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Prepared md+r sf

the direction

the Chief of Ordnaw

PampBpkc Pebgrr

Introduction ,
Gencwl J&si$ption PrqeJJing

. . , , , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .

2 3

2 2 2-9 4

. . .. , I , . , , . . , . . , , , , . , . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . ., . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .I. . . . I, I,..,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. charge btNCtirXld BS to alternate .

loadiq Igniler

. .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . , .. . . . .. .I,.. I. .t. II..

4 5 fri 7 B 9
10 11

4-5 6 6 G-7 79 8

. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. , .. . . . I. .#I I
,,a. ,a.. a. ..a....................................................... of leuficber of Iaunchet .,

Description Installation

, . ........................................... I. Ii.. .................... ..................

Rocket Tube

of launcher .. . . .. . . , , ,,.I . .. . . .. a. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .
firing mccbanisrn .I . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . *. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .,

IO 1Q 10


.,. ,,. .I. .I, III . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . , .. . , . , . , .

Packing Special

and storage of rockets

12 .I3

prec:eutions . II.,.. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. . ... . . ..,,

TM 9=395 l-3

a, The frjlkoting is directed to personnel charged with use of 4,$
rocket materiel.

b. This mersuai deeeribea and conbins ktructions on Rocket, HJL, 4.5, M8, w/Fuzt; rocket, PD,, M4, and Racket, practice, 4.5, M9, w/Fuze, rocket, dummy, M4, when fired from Launcher, rocket, 4,Sr, 3-tub?, AC., T30. 2. GKVER4L. The 4.5 rocket, like all other rockets, has its limitations on eccwacy, range, vdoCity and tenaperature cmditibns. It is 63 piece of artila.

lery ammunition which ise &mpl&e gun in itself, requiting only a straight length of tube with a suitable firing mechnnim for B launchera The Rocket, I-I,&, 4a5, MS, is 8 finned, narotsting projectile, weighing approximately 38.4 pounds. It has aa explosive and destructive effect &Glat to a HSmm howitzer EKE. ahell. The propelling charge, asi issued in the racket, is correct fnr law temperature operlation. The charge muet be adjwted for higher temperatures The approximate muzzle v&city af the rocket is 850 feet per second and the maximum

range ig approximately 4,600 yards. The fuze ured with the rocket is packed separat4y. The Racket, practice, 4.Sn, M9, is used itor trail+ in aiming and firing. It is loaded with the standard propel+! charge and the shell is loaded with inert material,



GuneraX. The rceket is a mmratating projectile propelled by a a, propdkmt located in the rocket tiody which ia screwed onto the base of the rocket shell (fig. 1). Identification of the individual componeJst6.

may b&ccomplishrxI by &erring to figure 1 ati the key thereon. b, Rocket Body+ The focket body is the chamber mtaining the propellant chwgn Rx back ewI of the: body is formed in the shape of
a Venturi n~zzlt through which the burning powder pses flow when the pqellant is ignited. The fira tire also attached to this end of the wy+ The frcmt or large end of the body is threaded for awembly to the shell.

running axially through the stick. The sticks are cut into approximately S-inch Iengths. Standard loading corhts of 30 of these sticlcle strung
on the wires of the cage essembly. Th high temper&we pelling powder is 27 sticks of powder, The temperature charge of pro-

e. Propellant Charge. The propellant is double base powder which hi becrtl extruded in stick form aand haa a ain& perfosatictrr

limitations for each chqe ax as folhw: 30 stick-20 F to 90 F, 27 atlcb5io F ta 130 F. The expecbd temperature during the tactical missiah at time of enCOuoter determines the correct propeUing charge. ltr t#) cswe WrII
tfwm rocReb he fired oM!de the ahw? limiting ieppatm rar4gel9.



I -

ROCK(ET,H.E., 4.5,

MS, and





d. Tr;lp Asrrtrmbly, The trap awmbly is hung on the trap plate and the hap p1~e in turn rests ore the bead which has been fotmed into the body,, The trap assembly hoids the powder in &x end locates the powder izl the rocket body. Safety Groove, Just below the bead a safety groc~e is machined cinto the body (fig. 1). The putpo3e of this groove is to permit the body to separate at a de&&e point, should an excessive preswre be generated within the rocket body. Such accurrcnccs are very rsre but can be expected ifthemcket is fired when its temper&we is above that g&n as its safe operating temperature, CC il[ the orifice should become blocked. When separatkns c~ccur, the shell and the plup4lant charge will travel forward with low velocity aad have a range of from 100 to 1,000 yards. The body will lx blown kkwfird from the launchw tube for wme distance. The launcher tube must be inaprxt.4 for possible damage and for residue in the tube before another round L inerted in the tube. f, FZna. Folding fins are mautlted at the rear of the body (fig. 2), A fin retainer (fig. 3 > has bwn inserted at the retit tk~hDld the fins in a C~CJMIpods&n in tbe packing container. This retainer should IX kft in place until after the round is placed in the kunch#v tube to prevent the fins from opening After locating the round in the tube, the ~H+i.mr must bs removed. The tail fiange is uwd for locating the round in the launcher tube, 8


g. Shell. The shdl includes 4 bwster tube which project8 into the center of the rock& body. The shell and bwster tube are filled with approximately 4.3 pound of TNT, The purpose of the burster tub k to Pumisli an HE, charge which kill shsttm the body into fragments
after the fuze functions.

h, Shell Plug. The round is a)sipped with P shell plug assembled in the noee of the z&elf.Thisr plug serves to keep the interior of the fuzs cavjty clean eflcl dry u.ntiI the time for emplofiag the rowd, 4. . PROPFLTJNG CK4.RGE - IIYWRILJCTIONS A$ TO ALTERNATE LOADING. a, The Rocket, HE., 4.S, M8, nnd Rock, Practicle, 4.$, M9, are p&ed cantairiing the &andard propelling chsqe (for low &rnpaatares) of 30 stkk, adjuzted accotditlg to pbwder Jota, The prepmratim of the raundo for the high temperature (alternate} propelling charge
is the responsibility of the Air Base Ordnance Officer. k To provide rocket with high temperature charge: (alterwte) prop&q



(3) Lift powder trap with its powder out of the rdset bdy. Be careful nbt tcx mb the igniter bag against the wall of thle rocket body as the trap a=mbly is raised. (4) Remove tape holding trap wires iti place against trap plate. (5) Fush tmp wires outiard from the trap pJst$: and lift off the thtee marked stkks of powder from the trap wires. (6) Return trap wires to slots in trap plate tid replccc tape to hold tr3p witea in pl8cc,
(7) Carefully lower modified powder tiap esembly into ple~+~ in the rocket body. Care should & tiken to see that the powder bsgs ati cm the outside uf the propellent powder sticka tied are nat damaged by the rocW body when the trap assembly is lowered in place,

(8) Apply dope to threads of shell and screw shell to the tuck& body, uting strap wrenches to insure tight joint, (9 > Merk the w&et body to indicate the change. NOIZ: If the rocket propelling charge has lxbn modified to the high temperature charge (27 sticker) it should not be changed to the 10~ t+mpwature charge (30 sticks) u&m the original 3 sticks of powder rema+& can be positively ibmtifbd. This is mandatory ahe the weight of the ihditidual sticks of powder vary with the wader lot ad have bleen adjusted for eerch m&t.


The combination Ixruxassion-electric figure 3. The igniter contab black pow&r





type igniter is shown in an electric SqMb for Electtic firing is used fw ignitiatr of the rocket when

fired from the LBunchm, rocket, 4.5, STube, AC, T30. The mket8 are iSWed with the igniter in $&e and it should not be rmbV+Xf from the rocket body. However, csb&ld it accidentally slip loo* or fall out it should & prelea~I back into place, using pressure from the thumb3 CJ~ each side. It may be necessary to mwrnent the igtritm in place.

:p . ! .


WZE. The fuze for the Rocket, HE, 4.5, Ma, is packed aepmttely. The Fuze, rocket, PD, N14, is wed with Boostter, auxiliary, ]Ml for Fuzt, I,
PD., M4, P.D. M4 Fuz:e is a combinetion 11. The

I rc&et,



$be delay is 0.015 seixnds, The fuze czatrbe set for delay cm stipmquick by turning the screw in the fslzc so that the in&n&m lines up &side the delrired de$gnatian. The total weight with booster is approximfl&ly 3 pounds. To insure safe handling the striker is set below flush, within the fute heed, and is supported by a shear wire of 100 pounds &ear . strength. In the event of mzidentai primer ignith, the powder train interrupter prevents further detonation of lexploeive elemedt~ The safety pin must be removed before firing. A focward kceleration of 16% of tiwt duration.is required to initiate the arming mechanierm. After the mechariism is eet back iri rear pas&n, the atming pin cannot release the powder train interrupter until xc&ration isreduced at the end of rocket prop&ion which is 75 feet or mareftcm the lautil~~
ti. The F&e, tczket, dummy, Me, i!~ issued separately for use with of I ca8t iron body having the Rocket, practice, 4.5, M9. It cc&sta the outer contour of the M4 FUW, d. ( 1) (2) To fuze the



LOOW~ et

shell pl.ug.

M4, into

(3) Inr;srt Booster, auxiliary, Ml, Iot FULC, rocket, PD, can that forms the ftize cavity. (4) (5) Scrtfw the Fute, rocket, P,D, Tighten the set screw, M4, into the &I1
with spanner wrench.

and tighten

7; 8.


The md view of the Launchw, raclcet, 4.5, Uube, AC, T30, ir ahawn in figurb 4. That prcwnt status af this launcher i# t4 required type, developrner*lt type, service test type. The launcher is mounted underneath the wing

of a fighter plea,

one cIust=r 4

of three tub

gn each


:p . f

side, The tubes #r-e nmoximatcly 4!j-iG inches internal diameter nnd crre made of a plastic material. The length uf the tubes is 10 feet and the total weight of each cluttr is approximately SO purtrrds, A special release, to drop the tubes after the niission has bun accompli8hcd, is incorpurated and may be used if desired. Steel tube ~luslx~s wiil be issued for training and possible combat use. These clusters are not being issued at the present time.





L. The responGbility for the installAm of the Launckr, rocket, Stube, 4.5:, AC, T30, rests with the Armament Section, Aircraft Squadron. The 3-tube clusters, electrical cwtact mnst rocket reining mechaninm end al1 parts up to the wing strut, except the tub heater,
are procured and issued by the Ordnnnce Department. The Air corps i.~ respondblc for the procurement and iswe of the electrical Wirin& RrIng selector box, electriccrf &tchq tube heatera*etc., and 011 CQWWZti& beyond the wing strut. The rnaintenenm of the lnunchem their Cmtacts and ekctrkal connections and tube haters is the responsibility

of the Air Corps pe~nnel.



bi. Provisictn is made on the instsllation for hnmonization mb eleration of the j-tube cluster. Ballistic data for this harmokzation nnd levhm will be issued under sepwate cover by the Anby Air Fnnres, C. Pass a rocket through each tube, tail first, after irkallrrticm of the latrclcher, rocket, 3-tube, 4.5, A.C., T30. The holding strap must not be ightened w that it will change the shape of the tube.
I L4MKmG OY LXUFICIIRH, Check the electrical &&it to irtsure that it is open and that the laster switch in the plane is in its OFF pa&on.

Check the electrical clantact arm9 to see that they are in proper *rating cdfidition and that the apting hacr not come locl9e. Place tIw


mtact arms in open positiorx as shown in figure 4. Check the r&G&g lerhenim to see that the slot hag not beveled O&

f. If tbe Futo, rwket, PD., M4, is used, be sure to remove the safety in before inserting the rocket in the launchw. A With the 60 r&imr in place insert the round into one of the
I& in tbe c&&r. No special sequence of londitrg the tubes is nece~uy. Do not stand to the raw of .tbe tubea wbilc loading or when xkets em in the tuba

4.5 *ROCK ET


e. Lock the rocket in pIa&! with the retaining mechanism, making we the rocket flange ia held securely. f. Remove the fin rvztairser, electrical contact arms, one at a time, proper contact ie made and return them to opecl petition.


Check the

to see that


Snap the electrical contact arms into plecc. The* arc held by ~sprisgf ENS indicated iti figure 5. Make sure that sufficient pressure is maintained fw the proper contact j,

h. . L

the other



TWII the master switch to the ON position (fig. 6).

If any of the rockets



be removed from the hurxher as

Open. electric contacts. RepIsce h retainer. Disengage

are not fired during the mission they folbws:

( 1) (2)


retainer mechanism,

(4) Withdraw rocket with B twbting motion, holding OII to tail flange. (5) Reinsert safety pin in fuze. * (6) Unfuze rockti and -turn components to origizlal packing. (7 ) Rewal psrckicrgs,





a, The firing selector box is shown in figure 6. The rocklets may.he fired in xquetlce or the entire group of six iimd at intervals of I/i+-, second. The trigger for firing is Jocatedon the joy stick bf the plane. When firing in sequence, rhe s&ctgr box automatically nrtlects the next


for Mpg. .

NOTE: The: &ctrical contact atmS are quite often badly damaged or blown off when the rocket is fired. These can easily be replaced CM rqAred and sparw are provided.

11. TUBE HE.4T1E;Rp a. It iir mticipated that tube h&ts ate instructions will be issued. . 12.

will be issued, If SO,appropri-


a. Yrrckin g(I) The practice and H.E. rockets are packet! pnfwed, one in a fiber container (M97) 5 75 A inches diameter by 32 inches lcmg. Two of .those conteinerc; ME packed in a wden packing box approximately 36 by 13%t by 13Ya imhea The totei weight is approximatelp 90 pouixls. The weight of one container and rocket is 39.5 pound& Rockets are pcked with propelIirsg chavgeg =t for 20 F to 90 F range. (2) 0~ Fuse, rocket, P.D, M4: and B&er, auxiliary, M1;are pa&&d in P fiber container (M106) 3 l;;6 inch*8 diamctcr @y 8% inches long. Fifteen 01 th~le containers art packed h a wooden packing box 22x4 by 121+& by 10 afd 6 inches. The total weight is epproximutely 72.5 pounds. The weight of one container is approximately

3% pounds. (3) Itodcets which have been- unpacked but not fired &ould b,o &turned to their original contsjner and ~~44. If a change has been made in the original propelling charge, the rockets should be marked
so that they may be properly
h. Storrrga


must trot he expobed 13,

The rackets mud be stored in a dry, cool place. They tb the direct rays of the 8UlL


B. No prmnel shall ever be permitted tostand directly in back of the launcher tube when the launcher is laded While i~~rerting the rQck& 4Lwayg stand to one sideof the launcher tube, The blast of the m&et gases is et a very high temperature and pressure at@ can muse

injury up tola distance of 75 feet behind the hmcher. b. When preparing the rocket for the hi& temperature {alternate) charge, always exe&i= care that th+ black powder bags a~ not rubbti against the roclret body.

it. When

assembling the rocket be


tbt the threads have been

doped and that 8 tight joint is made using the strap wrenches, ad that the threads are not cmcssed.
~1, Bdae lmdkg the rocket always make sure the firing Circuit
~WNW~ c~ntati~. 0~

iS mn.

After 1omIirrgthe rcdwt in the ltiuachw he pure tu ring 90 it will not irstmfe= with the &ctri~~I

f. When using the l?Lm, rocket, PD, is ~emovy~I befoe loading.

propet otdet.

M4, make sure the safety pin



Chwk the electrical firing cimujl fmpently

see that it is in

k. LI.s~~ that the tack& me not fired outside their Limiting temperatures. . 1+ The rcckets must always be stared in EL dry, cool ptca and they must not be exposed to the dim%% rtry~of the sun. je If a rocket has been prepmred for the high temperature (alternate) lading, rqatk the ;ksaundso that it may be properl-ty identified.
A,G. 3UO.? (15 Sep 43)

I: CI.0. 461/2444 R, (13 Sep 43) I


: XI

(For expkmatim of symbols, M FM 2 l-6.)



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