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School Focuses: Literacy, Numeracy, Student Engagement and Attainment, Staff Leadership and Management

Creative Arts Teaching and Learning Activities

Lesson Sequence 1-2 weeks Visual Arts Warm Rays of Sunshine Learning Intenetion Success Criteria Name and use warm colours Create a picture using a hand measurement to size the sun Teaching and Learning Sequence 1-2 weeks Visual Arts Rainstorm (link to Science) To create mood and atmosphere in a painting and create a pattern of sharp, jagged lines Discuss and name warm colours Show students how to centre the sun on page in landscape orientation. Trace around outstretched hand to represent the sun. Draw curved rays outwards from the sun to the edge of the page to represent rays. Leave a finger space between each ray. Use warm colours in oil pastel or wax crayon to complete the picture. Trace around edge of sun using edge of red crayon to create haze. View images of thunderstorm and discuss characteristic features e.g. thick, black rolling clouds, jaded lightning strikes Holding paper horizontally, and using yellow crayon, draw 6 sharp jagged lines line the page. Thicken the lines using heavy yellow crayon. Cover area with black wash, creating swirling strokes to create dark thunder clouds. After picture is dry, use white chalk to represent heavy raindrops Introduce skit Channel Changer Students read through parts Students audition for parts of for making announcements Practise Assessment Students discuss and appreciate their efforts and that of their peers.

To use the hand as a unit of measurement create a picture of the summer sun using warm colours

(link to Science)

Students discuss and appreciate their efforts and that of their peers.

2 weeks Creative Arts 1 week Visual Arts

To rehearse a skit for class assembly presentation

To use charcoal and the technique of hatching to create a

Audition for parts Learn lines Read slowly and clearly, using expression To use charcoal as an art medium Create depth using

Students recommend others for appropriate parts based on try out,

http://www.drawspace.com/lessons/1/beginner http://www.todaysplans.net/free-drawinglessons.html#Charcoal_Drawing

Meredith Stanger _2013

School Focuses: Literacy, Numeracy, Student Engagement and Attainment, Staff Leadership and Management

sketch of mountains

hatching technique

1-2 weeks Visual Arts

To design and create a CD cover for a compilation of music

Design a CD cover that compliments the type of music Use a variety of medium to decorate/design the cover

1-2 Weeks Visual Arts (link to Science)

To create mood and atmosphere in a bushfire scene using a black tree cut out

Discuss damage caused by bushfires Design the silhouette of a charred tree Create mood using colour

Use the above link to demonstrate how to draw an overlapping mountain range on paper in landscape position Discuss how to create depth and perspective using the hatching technique. Start with the sky and hatch using light strokes and spaced about 3 mm apart. Move towards the front of the picture suing heavier pressure and closer strokes Discuss the type of music students enjoy Make individual lists of favourite songs and artists Talk about complication CDs and how they are made up of different types of music and different artists. Students are to design their own CD cover, and add names of the tracks they would include. Draft design then copy onto the slimline jewel case CD cover. List songs and artists on inside of cover Slip design into empty CD cover Review warm colours Look at images from recent bushfires http://www.google.com.au/search?q=australian+bushfire+ima ges&hl=en&sa=G&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=mQ5ZUZ SAE66QiQe36YCYCQ&ved=0CDQQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=596 Discuss the blackened and destroyed landscape that results Use a piece of cartridge paper in portrait position to create lines of warm colours down the page. Use wax crayon on the side to make wide bands of colour Discuss the term silhouette Draw the outline of a blackened, leafless tree on a piece of black card and cut out. Paste onto background

Students discuss and appreciate their efforts and that of their peers.

Students discuss and appreciate their efforts and that of their peers.

Meredith Stanger _2013

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