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Lampiran 1. Hasil Publikasi (poin F) 1. 2. 3. 4. Effect of Averhoa carambola Linns juice on blood glucose of diabetic rat (1990).

The hipoglicemic effect of the seed of Sizigium cumini L on normal and diabetic rabbit (1992) Acute and subacute toxicity test of Anacardium accidentale Linn (1993) The effect subchronic pretreatment of butylated hydroxy anisole (BHA) on methemoglobinemia and hepatotoxicity of paracetamol on mice (1994) 5. Effect of water extract of Occimum bacillicum formacitratum Bacter on rat blood uric acid (1996) 6. Effect of alkohol extract of Occimum bacillicum formacitratum Bacter on rat blood uric acid (1997) 7. Antiinflamation effect of water extract of Occimum bacillicumformaietratum Bacter on rat (1998) .8. Efek seduhan daun kemangi (Ocimum Sanctum L.) pada ulkus lambung tikus putih yang ditimbulkan asam asetil salisilat. Majalah Obat Tradisional vol.7. No,19. Jan Mar. 2002 9. Efek ekstrak eter daun ceplukan (Physalis minima Linn.) setelah pemberian jangka panjang terhadap kadar gula darah tikus diabetes. Majalah Obat Tradisional vol.8. No,23. Jan Mar. 2003. 10. Pengaruh ekstrak air dan eter akar bunga tasbih (Canna Indica Linn.) terhadap keaktifan GPT plasma yang meningkat karena parasetamol. Majalah Obat Tradisional vol.8. No,24 April - Juni. 2003 11.Kelainan Muskuloskeletal pada usia lanjut dengan diabetes mellitus tipe 2: studi kasus Kongres Nasional III, Temu ilmiah nasional II Perhimpunan Gerontologi Medik Indonesia. Yogyakarta, 25 27 Juni 2004

ASTRACT . Kelainan Muskuloskeletal pada usia lanjut dengan diabetes mellitus tipe 2: studi kasus Eko.B., Riska,H. Asdie., Setyo Purwono Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK UGM / RS. Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta

Background. The abnormal metabolic state that accompanies diabetes caused chronic and irreversible vital organ damage. Clinical manifestation such as musculoskeletal disorder was rare to be discussed, although data showed the prevalence of this disorder was higher on people with DM than without DM. The better treatment on DM will decrease acute complication and increase survival of patient. Those will impact on increasing of chronic diabetic complication including musculoskeletal complication. Objective. To know the difference proportion of musculoskeletal disorder between elderly and non elderly with diabetic Design.and setting. A retrospective case study was done on May 2004 in Dr. Sardjito Hospital Result. Eightyfive patients of type 2 diabetic eligible to study, 42 (49,9%) male and 43 (50,6%) female. There were 28 patients (32,9) suffered musculoskeletal disorder: 14 of 40 non elderly and 14 of 45 elderly suffered musculoskeletal disorder (p = 0,818). There were 14 0f 57 patients who were diagnosed DM 10 years suffered musculoskeletal disorder and 14 of 28 patients who were diagnosed DM 10 years ( p: 0,027). Based on sex, 5 of 42 males and 23 of 43 females were suffered musculoskeletal disorder ( p = 0,000). Conclusion. Musculoskeletal disorderon type 2 DM was found about 32,9 %. There was no difference of musculoskeletal occurence according age, but there is difference according durationof DM and sex. Key word: musculoskeletal disorder, elderly, type 2 diabetic Kongres Nasional III, Temu ilmiah nasional II Perhimpunan Gerontologi Medik Indonesia. Yogyakarta, 25 27 Juni 2004

ABSTRACT Pengaruh ekstrak air dan eter akar bunga tasbih (Canna Indica Linn.) terhadap keaktifan GPT plasma yang meningkat karena parasetamol. Tri Murini, Setyo Purwono Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada Tasbih flower consists some compounds having hepatoprotector properties. This study was aimed to evaluate GPT-plasma activity level reduction effect of water extract or ether extract of roots bunga tasbih (Canna Indica Linn.) on male rats induced by paracetamol. The study was conductedd by employing a completely randomized design in male Wistar rats ( aged 1 -2 months, 150 180 g). The rats were divided into eight groups 1.e. negative control ( animals were orally administered with aquadest) for group I, water extract1000 mg/kg.BW of roots bunga tasbih for group II , ether extract 30 mg/kg.BW for group III (group I, II, III treatment given in 14 days). Positive control ( given orally with paracetamol 500 mg/kg.BW for group IV). Group V has 7 days water extract treatment, given orally , paracetamol given 24 hours after treatment. Group VI has 14 days water extract treatment, given orally , paracetamol given 24 hours after treatment. Group VII has 14 days ether extract treatment, given orally , paracetamol given 24 hours after treatment. The data was recorded as GPT-plasma activity. Results of each group were compared analysed using two-way analysis of variance method with confidence level of 95 %. The result showed that groups treated with water and ether extracts of roots bunga tasbih were able to reduce GPT-plasma activity about 87.52 % and 84.81 % respectively, the result both extracts are significantly difference ( < 0.05). Key word: Canna indica Linn. , GPT-plasma , paracetamol Majalah Obat Tradisional vol.8. No,24 April - Juni. 2003

ABSTRACT . Efek ekstrak eter daun ceplukan (Physalis minima Linn.) setelah pemberian jangka kadar gula darah tikus diabetes. Isnatin Miladiyah, Setyo Purwono, Mustofa panjang terhadap

This study was aimed to evaluate the blood glucosa level reduction effect of ether extract of ceplukan leaves ( Physalis minima Linn.) on diabetic rats induced by alloxan. Twelve Wistar diabetic rats with 150 220 gram BW were divided in to 3 groups. Group I was given with saline 0.9 % as negative control, group II with ether axtract of ceplukan leaves from 1 g dry powder/kgBW, group III with glibenclamide 20 mg/kg.BW as positive control. The treatments were given twice daily for 21 days. Blood glucosa level were measured on 7 th. , 14 th., and 21 th. days. The data were compared each other and analyzed with ANOVA. The results showed that groups treated with ether extract of ceplukan leaves showed a lower blood glucosa level than negative control ( p < 0.05) and have equal level ( p > 0.05) with positive control. It could be concluded that ether extract of ceplukan leaves can reduce blood glucosa level on diabetic rats induced aloxan and its potency is proportional to that of glibenclamide at 20 mg/kg. BW. Key words : Physalis minima Linn , Blood glucosa level , glibenclamide Majalah Obat Tradisional vol.8. No,23. Jan Mar. 2003.

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