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Flowchart: Example 1

Create a flowchart that displays your age five years from now. The algorithm should have a variable that is initialized to your current age.

Flowchart: Example 2
Create a flowchart that will increase the value of the number by 5 if it is greater than 10 and display the result; otherwise do nothing.

Flowchart: Example 3
c Create a flowchart that displays the users name, address, birthday, age, sex, and phone number. Your flowchart should display the variables with the following format:

Name: ?????? Age: ?? BDay: ????????? Sex: ? Phone#: ???????

Flowchart: Example 4
Create a flowchart that will compute for the Average score of a student based on three quizzes. The quiz scores are entered by the user. The scores are integers and may range from 0 to 100, inclusive. However, the Average may have a value having decimal places.

Example: Q1: 98 Q2: 79 Q3: 88 Ave is 83.33

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