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1 Sabbath Day 11:00AM 29 December 2007

Banana Cooling Rooms Disturbing Manifestations of the End-Time

In the years before God really catapulted me into the accelerated fulfillment of the Role HE had for me, HE was nevertheless showing me many things. In 2006 my brother had gotten a job working on an interesting project. He was working on HUGE banana ripening rooms. The projects were taking place all over the United States. The one I remember most was one he was helping to built in Montana. Jimmy had described that the 6"X 6" steel Beams as being 30 or 40 feet long that comprised the superstructure. The rooms were equipped with massive cooling systems, supposedly to keep the bananas at the right temperature. They even had gas delivery systems for the ripening agents. When he was traveling all over the west building these rooms with crews of Mexicans, I was baffled as to why we needed to ripen so many bananas in the United States, ALL OF THE SUDDEN. Someone seemed to be in a big hurry to get as many built as quickly as possible. He seemed to be making good money, and it kept him busy, so My Parents and I were happy about that.

Other uses for massive cooling facilities The Harvesting of Human Beings
It wasn't until mid March of 2007 until I reexamined what else the facilities might be used for. When God started showing me the A380's flooding into the United States in March, many things started to make more sense. One of the more gruesome logistics problems of covert ASSYRIAN style captivity is how to preserve all the meat. The Germans proved in devastating detail in WW-II that they looked upon all other races as a commodity to be exploited. The Germans have absolute insensitivity to the inhumanity they inflict on other human beings. God tried to tell us in the clearest language that the Beast would treat human beings like Merchandise; Jeremiah 6 v 23 & Revelation 18 v 13 as well as ALL of Micah. We were even given a modern day example in WW-II, but human beings won't listen to GOD or History. In WW-II, the Germans had no way of profiting from the MILLIONS of people they were murdering. The technology didn't exist in the 1930's and 40's to preserve, package and deliver the massive amounts of marketable PRODUCT they were producing. Essentially, what the Germans are doing is turning all the Blessings GOD gave Israel into curses. The MODERN AGE that GOD ushered in beginning with 1800 - 1803, when HE fulfilled the promises made anciently to Abraham, provided the means necessary to profit from this heinous profiteering.

2 Modern Day Israel refused to appreciate what God provided, or even admit that we were the recipients of such Blessings, so that God was left with no other alternative but to hand us over to our enemies; Isaiah 10 v 6. It's not possible to benefit from God's Blessings if we won't appreciate where they came from. We must learn to LOVE and appreciate the manifold gifts God provides; otherwise our innate foolishness will steal that credit from God. Everything we do or accomplish in this life is a result of God creating and sustaining us. When we flaunt our supposed personal accomplishments without giving thanks for our very existence we ignorantly cut off the source of our being. This is the purpose of OUR end-time captivity. It's not possible for us to prosper unless we comprehend what God is trying to give us. God purposes to transform us into gods, just as he is GOD. GOD the Father is the eternal source of everything, and always will be. This is the "government" we must embrace. If we won't embrace that government, he allows us to become victims of Satan's style of government. Satan is opposed to everything GOD stands for, especially GOD'S plan to give RULERSHIP positions to human beings. Satan wants to rule the Universe and will do anything he can to steal that opportunity from human beings; Revelation 12 v 1 & 1 Peter 5 v 4. If God's saints refuse to obey God's bridle of obedience, they arent fit to be pillars in HIS soon to be implemented Kingdom; James 3 v 2.

GOD is OUR ONLY Provider and Sustainer

GOD demands that we look to HIM for ALL of our worldly needs; Matthew 10 v 9 - 10 & Luke 12 v 24. We must seek to do God's will, FIRST, lest we have another god in front of God the Father; Matthew 6 v 31 - 34. If you strive to serve God, all of your needs will be provided. Please note, however, that they will be provided according to God's will. God's top priority is your well being, so HE will give you what you need, NOT necessarily what you want. 1

Harvesting Human Beings

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