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The Art of Forgiveness The Case Against Forgiving In Defense of Forgiving Session 3

Text Notes

A. THE CASE AGAINST FORGIVING Sometimes forgiving seems like exactly the wrong thing, even a bad thing, to do. In fact, there are profound thinkers who say that-as a regular way to deal with monsters who do very bad things to people-forgiving can be precisely the wrong thing to do. Their objection is fiercely moral. It is not that forgiving is just too hard for victims to do. Nor even that forgiving is a foolish thing to do. It is that forgiving bad people can be morally wrong. When people whom I admire tell me that something I recommend could be both dangerous and immoral, I stop and listen. And I have never been stopped and forced to listen as I was when I read Simon Wiesenthals stunning story in The Sunflower. It is the story of how he walked away and left a young SS trooper to die unforgiven when he was in the concentration camp in Mauthausen, Austria. The soldier lay dying from head wounds and begged Wie senthal to forgive him. But Wiesenthal walked away. Wiesenthal was a young architect at the time, sure that he was doomed along with the other Jews caught in Hitlers death machine. On a certain afternoon, he was given the job of cleaning out rubbish from an improvised hospital outside the camp where wounded German soldiers were trucked in from the Russian front. Getting toward evening, a nurse took him by the arm and brought him to the bedside of a boyish storm trooper named Karl, whose head was bandaged with pus-soaked bandages. He would soon die. Karl grabbed Wiesenthals wrist. He whispered that he had to talk to a Jew, any Jew, before he died so that he could confess some terrible things that he had done to Jews and be forgiven for them. He confessed what he had done while he was stationed in a Russian village named Dnepropetrovsk. His company was ordered to take reprisals in the village. They packed a frame house with Jews, including many children, poured gasoline on the floors, locked the doors, and set the house on fire. People near the windows jumped. The soldiers shot them before they landed on the ground, shot the little children right along with the parents, machinegunned them in the air as they fell. Karl finished, appeared to be weeping, and then, when he got control of himself, he begged Wiesenthal to forgive him. He could not die in peace unless a Jew forgave him for the terrible thing he did in Dnepropetrovsk. Wiesenthal listened, awestruck, to everything Karl told him. He said nothing. Finally he yanked his hand away and left Karl to die with his unforgivable sins unforgiven. Afterward Wiesenthal worried that maybe he had been wrong not to

forgive a young man who begged for forgiveness on his deathbed. When the war was over, and Wiesenthal had survived the Holocaust, he wrote his story. At the end of it he asked his readers, Was my silence at the bedside of the dying Nazi right or wrong? This is a profound moral question that challenges the conscience. . . . What would you have done? B. IN DEFENSE OF FORGIVING Forgiving someone who did us wrong does not mean that we tolerate the wrong he did. want to forget what happened. excuse the person who did it. take the edge off the evil of what was done to us. surrender our right to justice. invite someone who hurt us once to hurt us again.

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Defending forgiving against three explicit criticisms 1 Forgiving is fair The most important of the three complaints against forgiving is that forgiving is unfair. Forgiving is unfair on the face of it, so goes the claim, because it lets the offender off free and offers nothing to the victim except the risk of more pain. It is unfair to the victim of today and unfair to the potential victims of tomorrow. The charge is false. The fact is that forgiving is the only way for any fairness to rise from the ashes of unfairness. The only alternative to forgiving perpetuates unfairness. There are only two genuine options for responding to a personal injury that we did not deserve. One of them is vengeance. The other is forgiving. Vengeance is the only alternative to forgiving. Forgiving gives future fairness a chance. Remember that forgiving is a remedy for an unfairness that has already happened. Someone has been wronged. What happened is unfair and will never be fair. Not even God can make something fair out of what is intrinsically unfair. Only one thing can be done. Something must break through the crust of unfairness and create a chance for a new fairness. Only forgiveness can make the breakthrough. 2 Forgiving is honest about... a what happened. b the responsibility of the person who committed the wrong.

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the accountability of the person who did it. the price of any reunion. the person who wounded us. ourselves. future possibilities.

3 Forgiving is natural The complaint is that forgiving violates our native human impulses. Vengeance, they say, is natural: Everyone has a natural instinct for getting even, a drive to settle scores, a primeval push to hit back. Forgiving stifles this natural instinct and saddles us with an unnatural sentiment that stifles our natural impulses. This, in a nutshell, is the contention. In reality, however, forgiving expresses our true and best natures. If it is human to be free for the future, unshackled to pasts we cannot change, then forgiving is natural. If it is human to create new paths out of old ruts, forgiving is natural. If it is human to see beyond what was to what can be, forgiving is natural. If it is human to want to heal our unfair pain and make things fairer than they are, forgiving is natural.
The Art of Forgiving: When You Need to Forgive and Dont Know How by Lewis B. Smedes, Copyright 1996

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