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Exam questions for gr.FAF-121 on Data Structures and Algorithms, a.a.2012-2013, sem.

2, intermediate session(Aprile 2013)

1. Data structures and algorithms. Main concepts and objectives of the course 2. Data structures. Classification and general characteristics 3. Data structure, data type and abstract data type 4. Steps of an abstract data type implementation in C language 5. Array of Structures. Imlementation of abstract data type Array of Structures in C language 6. Linked lists. Classification and general characteristics 7. Singly Linked List. Impementation of abstract data type Singly Linked List in C language 8. Iterative algorithm for creating 1-D Linked List 9. Circularly and non-circularly Linked List traversals using iterativ algorithms 10. Algorithms for input and output information about elements of 1-D Linked List 11. Algorithms for searching and modifying an element of 1-D Linked List 12. Algorithms for interchanging (swapping) two elements and sorting 1-D Linked List 13. Algorithms for appending new element to the end and at the beegining of 1-D Linked List 14. Algorithms for inserting new element into 1-D Linked List 15. Algorithms for deleting an element from 1-D Linked List 16. Algorithms for splitting and mergeing 1-D Linked List 17. Algorithms for determining the address of the previous element and the last element address of 1-D Linked List 18. Algorithms for determining the length and freeing memory of 1-D Linked List 19. Doubly Linked List. Implementation of abstract data type Doubly Linked List in C language 20. Iterative algorithm for creating 2-D Linked List 21. Algorithms for inserting new element into 2-D Linked List 22. Algorithms for deleting an element from 2-D Linked List 23. Queue. Implementation of abstract data type Queue in C language 24. Algorithms for inserting and deleting an element of Queue 25. Stack. Implementation of abstract data type Stack in C language 26. Algorithms for pushing and popping an element of Stack 27. Trees. Classification and general characteristics 28. Different forms of tree representation in the memory of computer 29. Binary Tree. Implementation of abstract data type Binary Tree in C language 30. Binary Tree level by level and recursive traversals 31. Iterative algorithm of Binary Tree processing using level by level traversal. General description 32. Recursive algorithms of Binary Tree processing using recursive traversals. General description 33. Iterative algorithm of Binary Tree processing using preoder recursive traversal. General description 34. Algorithm for node by node creating a Binary Tree using level by level traversal 35. Algorithms for output information about nodes and searching a node of Binary Tree using level by level traversal 36. Algorithms for determining the number of nodes and freeing memory of Binary Tree using level by level traversal 37. Recursive algorithm for node by node creating a Binary Tree using preoder recursive traversal 38. Recursive algorithms for output information about nodes of Binary Tree 39. Recursive algorithms for determining the number of nodes and searching a node of Binary Tree using postorder recursive traversal 40. Recursive algorithms for determining the hieght and freeing memory of Binary Tree using preoder recursive traversal 41. Iterative algorithm for node by node creating a Binary Tree using preoder recursive traversal 42. Iterative algorithms for output information about nodes and searching a node of Binary Tree using preoder recursive traversal 43. Iterative algorithms for determining the number of nodes and freeing memory of Binary Tree using recursive traversal 44. Binary Search Tree and its implementation in C language 45. Binary Search Tree creation. Algorithm for inserting a node 46. Algorithm for searching a node of binary search tree 47. Algorithm for deleting a node from binary search tree 48. Algorithms for determing adresses of minimal and maximal node of binary search tree

Lecturer: dr., associate professor M.Kulev 27.03.2013

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