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Kelley 1 Megan Kelley Stephanie Lape Humanities 10- World Religions 8 April 2013

Reflection #2 The Primal Religions

Religion can be defined as a group of people who have shared beliefs who feel their life has purpose or meaning. This feeling or belief that their life has meaning can come from outside and from inside themselves. To understand the religions and spiritual practices of these indigenous peoples, we first must to try to understand how their thoughts about religion differ from that of modern society.

To consider the primal religions primitive or childlike is an unfair assessment. They are the keys that keep man-kind in touch with humanity. We regard them as the sons and daughters of the earth and sky, brothers and sisters of animals and plants, who live by natures ways and do not upset the delicate balances of their ecological zones; gentle hunting folk who are still in touch with the magic and myth that we ourselves so badly need (Smith, 381). This quote from Huston Smith summarizes the primal meaning of its nature. Primal is an ancient religion because it came first, sometimes referred to as a tribal religion because groupings of its people were small in numbers. This religion continues today in parts of Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Siberia and the Indians of North and South America.

Their religion is embedded in everything and every part of their lives; from the dreams they dream in their sleep or see in a vision quest, to their need psychologically and physically to

Kelley 2 the people and land of their tribe. Primal religions are not portable. These first, or primal, religions were passed from generation to generation orally; because these religions contain no written text; through detailed sacred stories or myths. Since the early humans had nothing around them except for the land, primal religions were closely tied to the earth and to the specific place of those people who practice them. Not only did tribes such as the Aborigines and Africans believe that the gods responded through natural forces such as rain, thunder, sun, or lightning, but also that gods manifested in earthly ways and forms such as trees, valleys, lakes, and even animals.

Time in primal religions is sacred. Primal time is one that is hard for most people to understand, because it is not linear, but is now. Their elders are greatly respected and revered for their age because they are the links to the myths of their Ancestors. Primal religions think of their gods in ancestral terms. These religions have maintained traditions for thousands of years, if things must change or if new traditions are required the primal people say then it was meant to happen, as all things happen for a reason I believe. Totems are another large part of this religion. There is no separation between animals and people. The totem animal bonds the human members of the tribe together, while acting as their mate, friend, guardian, and helper for it is one of them, or a part of them. There is an absence of a line separating this world from another world that stands over and against it.

These religions usually have set taboos and societal rules to keep the people away from harm, and these rules were watched over by either one or several religious specialists (shaman) practitioners (diviners). Shamans or medicine men/women are one of the most widely shared of all primal people, from American Indians to Australian aborigines. Shamans are spiritually gifted men and women who have the ability to help others through rituals and dream journeying. Shamans are of healer, teacher and spiritual guide with closeness to the natural world. These

Kelley 3 shamans possess traits that are a source of well-being and ancient universal wisdom for primal peoples. The holy or sacred, the Waken as the Sioux call it, need not be attached at all to a distinguishable Supreme Being, it is symbolic and not named because he was unknowable but because he is the Unknown Power. The primal peoples axis mundi is their tribe, their land, and their religion. Primal religion IS alive, left by the symbols of their Ancestors.

Kelley 4 Works Cited Authors last name, first name. Title of Book. City: Publisher, Year. Authors last name, first name. Title of Article. Title of Publication Date Published: Pages. "Primitivism - A Tribal Religion." 123HelpMe.com. 03 Mar 2013 <http://www.123HelpMe.com/view.asp?id=163283>. "What Is Religion?" StudyMode.com. 08 2008. 08 2008 <http://www.studymode.com/essays/Religion-158148.html>. "Shamanism And World Religions, A Comparison". Anti Essays. 3 Mar. 2013 <http://www.antiessays.com/free-essays/83057.html>

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