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Classroom > Needlework > Knitted Candy Cane Boot

Knitted Candy Cane Boot

This red and white striped boot can replace or compliment the socks hanging on the mantle. It is a quick and easy knitting project, and if you look at it's shape, it sure can hold more presents and goodies from Santa than a mere sock!!! Make a few in different colors for all the "kids" in the family. (Click on image for larger view) MATERIALS: 1 set Boye 10" Aluminum Knitting Needles Size 10 (5 3/4 mm) (#6327) 1 Boye Yarn Needle (#7508) 1 Boye Aluminum Crochet Hook Size H (5 mm) (#6218) (for loop and tie only) 1 skein Red Worsted Weight Yarn 1 skein White Worsted Weight Yarn

SIZE: Approximately 4" wide (across top) x 7" long (from top edge to base of heel). GAUGE: In garter st (knit each row), 11 sts=3"; 8 rows=1" INSTRUCTIONS: (Note: Top section is worked on the bias) o o o o o Beg at top, with red yarn, cast on one st. Row 1 (right side): Knit in front and back of st (inc made) (2 sts). Row 2: Inc in first st, K1 (3 sts). Row 3: Inc in first st, knit rem sts (4 sts). Drop red (do not cut color is carried up side of work); join white. Rows 4 & 5: With white, rep Row 3 twice (6 sts). Twist colors at edge of work by bringing dropped color (red) to front of work and then up and over color being used, and drop color at back of work (color twisted). NOTE: Twist colors in this manner on each following stripe - between 2nd and 3rd row of stripe. Rows 6 & 7: Continuing with white, rep Row 3 twice (8sts); 2 stripes now completed. Change to red (drop white and pick up red behind color just used). Row 8 thru 27: Alternating colors every four rows (beg and end wih red), rep Row 3 twenty times. NOTE: At end of Row 27, you should have 28 sts and a total of 7 stripes - 4 red and 3 white). Change to white. Row 28: With white, K2 tog (dec made), knit rem sts (27 sts). Row 29: Inc in first st, knit rem sts (28 sts).

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Rows 30 & 31: Rep Rows 28 and 29. Change to red. Rows 32 thru 35: With red, rep Rows 28 and 29 twice. Change to white. Rows 36 thru 39: With white, rep Rows 28 and 29 twice. NOTE: At end of Row 39, you should have 28 sts and a total of 10 stripes. Change to red. Rows 40 thru 66: Alternating colors every 4 rows (beg and end with red), rep Row 28 twenty-seven times. NOTE: At end of Row 66, you should have one st and a total of 17 stripes - last stripe will have 3 rows instead of 4 rows). Top section is now completed. Finish off white; continue with red. With wrong side facing you, use needle with one st on it and pick up 21 sts along long edge (approximately every other row) for a total of 22 sts. Beading Row: K2 tog, * YO, K2 tog; rep from * across (21 sts counting each YO as one st). Next Row: Inc in first st, * K3, inc in next st; rep from * across (27 sts). Finish off red; join white and work instep as follows. Instep

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Row 1: With white, K18 (leave rem 9 red sts unworked). Row 2: K9 (leave rem 9 white sts unworked). Rows 3 & 4: Knit across 9 center sts. Drop white; join red. Rows 5 thru 24: Alternating colors every 4 rows (beg and end with red), knit even on center 9 sts for 20 rows. NOTE: at end of Row 24, you should have 6 stripes). Finish off both colors, leaving sts on needles. Now work foot at follows. Foot

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Row 1: With right side of work facing you and using needle with 9 white sts on it, join white and pick up 11 sts along right edge of instep, knit across 9 instep sts, pick up 11 sts along left edge on instep, knit across next 9 red sts (49 sts). Rows 2 thru 4: Knit. Drop white; join red. Rows 5 thru 12: Knit 4 rows with red; change to white and knit 4 more rows. NOTE: At end of Row 12, you should have 3 stripes - 2 white and 1 red. Finish off white; continue with red and work heel and toe shaping as follows. Toe & Heel Shaping

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Row 1: K4, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K9, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K4 (45 sts). Row 2: K3, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K7, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K3 (41 sts). Row 3: K2, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K5, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K2 (37 sts). Row 4: K1, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K3, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K1 (33 sts). Row 5: K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K1, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; (29 sts). Bind off all sts in knit. Finish off, leaving approximately 24"

sewing length. Sew sole and back seam. Weave in all ends. Loop o With crochet hook and red, ch 10, sl st in 10th ch from hook. Finish off, leaving approximately 6" sewing length. Sew loop to top edge of stocking at back seam. Tie o With crochet hook and red, make a chain to measure approximately 18" long. Finish off; knot and trim each end of chain. Beg at center front and weave chain through beading row and then tie ends into a bow. Enjoy!

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