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Factors, Multiples, HCF and LCM
If the HCF of two numbers is H, the numbers can be assumed as H a and H
b such that a and b are coprime.
While finding the largest/smallest number that leaves particular remainders
when divided by certain numbers, do not forget to first eliminate options based
on the remainder and divisor combinations, e.g. a number leaving a remainder
of 5 on division by 8 has to be odd; a number leaving a remainder of 3 on
division by 15 has to have the unit digit as 3 or 8; etc.
LCM of multiples of 5 would end with just 0 or 5.
HCF of a set of numbers will be odd if even one of the number in the given set
is odd.
ERROR PRONE AREA: While calculating HCF or LCM of fractions, the
fractions should be in the most reducible form.
The HCF of a set of numbers has to be a factor of the LCM of the set of
numbers OR in other words, the LCM of a set of numbers must be a multiple
of the HCF of the set of numbers. Thus if HCF of a set of numbers is a
multiple of 5, the LCM of the set of numbers must also be a multiple of 5.
Do not forget that for two numbers, the product of numbers = HCF LCM
If a series of numbers is of the type a N + b, then consecutive numbers of
this series differ by N. Conversely any series of numbers differing by N
(basically an AP with common difference N) can be represented as a multiple
of N x.
In any block of N consecutive numbers, there will be one and ONLY one
number belonging to the above series. Thus from 1 to N, there exists one and
ONLY one number belonging to the series. And so also from 101 to 100+N,
or any such block of N numbers.
The above property can be used to identify the range of the smallest or largest
n-digit number of the series. E.g. the smallest 4 digit number of the series 52N
+ 15 will be within 1000 and 1051 and the largest 3 digit number such number
will lie within 948 and 999.
Whenever the number of factors is the focus of any questions, train your mind
to think in the following directionto find the number of factors of any
given number, factorise the number i.e. write it as powers of prime numbers 2
Now the number of factors is (a + 1)(b + 1)(c + 1)(d
+ 1)(e + 1)
The number of ways a given number be written as a product of two numbers =
the number of factor (if number of factors is even) OR
(number of factors + 1) (if number of factors is odd). This will
contain one way of writing the number as a product of similar numbers
i.e. square of the square root of the given number.
Highest power dividing a product/number
To find the highest power of x that divides N!, keep dividing N successively
by x and the addition of all the quotients is your answer. (Successive division
means dividing the quotient of the earlier division). While this is the process
of getting the answer, do understand the concept behind find the highest power
as it may be used in other application. The interpretation of the highest power
of x that divides a factorial is that if from 1 2 3 4 5 6 N, if
all the powers of x is segregated, how many will they amount to. E.g. From
19!, if we segregate all powers of 3 we will have something as follows:
i.e. 3
N, where N will not be a multiple of 3.
The same logic as above can be used for any product and not necessarily a
factorial. Thus if the questions is what is the highest power of 3 that can divide
the product of squares of all odd numbers from 1 to 20one should identify
that the powers of 3 would appear only in the squares of 3, 9 and 15. Thus the
largest power of 3 dividing the given product is 2 + 4 + 2 = 8.
When the number of zeroes at the end of a product of series of numbers is
asked, think of the highest power of 2 and 5 in the product.
If any number is expressed as 10
m, where m is not a multiple of 10, then n
is the number of zeroes at the end of the given number. n is also the highest
power of 10 that divides the given number.
The above property is not just limited to 10. If a number N can be expressed as
m, where m is not a multiple of 7, then in this case also n is the largest
power of 7 that can divide the given number.
The above rules can be used effectively to factorise a factorial. Thus if one
needs to find the number of ways in which 15! can be written as a product of 2
numbersRecollect from the earlier matter that to find the number of ways
a number can be written as a product of two natural numbers, one has to find
the number of factors of the given number. Also recollect that to find the
number of factors of any given number one has to factorise the given number.
Factorising the given number means writing it in the form of 2

i.e. writing it in powers of prime numbers. Thus we need to find
the highest power of prime numbers that can divide the given number. Thus in
our case 15! can be written as 2
. Now one can
easily find the number of factors and then half them to get to the answer.
To find the remainder when a
is divided by c:
First things to check is if a and c have any common factor. If they have a
common factor, do think spend a moment checking if a
is a multiple of c. E.g.
What is the remainder when 6
is divided by 16? Obviously 6 6 6 6
is divisible by 8 and hence the remainder will be zero.
If a
is not a multiple of c, divide both numerator and denominator by the
common factor. This step might reduce your further work. Do remember the
number you have divided the numerator and denominator with. After finding
the remainder of the now reduced numbers, you have to multiply it with this
number to get the correct answer. E.g. What is the remainder if 6
is divided
by 40?
30 27 27
6 6 6 6 6 27 6
40 8 5 5

. Do remember that the numerator and

denominator have been divided by 8. This aspect will have to be adjusted later
to get the correct answer.
Now the remainder when 27 is divided by 5 is 2 and when 6
is divided by 5
is 1. Hence the remainder when 27 6
is divided by 5 is 2 1 = 2.
The correct answer to the remainder when 6
is divided by 40 is 2 8 = 16
Next consider the case when there is no common factor between a and c: Raise
a to powers of 1, 2, 3, successively till such a time that the power on
division by c leaves a remainder of 1 or -1 (basically c 1). E.g. what is the
remainder when 5
is divided by 11. Considering 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125,
successively, we see that 3125 divided by 11 leaves a remainder of 1. Now
express 5
as 3125
such that n is a natural number. 5
= 5
= 125
. Thus the remainder when 5
is divided by 11 is 4 1
= 4.
If instead of a
, an expression is divided by a certain number and the
remainder is asked, do not find the remainder for each term independently.
Your work may be reduced through intermediate calculations. E.g. In CAT
2004, a 2 marks question was finding the remainder when 15
+ 23
divided by 19. It is NOT necessary to find the remainder when 15
is divided
by 19 and when 23
is divided by 19. When the expression as a whole is
considered the remainder is (-4)
+ 4
i.e. 0.
Finally be wary of following the above mentioned process blindly, especially
in expressions of the type asking by which option is a
1 divisible. One may
be tempted to find which of the option leaves a remainder of m1 when it
divides a
. This option would then perfectly divide a
1. However it might
take time specially when the options are large enough. Further the question
could be solved by an entirely different approach. E.g. The numbers
mentioned in which option completely divides 5
1. 26 & 129 2. 131 & 24 3. 126 and 651 4. None of These
( ) ( ) ( )
6 3 3 3
5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 + . Thus 5
1 is divisible by 126 and also 124.
( ) ( ) ( )
6 2 2
5 1 5 1 5 1 625 25 1 + + . Here we have used the funda that
= (a b)(a
+ ab + b
). Thus 5
1 is also divisible by 24 and 651. Thus
option c will be the right choice. Though not needed ( )
5 1
can further be
factorised as (5 1)(25 + 5 + 1) and ( )
5 1 +
can further be factorised as (5 +
1)(25 5 + 1). Thus 5
1 can also be divided by 31and 21.
If one has to evaluate something like log
5, try to relate 5 and 0.008 as
power of the same number (10 or powers of 10 can be used freely while
finding such relation). E.g. 0.008 = 0.2
and 5 = 10/2 = 1/0.2 = 0.2
. Thus
5 = 3
log 0.2
= -1/3.
In logs, 1 can be used very effectively as it can be expressed as log
x where
one can choose any value that one wants as x (obviously except 1 or negative
numbers). Thus 1 + log
5 = log
0.008 + log
5 = log
0.04 = 2/3.
Equations and Inequalities
While solving simultaneous equations of the form x
+ y
= 65 and x + y = 3,
there is no real need to solve it theoretically, which turns out to be a laborious
process. Consider perfect squares and by hit and trial see if two perfect squares
add up to 65. x
cannot be 4, 9, 25, 36 as then y
has to be 61, 56, 40, 29 which
are not perfect squares. Thus the possible values for x and y are (1, 8) and
(4, 7). The values that satisfy x + y = 3 are 7 and -4.
The only assumption in the above is that x and y are rational. And this can be
ascertained by looking at option choices or certain other data in the question or
else one can simply take chances. If one does not get perfect squares adding
up to 65, only then work theoretically.
Consider the CAT 2000 question:
If x
+ y
= 0.1 and |x y| = 0.2, what is the value of |x| + |y|?
1. 0.3 2. 0.4 3. 0.6 4. 0.2
Consider the square of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 i.e. 0.01, 0.04, 0.09, 0.16 and it is
obvious that 0.01 + 0.09 = 0.1. Thus x and y are 0.1 and 0.3. And these values
also satisfy the second equation. Also the answer choices make it evident that
one should not be thinking of multiple values or solutions. Thus answer has to
be 0.4
In simultaneous equations please remember that we need as many independent
equations as the number of variables used ONLY when we have to find the
unique value of all the variables. If we do not need the values of all the
variables but only the value of an equation using the variables, we can
possibly find the answer even when the number of equations is less than the
number of variables. So do not be in a hurry to mark Cannot be determined
as the answer in such case.
Even after having as many equations as the number of variables, it is not
necessary that we will be able to fid the values of all the variables. To be able t
do so, all the equations should be independent. Check to see if by adding or
subtracting two of the equations (including use of multiples if needed) we can
derive one of the given equation. If we can do this, all the given equations are
not independent.
Whenever the question deals with roots of any polynomial, ax
+ bx
+ cx
+ px + q = 0, remember to check options such that sum of roots = -b/a
and product of roots = q/a. Thus if a = 1 (as is usually the case or else you
could make a = 1 by dividing the entire equation by a) and q is an integer and
it is also known that the roots are also integers, then the roots have to be
factors of q.
For a quadratic expression used in an inequality and that cannot be factorised,
find the determinant and see if the quadratic expression takes only positive or
negative values or takes all values:
For a quadratic ax
+ bx + c with imaginary roots i.e. b
4ac < 0,
+ bx + c) is always positive if a is positive OR
+ bx + c) is always negative if a is negative
E.g. : Solve for x,
20 84
2 4 5
x x
x x
+ +
The numerator can be factorised as (x 14)(x 6). But the denominator
cannot be factorised. On checking we see that for the quadratic in the
denominator, determinant is negative. Thus the denominator is always
positive. Thus the inequality boils down to (x 14)(x 6) > 0.
Integer solutions to equations of the type Ax By = C:
If A, B and C have a common factor divide the entire equation by this
common factor. The following matter considers that you have done this step
and A and B are considered after the division.
Now if A and B are not co-prime, the equation will not have any integer
solution. Think why!!!
Consecutive integer solutions to the equation will have x values differing by B
and y values differing by A. For equation of type Ax + By = C, a increase
(decrease) in x will cause a decrease (increase) in y and vice-versa. For
equation of type Ax By = C, a increase (decrease) in x will cause a increase
(decrease) in y and vice-versa.
Thus in any set of A consecutive integers, y can assume one and only one
value for which it will be a integer solution to the equation. And in any set of
B consecutive integers, x can assume one and one one value for which it will
be a integer solution to the eqn. (To understand this point, i.e. if you havent,
refer to the concept explained in this article under the heading of LCM and
E.g. For the equation 17x + 5y = 513:
There has to be a value of x from 1 to 5 (or from 0 to 4) that will satisfy
this equation. For an integral solution 513 17x has to be divisible by 5
i.e. 513 17x has to end with a 0 or 5. Thus from 0 to 4, x can only take a
value 4. Thus one can easily find that (4, 97) is a solution to this equation.
Further if the total number of natural number solution is asked, as x
increases in steps of 5 starting with 4 (there is no question of x decreasing
as it will not be a natural number then), y will decrease in steps of 17,
starting from 97. Since 17 5 = 85, there can be 5 such steps of decrease
and the number of natural number solutions is 6
If the question was asked as to how many integer solutions exists for the
equation such that -43 x 67, from -43 to 67 there exists a total of 110
integers. Since x can take one and only one value in any given 5
consecutive integers, the number of solutions will be 22.
If the question was asked as to how many integer solutions exists for the
equation such that 0 < x < 168, from 1 to 165 there exists a total of 165
integers. Since x can take one and only one value in any given 5
consecutive integers, the number of solutions will be for 0 < x 165 will
be 33. For x = 166 and 167 would not be a solution as x has to be of the
type 5n 1 to be a solution.
Consider the CAT 99 question, how many non-negative integral solution
exists for the equation 17x 4y = 1 such that y 1000.
y can take one and only one value out of 17 consecutive integers to be a
solution to the equation. 17 60 = 1020. Thus 17 58 = 986. Thus from 1 to
986, y will take 58 values. Now all that remains to be checked is that from
987 to 1000 will there be a value that y can take to be a solution to the
equation. One solution x = 1 and y = 4 is evident. Thus if we consider sets of
17 consecutive integers as 1 to 17, 18 to 34, 35 to 51, the fourth number in
the set will be a solution. Thus from 987 to 1003, y = 991 will be the 59

|x a| refers to the distance of the point x from a, on a number line. Thus |x
5| = 9 refers to those values of x that are at a distance (positive side or negative
side) of 9 from the point 5. Thus x = 5 9 or 5 + 9 i.e. x = -4 or 14. Thus
solution of |x 5| < 9 is between -4 and 14 and the solution of |x 5| > 9 is all
values less than -4 or all values greater than 14.
|3x + 8| = 15 3x = -8 15 or -8 + 15 and one can orally calculate the value
of x.
To find the least value of |x a| + |x b| + |x c| + |x d| +, plot the
points a, b, c, d, on the number line. The expression will take the least value
when x takes the middle value of the plotted points. If the number of points is
even, x can take any value between the two middle points (including these two
middle points).
The graph of y = |x| is:
The two lines are at 45 degrees to the horizontal i.e. their slope is 1.
The graph of y = |x k| is as follows:
The graph of y = |x| k is as follows:
Combining the above two, the graph of y = |x k| h is as follows:
Thus if we have to plot the graph of y = |x + 6| + 4, it is a one step process as
follows: The vertex of the two intersecting lines will be at (-6, -4).
To find the co-ordinates of A, B and C, remember that the lines have a
slope of 1 i.e. change in x = change in y. Consider point A. The y
coordinate is 0 i.e. a change of 4 (from -4). Thus x will also change by 4
(from -6). Thus A = (-2, 0). Consider point C. Here again y coordinate is 0.
Thus x coordinate is -10. C = (-10, 0). Consider point B. For B, x
coordinate is 0 i.e. a change of 6 (from -6). Thus y coordinate will also
change by 6 (from -4). Thus B = (0, 2). While initially drawing the co-
ordinates axis do not worry about their position. As seen in this e.g. the
axis are wrongly place. You can easily correct them later and very rarely
would it actually matter to even correct it.
In the above question if the area enclosed by graph of |x + 6| + 4 and the
X-axis is asked, all one needs is to do 8 4.
The graph of |x + y| = k and |x y| = k will be
(-6, -4)

And the graph of |x| |y| = k be also be exactly similar to the above!!!.
And would it now be a surprise if we understand that the graph of |x k| |y
h| = k will also be similar expect that the co-ordinates will change. The center
of the diamond (square) shape rather than being (0, 0) will just be (k, h) and
accordingly the other co-ordinates will also change but the size of the diamond
will remain the same i.e. a square of side 2 k.
Remember your mock question: Number of integral solution to |x 10
| + |y
| 3. The answer is same even if the given inequality was considered as |x|
+ |y| 3.
Modulus and inequality

0 is negative i.e. < 0 a a or a a a a > >

0 a a or a a not possible < <

0 could be any real number a a or a a a

a a
a a >
(implying a is negative) OR

a a
(implying a is positive or zero).
Thus a could be any real number.

0 is positive or zero i.e. 0 a a or a a a a

a a
a a <
(which is not possible) OR

a a
(implying a is positive or zero)
a a
is nothing but just
a a
E.g. from mock 1: Solve for x,
2 2
7 12 7 12 x x x x + > +
(k, 0)
(0, k)
(-k, 0)
(0, -k)
In an AP, the average of the series is the middle term (if number of terms is
odd) or the average of the two middle terms (if number of terms is even). Sum
of the series = Avearge (i.e. the middle term) number of terms.
E.g. From CAT 2004: If sum of first 11 terms of an AP is equal to that of
the first 19 terms, then what is the sum of the first 30 terms?
Sum of terms 12 to 19 = 0.
Thus average of terms 12 to 19 (8 terms in all) = average of the two
middle terms 15
and 16
term = 0.
Thus sum of first 30 terms = Average of two middle terms 15
16 th 30 = 0
1. Any sequence of consecutive natural numbers from a to b will have their
average as
a b +
. Thus the average of any set of consecutive integers has to be
a integer or (an integer + 0.5). Thus as successive numbers are included in (or
initial numbers are excluded from) the series of consecutive numbers, the
average will increase (decrease) by 0.5.
Other Series
Consider the following equivalence of series
1 1 1
...... 10
1 2 2 3 3 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 2 3 3 4 10 11
1 1
1 11
upto terms + + +

_ _ _ _
+ + +

, , , ,

1 1 1
...... 10
1 3 3 5 5 7
1 2 2 2 2
2 1 3 3 5 5 7 19 21
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 3 3 5 5 7 19 21
1 1 1
2 1 21
upto terms + + +

+ + + +

_ _ _ _
+ + + +
' ;

, , , ,

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
4 2 4 2 4 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 3 4
...... 10
2 2 3 3 4 4
2 3 4 10
2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 10 10 10 10
2 3 4 10
2 6 6 12 12 20 90 110
1 4 6 8 20
2 2 6 6 12 12 20 90 110
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 6 6 12 12
upto terms + + +

+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +

+ + + +
' ;

_ _
+ +

, ,
1 1 1
20 90 110
1 1 1
2 2 110
_ _
+ +
' ;

, ,

1 1 1
...... 10
1 4 7 4 7 10 7 10 13
1 6 6 6 6
6 1 4 7 4 7 10 7 10 13 28 31 34
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 4 4 7 4 7 7 10 7 10 10 13 28 31 31 34
1 1 1
6 1 4 31 34
upto terms + + +

+ + + +

_ _ _ _
+ + + +
' ;

, , , ,

See the above working till the time you can write the final answer in one direct
step. Once you confirm that the series follows the above pattern, one just
needs to calculate the last term and the factor that has to come initially.
General Fundas in Algebra
Whenever there appears any term of the type a
+ b
+ c
, do check for a + b +
c being equal to zero. If a + b + c is indeed zero, then a
+ b
+ c
= 3abc.
The series 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 should immediately be recognized as series of sum of
first n natural numbers.
To form all natural numbers from 1 to N by adding any natural numbers, one
would just need 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64..2
, where 2
is the largest power of 2
smaller than or equal to N. E.g. What is the minimum number of weights
needed to be able to measure all natural numbers weights till 80, if weights
can be kept only on one pan of the balance. One would need weights 1, 2, 4, 8,
To form all natural numbers from 1 to N by adding or subtracting any natural
numbers, one would just need 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, ..3
. Be careful of the largest
number needed in this case. E.g. What is the minimum number of weights
needed to be able to measure all natural numbers weights till 80, if weights
can be kept on both pans of the balance. One would need weights 1, 3, 9, 27,
In questions of the type where certain flowers/sweets/points etc gets
diminished and then increases and again diminishes and again increases
rather than forming an equation, see if one can work backwards if final
quantity is given or else work with options. Also in such cases, if 1/3
objects are given away, work on the objects that are remaining i.e. 2/3
to save
If working with options, select options intelligently e.g. I pick 1/3
of the
chocolates in a bowl and then return 3, next I pick 1/5
of the chocolates and
then return five, next What is the number of chocolates in the bowl
initially? The initial number of chocolates has to be a multiple of 3. Also 2/3

of the initial number of chocolates plus 3 should be divisible by 5. This should
be enough to reduce the possible options to just about 2.
Remember that a
, b
, c
or |a|, |b|, |c| are either zero or positive quantity. Thus
solution to a
+ b
+ c
= 0 or |a| + |b| + |c| = 0 is a = b = c =0
Whenever a string is wrapped round a cylinder or a cuboid, the length of string
needed can be found by drawing a straight line on the developed figure.
For any equilateral triangle of side a, the circum-radius is a/3 and obviously
then the in-radius will be a/23 (as ratio of circumradius to in-radius of a
equilateral triangle is 2 : 1; centroid divides median in ratio 2 : 1)
Use ratios of similar figures very effectively. If two triangles are similar, ratio
of sides of the two triangle = ratio of in-radii of the two triangles = ratio of
circum-radii of the two triangles.
In the given figure if all circles are of radius r, find the sides of the three
equilateral triangle (from CAT 2003, Nov)
Since side of innermost triangle is 2r, its circum-radius is 2r/3. Circum-
radius of middle triangle is 2r/3 + r. The ratio of circum-radii is 2 : (2 + 3).
Thus sides will also be in the same ratio. Thus side of middle triangle is (2 +
3)r (as side of innermost triangle was 2r)
Since side of innermost triangle is 2r, its in-radius is r/3. In-radius of outer
triangle is r/3 + r. The ratio of in-radii is 1 : (1 + 3). Thus sides will also be
in the same ratio. Thus side of outer triangle is (1 + 3)2r (as side of innermost
triangle was 2r)
While there are other ways of finding the sides as well, this is just to open our
minds to use similarity effectively.
If ratio of shaded area to unshaded area is asked, see if the figure can be
divided into number of smaller figures, each identical to one another. Check if
shaded figure and unshaded figure are formed by these smaller figures.
E.g. What is the ratio of shaded area to the area of outer square?
2 +
1 +
Rather than calculating, consider larger square to be composed of four
smaller equal squares
In each of the smaller squares, the shaded area is th area of the square.
This approach is also useful in case of hexagons as hexagons are also
amenable to be considered as blocks of smaller triangles.
If (a, b) and (c,d) are two opposite vertices of any parallelogram (rhombus,
rectangle and squares are also parallelograms), then the mid-point of other two
opposite vertices has to be
2 2
a c b d + +

Whenever a, b, and c are sides of a triangle, remember that sum of two sides
has to be greater than the third side.
In any regular hexagon, first try to see if the solution is possible by
considering the hexagon to be built up of 6 equilateral triangles. Remember
that in a regular hexagon of side a, the distance between opposite vertices is 2a
but the distance between opposite sides is 3a. Thus a hexagon cannot be
enclosed in a square; it can only be enclosed in a rectangle of dimension 2a
ERROR PRONE AREA: When a cube is inscribed in a sphere, the diagonal of
the cube, 3a (and not the side, a) is the diameter of the sphere.
ERROR PRONE AREA: Similarly when a cube is cut out from a cone, the
diagonal of the top face of the cube 2a (and not the side) is the diameter of
the base circle of the smaller cone formed at the top.
Any quadrilateral where the diagonals bisect each other has to be a
A parallelogram inscribed in a circle has to be a rectangle and the diagonal of
the rectangle has to be the diameter of the circle.
Consider a parallelogram inscribed in a triangle such that one side of the
parallelogram lies along one side of the triangle and the other two vertices lie
on the other two sides of the triangle. The parallelogram will have the
maximum area when the base of the parallelogram is the length of the base
of the triangle and the height of the parallelogram is also the height of the
triangle. The parallelogram could also be a rectangle as basically even a
rectangle is a parallelogram.
The same above concept can also be applied to a cylinder or a square prism
inscribed inside a cone when the base of the cylinder or the square prism lies
along the base of the cone. But in this case, the radius of the cylinder or the
side of the square base of the prism is 2/3
the radius of the base of the cone
and the height of the cylinder or the square prism is 1/3
the height of the
Whenever there is a circle and a triangle with one of its vertices being the
center of the circle and other two vertices lying on the circumference, do use
the fact that the triangle has to be an isosceles triangle. Thus if any one angle
is known, the other two can be found out.
A semi-circle should immediately direct your thoughts to look out for a right
angle formed by the diameter at the circumference.
Whenever you find you two altitudes (right angles) within a triangle, check if
you can use the fact that base
= base
Thus AC BD = BC AE.
Also remember triangle BDC is similar to triangle AEC and triangle ADB.
Thus two triangles are similar and equating base height should come to
ones mind as soon as one sees two altitudes or two right angles within a
In a right angle triangle, do remember the following values:

Do not confuse between the following two right angle triangles:
In one figure the altitude is drawn from the right angle to the hypotenuse
whereas in the other figure the right angle is joined to mid-point of the
hypotenuse (median). The two points on the hypotenuse need not coincide.
The altitude and median will be the same line and the point on the hypotenuse
will coincide only in the case when the original right angle triangle is an
isosceles right angle triangle. In the figure on the right BD = AD = DC =
circum-radii i.e. D is the circumcenter. In the first case the three triangles are
similar whereas in the second case the three triangles need not be similar.
The mention of the following specific lines/points in a triangle, should
immediately usher in the possibility of usage of the properties mentioned
against them:
a. Mid-point, Median If the midpoint of any side of a triangle is a point
under consideration, check if Apollonius theorem has to be used. Do
remember that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other; thus
the two sides of the parallelogram and any one diagonal form a triangle
with half the other diagonal being the median and one can apply
Apollonius theorem to these lengths.
b. Orthocenter The angle formed by a side of the triangle at the
orthocenter and the vertex angle are supplementary.
c. Angle bisector, In-center The angle bisector divides opposite side in
the ratio of adjacent sides. Also angle at the in-center is 90 + half the
corresponding vertex angle.
If ratio of areas of two triangles are given or asked, try thinking in the
direction of ratios of base or heights.
In a triangle ABC having G as its orthocenter, D is the midpoint of BC.
Also the area of triangle ABC is five times the area of triangle GDCk
1). The following should be a straight fall-out of this piece of data:
The ratio of base BC of triangle ABC and base DC of triangle GDC is 2 :
1. Since the areas are in ratio 5 : 1, the heights are in ratio 5/2 : 1 i.e. 5 : 2.
Thus G divides the altitude from A to side BC in ratio 3 : 2.
When you are using the property that radius is perpendicular to the tangent at
point of tangency, make sure that you are considering the radius and not any
other line. E.g. from CAT 2003, Feb
In the figure given below A, B and C
are three points on the circle with
center O. The chord BA is extended to
a point T such that CT becomes
tangent to the circle at point C. If
ATC = 30 and ACT = 50, then the
BOA is
1. 100 2. 150
3. 80 4. CBD
In the above a lot of students committed the following error: Angle BCT = 90
and since ACT is 50, angle ACB is 40 and hence answer is 80. Find the error
and the correct angle.
Another place where the above error is committed is in the case of two
intersecting circles:

Even after it is given that the points are
the center of the circles, one cannot
consider the angle at the point of
intersection of circles to be a right
angle as though one of the line
segment is the radius, the other line
segment is not necessarily a tangent.
If out of N people, a read TOI, b read IE and c read HT, then
Minimum number of people reading TOI and IE is a + b N and so on for
other combination of two newspaper.
The above property can be used repetitively to find the minimum number of
people reading all the newspaper, as follows: Since minimum number of
people reading TOI and IE is a + b N, say equal to m; then minimum
number of people reading all (TOI & IE) and HT i.e. all three newspaper is m
+ c N.
Maximum number of people reading all three is the maximum of a, b and c. If
N, instead of being the total number of people, is the number of people reading
atleast one of the newspaper, the maximum number of people reading all three
newspaper is (a + b + c N)/2
While solving problems in Work and which involving comparison of teams, it would
pay to consider all members of the team in terms of the least efficient guy,
e.g.: A, B, C, D, E and F can complete a piece of work working independently in 60,
30, 20, 15, 12 and 10 days respectively. Now these 6 people make two teams, one of 2
player and other of 4 player such that one team takes twice the time to complete the
work as compared to other team.
The problem can be solved by considering B = 2A, C = 3A, D = 4A, E = 5A and F =
6A. Thus all together is equivalent to a team of A + 2A + 3A + 4A + 5A + 6A = 21A.
Thus one team should consists of 7A and other team of 14A

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