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Midterm 543

Typed edition - 2/28/13 Liz Wright


Compare and contrast the disability, deviance, and alienation perspectives of EBD DISABILITY - EBD- Biological Disease -> Sick Attempts to explain what type of emotional disorders exist and what causes them. Provides culture free criteria for diagnosis of pathological conditions. Disability attempts to explain what types of emotional disorders exist and what causes them provides culture free criterion for diagnosis of physiological condition. Defiant Against societal rules not by social rules; as can be by various other means. Means a person becomes identified as emotional; depicts the rule breakers that operate in a disturbed society Alienation opposite of behaviorism- It is made to fit into psychological framework where the person deals with what makes them grow. It also explores why people become emotionally disturbed. Alienation makes much of goodness of each individual but ignores reality that some of these good people are responsible for creating destructive solutions Each perspective includes knowledge of disorder but also provides reason for the condition. Defiance ignores that many non-conformist have been responsible for social and cultural advances (ex: Wright brothers).

2. Discuss in detail the theoretical model that is based on learning theory Behaviorism has 3 schools of thought in learning theory. One is of classical conditioning (Pavlov, Watson) where a paired neutral stimulus elicits the response. The second, Operant conditioning (Skinner) responses are learned through the application of reinforcement or punishment that follows the response. Where a individual learns to make a response to achieve an exact end. The response is based on contingencies (hungry monkey learns to press a level that releases food). Observe a model (Bandera) responses can be learned by observing or modelling. It is a non-skinner theory where interviewing variable as in Banduras work.

Midterm 543
Typed edition - 2/28/13 Liz Wright

3. Discuss ways that autism and childhood schizophrenia differ Each column includes symptoms associated with each disorder. The differences are shown within each column. With autism, the symptoms may continue in the same or similar manner, where as in childhood schizophrenia the symptoms are more severe but coping mechanisms can show gains, with maturation, especially in ability to cope with feelings. Autism Childhood Schizophrenia Impaired social interaction Communication disorder Inappropriate behavior Symptoms occur at infancy but are Not diagnosed until age 30 months Failure to engage in non-verbal Behavior Low or no eye contact, facial expression, poor body posture, mutism, echolalia, little cognitive awareness of how others think or feel rarely makes friends indifferent to others even own family 58% have no spoken language Low play activities Autism spectrum inability to control thoughts and perceptions intense anxiety and panic as child matures they learn to cope with Feelings without panic exhibit defense mechanisms, OCD, and ritualistic behaviors violent aggression in trying to cope mutism, echolalia and bazaar speech

4. 4 types of identification tools used by teachers Level 1 Primary General observation and performance evaluation of students. This is all students attending school. Those students experiencing adjustment problems that cause the teacher concern. Judgment is primary in identifying possible EBD. Informal observation is used antidotal records, criteria, incident reports, parents interviews, close monitor of achievement may assist in adapting to class with behavior modification, adjust classroom materials or reorganize the classroom are tried.

Midterm 543
Typed edition - 2/28/13 Liz Wright

Level 2 Primary Increased informal observation of students with problems. Attempt to alleviate the problems, use teacher judgment but seeks advice form other school professionals (counselor, reading specialist, psychologist). Use of structured observation completes evaluations of strengths and weaknesses; needs parental investment plus in home school behavior modifications Level 3 Primary Teachers formal screening in classroom of students suspected of being emotionally disturbed. Become candidate for teacher directed screening procedures assessment considered in classroom using strategic rating scales or teacher how has evidence of childrens problem cannot be management only in the classroom. Teacher interprets all testing and provides documents for next level Level 4 Complimentary Individualized multidisciplinary assessment and classify student as emotionally disturbed; eligible for special education services. EBD is formally referred for special education services. IDT team is used in needed. A psychological exam, parental involvement now needed. Valuation outside of the classroom occur as well as special education placement. Level 5 Complimentary Special Education Placement Psychiatric assessment for mental health services. Student will have an IEP in place, and psychiatric services may be mandated

5. Georges behavior is being negatively reinforced by the reactions of the other classmates when he says his negative remarks and makes negative gestures. He enjoys others trying to convince him that things will be fun. I would use positive reinforcement to change Georges behavior and empowering him to make decisions of what to do on these activities, giving him responsibilities like gathering money, leading lines, making suggestions of what to do. I would reinforce him by responding positivity when he contributes to the activity; completes an assignment or anything related to the task.

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