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M&R Integrated Services Ltd. primarily operates in the upstream Oil&Gas and related sectors from Warri, Nigeria specializing in steel construction & fabrication including all other related disciplines such as surface preparation, paint and coating systems. We further provide industrial cleaning, including UHP Water-jetting, and have recently expanded into civil engineering by providing dewatering services. We established our company to diversify and execute all activities provided by Linepipe Ltd who have built up an excellent reputation and track record since 1995. We have the natural desire to do things right and aim for delivering to the highest standard. We strongly believe that the key to success is to be reliable, open and honest towards our Clients. We take responsibility for getting the job done and always complete our projects, no matter how challenging.

Our company is the result of a long lasting relationship of its Dutch and Nigerian directors which dates back to 2001 when they constructed &KHYURQV 'LEL HOG DFFRPPRGDtion barge in their roles as Main and Subcontractor representatives.

The solid relationship combines local experience with international access to equipment, knowledge, goods and services.






When excavations fall below the groundwater table water must be removed from the saturated soil to prevent slopes from collapsing. Depending on the technology that is used to lower the ground water table, the difference is being made between well-points, horizontal dewatering and deep-well dewatering. M&R Integrated services can now offer all three of these services.
Well Point Dewatering

M&R Integrated Services Ltd provides dewatering through vertical wellpoints in cooperation with MOS Grondwater techniek. A large Dutch company with over 100 years experience in dewatering. They have executed many large international contracts including Nigeria for EGTL Escravos in 2005 MOS Our partnership enables us to: 3URYLGH VRLO HQJLQHHULQJ FDSDELOLW\ 3URYLGH GHHSZHOO DQG KRUL]RQWDO GHZDWHULQJ ([HFXWH ODUJH VFDOH SURMHFWV Together we are able to execute large jobs and provide Clients with complete dewatering solutions. As our standard we provide vertical well-point dewatering and this can be mobilized directly from our yard in Warri, whilst equipment required for deep-well and horizontal dewatering will need to be mobilized from the Netherlands. In November 2012 M&R Integrated Services Ltd signed a major contract with Gramen Petroserve Nigeria Ltd, where M&R will provide dewatering services to enable excavations for foundation installation.

Multi Stage Dewatering

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MOS Gron MOS ondw dw wat a er erte tech chni niek ek Gyro Gy rosc scoo oopw pweg e 1 120 20 1042 10 4 A AZ Z Am Amst ster erda dam da m Tele Te lefo foon o : 02 020 0 75 7537 37980 Tele Te lefa fax: 0 020 20 7537989 www.mos.nl ww MOS Escravos 2005 Deep Well Dewatering






Well-points are jetted into the soil and each well-point is connected to a header pipe to collect the water connected to piston-pumps creating a vacuum. The water is pumped away which lowers the groundwater table. Excavation depths up to 6m can be handled with a single stage well point system. If excavations are deeper either deep-wells or a multistage system is required. A horizontal dewatering is a similar system where the well-points are replaced by a horizontal drain. Deep-wells are drilled with a large diameter which allows submersible pumps to be installed so that there is no vacuum limitation and very deep excavations can be achieved. ENGINEERING Dewatering costs can vary hugely and this completely depends on the soil and excavation parameters. High permeability of soil requires a large amount of pumps and well-points to keep the excavation dry whilst a low permeability only requires a limited number. Soils such as clays and rock are generally not suitable for dewatering. By performing soil investigation and hydrological modeling in advance surprises can be avoided and costs can be predicted accurately. Through our partner MOS Grondwater techniek in the Netherlands we are able to perform detailed hydrological calculations to predict the dewatering requirements. Experienced advisors use their knowledge of GHZDWHULQJ WR QG WKH PRVW SUDFWLFDO DQG LQQRYDWLYH VROXWLRQV IRU JURXQG behaviour and construction. Through the usage of advanced programs they are able to create models for every excavation or building pit.

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