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New Media Courses of Instruction

Art 224: Photography Studio

Art 224 Photography Studio Introduction to basic 35mm traditional and digital photography techniques. Students will develop and print using traditional black and white film. Scanning and Digital Asset Management techniques will be used as means to edit, manage and archive photographic work. Traditional 35mm SLR camera is required.

NMS 114: Introduction to Web Development

Introduction to the theory and practice of communication in a digital format, including text, hypertext, visual, audio and video. Surveys the technologies underlying the World Wide Web, including Web page construction and site management. Explore both structural and presentational principles in Web design including XHTML markup for layout and arrangement, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for presentation and style, as well as valid methods for embedding multimedia (photos, video, audio, etc.) to convey both informative and persuasive messages. Laboratory.

NMS 201: Media Systems and Influence

Introductory study of the major media industries and effects. Emphasis on analyzing how media technologies affect information flow and social networks and the influence of media on human perception, behavior and identity.

NMS *204: Foundations of Digital Audio and Video

Overview of digital audio and video applications and the work flows designed to produce and manipulate digital sound and moving images. Includes music and sound for video, animation, and using audio and video on the Web. Students are introduced to important media standards such as NTSC, HDV, MIDI, QuickTime, MPEG and various SD and HD formats. (Cross listed with MUS 201.)

NMS 120: Principles of Visual Design

Investigation of foundational elements and principles of visual design, as components of visual communication. Two dimensional design and time-based media are explored traditionally and digitally, using programs such as: Illustrator, Photoshop Lightroom, iMovie and others. Topics include color theory, composition, narrative and non-narrative storytelling, among others.

CSC 280: Computer Game Programming

A three-and-a-half week Spring Term intensive course on game design and implementation using Python and the Pygame library. Students work individually and then in teams to design and implement mini-projects and then a full game using 2D computer graphics, animation and digital sound. Open to majors and motivated nonmajors, the course covers broad issues including the management of complexity in software design, implementation, and testing.

CSC 120: Object-Oriented Programming and Design

Fundamentals of object-oriented programming in the language of instruction (e.g., Java). Topics include: basic computation, input and output, control structures, classes and object instantiation, methods and parameter passing, arrays and strings, sorting and searching. Laboratory.

NMS 280: 24-Hour Media Challenge

Using mobile devices such as iPads and a vast array of available online technologies including social media, animation, video, web content, virtual reality, alternative reality games and more. The Class challenges students to capture, transform and distribute multimedia projects in minutes and hours rather than in days or weeks

NMS 210: Introduction to Digital Media

Introduction to technical, social and cultural aspects of new media. Topics include media convergence, interactivity, social networking and participatory culture. Includes laboratory work exploring basic principles of effective communication employing a variety of digital media for designing and delivering graphics, audio and video. Emphasis on creating multimedia projects for delivery over digital networks. Laboratory.

NMS *300: Media Theory and Culture

Survey key benchmarks and texts in the history of media and new media technologies, while also introducing critical readings of 20th and 21st century media culture, both from the theoretical field of media studies and the creative works of artists, filmmakers and writers.

NMS *381: Documentary Video

Combines theory, history and practice, exploring documentary video production through an overview of the history and major styles, field exercises, screening, discussion and critique. Participating in collaborative work with classmates, students are exposed to a range of storytelling, production, aesthetic, and artistic issues. Hands-on demonstrations, field exercises, screenings, readings, lectures and discussion prepare students to produce short documentary videos.

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