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1, 2. What Chinese proverb about families was shared the first day of class? What does it mean to you?

-No family can hang out the sign, Nothing the matter here. -To me that means no family is perfect and that everyone makes mistakes, but we try to work things out so everything can be okay. 3, 4. Identify two central elements of culture. -Beliefs -Values. 5-8. List three different views on the changing family. Which view do you hold and why? -One view is that the family is deteriorating. -A second view holds that the family is changing but not deteriorating. -A third perspective is that the family is stronger than ever. -I believe i hold the second view, that the family is changing but deteriorating. The reason why i pick this is because me and my parents we barely see each other throughout the day because of our schedule, but we sill manage to have time to spend together. 9-11. List the three basic elements of Steinberg's triangular theory of love. -Intimacy -Passion -Commitment. 12-15. Identify Reiss's spokes in the wheel theory of love. -Rapport (initial attraction, ease, comfort, understanding) -Self-revelation (rapport leads to trust which leads to self-disclosure) -Mutual dependency -Fulfillment of intimacy needs. 16, 17. List two psychological conditions for love. -Self-Esteem -Self-disclosure. 18-20. What are three internal causes of jealousy? -Mistrust -Low self-esteem -Anxiety. 21, 22. Define sex and define gender. -Sex, the biological destination between being female and being male.

-Gender, the social and psychological behaviors that women and men are expected to display in society. 23-25. List three agents of gender role socialization. -Family -Race/Ethnicity -Peers. 26-29. What are four processes of parental socialization? -Manipulation -Channeling -Verbal appellation -Activity exposure. 30. What is one thing you might emphasize in teaching a child what it means to be male or female? -Body parts 31, 32. According to the chapter notes, men typically engage in ________ talk; women engage in _________ talk. -Report -Rapport. 33-36. Regarding destructive communication, what are John Gottman's "four horsemen of the apocalypse"? -Contempt -Criticism -Defensiveness -Stonewalling 37-40. List four defense mechanisms the text identifies as hindrances to effective conflict resolution. -Escapism -Rationalization -Projection -Displacement 41-44. List four of the seven filtering variables in the homogamy and filter funnel theory.

-Propinquity -Physical Appearances -Ethnicity and Race -Religion 45-48. What are four types of cohabitation? -Here and Now -Testers -Engaged -Money savers. 49. What is the "cohabitation effect"? -Cohabitation effect means that those who have multiple cohabitation experiences prior to marriage are more likely to end up in marriages characterized by violence, lower level or happiness, lower level of positive communication, and depression. 50. How are you feeling about this online course? -I'm really loving the online course because I am able to study at my own convenience. The chapter notes are very useful as well, it helps me prepare for what's going to be on the test.

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