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International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER) ISSN 2250-155X Vol.

3, Issue 2, Jun 2013, 59-68 TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.


Graduate Student Member IEEE & Junior Engineer-I, RRVPNL, Jaipur, India

Director, Raj Education and Research Development Society, Jaipur, India

Electric transmission system is the intermediate stage in the transfer of electrical power from the central generating station to the consumers. Minimization of active power losses is one of the essential aims for any electric utility, due to its importance in improvement of system properties towards minimum production cost and to support increased load requirement. The voltage at buses reduces and loss increases due to insufficient amount of reactive power in the network. The reactive power requirement is provided by the shunt capacitor banks. Optimal capacitor placement in the transmission system has been studied for a long time. It is an optimization problem which has an objective to define the optimal sizes and allocations of capacitors to be installed. In this paper we have studied the possibility of reducing the value of real power losses for global system transmission lines by choosing the best location to install shunt capacitors using Genetic Algorithm to calculate the optimal allocation and sizing considering the value of real power losses with injection of reactive power as an indicator of the ability of reducing losses at load buses. The results are tested on IEEE 6-bus system.

KEYWORDS: Capacitor Banks, Genetic Algorithm, IEEE 6-Bus System, Loss Reduction, Optimal Capacitor
Placement, Reactive Power, Transmission System

The power generation utilities aimed to raise operational efficiency to the possible extent by reducing the amount of losses in real power transmitted across the transmission lines, and also aim to maintain the quality of power supplied to users through voltage controlling within the permissible limits [1]. Therefore need to use shunt capacitors as effective tool has been grown towards optimal control of reactive power. Shunt capacitors are installed at suitable locations in large electric network for the improvement of voltage profile and to reduce power losses in the transmission and distribution lines [2]. The first using of shunt capacitors began in 1914 for improvement of power factor with limited use due to high cost per MVAR and large size and weight [3]. Since 1939, shunt capacitors are widely used in the power system due to reduced cost relative to its size [4]. With the increase in load, the system power factor usually declines. The load growth and decrease in power factor lead to voltage regulation problems, increased system losses, power factor penalties in power contracts, and reduced system capacity [5]. The capacitors improve the power factor, provide some voltage drop correction and reduce system line losses. The properly placed and sized capacitors can usually reduce system line losses sufficiently to justify the cost of their installation [6]. The maximum benefits of capacitors are obtained by locating the capacitors as possible as near the inductive loads. The capacitors are commonly used in power system network for reactive power compensation [7]. The optimal capacitor placement consists of determining the number, location, type, size and control setting at different load levels of the capacitors to be installed. The objective is to minimize energy losses while considering


Om Prakash Mahela & Sheesh Ram Ola

capacitor installation costs, voltage profile improvement and system stability enhancement. A large variety of research work has been done on optimal capacitor placement in electrical power system in the past. References [8]-[10] have considered optimal capacitor placement in power system using genetic algorithm. J.C. Carlisle et al. [11] used graph search algorithm for optimal placement of fixed and switched capacitors on radial distribution systems. Om Prakash Mahela et al. [12] used an approach for optimal capacitor banks placement in radial distribution feeders for loss reduction using MATLAB. Eajal et al. [13] used particle swarm optimization for optimal capacitor placement and sizing in unbalanced distribution system with harmonics consideration. In this paper, genetic algorithm is used for optimal capacitor placement in proposed power system model. The objective function aims at minimizing the total annual cost due to capacitor placement, and power loss. The constraint is voltage limits. The proposed method is tested on IEEE 6-bus system for optimum capacitor places and sizes.

The theoretical foundations for genetic algorithms were first described by John Holland [14] and then presented tutorially by David Goldberg [15]. The genetic algorithm is a global search technique for solving optimization problems, which is essentially based on the theory of natural selection, the process that drives biological evolution. Genetic algorithms consist of a population of binary string, searching many peaks in parallel [16]. Following are important terminology in connection with the genetic algorithm [17]: Individual: an individual is any point to which objective function can be applied. It is basically the set of values of all the variables for which function is going to be optimized. The value of the objective function for an individual is called its score. An individual is sometimes referred to as a genome and the vector entries of it as genes. Population: it is any array of individuals. For example, if the size of the population is 100 and the number of variables in the objective function is 3, population can be represented by a 100-by-3 matrix in which each row correspond to an individual. Generation: at each iteration, the genetic algorithm performs a series of computations on the current population to produce a new population by applying genetic operators. Each successive population is called new generation. Parents and children: to create the next generation, the genetic algorithm selects certain individuals in the current population, called parents, and uses them to create individuals in the next generation, called children. Three following genetic operators are applied on parents to form children for next generation : Reproduction: selects the fittest individuals in the current population to be used in generating the next population. The children are called Elite children. Crossover: causes pairs of individuals to exchange genetic information with one another. The children are called crossover children. Mutation: causes individual genetic representations to be changed according to some probabilistic rule. The children in this case are called mutation children. In this paper for the purpose of optimal capacitor placement in the electric transmission network for loss reduction and minimizing total annual cost, genetic algorithm technique has been applied. The main computational steps of the proposed algorithm are as follows: Read system and network data. Input the cost of capacitors, minimum and maximum allowable operating voltages. Input algorithm parameters, i.e. population size, crossover and mutation rates.

Optimal Capacitor Placement for Loss Reduction in Electric Transmission System Using Genetic Algorithm


Calculate system power losses during each load level, total energy losses and bus voltages at each bus for the case of nonlinear loads prior to capacitor installation. Generate a set of initial feasible solution, forming the initial population, randomly. Calculate the associated fitness value of each solution. Calculate the average fitness value of the population. Also, calculate the probability selection of each individual. Transfer all individuals whose fitness values are less than the calculated average fitness value to the next generation without change. Select one parent. Choose the other parent randomly. Apply crossover and mutation operators to generate new offspring. If the offspring is not feasible go to step 7, else go to step 9. Calculate the fitness value of the offspring. Generate an individual in the new population to replace an individual whose fitness value is greater than the calculated average fitness value. Repeat steps (7) to (10) to find all remaining individuals. Repeat steps (5) to (11) if the stopping criterion is not satisfied. Otherwise go to step Print out the best solution found so far.

The bus voltage and line losses can be calculated by the Gauss-Seidel iterative method employing the following formula [18]:

Where : Voltage of bus i at the kth iteration , : Bus active and reactive power of bus i

= yi,m for i and for i = m

The current in branch (i,k) connecting buses i and k is given by [19]:


= Current through branch (i, k)

= Total real power flow in the branch (i, k) = Total reactive power flow in the branch ( i, k) = Voltage at node (i) The total power loss in the transmission lines is:



Om Prakash Mahela & Sheesh Ram Ola

= Current through branch (i, k) = Resistance of branch (i, k) The branch current has two components active ( and reactive components of a branch current can be written as: and reactive ( . The total loss associated with the active



= reactive component of branch current obtained from load flow solution.

The loss associated with active component of branch current cannot be minimized, however the loss associated with the reactive components of branch currents can be minimized. The capacitor installed at bus k draws a reactive current Ic and it changes only the reactive component of current of branch set . Thus the new rective current of the branch ( i, k) is given by

Where = 1, if branch (i, k) = 0 otherwise. The loss associated with the reactive component of branch current in the system compensated by the capacitors is given by belongs to

The loss saving is the difference between equation (4) and (6) and is given by

The capacitor current from loss saving is calculated by differentiating eqn (8) and equating it to zero. The capacitor current from loss saving is given by

The corresponding capacitor size is

Where Qc = Capacitor size in MVAR Vm= Voltage magnitude of bus m in volts Ic = Capacitor current in amps

Optimal Capacitor Placement for Loss Reduction in Electric Transmission System Using Genetic Algorithm



The objective function in the proposed algorithm aims at minimizing the total annual cost due to capacitor placement, and power loses with constraints that include limits on voltage and size of installed capacitors. The objective function is given by

Where Kp = Annual cost per unit of power losses n = Total nos. of buses = Capacitor annual cost per KVAR, it is zero when no capacitor is installed on the bus. =Shunt capacitor size placed at bus. Vmin =Minimum permissible bus voltage Vmax = Maximum permissible bus voltage


In this study for the optimal placement and sizing of capacitor in the electric transmission system, the genetic algorithm has been used. The target function is loss reduction and voltage profile improvement. The objective function given in equation (11) aims to minimize total cost. The results of capacitor placement are tested on IEEE 6-bus system shown in Figure 1, to show the practicability of the proposed algorithm. This network has two voltage sources and four load buses. Bus-1 is the swing bus, bus 2 is PV bus and buses 3-6 are PQ load buses. The line data for the IEEE 6-bus system are shown in Table 1 [20]. The variable constraints are shown in Table 2 and system initial status before optimization with 100MVA base is shown in Table 3. The coefficient applied to objective function for annual cost per unit of power losses is 25% and capacitor annual cost per KVAR is 20%. The capacitor annual cost is zero if no capacitor is installed on a particular bus.

Figure 1: Line Diagram of IEEE 6-Bus System


Om Prakash Mahela & Sheesh Ram Ola

Table 1: IEEE 6-Bus System Line Data S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Start Bus 1 1 2 2 3 4 6 End Bus 6 4 3 5 4 6 5 Branch Impedance (in p.u.) 0.1230+j0.518 0.0800+j0.370 0.0723+j1.050 0.2820+j0.064 0.0000+j0.133 0.0970+j0.407 0.0000+j0.300

Table 2: Variable Constraints Generator Bus Voltage V1 V2 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.15 PQ Bus Voltage 0.9 1.1

Lower Limit Upper Limit

Table 3: IEEE 6-Bus System Initial Status before Optimization (Base MVA SB=100MVA) Bus No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Voltage (p.u.) Load (p.u.) Power Supply (p.u.) V PL QL PG QG (degree) 1.0500 0 0 0 0.9662 0.3792 1.1000 -06.1494 0 0 0.5000 0.3499 0.8563 -13.8236 0.55 0.13 0 0 0.9528 -09.9245 0 0 0 0 0.8992 -13.4205 0.30 0.18 0 0 0.9338 -12.6485 0.50 0.05 0 0 System Total Loss =19.23MW

The genetic algorithm has been coded for optimization using MATLAB. The Gauss Seidel method is used for power flow calculations. The simulation results of the proposed method tested on IEEE 6-bus system after optimization are shown in Table 4. Table 4: IEEE 6-Bus System Status after Optimization (Base MVA SB=100MVA) Bus No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Voltage (p.u.) Load (p.u.) Power Supply (p.u.) V PL QL PG QG (degree) 1.0200 0 0 0 0.9463 0.4865 1.0160 -9.0341 0 0 0.4802 0.3207 0.9267 -12.3289 0.55 0.13 0 0.0313 0.9485 -7.5249 0 0 0 0.2106 0.9836 6.9875 0.30 0.18 0 0.3423 0.9713 -8.5346 0.50 0.05 0 0.2311 System Total Loss =7.43MW

The fitness value of objective function, best individual, average distance between individuals and selection function of genetic algorithm are shown in Figure 2.

Optimal Capacitor Placement for Loss Reduction in Electric Transmission System Using Genetic Algorithm


Figure 2: Results of Genetic Algorithm

The reactive power optimization is a complex combinational optimization problem. The genetic algorithm is used for optimal placement and sizing of capacitor in the electric transmission system. The capacitor placement and sizing is provided by calculation of objective function. The objective function aims to minimize the active power loss in the network, while satisfying all the power system operation constraints. The proposed algorithm has been applied successfully to the IEEE-6 bus system. The results show that the power loss in the network reduces drastically after placement of capacitors in the network using genetic algorithm.

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Om Prakash Mahela & Sheesh Ram Ola


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Optimal Capacitor Placement for Loss Reduction in Electric Transmission System Using Genetic Algorithm



Om Prakash Mahela was born in Sabalpura (Kuchaman City) in the Rajasthan state of India, on April 11, 1977. He studied at Govt. College of Engineering and Technology (CTAE), Udaipur, and received the electrical engineering degree from Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, India in 2002. He is currently pursuing M.Tech. (Power System) from Jagannath University, Jaipur, India. From 2002 to 2004, he was Assistant Professor with the RIET, Jaipur. Since 2004, he has been Junior Engineer-I with the Rajasthan Rajya Vidhyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd., Jaipur, India. His special fields of interest are Transmission and Distribution (T&D) grid operations, Power Electronics in Power System, Power Quality, Load Forecasting and Integration of Renewable Energy with Electric Transmission and Distribution Grid. He is an author of 19 International Journals and Conference papers. He is a Graduate Student Member of IEEE. He is member of IEEE Communications Society. He is Member of IEEE Power & Energy Society. He is Reviewer of TJPRC International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research. Mr. Mahela is recipient of University Rank certificate from MPUAT, Udaipur, India, in 2002.

Sheesh Ram Ola was born in Jerthi (Sikar), Rajasthan, India, on June 22, 1975. He studied at Govt. Engineering College, Kota, and received the electrical engineering degree from RU, Jaipur, in 1998. He received M.Tech.(Power System) from MNIT, Jaipur, India in 2001. From 2001 to 2005, he was Associate Professor and HOD Dept. of Electrical Engineering, RIET, Jaipur. Since 2005, he has been Director with Professional Group (PG) Institute, Jaipur, India. Since 2009, he has also been Director with Raj. Education and Research Development Society, Jaipur, India. His special fields of interest are Small Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, Reactive power management in large grids and Electromagnetic Fields. He is an author of 9 International Journal and Conference Papers. He authored 2 books titled Circuit Analysis & Synthesis and Basic Electrical Engineering.

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