1956) Konstantinos Kavafis 1863-1933 POETRY VOLUMES IN ENGLISH The Complete Poems of C. P. Cavafy, 1948. Poems, 1951. The Poems of C. P. Cavafy, 1952. The Complete Poems of C. P. Cavafy, 1961. Fourteen Poems, 1966. Passions and Ancient Days, 1971. Selected Poems, 1972. Collected Poems, 1975.

William Carlos Williams 1883 1963 Poetry collections Poems (1909) The Tempers (1913) Al Que Quiere! (1917) Sour Grapes (1921) Spring and All (1923) Go Go (1923) The Cod Head (1932) Collected Poems, 1921-1931 (1934) An Early Martyr and Other Poems (1935) Adam & Eve & The City (1936) The Broken Span (1941)

The Wedge (1944) Paterson Book I (1946); Book II (1948); Book III (1949); Book IV (1951); Book V (1958) Clouds, Aigeltinger, Russia (1948) The Desert Music and Other Poems (1954) Journey to Love (1955) Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems (1962) Books, prose Kora in Hell: Improvisations (1920) - Prose-poem improvisations. The Great American Novel (1923) - A novel. Spring and All (1923) - A hybrid of prose and verse. In the American Grain (1925), 1967, repr. New Directions 2004 - Prose on historical figures and events. A Voyage to Pagany (1928) - An autobiographical travelogue in the form of a novel. Novelette and Other Prose (1932) The Knife of the Times, and Other Stories (1932) White Mule (1937) - A novel. Life along the Passaic River (1938) - Short stories. In the Money (1940) - Sequel to White Mule. Make Light of It: Collected Stories (1950) Autobiography (1951) W. W. Norton & Co. (1 February 1967) The Build-Up (1952) - Completes the "Stecher trilogy" begun with White Mule. Selected Essays (1954) The Selected Letters of William Carlos Williams (1957) I Wanted to Write a Poem: The Autobiography of the Works of a Poet (1958) Yes, Mrs. Williams: A Personal Record of My Mother (1959) The Farmers' Daughters: Collected Stories (1961) Drama Many Loves and Other Plays: The Collected Plays of William Carlos Williams (1962) Edgar Lee Masters 1868 - 1950 Poetry A Book of Verses (1898) Along the Illinois (1942) Domesday Book (1920) Godbey: A Dramatic Poems (1931) Illinois Poems (1941) Invisible Landscapes (1935) Jack Kelso: A Dramatic Poem (1928) Lee: A Dramatic Poem (1925) Lichee Nuts (1930) More People (1939) Poems of People (1936) Richmond: A Dramatic Poem (1934) Selected Poems (1925) Songs and Satires (1916) Songs and Sonnets (1910) Songs and Sonnets: Second Series (1912)

Spoon River Anthology (1915) Starved Rock (1919) The Enduring River: Edgar Lee Masters's Uncollected Spoon River Poems (1991) The Fate of the Jury: An Epilogue to Domesday Book (1929) The Golden Fleece of California (1936) The Great Valley (1916) The Harmony of Deeper Music: Posthumous Poems of Edgar Lee Masters (1976) The New Spoon River (1924) The Open Sea (1921) The Serpent in the Wilderness (1933) Toward the Gulf (1918) Plays Althea (1907) Dramatic Duologues: Four Short Plays in Verse (1934) Eileen (1910) Gettysburg, Manila, Acoma: Three Plays (1930) Maximilian: A Play in Five Acts (1902) The Leaves of the Tree (1909) The Locket (1910) The Tread of Idleness (1911) The Trifler (1908) Robert Frost 1874 - 1963 Poetry A Boy's Will (1913) North of Boston (1914) Mountain Interval (1916) New Hampshire (1923) West-Running Brook (1928) The Lovely Shall Be Choosers (1929) The Lone Striker (1933) From Snow to Snow (1936) A Further Range (1936) A Witness Tree (1942) Come In, and Other Poems (1943) Masque of Reason (1945) Steeple Bush (1947) Hard Not to be King (1951) Archibald McLeish 1892 - 1982 Poetry collections "The Wild Old Wicked Man" and Other Poems (1968) Actfive (1948) Actfive and Other Poems (1948) Class Poem (1915) Conquistador (1932)

Einstein (1929) Elpenor (1933) Frescoes for Mr. Rockefeller's City (1933) Later Poems, 19511962 New Found Land New Found Land (1930) New and Collected Poems, 19171976 (1976) Nobodaddy (1926) Songs for Eve (1954) Songs for a Summer's Day (1915) Streets in the Moon (1928) The Hamlet of A. Macleish (1928) The Happy Marriage (1924) The Pot of Earth (1925) Tower of Ivory (1917) Francis Jammes 1868 - 1938 Poetry 1908: Pomes mesurs 1908: Rayons de miel 19111912: Les Gorgiques chrtiennes ("Christian Georgics") 1913: Feuilles dans le vent 1916: Cinq prires pour le temps de la guerre 1919: La Vierge et les sonnets 1921: pitaphes 1921: Le Tombeau de Jean de la Fontaine, 1923: La Brebis gare 19231925 Les Quatrains 1925: Brindilles pour rallumer la foi 1926: Ma France potique 1928: Diane 1931: L'Arc-en-ciel des amours 1935: Alouette 1935: De tout temps jamais 1936: Sources 1943: Elgies et posies diverses 1946: La Grce 1908: Pomes mesurs 1908: Rayons de miel 19111912: Les Gorgiques chrtiennes 1913: Feuilles dans le vent 1916: Cinq prires pour le temps de la guerre 1919: La Vierge et les sonnets 1921: pitaphes 1921: Le Tombeau de Jean de la Fontaine 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925: Livres des quatrains 1923: La Brebis gare 19231925: Les Quatrains, in four volumes 1925: Brindilles pour rallumer la foi

1926: Ma France potique 1928: Diane 1931: L'Arc-en-ciel des amours 1935: Alouette 1935: De tout temps jamais 1936: Sources 1943: Elgies et posies diverses 1946: La Grce Henri Bremond 1865 - 1933 1902: Copilul vieii ("LEnfant et la vie"); 1902: Suflete religioase ("mes religieuses"); 1904: Preafericitul Tomas Morus ("Le bienheureux Thomas More"); 1905: Studiu despre Newman ("tude sur Newman"); 1907: Gerbert ("Gerbert"); 1909: Nicole ("Nicole"); 1909: Evoluia clerului englez ("Lvolution du clerg anglican"); 1910: Apologie pentru Fnelon ("Apologie pour Fnelon"); 1913: Texte alese de Bossuet ("Textes choisis de Bossuet"); 1916 - 1933: Istoria literar a sentimentului religios n Frana de la sfritul rzboaielor religioase pn n zilele noastre ("Histoire litteraire du sentiment religieux en France depuis la fin des guerres de religion jusqu'a nos jours"); 1923: Maurice Barrs ("Maurice Barrs"); 1924: Pentru romantism ("Pour le Romantisme"); 1926: Poezia pur ("De la posie pure"); 1925: Rugciune i poezie ("Prire et posie"); 1926: Sfnta Ecaterina de Alexandria ("Sainte Catherine dAlexandrie"); 1929: Introducere n filozofia rugciunii ("Introduction la philosophie de la prire"); 1930: Racine i Valry ("Racine et Valry"). Stefan George 1868 - 1933 1890: Hymnen ("Hymns") 1891: Pilgerfahrten ("Pilgrimages") 1897: Das Jahr der Seele ("The Year of the Soul") 1899: Teppich des Lebens ("The Tapestry of Life") 1901: Die Fibel ("Primer") 1903: Tage und Taten ("Days and Works) 1907: Der siebente Ring ("The Seventh Ring") 1913: Der Stern des Bundes ("The Star of the Covenant") 1917: Der Krieg ("The War") 1928: Das neue Reich ("The Kingdom Come") E. E. Cummings 1894 - 1962

The Enormous Room (1922) Tulips and Chimneys (1923) XLI Poems (1925) is 5 (1926) HIM (1927) (a play) ViVa (1931) EIMI (1933) (Soviet travelogue) No Thanks (1935) Collected Poems (1960) 50 Poems (1940) 1 1 (1944) XAIPE: Seventy-One Poems (1950) isix nonlectures (1953) Poems, 19231954 (1954) 95 Poems (1958) Wiliam Butler Yeats 1865 - 1939 The Wanderings of Usheen [Oisin] and other Poems (1889) Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry (1888) Irish Fairy Tales (1892) A Book of Irish Verse (1895) The Countess Cathleen (1892) The Land of Hearts Desire (1894) The Kings Threshold (1904) Reveries over Childhood and Youth (1916) Oxford Book of Modern Verse 1892-1935 (1936) Poems (1895), The Secret Rose (1897), The Wind Among the Reeds (1899), Diarmuid and Grania (1901), The Pot of Broth (1902), In The Seven Woods (1903), Where There Is Nothing (1904), Collected Works in Prose and Verse (1906), The Green Helmet and Other Poems (1910), Responsibilities: Poems and A Play (1914), At the Hawks Well (1917), Michael Robartes and the Dancer (1920), Four Plays for Dancers (1921), The Tower and Other Poems (1928), Words for Music, Perhaps (1932), The Winding Stair and Other Poems (1933), A Full Moon in March (1935), Dramatis Personae (1935), Essays 1931-1936 (1937), New Poems (1938), and Last Poems (1939).

Guillaume Apollinaire 1880 - 1918 Le bestiaire ou le cortge dOrphe, 1911 Alcools, 1913 Vitam impendere amori', 1917 Calligrammes, pomes de la paix et de la guerre 1913-1916, 1918 (published shortly after Apollinaire's death) Prose Mirely ou le Petit Trou pas cher, 1900 Les Onze Mille Verges ou les amours d'un hospodar, 1907 L'enchanteur pourrissant, 1909 L'Hrsiarque et Cie (short story collection), 1910 Les exploits dun jeune Don Juan, 1911 La Rome des Borgia, 1914 La Fin de Babylone - L'Histoire romanesque 1/3, 1914 Les Trois Don Juan - L'Histoire romanesque 2/3, 1915 Le pote assassin, 1916 La femme assise, 1920 Les pingles (short story collection), 1928 Odysseas Elytis 1911 - 1996 Orientations (1939) Sun The First Together With Variations on A Sunbeam (1943) An Heroic And Funeral Chant For The Lieutenant Lost In Albania (1946) To Axion EstiIt Is Worthy (1959) Six Plus One Remorses For The Sky (1960) The Light Tree And The Fourteenth Beauty (1972) The Sovereign Sun (1971) The Trills Of Love (1973) The Monogram (1972) Step-Poems (1974) Signalbook (1977) Maria Nefeli (1978) Three Poems under a Flag of Convenience (1982) Diary of an Invisible April (1984) The Little Mariner (1988) The Elegies of Oxopetra (1991) West of Sadness (1995) Prose, essays (Offering) My Cards To Sight (1973) The Painter Theophilos (1973) The Magic Of Papadiamantis (1975) Report to Andreas Empeirikos (1977) Things Public and Private (1990) Private Way (1990) Carte Blanche (1992)

The Garden with the Illusions (1995) Vladimir Maiakovski 1893 - 1930

1912 POSHCHOCHINA OBSHCHESTVENNOMU VKUSU (O palma gustului public) 1913 VLADIMIR MAIAKOVSKII TRAGEDIIA 1915 OBLAKO V SHTANAKH (Norul cu pantaloni) 1916 FLEYTA POZVONOCHNIK (Flautul vertebrelor) 1916 PROSTAE KAK MYCHANIE 1916 VOINA I MIR, (Rzboiul si lumea) 1917 CELOVEK (Omul) 1918 ODA REVOLYUTSI (Oda revoluiei) 1918 MISTERIIA-BUFF( Comediile Misterul buf) 1918 POET ROBOCII (Poetul muncitor) 1918 LEVII MARCH (Marul de stnga) 1921 Poemul 150.000.000 1922 LIUBLIU 1923 PRO ETO (Despre asta) 1923 LIRIKA 1924 VLADIMIR ILYITSH LENIN 1924 Maiakovski si poeziile sale 1924-1925 PARIZ 1925 SOBRANIE SOCHINENII (4 vol.) 1926 KAK DELAR STIKHI 1926 MOYE OTKRYTIYE AMERIKI 1927 HOROSHO! 1928 KON-OGON 1929 KLOP (Plonia) 1930 BANYA (Baia) 1930 VO VES GOLOS (n gura mare) 1934-1938 POLNOE SOBRANIE SOCHINENII, (13 vols.) 1978 SEMYA MAIAKOVSKII V PISMAKH 1982 V.V. MAIAKOVSKII I. L.IU. BRIK - Corespondenta dintre Vladimir Maiakovski i Lili Brik intre anii 1915-1930 nsemntate Robert Lowell 1917 - 1977 Land of Unlikeness (1944) Lord Weary's Castle (1946) The Mills of The Kavanaughs (1951) Life Studies (1959) Phaedra (translation) (1961) Imitations (1961) For the Union Dead (1964) The Old Glory (1965) Near the Ocean (1967)

History (1973) For Lizzie and Harriet (1973) The Dolphin (1973) Selected Poems (1976) Day by Day (1977) The Oresteia of Aeschylus (1978) Gertrude Stein 1874 - 1946 Three Lives (1909) Tender Buttons (1914) Geography and Plays (1922) The Making of Americans (1925) Four Saints in Three Acts (1929) How to Write (1931) The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933) Lectures in America (1935) The Geographical History of America: or, The Relation of Human Nature to the Human Mind (1936) Picasso (1938) Paris France (1940) Ida; a novel (1941) Wars I Have Seen (1945) Reflections on the Atom Bomb (1946) Brewsie and Willie (1946) The Mother of Us All (1949) The Things as They Are (1903) Patriarchal Poetry (1953) Alphabets and Birthdays (1957)

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