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"Language" "portuguese" "Tokens" { "WelcomeToSteamTitle" "BEM-VINDO AO STEAM" "[english]WelcomeToSteamTitle" "WELCOME TO STEAM" "WelcomeToSteamInfo" " Joga os jogos mais recentes

Encontra os teus amigos Encontra os melhores servidores Obtm atualizaes automticas Conversa com amigos, mesmo durante o jogo Recebe ofertas especiais exclusivas do Steam" "[english]WelcomeToSteamInfo" " Play the latest games Find your Friends Find the best servers Get automatic updates Chat with Friends, even when in-game Receive Steam-only special offers " "SteamUI_SecretQuestionExplanation" "Como medida de segurana adicional, por f avor seleciona uma pergunta secreta e introduz a resposta em baixo. Isto ser util izado se te esqueceres da tua palavra-passe." "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestionExplanation" "As an additional security measu re, please select a secret question and provide the answer below. This will be used if you ever forget your password." "SteamUI_SecretQuestion" "Pergunta secreta" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion" "Secret question" "SteamUI_Answer" "Resposta" "[english]SteamUI_Answer" "Answer" "SteamUI_YourAnswer" "A tua Resposta" "[english]SteamUI_YourAnswer" "Your Answer" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion1" "Qual o apelido de solteira da tua me?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion1" "What is your mother's maiden name?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion2" "Qual o nome do teu animal de estimao?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion2" "What is the name of your pet?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion3" "Quem era o teu heri de infncia?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion3" "Who was your childhood hero?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion4" "Em que cidade nasceste?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion4" "What city were you born in?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion5" "Qual o nome da tua escola?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion5" "What is the name of your school?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion6" "Qual a tua equipa favorita?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion6" "What is your favorite team?" "WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "Criar nova conta" "[english]WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "Create new account" "WelcomeToSteamLogin" "Iniciar sesso numa conta existente" "[english]WelcomeToSteamLogin" "Login to an existing account" "SteamUI_AccountNameInfo" "Por favor introduz o teu endereo de e-mail. Se t e esqueceres da tua\npalavra-passe, sers contactado atravs deste endereo para\nveri ficar a tua identidade." "[english]SteamUI_AccountNameInfo" "Please enter your email address. If yo u forget your\npassword, you will be contacted via this address to\nverify your identity." "SteamUI_WelcomeNameInfo" "Introduz um nome de perfil. Este o nome que os teus Amigos\niro ver quando estiveres online. Podes igualmente introduzir o teu n ome verdadeiro\npara ajudar os teus Amigos a encontrar-te." "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeNameInfo" "Please enter a profile name. This is th e name your Friends \nwill see when you're online. You can also enter your real \nname to help your Friends find you."

"SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(opcional)" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(optional)" "SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "A converter instalao do jogo existente. Isto pode levar vrios minutos." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "Converting existing game installation. This may take several minutes." "SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfo" "Pr-carregamento do Steam concludo." "[english]SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfo" "Steam pre-loading complete." "SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" " " "[english]SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" " " "SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus1" "A pr-carregar %s1 ficheiros a partir do disco." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus1" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk ." "SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus2" "A pr-carregar %s1 ficheiros a partir do disco.." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus2" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk .." "SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus3" "A pr-carregar %s1 ficheiros a partir do disco..." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus3" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk ..." "WelcomeToSteamNameLabel" "Nome" "[english]WelcomeToSteamNameLabel" "Name" "WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel1" "Endereo de e-mail" "[english]WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel1" "Email address" "WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel2" "(deve ser uma conta vlida)" "[english]WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel2" "(must be a valid account)" "WelcomeToSteamEmailRepeat" "Reintroduz o teu endereo de e-mail" "[english]WelcomeToSteamEmailRepeat" "Re-enter your email address" "WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo1" "Ver" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo1" "See Valve's" "WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo2" "a poltica de privacidade da Valve" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo2" "Privacy Policy" "WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo3" "para mais informaes." "[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo3" "for more information." "Underline" " _________________" "[english]Underline" " _________________" "Underline2" " _________________" "[english]Underline2" " _________________" "WelcomeToSteamPasswordInfo" "Introduz uma palavra-passe. Certifica-te de que escolhes algo difcil de adivinhar - utiliza pelo menos 8 caracteres." "[english]WelcomeToSteamPasswordInfo" "Please provide a password. Be sure to c hoose something hard to guess - use at least 8 characters." "WelcomeToSteamPassword" "Palavra-passe" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPassword" "Password" "WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "Reintroduz a palavra-passe" "[english]WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "Retype password" "WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "Ests pronto(a)! Obrigado por utilizares o Steam. O programa \nexecutado na Barra de Notificao -- normalmente na parte inferior\ndir eita do teu ecr. Para acederes ao Steam, clica com o boto\ndireito no respetivo con e." "[english]WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "You're all set! Thanks for using Steam. The program runs in the Notification Tray -- usually at the lower right of your screen. To access Steam, right-click on its icon." "SteamRoot_Title" "Steam" "[english]SteamRoot_Title" "Steam" "SteamRootGames" "Jogar"

"[english]SteamRootGames" "Play games" "SteamRootFriends" "Amigos" "[english]SteamRootFriends" "Friends" "SteamRootServers" "Servidores" "[english]SteamRootServers" "Servers" "SteamRootAccount" "Conta" "[english]SteamRootAccount" "Account" "SteamRootSettings" "Definies" "[english]SteamRootSettings" "Settings" "SteamRootMonitor" "Monitor" "[english]SteamRootMonitor" "Monitor" "SteamRootNews" "Notcias" "[english]SteamRootNews" "News" "SteamRootClose" "Fechar" "[english]SteamRootClose" "Close" "SteamRootLabel1" "Escolhe um jogo e comea a jogar!" "[english]SteamRootLabel1" "Choose a game and start playing!" "SteamRootLabel2" "Encontra amigos, conversa, joga em conjunto" "[english]SteamRootLabel2" "Find Friends, chat, play together" "SteamRootLabel3" "Procura jogos multi-jogador a decorrer" "[english]SteamRootLabel3" "Browse multiplayer games-in-progress" "SteamRootLabel4" "Observa a atividade da rede Steam" "[english]SteamRootLabel4" "Watch Steam network activity" "SteamRootLabel5" "Muda as opes do Steam" "[english]SteamRootLabel5" "Change Steam options" "SteamRootLabel6" "Mantm-te a par das ltimas notcias Steam" "[english]SteamRootLabel6" "Keep up with the latest Steam news" "SteamRootBrowse" "Procura jogos" "[english]SteamRootBrowse" "Browse games" "SteamRootLabel7" "Encontra novos jogos para jogar" "[english]SteamRootLabel7" "Find new games to play" "Steam_trayHint" "O Steam executado na Barra de Notificao. Para aceder ao S team ou para sair, clica com o boto direito no respetivo cone." "[english]Steam_trayHint" "Steam runs in the Notification Tray. To access Steam or to quit, right-click on its icon." "Steam_SubscribeUserInfo" "Introduz o primeiro nome e o apelido, exatament e como aparecem no teu carto de crdito." "[english]Steam_SubscribeUserInfo" "Please enter your first and last names, exactly as they appear on your credit card." "Steam_EmailAddress" "Endereo de e-mail" "[english]Steam_EmailAddress" "Email address" "Steam_EmailAddressVerification" "(para confirmao da compra e recibo)" "[english]Steam_EmailAddressVerification" "(for purchase confirmation and receipt)" "Steam_FirstName" "Primeiro nome" "[english]Steam_FirstName" "First name" "Steam_LastName" "Apelido" "[english]Steam_LastName" "Last name" "Steam_SubscribeCardInfo" "Introduz o nmero do carto e a data de expirao, tal como aparecem no teu carto de crdito." "[english]Steam_SubscribeCardInfo" "Please enter the card number and expira tion date as they appear on your credit card." "Steam_CreditCardType" "Tipo de carto" "[english]Steam_CreditCardType" "Credit card type" "Steam_CreditCardNumber" "Nmero do carto de crdito %cardtype%" "[english]Steam_CreditCardNumber" "%cardtype% credit card number" "Steam_CreditCardExpiration" "Expirao do carto" "[english]Steam_CreditCardExpiration" "Card expiration" "Steam_SubscribeBillingInfo" "Introduz o teu endereo, tal como aparece no extr ato do teu carto de crdito."

"[english]Steam_SubscribeBillingInfo" "Please enter your address as it appears on your credit card billing statement." "Steam_City" "Cidade" "[english]Steam_City" "City" "Steam_StateOrProvince" "Distrito" "[english]Steam_StateOrProvince" "State or Province" "Steam_Country" "Pas" "[english]Steam_Country" "Country" "Steam_PostCode" "Cdigo postal" "[english]Steam_PostCode" "Postal (or Zip) code" "Steam_CountryOfResidence" "Atualmente resido no pas acima selecionado" "[english]Steam_CountryOfResidence" "I currently live in the country selecte d above" "Steam_SubscribeReviewInfo" "Rev a tua encomenda. Se existirem erros em baixo , clica em 'Retroceder' para corrigi-los. Caso contrrio, clica em 'Comprar' para concluires a transao." "[english]Steam_SubscribeReviewInfo" "Please review your order. If there are any errors below, click 'Back' to fix them. Otherwise, click 'Purchase' to compl ete your transaction." "Steam_ProductCostLabel" "Custo" "[english]Steam_ProductCostLabel" "Cost" "Steam_TaxLabel" "Impostos estimados" "[english]Steam_TaxLabel" "Estimated tax" "Steam_TotalLabel" "Total" "[english]Steam_TotalLabel" "Total" "Steam_ProcessingSubscriptionInfo" "A processar o teu registo. Isto deve de morar menos de um minuto." "[english]Steam_ProcessingSubscriptionInfo" "Processing your subscription. This should take less than a minute." "Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Obrigado! A tua compra de %s1 est concluda. \n\nN a tua Biblioteca de Jogos, podes fazer duplo clique no jogo para jog-lo (ou clica com o boto direito no ttulo do jogo e seleciona 'Jogar' no menu.)" "[english]Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your purchase of %s1 is comp lete. \n\nIn your Games Library, you can now double click the game to play (or r ight-click on the game's title and select 'Play' in the menu.)" "Steam_PreorderCompleteInfo" "Obrigado! A tua pr-reserva de %s1 foi concluda. \ n\nPoders jog-lo assim que for oficialmente lanado!" "[english]Steam_PreorderCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your pre-order for %s1 is co mplete. \n\nYou'll be able to play the game the minute it's officially released! " "Steam_SubscribeFailedInfo" "A tua compra no foi concluda. As informaes do\ncarto de crdito fornecidas foram rejeitadas.\nFoi-te enviado um e-mail com informaes mai s\ndetalhadas. Se pretendes fornecer informaes\ndiferentes do carto de crdito, tenta efetuar\nnovamente a tua compra." "[english]Steam_SubscribeFailedInfo" "Your purchase has not been completed. T he credit \ncard information you provided has been rejected.\n\nAn email has bee n sent to you with more detailed \ninformation. If you would like to provide dif ferent \ncredit card information, try your purchase again." "Steam_ErrorPasswordNotSet" "A tua palavra-passe no foi definida com sucesso. \nOu respondeste erradamente pergunta secreta, ou a conta especificada no existe. " "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordNotSet" "Your password was not successfully set. \nYou either answered the secret question wrong, or the specified account does n ot exist." "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "A tua nova palavra-passe deve ter pelo menos 8 caracteres." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "Your new password must be at least 8 ch aracters long." "Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch" "As palavras-passe que introduziste no correspond em.\nIntroduz a mesma palavra-passe em cada campo."

"[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch" "The passwords you entered do no t match.\nPlease enter the same password in each field." "Steam_ErrorCantStartGame" "O jogo est de momento indisponvel.\nPor favor, te nta novamente noutra altura." "[english]Steam_ErrorCantStartGame" "This game is currently unavailable.\nPl ease try again at another time." "Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "Deves introduzir um nome com pelo menos 3 carac teres." "[english]Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "You must enter a name at least 3 charac ters long." "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "A palavra-passe deve ter pelo menos 8 caractere s." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "Your password must be at least 8 charac ters long." "Steam_ErrorAnswerTooShort" "A resposta pergunta secreta\ndeve ter pelo meno s 3 caracteres." "[english]Steam_ErrorAnswerTooShort" "The answer to the secret question\nmust be at least 3 characters long." "Steam_UserNameTooShort" "O nome da conta deve ter pelo menos 3 caractere s." "[english]Steam_UserNameTooShort" "Your account name must be at least 3 ch aracters long." "Steam_UserNameInvalid" "O nome da conta contm caracteres invlidos.\nApenas so perm itidas letras, nmeros e \"_\"." "[english]Steam_UserNameInvalid" "Your account name contains invalid char acters.\nOnly letters, numbers and _ are allowed." "Steam_UserNameInvalidSpaces" "O nome da conta no pode conter espaos." "[english]Steam_UserNameInvalidSpaces" "Your account name may not contain any s paces." "Steam_UserNameTooLong" "O nome da tua conta deve ter menos de 64 caracteres." "[english]Steam_UserNameTooLong" "Your account name must be less than 64 characters long." "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong" "A tua nova palavra-passe deve ter menos de 64 c aracteres." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong" "Your new password must be less than 64 characters long." "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong2" "A tua palavra-passe deve ter menos de 64 caract eres." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong2" "Your password must be less than 64 char acters long." "Steam_NewPassword_Enter" "Introduz uma nova palavra-passe.\nDeve ter pelo menos 8 caracteres." "[english]Steam_NewPassword_Enter" "Please enter a new password.\nIt must b e at least 8 characters in length." "Steam_NewPassword_Label" "Nova palavra-passe" "[english]Steam_NewPassword_Label" "New password" "Steam_NewPassword_Confirm" "Confirmar a palavra-passe" "[english]Steam_NewPassword_Confirm" "Confirm password" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Title" "Recuperar as informaes da conta - Steam" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Title" "Retrieve Account Info - Steam" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerifyIdentity" "Antes de podermos alterar a tua palavra-passe, precisamos de verificar a tua identidade. Introduz o nome da con ta." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerifyIdentity" "Before we can change yo ur password, we first need to verify your identity. Please enter your account na me." "Steam_ForgottenPassword_AskSecretQuestion" "Quando criaste a tua conta Stea m, pedimos-te\numa resposta a uma pergunta 'secreta', que apenas\nseria conhecid a por ti. Introduz a resposta em baixo:" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_AskSecretQuestion" "When you created your S

team account, we asked\nyou for an answer to a 'secret' question, which only\nyo u would know. Please enter your answer below:" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Incorrect" "A tua palavra-passe no foi alterada.\nOu introduziste o cdigo de validao incorretamente,\nou a tua nova palavra-passe invlid a.\n\nPor favor clica em 'Retroceder' e tenta de novo. \n" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Incorrect" "Your password was not changed.\ nEither you entered the validation code incorrectly,\nor your new password is in valid.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and try again. \n" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Success" "A tua palavra-passe foi alterada.\n\nPo r favor clica no boto 'terminar' em baixo, para regressar ao ecr de incio de sesso." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Success" "Your password has been changed. \n\nPlease click 'finish' below to return to the login screen." "Steam_Login_Title" "Iniciar sesso no Steam" "[english]Steam_Login_Title" "Steam Login" "Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "Criar uma nova conta..." "[english]Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "Create a new account..." "Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "Recuperar conta perdida..." "[english]Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "Retrieve a lost account..." "Steam_Login_NoAccount" "No tens uma conta Steam?" "[english]Steam_Login_NoAccount" "Don't have a Steam account?" "Steam_Login_ForgotPassword" "Esqueceste-te dos teus dados?" "[english]Steam_Login_ForgotPassword" "Forgot your login info?" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "Criar uma conta Steam" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "Create a Steam Account" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Nickname" "Nome de perfil" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Nickname" "Profile name" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_FirstName" "Primeiro nome" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_FirstName" "First name" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_LastName" "Apelido" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_LastName" "Last name" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "Steam - Erro ao criar conta" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "Steam - Create account error" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_CacheDir" "Escolhe onde pretendes que o Steam guar de os teus jogos.\nRecomenda-se que tenhas pelo menos 1 GB de espao livre\n\nna u nidade que selecionares." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_CacheDir" "Please choose where you want St eam to store your games.\nIt is recommended to have at least 1GB of disk space f ree\non the drive that you select." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_ContactEmail" "Endereo de e-mail para contacto" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_ContactEmail" "Contact email address" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_ContactEmailConfirm" "Confirma o endereo de e-mail" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_ContactEmailConfirm" "Confirm email address" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_ValidationCode" "Cdigo de validao" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_ValidationCode" "Validation code" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_CopyAndPaste" "Copia e cola este cdigo no campo abaixo. " "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_CopyAndPaste" "Please copy and paste this code into the field below." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Response" "Dentro de alguns minutos, recebers um email\nde resposta do Steam, contendo um cdigo de validao." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Response" "Within a few minutes, you will receive a response\nemail from Steam, containing a validation code." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_SentTo" "Foi enviado um e-mail de confirmao para:" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_SentTo" "A confirmation email has been sent to:" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_EnterCodeAgain" "Clica em 'Retroceder' para introduzires novamente o cdigo, ou para indicares\num endereo de e-mail diferente." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_EnterCodeAgain" "Click 'Back' to enter the code again, or to provide\na different email address." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_DoesNotMatch" "Este cdigo no corresponde ao dos nossos r egistos.\nVerifica novamente a mensagem de e-mail e certifica-te\nque escreveste

corretamente o cdigo.\nEste cdigo foi-te enviado num e-mail intitulado \"Steam ac count - Please verify your email address\".\nO cdigo tem 8 caracteres." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_DoesNotMatch" "This code does not match the on e in our records.\nPlease check the email message again and make\nsure that you have type the code correctly.\nWe sent you this code in an email titled\n\"Steam account - Please verify your email address\".\nThe code is 8 characters long." "SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "Steam - Em funcionamento" "[english]SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "Steam - Working" "SteamUI_CreatingAccount" "A criar conta..." "[english]SteamUI_CreatingAccount" "Creating account..." "SteamUI_InstallServiceTitle" "A instalar o servio Steam" "[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceTitle" "Installing Steam Service" "SteamUI_InstallServiceText" "Para que o Steam funcione corretamente nesta ve rso do Windows, o componente de servio do Steam tem de ser instalado.\nO processo de instalao do servio requer privilgios de administrador." "[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceText" "In order to run Steam properly on this version of Windows, the Steam service component must be installed.\nThe service installation process requires administrator privileges." "SteamUI_InstallServiceOk" "Instalar servio" "[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceOk" "Install Service" "SteamUI_InstallServiceCancel" "Cancelar" "[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceCancel" "Cancel" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "OS MEUS JOGOS" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "MY GAMES" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "MULTIMDIA" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "MEDIA" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_ThirdParty" "JOGOS DE OUTRAS EMPRESAS" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_ThirdParty" "THIRD PARTY GAMES" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_AvailableGames" "JOGOS DISPONVEIS" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_AvailableGames" "AVAILABLE GAMES" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "BREVEMENTE" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "COMING SOON" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchGames" "Jogar... " "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchGames" "Play Game... " "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaApp" "Reproduzir multimdia..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaApp" "Play Media..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Criar atalho no ambient e de trabalho" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create Desktop Shortcut" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Properties" "Propriedades " "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Properties" "Properties " "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallGame" "Instalar jogo..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallGame" "Install Game..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseGame" "Comprar jogo..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseGame" "Purchase Game..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewStorePage" "Ver pgina da loja" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewStorePage" "View Store Page" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewForumPage" "Ver frum" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewForumPage" "View Forum" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewDLC" "Ver contedo transfervel" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewDLC" "View Downloadable Conte nt" "Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewGuide" "Ver guia" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewGuide" "View Guide" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription_Title" "Steam" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription_Title" "Steam" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription" "No ests subscrito a este jogo.\nQueres ac eder pgina de subscries?" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription" "You are not subscribed to this

game.\nDo you want to go to the subscriptions page now?" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Erro" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=game" "Jogar" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=game" "Play game" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=tool" "Iniciar ferramenta" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=tool" "Launch tool" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=media" "Jogar" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=media" "Play" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Cancel_Btn" "Cancelar" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Cancel_Btn" "Cancel" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=game" "Iniciar o jogo logo que esteja pronto" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=game" "Launch game as soon as it's ready" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=tool" "Iniciar a ferramenta lo go que esteja pronta" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=tool" "Launch tool as soon as it's ready" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=media" "Reproduzir contedo multi mdia logo que esteja pronto" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=media" "Play media as s oon as it's ready" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlayTime" "Pronto a iniciar em cerca de:" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlayTime" "Ready to launch in approximatel y:" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ContentHosting" "Alojamento de contedo fornecido por:" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ContentHosting" "Content hosting provided by:" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlay" "Pronto a iniciar" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlay" "Ready to launch" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestFailed_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestFailed_Title" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestFailed_Text" "Falha ao contactar servidor de cdigos" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestFailed_Text" "Failed to contact key s erver" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequest_Text" "A concluir a instalao ... %progress%%%" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequest_Text" "Completing installation ... %pr ogress%%%" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Title" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Text" "Os servidores do Steam esto dema siado ocupados para executar o pedido para %game%. Cdigo de Erro (%error%)" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Text" "The Steam servers are t oo busy to handle your request for %game%. Error Code (%error%)" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Title" "Steam - Aviso" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Title" "Steam - Warning" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Text" "O Steam no pde sincronizar os teu s ficheiros do %game% com o Steam Cloud" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Text" "Steam was unable to syn c your files for %game% with the Steam Cloud" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Detail" "Se iniciaste anteriormente esta aplicao noutro computador, as tuas definies e/ou progresso podem no estar sincroniza dos com os dados na Cloud. Se iniciares a aplicao agora, podes perder essas alteraes ou progresso." "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Detail" "If you have launched th is application from another computer, your application settings and/or progress may not be in sync with what is stored in the Cloud. If you launch the applicati on now, you may lose those changes or progress." "Steam_CloudConflict_Title" "Steam - Conflito na Sincronizao com Cloud"

"[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Title" "Steam - Cloud Sync Conflict" "Steam_CloudConflict_Text" "Os teus ficheiros locais do %game% entram em co nflito com aqueles armazenados no Steam Cloud." "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Text" "Your local %game% files conflict with t he ones stored in the Steam Cloud." "Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles" "Ficheiros Cloud" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles" "Cloud Files" "Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles_Time" "Modificado pela ltima vez: %remotetime%" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles_Time" "Last modified: %remotetime%" "Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles" "Ficheiros locais" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles" "Local Files" "Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles_Time" "Modificado pela ltima vez: %localtime%" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles_Time" "Last Modified: %localtime%" "Steam_CloudConflict_Accept_Remote" "Transferir para esta mquina" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Accept_Remote" "Download to this machine" "Steam_CloudConflict_Accept_Local" "Enviar para o Steam Cloud" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Accept_Local" "Upload to the Steam Cloud" "Steam_CloudConflict_Cancel" "Cancelar - no copiar nada agora" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Cancel" "Cancel - don't copy anything now" "Steam_CloudConflict_Note" "NOTA: Ters de escolher uma das duas opes acima par a poderes iniciar a aplicao." "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Note" "NOTE: You'll have to choose one of the other two options above in order to launch the application." "SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_DontShow" "No mostrar novamente esta caixa de dilogo " "[english]SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_DontShow" "Don't show this dialog again" "SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_Close" "Fechar" "[english]SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_Close" "Close" "SteamUI_SpecialOffersDialog_Close" "Fechar" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialOffersDialog_Close" "Close" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "Opes de arranque" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "Launch options" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_StatusLabel" "Estado:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_StatusLabel" "Status:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_AcquiredLabel" "Quant. adquirida:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_AcquiredLabel" "Amount acquired:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_HostingBy" "Alojamento de contedo fornecido por:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_HostingBy" "Content hosting provide d by:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Updating" "A atualizar, %s1" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Updating" "Updating, %s1" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyToPlay" "Pronto a jogar" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyToPlay" "Ready to play" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Launching" "A iniciar..." "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Launching" "Launching..." "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_CacheAcquired" "%cache_usage%%%" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_CacheAcquired" "%cache_usage%%%" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "Uso do disco:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "Disk usage:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "Desenvolvido por:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "Developer:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesVersion_GameVersionLabel" "Informaes sobre verso do j ogo" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesVersion_GameVersionLabel" "Game version in formation" "SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Title" "Steam - Subscrever" "[english]SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Title" "Steam - Subscribe" "SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "Cancelar"

"[english]SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "Cancel" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "Steam - Criar conta" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "Steam - Create Account" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "Steam - Falha ao criar conta" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "Steam - Create Account Failed" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failed" "Falha ao criar conta.\nClica em Retroce der para tentar novamente, ou Cancelar para sair." "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failed" "Create account failed.\ nHit Back to try again or Cancel to quit." "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountAccountName" "Nome da conta" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountAccountName" "Account Name" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountEnterName" "Introduz um nome de conta e pal avra-passe.\nCertifica-te de que a palavra-passe difcil\nde adivinhar e usa pelo menos 8 caracteres." "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountEnterName" "Please provide an accou nt name and password.\nBe sure to make your password something hard\nto guess, a nd use at least 8 characters." "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountPassword" "Palavra-passe" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountPassword" "Password" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountRetypePassword" "Reintroduz a palavra-passe" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountRetypePassword" "Retype password" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountVerifyEmailFailed" "Falha ao pedir o e-mail de verificao." "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountVerifyEmailFailed" "Failed to reque st verification email." "SteamUI_SubscribeWizard_Title" "Subscrever" "[english]SteamUI_SubscribeWizard_Title" "Subscribe" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "Conta" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "Account" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "Subscrever" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "Subscribe" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Unsubscribe_Btn" "Anular subscrio" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Unsubscribe_Btn" "Unsubscribe" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_MySubscribe_Hdr" "AS MINHAS SUBSCRIES" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_MySubscribe_Hdr" "MY SUBSCRIPTIONS" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Price_Hdr" "PREO" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Price_Hdr" "PRICE" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_AvailableSubs_Hdr" "SUBSCRIES DISPONVEIS" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_AvailableSubs_Hdr" "AVAILABLE SUBSCRIPTIONS " "SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "Steam - Subscrio em %s1" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "Steam - Subscription to %s1" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Successful" "Subscreveste-te com sucesso em %s1." "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Successful" "You have been successfully subs cribed to %s1." "SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnsubscribeFrom" "Steam - A anular a subscrio de %s1" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnsubscribeFrom" "Steam - Unsubscribing f rom %s1" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnSub_Successful" "Anulaste com sucesso a subscrio d e %s1." "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnSub_Successful" "You have been successfu lly unsubscribed from %s1." "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Error_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Error_Title" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "Steam" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "Steam" "SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "Subscries" "[english]SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "Subscriptions" "SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "Conta"

"[english]SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "Account" "Steam_LogoutDialogTitle" "Terminar sesso" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogTitle" "Logout" "Steam_LogoutDialogMsg" "Irs terminar a sesso no Steam. Deves voltar a\nintroduzir o nome da conta e a palavra-passe para\nutilizar novamente o Steam.\nPretendes continuar?" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogMsg" "This will log you out of Steam. You wil l need to re-enter\nyour account name and password to use Steam again.\n\nDo you wish to continue?" "Steam_LogoutDialogOKButton" "Terminar sesso" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogOKButton" "Logout" "Steam_LogoutDialogLabel" "Nome da conta:" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogLabel" "Account Name:" "Steam_AccountDialog_Logout" "Terminar sesso..." "[english]Steam_AccountDialog_Logout" "Logout..." "Steam_RunGame_Title_Error" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_RunGame_Title_Error" "Steam - Error" "Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "No possvel executar o jogo. Est a decorrer o arranque de outro jogo\n, por favor, aguarda at que esteja concludo." "[english]Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "Cannot run game. You currently have another game launch in progress,\nplease wait until that is complete." "Steam_PurchaseProductIntroTitle" "Steam - comprar %subscription%" "[english]Steam_PurchaseProductIntroTitle" "Steam - purchase %subscription% " "Steam_ScanCDKey_NoRetailProduct" "O teu cdigo do produto vlido d-te direito a\numa subscrio dos seguintes jogos." "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_NoRetailProduct" "Your valid product code entitle s you to a\nsubscription to the following games." "Steam_ScanCDKey_RetailProductFound" "Foi encontrada uma instalao anterior de % s1\nno teu computador. O cdigo de produto d-te direito a uma\ns subscrio dos seguinte s jogos." "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_RetailProductFound" "An existing installation of %s1 has been \nfound on your computer. Your product code entitles you to a \nsubscr iption to the following games." "Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceRequired" "Espao em disco necessrio:" "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceRequired" "Disk space required:" "Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceAvailable" "Espao em disco disponvel:" "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceAvailable" "Disk space Available:" "Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "Seleciona os jogos que pretendes adicionar bibl ioteca." "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "Select which games to add to your libra ry." "Steam_UncheckAnyGamesNotConvert" "Anula a seleo dos jogos que no queres conv erter." "[english]Steam_UncheckAnyGamesNotConvert" "Uncheck any games you don't wan t converted." "Steam_ConvertCustomMaps" "Foram detectados mapas personalizados na pasta do Counter-Strike. Os mapas seleccionados sero copiados para a nova instalao Steam do Counter-Strike\n. Os mapas seleccionados sero copiados para a nova instalao \nSt eam do Counter-Strike." "[english]Steam_ConvertCustomMaps" "Custom maps have been detected in your Counter-Strike \nfolder. Selected maps will be copied into your new \nSteam inst allation of Counter-Strike." "Steam_ConvertCustomMODs" "Foram detectados MODs de jogo personalizados na pasta do Half-Life. Os MODs seleccionados sero copiados para a nova instalao Steam do Half-Life\n. Os MODs seleccionados sero copiados para a nova instalao\nSteam do Half-Life." "[english]Steam_ConvertCustomMODs" "Custom game MODs have been detected in your Half-Life \nfolder. Selected MODs will be copied into your new \nSteam inst allation of Half-Life."

"Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "O Steam est a converter ficheiros de jogo da pas ta do \nHalf-Life para as pastas de cache do Steam. Para poupar espao\nem disco, podes eliminar os ficheiros antigos do teu computador. \n\nNota: os teus jogos g uardados e sprays personalizados (se existirem) \nsero mantidos." "[english]Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "Steam is converting game files from you r existing \nHalf-Life folder to the Steam cache folders. To save disk \nspace, you can delete the old files from your computer. \n\nNote: your saved games and custom decals (if any) \nwill be preserved." "Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "Eliminar ficheiros antigos (recomendado)" "[english]Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "Clean up old files (recommended)" "Steam_ConvertLeaveFilesIntact" "Manter os ficheiros antigos ( necessrio mais espao no disco)" "[english]Steam_ConvertLeaveFilesIntact" "Leave old files intact (more di sk space required)" "Steam_Working_Title" "Steam - em funcionamento" "[english]Steam_Working_Title" "Steam - working" "Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "A comunicar com o Steam..." "[english]Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "Communicating with Steam..." "Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmation" "A instalao do Half-Life foi convertida co m sucesso \npara correr no Steam." "[english]Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmation" "Your Half-Life installation has been successfully \nconverted to run under Steam." "Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmList" "Os teus jogos selecionados esto agora ac essveis na biblioteca do \nSteam." "[english]Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmList" "Your selected games are now acc essible in the Steam \n'library." "Steam_ChoosePaymentMethod" "Seleciona um mtodo de pagamento." "[english]Steam_ChoosePaymentMethod" "Please select a payment method." "Steam_PaymentMethod" "Mtodo de pagamento" "[english]Steam_PaymentMethod" "Payment method" "Steam_PayWithCreditCard" "Carto de crdito" "[english]Steam_PayWithCreditCard" "Credit card" "Steam_PayWithPayPal" "PayPal" "[english]Steam_PayWithPayPal" "PayPal" "Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "J possuo este produto" "[english]Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "I already own this product" "Steam_Working_PurchasingProduct" "A comprar..." "[english]Steam_Working_PurchasingProduct" "Purchasing..." "Steam_Working_PreorderingProduct" "A pr-reservar..." "[english]Steam_Working_PreorderingProduct" "Pre-ordering..." "Steam_Working_InitTxn" "A inicializar compra..." "[english]Steam_Working_InitTxn" "Initializing purchase..." "Steam_Working_GetFinalPrice" "A obter o preo final..." "[english]Steam_Working_GetFinalPrice" "Getting final price..." "Steam_PurchaseFailedTitle" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedTitle" "Steam - Error" "Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "A compra no pde ser concluda devido a um erro enqu anto a\ntransao estava a ser processada. Tenta novamente mais tarde." "[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "Purchase could not be completed due to an error while processing\n your transaction. Please try again later." "Steam_CVV2_Info" "Introduz o nmero de segurana do carto de crdito." "[english]Steam_CVV2_Info" "Please enter your credit card's security number ." "Steam_CardSecurityInstruction" "Este nmero encontra-se na parte posterior do car to, na rea da assinatura. So os ltimos trs dgitos (aps o nmero de conta)." "[english]Steam_CardSecurityInstruction" "This number is located on the b ack of the card in the signature area. It's the last three digits (after the acc ount number)." "Steam_Working_ContactingSvr" "A contactar o servidor..." "[english]Steam_Working_ContactingSvr" "Contacting server..."

"Steam_PayPalIntroToBrowser" "As transaes por %provider% so autorizadas atravs do web site %provider%. Clica no boto abaixo para abrires o teu browser da Web e in iciares a transao." "[english]Steam_PayPalIntroToBrowser" "%provider% transactions are authorized through the %provider% web site. Click the button below to open your web browser and initiate the transaction." "Steam_PayPalOpenBrowserButton" "Iniciar compra com %provider%" "[english]Steam_PayPalOpenBrowserButton" "Begin %provider% purchase" "Steam_PayPalWaiting" "O teu browser da Web foi direcionado para o web site de %provider%. Inicia a sesso ou cria uma conta no site para reveres os detalhes da compra e autorizar a transao." "[english]Steam_PayPalWaiting" "Your web browser has been directed to the %prov ider% web site. Please login or create an account there to review your purchase details and authorize the transaction." "Steam_PayPalNotAcceptedInGermany" "Atualmente, o PayPal no aceite na Aleman ha. Escolhe outro mtodo de pagamento." "[english]Steam_PayPalNotAcceptedInGermany" "PayPal is not currently accepte d in Germany. Please choose another payment method." "Steam_CancelPurchase_Title" "Comprar - %subscription%" "[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_Title" "Purchase - %subscription%" "Steam_CancelPurchase_Info" "A tua compra no foi concluda. Se cancelares agora , no ters acesso ao %subscription% e no pagars nada.\n\nTens a certeza de que deseja s cancelar a compra?" "[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_Info" "Your purchase has not been completed. I f you cancel now, you will not have access to %subscription% and you will not be charged.\n\nAre you sure you wish to cancel your purchase?" "Steam_CancelPurchase_ContinueButton" "Retomar compra" "[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_ContinueButton" "Resume purchase" "Steam_CancelPurchase_CancelButton" "Cancelar compra" "[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_CancelButton" "Cancel purchase" "Steam_CardSecurityInstruction_Amex" "Nos cartes American Express, este nmero e ncontra-se na frente do carto, acima do nmero principal do carto. Tem quatro dgitos. " "[english]Steam_CardSecurityInstruction_Amex" "On American Express cards, this number is located on the front of the card, above the primary card number. It's four digits long." "Steam_CardSecurityLabel" "Nmero de segurana" "[english]Steam_CardSecurityLabel" "Security Number" "Steam_MonitorTitle" "Monitor Steam" "[english]Steam_MonitorTitle" "Steam Monitor" "Steam_Game" "Jogo" "[english]Steam_Game" "Game" "Steam_Status" "Estado" "[english]Steam_Status" "Status" "Steam_Status_OfflineMode" "Modo Offline" "[english]Steam_Status_OfflineMode" "Offline Mode" "Steam_Status_NoConnection" "Sem Ligao" "[english]Steam_Status_NoConnection" "No Connection" "Steam_Status_OneItemDownloading" "A transferir 1 item " "[english]Steam_Status_OneItemDownloading" "1 Item Downloading " "Steam_Status_OneItemPaused" "1 item em pausa " "[english]Steam_Status_OneItemPaused" "1 Item Paused " "Steam_Status_OneItemComplete" "1 item concludo " "[english]Steam_Status_OneItemComplete" "1 Item Complete " "Steam_Status_ItemsDownloading" "%numdown% itens a transferir " "[english]Steam_Status_ItemsDownloading" "%numdown% Items Downloading " "Steam_Status_ItemsPaused" "%numpause% itens em pausa " "[english]Steam_Status_ItemsPaused" "%numpause% Items Paused " "Steam_Status_ItemsComplete" "%numcompl% itens concludos " "[english]Steam_Status_ItemsComplete" "%numcompl% Items Complete "

"Steam_Time_ShowMostRecent" "Mostrar ltimo(s)" "[english]Steam_Time_ShowMostRecent" "Show most recent" "Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5 minutos" "[english]Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5 minutes" "Steam_Time_1Hour" "1 hora" "[english]Steam_Time_1Hour" "1 hour" "Steam_Time_1Day" "1 dia" "[english]Steam_Time_1Day" "1 day" "Steam_Properties" "Propriedades" "[english]Steam_Properties" "Properties" "Steam_PauseAllUpdates" "Pausar todas as atualizaes" "[english]Steam_PauseAllUpdates" "Pause all updates" "Steam_LimitNetworkUsageTo" "Limitar a utilizao de rede a" "[english]Steam_LimitNetworkUsageTo" "Limit network usage to" "Steam_NetworkUsageInfo" "Utilizao da rede Steam: %s1" "[english]Steam_NetworkUsageInfo" "Steam network usage: %s1" "Steam_NoGamesUpdating" "O Steam no est a atualizar quaisquer jogos." "[english]Steam_NoGamesUpdating" "Steam is not currently updating any gam es." "Steam_SteamErrorTitle" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_SteamErrorTitle" "Steam - Error" "Steam_UpdatingTitle" "Steam" "[english]Steam_UpdatingTitle" "Steam" "Steam_UpdatingSteamPlatformFiles" "A atualizar os ficheiros da plataforma Steam..." "[english]Steam_UpdatingSteamPlatformFiles" "Updating Steam platform files.. ." "Steam_CheckingForUpdates" "A procurar por atualizaes..." "[english]Steam_CheckingForUpdates" "Checking for updates..." "Steam_LaunchingSteam" "A ligar conta Steam: %s1..." "[english]Steam_LaunchingSteam" "Connecting Steam account: %s1..." "Steam_ExitingSteam" "A sair..." "[english]Steam_ExitingSteam" "Exiting ..." "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "Necessita de atualizao" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "Requires update" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_NotReleased" "No distribudo" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_NotReleased" "Not Released" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_MayRequireUpdate" "Pode necessitar de atua lizao" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_MayRequireUpdate" "May require upd ate" "Steam_ErrorCacheMissing_Title" "Steam - Aviso" "[english]Steam_ErrorCacheMissing_Title" "Steam - Warning" "Steam_ErrorCacheMissing" "O Steam detetou que o ficheiro cache para este jogo \nfoi eliminado do disco rgido. \n\nO Steam deve voltar a adquirir todos os dados necessrios do jogo a partir do \nservidor de contedo. Tente novamente aps alg uns segundos.\n" "[english]Steam_ErrorCacheMissing" "Steam has detected that the cache file for this game \nhas been deleted from your hard drive. \n\nSteam must now re-acq uire all necessary game data from \nthe content server. Please try again in a fe w seconds.\n" "Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "Steam" "[english]Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "Steam" "Steam_PurchaseUserInfoInvalid" "Todos os campos devem ser preenchidos para pode r continuar." "[english]Steam_PurchaseUserInfoInvalid" "All fields must be filled out t o continue." "Steam_PurchaseUserEmailInvalid" " necessrio um endereo de e-mail vlido." "[english]Steam_PurchaseUserEmailInvalid" "A valid email address is requir ed."

"Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "O nmero do carto de crdito que introduziste no vlido ." "[english]Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "The credit card number you have entered is invalid." "Steam_CreditCardExpired" "O carto de crdito que introduziste expirou." "[english]Steam_CreditCardExpired" "The credit card you have entered has ex pired." "Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "O nmero de segurana do carto de crdito deve ter 3 dg itos." "[english]Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "Credit card security number must be 3 n umbers long." "Steam_PurchaseAddressInfoInvalid" "Todos os campos de endereo devem ser pre enchidos." "[english]Steam_PurchaseAddressInfoInvalid" "All the address fields need to be filled out." "Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoInvalid" "Por favor, introduz um nmero de telefone vlido com 10 dgitos." "[english]Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoInvalid" "Please enter a valid 10-digit p hone number." "Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoEmpty" "O campo do nmero de telefone deve ser preenchido para poderes continuar." "[english]Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoEmpty" "The phone number field needs to be fill ed out to continue." "Steam_CountryLivedNotSameAsBillingAddress" "Para concluires esta compra, de ves viver no mesmo pas que o indicado no endereo para faturao." "[english]Steam_CountryLivedNotSameAsBillingAddress" "In order to complete th is purchase, you must live in the same country as your billing address." "Steam_WizardNext_Purchase" "Comprar" "[english]Steam_WizardNext_Purchase" "Purchase" "Steam_PurchasingProgress_Title" "Steam - em funcionamento" "[english]Steam_PurchasingProgress_Title" "Steam - working" "Steam_LaunchSteamOnStartup_Option" "Iniciar o Steam sempre que eu iniciar o meu computador" "[english]Steam_LaunchSteamOnStartup_Option" "Run Steam when my computer star ts" "Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "No tens espao em disco suficiente para executar e ste jogo.\nLiberta algum espao e tenta novamente." "[english]Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "You do not have enough disk spa ce available to run this game.\nPlease free up some disk space and then try agai n." "Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Eliminar ficheiros do jogo?" "[english]Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Delete Game Files?" "Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Text" "Isto eliminar todo o contedo do jogo %s1\ ndeste computador.\n\nO jogo permanecer na tua Biblioteca de Jogos, mas\npara o p oderes jogar no futuro, primeiro ters de voltar\na transferir o respetivo contedo. " "[english]Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s1 game c ontent\nfrom this computer.\n\nThe game will remain in your Games Library, but\n to play it in the future you'll have to first\nre-download its content." "Steam_DeleteFreeCacheConfirmation_Text" "Isto eliminar todo o contedo do j ogo %s1\ndeste computador." "[english]Steam_DeleteFreeCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s 1 game content\nfrom this computer." "Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam - No possvel eliminar %s1" "[english]Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam - Cannot delete %s1" "Steam_CantDeleteCache_Info" "No possvel eliminar %s1, uma vez que os respetivo s dados so utilizados pelos seguintes jogos: %s2" "[english]Steam_CantDeleteCache_Info" "Cannot delete %s1, since its data is us

ed by the following games: %s2" "Steam_CantDeleteAppItsRunning_Info" "No possvel eliminar %s1, uma vez que aind a est a ser executado. Por favor, encerra %s1 antes de tentar elimin-lo." "[english]Steam_CantDeleteAppItsRunning_Info" "Cannot delete %s1, since it's c urrently running. Please close %s1 before attempting to delete it." "Steam_DeleteCache_Button" "Eliminar" "[english]Steam_DeleteCache_Button" "Delete" "Steam_DiskUsageNone" "Uso do disco: nenhum" "[english]Steam_DiskUsageNone" "Disc usage: none" "Steam_Games_Purchase" "Comprar" "[english]Steam_Games_Purchase" "Purchase" "Steam_Games_PreOrder" "Pr-reservar" "[english]Steam_Games_PreOrder" "Pre-order" "Steam_Games_MoreInfo" "Mais informaes" "[english]Steam_Games_MoreInfo" "More Info" "Steam_Games_AddToMyGames" "Instalar" "[english]Steam_Games_AddToMyGames" "Install" "Steam_Games_PreDownload" "Iniciar o pr-carregamento" "[english]Steam_Games_PreDownload" "Start pre-loading" "Steam_Games_PreLoading" "Estado do pr-carregamento" "[english]Steam_Games_PreLoading" "Pre-loading status" "Steam_Games_DonePreLoading" "Estado do pr-carregamento" "[english]Steam_Games_DonePreLoading" "Pre-loading status" "Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Title" "Steam - Instalar aplicao" "[english]Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Title" "Steam - Install Application" "Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Info" "%s1 ocupar %s2 MB no disco.\nO Steam ir transferi r o contedo, ou\nconverter uma instalao anterior do jogo." "[english]Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Info" "%s1 will use %s2 MB on disk.\nSteam wil l now download the content or\nconvert an existing installation of the game." "Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - No existe espao em disco suficiente" "[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Not enough disk space" "Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Info" "No tens espao em disco suficiente para instalar os jogos selecionados.\nLiberta algum espao, ou prime 'Retroceder' e anula a seleo de alguns itens." "[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Info" "You do not have enough disk space to install the selected games.\nPlease free up some disk space, or pr ess 'Back' and de-select some items." "Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "No existe espao em disco suficiente para converter os jogos selecionados para o Steam.\nLiberta at %s1 Mb de espao e tenta novamente." "[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "There is not en ough disk space available to convert the selected games to Steam.\nPlease free u p %s1 Mb of disk space and try again." "Steam_Interface" "Interface" "[english]Steam_Interface" "Interface" "Steam_SetJumplistOptions" "Definir Preferncias da Barra de Tarefas" "[english]Steam_SetJumplistOptions" "Set Taskbar Menu / Jumplist Preferences " "Steam_ShowOnlineStatusOptions" "Selecionar as opes online a mostrar" "[english]Steam_ShowOnlineStatusOptions" "Select online options to displa y" "Steam_ShowDestinationOptions" "Selecionar os destinos a mostrar" "[english]Steam_ShowDestinationOptions" "Select destinations to display" "Steam_MustRestartToTakeEffect" "Esta definio no ser aplicada at que\ntenhas reinicia do o Steam." "[english]Steam_MustRestartToTakeEffect" "This setting will not take effe ct until\nyou have restarted Steam." "Steam_LanguageSelect" "Seleciona o idioma de utilizao do Steam (requer que o Ste

am seja reiniciado)" "[english]Steam_LanguageSelect" "Select the language you wish Steam to use (requ ires Steam to restart)" "Steam_SelectSkinToUse" "Seleciona a aparncia de utilizao do Steam (requer que o St eam seja reiniciado)" "[english]Steam_SelectSkinToUse" "Select the skin you wish Steam to use ( requires Steam to restart)" "Steam_CreateShortcut_Title" "Steam - Criar atalho" "[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_Title" "Steam - Create Shortcut" "Steam_CreateShortcut_Info" "Um atalho foi criado e colocado no teu ambiente de trabalho." "[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_Info" "A shortcut has been created and placed on your desktop." "Steam_CreateShortcut_FailedInfo" "No foi possvel criar um atalho.\nProvavel mente, j existe um atalho para este jogo no ambiente de trabalho." "[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_FailedInfo" "Could not create shortcut.\nA s hortcut to this game is probably already on the desktop." "Steam_CDKeyLabel" "Cdigo de produto" "[english]Steam_CDKeyLabel" "Product Code" "Steam_GetCDKeyError_Title" "Steam - Cdigo de produto invlido" "[english]Steam_GetCDKeyError_Title" "Steam - Invalid product code" "Steam_GetCDKeyError_Info" "O cdigo de produto que introduziste no vlido. \n\n Verifica se escreveste corretamente a chave.\nI, L e 1 so parecidos, tal como V e Y, e 0 e O. \nConsulta http://www.steampowered.com para obteres ajuda." "[english]Steam_GetCDKeyError_Info" "The product code you've entered is not valid. \n\nPlease double check to see if you've mistyped your key.\nI, L, and 1 can look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O. \nSee http://www.steampowered.com f or help." "Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue_Title" "Steam - Introduz a palavra-pass e" "[english]Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue_Title" "Steam - Please enter pa ssword" "Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue" "A tua palavra-passe do Steam necessria p ara continuar." "[english]Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue" "Your Steam password is required to continue." "Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_InvalidPassword_Info" "A palavra-passe que introduziste no vlida." "[english]Steam_InvalidPassword_Info" "The password you have entered is invali d." "Steam_MonitorScanning" "A procurar..." "[english]Steam_MonitorScanning" "Scanning..." "Steam_NoCacheDetails_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_NoCacheDetails_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_NoCacheDetails_Info" "A condio atual da cache no permite recuperar o est ado.\nAtiva as atualizaes automticas de contedo e tenta de novo." "[english]Steam_NoCacheDetails_Info" "The cache is not currently in a state w here status can be retrieved .\nPlease enable automatic content updates and try again." "Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "Uma ou mais aplicaes Steam esto a ser exec utadas.\nPara sair do Steam, deves primeiro encerrar todas as aplicaes do Steam." "[english]Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "One or more Steam applications are currently running.\nTo exit Steam, you must first shut down all Steam applic ations." "Steam_AppMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "Fecha o %game% antes de sair do Steam." "[english]Steam_AppMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "Please close %game% before exit ing Steam."

"Steam_ExitSteam" "Sair" "[english]Steam_ExitSteam" "Exit" "Steam_ExitLogoutSteam" "Sair e terminar a sesso" "[english]Steam_ExitLogoutSteam" "Exit and logout" "Steam_ChangePassword" "Alterar a palavra-passe ou uma pergunta secreta..." "[english]Steam_ChangePassword" "Change password or secret question..." "Steam_ChangePasswordWizard_Title" "Steam - Assistente de Alterao de Palavrapasse" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordWizard_Title" "Steam - Change Password Wizard" "Steam_ChangePasswordError_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordError_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "Que item pretendes alterar?" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "Which item would you like to change?" "Steam_ChangePasswordOldPassword" "Introduz a palavra-passe antiga" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordOldPassword" "Enter your old password" "Steam_ChangePasswordNewPassword" "Introduz uma nova palavra-passe" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordNewPassword" "Enter a new password" "Steam_ChangePasswordConfirmNewPassword" "Introduz novamente a palavra-pa sse nova" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordConfirmNewPassword" "Enter your new password again" "Steam_ChangePasswordMismatchedNewPasswords" "Lamentamos, mas as palavras-pas se introduzidas no correspondem. Introduz novamente a palavra-passe desejada." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordMismatchedNewPasswords" "Sorry, your two passwor d entries don't match. Please re-enter your desired password." "Steam_ChangePasswordPasswordNotNew" "A palavra-passe atual igual nova palavr a-passe que introduziste.\nIntroduz de novo a palavra-passe pretendida." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordPasswordNotNew" "The current password is the sam e as the new password you have entered.\nPlease re-enter desired password." "Steam_ChangePasswordFailed" "Falha ao alterar a palavra-passe.\nVerifica se introduziste corretamente a palavra-passe original." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailed" "Failed to change password.\nPlease chec k that you have entered your original password correctly." "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionFailed" "Falha ao alterar a pergunta secreta.\nV erifica se introduziste corretamente a palavra-passe original." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionFailed" "Failed to change secret questio n.\nPlease check that you have entered your original password correctly." "Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "Pretendo alterar a minha palavra-passe." "[english]Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "I want to change my password." "Steam_IWantToChangeSecretQuestion" "Pretendo alterar a minha pergunta secre ta." "[english]Steam_IWantToChangeSecretQuestion" "I want to change my secret ques tion." "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "A pergunta e a resposta secretas\nforam alteradas com sucesso." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "Secret question and secret answ er\nhave been successfully changed." "Steam_ChangePasswordSuccessful" "A tua palavra-passe foi alterada com su cesso.\nUtiliza esta nova palavra-passe sempre que iniciares sesso no Steam." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordSuccessful" "Your password has been successf ully changed.\nPlease use this new password each time you log into Steam." "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionPassword" "Introduz a tua palavra-passe" "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionPassword" "Please enter your password" "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSelect" "Seleciona uma pergunta secreta" "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSelect" "Select a secret question" "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionAnswer" "Responde pergunta secreta" "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionAnswer" "Answer your secret question" "Steam_CacheDirError_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_CacheDirError_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "Os ficheiros de cache do Steam no podem ser colo

cados na raiz de qualquer unidade.\nEscolhe outra localizao." "[english]Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "Steam cache files cannot be put in the root directory of any drive.\nPlease choose another location." "Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "Os ficheiros de cache do Steam no podem ser colocados no mesmo diretrio de outra aplicao.\nEscolhe outra localizao." "[english]Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "Steam cache files cannot be put in same directory as another application.\nPlease choose another location." "Steam_CacheSize" "Tamanho da cache no disco:" "[english]Steam_CacheSize" "Cache size on disk:" "Steam_CacheReserved" "Parte da cache reservada para atualizaes:" "[english]Steam_CacheReserved" "Portion of cache reserved for updates:" "Steam_CacheFileSize" "Tamanho total da aplicao:" "[english]Steam_CacheFileSize" "Total application size:" "Steam_CacheFilesAcquired" "Tamanho da aplicao adquirida:" "[english]Steam_CacheFilesAcquired" "Amount of application acquired:" "Steam_CacheReadySize" "Tamanho pronto a jogar:" "[english]Steam_CacheReadySize" "Ready-to-play size:" "Steam_CacheReadyAcquired" "Pronto a jogar adquirido:" "[english]Steam_CacheReadyAcquired" "Ready-to-play acquired:" "Steam_MustRestart_Title" "Steam - necessrio reiniciar" "[english]Steam_MustRestart_Title" "Steam - Restart required" "Steam_MustRestart_Info" "O Steam deve ser reiniciado para poder receber a atualizao mais recente.\nNo poders continuar a usar o Steam at que o tenhas reinici ado." "[english]Steam_MustRestart_Info" "Steam must now be restarted in order to receive the latest update.\nYou won't be able to continue using Steam until it has restarted." "Steam_MustRestart_Button" "Reiniciar o Steam" "[english]Steam_MustRestart_Button" "Restart Steam" "Steam_MustRestart_Language" "Tens que reiniciar o Steam agora para alterar a s definies de idioma." "[english]Steam_MustRestart_Language" "You must restart Steam now to change yo ur language settings." "Steam_CSConnectionLost_Title" "Steam - Ligao perdida" "[english]Steam_CSConnectionLost_Title" "Steam - Connection Lost" "Steam_CSConnectionLost_Info" "A ligao aos servidores de contedo Steam foi perdid a,\ntornando impossvel continuar a executar o Steam.\nIsto pode dever-se a um pro blema com a ligao Internet, ou com os\nservidores Steam. Consulta www.steampowered .com para mais informaes." "[english]Steam_CSConnectionLost_Info" "The connection to the Steam content ser vers has been lost,\nmaking it impossible to continue running Steam.\nThis could be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the \nSteam servers. Please check www.steampowered.com for more info." "Steam_CSConnectionLost_Button" "Sair do Steam" "[english]Steam_CSConnectionLost_Button" "Exit Steam" "Steam_ErrorCouldNotConnect" "No foi possvel fazer uma ligao rede Steam.\nIsto po de dever-se a um problema com a tua ligao Internet, ou com\na rede Steam. Consulta www.steampowered.com para mais informaes." "[english]Steam_ErrorCouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to Steam network.\nTh is could be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the \nSteam network. Please visit www.steampowered.com for more info." "steam_preload_title" "Pr-carregar %game%" "[english]steam_preload_title" "Pre-Load %game%" "steam_preloading_title" "A pr-carregar %game% (%preload_amount%%% concludo )" "[english]steam_preloading_title" "Pre-Loading %game% (%preload_amount%%% complete)" "steam_sellpage_title" "%subscription%" "[english]steam_sellpage_title" "%subscription%" "Steam_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "BREVEMENTE"

"[english]Steam_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "COMING SOON" "Steam_ErrorEnteredEmailMismatch" "Estes endereos de e-mail no correspondem. \nCertifica-te de que o endereo de e-mail e o endereo de confirmao so iguais." "[english]Steam_ErrorEnteredEmailMismatch" "The email addresses did not mat ch.\nPlease ensure the email address and confirmation email address match exactl y." "Steam_ReenterEmailAddress" "Confirma o endereo de e-mail" "[english]Steam_ReenterEmailAddress" "Confirm email address" "Steam_PurchaseProgress_Title" "Steam - Em funcionamento" "[english]Steam_PurchaseProgress_Title" "Steam - Working" "Steam_PurchaseProgress_Info" "A ativar cdigo no Steam..." "[english]Steam_PurchaseProgress_Info" "Activating key with Steam..." "Steam_PurchaseFailedBadCDKey" "O Steam no pde registar o teu Cdigo de Produto (CD Key).\n\nOu este cdigo j corresponde a um utilizado na nossa base de dados, ou no vlido. Verifica se no escreveste incorretamente o cdigo. I, L e 1 so parecidos, assi m como V e Y, e 0 e O." "[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedBadCDKey" "Steam was unable to register your CD-Ke y.\n\nEither your product's CD-Key matches one already used in our database, or is invalid. Please double check to see if you've mistyped your key. I, L, and 1 can look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O." "Steam_PleaseVisitSupportPage" "Para mais ajuda ou suporte do produto, visita:" "[english]Steam_PleaseVisitSupportPage" "For further help or product support, pl ease visit:" "Steam_SteamPoweredURL" "http://www.steampowered.com" "[english]Steam_SteamPoweredURL" "http://www.steampowered.com" "Steam_PurchaseCDKeySuccess" "Parabns! A tua cpia de %subscription% foi ativada com sucesso na conta %account%.\n\nPara poderes jogar o %game%, tens de iniciar sesso no Steam com esta conta." "[english]Steam_PurchaseCDKeySuccess" "Congratulations! Your copy of %subscri ption% has been successfully activated with the account %account%.\n\nIn order t o play %game%, you will have to login to Steam with this account." "Steam_PurchaseAccount" "%account%" "[english]Steam_PurchaseAccount" "%account%" "Steam_PurchaseCDKeyIncomplete" "Devido a uma grande procura de %subscription%, a sua subscrio no pde ser activada. Poder jogar %game% enquanto a transaco estiver a s r finalizada." "[english]Steam_PurchaseCDKeyIncomplete" "Due to high demand for %subscri ption% your subscription could not be fully activated at this time. You will be allowed to play %game% while your transaction is being finalized." "Steam_PreLoadingDescription" "Escolheste pr-reservar %game%. O Steam processa as pr-reservas em trs passos fceis:" "[english]Steam_PreLoadingDescription" "You have chosen to pre-order %game%. St eam handles pre-orders in three easy steps:" "Steam_PreLoading1" "1. Pr-carrega o contedo do jogo" "[english]Steam_PreLoading1" "1. Pre-load the game content" "Steam_PreLoading1Detail" "Faz download do jogo, sem compromissos." "[english]Steam_PreLoading1Detail" "Download the game, with no obligation." "Steam_PreLoading2" "2. Conclui a tua encomenda com um carto de crdito" "[english]Steam_PreLoading2" "2. Complete your order with a credit card" "Steam_PreLoading2Detail" "Quando o contedo do jogo estiver no computador, podes concluir a encomenda." "[english]Steam_PreLoading2Detail" "After the game content is on your compu ter, you can complete your order." "Steam_PreLoading3" "3. Comea a jogar no dia do lanamento!" "[english]Steam_PreLoading3" "3. Play the game on release day!" "Steam_PreLoading3Detail" "Quando o %game% for oficialmente lanado, a tua cp ia ser desbloqueada e estar pronta a jogar." "[english]Steam_PreLoading3Detail" "When %game% is officially released, you r copy will be unlocked and ready to play." "Steam_StartPreloading" "Comea a Pr-carregar Agora"

"[english]Steam_StartPreloading" "Start Pre-loading Now" "Steam_PreloadGameName" "%game%" "[english]Steam_PreloadGameName" "%game%" "Steam_PreloadInProgress" "Pr-carregamento em curso" "[english]Steam_PreloadInProgress" "Pre-loading in progress" "Steam_PreloadPause" "Pausa" "[english]Steam_PreloadPause" "Pause" "Steam_PreloadContinue" "Continuar" "[english]Steam_PreloadContinue" "Continue" "Steam_PreloadCancel" "Escolheste cancelar o pr-carregamento. Isto far com que q uaisquer dados que j tenhas transferido sejam eliminados.\n\nSeleciona \"OK\" par a continuar, ou \"Cancelar\" para manter os dados." "[english]Steam_PreloadCancel" "You have chosen to cancel preloading. This will cause any data you have already downloaded to be deleted.\n\nSelect \"OK\" to c ontinue or \"Cancel\" to keep the data." "Steam_CancelPreloading" "Cancelar o pr-carregamento" "[english]Steam_CancelPreloading" "Cancel Pre-Loading" "Steam_PreloadProgressNotes" "%game% est a ser pr-carregado para o teu computad or.\n\nSe fizeres a pr-reserva hoje o jogo, este ser desbloqueado e estar pronto a ser jogado no dia do lanamento oficial." "[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotes" "%game% is being pre-loaded onto your co mputer.\n\nIf you pre-order the game now, it will be unlocked and ready for play on the official release day." "Steam_PreloadProgressNotesPayed" "%game% est a ser pr-carregado para o teu computador.\n\nAguarda - o pr-carregamento pode demorar algum tempo. Podes fechar esta janela, mas deixa o Steam a ser executado e volta a verificar mais tarde." "[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotesPayed" "%game% is being pre-loaded onto your computer.\n\nPlease be patient, pre-loading may take a long time. You can close this window, but leave Steam running and check back later." "Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStart" "%game% est pronto a ser pr-carregado para o teu computador.\n\nSe fizeres a pr-reserva hoje do jogo, este ser desbloqueado e estar pronto a ser jogado no dia do lanamento oficial." "[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStart" "%game% is ready to be pre-loade d onto your computer.\n\nIf you pre-order the game now, it will be unlocked and ready for play on the official release day." "Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStartPayed" "%game% est pronto a ser pr-carregado para o teu computador." "[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStartPayed" "%game% is ready to be pre-loade d onto your computer." "Steam_PreloadDescription" "Nota: Ests a pr-reservar %subscription%. Ser desbl oqueado e estar pronto a ser jogado no dia do lanamento oficial." "[english]Steam_PreloadDescription" "Note: You are pre-ordering %subscriptio n%. It will be unlocked and ready for play on its official release day." "Steam_PreloadComplete_Title" "Pr-carregamento de %game% concludo" "[english]Steam_PreloadComplete_Title" "%game% preloading complete" "Steam_PreloadComplete" "O pr-carregamento est concludo" "[english]Steam_PreloadComplete" "Pre-loading is complete" "Steam_PreloadCompletePreOrder" "Uma cpia bloqueada de %game% encontra-se agora n o seu computador. Pr-encomende o jogo hoje e comece a jogar imediatamente quando tiver sido oficialmente lanado!" "[english]Steam_PreloadCompletePreOrder" "A locked copy of %game% is now on your computer. Pre-order the game now and play it immediately after it's offi cially released!" "Steam_PreloadPrePayNow" "Concluir a pr-reserva..." "[english]Steam_PreloadPrePayNow" "Complete my pre-order now..." "Steam_PreOrderNow" "Pr-reservar..." "[english]Steam_PreOrderNow" "Pre-order now..." "Steam_PreloadCompletePurchase" "Uma cpia bloqueada de %game% j se encontra instal ada no computador. Compre-a agora e comece a jogar imediatamente!" "[english]Steam_PreloadCompletePurchase" "A locked copy of %game% has alr

eady been installed on your computer. Purchase it now and start playing immediat ely!" "Steam_PreloadBuyNow" "Comprar este jogo..." "[english]Steam_PreloadBuyNow" "Purchase this game now..." "Steam_PreloadAndPurchaseComplete_Title" "Pr-reserva de %game% concluda" "[english]Steam_PreloadAndPurchaseComplete_Title" "%game% Pre-Order Comple te" "Steam_PreorderComplete" "A tua pr-reserva de %subscription% est concluda! Q uando o jogo for oficialmente lanado, poders jog-lo imediatamente.\n\nAgradecemos a tua compra!" "[english]Steam_PreorderComplete" "Your pre-order for %subscription% is co mplete! When the game is officially released, you'll be able to play it immediat ely.\n\nThank you for your order!" "Steam_PreloadCompletePlay" "Quando o jogo for oficialmente lanado, poders jog ar imediatamente." "[english]Steam_PreloadCompletePlay" "When the game is officially released, y ou'll be able to play it immediately." "Steam_Monitor_AppAcquiredPercentage" "Quantidade adquirida" "[english]Steam_Monitor_AppAcquiredPercentage" "Amount acquired" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailLabel" "E-mail de contacto:" "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailLabel" "Contact Email:" "Steam_ChangeContactEmail" "Alterar o endereo de e-mail do contacto..." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmail" "Change contact email address..." "Steam_VerifyContactEmaill" "Verificar endereo de e-mail..." "[english]Steam_VerifyContactEmaill" "Verify email address..." "Steam_EmailAddressUnverified" "No especificado" "[english]Steam_EmailAddressUnverified" "Not specified" "Steam_VerifyContactEmail_Working" "A enviar e-mail de verificao..." "[english]Steam_VerifyContactEmail_Working" "Sending verification email..." "Steam_NagValidateEmailYourAddress" "O teu endereo de e-mail" "[english]Steam_NagValidateEmailYourAddress" "Your email address" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Title" "Alterar o endereo de e-mail do contacto" "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Title" "Change Contact Email Address" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAbout" "O teu endereo de e-mail utilizado para c onfirmar compras e ajudar-te a gerir o acesso tua conta Steam." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAbout" "Your email address is used to c onfirm purchases and help you manage access to your Steam account." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAddressEntry" "Introduz um novo endereo de e-ma il de contacto" "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAddressEntry" "Enter a new contact ema il address" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAddressConfirmEntry" "Introduz novamente o no vo endereo" "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAddressConfirmEntry" "Enter your new address again" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Changed" "O teu endereo de e-mail de conta cto foi alterado." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Changed" "Your contact email addr ess has been changed." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Contact" "Este novo endereo ser utilizado p ara confirmar futuras aquisies e ajudar-te a gerir o acesso tua conta Steam." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Contact" "This new address will b e used to confirm future purchases and help you manage access to your Steam acco unt." "Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForPassword" "Clica em 'Seguinte' para iniciares o pr ocesso de atualizao da tua palavra-passe. Ser enviada uma mensagem de e-mail que co ntm um cdigo de confirmao para: %s1." "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForPassword" "Click 'Next' to begin t he process of updating your password. An email message containing a confirmation code will be sent to: %s1."

"Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForEmail" "Clica em 'Seguinte' para iniciares o pr ocesso de atualizao do teu endereo de e-mail de contacto. Ser enviada uma mensagem d e e-mail que contm um cdigo de confirmao para: %s1." "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForEmail" "Click 'Next' to begin the proce ss of updating your contact email address. An email message containing a confirm ation code will be sent to: %s1." "Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForSecretQA" "Clica em 'Seguinte' para iniciares o pr ocesso de atualizao da tua pergunta secreta. Ser enviada uma mensagem de e-mail que contm um cdigo de confirmao para: %s1." "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForSecretQA" "Click 'Next' to begin t he process of updating your secret question. An email message containing a confi rmation code will be sent to: %s1." "Steam_ChangeCred_EmailProgress" "A contactar os servidores Steam para en viar uma mensagem de confirmao a %s1." "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EmailProgress" "Contacting Steam servers to sen d a confirmation message to %s1." "Steam_ChangeCredCurrentPassword" "Introduz a tua palavra-passe atual" "[english]Steam_ChangeCredCurrentPassword" "Enter your current password" "Steam_ChangeCred_EnterCode" "Introduz o cdigo de confirmao enviado para: %s1" "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EnterCode" "Enter the confirmation code sent to: %s 1" "Steam_ChangeCredEnterPassword" "Introduz a tua palavra-passe atual" "[english]Steam_ChangeCredEnterPassword" "Enter your current password" "Steam_ChangeCred_IncorrectPassword" "A palavra-passe estava incorreta. Intro duz a tua palavra-passe." "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_IncorrectPassword" "Password was incorrect. Please enter your password." "Steam_ChangePassword_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Falha ao alterar a pala vra-passe.\n Por favor, verifica se introduziste corretamente o cdigo de verificao. " "[english]Steam_ChangePassword_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to chang e password.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code correctly. " "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestion_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Falha ao alterar a perg unta secreta.\nPor favor, verifica se introduziste corretamente o cdigo de verifi cao." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestion_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to chang e secret question.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code cor rectly." "Steam_ChangeEmail_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Falha ao alterar o e-mail de co ntacto.\nVerifica se introduziste corretamente o cdigo de verificao." "[english]Steam_ChangeEmail_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to change contac t email.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code correctly." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_Title" "Erro de validao do e-mail" "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_Title" "Email Validation Error" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_MismatchedEmails" "Lamentamos, mas os dois endereos no correspondem.\nIntroduz novamente o endereo de e-mail do contacto pret endido." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_MismatchedEmails" "Sorry, your two address entries don't match.\nPlease re-enter your desired contact email addres s." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_InvalidEmail" "O endereo de e-mail que introduz iste no est no \nformato de um endereo vlido. Por favor, tenta novamente." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_InvalidEmail" "The email address you e ntered is not in the \nformat of a valid address. Please try again." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SteamNotAvailable" "De momento, o Steam no p ode processar o teu pedido. Tenta novamente mais tarde." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SteamNotAvailable" "Steam cannot cu rrently process your request. Please try again later." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SteamNotAvailable2" "De momento, o Steam no p

ode processar o teu pedido.\nTenta novamente mais tarde." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SteamNotAvailable2" "Steam cannot cu rrently process your request.\nPlease try again later." "Steam_ProductUnavailableForPurchase" "Este produto no se encontra disponvel par a transferncia ou compra." "[english]Steam_ProductUnavailableForPurchase" "This product is currently not a vailable for download or purchase." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SameEmail" "O endereo que introduziste o mes mo que\no teu endereo de e-mail de contacto atual.\nPara o alterar, introduz um e ndereo novo." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SameEmail" "The address you entered is the same as your \ncurrent contact email address. To change it, \nplease ent er a new address." "Steam_CZDeletedScenesMustBeBoughtWithCZ" "O Condition Zero: Deleted Scene s no pode ser comprado separadamente.\nCompra o Condition Zero para o adquirires. " "[english]Steam_CZDeletedScenesMustBeBoughtWithCZ" "Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes cannot be bought seperately.\nPurchase Condition Zero to get it." "Steam_RequestingEmailVerificationFailed" "Falha ao pedir a verificao de e-m ail. Tenta novamente mais tarde." "[english]Steam_RequestingEmailVerificationFailed" "Failed to request email verification. Please try again later." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_TheName" "O nome" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_TheName" "The name" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_AlreadyTaken" "j foi registado por outro utilizador do Steam." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_AlreadyTaken" "has already been registered by another Steam user." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_DifferentNames" "Clica em 'Retroceder' para tentares um nome diferente, ou seleciona um\ndos nomes sugeridos, em baixo, e clica em 'segu inte'." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_DifferentNames" "Click 'Back' to try a different name, or select one\nof the suggested names, below, and click 'next'." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_SuggestedNames" "Nomes de conta sugeridos:" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_SuggestedNames" "Suggested account names:" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Names" "Nomes" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Names" "Names" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Authorization" "Uma mensagem de e-mail com um cdigo de v erificao\ne uma pergunta secreta foram enviadas para o\nendereo que forneceste. Ver ifica o teu e-mail\ne introduz as informaes pedidas em baixo." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Authorization" "An email message contai ning a verification code\nand a secret question has just been sent to the\naddre ss you provided. Please check your email,\nthen enter the requested information below." "Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerificationCode" "Cdigo de verificao" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerificationCode" "Verification code" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_SecretAnswer" "Resposta secreta" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_SecretAnswer" "Secret answer" "Steam_PurchaseEmail_Add" "Escolheste adicionar" "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_Add" "You have chosen to add" "Steam_PurchaseEmail_MyGames" " tua Biblioteca de Jogos. Clica em 'Seguinte' pa ra continuar." "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_MyGames" "to your Games Library. Click 'Next' to continue." "Steam_PurchaseEmail_EnterCurrentAddress" "O Steam ainda no tem o teu ender eo de\ne-mail. Introduz um endereo de e-mail vlido em baixo." "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_EnterCurrentAddress" "Steam does not yet have an email address\nfor you. Please enter a current email address below." "Steam_PurchaseEmail_ContactEmail" "Endereo de e-mail para contacto" "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_ContactEmail" "Contact email address"

"Steam_PurchaseEmail_ValidationCode" "Cdigo de validao" "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_ValidationCode" "Validation Code" "Steam_PurchaseEmail_Confirmation" "Foi enviado um e-mail de confirmao para:" "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_Confirmation" "A confirmation email has been s ent to:" "Steam_PurchaseEmail_Response" "Dentro de alguns minutos, recebers um e-mail de\ nresposta do Steam, contendo um cdigo de validao.\n\nCopia e cola este cdigo no camp o abaixo." "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_Response" "Within a few minutes, you will receive a response\nemail from Steam, containing a validation code.\n\nPlease copy and p aste this code into the field below." "Steam_PurchaseEmail_BadCode" "Este cdigo no corresponde ao dos nossos registos. \nCertifica-te de que escreveste este cdigo\ncorretamente. Este cdigo foi-te envia do num e-mail intitulado\n\"Steam account - Please verify your email address\".\ nO cdigo tem 8 caracteres.\n\nClica em 'Retroceder' para introduzir novamente o cd igo, ou\npara indicar um endereo de e-mail diferente." "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_BadCode" "This code does not match the one in our records.\nPlease make sure that you have typed the code\ncorrectly. We sent you this code in an email titled\n\"Steam account - Please verify your email addres s\".\nThe code is 8 characters long.\n\nClick 'Back' to enter the code again, or \nto provide a different email address." "Steam_PurchaseEmail_Code" "O cdigo de validao que introduziste :" "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_Code" "The validation code you entered is:" "Steam_Logout_Exit" "Sair e terminar a sesso" "[english]Steam_Logout_Exit" "Exit and logout" "Steam_Logout_DontShowAgain" "No mostrar isto novamente" "[english]Steam_Logout_DontShowAgain" "Don't show me this again" "Steam_Logout_ExitOff" "Sair do Steam desta forma permitir que utilizes o\n'Modo Offline' da prxima vez que iniciares o Steam." "[english]Steam_Logout_ExitOff" "Exiting Steam this way will allow you to use\n' Offline Mode' the next time you start Steam." "Steam_Logout_PersonalInfo" "Algumas das tuas informaes pessoais sero guardadas \nneste computador. Se estiveres a utilizar um computador\npblico, poders querer u sar a opo mais segura\n'Sair e Terminar Sesso'." "[english]Steam_Logout_PersonalInfo" "Some of your personal information will be saved\non this computer. If you're using a public\ncomputer, you may want to use the more secure\n'Exit and Logout' option instead." "Steam_Logout_Secure" "'Sair e terminar sesso' a forma mais segura de sair do\n Steam (recomendado para utilizao em\ncomputadores pblicos).\nMas no poders utilizar o \n'Modo Offline' at que inicies novamente sesso no Steam." "[english]Steam_Logout_Secure" "'Exit and logout' is the most secure way to qui t\nSteam (recommended for use on public\ncomputers). But you won't be able to us e\n'Offline Mode' until you login to Steam again." "Steam_Logout_AllowOffline" "Para permitir o 'Modo Offline' da prxima vez que iniciares o\nSteam, clica em 'Cancelar' e escolhe 'Sair' a partir\ndo menu Stea m." "[english]Steam_Logout_AllowOffline" "To allow 'Offline Mode' the next time y ou start\nSteam, click 'Cancel' and choose 'Exit' from\nthe Steam menu." "Steam_Logout_Title" "Sair" "[english]Steam_Logout_Title" "Exit" "Steam_Logout_TitleLogout" "Sair e terminar a sesso" "[english]Steam_Logout_TitleLogout" "Exit and Logout" "Steam_OptionsForAdvancedUsersOnly" "Estas opes destinam-se apenas a utilizado res avanados." "[english]Steam_OptionsForAdvancedUsersOnly" "These options are for advanced users only." "Steam_Homepage" "Pgina inicial:" "[english]Steam_Homepage" "Homepage:" "Steam_AccessToAllValvesContent" "Parabns! Tens agora acesso a todo o cont edo da VALVE."

"[english]Steam_AccessToAllValvesContent" "Congratulations! You now have access to all of VALVe's content." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_CouldNotConnect" "No foi possvel ligar rede Steam." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_CouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to the Steam network." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_AppearOffline" "No pareces estar ligado Internet, ou a t ua\nligao Internet no est corretamente\nconfigurada para o Steam." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_AppearOffline" "It appears that you are not cur rently connected\nto the Internet, or that your Internet connection\nis not conf igured correctly for Steam." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_ChosenOffline" "O Steam est atualmente definido para o M odo Offline. Muitas funcionalidades, tais como os Amigos e o Browser de Servidor es, no esto disponveis Offline." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_ChosenOffline" "Steam is currently set to be in Offline Mode. Many features, such as Friends and the Server Browser, will not b e available while offline." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_Choose" "Verifica a tua ligao e clica em 'Tentar novamente ',\nou inicia o Steam em 'Modo Offline'." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_Choose" "Either check your connection and click 'Retry',\nor start Steam in 'Offline Mode'." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnlineButton" "Ficar Online" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnlineButton" "Go Online" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_Retry" "Tentar novamente" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_Retry" "Retry connection" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_StartInOffline" "Iniciar em Modo Offline" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_StartInOffline" "Start in Offline Mode" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline_Title" "Steam - Ficar Offline" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline_Title" "Steam - Go Offline" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline_Title" "Steam - Ficar Online" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline_Title" "Steam - Go Online" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline" "Ficar Offline..." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline" "Go Offline..." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline" "Ficar Online..." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline" "Go Online..." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_ErrorTitle" "Erro na ligao" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_ErrorTitle" "Connection Error" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_RestartOnline" "Reiniciar e ficar online" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_RestartOnline" "Restart and go online" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_RestartOffline" "Reiniciar em Modo Offline" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_RestartOffline" "Restart in Offline Mode" "Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Title" "Steam - Modo Offline" "[english]Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Title" "Steam - Offline Mode" "Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Info" "O Steam requer que guardes as t uas credenciais de conta na cache local para entrar no Modo Offline.\n\nUma vez que tens a opo \"No guardar credenciais de conta neste computador\" selecionada,\nno tens neste momento informao guardada em cache.\n\nDesejas reativar a gravao de cred enciais de conta em cache local, de modo a poder aceder ao Modo Offline?" "[english]Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Info" "Steam requires you to h ave your account credentials cached locally to enter Offline Mode.\n\nSince you have the 'Don't save account credentials on this computer' option enabled,\nyou currently have no cached information.\n\nDo you wish to re-enable caching accoun t credentials locally, so you can go Offline?\n\n" "Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_DoItAnyway" "Ativar a gravao de creden ciais de conta" "[english]Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_DoItAnyway" "Enable saving a ccount credentials" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_Title" "Steam - Modo Offline" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_Title" "Steam - Downloads Disabled" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOfflineDesc" "O Modo Offline utilizado quando ests pre stes a desligar o teu porttil\nou quando ests espera de no estar conectado Internet

.\n\nMuitas funcionalidades, tais como Amigos e o Browser de Servidores, no\nesto disponveis offline. Apenas jogos completamente atualizados\nestaro disponveis." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOfflineDesc" "Offline Mode is used when you'r e about to unplug your laptop,\nor are otherwise expecting to not be connected t o the Internet.\n\nMany features, such as Friends and the Server Browser, will n ot\nbe available while offline. Only games that are fully up-to-date\nwill be av ailable." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnlineDesc" "Desejas voltar ao modo online?\n\nIsto requer que o Steam seja reiniciado." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnlineDesc" "Do you want to go back online?\ n\nThis will require Steam to restart.\n" "SteamUI_GameProperties_Status" "Estado" "[english]SteamUI_GameProperties_Status" "Status" "SteamUI_GameProperties_UpdateNews" "Info. atualizaes" "[english]SteamUI_GameProperties_UpdateNews" "Update news" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_OfflineMode" "Modo Offline:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_OfflineMode" "Offline Mode:" "SteamUI_Steam_Menu" "Menu Steam" "[english]SteamUI_Steam_Menu" "Steam menu" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_Quit" "Sair" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_Quit" "Quit" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_CannotLoadNewGame" "No podes transferir um novo jogo enquant o estiveres offline." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_CannotLoadNewGame" "You cannot download a n ew game when offline." "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyForOffline" "Pronta" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyForOffline" "Ready" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_NotReadyForOffline" "No preparado" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_NotReadyForOffline" "Not Ready" "Steam_ErrorOffline" "Esta operao no pode ser concluda com o Steam no Modo Offlin e." "[english]Steam_ErrorOffline" "This operation cannot be completed when Steam i s in Offline Mode." "Steam_MonitorTitle_Offline" "Monitor - Offline" "[english]Steam_MonitorTitle_Offline" "Monitor - Offline" "SteamRootGames_Offline" "Jogos - Offline " "[english]SteamRootGames_Offline" "Games - Offline " "Steam_MonitorScanning_Offline" "O Steam est em Modo Offline, pelo que no possvel t ransferir quaisquer atualizaes." "[english]Steam_MonitorScanning_Offline" "Steam is in Offline Mode so no updates can be downloaded." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GameNotReady" "O jogo no est pronto para ser jogado em M odo Offline." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GameNotReady" "This game is not ready to be pl ayed in Offline Mode." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GameNotReady_Title" "Jogo no disponvel" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GameNotReady_Title" "Game unavailable" "SteamUI_5_kb" "5 kb/s" "[english]SteamUI_5_kb" "5 kb/s" "SteamUI_50_kb" "50 kb/s" "[english]SteamUI_50_kb" "50 kb/s" "SteamUI_100_kb" "100 kb/s" "[english]SteamUI_100_kb" "100 kb/s" "SteamUI_250_kb" "250 kb/s" "[english]SteamUI_250_kb" "250 kb/s" "SteamUI_1_Mb" "1 Mb/s" "[english]SteamUI_1_Mb" "1 Mb/s" "SteamUI_10_Mb" "10 Mb/s" "[english]SteamUI_10_Mb" "10 Mb/s" "SteamUI_b_s" "b/s"

"[english]SteamUI_b_s" "b/s" "SteamUI_kb_s" "kb/s" "[english]SteamUI_kb_s" "kb/s" "SteamUI_Mb_s" "Mb/s" "[english]SteamUI_Mb_s" "Mb/s" "SteamUI_Skins_DefaultSkin" "< aparncia pr definida >" "[english]SteamUI_Skins_DefaultSkin" "< default skin >" "SteamUI_English" "Ingls" "[english]SteamUI_English" "English" "SteamUI_Spanish" "Espanhol" "[english]SteamUI_Spanish" "Spanish" "SteamUI_French" "Francs" "[english]SteamUI_French" "French" "SteamUI_Italian" "Italiano" "[english]SteamUI_Italian" "Italian" "SteamUI_German" "Alemo" "[english]SteamUI_German" "German" "SteamUI_Korean" "Coreano" "[english]SteamUI_Korean" "Korean" "SteamUI_Simplified_Chinese" "Chins simplificado" "[english]SteamUI_Simplified_Chinese" "Simplified Chinese" "SteamUI_Traditional_Chinese" "Chins tradicional" "[english]SteamUI_Traditional_Chinese" "Traditional Chinese" "SteamUI_Russian" "Russo" "[english]SteamUI_Russian" "Russian" "SteamUI_Thai" "Tailands" "[english]SteamUI_Thai" "Thai" "SteamUI_Japanese" "Japons" "[english]SteamUI_Japanese" "Japanese" "SteamUI_Portuguese" "Portugus" "[english]SteamUI_Portuguese" "Portuguese" "SteamUI_Polish" "Polaco" "[english]SteamUI_Polish" "Polish" "SteamUI_Danish" "Dinamarqus" "[english]SteamUI_Danish" "Danish" "SteamUI_Dutch" "Neerlands" "[english]SteamUI_Dutch" "Dutch" "SteamUI_Finnish" "Finlands" "[english]SteamUI_Finnish" "Finnish" "SteamUI_Norwegian" "Noruegus" "[english]SteamUI_Norwegian" "Norwegian" "SteamUI_Swedish" "Sueco" "[english]SteamUI_Swedish" "Swedish" "SteamUI_Czech" "Checo" "[english]SteamUI_Czech" "Czech" "SteamUI_Hungarian" "Hngaro" "[english]SteamUI_Hungarian" "Hungarian" "SteamUI_Romanian" "Romeno" "[english]SteamUI_Romanian" "Romanian" "SteamUI_Selection_English" "English (Ingls)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_English" "English" "SteamUI_Selection_Spanish" "Espaol (Espanhol)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Spanish" "Espaol (Spanish)" "SteamUI_Selection_French" "Franais (Francs)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_French" "Franais (French)" "SteamUI_Selection_Italian" "Italiano (Italiano)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Italian" "Italiano (Italian)" "SteamUI_Selection_German" "Deutsch (Alemo)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_German" "Deutsch (German)" (Coreano)" "SteamUI_Selection_Korean" "

"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Korean" " (Korean)" "SteamUI_Selection_Simplified_Chinese" " (Chins simplificado)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Simplified_Chinese" " (Simplified Chinese)" "SteamUI_Selection_Traditional_Chinese" " (Chins tradicional)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Traditional_Chinese" " (Traditional Chinese)" "SteamUI_Selection_Russian" " (Russo)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Russian" " (Russian)" "SteamUI_Selection_Thai" " (Tailands)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Thai" " (Thai)" "SteamUI_Selection_Japanese" " (Japons)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Japanese" " (Japanese)" "SteamUI_Selection_Portuguese" "Portugus (Portugal)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Portuguese" "Portugus (Portuguese)" "SteamUI_Selection_Polish" "Polski (Polaco)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Polish" "Polski (Polish)" "SteamUI_Selection_Danish" "Dansk (Dinamarqus)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Danish" "Dansk (Danish)" "SteamUI_Selection_Dutch" "Nederlands (Neerlands)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Dutch" "Nederlands (Dutch)" "SteamUI_Selection_Finnish" "Suomi (Finlands)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Finnish" "Suomi (Finnish)" "SteamUI_Selection_Norwegian" "Norsk (Noruegus)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Norwegian" "Norsk (Norwegian)" "SteamUI_Selection_Swedish" "Svenska (Sueco)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Swedish" "Svenska (Swedish)" "SteamUI_Selection_Czech" "etina (Checo)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Czech" "etina (Czech)" "SteamUI_Selection_Hungarian" "magyar (Hngaro)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Hungarian" "Magyar (Hungarian)" "SteamUI_Selection_Romanian" "Romn (Romeno)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Romanian" "Romn (Romanian)" "SteamUI_Modem_33_6k" "Modem - 33.6kbps" "[english]SteamUI_Modem_33_6k" "Modem - 33.6kbps" "SteamUI_ISDN_112k" "RDIS - 112kbps" "[english]SteamUI_ISDN_112k" "ISDN - 112kbps" "SteamUI_T1" "T1 > 1Mbps" "[english]SteamUI_T1" "T1 > 1Mbps" "SteamUI_LAN" "LAN > 10Mbps" "[english]SteamUI_LAN" "LAN > 10Mbps" "SteamUI_PrivacyButton" "Ver a poltica de privacidade da Valve" "[english]SteamUI_PrivacyButton" "View Valve Privacy Policy" "Steam_ChangeContactEmail_Working" "A mudar o endereo de e-mail para contact o..." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmail_Working" "Changing contact email address. .." "SteamUI_Preload_GameNotReady_Title" "Ainda no est disponvel" "[english]SteamUI_Preload_GameNotReady_Title" "Not Yet Available" "SteamUI_PreLoad_GameNotReady" "Este jogo ainda no foi lanado. Ser desbloqueado\ne ficar disponvel para jogar no dia do lanamento oficial." "[english]SteamUI_PreLoad_GameNotReady" "This game is not yet released. It will be unlocked\nand available for play on its official release day." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Title" "Inqurito de Hardware e Software da Valve" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Title" "Valve Hardware and Software Survey" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_OverviewTitle" "Por favor dedica um momento a completar o curto inqurito apresentado de seguida. Todos os meses, o Steam recolhe dados a cerca do tipo de hardware e software que os nossos clientes esto a usar. Os dados recolhidos so-nos extremamente teis, uma vez que garantem que estejamos a tomar a s decises correctas acerca dos investimentos tecnolgicos que fazemos e dos produto s que oferecemos.\nOs dados que recolhemos so annimos e no sero associados tua conta ."

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_OverviewTitle" "Please take a moment to complet e the following short survey. Each month, Steam collects data about what kinds o f computer hardware and software our customers are using. The survey data is in credibly helpful to us in that it ensures that we're making good decisions about what kinds of technology investments to make and products to offer.\nThe data w e collect is anonymous and wont be associated with your account." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_YesParticipate" "Sim, gostaria de participar no inqurito. " "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_YesParticipate" "Yes, I would like to participat e in the survey." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_NoParticipate" "No, obrigado." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_NoParticipate" "No, thanks." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_PrivacyButton" "Ver a poltica de privacidade da Valve" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_PrivacyButton" "View Valve Privacy Policy" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetLabel" "Obrigado por participares neste inqurito .\n\nA primeira informao que gostaramos de saber a velocidade da tua ligao Internet. Seleciona a tua a partir das opes em baixo.\n\nVelocidade de ligao Internet:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetLabel" "Thank you for participating in this survey.\n\nThe first piece of information we would like to know is the spee d of your Internet connection. Please select yours from the choices below.\n\nIn ternet Connection Speed:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetDontKnow" "No sei" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetDontKnow" "Don't Know" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_SummaryLabel" "Este inqurito recolheu algumas informaes d e diagnstico sobre o teu computador, que podes ver em baixo.\n\n(Quando clicares no boto 'Seguinte', estas informaes sero transmitidas Valve)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_SummaryLabel" "This survey has gathered some d iagnostic information about your computer, which you can see below.\n\n(When you click the 'Next' button, this information will be transmitted to Valve.)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Processor" "Informao do processador:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Processor" "Processor Information:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_IP" "Informao da rede:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_IP" "Network Information:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersion" "Verso do Sistema Operativo:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersion" "Operating System Versio n:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoCard" "Placa grfica:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoCard" "Video Card:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Memory" "Memria:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Memory" "Memory:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Audio" "Placa de som:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Audio" "Sound card:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ResultsLabel" "Este inqurito est concludo. Obrigado por p articipares.\n\nSe quiseres ver como o teu computador se compara com os dos outr os subscritores do Steam, podes ver os resultados compilados do inqurito clicando na hiperligao abaixo.\n\n(Caso contrrio, podes apenas clicar em 'Concluir' para fe char esta janela)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ResultsLabel" "This survey is complete. Thank you again for participating.\n\nIf you'd like to see how your computer compares to those of other Steam subscribers, you can view the compiled results of the su rvey by clicking on the link below.\n\n (Otherwise, you can just click 'Finish' to close this window.)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ResultsButton" "Visitar a pgina de resultados do inqurito ." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ResultsButton" "Visit survey results page." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HardwareModel" "Modelo: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HardwareModel" "Model: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUVendor" "Fabricante: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUVendor" "Vendor: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUSpeed" "Velocidade: %s1 Mhz"

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUSpeed" "Speed: %s1 Mhz" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RAM" "RAM: %s1 Mb" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RAM" "RAM: %s1 Mb" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeUnk" "Desconhecido" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeUnk" "Unknown" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeSoftware" "Software" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeSoftware" "Software" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeGL" "OpenGL" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeGL" "OpenGL" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeD3D" "Direct3D" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeD3D" "Direct3D" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName" "Driver: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName" "Driver: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName" "Driver DirectX: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName" "DirectX Driver Name: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverVersion" "Verso do Driver: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverVersion" "Driver Version: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverVersion" "Verso do Driver DirectX: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverVersion" "DirectX Driver Version: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DriverDate" "Data do Driver: %day_number% %m onth_name% %year_number%" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DriverDate" "Driver Date: %day_numbe r% %month_name% %year_number%" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_ColorDepth" "Profundidade de cor do ambiente de trabalho: %s1 bits/pixel" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_ColorDepth" "Desktop Color Depth: %s 1 bits per pixel" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RefreshRate" "Taxa de Atualizao do Monitor: %s1 Hz" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RefreshRate" "Monitor Refresh Rate: % s1 Hz" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXCard" "Placa DirectX: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXCard" "DirectX Card: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoVendorID" "Cdigo do fabricante: 0x%s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoVendorID" "VendorID: 0x%s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDeviceID" "Cdigo do dispositivo: 0x%s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDeviceID" "DeviceID: 0x%s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors" "Nmero de monitores: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors" "Number of Monitors: %s 1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters" "Nmero de placas grficas lg icas: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters" "Number of Logic al Video Cards: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLIEnabled" "SLI detetado (%s1 GPUs)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLIEnabled" "SLI Detected (%s1 GPUs) " "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CrossfireEnabled" "Crossfire detetado (%s1 GPUs)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CrossfireEnabled" "Crossfire Detected (%s1 GPUs)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution" "Resoluo do monitor princi pal: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution" "Primary Display Resolution: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution" "Resoluo do ambiente de trabalho: %s1"

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution" "Desktop Resolut ion: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorPhysicalSize" "Tamanho do moni tor principal: %width_cm%cm x %height_cm%cm \n (diagonal %diagonal_cm%cm)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorPhysicalSize" "Primary Display Size: %width_inches%\" x %height_inches%\" (%diagonal_inches%\" diag)\ n %width_cm%cm x %height_cm%cm (%dia gonal_cm%cm diag)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DisplayType" "Tipo do monitor principal: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DisplayType" "Primary Display Type: % s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Bus" "Bus principal: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Bus" "Primary Bus: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART" "AGP GART principal: %s1 MB" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART" "Primary AGP GART: %s1 MB" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize" "VRAM principal: %s1 MB" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize" "Primary VRAM: %s1 MB" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorVendor" "Fabricante do monitor principal : %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorVendor" "Primary Monitor Vendor: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorModel" "Modelo do monitor principal: % s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorModel" "Primary Monitor Model: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes" "Modos MSAA suportados: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes" "Supported MSAA Modes: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName_Unknown" "Driver No Detetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName_Unknown" "Driver Not Dete cted" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName_Unknown" "Nome do Driver DirectX No Detetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName_Unknown" "DirectX Driver Name Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverVersion_Unknown" "Verso do Driver No Detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverVersion_Unknown" "Driver Version Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverVersion_Unknown" "Verso do Driver DirectX No Detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverVersion_Unknown" "DirectX Driver Version Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DriverDate_Unknown" "Data do Driver No Deteta da" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DriverDate_Unknown" "Driver Date Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_ColorDepth_Unknown" "Profundidade de cor do ambiente de trabalho no detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_ColorDepth_Unknown" "Desktop Color D epth Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RefreshRate_Unknown" "Taxa de atualizao do moni tor no detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RefreshRate_Unknown" "Monitor Refresh Rate Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXCard_Unknown" "Placa DirectX no detetad a" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXCard_Unknown" "DirectX Card No t Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoVendorID_Unknown" "Cdigo do fabricante no de

tetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoVendorID_Unknown" "VendorID Not De tected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDeviceID_Unknown" "Cdigo do dispositivo no d etetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDeviceID_Unknown" "DeviceID Not De tected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors_Unknown" "N de monitores no detetad o" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors_Unknown" "Number of Monit ors Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters_Unknown" "N de placas grfic as no detetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters_Unknown" "Number of Video Cards Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution_Unknown" "Resoluo do monito r principal no detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution_Unknown" "Primary Display Resolution Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution_Unknown" "Resoluo do ambiente de tr abalho no detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution_Unknown" "Desktop Resolution Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorPhysicalSize_Unknown" "Tamanho do monitor principal no detetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorPhysicalSize_Unknown" "Primary Display Size Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DisplayType_Unknown" "Tipo do monitor princip al no detetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DisplayType_Unknown" "Primary Display Type Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Bus_Unknown" "Tipo do bus principal no detetad o" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Bus_Unknown" "Primary Bus Type Not De tected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART_Unknown" "AGP GART principal no detetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART_Unknown" "Primary AGP GART Not De tected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize_Unknown" "VRAM principal no detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize_Unknown" "Primary VRAM Not Detect ed" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorVendor_Unknown" "Fabricante do monitor p rincipal no detetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorVendor_Unknown" "Primary Monitor Vendor Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorModel_Unknown" "Modelo do monitor princ ipal no detetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorModel_Unknown" "Primary Monitor Model Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes_Unknown" "Modos MSAA suportados no detetad os" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes_Unknown" "Supported MSAA Modes Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLICrossfireNotDetected" "SLI ou Crossfire no dete tados" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLICrossfireNotDetected" "No SLI or Cross fire Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_1" "Jan." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_1" "Jan" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_2" "Fev."

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_2" "Feb" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_3" "Mar." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_3" "Mar" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_4" "Abr." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_4" "Apr" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_5" "Maio" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_5" "May" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_6" "Junho" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_6" "June" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_7" "Julho" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_7" "July" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_8" "Ago." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_8" "Aug" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_9" "Set." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_9" "Sept" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_10" "Out." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_10" "Oct" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_11" "Nov." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_11" "Nov" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_12" "Dez." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_12" "Dec" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Game_Display_Settings" "Definies de visualizao do j ogo" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Game_Display_Settings" "Game Display Se ttings" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo do jogo G oldSrc: %s1 x %s2 (Janela)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_ScreenSize_Windowed" "GoldSrc Game Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo do jogo G oldSrc: %s1 x %s2 (Ecr inteiro)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "GoldSrc Game Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_Renderer" "Modo de composio do jogo GoldSrc: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_Renderer" "GoldSrc Game Render Mod e: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_BPP" "Profundidade de bits do jogo Go ldSrc: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_BPP" "GoldSrc Game Bit Depth: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo Half-Life : Source: %s1 x %s2 (Janela)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Half-Li fe: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo Half-Life : Source: %s1 x %s2 (Ecr inteiro)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Half-Li fe: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_Renderer" "Modo de composio Half-Lif e: Source: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_Renderer" "Half-Life: Sour ce Render Mode: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA" "Nvel MSAA Half-Life: Source: %s1 x" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA" "Half-Life: Source MSAA Level: %s1x" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA Half-Life: Source desativado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Disabled" "Half-Life: Sour

ce MSAA Disabled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Unknown" "Definio MSAA Half-Life: S ource no detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Unknown" "Half-Life: Sour ce MSAA Setting Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo Half-Life 2: %s1 x %s2 (Janela)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Half-Life 2 Res olution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo Half-Life 2: %s1 x %s2 (Ecr inteiro)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Half-Li fe 2 Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_Renderer" "Modo de composio Half-Life 2: %s1 " "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_Renderer" "Half-Life 2 Render Mode : %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA" "Nvel MSAA Half-Life 2: %s1x" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA" "Half-Life 2 MSAA Level: %s1x" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA Half-Life 2 desativado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Disabled" "Half-Life 2 MSA A Disabled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Unknown" "Definio MSAA Half-Life 2 no deteta da" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Unknown" "Half-Life 2 MSAA Settin g Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo HL2DM: %s1 x %s2 (Janela)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_ScreenSize_Windowed" "HL2DM R esolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo HL2DM: %s 1 x %s2 (Ecr inteiro)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "HL2DM R esolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_Renderer" "Modo de composio HL2DM: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_Renderer" "HL2DM Render Mode: %s1 " "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA" "Nvel MSAA HL2DM: %s1x" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA" "HL2DM MSAA Level: %s1x " "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA HL2DM desativado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA_Disabled" "HL2DM MSAA Disa bled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA_Unknown" "Definio MSAA HL2DM no dete tada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA_Unknown" "HL2DM MSAA Sett ing Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo Counter-Strike: S ource: %s1 x %s2 (Janela)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Counter-Strike: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo Counter-Strike: S ource: %s1 x %s2 (Ecr inteiro)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Counter -Strike: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_Renderer" "Modo de composio Counter-Strike: Source: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_Renderer" "Counter-Strike: Source Render Mode: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA" "Nvel MSAA Counter-Strike: Source: %s1x"

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA" "Counter-Strike: Source MSAA Lev el: %s1x" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA Counter-Strike: Source des ativado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Disabled" "Counter-Strike: Source MSAA Disabled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Unknown" "Definio MSAA Counter-Strike: Sour ce no detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Unknown" "Counter-Strike: Source MSAA Setting Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo Day of Defeat: So urce: %s1 x %s2 (Janela)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Day of Defeat: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo Day of Defeat: So urce: %s1 x %s2 (Ecr inteiro)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Day of Defeat: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_Renderer" "Modo de composio Day of Defeat: S ource: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_Renderer" "Day of Defeat: Source R ender Mode: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA" "Nvel MSAA Day of Defeat: Source: %s1x" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA" "Day of Defeat: Source MSAA Leve l: %s1x" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA Day of Defeat: Source desa tivado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Disabled" "Day of Defeat: Source MSAA Disabled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Unknown" "Definio MSAA Day of Defeat: Sourc e no detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Unknown" "Day of Defeat: Source M SAA Setting Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo Lost Coas t: %s1 x %s2 (Janela)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Lost Co ast Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo Lost Coas t: %s1 x %s2 (Ecr inteiro)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Lost Co ast Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_Renderer" "Modo de composio Lost Coa st: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_Renderer" "Lost Coast Rend er Mode: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA" "Nvel MSAA Lost Coast: %s1x" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA" "Lost Coast MSAA Level: %s1x" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA Lost Coast desativ ado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Disabled" "Lost Coast MSAA Disabled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Unknown" "Definio MSAA Lost Coast no detetada" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Unknown" "Lost Coast MSAA Setting Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersionString" "%s1 (%s2 bits)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersionString" "%s1 (%s2 bit)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SoundCard" "Dispositivo de udio: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SoundCard" "Audio device: %s1"

"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GameController" "Comando de Jogo: %s1 detetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GameController" "Game Controller: %s1 de tected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GameController_None" "Comando de Jogo: Nenhum detetado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GameController_None" "Game Controller : None detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Supported" "Suportado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Supported" "Supported" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Unsupported" "No suportado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Unsupported" "Unsupported" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RDTSC" "RDTSC: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RDTSC" "RDTSC: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CMOV" "CMOV: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CMOV" "CMOV: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FCMOV" "FCMOV: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FCMOV" "FCMOV: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE" "SSE: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE" "SSE: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE2" "SSE2: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE2" "SSE2: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE3" "SSE3: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE3" "SSE3: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSSE3" "SSSE3: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSSE3" "SSSE3: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE4a" "SSE4a: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE4a" "SSE4a: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE41" "SSE41: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE41" "SSE41: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE42" "SSE42: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE42" "SSE42: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_3DNOW" "3DNOW: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_3DNOW" "3DNOW: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NTFS" "NTFS: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NTFS" "NTFS: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalSingular" "%s1 processador lgico" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalSingular" "%s1 logical processor" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalPlural" "%s1 processadores lgicos" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalPlural" "%s1 logical processors" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalSingular" "%s1 processador fsico" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalSingular" "%s1 physical processor" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalPlural" "%s1 processadores fsicos" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalPlural" "%s1 physical processors " "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HyperThreading" "HyperThreading: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HyperThreading" "HyperThreading: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGP" "Definio de bus AGP: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGP" "AGP Bus Setting: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PCIBusSpeed" "Velocidade de bus: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PCIBusSpeed" "Bus Speed: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_IPAddress" "Endereo IP: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_IPAddress" "IP Address: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NoIP" "Sem endereo IP" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NoIP" "No IP Address" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NetworkSpeed" "Velocidade da rede: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NetworkSpeed" "Network Speed: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailed" "Falha ao enviar" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailed" "Upload Failed" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailedText" "No foi possvel receber com sucess o os teus dados. Tenta novamente mais tarde."

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailedText" "We weren't able to succ essfully receive your data. Please try again later." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadProgress" "Progresso do envio:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadProgress" "Upload Progress:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NoCSERServers" "No foi possvel encontrar um servi dor que apresentasse estatsticas. Tenta novamente mais tarde." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NoCSERServers" "Unable to find a statis tics reporting server at this time. Please try again later." "Steam_UnableToPreload_NotSubscribed" "No foi possvel pr-carregar esta aplicao, uma vez que no a subscreveu" "[english]Steam_UnableToPreload_NotSubscribed" "Unable to preload this applicat ion because you are not subscribed to it" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Misc" "Diversos:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Misc" "Miscellaneous:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LanguageId" "Idioma da interface: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LanguageId" "UI Language: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Media" "Tipo de suporte: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Media" "Media Type: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DVD" "DVD" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DVD" "DVD" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CDROM" "CD-Rom" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CDROM" "CD-Rom" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UnknownMedia" "Indeterminado" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UnknownMedia" "Undetermined" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HDAvail" "Espao total disponvel em disco: %s1 Mb" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HDAvail" "Total Hard Disk Space Available : %s1 Mb" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FreeHDBlock" "Maior bloco livre no disco rgido : %s1 Mb" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FreeHDBlock" "Largest Free Hard Disk Block: %s1 Mb" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_InstallDate" "Data de instalao do SO: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_InstallDate" "OS Install Date: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InvalidLanguage" "Idioma Invlido" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InvalidLanguage" "Invalid Language" "SteamUI_CZ_SellPage" "http://www.steampowered.com/platform/game_info/czero/" "[english]SteamUI_CZ_SellPage" "http://www.steampowered.com/platform/game_info/ czero/" "SteamUI_CZ_ReleasedPage" "http://www.steampowered.com/platform/game_info/ czero/released.html" "[english]SteamUI_CZ_ReleasedPage" "http://www.steampowered.com/platform/ga me_info/czero/released.html" "SteamUI_CZ_InitialPage" "steam/html/condition-zero_preorder.html" "[english]SteamUI_CZ_InitialPage" "steam/html/condition-zero_preorder.html " "SteamUI_CZ_PreloadPage" "steam/html/condition-zero_preloaded.html" "[english]SteamUI_CZ_PreloadPage" "steam/html/condition-zero_preloaded.htm l" "Steam_PackageChoice" "%game% est disponvel para compra como parte de dois pacot es diferentes. Escolha o que pretende encomendar." "[english]Steam_PackageChoice" "%game% is available for purchase as part of two different packages. Choose the one you would like to order." "Steam_PackageIncludes" "Inclui:" "[english]Steam_PackageIncludes" "Includes:" "Steam_CreditCardEncrypted" "As tuas informaes do carto de crdito sero codificada s durante a transmisso e o processamento." "[english]Steam_CreditCardEncrypted" "Your credit card information will be en crypted during transmission and processing." "SteamUI_AccountNameInUse" "Falha ao criar a conta.\nEste nome de conta j es t a ser utilizado.\nPor favor, tenta novamente com um nome de conta diferente."

"[english]SteamUI_AccountNameInUse" "Failed to create account.\nThat account name is already in use.\nPlease try again using a different account name." "Steam_ErrorValidEmailRequired" " necessrio um endereo de e-mail vlido." "[english]Steam_ErrorValidEmailRequired" "A valid email address is requir ed." "Steam_ForgottenPassword_CouldNotFindEmail" "Essa conta no foi encontrada.\n\ nIntroduz o nome de conta que utilizas para iniciar sesso no Steam." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_CouldNotFindEmail" "That account was not fo und.\nPlease enter the account name you use to log into Steam." "SteamUI_ChosenCreateNewAccountHeadline" "A tua Conta Steam importante!" "[english]SteamUI_ChosenCreateNewAccountHeadline" "Your Steam account is i mportant!" "SteamUI_ChosenCreateNewAccount" "No te esqueas do nome de utilizador e da palavra-passe - precisas de iniciar sesso para aceder aos teus jogos. O Steam tra nsferir os teus jogos para qualquer computador que uses." "[english]SteamUI_ChosenCreateNewAccount" "Be sure to remember your userna me and password - you will need to log in to access your games. Steam will downl oad your games to any computer you use." "SteamUI_ForMoreInformation" "Para mais informaes, visite:" "[english]SteamUI_ForMoreInformation" "For more information visit:" "SteamUI_ChosenCreateMultipleHeadline" "Informaes importantes sobre as contas Ste am" "[english]SteamUI_ChosenCreateMultipleHeadline" "Important information about Ste am accounts" "SteamUI_ChosenCreateDuplicate" "Cria apenas uma nova conta Steam se j no possuire s uma. Se j criaste uma conta Steam, ento quaisquer jogos aos quais j tenhas subscr ito apenas estaro acessveis quando iniciares a sesso com a conta existente.\n\nSe a inda no tens uma conta Steam, prime \"Seguinte\" para continuar." "[english]SteamUI_ChosenCreateDuplicate" "Please only create a new Steam account if you don't already have one. If you have already created a Steam accou nt, then any games to which you've subscribed will only be accessible when you l og in to the existing account.\n\nIf you don't already have a Steam account, pre ss \"Next\" to continue." "SteamUI_CCWarning_Duplicate" "Antes de submeter este pedido de compra:\n\nPar ece que esta tentativa de compra contm informaes idnticas (ou quase idnticas) a uma q ue j submeteu. Apenas deve repetir esta tentativa de compra se tiver a certeza qu e as informaes do seu carto de crdito foram recusadas incorrectamente.\n\nAVISO IMPO RTANTE: Se a sua tentativa de compra for recusada pela empresa do seu carto de crd ito, esta pode \"bloquear\" temporariamente os fundos na sua conta durante um de terminado perodo de tempo." "[english]SteamUI_CCWarning_Duplicate" "Before you submit this purchase request :\n\nIt appears that this purchase attempt contains identical (or nearly identic al) information to one you already submitted. You should only repeat this purcha se attempt if you're sure that your credit card information was improperly denie d.\n\nIMPORTANT NOTE: If your purchase attempt is denied by your credit card com pany, they may temporarily \"lock\" funds in your account for some period of tim e." "SteamUI_CCWarning" "Steam - Aviso" "[english]SteamUI_CCWarning" "Steam - Warning" "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetType" "Para recuperares as informaes de incio de sesso da tua conta Steam, necessitamos de comear com o teu nome de conta." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetType" "To retrieve the login informati on for your Steam account, we need to start with your account name." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordGetAccountName" "No sei o meu nome de conta." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordGetAccountName" "I don't know my account name." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetPassword" "Sei o meu nome de conta." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetPassword" "I know my account name. " "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEmailAddress" "Lembro-me do endereo de e-mail para cont

acto que usei." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEmailAddress" "I remember the contact email address I used." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordCDKey" "Lembro-me do cdigo de produto que usei." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordCDKey" "I remember the product code I u sed." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordOther" "No me lembro de nenhuma das hipteses." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordOther" "I don't have either of these." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordAccountName" "Para recuperar o nome da conta, necessi tas do endereo de e-mail para contacto que utilizaste quando criaste a tua conta ou do cdigo de produto que registaste na conta." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordAccountName" "To retrieve your account name y ou need either the contact email address you used when creating your account or the product code you registered to the account." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterEmailAddr" "Introduz o endereo de e-mail par a contacto que usaste quando criaste a tua conta Steam." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterEmailAddr" "Please enter the contac t email address you used when you created your Steam account." "Steam_CDKey" "Cdigo de produto" "[english]Steam_CDKey" "Product code" "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterCDKey" "Para recuperar o nome da conta, introdu z o cdigo de produto que ativaste na tua conta Steam." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterCDKey" "To retrieve your account name p lease enter the product code you activated to your Steam account." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordOtherText" "Para recuperar as informaes de conta, nec essitas de conhecer ou o endereo de e-mail para contacto ou o cdigo de produto usa do quando ativaste a conta." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordOtherText" "To retrieve your account inform ation you need to either know the contact email address or the product code you used when activating the account." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordSentEmailEmail" "Foi-te enviado um e-mail com o nome de conta Steam.\n\nQuando receberes o e-mail, podes clicar novamente no boto \"Recuperar conta perdida\" para repor a palavra-passe." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordSentEmailEmail" "An email containing you r Steam account name has been sent to you.\n\nOnce you receive the email, you ca n click the \"Retrieve lost account\" button again to reset your password." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordSentEmailCDKey" "Foi enviado um e-mail para o ut ilizador do cdigo de produto que introduziste. Quando obtiveres este nome de cont a, podes clicar novamente no boto \"Recuperar conta perdida\" para repor a palavr a-passe." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordSentEmailCDKey" "An email has been sent to the owner of the product code you entered. Once you get this account name you can use the \"Retrieve lost account\" button again to reset your password." "Steam_ForgottenPassword_RequestFailed" "A operao falhou. Tenta novamente." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_RequestFailed" "The operation failed. P lease try again." "Steam_CreateNewAccount_EmailAddrAlreadyInUse" "J existe uma conta Steam com ess e endereo de e-mail para contacto. Se j tiveres criado anteriormente uma conta Ste am, deves usar a conta existente em vez de criar uma nova." "[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_EmailAddrAlreadyInUse" "A Steam account already exists with that contact email address. If you have previously created a Steam account, you should use the existing account rather than creating a new one." "Steam_CreateNewAccount_AccountsFAQ" "FAQ sobre as contas Steam" "[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_AccountsFAQ" "The Steam Accounts FAQ" "Steam_CreateNewAccount_CDFAQ" "FAQ sobre Cdigos de Produto (CD Keys) no Steam" "[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_CDFAQ" "The Steam CD Key FAQ" "Steam_CreateNewAccount_CreateAccount" "Criar nova conta" "[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_CreateAccount" "Create new account" "Steam_CreateNewAccount_FindOldAccount" "Encontrar a minha conta antiga" "[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_FindOldAccount" "Find my old account"

"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Homepage" "Pgina inicial" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Homepage" "Homepage" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Manual" "Ver manual do jogador" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Manual" "View player manual" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Title" "Steam - Erro de compra" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Title" "Steam - Purchase Error" "Steam_TroubleshooterLink" "Consulta o site de suporte do Steam para mais i nformaes" "[english]Steam_TroubleshooterLink" "See the Steam support site for more inf ormation" "Steam_SubscriptionPrintConfirmation" "Imprimir pr-reserva" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionPrintConfirmation" "Print Preorder " "Steam_SubscriptionPrintReceipt" "Imprimir recibo" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionPrintReceipt" "Print Receipt" "Steam_SubscriptionCardHolder" "Portador do carto" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardHolder" "Card holder" "Steam_SubscriptionCardType" "Tipo de carto" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardType" "Card type" "Steam_SubscriptionCardLast4" "ltimos 4 dgitos" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardLast4" "Last 4 digits" "Steam_SubscriptionPriceTotal" "Total" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionPriceTotal" "Total" "Steam_SubscriptionApprovalCode" "Autorizao" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionApprovalCode" "Authorization" "Steam_SubscriptionConfirmation" "Cdigo de confirmao" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionConfirmation" "Confirmation code" "Steam_TroubleshooterURL_CDKey" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin/steampo wered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=276" "[english]Steam_TroubleshooterURL_CDKey" "http://support.steampowered.com /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=276" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_CDKey_Headline" "Ativao Bem Sucedida!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_CDKey_Headline" "Activation Successful!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_CDKey" "O teu cdigo de produto foi ativado com s ucesso. Os produtos listados abaixo esto agora permanentemente associados tua con ta Steam. Deves iniciar sesso nesta conta para acederes aos itens que acabaste de ativar no Steam.\nImprime um recibo desta transao, de forma a lembrares-te da tua conta para futuras utilizaes." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_CDKey" "Your product activation code ha s successfully been activated. This product or products listed below are now per manently associated with your Steam account. You must login to this account to h ave access to the items you've just activated on Steam.\n\nPrint a receipt of th is transaction in order to remember your account for future use." "Steam_Subscription_Rejected_Cdkey_Headline" "Cdigo de produto duplicado" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Rejected_Cdkey_Headline" "Duplicate Product Code" "Steam_Subscription_Rejected_Cdkey" "O cdigo de produto que introduziste j foi ativado numa conta Steam existente, e como tal no vlido. A tua ativao de %subscript ion% no foi concluda." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Rejected_Cdkey" "The product code you've entered has already been activated by an existing Steam account, and is therefore inval id. Your activation of %subscription% has not been completed." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_InvalidCDKey_Headline" "Cdigo de produto invlido" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_InvalidCDKey_Headline" "Invalid Product Code" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_InvalidCDKey" "O cdigo de produto que introduzi ste no vlido. \n\nVerifica se no escreveste incorretamente a chave.\nI, L e 1 podem parecer iguais, tal como V e Y, e 0 e O." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_InvalidCDKey" "The product code you've entered is not valid. \n\nPlease double check to see if you've mistyped your ke y.\nI, L, and 1 can look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustOwnOtherApp_Headline" "Por favor, ativ

a primeiro o jogo original" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustOwnOtherApp_Headline" "Please first activate the original game" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustOwnOtherApp" "O cdigo de produto que i ntroduziste requer propriedade de outro produto antes da ativao.\n\nSe ests a tenta r ativar um pack de expanso ou contedo transfervel, ativa primeiro o jogo original e depois ativa este contedo adicional." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustOwnOtherApp" "The product cod e you've entered requires ownership of another product before activation.\n\nIf you are trying to activate an expansion pack or downloadable content, please fir st activate the original game, then activate this additional content." "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Headline" "Obrigado - A transao foi concluda." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Headline" "Thank you - Your transaction is complete." "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=regular" "A tua subscrio de %subscr iption% foi concluda com sucesso. A tua subscrio est registada nesta conta do Steam: %accountname%. No futuro, deves iniciar sesso nesta conta para aceder aos teus j ogos. Obrigado pela tua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=regular" "Your subscripti on to %subscription% has been completed successfully. Your subscription is regis tered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login to thi s account to have access to your games. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=gift" "O teu presente que contm %subscr iption% foi enviado a %giftee%. Obrigado pela tua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=gift" "Your gift of %subscript ion% has been sent to %giftee%. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=unknown" "A tua compra de %subscr iption% foi concluda com sucesso. Obrigado pela tua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=unknown" "Your purchase o f %subscription% has been completed successfully. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_Headline" "Carto de crdito r ecusado" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_Headline" "Credit card declined" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined" "A tua subscrio de %subscr iption% no foi concluda. As informaes do teu carto de crdito foram recusadas pela empr esa emissora.\n\nNota que, em alguns casos, a empresa do teu carto de crdito pode 'suspender' os fundos da tua conta, mas no sers cobrado por isso. Aps reveres as in formaes em baixo, se achares que o teu carto foi recusado por engano, tenta efetuar novamente a tua compra." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined" "Your subscripti on to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card information has be en declined by your credit card company.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be cha rged. After reviewing the information below, if you believe your card has been d eclined in error please try your purchase again." "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder_Headline" "Encomenda concluda - carto ainda no debitado" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder_Headline" "Order complete - card n ot yet charged" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder" "A tua pr-reserva de %subscription% foi c oncluda com sucesso.\nO teu pagamento no ser processado at que o jogo seja oficialme nte lanado. Recebers um recibo completo quando o teu carto for processado. Agradece mos a tua compra!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder" "Your preorder of %subscription% has been completed successfully.\nYour payment will not be processed until the game is officially released. You will receive a full receipt when your card is p rocessed. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccess_Headline" "A tua pr-reserva foi pro cessada"

"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccess_Headline" "Your preorder h as been processed" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccess" "Recentemente, pr-encomendaste %s ubscription%. O jogo foi oficialmente lanado, pelo que o teu carto de crdito foi pr ocessado e debitado. Obrigado pela tua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccess" "Recently you preordered %subscription%. The game has been officially released, so your credit card has been processed and charged. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardDeclined_Headline" "Pr-reserva - carto de crdi to recusado" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardDeclined_Headline" "Preorder - cred it card declined" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardDeclined" "Recentemente, tentaste pr-encome ndar %subscription%. O jogo foi oficialmente lanado, pelo que o Steam processou a s informaes do teu carto de crdito.\n\nO teu carto foi recusado e no foi debitado. Aps reveres as informaes em baixo, se achares que o teu carto foi recusado por engano, tenta efetuar novamente a tua subscrio." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardDeclined" "Recently you attempted to pre-order %subscription%. The game has now been officially released, so Steam has processed your credit card information.\n\nYour card has been declined, and your card has not been charged. After reviewing the information below, if you b elieve your card has been declined in error please attempt your subscription aga in." "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_Headline" "A tua pr-reserva foi pro cessada" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_Headline" "Your pre-order has been processed" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess" "A tua pr-reserva de %subscriptio n% foi concluda e o jogo ser oficialmente lanado em breve. O teu pagamento foi proc essado.\n\nIremos avisar-te quando o jogo estiver disponvel para jogar. Agradecem os a tua compra!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess" "Your pre-order for %sub scription% has been completed, and the game will be officially released soon. Yo ur payment has been processed.\n\nWe'll let you know as soon as the game is avai lable to play. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_PayPal_Headline" "A tua pr-reserva foi processada" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_PayPal_Headline" "Your pr e-order has been processed" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_PayPal" "A tua pr-reserva de %subscriptio n% foi concluda e o jogo ser oficialmente lanado em breve. A tua conta %provider% f oi debitada.\n\nIremos avisar-te quando o jogo estiver disponvel para jogar. Agra decemos a tua compra!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_PayPal" "Your pre-order for %subscription% has been completed, and the game will be officially released soon. Your %provider% account has been charged.\n\nWe'll let you know as soon as the game is available to play. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout_Headline" "Pr-reserva pendente" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout_Headline" "Pre-order pending" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout" "A tua pr-reserva de %subscription% no foi concluda, porque o Steam est demasiado ocupado para a processar.\n\nIremos inform ar-te dos resultados da tua transao logo que a possamos processar." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout" "Your pre-order for %subscriptio n% has not been completed, because Steam is currently too busy to process the tr ansaction.\n\nWe will get back to you with the results of your transaction as so on as we are able to process it." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Cancelled_Headline" "Subscrio cancelada" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Cancelled_Headline" "Subscription ca ncelled" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Cancelled" "A subscrio de %subscription% foi cancelad

a. Este cancelamento foi efetuado a pedido do proprietrio da conta Steam, ou foi efetuado pela Valve, de acordo com o Acordo de Subscrio Steam." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Cancelled" "Your subscription to %s ubscription% has been cancelled. This cancellation was either at the request of the Steam account owner, or a cancellation by Valve in accordance with the Steam Subscriber Agreement." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailed_Headline" "O servidor Steam est dem asiado ocupado." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailed_Headline" "The Steam Serve r is currently too busy." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailed" "A tua subscrio de %subscription% no foi concluda. Os servidores Steam encontram-se demasiado ocupados para processa r o teu pedido. \n\nPedimos desculpa pela inconvenincia. Tenta efetuar novamente a transao dentro de poucas horas." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailed" "Your subscription to %s ubscription% has not been completed. The Steam servers are currently too busy to process your request. \n\nWe apologize for the inconvenience. Please try your t ransaction again in a few hours." "Steam_Subscription_ContactSupport_Headline" "Erro de compra" "[english]Steam_Subscription_ContactSupport_Headline" "Purchase error" "Steam_Subscription_ContactSupport" "Ocorreu um erro inesperado. A tua subsc rio de %subscription% no foi concluda.\n\nPor favor, contacta o suporte do Steam uti lizando a ligao abaixo." "[english]Steam_Subscription_ContactSupport" "An unexpected error has occurre d. Your subscription to %subscription% has not been completed. \n\nPlease contac t Steam Support using the link below." "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_Headline" "Subscrio pendente" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_Headline" "Subscription pending" "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout" "A tua subscrio de %subscription% no foi co ncluda, uma vez que o Steam se encontra demasiado ocupado para processar a transao. \n\nContudo, podes ir jogando o %subscription% e iremos informar-te dos resultad os da tua transao logo que a possamos processar." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout" "Your subscription to %subscript ion% has not been completed, because Steam is currently too busy to process the transaction. \n\nHowever, you can play %subscription% in the meantime, and we wi ll get back to you with the results of your transaction as soon as we are able t o process it." "Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry_Headline" "No disponvel" "[english]Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry_Headline" "Not Available" "Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry" "Lamentamos, mas a subscrio de %subscripti on% no est disponvel para venda neste pas. A tua compra foi cancelada." "[english]Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry" "Sorry, but %subscription% is no t available for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been cancelled." "Steam_Subscription_Refunded_Headline" "Compra reembolsada" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Refunded_Headline" "Purchase Refunded" "Steam_Subscription_Refunded" "A tua compra de %subscription% foi reembolsada. O crdito deve aparecer na tua conta dentro de poucos dias teis." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Refunded" "Your purchase of %subscription% has bee n refunded. The credit should appear in your account within a couple business da ys." "Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_Used_Headline" "Registo duplicado" "[english]Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_Used_Headline" "Duplicate Regis tration" "Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_Used" "Esta oferta j foi ativada utilizando uma conta Steam diferente." "[english]Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_Used" "This offer has already been activated using a different Steam account." "Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoIneligible" "Lamentamos, mas este computador no cumpre os requisitos de sistema necessrios para a oferta de %subscription%." "[english]Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoIneligible" "Sorry, this computer do

es not meet the system requirements for the %subscription% offer." "Steam_HardwarePromo_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=628" "[english]Steam_HardwarePromo_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=628" "Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "Produto j existe nte" "[english]Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "Product Already Owned" "Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_AlreadyPurchased" "Esta conta Steam j inclu i o(s) produto(s) includo(s) nesta\noferta. Para aceder aos mesmos, visita a tua Biblioteca de jogos." "[english]Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_AlreadyPurchased" "This Steam acco unt already owns the product(s) contained in\nthis offer. To access them, visit your Games Library." "Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoNeedDirectX" "Pedimos desculpa. Precisamos do DirectX 9 ou superior para verificar os requisitos de elegibilidade para a ofer ta de %subscription%." "[english]Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoNeedDirectX" "Sorry! We require Direc tX 9 or above to verify the eligibility requirements for the %subscription% offe r." "Steam_HardwarePromoInstallDirextX_Link" "Site de transferncia do Microsof t DirectX" "[english]Steam_HardwarePromoInstallDirextX_Link" "Microsoft DirectX downlo ad site" "Steam_HardwarePromoInstallDirextX_URL" "http://www.microsoft.com/windows/direct x/" "[english]Steam_HardwarePromoInstallDirextX_URL" "http://www.microsoft.co m/windows/directx/" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo_Headline" "Registo efetuado com su cesso" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo_Headline" "Registration su ccessful" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo" "O registo da oferta de %subscri ption% foi concludo com sucesso. A tua subscrio est registada nesta conta do Steam: %accountname%. No futuro, deves iniciar sesso nesta conta para acederes aos teus jogos." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo" "Your redemption of the %subscription% offer has been completed successfully. Your subscription is regis tered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login to thi s account to have access to your games." "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo2" "Poders aceder a jogos includos ne sta oferta a partir de qualquer computador, desde que inicies a sesso na conta St eam '%accountname%'." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo2" "You will be able to acc ess the games contained in this offer from any computer, as long as you log in t o the Steam account '%accountname%'." "Steam_PreorderCancelled_Headline" "Pr-reserva cancelada" "[english]Steam_PreorderCancelled_Headline" "Preorder Cancelled" "Steam_PreorderCancelled" "Tal como pedido, a tua pr-reserva atravs do Steam de %subscription% foi cancelada. A tua conta no ser debitada." "[english]Steam_PreorderCancelled" "As you requested, your pre-order throug h Steam for %subscription% has been cancelled. Your account will not be charged. " "Steam_PleaseWait" "Por Favor, aguarda" "[english]Steam_PleaseWait" "Please wait" "Steam_Printing" "A imprimir..." "[english]Steam_Printing" "Printing..." "Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked_Title" "Steam - Error"

"Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked" "Esta funcionalidade encontra-se bloqueada.\nPar a aceder, inicie novamente sesso no Steam utilizando a sua conta ciber-caf,\ncerti ficando-se de que a opo 'memorizar palavra-passe' est assinalada." "[english]Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked" "This feature is currently locke d.\nTo access, log in again into Steam using your cybercafe account,\nmaking sur e that 'remember my password' is checked." "Steam_RegisterCDKey_Info" "Introduz o cdigo de produto que pretendes ativar ." "[english]Steam_RegisterCDKey_Info" "Please enter the product code you wish to activate." "Steam_RegisterCDKey_Example" "As chaves tm o seguinte aspecto:\n A AAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC\n AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE\n 237AB CDGHJLPRST 23" "[english]Steam_RegisterCDKey_Example" "Keys look like the following:\n AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC\n AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE\n 237ABCDGHJLPRST 23" "Steam_InstallAppWizard_Title" "Instalar - %game%" "[english]Steam_InstallAppWizard_Title" "Install - %game%" "Steam_PreloadAppStatus1" "A preparar os ficheiros de %s1 para instalao." "[english]Steam_PreloadAppStatus1" "Preparing %s1 files for install." "Steam_PreloadAppStatus2" "A preparar os ficheiros de %s1 para instalao.." "[english]Steam_PreloadAppStatus2" "Preparing %s1 files for install.." "Steam_PreloadAppStatus3" "A preparar os ficheiros de %s1 para instalao..." "[english]Steam_PreloadAppStatus3" "Preparing %s1 files for install..." "Steam_CDKeyAlreadyRegistered_Title" "Steam - Aviso de cdigo de produto" "[english]Steam_CDKeyAlreadyRegistered_Title" "Steam - product code warning" "Steam_CDKeyCafe" "No podes registar cdigos de produto nesta conta." "[english]Steam_CDKeyCafe" "You are unable to register product keys on this account." "Steam_BrowseGames" "Procurar jogos..." "[english]Steam_BrowseGames" "Browse games..." "Steam_Storefront_Title" "Steam - Ver Jogos" "[english]Steam_Storefront_Title" "Steam - Browse Games" "Steam_RegisterProductCode" "Ativar um Produto no Steam..." "[english]Steam_RegisterProductCode" "Activate a Product on Steam..." "Steam_PurchaseError_SubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "J possuis o %subscription%." "[english]Steam_PurchaseError_SubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "You already own %subscr iption%." "Steam_UpdateNews_Title" "Steam - Novidades" "[english]Steam_UpdateNews_Title" "Steam - Update News" "Steam_SettingsNotification_Info" "Avisar-me (com mensagens instantneas Ste am) sobre adies ou alteraes a:" "[english]Steam_SettingsNotification_Info" "Notify me (with Steam instant m essages) about additions or changes to:" "Steam_SettingsNotification_MyGames" "Os meus jogos" "[english]Steam_SettingsNotification_MyGames" "My Games" "Steam_SettingsNotification_UpcomingReleases" "Ttulos j disponveis/lanados breveme nte" "[english]Steam_SettingsNotification_UpcomingReleases" "Upcoming and new releas es" "Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoAlreadyOwned" "J registaste a oferta de %subscr iption% utilizando esta conta Steam." "[english]Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoAlreadyOwned" "You have alread y redeemed the %subscription% offer using this Steam account." "Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_UpdateNews" "Ver notcias" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_UpdateNews" "View News" "Steam_ContentServersBusy_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_ContentServersBusy_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_ContentServersBusy_Info" "Os servidores Steam encontram-se demasiado ocup ados para processar o teu pedido.\nTenta novamente dentro de alguns minutos."

"[english]Steam_ContentServersBusy_Info" "The Steam servers are currently too busy to handle your request.\nPlease try again in a few minutes." "Steam_NoContentServers_Info" "No existem servidores de contedo Steam configurad os para fornecer contedo para este jogo.\nIsto ser corrigido em breve. Tenta novam ente dentro de alguns minutos." "[english]Steam_NoContentServers_Info" "No Steam content servers are currently configured to deliver content for this game.\nThis will be corrected soon. Pleas e try again in a few minutes." "Steam_UpdateNewsButton" "Info. atualizaes..." "[english]Steam_UpdateNewsButton" "Update news..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_JustReleased" "ACABADO DE LANAR" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_JustReleased" "JUST RELEASED" "Steam_ErrorAccountDisabled" "Esta conta foi suspensa pelo Suporte do Steam.\ n\nQuando uma conta acedida por outra pessoa ou existe um litgio corrente\nrefere nte a pagamentos, pode ocorrer esta situao." "[english]Steam_ErrorAccountDisabled" "Steam Support has suspended this accoun t.\n\nAccounts typically become suspended when an account has been accessed\nby someone else, or a payment dispute is in progress." "Steam_PurchaseInfo" "Esta oferta contm os itens apresentados na lista em baix o." "[english]Steam_PurchaseInfo" "This offer contains the items listed below." "Steam_PurchaseInfo_Preorder" "Ests a pr-reservar este pacote. O teu pagamento no ser processado at que o pacote possa ser jogado no dia do lanamento oficial." "[english]Steam_PurchaseInfo_Preorder" "You are pre-ordering this package; Your payment will not be processed until the package becomes playable on its officia l release day." "Steam_InstallGameInfo" "Ests prestes a instalar %game%.\n" "[english]Steam_InstallGameInfo" "You are about to install %game%.\n" "Steam_Install_WillConvertExistingFiles" "Os ficheiros da instalao local (i ncluindo quaisquer jogos guardados e ficheiros de configurao) sero copiados para ut ilizar no Steam. Quaisquer ficheiros no existentes a nvel local sero transferidos a partir dos servidores Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillConvertExistingFiles" "Files from your local i nstallation (including any saved games and config files) will be copied for use in Steam. Any files not present locally will be downloaded from the Steam server s." "Steam_PreloadCompleteNoPreorderAvailable" "Uma cpia bloqueada de %game% enc ontra-se agora no teu computador." "[english]Steam_PreloadCompleteNoPreorderAvailable" "A locked copy of %game% is now on your computer." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Headline" "Foi excedido o limite de utilizao do carto de crdito" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Headline" "Credit Card Use Limit Exceeded" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Info" "Esta transao no fo i processada porque o carto de crdito indicado em baixo foi utilizado demasiadas v ezes no Steam.\n\nEsta poltica visa proteger os nossos clientes de fraude de carto de crdito. Levaremos o combate fraude at s ltimas instncias permitidas por lei." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Info" "This tr ansaction was not processed because the credit card below has been used too many times in Steam.\n\nThis policy exists in order to protect our customers from cr edit card fraud. We will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardAlert_Headline" "Carto recusado" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardAlert_Headline" "Card De clined" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardAlert_Info" "Esta transao no foi proces sada porque o banco do teu carto de crdito identificou a utilizao deste carto de crdit o como possivelmente fraudulenta.\n\nToma em considerao que levaremos o combate fr aude at s ltimas instncias permitidas por lei." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardAlert_Info" "This transactio

n was not processed because your credit card bank has identified use of this cre dit card as potentially fraudulent.\n\nPlease note that we will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law." "Steam_InstallDirectXDialog_Title" "Steam - necessrio o DirectX mais recente " "[english]Steam_InstallDirectXDialog_Title" "Steam - latest DirectX required " "Steam_InstallDirextX_Info" " necessria a verso mais recente do Microsoft Direc tX(r) para jogar %game%." "[english]Steam_InstallDirextX_Info" "The latest version of Microsoft DirectX (r) is required to play %game%." "Steam_InstallDirextX_Link" "Site de transferncia do Microsoft DirectX(r)" "[english]Steam_InstallDirextX_Link" "Microsoft DirectX(r) download site" "Steam_PurchaseError_AllAppsInSubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "J tens todos estes jogos .\nPodes aceder aos mesmos na Biblioteca de Jogos do Steam." "[english]Steam_PurchaseError_AllAppsInSubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "You alr eady have all these games.\nYou can access them in your Steam Games Library." "SteamUI_ProductRegistrationWizard_Title" "Ativao de Produto" "[english]SteamUI_ProductRegistrationWizard_Title" "Product Activation" "Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGame" "Jogar %game% agora" "[english]Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGame" "Play %game% now" "Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGamesList" "Ver a Biblioteca do Steam" "[english]Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGamesList" "View Steam Library" "Steam_UnableToPreload" "Os servidores Steam encontram-se demasiado ocupados par a processar mais pr-carregamentos do %game%.\nTenta novamente dentro de algumas h oras." "[english]Steam_UnableToPreload" "The Steam servers are currently too bus y to handle any more preloads of %game%.\nPlease try again in a few hours." "Steam_Error_Preload_Title" "Pr-carregamento - Erro" "[english]Steam_Error_Preload_Title" "Preloading - Error" "Steam_PreloadProgress" "%preload_amount%%% pr-carregado" "[english]Steam_PreloadProgress" "%preload_amount%%% pre-loaded" "Steam_PurchaseFraudWarning" "A fraude de carto de crdito crime, e a Valve coop era com as foras da autoridade para combater atividades ilegais." "[english]Steam_PurchaseFraudWarning" "Credit card fraud is a crime, and Valve cooperates with law enforcement to prosecute illegal activity." "Steam_CacheValidation_Title" "A validar ficheiros Steam - %progress%%% conclud o" "[english]Steam_CacheValidation_Title" "Validating Steam files - %progress%%% c omplete" "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches" "A validar ficheiro \"%cache_name%\" (%cache_num ber% de %cache_total%)" "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches" "Validating %cache_name% file (%cache_nu mber% of %cache_total%)" "Steam_CacheDecryption_Title" "A descodificar ficheiros Steam - %progress%%% c oncludo" "[english]Steam_CacheDecryption_Title" "Decrypting Steam files - %progress%%% c omplete" "Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches" "A descodificar ficheiros de jogo %cache_name%" "[english]Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches" "Decrypting %cache_name% game files" "Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches_Label" "Aguarda enquanto o Steam desbloqueia os ficheiros de jogo." "[english]Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches_Label" "Please wait while Steam unlocks game files." "SteamUI_VidDriverDetailsLabel" "Detalhes do Driver" "[english]SteamUI_VidDriverDetailsLabel" "Your Driver details" "SteamUI_VidDriverOS" "Verso do SO:" "[english]SteamUI_VidDriverOS" "OS Version:" "SteamUI_VidDriverDescription" "Descrio:" "[english]SteamUI_VidDriverDescription" "Description:"

"SteamUI_VidDriverVersion" "Verso:" "[english]SteamUI_VidDriverVersion" "Version:" "SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Title" "Driver de Vdeo Desatualizado" "[english]SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Title" "Video Driver Outdated" "SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Info" "Os drivers de vdeo parecem estar desatualizados e podem causar problemas se executares o jogo. Recomendamos vivamente que sigas a hiperligao em baixo e atualizes os teus drivers de vdeo para a verso mais recente disponvel, a partir do fornecedor dos teus drivers." "[english]SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Info" "Your video drivers appear to be out of date and could cause problems if you choose to continue and run the game. We st rongly recommend that you follow the link below and update your video drivers to the latest version available from your driver vendor." "SteamUI_OutdatedUrlLabel" "Ir para a pgina de atualizao de drivers..." "[english]SteamUI_OutdatedUrlLabel" "Go to driver update page..." "SteamUI_ContinueOutdated" "Continuar mesmo assim" "[english]SteamUI_ContinueOutdated" "Continue Anyway" "SteamUI_SuppressOutdated" "No mostrar novamente este aviso" "[english]SteamUI_SuppressOutdated" "Don't show this warning again" "SteamUI_DriverUnsupported_Title" "Placa Grfica No Suportada" "[english]SteamUI_DriverUnsupported_Title" "Unsupported Video Card" "SteamUI_DriverUnsupported_Info" "O teu hardware de vdeo no cumpre os requi sitos mnimos que definimos para o jogo. Se, mesmo assim, executares o jogo, poders ter problemas com a estabilidade ou o desempenho no jogo. Recomendamos vivament e que sigas a hiperligao em baixo e atualizes os teus drivers de vdeo para a verso m ais recente disponvel, a partir do fornecedor dos teus drivers." "[english]SteamUI_DriverUnsupported_Info" "Your video hardware does not me et the minimum requirements that we have set for the game. If you choose to con tinue and run the game anyway, you could have problems with stability or perform ance in the game. We strongly recommend that you follow the link below and upda te your video drivers to the latest version available from your driver vendor." "SteamUI_UnsupportedUrlLabel" "Mostrar requisitos mnimos..." "[english]SteamUI_UnsupportedUrlLabel" "Show minimum requirements..." "SteamUI_ContinueUnsupported" "Continuar mesmo assim" "[english]SteamUI_ContinueUnsupported" "Continue Anyway" "SteamUI_SuppressUnsupported" "No mostrar novamente este aviso" "[english]SteamUI_SuppressUnsupported" "Don't show this warning again" "SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Title" "Placa Grfica Desconhecida" "[english]SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Title" "Unknown Video Card" "SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Info" "A tua placa grfica no consta da nossa base de dad os. Por essa razo, possvel que no consigas jogar com a estabilidade ou o desempenho suficientes. Agradecemos a tua ajuda para garantir que temos informaes suficiente s para, futuramente, incluir a tua placa grfica e o driver. Ao clicar no boto Envi ar Informaes, irs ajudar-nos a saber quais as placas grficas que no se encontram na n ossa base de dados." "[english]SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Info" "Your video card does not appear in our database. Consequently, you may or may not be able to the play game with suffic ient stability or performance. We would appreciate your help in ensuring that w e have sufficient information to address your video card and driver in the futur e. By clicking the Upload Details button you will help us track which video car ds are currently missing from our database." "SteamUI_UnknownUrlLabel" "Ver a poltica de privacidade da Valve..." "[english]SteamUI_UnknownUrlLabel" "View Valve Privacy Policy..." "SteamUI_UnknownUpload" "Enviar informaes" "[english]SteamUI_UnknownUpload" "Upload Details" "SteamUI_ContinueUnknown" "Continuar mesmo assim" "[english]SteamUI_ContinueUnknown" "Continue Anyway" "SteamUI_SuppressUnknown" "No mostrar novamente este aviso" "[english]SteamUI_SuppressUnknown" "Don't show this warning again" "SteamUI_OSVersionUnknown" "Verso desconhecida do Windows" "[english]SteamUI_OSVersionUnknown" "Unknown Windows Version"

"SteamUI_OSVersionWin98" "Windows 98/98 SE/ME" "[english]SteamUI_OSVersionWin98" "Windows 98/98 SE/ME" "SteamUI_OSVersion2000" "Windows 2000" "[english]SteamUI_OSVersion2000" "Windows 2000" "SteamUI_OSVersionXP" "Windows XP" "[english]SteamUI_OSVersionXP" "Windows XP" "SteamUI_DriverUpdateURL" "http://www.steampowered.com/Steam/Messages/driv er_update/index.php" "[english]SteamUI_DriverUpdateURL" "http://www.steampowered.com/Steam/Messa ges/driver_update/index.php" "SteamUI_DriverUnsupportedURL" "http://www.steampowered.com/Steam/Messages/mini mum_req/index.php" "[english]SteamUI_DriverUnsupportedURL" "http://www.steampowered.com/Steam/Messa ges/minimum_req/index.php" "SteamUI_UnknownDriverURL" "http://www.valvesoftware.com/privacy.htm" "[english]SteamUI_UnknownDriverURL" "http://www.valvesoftware.com/privacy.ht m" "SteamUI_Syscheck_Success_Title" "Verificao de requisitos do sistema bem su cedida" "[english]SteamUI_Syscheck_Success_Title" "System Requirements Check Passe d" "SteamUI_Syscheck_Success" "Este computador cumpre os requisitos mnimos do s istema para %game%." "[english]SteamUI_Syscheck_Success" "This computer meets the minimum system requirements for %game%." "SteamUI_MBPGPUWarning_Title" "Steam - Mltiplos GPUs detetados" "[english]SteamUI_MBPGPUWarning_Title" "Steam - Multiple GPUs detected" "Steam_MBPGPUWarning_Info" "O teu MacBook Pro tem duas placas de vdeo atualm ente configuradas para poupar energia, ao invs de proporcionar maiores velocidade s. Para melhor aproveitamento, sugerimos que mudes para uma configurao de melhor dese mpenho. Para fazer isso, abre o painel 'Energy Saver' e escolhe grficos de 'Highe r Performance'. Precisars de encerrar a sesso do OSX para que as mudanas tenham efeito." "[english]Steam_MBPGPUWarning_Info" "Your MacBook Pro has two Graphics cards and is currently configured for power efficiency, not speed. For the best experience, we suggest you switch to the card with better performan ce, by opening the Energy Saver system preferences pane, and choosing 'Higher Performance' graphics . You'll need to log out of OSX for the change to take effect." "SteamUI_MBPEnegySaverLinkText" "Clica aqui para abrir o painel 'Energy Saver'." "[english]SteamUI_MBPEnegySaverLinkText" "Click here to open the Energy S aver preference pane." "SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Title" " necessrio o CD / DVD" "[english]SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Title" "CD / DVD required" "SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Info" "Introduz o teu CD ou DVD de %subscripti on% na respetiva unidade." "[english]SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Info" "Please insert your %subscriptio n% CD or DVD into your drive." "Steam_ErrorPurchasePending_Title" "Steam - Compra pendente" "[english]Steam_ErrorPurchasePending_Title" "Steam - Purchase pending" "Steam_ErrorPurchasePending_Info" "A tua compra ainda est a ser processada - O Steam ir avisar-te quando a transao tiver sido concluda.\nAt essa altura, este jo go no est disponvel para jogar." "[english]Steam_ErrorPurchasePending_Info" "Your purchase is still being pr

ocessed - Steam will notify you when the transaction has been completed.\nUntil then, this game is not available to play." "SteamUI_FSMode_ShortExplanation" "Steam disponvel apenas em Modo Offline" "[english]SteamUI_FSMode_ShortExplanation" "Steam available in Offline Mode only" "SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation" "Atualmente, a rede Steam permite que o Steam se ja usado apenas em Modo Offline. Isto significa que ters acesso aos teus jogos, m as muitos dos servios de rede do Steam no estaro disponveis." "[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation" "The Steam network currently allows Stea m to be used in Offline Mode only. This means you'll have access to your games, but many Steam network services will be unavailable." "SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation2" "A equipa Steam est a trabalhar para restaurar to dos os servios de rede logo que possvel. Agradecemos a tua compreenso." "[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation2" "The Steam team is working on restoring full network services as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience during th is time." "SteamUI_FSMode_StartInOffline" "Iniciar o Steam em Modo Offline" "[english]SteamUI_FSMode_StartInOffline" "Start Steam in Offline Mode" "SteamUI_FSMode_Title" "Iniciar em Modo Offline?" "[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Title" "Start in Offline Mode?" "Steam_ShippingAddressSameAsBillingAddress_Check" "O meu endereo de envio o mesmo que o meu endereo para facturao." "[english]Steam_ShippingAddressSameAsBillingAddress_Check" "My shipping add ress is the same as my billing address." "Steam_ShippingName" "Nome" "[english]Steam_ShippingName" "Name" "Steam_SubscribeShippingInfo" "Indica o teu endereo de envio atual." "[english]Steam_SubscribeShippingInfo" "Please provide your current shipping ad dress." "Steam_ChangeUser" "Iniciar sesso como um utilizador diferente..." "[english]Steam_ChangeUser" "Login as a different user..." "Steam_NoSavePersonalInfoCheck" "No guardar credenciais de conta neste computador " "[english]Steam_NoSavePersonalInfoCheck" "Don't save account credentials on this computer" "Steam_NoSavePersonalInfoCheckDescription" "Esta opo recomendada para computa dores pblicos.\nToma em considerao que isto desativar o Modo Offline." "[english]Steam_NoSavePersonalInfoCheckDescription" "This option is recommen ded for public computers.\nNote that this will disable Offline Mode." "Steam_PurchaseZipCodeInfoInvalid" "Introduz um cdigo postal vlido, de 5 dgito s" "[english]Steam_PurchaseZipCodeInfoInvalid" "Please enter a valid 5-digit zi p code" "Steam_PurchaseStateInfoInvalid" "Introduz um distrito vlido" "[english]Steam_PurchaseStateInfoInvalid" "Please enter a valid 2-letter s tate" "Steam_InternetSpeedDescription" "Velocidade aproximada da tua ligao Intern et" "[english]Steam_InternetSpeedDescription" "Approximate speed of your Inter net connection" "Start_Server_FSMount_Error_Title" "Servidor dedicado - Erro do sistema de ficheiros" "[english]Start_Server_FSMount_Error_Title" "Dedicated Server - Filesystem E rror" "Start_Server_FSMount_Error" "Falha ao montar o sistema de ficheiros Steam." "[english]Start_Server_FSMount_Error" "Failed to mount Steam filesystem." "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=regular" "A tua subscrio de %subscription% foi concluda com sucesso.\n\nPodes jogar qualquer um dos jogos at ualmente lanados clicando neles na tua Biblioteca de Jogos Steam. Alm disso, receb ers um e-mail de confirmao logo que os artigos de merchandising da tua encomenda ti

verem sido enviados. Obrigado pela tua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=regular" "Your su bscription to %subscription% has been completed successfully.\n\nYou can play an y of the currently released games by clicking on them in your Steam Games Librar y. Also, you'll receive an email confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=gift" "O teu presente que contm %subscription% foi enviado a %giftee%. Recebers um e-mail de confirmao log o que os artigos de merchandising da tua encomenda tiverem sido enviados. Obriga do pela tua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=gift" "Your gi ft of %subscription% has been sent to %giftee%. You'll receive an email confirma tion as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=unknown" "A tua compra de %subscription% foi concluda. Recebers um e-mail de confirmao logo que os artigos de merchandising da tua encomenda tiverem sido enviados. Obrigado pela tua encomen da!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=unknown" "Your pu rchase of %subscription% has been completed. You'll receive an email confirmatio n as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for yo ur order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping_Headline" "Obrigado - A transao foi concluda." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping_Headline" "Thank you - You r transaction is complete." "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay_Headline" "Subscrio pendente" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay_Headline" "Subscription pe nding" "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay" "A tua subscrio de %subscription% no foi concluda, uma vez que os servidores Steam se encontram demasiado ocupados p ara processar a transao.\n\nNo poders jogar %subscription% at que o processo de subsc rio esteja concludo. Lamentamos qualquer inconveniente que isto possa causar. A equ ipa do Steam est a trabalhar para retificar esta situao e iremos avisar-te logo que a transao esteja concluda." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay" "Your subscription to %s ubscription% has not been completed, because Steam servers are currently unable to process the transaction.\n\nYou won't be able to play %subscription% until th e subscription process is complete. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. The Steam team is working to rectify this situation, and will notify you as soon as the transaction is complete." "Steam_CannotStartSecondPurchase" "J tens uma compra em curso, pelo que no p odes iniciar outra neste momento. Conclui ou cancela a compra em curso." "[english]Steam_CannotStartSecondPurchase" "There is already a purchase in progress, so you can't initiate another one right now. Please either complete or cancel the purchase already in progress." "SteamUI_PleaseInstallRetailFiles_Title" "Por favor, instala o %subscript ion% antes de continuar." "[english]SteamUI_PleaseInstallRetailFiles_Title" "Please install %subscri ption% before continuing." "SteamUI_PleaseInstallRetailFiles_Info" " necessria a instalao de %subscription% ant es de continuar.\nPor favor introduz o CD/DVD de %subscription% na unidade e sel eciona 'instalar' a partir do menu de execuo automtica." "[english]SteamUI_PleaseInstallRetailFiles_Info" "Installation of %subscr iption% is required before continuing.\nPlease insert your %subscription% CD/DVD into the drive and select 'install' from the autorun menu." "Steam_PhoneNumber" "Nmero de telefone" "[english]Steam_PhoneNumber" "Phone number" "Steam_GamePurchaseableWhenReleased" " *" "[english]Steam_GamePurchaseableWhenReleased" " *"

"Steam_ShippingGoods" "Merchandising do Half-Life 2" "[english]Steam_ShippingGoods" "Half-Life 2 Merchandise" "Steam_ShippingAndHandling" "Custos de envio" "[english]Steam_ShippingAndHandling" "Shipping & Handling" "Steam_DutyNote" "Os artigos de merchandising sero enviados dos Estados Un idos. O comprador responsvel por quaisquer taxas alfandegrias." "[english]Steam_DutyNote" "Merchandise will be shipped from the United Sta tes. You are responsible for any applicable duty charges." "Steam_AgreeToTheTerms" "Concordo com os termos do" "[english]Steam_AgreeToTheTerms" "I agree to the terms of the" "Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Acordo de Subscrio Steam" "[english]Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Steam Subscriber Agreement" "Steam_ComplianceRequired_Title" "Steam - Aviso" "[english]Steam_ComplianceRequired_Title" "Steam - Warning" "Steam_ComplianceRequired_Info" " necessrio concordar com os termos do acordo de s ubscrio Steam para poder continuar." "[english]Steam_ComplianceRequired_Info" "Agreement to the terms of the S team subscriber agreement is required to continue." "Steam_Legal_UnreleasedProduct" "* Este um produto ainda no lanado, que ser disponi bilizado aquando do seu lanamento. A data de lanamento deste produto incerta e os compradores no devem contar com qualquer data prevista." "[english]Steam_Legal_UnreleasedProduct" "* This is an unreleased product and will be made available to purchasers upon its release. The release date fo r this product is uncertain and purchasers should not rely on any estimated rele ase date." "Steam_Legal_TimeToShipGoods" "** Aguarde 6-8 semanas para a entrega dos arti gos de merchandising includos no pacote do Half-Life 2 gold." "[english]Steam_Legal_TimeToShipGoods" "** Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of mer chandise included in the Half-Life 2 gold package." "Steam_Legal_SSACheckbox" "Concordo que o Acordo de Subscrio do Steam e os t ermos da oferta aqui descrita sejam aplicados a esta compra." "[english]Steam_Legal_SSACheckbox" "I agree that the Steam Subscriber Agree ment and the terms of the offer described here will apply to this purchase." "Steam_Legal_SSANext" "Concordo" "[english]Steam_Legal_SSANext" "I Agree" "SteamUI_HardwarePromoWizard_Title" "Registar oferta promocional" "[english]SteamUI_HardwarePromoWizard_Title" "Register Promotional Offer" "Steam_HardwarePromo_Intro" "Parabns! O teu computador qualifica-se para esta oferta. Podes utilizar a oferta registando-a em apenas uma conta Steam. Poders j ogar os jogos includos na oferta a partir de qualquer computador, desde que inici es sesso nesta conta Steam." "[english]Steam_HardwarePromo_Intro" "Congratulations! Your computer qualifie s for this offer. You may redeem the offer by registering it to one, and only on e, Steam account. You'll be able to play the games contained in the offer from a ny computer, as long as you login to this Steam account." "Steam_Legal_HardwarePromo_Unreleased" "Alguns dos produtos neste conjunto, inc luindo o %game%, ainda no foram lanados e no se encontram disponveis. Estes produtos sero automaticamente disponibilizados atravs do Steam aquando do respetivo lanamen to. A data de lanamento destes produtos incerta e os compradores no devem contar c om qualquer data prevista. Se clicares em 'Seguinte', sero apresentados termos e condies adicionais." "[english]Steam_Legal_HardwarePromo_Unreleased" "Some of the products in this pa ckage have not yet been released and are not currently available. These products will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon their release. The r elease date for these products is uncertain and purchasers should not rely on an y estimated release date. Additional terms and conditions will be shown by click ing 'Next'." "Steam_Working_HardwarePromo" "A registar oferta..." "[english]Steam_Working_HardwarePromo" "Registering offer..." "SteamUI_OEMTicketWizard_Title" "Registar a licena OEM"

"[english]SteamUI_OEMTicketWizard_Title" "Register OEM License" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupGame" "Fazer cpias de segurana dos fiche iros do jogo..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupGame" "Backup Game Files..." "Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Title" "Steam - Cpia de segurana" "[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Title" "Steam - Backup" "Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Info" "No possvel fazer uma cpia de segurana do %g ame% at que a atualizao tenha terminado." "[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Info" "%game% cannot be backed up unti l it has finished updating." "Steam_BackupSelectGames_Info" "Seleciona os programas que pretendes incluir ne sta cpia de segurana.\nApenas podem ser efetuadas cpias de segurana de programas tot almente transferidos e atualizados." "[english]Steam_BackupSelectGames_Info" "Select the programs you wish to include in this backup.\nOnly programs which are fully downloaded and up-to-date are av ailable to be backed up." "Steam_BackupStartText" "O que pretendes fazer?" "[english]Steam_BackupStartText" "What would you like to do?" "Steam_BackupChooseRestore" "Restaurar uma cpia de segurana anterior" "[english]Steam_BackupChooseRestore" "Restore a previous backup" "Steam_BackupChooseBackup" "Fazer uma cpia de segurana dos programas instalad os" "[english]Steam_BackupChooseBackup" "Backup currently installed programs" "Steam_BackupWizard_Title" "Fazer uma cpia de segurana e restaurar programas" "[english]Steam_BackupWizard_Title" "Backup and Restore Programs" "Steam_BackingUpFile" "A criar cpia de segurana de %file%" "[english]Steam_BackingUpFile" "Backing up %file%" "Steam_TotalBackupProgress" "Tempo restante:" "[english]Steam_TotalBackupProgress" "Time remaining:" "Steam_complete" "concludo" "[english]Steam_complete" "complete" "Steam_ChooseRestoreDirectory_Info" "Localiza o diretrio que contm os ficheiro s de cpia de segurana a partir dos quais pretendes restaurar. Se tiveres guardado a cpia de segurana na localizao predefinida do Steam, esta ser uma pasta num diretrio designado 'Backups'." "[english]Steam_ChooseRestoreDirectory_Info" "Locate the directory containing the backup files from which you wish to restore. If you've saved your backup to Steam's default location, this will be a folder inside the directory called 'Ba ckups.'" "Steam_RestoreDirectory" "Restaurar o programa a partir da pasta:" "[english]Steam_RestoreDirectory" "Restore program from folder:" "Steam_RestoreGameFound" "Cpias de segurana:" "[english]Steam_RestoreGameFound" "Program backups found:" "Steam_RestoreNoneFound" "nenhuma" "[english]Steam_RestoreNoneFound" "none" "Steam_SelectRestoreDirectory_Title" "Localiza as tuas Cpias de Segurana" "[english]Steam_SelectRestoreDirectory_Title" "Locate your Backup Files" "Steam_ChooseBackupDirectory_Info" "Escolhe um diretrio para criar os fichei ros de cpia de segurana." "[english]Steam_ChooseBackupDirectory_Info" "Choose a directory where you wi sh to create the backup files." "Steam_BackupDirectory" "Destino da cpia de segurana" "[english]Steam_BackupDirectory" "Backup destination" "Steam_ChangeDirectory" "Procurar..." "[english]Steam_ChangeDirectory" "Browse..." "Steam_BackingUpFiles_Info" "Aguarda enquanto os arquivos da cpia de segurana esto a ser comprimidos e guardados..." "[english]Steam_BackingUpFiles_Info" "Please wait while the backup archives a re being compressed and saved..." "Steam_BadBackupDir_Title" "Steam - Cpia de segurana"

"[english]Steam_BadBackupDir_Title" "Steam - Backup" "Steam_CannotBackupToRootDirectory" "No possvel fazer cpias de segurana para dir etrios de sistema." "[english]Steam_CannotBackupToRootDirectory" "Cannot backup files to system d irectories." "Steam_CannotBackupNoEnoughDiskSpace" "No existe espao em disco suficiente nesta unidade." "[english]Steam_CannotBackupNoEnoughDiskSpace" "Not enough disk space free on t his drive." "Steam_BackupNameAndSize_Info" "Se necessrio, a tua cpia de segurana ser dividida e m vrios ficheiros, para facilitar a gravao para CD-R ou DVD-R." "[english]Steam_BackupNameAndSize_Info" "If necessary, your backup will be split into multiple files for easy storage on CD-R or DVD-R." "Steam_BackupFileSize" "Tamanho do ficheiro" "[english]Steam_BackupFileSize" "File size" "Steam_BackupSize_CD" "CD [640 MB]" "[english]Steam_BackupSize_CD" "CD [640 MB]" "Steam_BackupSize_DVD" "DVD [4,7 GB]" "[english]Steam_BackupSize_DVD" "DVD [4.7 GB]" "Steam_BackupFileName" "Nome do ficheiro de cpia de segurana" "[english]Steam_BackupFileName" "Backup file name" "Steam_SelectBackupDirectory_Title" "Seleciona a pasta da cpia de segurana" "[english]Steam_SelectBackupDirectory_Title" "Select backup folder" "Steam_DisksRequiredApprox" "Nmero aproximado de ficheiros comprimidos\nque s ero gravados:" "[english]Steam_DisksRequiredApprox" "Approximate number of compressed\nfiles which will be written:" "Steam_BackupWizard_OpenFolder" "Abrir Pasta da Cpia de Segurana" "[english]Steam_BackupWizard_OpenFolder" "Open Backup Folder" "Steam_BackupComplete_Info" "A cpia de segurana est concluda. Se tens uma unidad e de CD-R ou DVD-R, podes utiliz-la para guardar o(s) teu(s) ficheiro(s) de cpia d e segurana.\nPara restaurar as cpias de segurana dos teus jogos, faz duplo clique n o primeiro ficheiro de cpia de segurana e segue as instrues ou utiliza o assistente de Fazer Cpia de Segurana e Restaurar Jogos." "[english]Steam_BackupComplete_Info" "Backup is now complete. If you have a C D-R or DVD-R drive, you can use it to save your backup file(s).\n\nUse Steam's B ackup and Restore wizard to restore your backed-up games." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_Tools" "FERRAMENTAS" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_Tools" "TOOLS" "Steam_InstallExplanation_Install" "Transferir e Instalar" "[english]Steam_InstallExplanation_Install" "Download and Install" "Steam_InstallExplanation_Title" "Steam - Ferramentas" "[english]Steam_InstallExplanation_Title" "Steam - Tools" "Steam_CreditCardAmexInvalid" "O nmero de segurana do carto de crdito deve ter 4 dg itos." "[english]Steam_CreditCardAmexInvalid" "Credit card security number must be 4 n umbers long." "Steam_CreditCardDinersInvalid" "[temp]" "[english]Steam_CreditCardDinersInvalid" "[temp]" "Steam_UnlockAppStatus1" "A descodificar %s1 ficheiros de jogo." "[english]Steam_UnlockAppStatus1" "Decrypting %s1 game files." "Steam_UnlockAppStatus2" "A descodificar %s1 ficheiros de jogo.." "[english]Steam_UnlockAppStatus2" "Decrypting %s1 game files.." "Steam_UnlockAppStatus3" "A descodificar %s1 ficheiros de jogo..." "[english]Steam_UnlockAppStatus3" "Decrypting %s1 game files..." "Steam_ConnectionIssues_Title" "Steam - Aviso" "[english]Steam_ConnectionIssues_Title" "Steam - Warning" "Steam_ConnectionIssues_Info" "O Steam no consegue ligar aos servidores Steam." "[english]Steam_ConnectionIssues_Info" "Steam is having trouble connecting to t he Steam servers."

"Steam_ConnectionIssues_LinkText" "Dicas de resoluo de problemas" "[english]Steam_ConnectionIssues_LinkText" "Troubleshooting tips" "Steam_RetryConnection" "Tentar novamente" "[english]Steam_RetryConnection" "Retry connection" "Steam_GamePropertiesContent_Scanning" "A procurar..." "[english]Steam_GamePropertiesContent_Scanning" "Scanning..." "Steam_Install_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Criar atalho no ambiente de trabalho pa ra %game%" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut to %gam e%" "Steam_Install_CreateMultipleDesktopShortcut" "Criar atalho no ambiente de tra balho para cada jogo" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateMultipleDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut for each game" "Steam_Install_CreateGameExplorerShortcut" "Adicionar ao Explorador de Jogo s" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateGameExplorerShortcut" "Add to Games Explorer" "Steam_Install_ViewGameManual" "Ver manual do %game_manual%" "[english]Steam_Install_ViewGameManual" "View %game_manual% manual" "Steam_Account_Link" "Ver Histrico da Conta" "[english]Steam_Account_Link" "View Account History" "Steam_SteamAccount" "Conta Steam" "[english]Steam_SteamAccount" "Steam account" "Steam_Cost" "Custo" "[english]Steam_Cost" "Cost" "Steam_EstimatedTax" "Impostos estimados" "[english]Steam_EstimatedTax" "Estimated tax" "Steam_ShippingDutyNotice" "Os artigos de merchandising sero enviados a part ir dos Estados Unidos. O comprador responsvel por quaisquer taxas alfandegrias." "[english]Steam_ShippingDutyNotice" "Merchandise will be shipped from the Un ited States. You are responsible for any applicable duty charges." "Steam_TotalCost" "Total" "[english]Steam_TotalCost" "Total" "Steam_CardHolderName" "Portador do carto" "[english]Steam_CardHolderName" "Card holder name" "Steam_CardType" "Tipo de carto" "[english]Steam_CardType" "Card type" "Steam_CardNumber" "Nmero do carto" "[english]Steam_CardNumber" "Card number" "Steam_CardExpiration" "Expirao do carto" "[english]Steam_CardExpiration" "Card expiration" "Steam_BillingAddress" "Endereo de cobrana" "[english]Steam_BillingAddress" "Billing address" "Steam_BillingAddressLine2" "Endereo de cobrana - linha 2" "[english]Steam_BillingAddressLine2" "Billing address line 2" "Steam_BillingCity" "Cidade" "[english]Steam_BillingCity" "City" "Steam_BillingPostCode" "Cdigo postal" "[english]Steam_BillingPostCode" "Postal code" "Steam_BillingState" "Distrito" "[english]Steam_BillingState" "State" "Steam_BillingCountry" "Pas" "[english]Steam_BillingCountry" "Country" "Steam_ShippingAddress" "Endereo de envio" "[english]Steam_ShippingAddress" "Shipping address" "Steam_ShippingAddressLine2" "Endereo de envio - linha 2" "[english]Steam_ShippingAddressLine2" "Shipping address line 2" "Steam_ShippingCity" "Cidade" "[english]Steam_ShippingCity" "City" "Steam_ShippingPostCode" "Cdigo postal"

"[english]Steam_ShippingPostCode" "Postal code" "Steam_ShippingState" "Distrito" "[english]Steam_ShippingState" "State" "Steam_ShippingCountry" "Pas" "[english]Steam_ShippingCountry" "Country" "Steam_ShippingPhone" "Nmero de telefone" "[english]Steam_ShippingPhone" "Phone number" "Steam_InvalidLoginTitle" "Necessrio incio de sesso Steam vlido" "[english]Steam_InvalidLoginTitle" "Valid Steam Login Required" "Steam_InvalidLoginDetail" "O Steam no consegue detetar um incio de sesso vlido .\n\nInicia a sesso para continuares a utilizar o Steam." "[english]Steam_InvalidLoginDetail" "Steam cannot detect a valid login.\n\nP lease log in to continue using Steam." "Steam_LoginElipsis" "Iniciar sesso..." "[english]Steam_LoginElipsis" "Login..." "Steam_QuitButton" "Sair" "[english]Steam_QuitButton" "Quit" "Steam_ConnectionFailureTitle" "Falha na ligao" "[english]Steam_ConnectionFailureTitle" "Connection Failure" "Steam_ConnectionFailureDetail" "O Steam no consegue ligar rede. Isto pode deverse a um problema com a ligao Internet." "[english]Steam_ConnectionFailureDetail" "Steam cannot connect to the net work. This may be due to a problem with your Internet connection." "Steam_ConnectionSupportLink" "Verificar a minha ligao" "[english]Steam_ConnectionSupportLink" "Troubleshoot my connection" "Steam_ConnectionSupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin/steampo wered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=11" "[english]Steam_ConnectionSupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=11" "SteamUI_NetworkTroubleshootingTips" "Solues para problemas de rede" "[english]SteamUI_NetworkTroubleshootingTips" "Network troubleshooting tips" "SteamUI_PerfWarningTitle" "Aviso de desempenho" "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningTitle" "Performance Warning" "SteamUI_PerfWarning" "O teu sistema no cumpre uma ou vrias recomendaes de sistema para o %game%, em termos de processador, memria ou placa grfica." "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarning" "Your system does not meet one or more of %game% 's system recommendations for CPU, Memory or Video Card." "SteamUI_PerfWarningLostCoast" "Lost Coast uma atualizao gratuita para quem tem o Half-Life 2, construda para servir de amostra das evolues mais recentes de grficos em tempo real, incluindo a tecnologia de luz HighDynamic Range. Como tal, tem re quisitos de sistema anormalmente elevados." "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningLostCoast" "Lost Coast is a free update for owners of Half-Life 2 which has been built to showcase the latest in real-time graphics , including HighDynamic Range lighting. As such, it has unusually high system re quirements." "SteamUI_PerfWarningRecommended" "RECOMENDADOS:" "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningRecommended" "RECOMMENDED:" "SteamUI_PerfWarningYourSystem" "O TEU SISTEMA:" "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningYourSystem" "YOUR SYSTEM:" "SteamUI_PerfWarningBuyStuff" "A seguir, apresentamos ligaes para placas grficas de alto desempenho. Para outros itens, por favor consulte o seu habitual fornece dor de informtica." "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningBuyStuff" "A link to high-performance video cards is below. For the other items, please consult your favorite computer store." "SteamUI_PerfWarningLink" "Clica aqui para comprares uma placa grfica com c apacidades HDR no Amazon.com" "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningLink" "Click here to shop for an HDR-capable v ideo card at Amazon.com" "Steam_InstallGameAnyway" "Instalar %game%" "[english]Steam_InstallGameAnyway" "Install %game%"

"Steam_RunGameAnyway" "Iniciar %game%" "[english]Steam_RunGameAnyway" "Launch %game%" "Steam_PurchaseAnyway" "Comprar %game%" "[english]Steam_PurchaseAnyway" "Purchase %game%" "SteamUI_PerfWarningVideo" "Ver o vdeo do Lost Coast" "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningVideo" "Watch the Lost Coast video" "SteamUI_OSWarningTitle" "Falha nos requisitos de sistema" "[english]SteamUI_OSWarningTitle" "System Requirements failed" "SteamUI_OSWarning" "Tens de ter o %os% ou superior para executares este jog o" "[english]SteamUI_OSWarning" "You must be running %os% or later to run this g ame" "SteamUI_OSWarningContinueAnyway" "Continuar mesmo assim" "[english]SteamUI_OSWarningContinueAnyway" "Continue Anyway" "SteamUI_OSWarningOkay" "OK" "[english]SteamUI_OSWarningOkay" "OK" "SteamUI_SSA_Agree" "L este acordo na ntegra. Tens de concordar com os termos do Acordo de Subscrio Steam para continuar." "[english]SteamUI_SSA_Agree" "Please read this agreement in its entirety. You must agree with the terms of the Steam Subscriber Agreement to continue." "SteamUI_SSA_CybercafeAgree" "Sou um operador licenciado de um ciber-caf e con cordo com estes termos" "[english]SteamUI_SSA_CybercafeAgree" "I am a Licensed Cybercafe Operator and agree to these terms" "SteamUI_SSA_ActivateProduct" "Para registares o teu produto no Steam, introdu z o cdigo de produto distribudo com o CD/DVD ou com outro produto Steam. Clica em 'Seguinte' para continuar." "[english]SteamUI_SSA_ActivateProduct" "To register your product with Steam, en ter the product code distributed with a retail CD/DVD or other Steam product key here. Click 'Next' to continue." "Steam_IconsColumn" "cones" "[english]Steam_IconsColumn" "Icons" "Steam_GamesColumn" "Jogos" "[english]Steam_GamesColumn" "Games" "Steam_ToolsColumn" "Ttulo" "[english]Steam_ToolsColumn" "Title" "Steam_StatusColumn" "Estado" "[english]Steam_StatusColumn" "Status" "Steam_UpdateColumn" "Atualizao" "[english]Steam_UpdateColumn" "Update" "Steam_DeveloperColumn" "Programador" "[english]Steam_DeveloperColumn" "Developer" "Steam_CloudColumn" "Steam Cloud" "[english]Steam_CloudColumn" "Steam Cloud" "Steam_MyGames_TabTitle" "Os meus jogos" "[english]Steam_MyGames_TabTitle" "My games" "Steam_Store_TabTitle" "Loja" "[english]Steam_Store_TabTitle" "Store" "Steam_Tools_TabTitle" "Ferramentas" "[english]Steam_Tools_TabTitle" "Tools" "Steam_Root_Title" "Steam" "[english]Steam_Root_Title" "Steam" "Steam_Root_Title_Internal" "Steam" "[english]Steam_Root_Title_Internal" "Steam" "Steam_Account_Name" "Conta de %account%" "[english]Steam_Account_Name" "%account%'s Account" "Steam_Universe_Internal" "[%universe%]" "[english]Steam_Universe_Internal" "[%universe%]" "Steam_News" "Notcias" "[english]Steam_News" "News"

"Steam_Friends" "Amigos" "[english]Steam_Friends" "Friends" "Steam_Servers" "Servidores" "[english]Steam_Servers" "Servers" "Steam_Settings" "Definies" "[english]Steam_Settings" "Settings" "Steam_Support" "Suporte" "[english]Steam_Support" "Support" "Steam_News_Upper" "NOVIDADES" "[english]Steam_News_Upper" "NEWS" "Steam_Friends_Upper" "AMIGOS" "[english]Steam_Friends_Upper" "FRIENDS" "Steam_Servers_Upper" "SERVIDORES" "[english]Steam_Servers_Upper" "SERVERS" "Steam_Settings_Upper" "DEFINIES" "[english]Steam_Settings_Upper" "SETTINGS" "Steam_Support_Upper" "SUPORTE" "[english]Steam_Support_Upper" "SUPPORT" "Steam_Launch" "Jogar" "[english]Steam_Launch" "Play" "Steam_Install" "Instalar" "[english]Steam_Install" "Install" "Steam_Preload" "Pr-carregar" "[english]Steam_Preload" "Pre-load" "Steam_Purchase" "Comprar" "[english]Steam_Purchase" "Purchase" "Steam_Details" "Detalhes" "[english]Steam_Details" "Details" "steam_menu_file" "Steam" "[english]steam_menu_file" "Steam" "steam_menu_view" "Ver" "[english]steam_menu_view" "View" "steam_menu_games" "Jogos" "[english]steam_menu_games" "Games" "steam_menu_view_games" "Ver Biblioteca de Jogos" "[english]steam_menu_view_games" "View Games Library" "steam_menu_help" "Ajuda" "[english]steam_menu_help" "Help" "steam_menu_account" "Steam" "[english]steam_menu_account" "Steam" "steam_menu_window" "Janela" "[english]steam_menu_window" "Window" "steam_menu_games_details" "Detalhes do jogo" "[english]steam_menu_games_details" "Games Details" "steam_menu_games_list" "Lista de jogos" "[english]steam_menu_games_list" "Games List" "steam_menu_games_grid" "Grelha de jogos" "[english]steam_menu_games_grid" "Games Grid" "steam_store" "Loja" "[english]steam_store" "Store" "steam_mygames" "Jogos" "[english]steam_mygames" "Games" "steam_tools" "Ferramentas" "[english]steam_tools" "Tools" "steam_about" "Sobre o Steam" "[english]steam_about" "About Steam" "steam_menu_minigameslist" "Mudar para mini-lista de jogos" "[english]steam_menu_minigameslist" "Switch to Mini Games List" "steam_menu_fullgameslist" "Mudar para vista global" "[english]steam_menu_fullgameslist" "Switch to Full View"

"steam_menu_backupgames" "Fazer cpia de segurana e restaurar jogos..." "[english]steam_menu_backupgames" "Backup and Restore Games..." "steam_menu_changeuser" "Mudar utilizador..." "[english]steam_menu_changeuser" "Change User..." "steam_menu_support" "Suporte do Steam" "[english]steam_menu_support" "Steam Support" "steam_menu_community" "Comunidade" "[english]steam_menu_community" "Community" "Steam_NotYetReleased" "Ainda no lanado" "[english]Steam_NotYetReleased" "Not yet released" "Steam_NotInstalled" "No instalado" "[english]Steam_NotInstalled" "Not installed" "Steam_NotAvailable" "No disponvel" "[english]Steam_NotAvailable" "Not available" "Steam_UpdatePaused" "Atualizao em pausa" "[english]Steam_UpdatePaused" "Update paused" "Steam_PreloadPaused" "Pr-carregamento em pausa" "[english]Steam_PreloadPaused" "Pre-load paused" "Steam_PreloadStarting" "A iniciar pr-carregamento..." "[english]Steam_PreloadStarting" "Pre-load starting..." "Steam_PreloadStopping" "A interromper pr-carregamento..." "[english]Steam_PreloadStopping" "Pre-load stopping..." "Steam_GameReady" "Pronto a jogar" "[english]Steam_GameReady" "Ready to play" "Steam_GamePreloadReady" "Pr-carregamento concludo; no lanado" "[english]Steam_GamePreloadReady" "Pre-load complete; unreleased" "Steam_GamePreorderReady" "Pr-carregamento concludo; no lanado" "[english]Steam_GamePreorderReady" "Pre-load complete; unreleased" "steam_gamepurchaseready" "Pr-carregamento completo" "[english]steam_gamepurchaseready" "Pre-load complete" "Steam_ThirdPartyGameReady" "Mod pronto a jogar" "[english]Steam_ThirdPartyGameReady" "Mod ready to play" "Steam_GamePreloading" "A pr-carregar:" "[english]Steam_GamePreloading" "Pre-loading:" "Steam_GameUpdating" "A atualizar:" "[english]Steam_GameUpdating" "Updating:" "Steam_GameDownloading" "A transferir:" "[english]Steam_GameDownloading" "Downloading:" "Steam_GameDownloadStarting" "A iniciar transferncia..." "[english]Steam_GameDownloadStarting" "Download starting..." "Steam_GameDownloadStopping" "A interromper transferncia..." "[english]Steam_GameDownloadStopping" "Download stopping..." "steam_gamecalculating" "A calcular..." "[english]steam_gamecalculating" "Calculating..." "steam_gamepreloaded" "Pr-carregamento completo" "[english]steam_gamepreloaded" "Pre-load complete" "Steam_GameSyncing" "A sincronizar" "[english]Steam_GameSyncing" "Syncing" "Steam_CloudSyncConflict" "Conflito de sincronizao" "[english]Steam_CloudSyncConflict" "Sync conflict" "Steam_BackupRequiresFullyDownloadedGames_Title" "Steam - Cpia de segurana" "[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullyDownloadedGames_Title" "Steam - Backup" "Steam_BackupRequiresFullyDownloadedGames_Info" "De momento, no tens quaisquer jo gos prontos para realizar cpias de segurana." "[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullyDownloadedGames_Info" "You don't curre ntly have any games ready to backup." "Steam_WebBrowser_Back" "< Retroceder" "[english]Steam_WebBrowser_Back" "< Back" "Steam_WebBrowser_Home" "^ Incio" "[english]Steam_WebBrowser_Home" "^ Home"

"Steam_WebBrowser_Reload" "~ Recarregar" "[english]Steam_WebBrowser_Reload" "~ Reload" "Steam_WebBrowser_Loading" "A carregar..." "[english]Steam_WebBrowser_Loading" "Loading..." "Steam_WebBrowser_TextSize" "Tamanho do texto" "[english]Steam_WebBrowser_TextSize" "Text size" "Steam_MiniGamesColumn_Installed" "INSTALADO" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesColumn_Installed" "INSTALLED" "Steam_MiniGamesColumn_NotInstalled" "NO INSTALADO" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesColumn_NotInstalled" "NOT INSTALLED" "Steam_minigamescolumn_tools" "FERRAMENTAS" "[english]Steam_minigamescolumn_tools" "TOOLS" "Steam_MiniGamesList_UpdatePaused" "(atualizao em pausa)" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_UpdatePaused" "(update paused)" "Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStarting" "a iniciar transferncia..." "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStarting" "download starting..." "Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStopping" "a interromper transferncia..." "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStopping" "download stopping..." "Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadPaused" "(pr-carregamento em pausa)" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadPaused" "(pre-load paused)" "Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadStarting" "a iniciar pr-carregamento..." "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadStarting" "pre-load starting..." "Steam_MiniGamesList_Unreleased" "(no lanado)" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_Unreleased" "(unreleased)" "Steam_MiniGamesList_Preloaded" "(pr-carregado)" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_Preloaded" "(preloaded)" "Steam_MiniGamesList_Synchronizing" "(a sincronizar)" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_Synchronizing" "(syncing)" "Steam_RightClick_PauseUpdating" "Pausar Atualizao" "[english]Steam_RightClick_PauseUpdating" "Pause Updating" "Steam_RightClick_ResumeUpdating" "Retomar atualizao" "[english]Steam_RightClick_ResumeUpdating" "Resume Updating" "Steam_RightClick_DeleteLocalContent" "Eliminar o contedo local..." "[english]Steam_RightClick_DeleteLocalContent" "Delete Local Content..." "Steam_RightClick_PausePreloading" "Pausar Pr-carregamento" "[english]Steam_RightClick_PausePreloading" "Pause Pre-loading" "Steam_RightClick_ResumePreloading" "Retomar Pr-carregamento" "[english]Steam_RightClick_ResumePreloading" "Resume Pre-loading" "Steam_RightClick_ViewPreloadInfo" "Ver Info de Pr-carregamento..." "[english]Steam_RightClick_ViewPreloadInfo" "View Pre-load Info..." "Steam_About_Title" "Sobre o Steam" "[english]Steam_About_Title" "About Steam" "Steam_About_Info" "Cliente do Steam" "[english]Steam_About_Info" "Steam client application" "Steam_About_Build" "Criado: %build_date%, s %build_time%" "[english]Steam_About_Build" "Built: %build_date%, at %build_time%" "Steam_About_InterfaceVer" "API Steam: v%build_interface%" "[english]Steam_About_InterfaceVer" "Steam API: v%build_interface%" "Steam_DeveloperUnknownThirdParty" "Outras empresas" "[english]Steam_DeveloperUnknownThirdParty" "Third-party" "Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Acordo de Subscrio Steam" "[english]Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Steam Subscriber Agreement" "Steam_CybercafeSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Steam - Criar conta de ciber-ca f" "[english]Steam_CybercafeSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Steam - Create Cybercaf e Account" "Steam_LaunchOptions_Title" "Opes de arranque - %game%" "[english]Steam_LaunchOptions_Title" "Launch Options - %game%" "Steam_GameProperties_Title" "%game% - Propriedades" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_Title" "%game% - Properties"

"Steam_GameProperties_Close" "Fechar" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_Close" "Close" "Steam_GameProperties_GeneralTab" "Geral" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_GeneralTab" "General" "Steam_GameProperties_UpdatesTab" "Atualizaes" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_UpdatesTab" "Updates" "Steam_GameProperties_LocalFilesTab" "Ficheiros locais" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_LocalFilesTab" "Local files" "Steam_GameProperties_DLCTab" "DLC" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_DLCTab" "DLC" "Steam_Game_Homepage" "Pgina inicial" "[english]Steam_Game_Homepage" "Homepage" "Steam_Game_Developer" "Programador" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer" "Developer" "Steam_Game_Manual" "Manual" "[english]Steam_Game_Manual" "Manual" "Steam_Game_NoManual" "[nenhum disponvel]" "[english]Steam_Game_NoManual" "[ none available ]" "Steam_Game_DefaultManual" "Manual de %game%" "[english]Steam_Game_DefaultManual" "%game% manual" "Steam_Game_SetLaunchOptions" "Definir opes de arranque..." "[english]Steam_Game_SetLaunchOptions" "Set launch options..." "Steam_Game_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Criar atalho no ambiente de trabalho" "[english]Steam_Game_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut" "Steam_Game_DLC_Title" "Tens os seguintes contedos transferveis para %game%.\n\nT odos os contedos transferveis so automaticamente instalados e desinstalados juntame nte com este produto, e podem ser acedidos quando o iniciares." "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_Title" "You have the following downloadable content for %game%.\n\nAll downloadable content is automatically installed and uninstalled along with this product, and can be accessed by launching it." "Steam_Game_FindDLC_URL" "Ver os contedos transferveis disponveis para este produto" "[english]Steam_Game_FindDLC_URL" "View available downloadable content for this product" "Steam_Game_DLC_NameColumn" "Item" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_NameColumn" "Item" "Steam_Game_DLC_AcquisitionColumn" "Mtodo de compra" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_AcquisitionColumn" "Acquisition Method" "Steam_Game_DLC_NoContent" "Atualmente no tens contedos transferveis para este produto." "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_NoContent" "You currently have no downloadable cont ent for this product." "Steam_Game_FreeWeekend" "Fim de Semana Gratuito" "[english]Steam_Game_FreeWeekend" "Free Weekend" "Steam_Game_Retail" "Revendedor" "[english]Steam_Game_Retail" "Retail" "Steam_Game_Complimentary" "Gratuita" "[english]Steam_Game_Complimentary" "Complimentary" "Steam_Game_HardwarePromo" "Promoo de Hardware" "[english]Steam_Game_HardwarePromo" "Hardware Promo" "Steam_Game_SteamStore" "Loja Steam" "[english]Steam_Game_SteamStore" "Steam Store" "Steam_Game_SteamStorePage" "Pgina da loja" "[english]Steam_Game_SteamStorePage" "Store Page" "Steam_Automatic_Updates" "Atualizaes automticas" "[english]Steam_Automatic_Updates" "Automatic updates" "Steam_Game_UpdateHistory" "Ver histrico de atualizaes de %game%" "[english]Steam_Game_UpdateHistory" "View %game% update history" "Steam_Game_DiskUsage" "Uso do disco" "[english]Steam_Game_DiskUsage" "Disk usage"

"Steam_Game_UpdateNewsURL" "Ver histrico de atualizaes de %game%" "[english]Steam_Game_UpdateNewsURL" "View %game% update history" "steam_menu_PrivacyPolicy" "Poltica de privacidade" "[english]steam_menu_PrivacyPolicy" "Privacy Policy" "steam_menu_LegalInformation" "Informao legal" "[english]steam_menu_LegalInformation" "Legal Information" "steam_menu_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Acordo de Subscrio Steam" "[english]steam_menu_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Steam Subscriber Agreement" "steam_menu_bandwidthmonitor" "Monitor de largura de banda" "[english]steam_menu_bandwidthmonitor" "Bandwidth monitor" "Steam_BandwidthMonitor_Title" "Steam - Monitor de largura de banda" "[english]Steam_BandwidthMonitor_Title" "Steam - Bandwidth monitor" "steam_monitor_usage" "Velocidade de transferncia atual" "[english]steam_monitor_usage" "Current download rate" "steam_monitor_peakusage" "Velocidade de transferncia mxima" "[english]steam_monitor_peakusage" "Peak download rate" "steam_monitor_totaldownloaded" "Total de bytes transferidos nesta sesso" "[english]steam_monitor_totaldownloaded" "Total bytes downloaded this ses sion" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_InsufficientFunds" "A tua s ubscrio de %subscription% no foi concluda. As informaes do teu carto de crdito foram usadas pela empresa emissora por falta de fundos na conta.\n\nNota que, em algun s casos, a empresa do teu carto de crdito pode 'suspender' os fundos da tua conta, mas no sers cobrado por isso." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_InsufficientFunds" "Your subscription to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card in formation has been declined by your credit card company due to insufficient fund s in the account.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be charged." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_AVSFailure" "A tua subscrio de %subscription% no foi concluda. As informaes do teu carto de crdito foram recusadas p ela empresa emissora devido a erro no endereo.\n\nNota que, em alguns casos, a em presa do teu carto de crdito pode 'suspender' os fundos da tua conta, mas no sers co brado por isso. Aps reveres as informaes em baixo, se achares que o teu carto foi re cusado por engano, tenta efetuar novamente a tua compra." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_AVSFailure" "Your su bscription to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card informatio n has been declined by your credit card company due to an incorrect address bein g entered.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be charged. After reviewing the info rmation below, if you believe your card has been declined in error please try yo ur purchase again." "ServerBrowser_ModNotInstalled" "No tens este mod de terceiros instalado" "[english]ServerBrowser_ModNotInstalled" "You do not have this 3rd party mod installed" "ServerBrowser_AppNotFound" "No foi possvel ligar ao servidor:\n app id especi ficada pelo servidor no vlida" "[english]ServerBrowser_AppNotFound" "Unable to connect to server,\n app id s pecified by server is invalid" "ServerBrowser_NotInitialized" "O Steam no foi iniciado. Tenta novamente" "[english]ServerBrowser_NotInitialized" "Steam is not initialized. Please try ag ain" "SteamUI_SSAUpdatedInfo" "O Acordo de Subscrio Steam foi atualizado em %SSA _date%. Ao usar o Steam e jogos Steam, est a declarar que leu as alteraes e que con corda com as mesmas." "[english]SteamUI_SSAUpdatedInfo" "The Steam Subscriber Agreement has been updated as of %SSA_date%. By using Steam and Steam games you are stating that y ou have read and agree with these changes." "Steam_SSAUpdated_Link" "Clica aqui para veres o acordo atualizado." "[english]Steam_SSAUpdated_Link" "Click here to view the updated agreemen

t." "Steam_Settings_Title" "Definies" "[english]Steam_Settings_Title" "Settings" "Steam_MediaColumn" "Ttulo" "[english]Steam_MediaColumn" "Title" "Steam_ProducerColumn" "Produtor" "[english]Steam_ProducerColumn" "Producer" "Steam_MediaTypeColumn" "Tipo" "[english]Steam_MediaTypeColumn" "Type" "Steam_MediaFile_TabTitle" "Multimdia" "[english]Steam_MediaFile_TabTitle" "My media" "SteamUI_MediaType_Movie" "Filme" "[english]SteamUI_MediaType_Movie" "Movie" "SteamUI_AppTypeGame" "jogo" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGame" "game" "SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCaps" "Jogo" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCaps" "Game" "SteamUI_AppTypeGamePlural" "jogos" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGamePlural" "games" "SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCapsPlural" "Jogos" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCapsPlural" "Games" "SteamUI_AppTypeTool" "ferramenta" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeTool" "tool" "SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCaps" "Ferramenta" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCaps" "Tool" "SteamUI_AppTypeToolPlural" "ferramentas" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeToolPlural" "tools" "SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCapsPlural" "Ferramentas" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCapsPlural" "Tools" "SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFile" "multimdia" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFile" "media" "SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCaps" "Multimdia" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCaps" "Media" "SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFilePlural" "multimdia" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFilePlural" "media" "SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCapsPlural" "Multimdia" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCapsPlural" "Media" "Steam_DeleteMediaCacheConfirmation_Title" "Eliminar ficheiro multimdia?" "[english]Steam_DeleteMediaCacheConfirmation_Title" "Delete media file?" "Steam_DeleteMediaCacheConfirmation_Text" "Isto eliminar todo o contedo %s1\ ndeste computador.\n\nPara poderes reproduzir este contedo multimdia no futuro, te rs de\nvoltar a transferir o respetivo contedo." "[english]Steam_DeleteMediaCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s 1 content\nfrom this computer.\n\nTo play this media in the future you'll have t o first\nre-download its content." "Steam_DeleteMediaCache_Button" "Eliminar" "[english]Steam_DeleteMediaCache_Button" "Delete" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=game" "Manter este jogo sempre atualiz ado" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=game" "Always keep thi s game up to date" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=media" "Manter estes contedos mu ltimdia sempre atualizados" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=media" "Always keep thi s media up to date" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=tool" "Manter esta ferramenta sempre a tualizada" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=tool" "Always keep thi s tool up to date" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=game" "No atualizar automaticamente est

e jogo" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=game" "Do not automatically up date this game" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=media" "No atualizar automaticamente est es contedos multimdia" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=media" "Do not automatically up date this media" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=tool" "No atualizar automaticamente est a ferramenta" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=tool" "Do not automatically up date this tool" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=game" "(Este jogo e as respeti vas atualizaes sero\nadquiridos logo que estejam disponveis.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=game" "(This game and its updates will be automatically\nacquired as soon as they are available.)" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=media" "(Estes contedos multimdia e as respetivas atualizaes sero\nadquiridos logo que estejam disponveis.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=media" "(This m edia and its updates will be automatically\nacquired as soon as they are availab le.)" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=tool" "(Esta ferramenta e as r espetivas atualizaes sero\nadquiridas logo que estejam disponveis.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=tool" "(This tool and its updates will be automatically\nacquired as soon as they are available.)" "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=game" "(O contedo para este jog o no ser automaticamente adquirido.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=game" "(Content for th is game will not be automatically acquired.)" "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=media" "(Estes contedos multimdia no sero automaticamente adquiridos.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=media" "(Content for th is media will not be automatically acquired.)" "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=tool" "(O contedo para esta fer ramenta no ser automaticamente adquirido.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=tool" "(Content for th is tool will not be automatically acquired.)" "Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=game" "Verificar a integridade da cach e do jogo..." "[english]Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=game" "Verify integrity of gam e cache..." "Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=media" "Verificar a integridade da cach e do contedo multimdia..." "[english]Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=media" "Verify integrity of med ia cache..." "Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=tool" "Verificar a integridade da cach e da ferramenta..." "[english]Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=tool" "Verify integrity of too l cache..." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=game" "Eliminar o contedo local do jogo ..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=game" "Delete local game conte nt..." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=media" "Eliminar o contedo multimdia loca l..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=media" "Delete local media cont ent..." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=tool" "Eliminar o contedo local da ferr amenta..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=tool" "Delete local tool conte nt..."

"Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=game" "Fazer cpias de segurana dos ficheiros do jogo..." "[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=game" "Backup game files..." "Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=media" "Fazer cpias de segurana de ficheiros mult imdia..." "[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=media" "Backup media files..." "Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=tool" "Fazer cpias de segurana de ficheiros da f erramenta..." "[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=tool" "Backup tool files..." "Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=game" "Todos os ficheiros para este jogo sero agora transferidos atravs do Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=game" "All files for t his game will now be downloaded through Steam." "Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=media" "Todos os ficheiros para estes contedos multimdia sero agora transferidos atravs do Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=media" "All files for t his media will now be downloaded through Steam." "Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=tool" "Todos os ficheiros para esta ferramenta sero agora transferidos atravs do Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=tool" "All files for t his tool will now be downloaded through Steam." "Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=game" "A criar ficheiros de cache loca is do jogo..." "[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=game" "Creating local game cac he files..." "Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=media" "A criar ficheiros de cache loca is do contedo multimdia..." "[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=media" "Creating local media cache files..." "Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=tool" "A criar ficheiros de cache loca is da ferramenta..." "[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=tool" "Creating local tool cac he files..." "Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmListMedia" "Os ficheiros de multimdia seleccionados esto agora acessveis na lista \n\"Multimdia\" do Steam." "[english]Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmListMedia" "Your selected media fil es are now available in your Steam \ngames library." "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=game" "A preparar lista de jogos Steam %progre ss%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=game" "Preparing list of Steam games%progress%" "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=media" "A preparar lista de multimdia St eam %progress%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=media" "Preparing list of Steam media%progress%" "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=tool" "A preparar lista de ferramentas Steam % progress%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=tool" "Preparing list of Steam tools%progress%" "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=license" "A preparar lista de licenas Stea m %progress%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=license" "Preparing list of Steam licenses%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=game" "A procurar por atualizaes de jogos Steam %progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=game" "Scanning for Steam game s updates%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=media" "A procurar atualizaes de multimdia Steam %progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=media" "Scanning for Steam medi

a updates%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=tool" "A procurar atualizaes de ferramentas Stea m %progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=tool" "Scanning for Steam tool s updates%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=license" "A procurar atualizaes de licenas S team %progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=license" "Scanning for Steam lice nses updates%progress%" "SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "Nenhum jogo Steam para apresent ar." "[english]SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "No Steam games to displ ay." "SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=media" "Nenhuma multimdia Steam para apr esentar." "[english]SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=media" "No Steam media to displ ay." "SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "Nenhuma ferramenta Steam para a presentar." "[english]SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "No Steam tools to displ ay." "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=game" "Aguarda enquanto o Stea m verifica os ficheiros de jogo." "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=game" "Please wait whi le Steam verifies game files." "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=media" "Aguarda enquanto o Stea m verifica os ficheiros multimdia." "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=media" "Please wait whi le Steam verifies media files." "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=tool" "Aguarda enquanto o Stea m verifica os ficheiros de ferramentas." "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=tool" "Please wait whi le Steam verifies tool files." "Steam_ValidationResults_NoFailures" "Todos os ficheiros foram validados com sucesso." "[english]Steam_ValidationResults_NoFailures" "All files successfully validate d." "Steam_ValidationResults_Failures" "%num% ficheiros no foram validados e sero readquiridos." "[english]Steam_ValidationResults_Failures" "%num% files failed to validate and will be reacquired." "steam_mymedia" "Multimdia" "[english]steam_mymedia" "Media" "Steam_minigamescolumn_media" "MULTIMDIA" "[english]Steam_minigamescolumn_media" "MEDIA" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupMedia" "Fazer cpias de segurana de fichei ros multimdia..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupMedia" "Backup media files..." "SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToOSVersion" "No possvel iniciar %game% porque o sistem a operativo %osversion% no suportado." "[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToOSVersion" "Can't launch %game% because ope rating system %osversion% is not supported." "SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerVersion" "No possvel iniciar %game% porque o Windows Media Player da verso [%detectedVersion%]; a verso necessria para reprodu zir este contedo a [%requiredVersion%].\nInstala a verso mais recente do Windows M edia Player a partir de:" "[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerVersion" "Can't launch %game% bec ause Windows Media Player is version [%detectedVersion%], but version [%required Version%] is required to play the media.\nPlease install the latest version of W indows Media Player from:"

"SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalled" "No possvel iniciar %game% porque o Windows Media Player no est instalado.\nInstala a verso mais recente do W indows Media Player a partir de:" "[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalled" "Can't launch %g ame% because Windows Media Player is not installed.\nPlease install the latest v ersion of Windows Media Player from:" "SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURL" "http://www.microsoft.com/windows/window smedia/default.mspx" "[english]SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURL" "http://www.microsoft.com/window s/windowsmedia/default.mspx" "SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalledOSX" "No possvel iniciar %game% porque o Windows Media Components para QuickTime no est instalado.\nInstala a ver so mais recente do Windows Media Components para QuickTime a partir de:" "[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalledOSX" "Can't launch %g ame% because Windows Media Components for QuickTime are not installed.\nPlease i nstall the latest version of Windows Media Components for QuickTime from:" "SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURLOSX" "http://www.microsoft.com/window s/windowsmedia/player/wmcomponents.mspx" "[english]SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURLOSX" "http://www.microsoft.co m/windows/windowsmedia/player/wmcomponents.mspx" "Steam_UnknownErrorLaunchingMedia" "Erro desconhecido ao iniciar contedo mul timdia." "[english]Steam_UnknownErrorLaunchingMedia" "Unknown error launching media." "Steam_HiDefPack_Title" "Half-Life HiDef Pack - Steam" "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_Title" "Half-Life HiDef Pack - Steam" "Steam_HiDefPack_Installed" "O Half-Life HiDef Pack foi ativado.\nIniciar o Half-Life agora?" "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_Installed" "The Half-Life HiDef Pack has been activ ated.\nLaunch Half-Life now?" "Steam_HiDefPack_Removed" "O Half-Life HiDef Pack foi desativado." "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_Removed" "The Half-Life HiDef Pack has been deact ivated." "Steam_HiDefPack_AlreadyInstalled" "O Half-Life HiDef Pack j est ativo." "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_AlreadyInstalled" "The Half-Life HiDef Pack is alr eady active." "Steam_HiDefPack_AlreadyRemoved" "O Half-Life HiDef Pack no est ativo." "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_AlreadyRemoved" "The Half-Life HiDef Pack is not currently active." "Steam_HiDefPack_LaunchHalfLifeNow" "Iniciar o Half-Life" "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_LaunchHalfLifeNow" "Launch Half-Life" "Steam_Purchase_AddressShouldNotBeCardholderName" "A primeira linha do end ereo deve conter apenas a morada, sem o nome do portador do carto." "[english]Steam_Purchase_AddressShouldNotBeCardholderName" "The first line of the address field should just be your street address, not the cardholder name ." "Steam_Purchase_CardholderName" "Nome: %name%" "[english]Steam_Purchase_CardholderName" "Name: %name%" "Steam_Address" "Endereo" "[english]Steam_Address" "Street address" "Steam_Purchase_StreetAddressLine2" "Endereo, linha 2 (opcional)" "[english]Steam_Purchase_StreetAddressLine2" "Street address line 2 (optional )" "Steam_LaunchGame" "Jogar" "[english]Steam_LaunchGame" "Play" "Steam_Countdown_Days" "Dias" "[english]Steam_Countdown_Days" "Days" "Steam_Countdown_Hours" "Horas" "[english]Steam_Countdown_Hours" "Hours" "Steam_Countdown_Minutes" "Minutos" "[english]Steam_Countdown_Minutes" "Minutes"

"Steam_Countdown_Seconds" "Segundos" "[english]Steam_Countdown_Seconds" "Seconds" "Steam_PreloadCountdown_UnlockTime" "%game% ser desbloqueado dentro de:" "[english]Steam_PreloadCountdown_UnlockTime" "%game% will be unlocked in:" "Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "O Fim de Semana Gratuito do Day of Defeat comea dentro de:" "[english]Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "Day of Defeat Free Weekend will begin in:" "Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_Info" "Quando o relgio chegar a zero, tero incio 72 horas de jogo gratuito." "[english]Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_Info" "When the clock reaches zero, 72 hours o f free play will begin." "Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_URL" "Fica a saber mais sobre o Fim de Semana Gratuit o do Day of Defeat" "[english]Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_URL" "Read more info about Day of Defeat Free Weekend" "Steam_FreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "O Fim de Semana Gratuito de %game% comea dentro de:" "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "%game% Free Weekend will begin in:" "Steam_FreeWeekend_Info" "Quando o relgio chegar a zero, tero incio %time% d e jogo gratuito." "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_Info" "When the clock reaches zero, %time% of free play will begin." "Steam_FreeWeekend_URL" "Fica a saber mais sobre o Fim de Semana Gratuito de %ga me%" "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_URL" "Read more info about %game% Free Weeken d" "Steam_FreeWeekend_48H" "48 horas" "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_48H" "48 hours" "Steam_FreeWeekend_72H" "72 horas" "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_72H" "72 hours" "Steam_FreeWeekend_1W" "1 semana" "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_1W" "1 week" "Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Title" "Steam - %game%" "[english]Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Title" "Steam - %game%" "Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Info" "Este jogo j no est disponvel gratuitamente." "[english]Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Info" "This game is no longer available for fr ee." "steam_menu_systeminfo" "Informaes do sistema" "[english]steam_menu_systeminfo" "System Information" "steam_systeminfo_title" "Steam - Informaes do Sistema" "[english]steam_systeminfo_title" "Steam - System Information" "steam_systeminfo_info" "O Steam detetou o seguinte hardware e software no teu s istema:" "[english]steam_systeminfo_info" "Steam has detected the following hardwa re and software in your system:" "steam_systeminfo_surveylink" "Compara o teu hardware com o de outros utilizad ores do Steam" "[english]steam_systeminfo_surveylink" "Compare your hardware to that of other Steam users" "Steam_P2P" "P2P" "[english]Steam_P2P" "P2P" "Steam_P2POptions_FolderLabel" "Pasta de transferncias peer-to-peer (\"Freloads\ "):" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_FolderLabel" "Peer-to-peer downloads (\"Freloads\") f older:" "Steam_P2POptions_UploadSpeedLabel" "Limitar velocidade de envio para:" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_UploadSpeedLabel" "Limit upload speed to:" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingLabel" "Partilha peer-to-peer:" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingLabel" "Peer-to-peer sharing:"

"Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_StopImmediately" "(Quando tiveres 100% de um ficheiro, o carregamento ir parar de imediato.)" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_StopImmediately" "(When you have 100% of a file, uploading will stop immediately.)" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_UntilRatio" "(Quando tiveres 100% de um fich eiro, o carregamento continuar at teres partilhado o ficheiro uma vez.)" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_UntilRatio" "(When you have 100% of a file, uploading will continue until you've shared the file one time.)" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_Manual" "(Quando tiveres 100% de um fich eiro, a partilha continuar at a desativares manualmente ou at entrares num jogo.)" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_Manual" "(When you have 100% of a file, sharing will continue until you manually disable it or join a game.)" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_StopImmediately" "Parar a partilha de ficheiros l ogo que sejam transferidos" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_StopImmediately" "Stop sharing each file as soon as it is downloaded" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_UntilRatio" "Partilhar ficheiros at a taxa de partilh a atingir 1:1" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_UntilRatio" "Share each file until i ts sharing ratio reaches 1:1" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_Manual" "Partilhar ficheiros at eu desativar a pa rtilha" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_Manual" "Share each file until I turn sh aring off" "Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolder" "Escolher pasta..." "[english]Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolder" "Chose folder..." "Steam_P2POptions_OpenFolder" "Abrir pasta" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_OpenFolder" "Open Folder" "Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolderTitle" "Escolher pasta" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolderTitle" "Choose Folder" "Steam_RightClick_P2PStatus" "Estado peer-to-peer" "[english]Steam_RightClick_P2PStatus" "Peer-to-peer status" "Steam_P2P_ReadAbout" "Sabe mais sobre o Steam P2P" "[english]Steam_P2P_ReadAbout" "Read about Steam P2P" "Steam_P2P_LaunchButton" "Iniciar" "[english]Steam_P2P_LaunchButton" "Launch" "Steam_P2P_ExploreButton" "Explorar" "[english]Steam_P2P_ExploreButton" "Explore" "Steam_P2P_AboutURL" "http://www.valvesoftware.com" "[english]Steam_P2P_AboutURL" "http://www.valvesoftware.com" "Steam_P2P_StatusTitle" "Transferir %game% - Steam P2P" "[english]Steam_P2P_StatusTitle" "%game% download - Steam P2P" "Steam_P2P_DownloadLabel" "A transferir: %game%" "[english]Steam_P2P_DownloadLabel" "Downloading: %game%" "Steam_P2P_SharingLabel" "A partilhar: %game%" "[english]Steam_P2P_SharingLabel" "Sharing: %game%" "Steam_P2P_PausedLabel" "Em pausa: %game%" "[english]Steam_P2P_PausedLabel" "Paused: %game%" "Steam_P2P_DownloadLabel_Complete" "%game%" "[english]Steam_P2P_DownloadLabel_Complete" "%game%" "Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel" "%percentcomplete% completo; restam %remainingti me%" "[english]Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel" "%percentcomplete% complete; %remainingt ime% remaining" "Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel_Complete" "100% completo" "[english]Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel_Complete" "100% complete" "Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel_Paused" "%percentcomplete% completo" "[english]Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel_Paused" "%percentcomplete% complete" "Steam_P2P_DownloadRateLabel" "Velocidade de transferncia: %dlrate% (mx.: %dlpea k%)"

"[english]Steam_P2P_DownloadRateLabel" "Download rate: %dlrate% (peak: %dlpeak% )" "Steam_P2P_UploadRateLabel" "Velocidade de carregamento: %ulrate% (mx.: %ulpe ak%)" "[english]Steam_P2P_UploadRateLabel" "Upload rate: %ulrate% (peak: %ulpeak%)" "Steam_P2P_PeerCountLabel" "Peers ligados:" "[english]Steam_P2P_PeerCountLabel" "Peers connected:" "Steam_P2P_PeerCountValue" "%peercount%" "[english]Steam_P2P_PeerCountValue" "%peercount%" "Steam_P2P_SharingColumnLabel" "A partilhar" "[english]Steam_P2P_SharingColumnLabel" "Sharing" "Steam_P2P_Sharing_Suffix" "%s1 K/s" "[english]Steam_P2P_Sharing_Suffix" "%s1 K/s" "Steam_P2P_Download_Suffix" "A transferir: %s1% %s2 K/s" "[english]Steam_P2P_Download_Suffix" "Downloading: %s1% %s2 K/s" "Steam_P2P_FileSizeLabel" "Tamanho do ficheiro:" "[english]Steam_P2P_FileSizeLabel" "File Size:" "Steam_P2P_FileSizeValue" "%filesize%" "[english]Steam_P2P_FileSizeValue" "%filesize%" "Steam_P2P_SharingRatioLabel" "Taxa de partilha:" "[english]Steam_P2P_SharingRatioLabel" "Sharing ratio:" "Steam_P2P_SharingRatioValue" "%sharingratio% : 1" "[english]Steam_P2P_SharingRatioValue" "%sharingratio% : 1" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Tooltip" "Clica para mudar a durao de traado de grficos" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Tooltip" " Click to change duration of graph" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration1" "1 minuto" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration1" "1 minute" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration2" "2 minutos" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration2" "2 minutes" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration5" "5 minutos" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration5" "5 minutes" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration10" "10 minutos" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration10" "10 minutes" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration15" "15 minutos" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration15" "15 minutes" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration30" "30 minutos" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration30" "30 minutes" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration60" "1 hora" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration60" "1 hour" "Steam_P2P_OfflineWithoutAllData_Title" "Modo Offline" "[english]Steam_P2P_OfflineWithoutAllData_Title" "Offline Mode" "Steam_P2P_OfflineWithoutAllData_Message" "No possvel jogar '%game%'; os dad os no foram todos transferidos antes de ficar offline" "[english]Steam_P2P_OfflineWithoutAllData_Message" "Can't play '%game%', no t all data was downloaded before going off-line" "Steam_RightClick_StopSharing" "Parar partilha" "[english]Steam_RightClick_StopSharing" "Stop sharing" "Steam_RightClick_ResumeSharing" "Retomar partilha" "[english]Steam_RightClick_ResumeSharing" "Resume sharing" "Steam_RightClick_StopChecking" "Parar de verificar" "[english]Steam_RightClick_StopChecking" "Stop checking" "Steam_AllAppsInstalled_Title" "Steam - Instalar" "[english]Steam_AllAppsInstalled_Title" "Steam - Install" "Steam_Install_SelectGames" "Seleciona os jogos a instalar." "[english]Steam_Install_SelectGames" "Select which games to install." "Steam_InsertNextDisk_Title" "Steam - Insere o disco seguinte" "[english]Steam_InsertNextDisk_Title" "Steam - Insert next disk" "Steam_InsertNextDisk_Info" "Introduz o disco %disk%" "[english]Steam_InsertNextDisk_Info" "Please insert disk %disk%" "Steam_InstallingFromDisk" "Disco %disk%"

"[english]Steam_InstallingFromDisk" "Disk %disk%" "Steam_InstallingWithTimeRemaining" "A instalar: faltam %time%" "[english]Steam_InstallingWithTimeRemaining" "Installing: %time% remaining" "Steam_InstallDownloadTime" "Tempo de transferncia estimado:" "[english]Steam_InstallDownloadTime" "Estimated download time:" "Steam_InstallDownloadTime_Info" "%time% a %rate%" "[english]Steam_InstallDownloadTime_Info" "%time% at %rate%" "Steam_InstallBytesProgress" "Instalados: %mb_installed% / %mb_to_install% MB " "[english]Steam_InstallBytesProgress" "Installed: %mb_installed% / %mb_to_inst all% MB" "Steam_Install_CreateStartMenuShortcut" "Criar atalho no menu Iniciar para %game %" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateStartMenuShortcut" "Create start menu short cut to %game%" "Steam_Install_CreateMultipleStartMenuShortcut" "Criar atalho no menu Iniciar pa ra todos os jogos" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateMultipleStartMenuShortcut" "Create start me nu shortcut for each game" "Steam_Install_InstallRetailFiles" "O Steam vai instalar o contedo do jogo." "[english]Steam_Install_InstallRetailFiles" "Steam will now begin installing game content." "Steam_Install_WillVerifyExistingFiles" "O Steam vai verificar a instalao do jogo. " "[english]Steam_Install_WillVerifyExistingFiles" "Steam will now verify y our game install." "Steam_MoreInfoLink" "Quero saber mais sobre o Steam" "[english]Steam_MoreInfoLink" "Tell me more about Steam" "Steam_RegisterCDKey_ExampleRetail" "Os cdigos de produto usam:\n AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE" "[english]Steam_RegisterCDKey_ExampleRetail" "Product codes use :\n AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE" "Steam_RegisterCDKey_InfoRetail" "Introduz o cdigo de produto que pretende s ativar. Este encontra-se na capa do DVD, do manual, no invlucro do disco ou no interior da caixa sob o disco." "[english]Steam_RegisterCDKey_InfoRetail" "Please enter the product code y ou wish to activate. This can be found on the DVD jewel case, manual cover, disc insert or inside the case under the disc." "Steam_DownloadPaused" "Transferncia em pausa" "[english]Steam_DownloadPaused" "Download paused" "Steam_Decrypting" "Descodificar" "[english]Steam_Decrypting" "Decrypting" "Steam_CDKeyAlreadyRegistered_Info" "J ativaste o(s) produto(s) associado(s) a este cdigo.\nNo precisas de reintroduzir o cdigo de produto, basta iniciar sesso n esta conta Steam para aceder a estes itens." "[english]Steam_CDKeyAlreadyRegistered_Info" "You have already activated the product(s) associated with this code.\nYou don't need to re-enter your product c ode, you simply need to log into this Steam account to access these items." "Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall" "Os jogos selecionados esto agora acessvei s a partir da Biblioteca de Jogos do Steam. A transferncia de atualizaes iniciou em segundo plano." "[english]Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall" "Your selected games are now acc essible in the Steam Games Library. Any updates have begun downloading in the ba ckground." "Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall_GamesAlwaysAvailable" "Podes voltar a aceder a estes jogos a qualquer momento, a partir de qualquer computador, aceden do tua conta Steam '%account%'." "[english]Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall_GamesAlwaysAvailable" "You can access these games again at any time, from any computer, by logging into your S team account '%account%'."

"Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGameStart" "Iniciar agora" "[english]Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGameStart" "Launch now" "Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo" "O Steam est a transferir %game%. Podes a companhar o progresso da transferncia na vista Transferncias do Steam.\n\nPodes fe char e reiniciar o Steam - a transferncia retomada automaticamente." "[english]Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo" "Steam is now downloading %game% . You can track the progress of this download in the Steam Downloads view.\n\nYo u can safely exit and restart Steam, and the download will automatically resume. " "Steam_FindContent$appType=game" "Procurar jogos..." "[english]Steam_FindContent$appType=game" "Browse games..." "Steam_FindContent$appType=media" "Procurar multimdia..." "[english]Steam_FindContent$appType=media" "Browse media..." "Steam_FindContent$appType=tool" "Procurar ferramentas..." "[english]Steam_FindContent$appType=tool" "Browse tools..." "Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "No encontrmos nada! Tenta limpar o campo de pesquisa ou selecionar uma outra categoria acima." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "We've come up empty! Try cleari ng your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above." "Steam_NoGamesOfThisTypeFiltered" "No encontrmos nada! Tenta limpar o campo de pesquisa ou selecionar uma outra categoria acima." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisTypeFiltered" "We've come up empty! Try cleari ng your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above." "Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=media" "No encontrmos nada! Tenta mudar os filtro s da visualizao acima ou <a href=steam://browsemedia>procura os vdeos disponveis</a> na loja Steam." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=media" "We've come up empty! Tr y changing your view filters above, or <a href=steam://browsemedia>browse availa ble videos</a> in the Steam store." "Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "No encontrmos nada! Tenta mudar os filtro s da visualizao acima." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "We've come up empty! Try changi ng your view filters above." "Steam_MetascoreColumn" "Metascore" "[english]Steam_MetascoreColumn" "Metascore" "Steam_CancelInstall_Title" "Steam - Cancelar instalao" "[english]Steam_CancelInstall_Title" "Steam - Cancel install" "Steam_CancelInstall_Info" "Pretendes cancelar a instalao de %game%?" "[english]Steam_CancelInstall_Info" "Do you wish to cancel installation of % game%?" "Steam_CancelInstall_ContinueButton" "Continuar instalao" "[english]Steam_CancelInstall_ContinueButton" "Continue installing" "Steam_CancelInstall_CancelButton" "Cancelar instalao" "[english]Steam_CancelInstall_CancelButton" "Cancel installation" "Steam_MediaAdded_Title" "%media% - Steam" "[english]Steam_MediaAdded_Title" "%media% - Steam" "Steam_MediaAdded_Info" "%media% foi adicionado ao separador Multimdia." "[english]Steam_MediaAdded_Info" "%media% has been added to your Steam me dia library." "Steam_OpenMyMedia" "Abrir Multimdia" "[english]Steam_OpenMyMedia" "View media library" "Steam_ContinueBrowsingMedia" "Continuar" "[english]Steam_ContinueBrowsingMedia" "Continue browsing" "Steam_Uninstall_Title" "Steam - Eliminar caches dos jogos?" "[english]Steam_Uninstall_Title" "Steam - Delete game caches?" "Steam_Uninstall_Info" "Isto eliminar o seguinte contedo do jogo deste computador :\n\n%games%\nOs jogos continuam na Biblioteca de Jogos, mas para poderes jogar no futuro\nters, primeiro, de reinstalar ou voltar a transferir o contedo." "[english]Steam_Uninstall_Info" "This will delete the following game content fro m this computer:\n\n%games%\nThe games will remain in your Games Library, but to

play it in the future\nyou'll have to first re-install or re-download their con tent." "Steam_Uninstall_ButtonText" "Eliminar caches dos jogos" "[english]Steam_Uninstall_ButtonText" "Delete game caches" "SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Title" "Steam - No foi possvel concluir a desinst alao" "[english]SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Title" "Steam - Uninstall failed" "SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Text" "A desinstalao desta aplicao requer uma ligao Internet." "[english]SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Text" "Uninstalling this application r equires an internet connection." "Steam_status_installing" "A instalar" "[english]Steam_status_installing" "Installing" "steam_status_decrypting" "A descodificar: " "[english]steam_status_decrypting" "Decrypting: " "Steam_status_validating" "A validar: " "[english]Steam_status_validating" "Validating: " "steam_status_launching" "A iniciar" "[english]steam_status_launching" "Launching" "steam_status_launching_progress" "A iniciar: " "[english]steam_status_launching_progress" "Launching: " "SteamUI_Modem_56k" "Modem - 56kbps" "[english]SteamUI_Modem_56k" "Modem - 56kbps" "SteamUI_DSL_256k" "DSL > 256kbps" "[english]SteamUI_DSL_256k" "DSL > 256kbps" "SteamUI_DSL_768k" "DSL > 768kbps" "[english]SteamUI_DSL_768k" "DSL > 768kbps" "SteamUI_CABLEDSL_2M" "DSL/Cabo > 2Mbps" "[english]SteamUI_CABLEDSL_2M" "DSL/Cable > 2Mbps" "SteamUI_CABLEFIBER_10M" "Cabo/Fibra > 10Mbps" "[english]SteamUI_CABLEFIBER_10M" "Cable/Fiber > 10Mbps" "Steam_RetailAccountActivating" "A ativar %product% no Steam" "[english]Steam_RetailAccountActivating" "Activating %product% on Steam" "Steam_RetailAccountChoices" "Depois de ativado, poders aceder aos teus jogos a qualquer momento, a partir de qualquer computador, bastando iniciar sesso na tu a conta Steam." "[english]Steam_RetailAccountChoices" "Once activated, you will be able to acc ess your games at any time, from any computer just by logging into your Steam ac count." "Steam_RetailInstallLocked_Title" "Steam - Jogo bloqueado" "[english]Steam_RetailInstallLocked_Title" "Steam - Game locked" "Steam_RetailInstallLocked_Info" "%product% ainda no foi lanado oficialment e, pelo que no pode ser desbloqueado. Por favor, verifica as notcias do Steam para saber qual a data de lanamento.\nO Steam avisar-te- quando o jogo for desbloquead o." "[english]Steam_RetailInstallLocked_Info" "%product% has not been official ly released, and cannot be unlocked at this time. Please check the Steam news to find out the release time.\nSteam will notify you when the game becomes unlocke d." "Steam_RetailInstallLocked_LinkText" "Ver mais informaes sobre %product%" "[english]Steam_RetailInstallLocked_LinkText" "See more about %product%" "Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Title" "Steam - necessrio reiniciar" "[english]Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Title" "Steam - Reboot required" "Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Info" "Devido a alteraes na atualizao recente, o t eu sistema deve ser reiniciado para iniciares este jogo." "[english]Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Info" "Due to changes in the recent up date, your system needs to be restarted in order to launch this game." "Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Button" "Reiniciar agora" "[english]Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Button" "Restart now" "Steam_Game_Developer$appType=game" "Programador"

"[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=game" "Developer" "Steam_Game_Developer$appType=media" "Produtor" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=media" "Producer" "Steam_Game_Developer$appType=tool" "Programador" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=tool" "Developer" "Steam_Forums" "Fruns" "[english]Steam_Forums" "Forums" "Steam_ForumsURL" "http://steampowered.com/index.php?area=forums" "[english]Steam_ForumsURL" "http://steampowered.com/index.php?area=forums" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaAppWithAssociatedViewer" "Reprodu zir multimdia com programa de visualizao associado..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaAppWithAssociatedViewer" "Play media with associated viewer..." "Steam_CCDeclined_SupportLink" "Para mais informaes, visita o website de suporte do Steam" "[english]Steam_CCDeclined_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web site for mo re information" "Steam_RetailInstall_InstallingFromDisk" "A instalar a partir do disco... " "[english]Steam_RetailInstall_InstallingFromDisk" "Installing from disk... " "Steam_PlayMedia" "Jogar" "[english]Steam_PlayMedia" "Play" "Steam_BackupBytesProgress" "%bytes% / %total% MB" "[english]Steam_BackupBytesProgress" "%bytes% / %total% MB" "Steam_FragmentationLabel" "Fragmentao de %type%: %frag%" "[english]Steam_FragmentationLabel" "%type% Fragmentation: %frag%" "Steam_FileFragmentationType" "Ficheiro" "[english]Steam_FileFragmentationType" "File" "Steam_DataFragmentationType" "Dados Internos" "[english]Steam_DataFragmentationType" "Internal Data" "Steam_FragmentationClustersLabel" "Clusters: %clusterscompleted% / %cluste rstotal%" "[english]Steam_FragmentationClustersLabel" "Clusters: %clusterscompleted% / %clusterstotal%" "Steam_GamePropertiesDefragment" "Desfragmentar ficheiros cache" "[english]Steam_GamePropertiesDefragment" "Defragment cache files" "Steam_GamePropertiesFragmentation" "Fragmentao" "[english]Steam_GamePropertiesFragmentation" "Fragmentation" "Frame_Defragment" "Desfragmentar - %game%" "[english]Frame_Defragment" "Defrag - %game%" "Frame_DefragmentComplete" "Desfragmentar - %game%" "[english]Frame_DefragmentComplete" "Defrag - %game%" "Steam_DefragNotSupported" "A desfragmentao requer o Windows 2000 ou posterio r." "[english]Steam_DefragNotSupported" "Defragmentation requires Windows 2000 o r newer." "Steam_DefragDebriefSuccess" "Desfragmentao concluda. Os ficheiros do jogo esto o timizados." "[english]Steam_DefragDebriefSuccess" "Defragmentation is complete. Your game files are now fully optimized." "Steam_DefragDebriefModerateSuccess" "A desfragmentao foi concluda. Os teus fich eiros de jogo esto agora suficientemente desfragmentados para um bom desempenho.\ n\n De modo a reduzir mais a fragmentao, executa a ferramenta de desfragmentao do si stema." "[english]Steam_DefragDebriefModerateSuccess" "Defragmentation is complete. Yo ur game files are now defragmented enough to provide a good experience.\n\nIn or der to reduce fragmentation further, run the system defragmentation tool." "Steam_DefragDebriefFailure" "A desfragmentao foi concluda. O Steam no conseguiu desfragmentar por completo os teus ficheiros de jogo, pois o disco est demasiado

fragmentado.\n\n recomendado que executes a ferramenta de desfragmentao de sistema. " "[english]Steam_DefragDebriefFailure" "Defragmentation is complete. Steam coul d not fully defragment your game files because your hard disk has too much fragm entation.\n\nIt is recommended that your run the system defragmentation tool." "Steam_DefragDebriefForLaunch" "Desfragmentao concluda. O jogo est pronto para joga r." "[english]Steam_DefragDebriefForLaunch" "Defragmentation is complete. Your game is now ready to play." "Steam_InstallAppWizard_RestoreBackup_Title" "Restaurar cpia de segurana - %gam e%" "[english]Steam_InstallAppWizard_RestoreBackup_Title" "Restore Backup - %game% " "Steam_BackupSize_Custom" "Personalizar..." "[english]Steam_BackupSize_Custom" "Custom..." "Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Title" "Steam - Cpia de segurana" "[english]Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Title" "Steam - Backup" "Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Info" "No possvel criar cpia de segurana do Steam em:\n\n%path%\n\nJ existe um diretrio com esse nome." "[english]Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Info" "Cannot create Steam backup file s in:\n\n%path%\n\nA directory already exists with that name." "Steam_Games" "Jogos" "[english]Steam_Games" "Games" "Steam_RegionRestricted_Title" "Steam - Jogo no disponvel" "[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_Title" "Steam - Game unavailable" "Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_Info" "Este jogo foi ativado com um cdigo de pr oduto apenas vlido para uma regio geogrfica especfica. Como no te encontras nessa reg io, no possvel jogar %game%." "[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_Info" "This game was activated with a product code that is valid only in a specific geographic region. Since you are n ot currently in that region, %game% is not available to play." "Steam_RegionRestricted_SupportLink" "Para mais informaes, visita o website de suporte do Steam" "[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web sit e for more information" "Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=461" "[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_SupportURL" "http://support.steampow ered.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=461" "Steam_RegionRestricted_Info" "O %game% no est disponvel na tua regio." "[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_Info" "%game% is not available in your territo ry." "Steam_RegionRestricted_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=461" "[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=461" "Steam_CountryRestricted_Info" "Esta subscrio no est disponvel para compra no seu pas ." "[english]Steam_CountryRestricted_Info" "This subscription is not available for purchase in your country." "Steam_CountryRestricted_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=488" "[english]Steam_CountryRestricted_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=488" "Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_Title" "Steam - Produto no disponvel" "[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_Title" "Steam - Product unavailable" "Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_Info" "Este cdigo de produto no pode ser ativado na tua regio." "[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_Info" "This product code cannot be act ivated in your region."

"Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=463" "[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_SupportURL" "http://support.steampow ered.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=463" "Steam_FragmentationBad_Title" "Steam - Aviso de fragmentao do disco" "[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_Title" "Steam - Disk fragmentation warning" "Steam_FragmentationBad_Info" "Os ficheiros do jogo apresentam um elevado nvel de fragmentao no disco. Isto pode causar lentido no carregamento e fraco desempenho durante o jogo.\n\nO Steam pode otimizar os ficheiros de jogo por ti agora.\n" "[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_Info" "Your game files have a high level of on -disk fragmentation. This can cause slow load times and poor performance in the game. \n\nSteam can optimize your game files for you now.\n" "Steam_FragmentationBad_RunDefrag" "Desfragmentar" "[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_RunDefrag" "Run defrag" "Steam_FragmentationBad_RunGame" "Jogar" "[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_RunGame" "Play game" "Steam_UserColumn" "Atalhos de utilizador" "[english]Steam_UserColumn" "User Shortcuts" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchShortcut" "Iniciar..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchShortcut" "Launch..." "Steam_GameProperties_ShortcutTab" "Atalho" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_ShortcutTab" "Shortcut" "SteamUI_GameExplorer_Title" "Windows Games Explorer" "[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_Title" "Windows Games Explorer" "SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Success" "O jogo foi adicionado ao Explorador de Jogos" "[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Success" "Game has been added to Games Ex plorer" "SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Failure" "Falha ao adicionar o jogo ao Explorador de Jogos" "[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Failure" "Failed adding game to Games Exp lorer" "SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame" "Adicionar ao Explorador de Jogos" "[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame" "Add to Games Explorer" "SteamUI_GameExplorer_RemoveGame" "Remover do Explorador de Jogos" "[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_RemoveGame" "Remove from Games Explorer" "SteamUI_ParentalControl_Title" "Restries de Acesso do Windows" "[english]SteamUI_ParentalControl_Title" "Windows Parental Control" "SteamUI_ParentalControl_Blocked" "Jogo bloqueado para o utilizador atual pelas Restries de Acesso do Windows." "[english]SteamUI_ParentalControl_Blocked" "Game blocked for current user b y Windows Parental Control." "SteamUI_ShortcutName" "Nome:" "[english]SteamUI_ShortcutName" "Name:" "SteamUI_ShortcutTarget" "Alvo:" "[english]SteamUI_ShortcutTarget" "Target:" "SteamUI_ShortcutStartIn" "Iniciar em:" "[english]SteamUI_ShortcutStartIn" "Start In:" "SteamUI_PickShortcutApp" "Alterar..." "[english]SteamUI_PickShortcutApp" "Change..." "SteamUI_PickShortcutChooseIcon" "Escolher cone..." "[english]SteamUI_PickShortcutChooseIcon" "Choose Icon..." "SteamUI_PickShortcutTitle" "Adicionar um jogo" "[english]SteamUI_PickShortcutTitle" "Add a Game" "SteamUI_StatusShortcutReady" "Atalho - Pronto" "[english]SteamUI_StatusShortcutReady" "Shortcut" "Steam_RightClick_CreateShortcut" "Criar atalho" "[english]Steam_RightClick_CreateShortcut" "Create shortcut" "Steam_RightClick_DeleteShortcut" "Eliminar atalho" "[english]Steam_RightClick_DeleteShortcut" "Delete shortcut"

"Steam_minigamescolumn_shortcuts" "ATALHOS" "[english]Steam_minigamescolumn_shortcuts" "SHORTCUTS" "Steam_menu_AddShortcut" "Adicionar um jogo no-Steam minha Biblioteca..." "[english]Steam_menu_AddShortcut" "Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library..." "steam_desktop" "Ambiente de trabalho" "[english]steam_desktop" "Desktop" "steam_startmenu" "Menu Iniciar" "[english]steam_startmenu" "Start Menu" "steam_addshorcuts_column_program" "Programa" "[english]steam_addshorcuts_column_program" "Program" "steam_addshorcuts_column_location" "Localizao" "[english]steam_addshorcuts_column_location" "Location" "steam_addshortcuts_browse" "Procurar..." "[english]steam_addshortcuts_browse" "Browse..." "steam_addshortcuts_AddSelectedPrograms" "Adicionar selecionado(s)" "[english]steam_addshortcuts_AddSelectedPrograms" "Add selected programs" "steam_addshortcuts_searching" "A procurar..." "[english]steam_addshortcuts_searching" "Searching..." "SteamUI_AddGameLabel" "Seleciona um programa para o adicionr Biblioteca de Jog os." "[english]SteamUI_AddGameLabel" "Select a program to add it to your Games Librar y." "Steam_LaunchShortcutFailed_Title" "Steam - Falha no arranque atravs do atal ho" "[english]Steam_LaunchShortcutFailed_Title" "Steam - Shortcut launch failed" "Steam_LaunchShortcutFailed_Info" "Falha ao iniciar %game%." "[english]Steam_LaunchShortcutFailed_Info" "Failed to launch %game%." "SteamUI_PlatformMenu_Shortcuts_Cascading" "Atalhos" "[english]SteamUI_PlatformMenu_Shortcuts_Cascading" "Shortcuts" "SteamUI_PlatformMenu_NoShortcuts" "(Sem atalhos)" "[english]SteamUI_PlatformMenu_NoShortcuts" "(No Shortcuts)" "Steam_Country_US" "Estados Unidos" "[english]Steam_Country_US" "United States" "Steam_Country_AF" "Afeganisto" "[english]Steam_Country_AF" "Afghanistan" "Steam_Country_AX" "Ilhas Alanda" "[english]Steam_Country_AX" "Aland Islands" "Steam_Country_AL" "Albnia" "[english]Steam_Country_AL" "Albania" "Steam_Country_DZ" "Arglia" "[english]Steam_Country_DZ" "Algeria" "Steam_Country_AS" "Samoa Americana" "[english]Steam_Country_AS" "American Samoa" "Steam_Country_AD" "Andorra" "[english]Steam_Country_AD" "Andorra" "Steam_Country_AO" "Angola" "[english]Steam_Country_AO" "Angola" "Steam_Country_AI" "Anguila" "[english]Steam_Country_AI" "Anguilla" "Steam_Country_AQ" "Antrctica" "[english]Steam_Country_AQ" "Antarctica" "Steam_Country_AG" "Antgua e Barbuda" "[english]Steam_Country_AG" "Antigua and Barbuda" "Steam_Country_AR" "Argentina" "[english]Steam_Country_AR" "Argentina" "Steam_Country_AM" "Armnia" "[english]Steam_Country_AM" "Armenia" "Steam_Country_AW" "Aruba" "[english]Steam_Country_AW" "Aruba" "Steam_Country_AU" "Austrlia"

"[english]Steam_Country_AU" "Australia" "Steam_Country_AT" "ustria" "[english]Steam_Country_AT" "Austria" "Steam_Country_AZ" "Azerbaijo" "[english]Steam_Country_AZ" "Azerbaijan" "Steam_Country_BS" "Bahamas" "[english]Steam_Country_BS" "Bahamas" "Steam_Country_BH" "Bahrein" "[english]Steam_Country_BH" "Bahrain" "Steam_Country_BD" "Bangladesh" "[english]Steam_Country_BD" "Bangladesh" "Steam_Country_BB" "Barbados" "[english]Steam_Country_BB" "Barbados" "Steam_Country_BY" "Bielorrssia" "[english]Steam_Country_BY" "Belarus" "Steam_Country_BE" "Blgica" "[english]Steam_Country_BE" "Belgium" "Steam_Country_BZ" "Belize" "[english]Steam_Country_BZ" "Belize" "Steam_Country_BJ" "Benim" "[english]Steam_Country_BJ" "Benin" "Steam_Country_BM" "Bermudas" "[english]Steam_Country_BM" "Bermuda" "Steam_Country_BT" "Buto" "[english]Steam_Country_BT" "Bhutan" "Steam_Country_BO" "Bolvia" "[english]Steam_Country_BO" "Bolivia" "Steam_Country_BA" "Bsnia e Herzegovina" "[english]Steam_Country_BA" "Bosnia and Herzegovina" "Steam_Country_BW" "Botswana" "[english]Steam_Country_BW" "Botswana" "Steam_Country_BV" "Ilha Bouvet" "[english]Steam_Country_BV" "Bouvet Island" "Steam_Country_BR" "Brasil" "[english]Steam_Country_BR" "Brazil" "Steam_Country_IO" "Territrio Britnico do Oceano ndico" "[english]Steam_Country_IO" "British Indian Ocean Territory" "Steam_Country_BN" "Brunei" "[english]Steam_Country_BN" "Brunei Darussalam" "Steam_Country_BG" "Bulgria" "[english]Steam_Country_BG" "Bulgaria" "Steam_Country_BF" "Burkina Faso" "[english]Steam_Country_BF" "Burkina Faso" "Steam_Country_BI" "Burundi" "[english]Steam_Country_BI" "Burundi" "Steam_Country_KH" "Camboja" "[english]Steam_Country_KH" "Cambodia" "Steam_Country_CM" "Camares" "[english]Steam_Country_CM" "Cameroon" "Steam_Country_CA" "Canad" "[english]Steam_Country_CA" "Canada" "Steam_Country_CV" "Cabo Verde" "[english]Steam_Country_CV" "Cape Verde" "Steam_Country_KY" "Ilhas Caimo" "[english]Steam_Country_KY" "Cayman Islands" "Steam_Country_CF" "Repblica Centro-Africana" "[english]Steam_Country_CF" "Central African Republic" "Steam_Country_TD" "Chade" "[english]Steam_Country_TD" "Chad" "Steam_Country_CL" "Chile"

"[english]Steam_Country_CL" "Chile" "Steam_Country_CN" "China" "[english]Steam_Country_CN" "China" "Steam_Country_CX" "Ilha Christmas" "[english]Steam_Country_CX" "Christmas Island" "Steam_Country_CC" "Ilhas Cocos (Keeling)" "[english]Steam_Country_CC" "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" "Steam_Country_CO" "Colmbia" "[english]Steam_Country_CO" "Colombia" "Steam_Country_KM" "Comores" "[english]Steam_Country_KM" "Comoros" "Steam_Country_CG" "Congo" "[english]Steam_Country_CG" "Congo" "Steam_Country_CD" "Repblica Democrtica do Congo" "[english]Steam_Country_CD" "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" "Steam_Country_CK" "Ilhas Cook" "[english]Steam_Country_CK" "Cook Islands" "Steam_Country_CR" "Costa Rica" "[english]Steam_Country_CR" "Costa Rica" "Steam_Country_CI" "Costa do Marfim" "[english]Steam_Country_CI" "Cote d'Ivoire" "Steam_Country_HR" "Crocia" "[english]Steam_Country_HR" "Croatia" "Steam_Country_CY" "Chipre" "[english]Steam_Country_CY" "Cyprus" "Steam_Country_CZ" "Repblica Checa" "[english]Steam_Country_CZ" "Czech Republic" "Steam_Country_DK" "Dinamarca" "[english]Steam_Country_DK" "Denmark" "Steam_Country_DJ" "Djibuti" "[english]Steam_Country_DJ" "Djibouti" "Steam_Country_DM" "Domnica" "[english]Steam_Country_DM" "Dominica" "Steam_Country_DO" "Repblica Dominicana" "[english]Steam_Country_DO" "Dominican Republic" "Steam_Country_EC" "Equador" "[english]Steam_Country_EC" "Ecuador" "Steam_Country_EG" "Egipto" "[english]Steam_Country_EG" "Egypt" "Steam_Country_SV" "El Salvador" "[english]Steam_Country_SV" "El Salvador" "Steam_Country_GQ" "Guin Equatorial" "[english]Steam_Country_GQ" "Equatorial Guinea" "Steam_Country_ER" "Eritreia" "[english]Steam_Country_ER" "Eritrea" "Steam_Country_EE" "Estnia" "[english]Steam_Country_EE" "Estonia" "Steam_Country_ET" "Etipia" "[english]Steam_Country_ET" "Ethiopia" "Steam_Country_FK" "Ilhas Falkland (Malvinas)" "[english]Steam_Country_FK" "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" "Steam_Country_FO" "Ilhas Faro" "[english]Steam_Country_FO" "Faroe Islands" "Steam_Country_FJ" "Fiji" "[english]Steam_Country_FJ" "Fiji" "Steam_Country_FI" "Finlndia" "[english]Steam_Country_FI" "Finland" "Steam_Country_FR" "Frana" "[english]Steam_Country_FR" "France" "Steam_Country_GF" "Guiana Francesa"

"[english]Steam_Country_GF" "French Guiana" "Steam_Country_PF" "Polinsia Francesa" "[english]Steam_Country_PF" "French Polynesia" "Steam_Country_TF" "Territrios Austrais Franceses" "[english]Steam_Country_TF" "French Southern Territories" "Steam_Country_GA" "Gabo" "[english]Steam_Country_GA" "Gabon" "Steam_Country_GM" "Gmbia" "[english]Steam_Country_GM" "Gambia" "Steam_Country_GE" "Gergia" "[english]Steam_Country_GE" "Georgia" "Steam_Country_DE" "Alemanha" "[english]Steam_Country_DE" "Germany" "Steam_Country_GH" "Gana" "[english]Steam_Country_GH" "Ghana" "Steam_Country_GI" "Gibraltar" "[english]Steam_Country_GI" "Gibraltar" "Steam_Country_GR" "Grcia" "[english]Steam_Country_GR" "Greece" "Steam_Country_GL" "Gronelndia" "[english]Steam_Country_GL" "Greenland" "Steam_Country_GD" "Granada" "[english]Steam_Country_GD" "Grenada" "Steam_Country_GP" "Guadalupe" "[english]Steam_Country_GP" "Guadeloupe" "Steam_Country_GU" "Guam" "[english]Steam_Country_GU" "Guam" "Steam_Country_GT" "Guatemala" "[english]Steam_Country_GT" "Guatemala" "Steam_Country_GN" "Guin" "[english]Steam_Country_GN" "Guinea" "Steam_Country_GW" "Guin-Bissau" "[english]Steam_Country_GW" "Guinea-Bissau" "Steam_Country_GG" "Guernsey" "[english]Steam_Country_GG" "Guernsey" "Steam_Country_GY" "Guiana" "[english]Steam_Country_GY" "Guyana" "Steam_Country_HT" "Haiti" "[english]Steam_Country_HT" "Haiti" "Steam_Country_HM" "Ilhas Heard e McDonald" "[english]Steam_Country_HM" "Heard and Mc Donald Islands" "Steam_Country_VA" "Santa S (Estado da Cidade do Vaticano)" "[english]Steam_Country_VA" "Holy See(Vatican City State)" "Steam_Country_HN" "Honduras" "[english]Steam_Country_HN" "Honduras" "Steam_Country_HK" "Hong Kong" "[english]Steam_Country_HK" "Hong Kong" "Steam_Country_HU" "Hungria" "[english]Steam_Country_HU" "Hungary" "Steam_Country_IS" "Islndia" "[english]Steam_Country_IS" "Iceland" "Steam_Country_IN" "ndia" "[english]Steam_Country_IN" "India" "Steam_Country_ID" "Indonsia" "[english]Steam_Country_ID" "Indonesia" "Steam_Country_IE" "Irlanda (Eire)" "[english]Steam_Country_IE" "Ireland" "Steam_Country_IM" "Ilha de Man" "[english]Steam_Country_IM" "Isle of Man" "Steam_Country_IL" "Israel"

"[english]Steam_Country_IL" "Israel" "Steam_Country_IT" "Itlia" "[english]Steam_Country_IT" "Italy" "Steam_Country_JM" "Jamaica" "[english]Steam_Country_JM" "Jamaica" "Steam_Country_JP" "Japo" "[english]Steam_Country_JP" "Japan" "Steam_Country_JE" "Jersey" "[english]Steam_Country_JE" "Jersey" "Steam_Country_JO" "Jordnia" "[english]Steam_Country_JO" "Jordan" "Steam_Country_KZ" "Cazaquisto" "[english]Steam_Country_KZ" "Kazakhstan" "Steam_Country_KE" "Qunia" "[english]Steam_Country_KE" "Kenya" "Steam_Country_KI" "Kiribati" "[english]Steam_Country_KI" "Kiribati" "Steam_Country_KR" "Coreia do Sul" "[english]Steam_Country_KR" "Korea, Republic of" "Steam_Country_KW" "Kuwait" "[english]Steam_Country_KW" "Kuwait" "Steam_Country_KG" "Quirguisto" "[english]Steam_Country_KG" "Kyrgyzstan" "Steam_Country_LA" "Repblica Democrtica Popular do Laos" "[english]Steam_Country_LA" "Lao People's Democratic Republic" "Steam_Country_LV" "Letnia" "[english]Steam_Country_LV" "Latvia" "Steam_Country_LB" "Lbano" "[english]Steam_Country_LB" "Lebanon" "Steam_Country_LS" "Lesoto" "[english]Steam_Country_LS" "Lesotho" "Steam_Country_LR" "Libria" "[english]Steam_Country_LR" "Liberia" "Steam_Country_LI" "Liechtenstein" "[english]Steam_Country_LI" "Liechtenstein" "Steam_Country_LT" "Litunia" "[english]Steam_Country_LT" "Lithuania" "Steam_Country_LU" "Luxemburgo" "[english]Steam_Country_LU" "Luxembourg" "Steam_Country_MO" "Macau" "[english]Steam_Country_MO" "Macau" "Steam_Country_MK" "Antiga Repblica jugoslava da Macednia" "[english]Steam_Country_MK" "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of" "Steam_Country_MG" "Madagscar" "[english]Steam_Country_MG" "Madagascar" "Steam_Country_MW" "Malawi" "[english]Steam_Country_MW" "Malawi" "Steam_Country_MY" "Malsia" "[english]Steam_Country_MY" "Malaysia" "Steam_Country_MV" "Maldivas" "[english]Steam_Country_MV" "Maldives" "Steam_Country_ML" "Mali" "[english]Steam_Country_ML" "Mali" "Steam_Country_MT" "Malta" "[english]Steam_Country_MT" "Malta" "Steam_Country_MH" "Ilhas Marshall" "[english]Steam_Country_MH" "Marshall Islands" "Steam_Country_MQ" "Martinica" "[english]Steam_Country_MQ" "Martinique" "Steam_Country_MR" "Mauritnia"

"[english]Steam_Country_MR" "Mauritania" "Steam_Country_MU" "Maurcias" "[english]Steam_Country_MU" "Mauritius" "Steam_Country_YT" "Mayotte" "[english]Steam_Country_YT" "Mayotte" "Steam_Country_MX" "Mxico" "[english]Steam_Country_MX" "Mexico" "Steam_Country_FM" "Estados Federados da Micronsia" "[english]Steam_Country_FM" "Micronesia, Federated States of" "Steam_Country_MD" "Repblica da Moldova" "[english]Steam_Country_MD" "Moldova, Republic of" "Steam_Country_MC" "Mnaco" "[english]Steam_Country_MC" "Monaco" "Steam_Country_MN" "Monglia" "[english]Steam_Country_MN" "Mongolia" "Steam_Country_MS" "Monserrate" "[english]Steam_Country_MS" "Montserrat" "Steam_Country_MA" "Marrocos" "[english]Steam_Country_MA" "Morocco" "Steam_Country_MZ" "Moambique" "[english]Steam_Country_MZ" "Mozambique" "Steam_Country_NA" "Nambia" "[english]Steam_Country_NA" "Namibia" "Steam_Country_NR" "Nauru" "[english]Steam_Country_NR" "Nauru" "Steam_Country_NP" "Nepal" "[english]Steam_Country_NP" "Nepal" "Steam_Country_NL" "Pases Baixos" "[english]Steam_Country_NL" "Netherlands" "Steam_Country_AN" "Antilhas Holandesas" "[english]Steam_Country_AN" "Netherlands Antilles" "Steam_Country_NC" "Nova Calednia" "[english]Steam_Country_NC" "New Caledonia" "Steam_Country_NZ" "Nova Zelndia" "[english]Steam_Country_NZ" "New Zealand" "Steam_Country_NI" "Nicargua" "[english]Steam_Country_NI" "Nicaragua" "Steam_Country_NE" "Nger" "[english]Steam_Country_NE" "Niger" "Steam_Country_NG" "Nigria" "[english]Steam_Country_NG" "Nigeria" "Steam_Country_NU" "Niue" "[english]Steam_Country_NU" "Niue" "Steam_Country_NF" "Ilha Norfolk" "[english]Steam_Country_NF" "Norfolk Island" "Steam_Country_MP" "Ilhas Marianas do Norte" "[english]Steam_Country_MP" "Northern Mariana Islands" "Steam_Country_NO" "Noruega" "[english]Steam_Country_NO" "Norway" "Steam_Country_OM" "Om" "[english]Steam_Country_OM" "Oman" "Steam_Country_PK" "Paquisto" "[english]Steam_Country_PK" "Pakistan" "Steam_Country_PW" "Palau" "[english]Steam_Country_PW" "Palau" "Steam_Country_PS" "Territrios Palestinianos Ocupados" "[english]Steam_Country_PS" "Palestinian Territory, Occupied" "Steam_Country_PA" "Panam" "[english]Steam_Country_PA" "Panama" "Steam_Country_PG" "Papua Nova Guin"

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"[english]Steam_Country_SO" "Somalia" "Steam_Country_ZA" "frica do Sul" "[english]Steam_Country_ZA" "South Africa" "Steam_Country_GS" "Ilhas Gergia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul" "[english]Steam_Country_GS" "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" "Steam_Country_ES" "Espanha" "[english]Steam_Country_ES" "Spain" "Steam_Country_LK" "Sri Lanka" "[english]Steam_Country_LK" "Sri Lanka" "Steam_Country_SR" "Suriname" "[english]Steam_Country_SR" "Suriname" "Steam_Country_SJ" "Svalbard e Jan Mayen" "[english]Steam_Country_SJ" "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" "Steam_Country_SZ" "Suazilndia" "[english]Steam_Country_SZ" "Swaziland" "Steam_Country_SE" "Sucia" "[english]Steam_Country_SE" "Sweden" "Steam_Country_CH" "Sua" "[english]Steam_Country_CH" "Switzerland" "Steam_Country_TW" "Taiwan" "[english]Steam_Country_TW" "Taiwan" "Steam_Country_TJ" "Tajiquisto" "[english]Steam_Country_TJ" "Tajikistan" "Steam_Country_TZ" "Repblica Unida da Tanznia" "[english]Steam_Country_TZ" "Tanzania, United Republic of" "Steam_Country_TH" "Tailndia" "[english]Steam_Country_TH" "Thailand" "Steam_Country_TL" "Timor-Leste" "[english]Steam_Country_TL" "Timor-Leste" "Steam_Country_TG" "Togo" "[english]Steam_Country_TG" "Togo" "Steam_Country_TK" "Tokelau" "[english]Steam_Country_TK" "Tokelau" "Steam_Country_TO" "Tonga" "[english]Steam_Country_TO" "Tonga" "Steam_Country_TT" "Trindade e Tobago" "[english]Steam_Country_TT" "Trinidad and Tobago" "Steam_Country_TN" "Tunsia" "[english]Steam_Country_TN" "Tunisia" "Steam_Country_TR" "Trke" "[english]Steam_Country_TR" "Turkey" "Steam_Country_TM" "Turquemenisto" "[english]Steam_Country_TM" "Turkmenistan" "Steam_Country_TC" "Ilhas Turcas e Caicos" "[english]Steam_Country_TC" "Turks and Caicos Islands" "Steam_Country_TV" "Tuvalu" "[english]Steam_Country_TV" "Tuvalu" "Steam_Country_UG" "Uganda" "[english]Steam_Country_UG" "Uganda" "Steam_Country_UA" "Ucrnia" "[english]Steam_Country_UA" "Ukraine" "Steam_Country_AE" "Emirados rabes Unidos" "[english]Steam_Country_AE" "United Arab Emirates" "Steam_Country_GB" "Reino Unido" "[english]Steam_Country_GB" "United Kingdom" "Steam_Country_UM" "Ilhas Menores Distantes dos Estados Unidos" "[english]Steam_Country_UM" "United States Minor Outlying Islands" "Steam_Country_UY" "Uruguai" "[english]Steam_Country_UY" "Uruguay" "Steam_Country_UZ" "Uzbequisto"

"[english]Steam_Country_UZ" "Uzbekistan" "Steam_Country_VU" "Vanuatu" "[english]Steam_Country_VU" "Vanuatu" "Steam_Country_VE" "Venezuela" "[english]Steam_Country_VE" "Venezuela" "Steam_Country_VN" "Vietname" "[english]Steam_Country_VN" "Viet Nam" "Steam_Country_VG" "Ilhas Virgens Britnicas" "[english]Steam_Country_VG" "Virgin Islands, British" "Steam_Country_VI" "Ilhas Virgens Americanas" "[english]Steam_Country_VI" "Virgin Islands, U.S." "Steam_Country_WF" "Wallis e Futuna" "[english]Steam_Country_WF" "Wallis and Futuna" "Steam_Country_EH" "Sara Ocidental" "[english]Steam_Country_EH" "Western Sahara" "Steam_Country_YE" "Imen" "[english]Steam_Country_YE" "Yemen" "Steam_Country_ZM" "Zmbia" "[english]Steam_Country_ZM" "Zambia" "Steam_Country_ZW" "Zimbabu" "[english]Steam_Country_ZW" "Zimbabwe" "Steam_HL2Russian_Title" "Half-Life 2 Russian Pack - Steam" "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_Title" "Half-Life 2 Russian Pack - Steam" "Steam_HL2Russian_Installed" "O Half-Life 2 Russian Pack foi ativado.\nInicia r o Half-Life 2 agora?" "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_Installed" "The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack has been a ctivated.\nLaunch Half-Life 2 now?" "Steam_HL2Russian_Removed" "O Half-Life 2 Russian Pack foi desativado." "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_Removed" "The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack has been d eactivated." "Steam_HL2Russian_AlreadyInstalled" "O Half-Life 2 Russian Pack j est ativo." "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_AlreadyInstalled" "The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack is already active." "Steam_HL2Russian_AlreadyRemoved" "O Half-Life 2 Russian Pack no est ativo." "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_AlreadyRemoved" "The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack is not currently active." "Steam_HL2Russian_LaunchHalfLifeNow" "Iniciar Half-Life 2" "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_LaunchHalfLifeNow" "Launch Half-Life 2" "Steam_GameLaunchOptions_Title" "%game% - Steam" "[english]Steam_GameLaunchOptions_Title" "%game% - Steam" "Steam_LaunchOption_Game" "Jogar %game%" "[english]Steam_LaunchOption_Game" "Play %game%" "Steam_LaunchOption_SetupUtility" "Iniciar editor de configurao" "[english]Steam_LaunchOption_SetupUtility" "Launch Configuration Editor" "Steam_Media_GenericFailure" "Erro ao adicionar contedo multimdia lista." "[english]Steam_Media_GenericFailure" "Failed to add media to list." "Steam_Media_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "No tens espao em disco suficiente para re produzir este contedo multimdia.\nPor favor, liberta algum espao e tenta novamente. " "[english]Steam_Media_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "You do not have enough disk spa ce available to play this media.\nPlease free up some disk space and then try ag ain." "Steam_UserNameReserved" "O teu nome de conta no pode conter 'Valve' ou 'S team'." "[english]Steam_UserNameReserved" "Your account name may not contain 'Valv e' or 'Steam'." "SteamUI_SendEmail" "Endereo de e-mail (opcional)" "[english]SteamUI_SendEmail" "Email address (optional)" "Steam_PurchaseError_MissingRequiredApp" "A subscrio de %subscription% requ er que possua %app%,\n clique em OK para ver as opes de compra para %app%."

"[english]Steam_PurchaseError_MissingRequiredApp" "%subscription% requires that you own %app%,\n click OK to view purchase options for %app%." "Steam_Ubisoft_EmailPrompt" "A Ubisoft, editora de %subscription%, gostaria de permanecer em contacto consigo. Ao fornecer as informaes que se seguem, ser-lhe -o ocasionalmente enviadas informaes sobre os prximos jogos." "[english]Steam_Ubisoft_EmailPrompt" "Ubisoft, publisher of %subscription%, w ould like to stay in touch with you. By providing your information below you wil l occasionally be sent information about upcoming games." "Steam_TellTale_EmailPrompt" "A Telltale, editora de %subscription%, gostaria de permanecer em contacto consigo. Introduza o seu endereo de e-mail abaixo para subscrever a newsletter da Telltale, que inclui anncios de novos jogos, imagens de bastidores do processo de programao, banda desenhada, colunas de culinria e de c onselhos e a oferta especial ocasional. No se vai arrepender!" "[english]Steam_TellTale_EmailPrompt" "Telltale, the publisher of %subscriptio n%, would like to stay in touch with you. Please enter your email address below to sign up for Telltale's newsletter, which includes new game announcements, beh ind-the-scenes peeks into the development process, comics, cooking and advice co lumns, and the occasional special offer. You'll be glad you did!" "Steam_ManageGuestPasses" "Gerir Presentes e Passes..." "[english]Steam_ManageGuestPasses" "Manage Gifts and Guest Passes..." "Steam_GuestPasses_Title" "Presentes e Passes" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Title" "Gifts and Guest Passes" "Steam_GuestPasses_Description" "Um presente uma verso completa do jogo que podes oferecer a um amigo.\n\nOs passes permitem-te enviar verses de teste de jogos te mporrias aos teus amigos, para que possam experimentar o jogo e juntar-se a ti on line." "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Description" "A gift is a full version of the game you can give to a friend.\n\nGuest passes can allow you to send temporary game trials to your friends, so that they can try out the game and join you in o nline play." "Steam_GuestPasses_NoneAvailable" "No tens presentes ou passes disponveis." "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_NoneAvailable" "You currently have no gifts or guest passes available." "Steam_GuestPasses_LoadingList" "O Steam est a carregar a tua lista de presentes. Aguarda..." "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LoadingList" "Steam is loading your gifts lis t. Please wait..." "Steam_GuestPasses_Offline" "Os presentes no esto disponveis no Modo Offline." "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Offline" "Gifts are not available in Offline Mode ." "Steam_GuestPasses_PackageNameColumn" "Jogo" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_PackageNameColumn" "Game" "Steam_GuestPasses_StatusColumn" "Estado" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_StatusColumn" "Status" "Steam_GuestPasses_RecipientColumn" "Destinatrio" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_RecipientColumn" "Recipient" "Steam_GuestPasses_ExpirationColumn" "Termo" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ExpirationColumn" "Expiration" "Steam_GuestPasses_ExpirationNone" "Nenhum" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ExpirationNone" "None" "Steam_GuestPasses_Send" "Enviar" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Send" "Send" "Steam_GuestPasses_Resend" "Voltar a enviar" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Resend" "Resend" "Steam_GuestPasses_Close" "Fechar" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Close" "Close" "Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=guestpass" "Enviar um Passe" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=guestpass" "Send a Guest Pass" "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=guestpass" "Passe enviado c om sucesso!"

"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=guestpass" "Guest p ass successfully sent!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=guestpass" "Foi enviado um convite por e-mail a %search% para utilizar o teu passe: %package%.\n\nVerifica a tua li sta de amigos -- poders ver o teu amigo a jogar online." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=guestpass" "%search% has be en sent an email invitation to redeem your %package% guest pass.\n\nWatch your F riends list -- you'll be able to see your friend playing online." "Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Erro no envio d o passe" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Guest pass was not successfully sent" "Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteError$type=guestpass" "Ocorreu um problema ao enviar um passe a %search%." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteError$type=guestpass" "Sorry, there was a problem sending a guest pass to %search%." "Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "No podes oferece r um passe a ti prprio!" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "You can't give a guest pass to yourself!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameError$type=guestpass" "Aparentemente, ests a te ntar enviar um passe a ti prprio. Os passes destinam-se partilha de jogos com ami gos. Tenta convidar algum que conheas para jogar %package% gratuitamente!" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameError$type=guestpass" "You app ear to be trying to send a pass to yourself. Guest passes are for sharing your g ames with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play %package% for free!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Passe j enviado" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Guest p ass already sent" "Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingError$type=guestpass" "J enviaste um passe a %s earch% nas ltimas 24 horas. No podes enviar passes para este endereo at 24 horas dep ois da tua tentativa mais recente.\n\nClica em 'Retroceder' abaixo para especifi car um destinatrio diferente." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingError$type=guestpass" "You have alread y sent a guest pass to %search% within the past 24 hours. You cannot send any gu est passes to this address until 24 hours after your most recent attempt.\n\nCli ck 'back' below to specify a different recipient." "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=guestpass" "A enviar passe. .." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=guestpass" "Sending guest pass..." "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=guestpass" "O teu passe est a ser en viado a %search%.\nPor favor, aguarda..." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=guestpass" "Your guest pass is being sent to %search%.\nPlease wait..." "Steam_SendGuestPass_NoFriends" "Ainda no tens amigos na Comunidade Steam! Faz ag ora um, enviando um presente por e-mail para algum que conheas." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_NoFriends" "You don't have any Steam Commun ity Friends yet! Make one now by emailing a gift to someone you know." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=guestpass" "Passe Pronto" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=guestpass" "Guest Pass Ready" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=guestpass" "Erro na Aceitao do Passe" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=guestpass" "Guest Pass Acce ptance Failure" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Passe Invlido" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Invalid Guest P ass" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextFailed$type=guestpass" "O passe que tentaste ac eitar j no vlido. Este passe pode j ter sido usado por outra pessoa, pode ter expira

do, ou pode ter sido cancelado pelo remetente." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextFailed$type=guestpass" "The guest pass you have attempted to accept is no longer valid. This pass maybe have already be en used by someone else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineAlreadyRedeemed" "J ativaste este passe" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineAlreadyRedeemed" "You have alread y activated this guest pass" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextAlreadyRedeemed" "Se o teu passe expirou e preten des continuar a jogar %package%, por favor, considera a sua compra." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextAlreadyRedeemed" "If your pass has expire d and you wish to continue playing %package%, please consider purchasing." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkTextAlreadyRedeemed" "Clica aqui para visitar a loja do Steam." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkTextAlreadyRedeemed" "Click here to v isit the Steam store." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLAlreadyRedeemed" "steam://store" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLAlreadyRedeemed" "steam://store" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=guestpass" "Falha a o aceitar passe" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=guestpass" "Guest pass acceptance failed" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextServiceUnavailable" "O teu computador no consegue com unicar com os servidores do Steam ou o servio est temporariamente desativado. Tent a novamente mais tarde." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled. Please try again later." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkTextServiceUnavailable" "Para informaes sobre reso luo de problemas com presentes, visita esta pgina de suporte." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkTextServiceUnavailable" "For troubleshoo ting information about gifts, see this support page." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLServiceUnavailable" "http://support.steampow ered.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=550" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLServiceUnavailable" "http://support. steampowered.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=550" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "Este passe foi cancelad o" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "This guest pass has been revoked" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=guestpass" "O amigo que te enviou e ste passe cancelou-o e reenviou um cdigo de utilizao mais recente. Se a nova verso t e foi enviada, irs receber outra mensagem de e-mail com o cdigo atualizado." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=guestpass" "The friend who sent you this guest pass has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code . If the new version was sent to you, you'll receive another email with the upda ted code." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineExpired" "Este passe expirou" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineExpired" "This guest pass has exp ired" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextExpired" "No podes aceitar este passe, porque a su a data limite foi atingida." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextExpired" "You cannot accept this guest pa ss, because its expiration date has passed." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "No podes oferece r um passe a ti prprio!" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "You can 't give a guest pass to yourself!" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "Aparentemente, ests a te ntar aceitar um passe que enviaste a ti prprio. Os passes destinam-se partilha de

jogos com amigos. Tenta convidar algum que conheas para jogar um novo jogo gratui tamente!" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "You appear to b e trying to accept a pass you sent to yourself. Guest passes are for sharing you r games with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play a new game for free! " "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=guestpass" "Falha na Ativao de Passe" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=guestpass" "Guest Pass Acti vation Failure" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Passe Invlido" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Invalid Guest Pass" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=guestpass" "O passe que tentaste ut ilizar j no vlido. Este passe pode j ter sido usado por outra pessoa, pode ter expir ado, ou pode ter sido cancelado pelo remetente." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=guestpass" "The guest pass you have attempted to redeem is no longer valid. This pass maybe have already be en used by someone else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=guestpass" "Falha n a ativao do passe" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=guestpass" "Guest pass activation failed" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextServiceUnavailable" "O teu computador no cons egue comunicar com os servidores do Steam ou o servio est temporariamente desativa do. Tenta novamente mais tarde." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextServiceUnavailable" "Your computer i s either currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temp orarily disabled. Please try again later." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextServiceUnavailable" "Para informaes sobre reso luo de problemas com passes, visita esta pgina de suporte." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextServiceUnavailable" "For troubleshoo ting information about guest passes, see this support page." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLServiceUnavailable" "http://support.steampow ered.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=550" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLServiceUnavailable" "http://support. steampowered.com/cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=550" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineLimitExceeded" "J usaste um passe para este prod uto" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineLimitExceeded" "You have alread y used a guest pass for this product" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextLimitExceeded" "Visto que j aceitaste um passe p ara %package%, no podes aceitar outro. Se pretendes continuar a jogar, considera a sua compra." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextLimitExceeded" "Because you have alread y accepted a guest pass for %package%, you can't accept another one. If you wish to continue playing the game, please consider purchasing." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextLimitExceeded" "Clica aqui para visitares a loj a do Steam." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextLimitExceeded" "Click here to v isit the Steam store." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLLimitExceeded" "steam://store" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLLimitExceeded" "steam://store" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "J possuis este j ogo" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "You alr eady own this game" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "No podes aceitar um passe para %package%, uma vez que j possuis o jogo completo! Para jogar o jog o completo, instala-o e executa-o a partir da tua Biblioteca de Jogos."

"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "You can 't accept a guest pass for %package%, because you already own the full game! To play the full game, install and launch it from your Games Library." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "Este passe foi cancelado" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "This gu est pass has been revoked" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=guestpass" "O amigo que te enviou e ste passe cancelou-o e reenviou um cdigo de utilizao mais recente. Se a nova verso t e foi enviada, irs receber outra mensagem de e-mail com o cdigo atualizado." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=guestpass" "The friend who sent you this guest pass has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code . If the new version was sent to you, you'll receive another email with the upda ted code." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineExpired" "Este passe expirou" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineExpired" "This guest pass has exp ired" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextExpired" "No podes aceitar este passe, porque a su a data limite foi atingida." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextExpired" "You cannot accept this guest pa ss, because its expiration date has passed." "Steam_MinutesLeft" "minutos restantes" "[english]Steam_MinutesLeft" "minutes left" "Steam_HoursLeft" "horas restantes" "[english]Steam_HoursLeft" "hours left" "Steam_DaysLeft" "dias restantes" "[english]Steam_DaysLeft" "days left" "Steam_SubscriptionExpired" "A licena expirou" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionExpired" "License Expired" "Steam_GuestPassesColumn" "Presentes" "[english]Steam_GuestPassesColumn" "Gifts" "Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGift" "Cpia extra" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGift" "Extra copy" "Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGuestPass" "Passe" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGuestPass" "Guest pass" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGuestPass" "Ativar o Passe" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGuestPass" "Activate Guest Pass" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGift" "Ativar Presente" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGift" "Activate Gift" "Steam_ActivateGuestPass" "Ativar" "[english]Steam_ActivateGuestPass" "Activate" "Steam_GuestPassPending" "Pronto para ativar" "[english]Steam_GuestPassPending" "Ready to activate" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneLabel" "Tens um microfone ligado ao teu PC?" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneLabel" "Do you have a microphone connec ted to your computer?" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneDontKnow" "No sei" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneDontKnow" "Don't know" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneYes" "Sim, tenho um microfone ligado ao PC." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneYes" "Yes, I have a microphone." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneNo" "No, no tenho um microfone ligado ao PC." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneNo" "No, I do not have a microphone. " "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Microphone" "Microfone: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Microphone" "Microphone: %s1" "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable_Headline" "O servidor Steam no est d isponvel" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable_Headline" "Steam s erver is unavailable"

"Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable" "O teu computador no consegue com unicar com os servidores do Steam ou o servio est temporariamente desativado. Por favor, tenta novamente mais tarde." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled. Please try again later." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_InvalidShippingAddress" "A tua c ompra de %subscription% no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% detetou um problema com o endereo associado tua conta %provider%. Podes corrigir este problema atravs do %p rovider%, ou clica em 'Retroceder' para selecionares outro mtodo de pagamento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_InvalidShippingAddress" "Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor ted a problem with the address associated with your %provider% account. You can either correct this problem through %provider%, or click 'back' to select a diff erent payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherFundingSource" "A tua c ompra de %subscription% no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% detetou um problema com a origem dos fundos associada tua conta %provider%. Podes corrigir este problema atravs do %provider%, ou clica em 'Retroceder' para selecionares outro mtodo de pa gamento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherFundingSource" "Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor ted a problem with the funding source associated with your %provider% account. Y ou can either correct this problem through %provider%, or click 'back' to select a different payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherPaymentMethod" "A tua c ompra de %subscription% no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% detetou um erro na autori zao. Clica em 'Retroceder' para escolheres outro mtodo de pagamento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherPaymentMethod" "Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor ted an authorization failure. Please click 'Back' to choose an alternate payment method." "Steam_PayPalDeclined_SupportLink" "Para mais informaes, visita o web site de suporte do Steam." "[english]Steam_PayPalDeclined_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web sit e for more information." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupported_Headline" "Mtodo de pagamen to no suportado" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupported_Headline" "Payment method not supported" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupported" "A tua compra de %subscr iption% no foi concluda.\n\nO mtodo de pagamento escolhido no est disponvel no teu pas Clica em 'Retroceder' e escolhe outro mtodo de pagamento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupported" "Your purchase o f %subscription% has not been completed.\n\nYour chosen payment method is curren tly unavailable in your country. Please click 'back' and choose a different paym ent method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_Headline" "A autorizao de %provider% falhou." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_Headline" "%provider% auth orization failed." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined" "A tua compra de %subscription% no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% detetou um erro na autorizao. Clica em 'Retroceder' para selecionares outro mtodo de pagamento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined" "Your purchase of %subsc ription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported an authorization fai lure. Please click 'back' to select a different payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProvider" "A tua compra de %subscription% no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% detetou um problema com a tua con ta %provider%. Contacta o suporte do %provider% ou clica em 'Retroceder' para es

colheres outro mtodo de pagamento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProvider" "Your pu rchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported a pr oblem with your %provider% account. Please contact %provider% support or click ' Back' to choose an alternate payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerified" "A tua compra de %subscription% no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% informou que a tua conta %provide r% tem de ser verificada ou de ter cobertura para concluir a compra. Por favor, contacta o suporte de %provider% ou clica em 'Retroceder' para escolheres outro mtodo de pagamento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerified" "Your pu rchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported that your %provider% account needs to be verified or funded to complete the purchase . Please contact %provider% support or click 'Back' to choose an alternate payme nt method." "Steam_TroubleshooterURL_VfyAcct" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=687" "[english]Steam_TroubleshooterURL_VfyAcct" "http://support.steampowered.com /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=687" "Steam_PaymentMethodNotAvailable_Generic" "Pedimos desculpa, mas esse mtodo de pagamento no est disponvel neste momento." "[english]Steam_PaymentMethodNotAvailable_Generic" "Sorry, but that payment method is not available right now." "Steam_LaunchEULA_Title" "%game%" "[english]Steam_LaunchEULA_Title" "%game%" "Steam_LaunchEULA_Info" "Acordo de Licena para o Utilizador Final (EULA) %game%" "[english]Steam_LaunchEULA_Info" "%game% End User License Agreement (EULA )" "Steam_LaunchEULA_Agree" "Concordo" "[english]Steam_LaunchEULA_Agree" "I Agree" "Steam_LaunchEULA_Decline" "Cancelar" "[english]Steam_LaunchEULA_Decline" "Cancel" "Steam_LaunchEULA_Text" "L este acordo na ntegra. Tens de concordar com os termos do EULA para jogar %game%." "[english]Steam_LaunchEULA_Text" "Please read this agreement in its entir ety. You must agree with the terms of the EULA to play %game%." "Steam_GuestPasses_LinkText" "Mais informaes acerca de presentes e passes" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LinkText" "More info about gifts and guest passes" "Steam_GuestPasses_LinkURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin/steampo wered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=549" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LinkURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=549" "Steam_AlreadyRunningError_Title" "Steam - No foi possvel iniciar" "[english]Steam_AlreadyRunningError_Title" "Steam - Unable to launch" "Steam_AlreadyRunningError_Info" "O Steam j est a ser executado neste compu tador com uma conta de utilizador diferente. Termina a sesso da outra conta de ut ilizador no Steam antes de voltar a tentar inici-lo." "[english]Steam_AlreadyRunningError_Info" "An instance of Steam is already running on this computer, under a different user account. Please shutdown Steam on the other user account before trying to launch again." "Steam_AlreadyRunningError_SupportLink" "Consulta o site de suporte do Steam par a mais informaes" "[english]Steam_AlreadyRunningError_SupportLink" "See the Steam support s ite for more information" "Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Steam - Sesso iniciada noutro computador" "[english]Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Steam - Logged In Elsewhere" "Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Info" "Foi iniciada sesso nesta conta Steam a partir de outro computador." "[english]Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Info" "This Steam account has been logged in o n another computer."

"Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Reconect" "Restabelecer ligao ao Steam" "[english]Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Reconect" "Reconnect to Steam" "Steam_GamesSection_Favorites" "OS MEUS FAVORITOS" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_Favorites" "FAVORITES" "Steam_GamesSection_Games" "JOGOS" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_Games" "GAMES" "Steam_GamesSection_Tools" "FERRAMENTAS" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_Tools" "TOOLS" "Steam_GamesSection_Installed" "INSTALADO" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_Installed" "INSTALLED" "Steam_GamesSection_NotInstalled" "NO INSTALADO" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_NotInstalled" "NOT INSTALLED" "Steam_GamesSection_NotAvailable" "NO DISPONVEL" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_NotAvailable" "NOT AVAILABLE" "Steam_FavoritesColumn" "Favoritos" "[english]Steam_FavoritesColumn" "Favorites" "Steam_LogoColumn" "Imagens" "[english]Steam_LogoColumn" "Images" "Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_AddToFavorites" "Adicionar aos favoritos" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_AddToFavorites" "Add to Favorites" "Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveFromFavorites" "Remover dos favoritos" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveFromFavorites" "Remove from Fav orites" "steam_menu_checkforupdates" "Verificar a existncia de atualizaes do Cliente Ste am..." "[english]steam_menu_checkforupdates" "Check for Steam Client Updates..." "steam_checkforupdates_title" "Steam - Atualizao Automtica" "[english]steam_checkforupdates_title" "Steam - Self Updater" "steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloading" "Est disponvel uma atualizao do clie nte Steam e est agora a ser transferida." "[english]steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloading" "A Steam client update i s available, and is now being downloaded." "steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloaded" "Foi transferida uma atualizao do cliente Steam." "[english]steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloaded" "A Steam client update h as been downloaded." "steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloadedInfo" "Pretendes reiniciar agora o Ste am para aplicar a atualizao?" "[english]steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloadedInfo" "Would you like to resta rt Steam now to apply the update?" "Steam_NoClientUpdateAvailable" "O teu cliente Steam j est atualizado." "[english]Steam_NoClientUpdateAvailable" "Your Steam client is already up -to-date." "Steam_InOfflineModeButNeedToLogIn" "No foi possvel ligar rede Steam. O 'Modo Offline' \nno est disponvel porque no existem informaes\nde incio de sesso no Steam g dadas neste computador.\n\nS poders utilizar o Steam quando \nte ligares rede Stea m novamente." "[english]Steam_InOfflineModeButNeedToLogIn" "Unable to connect to the Steam network. 'Offline \nMode' is unavailable because there is no Steam\nlogin inform ation stored on this computer.\n\nYou will not be able to use Steam until you ca n \nconnect to the Steam network again." "Steam_InOfflineModeButNeedToLogIn_Link" "Clica aqui para verificares o e stado da rede Steam" "[english]Steam_InOfflineModeButNeedToLogIn_Link" "Click here to check the status of the Steam network" "Skin_By_Random_n" "Aparncia do Steam baseada no design de random_n" "[english]Skin_By_Random_n" "Steam skin based on design by random_n" "Steam_PackageVersion" "Verses do pacote Steam: %boostrapper_version% / %package _version%" "[english]Steam_PackageVersion" "Steam package versions: %boostrapper_version% /

%package_version%" "Steam_UpdateNewsMultiple_Title" "Steam - Novidades (%item% de %total%)" "[english]Steam_UpdateNewsMultiple_Title" "Steam - Update News (%item% of %total%)" "Steam_P2PAvailability" "Disponibilidade:" "[english]Steam_P2PAvailability" "Availability:" "Steam_P2PAvailabilityValue" "%availability%" "[english]Steam_P2PAvailabilityValue" "%availability%" "Steam_P2PDownloaded" "Transferido:" "[english]Steam_P2PDownloaded" "Downloaded:" "Steam_P2PDownloadedValue" "%percentcomplete%" "[english]Steam_P2PDownloadedValue" "%percentcomplete%" "Steam_P2PSwarmPeersLabel" "Peers no swarm:" "[english]Steam_P2PSwarmPeersLabel" "Swarm Peers:" "Steam_P2PSwarmPeersValue" "%swarmpeers%" "[english]Steam_P2PSwarmPeersValue" "%swarmpeers%" "Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersLabel" "Fontes no swarm:" "[english]Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersLabel" "Swarm Seeders:" "Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersValue" "%swarmseeders%" "[english]Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersValue" "%swarmseeders%" "SteamUI_P2P_Simple" "Informao" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Simple" "Info" "SteamUI_P2P_Detail" "Detalhe" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Detail" "Detail" "SteamUI_P2P_Peers" "Peers" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Peers" "Peers" "SteamUI_P2P_Files" "Ficheiros" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Files" "Files" "SteamUI_P2P_Options" "Opes" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Options" "Options" "SteamUI_P2P_MetaData" "MetaDados" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_MetaData" "MetaData" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_PeerId" "Peer" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_PeerId" "Peer" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Choke" "L R " "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Choke" "L R " "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Status" "Estado" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Status" "Status" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Outbound" "T" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Outbound" "T" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BytesOut" "MB enviados" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BytesOut" "MB Out" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BytesIn" "MB recebidos" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BytesIn" "MB In" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthOut" "Kbps enviados" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthOut" "Kbps Out" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthIn" "Kbps recebidos" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthIn" "Kbps In" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Blocks" "Blocos" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Blocks" "Blocks" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_State" "Distrito" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_State" "State" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_PeerId" "ID do peer\nID Steam do peer remoto" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_PeerId" "Peer Id\nThe remote peer's Stea m ID" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Choke" "Bloqueio / Interesse\nMostra se os peers locais e remotos esto a bloquear-se entre si ou interessados em receber dados uns dos o utros" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Choke" "Choke / Interest\nShows whether local and remote peers are choking each other or are interested in receiving da

ta from each other" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Status" "Percentagem do ficheiro completo que o peer remoto tem" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Status" "Percentage of complete file whi ch the remote peer has" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Outbound" "Tipo de ligao\nA ligao (L)ocal foi iniciada por este peer, a ligao (R)emota foi iniciada por um peer remoto" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Outbound" "Connection Type\n(L)ocal connec tion was initiated by this peer, (R)emote connection was initiated by remote pee r" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BytesOut" "MB enviados" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BytesOut" "MB Out" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BytesIn" "MB recebidos" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BytesIn" "MB In" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthOut" "Kbps enviados" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthOut" "Kbps Out" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthIn" "Kbps recebidos" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthIn" "Kbps In" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Blocks" "Blocos\nEstado visual do conjunto de da dos do peer remoto" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Blocks" "Blocks\nVisual status of remote peer's data set" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_State" "Estado da ligao" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_State" "Connection state" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_FileName" "Nome" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_FileName" "Name" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Size" "Tamanho" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Size" "Size" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Status" "Estado" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Status" "Status" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Downloaded" "Transferido" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Downloaded" "Downloaded" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_ToGo" "Faltam" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_ToGo" "To Go" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_StartBlock" "Iniciar" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_StartBlock" "Start" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_EndBlock" "Terminar" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_EndBlock" "End" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_NumBlocks" "Blocos" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_NumBlocks" "Blocks" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Remaining" "Restantes" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Remaining" "Remaining" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Progress" "Progresso" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Progress" "Progress" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_FileName" "Nome do ficheiro" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_FileName" "File Name" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Size" "Tamanho do ficheiro" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Size" "File Size" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Status" "Progresso para estes ficheiro" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Status" "Progress for this file" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Downloaded" "Quantidade de dados transferidos" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Downloaded" "Amount of data downloaded" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_ToGo" "Quantidade de dados espera de serem transferido s" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_ToGo" "Amount of data remaining to be download ed" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_StartBlock" "Bloco inicial para o ficheiro" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_StartBlock" "Starting block for file" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_EndBlock" "Bloco final para o ficheiro" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_EndBlock" "Ending block for file"

"SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_NumBlocks" "Total de blocos para o ficheiro" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_NumBlocks" "Total blocks for file" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Remaining" "Nmero de blocos espera de serem transfer idos" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Remaining" "Number of blocks remaining to b e downloaded" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Progress" "Estado de concluso" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Progress" "Completion status" "SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Unknown" "N/D" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Unknown" "N/A" "SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Connecting" "A ligar" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Connecting" "Connecting" "SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Handshake" "Saudar" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Handshake" "Handshaking" "SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Active" "Ativo" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Active" "Active" "SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Dead" "Morto" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Dead" "Dead" "Steam_P2P_StateActive" "Ativo" "[english]Steam_P2P_StateActive" "Active" "Steam_P2P_StateInactive" "Inativo" "[english]Steam_P2P_StateInactive" "Inactive" "Steam_P2P_StateComplete" "Concludo" "[english]Steam_P2P_StateComplete" "Complete" "Steam_P2P_StateIncomplete" "No concludo" "[english]Steam_P2P_StateIncomplete" "Incomplete" "Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Unknown" "N/D" "[english]Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Unknown" "N/A" "Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Checking" "A verificar..." "[english]Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Checking" "Checking..." "Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Waiting" "A aguardar..." "[english]Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Waiting" "Waiting..." "Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Ready" "Pronta" "[english]Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Ready" "Ready" "SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Key" "Definio" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Key" "Setting" "SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Value" "Valor" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Value" "Value" "SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesListTip_Key" "Nome da definio" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesListTip_Key" "Name of setting" "SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesListTip_Value" "Valor da definio" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesListTip_Value" "Value of setting" "SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsButtonLabel" "Avanado..." "[english]SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsButtonLabel" "Advanced..." "SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsTitle" "Opes gerais" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsTitle" "Global Options" "SteamUI_P2P_Update_CheckPending" "A aguardar para validar" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Update_CheckPending" "Waiting to Validate" "SteamUI_P2P_Update_Checking" "A validar [%s1%]" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Update_Checking" "Validating [%s1%]" "SteamUI_P2P_Logging_Enable" "Ativar registo" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Logging_Enable" "Enable Logging" "SteamUI_P2P_LogWarnings" "Registar avisos" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogWarnings" "Log Warnings" "SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolBase" "Registar mensagens bsicas peer-to-peer" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolBase" "Log base peer-to-peer message" "SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolPieces" "Registar mensagens peer-to-peer de bloqueio de transferncia" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolPieces" "Log peer-to-peer block transfer messages"

"SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolTracker" "Registar mensagens peer-to-peer do trac ker" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolTracker" "Log peer-to-peer tracker messag es" "SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolIntroducer" "Registar eventos bsicos de ligao peer-to-p eer" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolIntroducer" "Log base peer-to-peer connectio n events" "SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolVerbose" "Registar eventos comuns de mensagens pe er-to-peer" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolVerbose" "Log common peer-to-peer message events" "SteamUI_P2P_CumulativeOut" "Total acumulado de sada:" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_CumulativeOut" "Cumulative Outgoing:" "SteamUI_P2P_CumulativeIn" "Total acumulado de entrada:" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_CumulativeIn" "Cumulative Incoming:" "SteamUI_P2P_TotalTime" "Tempo total:" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_TotalTime" "Total Time:" "SteamUI_P2P_DownloadTime" "Tempo de transferncia:" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_DownloadTime" "Download Time:" "Steam_Win98Warning_Title" "Steam - Fim do suporte ao sistema operativo" "[english]Steam_Win98Warning_Title" "Steam - Operating system support ending " "Steam_Win98Warning_Info" "O suporte para o Steam na tua verso atual do Win dows ir acabar a 31 de agosto de 2012. De modo a poderes continuar a utilizar o S team neste computador, ters que atualizar a tua verso para o Windows XP Service Pa ck 2 ou para uma verso do Windows mais recente." "[english]Steam_Win98Warning_Info" "Support for Steam on your version of Wi ndows will end on August 31st 2012. In order to continue running Steam on this computer, you must upgrade your version of Windows to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher." "Steam_CPUSSEWarning_Title" "Steam - Detetado CPU no suportado" "[english]Steam_CPUSSEWarning_Title" "Steam - unsupported CPU detected" "Steam_CPUSSEWarning_Info" "Dentro de poucos meses deixars de poder executar o %game% neste computador. Isto porque o suporte do %game% para CPUs que no incluem o conjunto de instrues SSE est a chegar ao fim. Para continuar a executar o %game%, precisas de usar um outro computador ou de a tualizar o teu sistema." "[english]Steam_CPUSSEWarning_Info" "Within the next few months, %game% will no longer be able to run on this computer. This is because %game% support for CPUs which do not include the SSE instruction set is ending. In order to continue running %game%, you will need to use a different computer o r upgrade your system." "SteamUI_InstallScript_Failed_Title" "Steam - No foi possvel concluir a configu rao" "[english]SteamUI_InstallScript_Failed_Title" "Steam - Setup failed" "SteamUI_InstallScript_Failed_Text" "A configurao do jogo no pde instalar os com ponentes do sistema. Ao executar este jogo pela primeira vez, necessrio iniciar sesso no Windows como administrador. Se prosseguires, poders ter problemas ao executar o jogo." "[english]SteamUI_InstallScript_Failed_Text" "Game setup failed to install sy stem components. When running this game for the first time, it is necessary to be logged into Windows as an administrato r. If you continue, you might experience problems running the game." "SteamUI_InstallScript_Continue" "Continuar mesmo assim"

"[english]SteamUI_InstallScript_Continue" "Continue anyway" "Steam_CPUSSERequired_Title" "Steam - Detetado CPU no suportado" "[english]Steam_CPUSSERequired_Title" "Steam - unsupported CPU detected" "Steam_CPUSSERequired_Info" "%game% requer um CPU que suporte o conjunto de instrues SSE. Para jogar este jogo, tens de atualizar o teu sistema ou usar outro computador." "[english]Steam_CPUSSERequired_Info" "%game% requires a CPU which supports th e SSE instruction set. In order to play this game you must either upgrade your system or use a differen t computer." "Steam_AccountPage_BetaParticipation" "Participao em programas Beta:" "[english]Steam_AccountPage_BetaParticipation" "Beta participation:" "Steam_NoBetaAvailable" "(Nenhuma atualmente disponvel)" "[english]Steam_NoBetaAvailable" "(None currently available)" "Steam_NoBetaChosen" "Sem participao\n(%numbetas% atualmente disponveis)" "[english]Steam_NoBetaChosen" "Not participating\n(%numbetas% currently availa ble)" "Steam_BetaReportBug" "Comunicar um bug" "[english]Steam_BetaReportBug" "Report a bug" "Steam_ChooseBetaDlgTitle" "Participao em programas Beta - Steam" "[english]Steam_ChooseBetaDlgTitle" "Beta Participation - Steam" "Steam_ChooseBetaExplanation" "O Steam oferece frequentemente a oportunidade d e experimentar atualizaes de jogos ou atualizaes do Steam antes do lanamento oficial. Para aderir a um destes programas Beta, seleciona-o na lista abaixo e clica em ' OK'. (Para sair de todos os programas Beta, seleciona NENHUM.)" "[english]Steam_ChooseBetaExplanation" "Steam often offers the opportunity to t ry out game updates or Steam updates before they're officially released. To join one of these beta programs, select it from the list below and click 'OK' . (To remove yourself from all beta programs, select NONE.)" "Steam_ReadMoreAboutBetas" "Como funcionam os programas Beta no Steam?" "[english]Steam_ReadMoreAboutBetas" "Read more about how betas on Steam work " "Steam_SelectNoBeta" "NENHUM - Sair de todos os programas Beta" "[english]Steam_SelectNoBeta" "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs" "Steam_BetaIsOver" "Obrigado por participares no programa Beta %betaname% n o Steam. O programa Beta terminou - reinicia o Steam para regressares ao lanamento atual." "[english]Steam_BetaIsOver" "Thank you for participating in the %betaname% b eta on Steam. The beta has now ended - please restart Steam to return to the current release." "Steam_ChooseGameLanguage" "Seleciona o idioma no qual desejas jogar este j ogo:" "[english]Steam_ChooseGameLanguage" "Select the language you wish to play th is game in:" "Steam_GameProperties_LanguageTab" "Idioma" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_LanguageTab" "Language" "Steam_SpokenLanguageTestTitle" "Left 4 Dead - Idioma do udio falado" "[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestTitle" "Left 4 Dead - Spoken audio lang uage" "Steam_SpokenLanguageTestExplanation" "O udio falado no Left 4 Dead pode ser re produzido em <current language> ou em Ingls com legendas em <current language>. O que preferes?\n(Podes alterar estas definies posteriormente durante o jogo.)" "[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestExplanation" "The spoken audio in Left 4 Dead can be played in <current language>, or in English with <current language> subt

itles. Which would you prefer?\n(You can always change these settings later with in the game.)" "Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonCurrent" "Reproduzir udio falado em <curre nt language>" "[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonCurrent" "Play spoken audio in <c urrent language>" "Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonEnglish" "Reproduzir udio falado em ingls o riginal com legendas em <current language> opcionais\n(Requer uma transferncia de 1 GB)" "[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonEnglish" "Play spoken audio in th e original English with optional <current language> subtitles\n(Requires a 1GB d ownload)" "Steam_Settings_NotifyMeWithSteamInstantMessages" "Avisar-me sobre adies ou alteraes aos meus jogos e lanamentos novos ou futuros." "[english]Steam_Settings_NotifyMeWithSteamInstantMessages" "Notify me about additions or changes to my games, new releases, and upcoming releases." "Steam_Settings_DownloadsTitle" "Transferncias + Cloud" "[english]Steam_Settings_DownloadsTitle" "Downloads + Cloud" "Steam_P2PMoreInfoLink" "O que isto?" "[english]Steam_P2PMoreInfoLink" "What is this?" "Steam_CDKeyDisplayReason" "Este o teu cdigo de ativao para %game%. Vais preci sar de introduzir este cdigo depois da aplicao iniciar. Anota o cdigo ou clica agora no boto 'Copiar p/ rea de Transferncia'." "[english]Steam_CDKeyDisplayReason" "This is your activation key for %game%. You will need to enter this key after the application has launched. Write the k ey down or press the 'Copy to clipboard' button now." "Steam_CDKeyDisplayReasonNoCopy" "Este o teu cdigo de ativao para %game%. Va is precisar de introduzir este cdigo depois da aplicao ter iniciado. Anota o cdigo p ara que o possas introduzir mais tarde." "[english]Steam_CDKeyDisplayReasonNoCopy" "This is your activation key for %game%. You will need to enter this key after the application has launched. Wri te the key down so you can enter it later." "Steam_RequestingLegacyKey" "A pedir chave..." "[english]Steam_RequestingLegacyKey" "Requesting key..." "Steam_LegacyCDKey_Title" "Cdigo de produto (CD Key) de %game%" "[english]Steam_LegacyCDKey_Title" "%game% CD key" "Steam_CopyLegacyKey_ToClipboard" "Copiar p/ rea de transferncia" "[english]Steam_CopyLegacyKey_ToClipboard" "Copy key to clipboard" "Steam_CityLifeDeluxe_LaunchBuildingEditor" "Iniciar Editor de Personalizao de Edifcios" "[english]Steam_CityLifeDeluxe_LaunchBuildingEditor" "Launch Building Customi zation Editor" "Steam_SteamID_TabTitle" "Comunidade" "[english]Steam_SteamID_TabTitle" "Community" "Steam_PayWithClickAndBuy" "ClickandBuy" "[english]Steam_PayWithClickAndBuy" "ClickandBuy" "Steam_UseThisCBAccount" "Utilize esta conta" "[english]Steam_UseThisCBAccount" "Use this account" "Steam_UseOtherCBAccount" "Utilize uma conta ClickandBuy diferente" "[english]Steam_UseOtherCBAccount" "Use a different ClickandBuy account" "Steam_ChooseAnotherPaymentMethod" "Escolha um mtodo de pagamento diferente" "[english]Steam_ChooseAnotherPaymentMethod" "Choose a different payment meth od" "Steam_LabelPrevClickAndBuy" "Os nossos registos indicam que utilizou a segui nte conta ClickandBuy para compras anteriores no Steam:" "[english]Steam_LabelPrevClickAndBuy" "Our records indicate you have used the following ClickandBuy account for previous Steam purchases:" "Steam_PrevCBAccountNum" "%accountnum%" "[english]Steam_PrevCBAccountNum" "%accountnum%" "Steam_AddNonSteamGame" "Adicionar jogo no-Steam..."

"[english]Steam_AddNonSteamGame" "Add non-Steam game..." "Steam_ViewCDKey" "Ver cdigo de produto" "[english]Steam_ViewCDKey" "View CD key" "Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=gift" "Enviar um Presente" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=gift" "Send a Gift" "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=gift" "Presente enviado com su cesso!" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=gift" "Gift succesfull y sent!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=gift" "Foi enviado um convite por e-ma il a %search% para utilizar o teu presente: %package%.\n\nVerifica a tua lista d e amigos -- poders ver o teu amigo a jogar online." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=gift" "%search% has been sent an email invitation to redeem your %package% gift.\n\nWatch your Friends list -you'll be able to see your friend playing online." "Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Erro no envio d o presente" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Gift wa s not successfully sent" "Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteError$type=gift" "Ocorreu um problema ao enviar um presente a %search%." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteError$type=gift" "Sorry, there wa s a problem sending a gift to %search%." "Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameErrorHeadline$type=gift" "No podes oferece r um presente a ti prprio!" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameErrorHeadline$type=gift" "You can 't give a gift to yourself!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameError$type=gift" "Aparentemente, ests a te ntar enviar um presente a ti prprio. Os presentes destinam-se partilha de jogos c om amigos. Tenta convidar algum que conheas para jogar o %package% gratuitamente!" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameError$type=gift" "You appear to b e trying to send a gift to yourself. Gifts are for sharing your games with frien ds. Try inviting someone you know to play %package% for free!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Presente j enviado" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Gift already se nt" "Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingError$type=gift" "J enviaste um presente a %search % nas ltimas 24 horas. No podes enviar presentes para este endereo at 24 horas depoi s da tentativa mais recente.\n\nClica em 'Retroceder' abaixo para especificares um destinatrio diferente." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingError$type=gift" "You have already sent a gift to %search% within the past 24 hours. You cannot send any gifts to this ad dress until 24 hours after your most recent attempt.\n\nClick 'back' below to sp ecify a different recipient." "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=gift" "A enviar presente..." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=gift" "Sending gift... " "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=gift" "O teu presente est a ser enviado para %search%.\nAguarda..." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=gift" "Your gift is being sent to %search%.\nPlease wait..." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=gift" "Presente Pronto" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=gift" "Gift Ready" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Erro na Aceitao do Presente" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Gift Acceptance Failure " "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=gift" "Presente Invlido" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=gift" "Invalid Gift" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextFailed$type=gift" "O presente que tentaste aceitar j no vlido. Este passe pode j ter sido usado por outra pessoa, pode ter expirado, o

u pode ter sido cancelado pelo remetente." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextFailed$type=gift" "The gift you have attem pted to accept is no longer valid. This pass may have already been used by someo ne else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Falha ao aceita r presente" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Gift ac ceptance failed" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=gift" "Este presente foi cance lado" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=gift" "This gift has b een revoked" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=gift" "O amigo que te enviou este pres ente cancelou-o e reenviou um cdigo de utilizao mais recente. Se a nova verso te foi enviada, irs receber outra mensagem de e-mail com o cdigo atualizado." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=gift" "The friend who sent you this gift has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code. If the new v ersion was sent to you, you'll receive another email with the updated code." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineSelfRedeem$type=gift" "No podes oferecer um pre sente a ti prprio!" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineSelfRedeem$type=gift" "You can't give a gift to yourself!" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=gift" "Aparentemente, ests a te ntar aceitar um passe que enviaste a ti prprio. Os presentes destinam-se partilha de jogos com amigos. Tenta convidar algum que conheas para jogar um novo jogo gra tuitamente!" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=gift" "You appear to b e trying to accept a pass you sent to yourself. Gifts are for sharing your games with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play a new game for free!" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Falha na Ativao do Presente" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Gift Activation Failure" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineFailed$type=gift" "Presente Invlido" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineFailed$type=gift" "Invalid Gift" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=gift" "O presente que tentaste utiliza r j no vlido. Este presente pode j ter sido utilizado por outra pessoa, pode ter exp irado, ou pode ter sido cancelado pelo remetente." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=gift" "The gift you have attem pted to redeem is no longer valid. This gift may have already been used by someo ne else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Falha na ativao d o presente" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Gift ac tivation failed" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=gift" "J possuis este j ogo" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=gift" "You alr eady own this game" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextAlreadyOwned$type=gift" "No podes aceitar um pres ente %package%, uma vez que j possuis o jogo! Para jogar o jogo, instala-o e exec uta-o a partir da Biblioteca de Jogos." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextAlreadyOwned$type=gift" "You can't accep t a gift for %package%, because you already own the game! To play the game, inst all it and launch it from the Games Library." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineRevoked$type=gift" "Este presente foi cance lado" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineRevoked$type=gift" "This gift has b een revoked" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=gift" "O amigo que te enviou este pres ente cancelou-o e reenviou um cdigo de utilizao mais recente. Se a nova verso te foi

enviada, irs receber outra mensagem de e-mail com o cdigo atualizado." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=gift" "The friend who sent you this gift has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code. If t he new version was sent to you, you'll receive another email with the updated co de." "Steam_SendGuestPass_RefreshingList" "A atualizar lista..." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_RefreshingList" "Refreshing list..." "Steam_SendGuestPass_AllFriendsOwnProduct" "Todos os teus amigos da Comunid ade Steam j possuem este produto. Faz um novo amigo no Steam, enviando um presente a algum que conheas." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_AllFriendsOwnProduct" "All of your Steam Commu nity Friends already own this product. Make a new Friend on Steam by emailing a gift to someone you know." "Steam_GuestPass_GiftSection" "PRESENTES" "[english]Steam_GuestPass_GiftSection" "GIFTS" "Steam_GuestPasses_GuestPassesSection" "PASSES" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_GuestPassesSection" "GUEST PASSES" "Steam_GuestPasses_ExtraCopiesSection" "CPIAS EXTRA" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ExtraCopiesSection" "EXTRA COPIES" "Steam_Purchase_Total" "TOTAL" "[english]Steam_Purchase_Total" "TOTAL" "Steam_Purchase_VAT" "IVA" "[english]Steam_Purchase_VAT" "VAT" "Steam_Purchase_SubTotal" "SUBTOTAL" "[english]Steam_Purchase_SubTotal" "SUBTOTAL" "Steam_Purchase_IncludesDiscount" "(desconto includo)" "[english]Steam_Purchase_IncludesDiscount" "(includes discount)" "Steam_Purchase_YourSteamAccount" "A TUA CONTA STEAM" "[english]Steam_Purchase_YourSteamAccount" "YOUR STEAM ACCOUNT" "Steam_Purchase_GamePackage" "PACOTE DE JOGOS" "[english]Steam_Purchase_GamePackage" "GAME PACKAGE" "Steam_Purchase_PleaseReviewYourOrder" "Por favor, rev a tua encomenda" "[english]Steam_Purchase_PleaseReviewYourOrder" "Please review your order" "Steam_Purchase_IsGift" "Isto um presente?" "[english]Steam_Purchase_IsGift" "Is this a gift?" "Steam_Purchase_YesItIsGift" "Sim, um presente." "[english]Steam_Purchase_YesItIsGift" "Yes, it's a gift." "Steam_Purchase_PlusTax" "O total ser calculado de forma a incluir imposto s aplicveis durante o processo de compra." "[english]Steam_Purchase_PlusTax" "Your total will be calculated to includ e taxes during the purchase process." "Steam_Purchase_PlusTaxAndShipping" "O total ser calculado de forma a incluir impostos aplicveis e custos de transporte e processamento durante o processo de compra." "[english]Steam_Purchase_PlusTaxAndShipping" "Your total will be calculated t o include taxes, shipping and handling during the purchase process." "Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Unreleased_Shipping" "Alguns dos produtos nes te conjunto, incluindo o %game%, ainda no foram lanados e no se encontram disponveis . Estes produtos sero automaticamente disponibilizados atravs do Steam aquando do respetivo lanamento. A data de lanamento destes produtos incerta e os compradores no devem contar com qualquer data prevista. Aguarda de 6 a 8 semanas para a entre ga dos artigos de merchandising includos no pacote do %subscription%." "[english]Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Unreleased_Shipping" "Some of the pro ducts in this package have not yet been released and are not currently available . These products will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon thei r release. The release date for these products is uncertain and purchasers shoul d not rely on any estimated release date. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of the me rchandise included in the %subscription% package." "Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Unreleased" "Alguns dos produtos neste conjunto, inc luindo o %game%, ainda no foram lanados e no se encontram disponveis. Estes produtos

sero automaticamente disponibilizados atravs do Steam aquando do respetivo lanamen to. A data de lanamento destes produtos incerta e os compradores no devem contar c om qualquer data prevista." "[english]Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Unreleased" "Some of the products in this package have not yet been released and are not currently available. These products will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon their releas e. The release date for these products is uncertain and purchasers should not re ly on any estimated release date." "Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Shipping" "Aguarda de 6 a 8 semanas para a entrega dos artigos de merchandising includos no pacote do %subscription%." "[english]Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Shipping" "Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of the merchandise included in the %subscription% package." "Steam_ForcedGiftPurchase_Next" "Para comprar este item como presente, clica em 'Seguinte' para continuar." "[english]Steam_ForcedGiftPurchase_Next" "To purchase this item as a gift , click 'Next' to continue." "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_BestWishes" "Felicidades" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_BestWishes" "Best Wishes" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_BuckleUp" "Prepara-te!" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_BuckleUp" "Buckle Up" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_Enjoy" "Aproveita" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_Enjoy" "Enjoy" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_GameOn" "Vamos jogar" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_GameOn" "Game On" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_HaveFun" "Diverte-te" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_HaveFun" "Have Fun" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_KerBlam" "Ca-Bum" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_KerBlam" "Ker Blam" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_OverAndOut" "Terminado" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_OverAndOut" "Over n' Out" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YouOweMe" "Deves-me uma" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YouOweMe" "You Owe Me" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YourTurn" " a tua vez" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YourTurn" "Your Turn" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_XOXOXO" "Beijos e Abraos" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_XOXOXO" "XOXOXO" "Steam_Purchase_Gift_AlreadyOwn" "Este item j se encontra disponvel na tua conta Steam. Podes aceder aos teus jogos a partir da Biblioteca de Jogos do Stea m." "[english]Steam_Purchase_Gift_AlreadyOwn" "This item is already available with your Steam account. You can access your games from the Steam Games Library. " "Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=gift" "A quem desejas oferecer '%package%'?" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=gift" "To whom would y ou like to give '%package%'?" "Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=guestpass" "A quem desejas oferecer um passe do '%package%'?" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=guestpass" "To whom would y ou like to give a '%package%' guest pass?" "SteamUI_Gift_RecipientName" "Nome do destinatrio" "[english]SteamUI_Gift_RecipientName" "Recipient's name" "SteamUI_Gift_Message" "Mensagem do presente (limite de 160 caracteres)" "[english]SteamUI_Gift_Message" "Your gift message (160 character limit)" "Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftRecipientName" "Nome do destinatrio" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftRecipientName" "Recipient's name" "Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftMessage" "Mensagem do presente (limite de 160 car acteres)" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftMessage" "Your gift message (160 characte r limit)"

"Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftSentiment" "Votos" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftSentiment" "Your sentiment" "Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftSignature" "Assinatura" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftSignature" "Your signature" "Steam_Gift_DefaultMessage$subtype=single" "Espero que gostes deste jogo!" "[english]Steam_Gift_DefaultMessage$subtype=single" "I hope you enjoy this g ame!" "Steam_Gift_DefaultMessage$subtype=package" "Espero que gostes destes jogos! " "[english]Steam_Gift_DefaultMessage$subtype=package" "I hope you enjoy these games!" "Steam_Purchase_PaymentExplanation" "O Steam aceita os seguintes mtodos de pa gamento seguro:" "[english]Steam_Purchase_PaymentExplanation" "Steam accepts the following sec ure payment methods:" "Steam_PurchaseReview_IsGift" "Presente para" "[english]Steam_PurchaseReview_IsGift" "Gift for" "Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftMsgExplanation" "Introduz uma mensagem para envi ar com o presente." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftMsgExplanation" "Please enter a message to send with your gift." "Steam_SendGuestPass_AlreadyOwnsGame" "%s1 j possui este jogo" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_AlreadyOwnsGame" "%s1 already owns this game" "Steam_GiftRevoked_Title" "Steam - Presente cancelado" "[english]Steam_GiftRevoked_Title" "Steam - Gift Revoked" "Steam_GiftRevoked" "O teu presente contendo %package%, que recebeste recent emente de %gifter%, foi cancelado devido a um problema ao processar o pagamento deste item.\n\nComo resultado, os jogos associados a este presente no podem ser j ogados. Se pretendes comprar este item, visita a loja do Steam. Caso contrrio, po des optar por eliminar o contedo local associado a este presente." "[english]Steam_GiftRevoked" "Your recent gift of %package% from %gifter% has been revoked due to a problem processing payment for this item.\n\nThe games as sociated with this gift can no longer be played as a result. If you would like t o purchase this item, visit the Steam Store. Otherwise, you may choose to delete the local content associated with this gift." "Steam_GiftRevoked_SupportLink" "Para mais informaes, visita o website de suporte do Steam" "[english]Steam_GiftRevoked_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web sit e for more information" "Steam_ExternalSignupButton" "Ir para o web site %game% agora." "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupButton" "Go to %s1 web site now" "Steam_ExternalSignupHeadline" "A tua conta %game%" "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupHeadline" "Your %game% account" "Steam_ExternalSignupHeadlineMulti" "As tuas contas externas" "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupHeadlineMulti" "Your external accounts" "Steam_ExternalSignupInfo" "Para concluir a tua compra, ters que associar a tua compra no Steam tua conta de %game%.\n\nVisita agora o site oficial do produ to para iniciares sesso na tua conta de %game% existente ou para criar uma nova." "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupInfo" "To complete your install, you need to l ink your Steam purchase with your %game% account.\n\nVisit their official web si te now to login to your existing %game% account or to create a new one." "Steam_ExternalSignupInfoMulti" "Para concluir as tuas instalaes, ters que associar a tua compra no Steam tua conta externa.\n\nVisita agora o site oficial do prod uto para iniciares sesso na tua conta externa existente ou para criar uma nova." "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupInfoMulti" "To complete your installations, you need to link your Steam purchases with your external account.\n\nVisit thei r official web sites now to login to your external accounts or to create a new o nes." "Steam_ExternalSignupFinish" "Quando tiveres criado a tua conta %game%, clica em terminar e comea a jogar."

"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupFinish" "Once you have made your account for %ga me% click finish and start playing." "Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesLabel" " necessria uma conta %game% ativa" "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesLabel" "An active %game% account is req uired" "Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesButton" "Visita o web site da conta %game%" "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesButton" "Visit %game% account web site" "Steam_GameAlreadyInAccount" "O jogo j existe na conta" "[english]Steam_GameAlreadyInAccount" "Game already in account" "Steam_FullGameAlreadyInAccount" "O jogo completo j existe na conta" "[english]Steam_FullGameAlreadyInAccount" "Full game already in account" "Steam_AlreadyInAccountInfo" "J possuis todos estes jogos. Podes aceder aos te us jogos a partir da Biblioteca de Jogos do Steam." "[english]Steam_AlreadyInAccountInfo" "You already own all of these games. You can access your games from the Steam Games Library." "SteamUI_OldClient_Title" "Steam - Desatualizado" "[english]SteamUI_OldClient_Title" "Steam - Out of date" "SteamUI_OldClient" "O teu cliente Steam tem que ser atualizado para executa r este jogo." "[english]SteamUI_OldClient" "Your client needs to be updated to run this gam e." "SteamUI_WrongPlatform_Title" "Steam - Jogo Indisponvel" "[english]SteamUI_WrongPlatform_Title" "Steam - Game Unavailable" "SteamUI_WrongPlatform" "%gamename% no est disponvel na tua plataforma atual." "[english]SteamUI_WrongPlatform" "%game% is not available on your current platform." "SteamUI_AgeOver17" "Sim, tenho mais de 17 anos de idade." "[english]SteamUI_AgeOver17" "Yes, I am over 17 years of age." "SteamUI_RootDialog_Start_Problem_Title" "Steam - Falha no Arranque do Jo go" "[english]SteamUI_RootDialog_Start_Problem_Title" "Steam - Game Launch Fai led" "SteamUI_RootDialog_Start_Problem_Text" "Falha ao iniciar %game% (cdigo de erro % error%)." "[english]SteamUI_RootDialog_Start_Problem_Text" "%game% failed to start (error code %error%)." "Steam_ExternalSignup" "Gerir conta de jogo..." "[english]Steam_ExternalSignup" "Manage game account..." "Steam_ExternalRegistrationURL" "Registar jogo..." "[english]Steam_ExternalRegistrationURL" "Register your game..." "Steam_RetailInstallTitle" "Steam - Instalar %product%" "[english]Steam_RetailInstallTitle" "Steam - Install %product%" "Steam_RetailInfo" "Poders aceder aos teus jogos a qualquer momento, a parti r de qualquer computador, bastando apenas iniciar sesso na tua conta Steam." "[english]Steam_RetailInfo" "You'll be able to access your games at any time , from any computer just by logging in to your Steam account." "Steam_RetailChooseCreateNewAccount" "Criar uma nova conta Steam" "[english]Steam_RetailChooseCreateNewAccount" "Create a new Steam account" "Steam_RetailChooseLoginToExistingAccount" "Iniciar sesso numa conta Steam e xistente" "[english]Steam_RetailChooseLoginToExistingAccount" "Log into an existing St eam account" "Steam_WaitingForCloudSyncTitle" "Steam Cloud - A sincronizar" "[english]Steam_WaitingForCloudSyncTitle" "Steam Cloud - Syncing" "Steam_WaitingForCloudSyncDebrief" "O Steam est a sincronizar os teus fichei ros de jogo com a Steam Cloud. O Steam ser encerrado automaticamente quanto tiver terminado.\n\nPara forar o Steam a encerrar sem sincronizar os teus ficheiros, c lica em 'Sair agora'." "[english]Steam_WaitingForCloudSyncDebrief" "Steam is currently syncing your game files with the Steam Cloud. Steam will automatically exit when this is com

pleted.\n\nTo force Steam to exit without syncing your files, click 'Exit Now'." "Steam_CloudSyncForceQuit" "Sair agora" "[english]Steam_CloudSyncForceQuit" "Exit Now" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Promo_Headline" "Ativao Bem Sucedida!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Promo_Headline" "Activation Successful!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Promo" "O teu cdigo promocional do %subscription % foi ativado. Este contedo ficar disponvel assim que ativares o jogo completo no S team. Este contedo est agora permanentemente associado tua conta Steam. Deves inic iar sesso nesta conta para acederes aos itens que acabaste de ativar no Steam." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Promo" "Your %subscription% promotion c ode has successfully been activated. This content will become available to you o nce you've activated the full game on Steam. This content is now permanently ass ociated with your Steam account. You must login to this account to have access t o the items you've just activated on Steam." "Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Title" "Steam - No possvel instalar %game%" "[english]Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Title" "Steam - Cannot install %game%" "Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Info" "%game% um mod, e requer que tenhas uma verso do jogo original." "[english]Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Info" "%game% is a mod, and requires you to ow n a version of the base game." "Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Button" "Obter mais informao" "[english]Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Button" "Get more info" "Steam_AccountEmail_Title" "Informao de conta Steam" "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Title" "Steam Account Information" "Steam_AccountEmail_Info" " recomendado que imprimas esta informao e a guarde s num local seguro. Os teus dados de conta e incio de sesso no Steam so importantes --a partir de agora, irs precisar deles para aceder aos teus jogos e outras funci onalidades do Steam." "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Info" "It is recommended that you print this i nformation and keep it in a safe place. Your Steam account and login information is important--from now on, you'll need it to access your games and other Steam features." "Steam_AccountEmail_AccountName" "Nome da conta:" "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_AccountName" "Account Name:" "Steam_AccountEmail_Password" "Palavra-passe:" "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Password" "Password:" "Steam_AccountEmail_Email" "Endereo de e-mail para contacto:" "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Email" "Contact email address:" "Steam_AccountEmail_Print" "Clica aqui para imprimir esta pgina agora" "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Print" "Click here to print this page now" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclinedCart" "A tua subscrio dos seguin tes itens no foi concluda. As informaes do teu carto de crdito foram recusadas pela em presa emissora.\n\nNota que, em alguns casos, a empresa do teu carto de crdito pod e 'suspender' os fundos da tua conta, mas no sers cobrado por isso. Aps reveres as informaes em baixo, se achares que o teu carto foi recusado por engano, tenta efetu ar novamente a tua compra." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclinedCart" "Your subscripti on to the following items has not been completed. Your credit card information h as been declined by your credit card company.\n\nNote that in some cases, your c redit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not b e charged. After reviewing the information below, if you believe your card has b een declined in error please try your purchase again." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_AVSFailureCart" "A tua s ubscrio dos seguintes itens no foi concluda. As informaes do teu carto de crdito fora ecusadas pela empresa emissora devido a erro no endereo.\n\nNota que, em alguns c asos, a empresa do teu carto de crdito pode 'suspender' os fundos da tua conta, ma s no sers cobrado por isso. Aps reveres as informaes em baixo, se achares que o teu c arto foi recusado por engano, tenta efetuar novamente a tua compra." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_AVSFailureCart" "Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. Your credit ca

rd information has been declined by your credit card company due to an incorrect address being entered.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be charged. After revie wing the information below, if you believe your card has been declined in error please try your purchase again." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_InsufficientFundsCart" "A tua s ubscrio dos seguintes itens no foi concluda. As informaes do teu carto de crdito fora ecusadas pela empresa emissora por falta de fundos na conta.\n\nNota que, em alg uns casos, a empresa do teu carto pode 'suspender' os fundos da tua conta, mas no sers cobrado por isso." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_InsufficientFundsCart" "Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. Your credit ca rd information has been declined by your credit card company due to insufficient funds in the account.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be charged." "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcessCart" "A tua pr-reserva foi concluda e o jogo ser oficialmente lanado em breve. O teu pagamento foi processado.\n\nIremos avisar-te assim que o jogo estiver disponvel para ser jogado. Agradecemos a tua c ompra!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcessCart" "Your pre-order has been completed, and the game will be officially released soon. Your payment has been processed.\n\nWe'll let you know as soon as the game is available to play. Than k you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=regular" "A tua subscrio dos seguin tes itens foi concluda com sucesso. A tua subscrio est registada nesta conta do Stea m: %accountname%. No futuro, deves iniciar sesso nesta conta para acederes aos te us jogos. Obrigado pela tua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=regular" "Your subscripti on to the following items has been completed successfully. Your subscription is registered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login t o this account to have access to your games. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=gift" "Um presente com os segu intes itens foi enviado para %giftee%. Obrigado pela tua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=gift" "Your gift of th e following items has been sent to %giftee%. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=unknown" "A tua compra dos seguin tes itens foi concluda com sucesso. Obrigado pela tua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=unknown" "Your purchase o f the following items has been completed successfully. Thank you for your order! " "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccessCart" "Recentemente fizeste a pr-reserv a dos seguintes itens. Estes itens foram oficialmente lanados, pelo que o teu car to de crdito foi processado e debitado. Agradecemos a tua compra!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccessCart" "Recently you preordered the following items. These items have been officially released, so your credit card has been processed and charged. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=regular" "A tua s ubscrio dos seguintes itens foi concluda com sucesso.\n\nPodes jogar qualquer um do s jogos atualmente lanados clicando neles na tua Biblioteca de Jogos do Steam. Alm disso, recebers um e-mail de confirmao logo que os artigos de merchandising da tua encomenda tiverem sido enviados. Obrigado pela tua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=regular" "Your subscription to the following items has been completed successfully.\n\nYo u can play any of the currently released games by clicking on them in your Steam Games Library. Also, you'll receive an email confirmation as soon as the mercha ndise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=gift" "Um presente com os seguintes itens foi enviado para %giftee%. Recebers um e-mail de confirmao logo que os artigos de merchandising da tua encomenda tiverem sido enviados. Obrigad o pela tua encomenda!"

"[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=gift" "Your gift of the following items has been sent to %giftee%. You'll receive an e mail confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=unknown" "A tua c ompra dos seguintes itens foi concluda. Recebers um e-mail de confirmao logo que os artigos de merchandising da tua encomenda tiverem sido enviados. Obrigado pela t ua encomenda!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=unknown" "Your purchase of the following items has been completed. You'll receive an emai l confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Tha nk you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_InfoCart" "Esta transao no fo i processada porque o carto de crdito indicado em baixo foi utilizado demasiadas v ezes no Steam.\n\nEsta poltica visa proteger os nossos clientes de fraude de carto de crdito. Levaremos o combate fraude at s ltimas instncias permitidas por lei." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_InfoCart" "This tr ansaction was not processed because the credit card below has been used too many times in Steam.\n\nThis policy exists in order to protect our customers from cr edit card fraud. We will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law." "Steam_Subscription_ContactSupportCart" "Ocorreu um erro inesperado. A tua subsc rio dos seguintes itens no foi concluda. \n\nContacta o suporte do Steam utilizando a ligao abaixo." "[english]Steam_Subscription_ContactSupportCart" "An unexpected error has occurred. Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. \n\n Please contact Steam Support using the link below." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclinedCart" "A tua compra dos seguin tes itens no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% detetou um erro na autorizao. Tenta efetu ar a tua compra de novo utilizando um mtodo de pagamento diferente." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclinedCart" "Your purchase o f the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported an auth orization failure. Please try your purchase again using a different payment meth od." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_InvalidShippingAddressCart" "A tua c ompra dos seguintes itens no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% detetou um problema com o endereo associado tua conta %provider%. Podes corrigir este problema atravs do %provider%, ou tenta efetuar a tua compra de novo utilizando outro mtodo de pagam ento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_InvalidShippingAddressCart" "Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported a problem with the address associated with your %provider% account. You can either correct this problem through %provider%, or try your purchase again using a different payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherFundingSourceCart" "A tua c ompra dos seguintes itens no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% detetou um problema com a origem dos fundos associada tua conta %provider%. Podes corrigir este problem a atravs do %provider%, ou tenta efetuar a tua compra de novo utilizando outro mto do de pagamento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherFundingSourceCart" "Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported a problem with the funding source associated with your %provider% accou nt. You can either correct this problem through %provider%, or try your purchase again using a different payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherPaymentMethodCart" "A tua c ompra dos seguintes itens no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% detetou um erro na auto rizao. Tenta efetuar a tua compra de novo utilizando um mtodo de pagamento diferent e." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherPaymentMethodCart" "Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported an authorization failure. Please try your purchase again using a differ

ent payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProviderCart" "A tua c ompra dos seguintes itens no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% detetou um problema com a tua conta %provider%. Contacta o suporte do %provider% ou tenta efetuar a tua compra de novo utilizando outro mtodo de pagamento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProviderCart" "Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported a problem with your %provider% account. Please contact %provider% suppo rt or try your purchase again using a different payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerifiedCart" "A tua c ompra dos seguintes itens no foi concluda.\n\nO %provider% informou que a tua cont a %provider% tem de ser verificada ou ter cobertura para concluir a compra. Cont acta o suporte do %provider% ou tenta efetuar a tua compra de novo utilizando ou tro mtodo de pagamento." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerifiedCart" "Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported that your %provider% account needs to be verified or funded to complete the purchase. Please contact %provider% support or try your purchase again usin g a different payment method." "Steam_Subscription_RefundedCart" "A tua compra dos seguintes itens foi re embolsada. O crdito deve aparecer na tua conta dentro de poucos dias teis." "[english]Steam_Subscription_RefundedCart" "Your purchase of the following items has been refunded. The credit should appear in your account within a coupl e business days." "Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountryCart" "Lamentamos, mas os seguintes it ens no se encontram disponveis para compra neste pas. A tua compra foi cancelada." "[english]Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountryCart" "Sorry, but the followin g items are not available for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been c ancelled." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailedCart" "A tua subscrio dos seguintes iten s no foi concluda. Os servidores Steam encontram-se demasiado ocupados para proces sar o teu pedido. \n\nPedimos desculpa pela inconvenincia. Tenta efetuar novament e a transao dentro de poucas horas." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailedCart" "Your subscription to th e following items has not been completed. The Steam servers are currently too bu sy to process your request. \n\nWe apologize for the inconvenience. Please try y our transaction again in a few hours." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupportedCart" "A tua compra dos seguin tes itens no foi concluda.\n\nO mtodo de pagamento escolhido no est disponvel no teu p as. Tenta efetuar a tua compra de novo utilizando um mtodo de pagamento diferente. " "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupportedCart" "Your purchase o f the following items has not been completed.\n\nYour chosen payment method is c urrently unavailable in your country. Please try your purchase again using a dif ferent payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlayCart" "A tua subscrio dos seguin tes itens no foi concluda, uma vez que os servidores Steam se encontram demasiado ocupados para processar a transao.\n\nNo poders jogar estes jogos at que o processo d e subscrio esteja concludo. Lamentamos qualquer inconveniente que isto possa causar . A equipa do Steam est a trabalhar para retificar esta situao e ir avisar-te logo q ue a transao esteja concluda." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlayCart" "Your subscripti on to the following items has not been completed, because Steam servers are curr ently unable to process the transaction.\n\nYou won't be able to play these game s until the subscription process is complete. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. The Steam team is working to rectify this situation, and will n otify you as soon as the transaction is complete." "Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Unsent" "No enviado" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Unsent" "Unsent" "Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Sent" "Enviado"

"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Sent" "Sent" "Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Redeemed" "Ativado" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Redeemed" "Redeemed" "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=gift" "Como desejas que o teu presente contendo %package% seja enviado?" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=gift" "How would you like your gift of %package% to be sent?" "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=guestpass" "Como desejas que o teu passe pa ra %package% seja enviado?" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=guestpass" "How would you like your %package% guest pass to be sent?" "Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendTitle$type=gift" "Cancelar e voltar a enviar um P resente" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendTitle$type=gift" "Revoke and Resend a Gif t" "Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendTitle$type=guestpass" "Cancelar e voltar a env iar um Passe" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendTitle$type=guestpass" "Revoke and Rese nd a Guest Pass" "Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendInfo$type=gift" "Se voltares a enviar este prese nte, o destinatrio anterior no o poder aceitar. Se pretendes continuar, introduz um endereo de e-mail vlido para o novo destinatrio do presente de %package%." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendInfo$type=gift" "Resending this gift wil l make the previous recipient unable to accept it. If you wish to continue, plea se enter a valid email address for the new recipient of your %package% gift." "Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendInfo$type=guestpass" "Se voltares a enviar este passe , o destinatrio anterior no o pode utilizar. Se pretendes continuar, introduz um e ndereo de e-mail vlido para o novo destinatrio do passe para %package%." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendInfo$type=guestpass" "Resending this guest pass will make its previous recipient unable to redeem the pass. If you wi sh to continue, please enter a valid email address for the new recipient of your %package% guest pass." "Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailRadio$type=gift" "Enviar o meu presente por e-mai l" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailRadio$type=gift" "Email my gift" "Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailRadio$type=guestpass" "Enviar o meu passe por e-mail" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailRadio$type=guestpass" "Email my guest pass" "Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailAddressLabel" "Endereo de e-mail do destinatrio" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailAddressLabel" "Recipient's email addre ss" "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=gift" "Enviar o meu presente diretamen te pelo Steam" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=gift" "Send my gift di rectly through Steam" "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=guestpass" "Enviar o meu passe dire tamente pelo Steam" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=guestpass" "Send my guest p ass directly through Steam" "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=gift" "Enviar uma mensagem de presente diretamente para a conta Steam do meu Amigo." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=gift" "Send my Friend a gift message directly to their Steam account." "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=guestpass" "Enviar uma mensagem de passe diretamente para a conta Steam do meu Amigo." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=guestpass" "Send my Friend a guest pass message directly to their Steam account." "Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGiftPlural" "Cpias extra" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGiftPlural" "Extra copies" "Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGuestPassPlural" "Passes"

"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGuestPassPlural" "Guest passes" "Steam_InstallAborted_Title" "Steam - Instalar" "[english]Steam_InstallAborted_Title" "Steam - Install" "Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoInfo" "Este jogo no pode ser instalado." "[english]Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoInfo" "This game cannot be installed." "Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppUnreleased" "O %game% no pode ser instalado p orque ainda no foi lanado." "[english]Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppUnreleased" "%game% cannot be instal led yet, because it is not yet released." "Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoDemo" "O %game% no pode ser instalado porque um a verso de demonstrao de um jogo do qual j possuis a verso completa. Instala a verso c ompleta do jogo." "[english]Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoDemo" "%game% cannot be installed, bec ause it is is a demo, and you own the full version of the product. Please instal l the full version of the game." "Steam_ValidateGame_GameRunning" "Encerra todos os jogos ou ferramentas e m execuo antes de tentares verificar a cache do jogo." "[english]Steam_ValidateGame_GameRunning" "Please exit any running games o r tools before attempting to verify your game cache." "Steam_RegionLabel" "Regio de transferncia" "[english]Steam_RegionLabel" "Download region" "Steam_RegionInfo" "Esta regio detetada automaticamente de forma peridica, co m base nos servidores de contedo Steam que esto prximos. Pode ser alterada medida q ue so colocados novos servidores, retirados servidores antigos, ou consoante a to pologia de Internet alterada. Se no encontrares o teu pas na lista, seleciona a re gio mais prxima de ti." "[english]Steam_RegionInfo" "This region is periodically auto-detected based on which Steam content servers are nearby. It can change as new content servers are placed, old servers retired, or as internet topology changes. If you don't see your country in the list, just select the region closest to you." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "A preparar para iniciar %game%." "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "Preparing to launch %game%." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "A preparar para iniciar %game%.." "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "Preparing to launch %game%.." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "A preparar para iniciar %game%.." "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "Preparing to launch %game%..." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Title" "%game% - Steam" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Title" "%game% - Steam" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Updating_Title" "A atualizar %game%" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Updating_Title" "Updating %game%" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Ready_Title" "Pronto - %game%" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Ready_Title" "Ready - %game%" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_InstallScriptInfo" "A executar a primeira configurao...\n\nA instalar: %stepname% (passo %step% de %steptotal%)" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_InstallScriptInfo" "Performing first time setup...\ n\nInstalling: %stepname% (step %step% of %steptotal%)" "SteamUI_Game_Requires_NTFS" "O jogo requer NTFS" "[english]SteamUI_Game_Requires_NTFS" "Game requires NTFS" "SteamUI_GameRequires_NTFS_Detail" "O jogo que ests a instalar requer uma un idade com o sistema de ficheiros NTFS e\nno pode ser instalado num sistema de fic heiros FAT32. Para mais informaes consulta o\nartigo de suporte na hiperligao indica da abaixo." "[english]SteamUI_GameRequires_NTFS_Detail" "The game you are installing req uires a drive with the NTFS file system and\ncannot be installed on a FAT32 file system. For more information see the\nsupport article linked below." "SteamUI_NTFS_Required_SupportArticle" "Artigo de suporte do sistema de ficheir os" "[english]SteamUI_NTFS_Required_SupportArticle" "Filesystem Support Article" "SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityTitle" "Steam - Acesso ao painel de jogo" "[english]SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityTitle" "Steam - Game Overlay Access"

"SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityText" "O painel Steam dentro do jogo requer que o aces so a dispositivos de assistncia esteja ativado. Para ativares o painel dentro do jogo, abre o painel de preferncias de Acesso Universal e marca 'Ativar o acesso p ara dispositivos de assistncia'" "[english]SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityText" "The in-game Steam overlay requires acce ss for assistive devices to be enabled. To enable to the in-game overlay, open the Universal Access preference pane and check 'Enable access for assistive devices'" "SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityLinkText" "Clica aqui para abrir o painel de prefe rncias de Acesso Universal." "[english]SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityLinkText" "Click here to open the Universa l Access preference pane." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SteamHDUsedMB" "Utilizao do Disco Rgido pelo Steam : %s1 Mb" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SteamHDUsedMB" "Steam Hard Disk Usage: %s1 Mb" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_GatheringSystemInformation" "A recolher informaes do s istema..." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_GatheringSystemInformation" "Gathering syste m information..." "SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescription" "Clica em Seguinte para verificar o teu en dereo de e-mail com o Steam.\nSer utilizado um endereo verificado para confirmar qu aisquer alteraes nas tuas credenciais de conta Steam, para que a tua pergunta secr eta ou palavra-passe sejam apenas alteradas por ti." "[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescription" "Click Next to verify your email a ddress with Steam.\nA verified address will be used to confirm any changes to yo ur Steam account credentials, so you and only you can change your secret questio n or password." "SteamUI_ValidateEmailSent" "Foi enviada uma mensagem para: %s1.\nPor favor verifica o mail e clica na hiperligao includa para concluir a verificao de e-mail com o Steam." "[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailSent" "A message has been sent to: %s1.\nPleas e check your mail and click the link within to complete email address verificati on with Steam." "SteamUI_ValidateEmailNotReceived" "No recebeste a nossa mensagem?" "[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailNotReceived" "Didn't receive our message?" "SteamUI_VisitSteamSupport" "Visita o suporte do Steam para assistncia" "[english]SteamUI_VisitSteamSupport" "Visit Steam support for assistance" "SteamUI_ValidateEmailWorking" "A contactar os Servidores Steam para enviar e-m ail." "[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailWorking" "Contacting Steam Servers to send email. " "SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Title" "Verificar e-mail" "[english]SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Title" "Verify Email" "SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Verified" " | Verificado" "[english]SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Verified" " | Verified " "SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Unverified" " | No verificado" "[english]SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Unverified" " | Unverified " "Steam_CannotInstallInOfflineMode" "Os jogos no podem ser instalados se o St eam estiver no Modo Offline.\nFecha e reinicia o Steam e seleciona 'Ficar Online '.\n" "[english]Steam_CannotInstallInOfflineMode" "Games cannot be installed when Steam is in Offline Mode.\nExit and restart Steam, and choose 'Go Online'.\n" "steam_community" "Comunidade" "[english]steam_community" "Community" "steam_library" "Biblioteca" "[english]steam_library" "Library" "steam_library_games" "Jogos" "[english]steam_library_games" "Games"

"steam_library_media" "Multimdia" "[english]steam_library_media" "Media" "steam_library_tools" "Ferramentas" "[english]steam_library_tools" "Tools" "steam_library_downloads" "Transferncias" "[english]steam_library_downloads" "Downloads" "steam_library_zoom" "Zoom" "[english]steam_library_zoom" "Zoom" "steam_library_show" "Mostrar" "[english]steam_library_show" "Show" "steam_library_views" "Exibir" "[english]steam_library_views" "View" "steam_library_filter_allgames" "Todos os Jogos" "[english]steam_library_filter_allgames" "All Games" "steam_library_filter_allplatform" "Jogos p/ Mac" "[english]steam_library_filter_allplatform" "Mac Games" "steam_library_filter_recentgames" "Recentes" "[english]steam_library_filter_recentgames" "Recent" "steam_library_filter_installedgames" "Instalados" "[english]steam_library_filter_installedgames" "Installed" "steam_library_filter_favorites" "Favoritos" "[english]steam_library_filter_favorites" "Favorites" "steam_library_filter_addtag" "Adicionar uma nova categoria..." "[english]steam_library_filter_addtag" "Add a New Category..." "steam_downloads_networkusage" "Utilizao de Rede Atual" "[english]steam_downloads_networkusage" "Current Network Usage" "steam_downloads_downloadrate" "Velocidade de transferncia " "[english]steam_downloads_downloadrate" "Download Rate " "steam_downloads_thissession" "Esta sesso" "[english]steam_downloads_thissession" "This Session" "steam_downloads_peakdownloadrate" "Velocidade de transferncia mxima " "[english]steam_downloads_peakdownloadrate" "Peak Download Rate " "steam_downloads_peakuploadrate" "Velocidade de carregamento mxima " "[english]steam_downloads_peakuploadrate" "Peak Upload Rate " "steam_downloads_totaldownloaded" "Total de transferncias " "[english]steam_downloads_totaldownloaded" "Total Downloaded " "steam_downloads_pause" "Pausa" "[english]steam_downloads_pause" "Pause" "steam_downloads_resume" "Retomar" "[english]steam_downloads_resume" "Resume" "steam_downloads_pauseall" "Colocar tudo em pausa" "[english]steam_downloads_pauseall" "Pause All" "steam_downloads_resumeall" "Retomar tudo" "[english]steam_downloads_resumeall" "Resume All" "steam_downloads_remove" "Fechar" "[english]steam_downloads_remove" "Close" "steam_downloads_updating" "A atualizar" "[english]steam_downloads_updating" "Updating" "steam_downloads_downloading" "A transferir" "[english]steam_downloads_downloading" "Downloading" "steam_downloads_paused" "Pausa" "[english]steam_downloads_paused" "Paused" "steam_downloads_suspended" "Suspenso" "[english]steam_downloads_suspended" "Suspended" "steam_downloads_ready" "Pronto a Jogar" "[english]steam_downloads_ready" "Ready to Play" "steam_downloads_initiated" "Hora de incio " "[english]steam_downloads_initiated" "Time Initiated " "steam_downloads_downloadcompleted" "Transferncia concluda " "[english]steam_downloads_downloadcompleted" "Download completed "

"steam_downloads_gamesize_update" "Atualizado" "[english]steam_downloads_gamesize_update" "Updated " "steam_downloads_gamesize_download" "Transferido " "[english]steam_downloads_gamesize_download" "Downloaded " "steam_downloads_updateacquired" "Quantidade de atualizao atual adquirida" "[english]steam_downloads_updateacquired" "Amount of current update acquir ed " "steam_downloads_timeremaining" "Tempo restante " "[english]steam_downloads_timeremaining" "Time Remaining " "steam_downloads_sessiontotal" "Sesso Total" "[english]steam_downloads_sessiontotal" "Session Total " "steam_downloads_currentrate" "%download_rate% - Velocidade Atual" "[english]steam_downloads_currentrate" "%download_rate% - Current Rate" "steam_downloads_launch" "Jogar %name% " "[english]steam_downloads_launch" "Play %name% " "steam_downloads_updatenews" "Ver notcias" "[english]steam_downloads_updatenews" "View News" "steam_downloads_showinlibrary" "Ver Detalhes" "[english]steam_downloads_showinlibrary" "View Details" "steam_client_add_game" "Adicionar um jogo..." "[english]steam_client_add_game" "Add a Game..." "steam_addgame_addshortcut" "Adicionar jogo no-Steam..." "[english]steam_addgame_addshortcut" "Add a Non-Steam Game..." "steam_addgame_activate" "Ativar um produto no Steam..." "[english]steam_addgame_activate" "Activate a Product on Steam..." "steam_addgame_browse" "Procurar jogos na Loja Steam..." "[english]steam_addgame_browse" "Browse the Steam Store for Games..." "steam_lastplayedcolumn" "Jogado pela ltima vez" "[english]steam_lastplayedcolumn" "Last played" "steam_details_lastplayedheader" "Jogado pela ltima vez: %last_played_date %" "[english]steam_details_lastplayedheader" "Last played %last_played_date%" "steam_details_totalplaytimeheader_minutes" "%minutes% minutos jogados" "[english]steam_details_totalplaytimeheader_minutes" "%minutes% minutes playe d" "steam_details_totalplaytimeheader_hours" "%hours% horas jogadas" "[english]steam_details_totalplaytimeheader_hours" "%hours% hours played" "steam_details_achievementsheader" "%achieved_achievements%/%available_achi evements% proezas" "[english]steam_details_achievementsheader" "%achieved_achievements%/%availa ble_achievements% achievements" "steam_friendsplayingnow" "Tens %friendsplayingnow% Amigos a jogar %gamena me% agora mesmo!" "[english]steam_friendsplayingnow" "You have %friendsplayingnow% Friends pl aying %gamename% right now!" "steam_friendplayingnow" "Tens %friendsplayingnow% Amigo a jogar %gamenam e% agora mesmo!" "[english]steam_friendplayingnow" "You have %friendsplayingnow% Friend pla ying %gamename% right now!" "steam_morefriendswhoplay" "Tens mais %friendswhoplay% Amigos que jogam %ga mename%" "[english]steam_morefriendswhoplay" "You have %friendswhoplay% more Friends who play %gamename%" "steam_morefriendwhoplays" "Tens mais %friendswhoplay% Amigo que joga %game name%" "[english]steam_morefriendwhoplays" "You have %friendswhoplay% more Friend w ho plays %gamename%" "steam_friendswhoplay" "Tens %friendswhoplay% Amigos que jogam %gamename%" "[english]steam_friendswhoplay" "You have %friendswhoplay% Friends who play %gam ename%"

"steam_friendwhoplays" "Tens %friendswhoplay% Amigo que joga %gamename%" "[english]steam_friendwhoplays" "You have %friendswhoplay% Friend who plays %gam ename%" "steam_nofriendswhoplay" "No tens Amigos que jogam %gamename%" "[english]steam_nofriendswhoplay" "You don't have any Friends who play %ga mename%" "steam_openfriendslist" "Abrir lista de amigos" "[english]steam_openfriendslist" "Open Friends List" "steam_viewallfriends" "Ver todos os Amigos que jogam este jogo" "[english]steam_viewallfriends" "View All Friends Who Play This Game" "steam_RecentNews" "Notcias recentes" "[english]steam_RecentNews" "Recent News" "steam_Achievements" "Proezas" "[english]steam_Achievements" "Achievements" "steam_YouHaveAchieved" "Atingiste %achieved_achievements%/%available_achievemen ts%" "[english]steam_YouHaveAchieved" "You have achieved %achieved_achievement s%/%available_achievements%" "steam_ViewAllAchievements" "Ver todas as proezas" "[english]steam_ViewAllAchievements" "View All Achievements" "Steam_MoreAchievements" "+%moreachievements_notshown%" "[english]Steam_MoreAchievements" "+%moreachievements_notshown%" "Steam_AchievementsNeeded" "Ainda tens %moreachievements% proezas para desb loquear!" "[english]Steam_AchievementsNeeded" "You still have %moreachievements% achie vments to unlock!" "Steam_MoreFriends" "+%morefriends_notshown%" "[english]Steam_MoreFriends" "+%morefriends_notshown%" "steam_viewallnews" "Ver todas as notcias" "[english]steam_viewallnews" "View All News" "steam_newscontinued" "Ler mais" "[english]steam_newscontinued" "Read More" "steam_NonSteam" "Mod ou atalho no-Steam" "[english]steam_NonSteam" "Non-Steam Mod or Shortcut" "steam_NonSteamMessage" "Algumas informaes detalhadas sobre %gamename% esto indispo nveis por este ser um mod ou atalho no-Steam. O Steam ir executar na mesma a inicia lizao do jogo para ti e, na maioria dos casos, o painel dentro do jogo estar disponv el." "[english]steam_NonSteamMessage" "Some detailed information on %gamename% is unavailable because it is a non-Steam mod or shortcut. Steam will still man age launching the game for you and in most cases the in-game overlay will be ava ilable." "steam_welcome" "Informaes do jogo" "[english]steam_welcome" "Game Info" "steam_welcomemessage_basic" "%welcome_action%" "[english]steam_welcomemessage_basic" "%welcome_action%" "steam_welcomeaction_launch" "Para iniciar %gamename%, clica no boto Jogar aci ma." "[english]steam_welcomeaction_launch" "To launch %gamename%, click the Play bu tton above." "steam_welcomeaction_install" "Para instalar %gamename%, clica no boto Instalar acima." "[english]steam_welcomeaction_install" "To install %gamename%, click the Instal l button above." "steam_welcomeaction_preload" "Para pr-carregar o %gamename% de modo a poder jo g-lo quando for lanado, clica no boto Pr-carregar acima." "[english]steam_welcomeaction_preload" "To pre-load %gamename% so you'll be rea dy to play it the moment it's released, click the Pre-load button above." "steam_welcomeaction_comingsoon" "%gamename% vai estar brevemente disponve l."

"[english]steam_welcomeaction_comingsoon" "%gamename% is coming soon." "steam_welcomeaction_platformwrong" "O %gamename% no est disponvel na tua plata forma atual." "[english]steam_welcomeaction_platformwrong" "%gamename% is not available on your current platform." "steam_welcomemessage_nofriends" "Para encontrar outras pessoas que jogam %gamename%, adere a um <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch% >Grupo da comunidade Steam</a> relacionado. Para veres o que jogam os teus amigo s, podes <a href=steam://friends/add/>Adicionar um Amigo</a> tua lista de Amigos do Steam." "[english]steam_welcomemessage_nofriends" "To find others who play %gamena me%, join <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>a related Ste am Community group</a>. To see what games your friends are playing, <a href=stea m://friends/add/>Add a Friend</a> to your Steam Friends list." "steam_welcomemessage_help" "Se necessitares de suporte tcnico com este jogo, visita os <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/forums.php?AppId=%appid% >Fruns Steam</a> ou o <a href=http://support.steampowered.com/>Suporte do Steam</ a>." "[english]steam_welcomemessage_help" "If you need technical support with this game, check out the <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/forums.php?App Id=%appid%>%gamename% Steam Forums</a> or visit <a href=http://support.steampowe red.com/>Steam Support</a>." "steam_hidewelcomemessage" "Ocultar esta mensagem" "[english]steam_hidewelcomemessage" "Hide This Message" "steam_achievement_mostrecent" "Mais recentes" "[english]steam_achievement_mostrecent" "Most Recent" "steam_achievement_unlockedsofar" "Desbloqueaste %achieved_achievements%/% available_achievements% (%achieved_percent%%)" "[english]steam_achievement_unlockedsofar" "You have unlocked %achieved_ach ievements%/%available_achievements% (%achieved_percent%%)" "steam_achievementslocked" "Proezas bloqueadas" "[english]steam_achievementslocked" "Locked achievements" "steam_everythingachieved" "Desbloqueaste todas as proezas. Parabns!" "[english]steam_everythingachieved" "You've unlocked every single achievemen t. Congratulations!" "steam_edittags_menuitem" "Definir categoria..." "[english]steam_edittags_menuitem" "Set Category..." "steam_edittags_addtag" "Adicionar categoria" "[english]steam_edittags_addtag" "Add Category" "steam_edittags_title" "%game% - Categorias" "[english]steam_edittags_title" "%game% - Category" "steam_usertag_favorites" "Favoritos" "[english]steam_usertag_favorites" "Favorites" "steam_tags" "Categoria" "[english]steam_tags" "Category" "steam_details_tags" "Categorias" "[english]steam_details_tags" "Categories" "steam_details_edittags" "Definir categoria..." "[english]steam_details_edittags" "Set Category..." "steam_client_edit_categories" "Atribui categorias a este jogo para poderes enc ontr-lo rapidamente e assim organizares a tua Biblioteca. Jogos categorizados sero mostrados em grupos na tua lista de jogos." "[english]steam_client_edit_categories" " Set a category for this game to help you find it quickly and organize your Libra ry. Categorized games will be grouped together in your games list. " "steam_topmenu_friends" "Amigos (%friends_online%)" "[english]steam_topmenu_friends" "Friends (%friends_online%)" "steam_menu_set_profile" "Alterar o nome do perfil..." "[english]steam_menu_set_profile" "Change Profile Name..." "steam_menu_set_avatar" "Alterar avatar..."

"[english]steam_menu_set_avatar" "Change Avatar..." "steam_menu_friends_view" "Amigos" "[english]steam_menu_friends_view" "Friends" "steam_menu_friends_tools" "Ferramentas" "[english]steam_menu_friends_tools" "Tools" "steam_menu_friends_sortbyname" "Ordenar por nome" "[english]steam_menu_friends_sortbyname" "Sort by Name" "steam_menu_friends_showavatars" "Mostrar avatares" "[english]steam_menu_friends_showavatars" "Show Avatars" "steam_menu_friends_hideoffline" "Mostrar apenas amigos online" "[english]steam_menu_friends_hideoffline" "Show Online Friends Only" "steam_menu_friends_add" "Adicionar um amigo..." "[english]steam_menu_friends_add" "Add a Friend..." "steam_menu_friends_settings" "Ver definies" "[english]steam_menu_friends_settings" "View Settings" "steam_menu_friends_players" "Jogadores" "[english]steam_menu_friends_players" "Players" "friends_searchOnline" "Procurar membros da Comunidade Steam " "[english]friends_searchOnline" "Search members of the Steam Community" "steam_send_guestpass" "Enviar passe" "[english]steam_send_guestpass" "Send Guest Pass" "steam_links" "Links" "[english]steam_links" "Links" "steam_ogg" "Grupos relacionados" "[english]steam_ogg" "Related Groups" "steam_stats" "Estatsticas" "[english]steam_stats" "Stats" "steam_dlc" "DLC" "[english]steam_dlc" "DLC" "steam_cdkeylink" "Cdigo de produto" "[english]steam_cdkeylink" "CD Key" "steam_guide" "Guia" "[english]steam_guide" "Guide" "steam_menu_media" "Multimdia" "[english]steam_menu_media" "Media" "steam_menu_tools" "Ferramentas" "[english]steam_menu_tools" "Tools" "steam_menu_downloads" "Transferncias" "[english]steam_menu_downloads" "Downloads" "steam_menu_friends" "Amigos" "[english]steam_menu_friends" "Friends" "steam_menu_servers" "Servidores" "[english]steam_menu_servers" "Servers" "steam_menu_settings" "Definies" "[english]steam_menu_settings" "Settings" "steam_menu_view_friends" "Ver lista de amigos (%friends_online% online)" "[english]steam_menu_view_friends" "View Friends List (%friends_online% Onl ine)" "steam_menu_view_players" "Jogadores" "[english]steam_menu_view_players" "Players" "steam_menu_add_friend" "Adicionar um amigo..." "[english]steam_menu_add_friend" "Add a Friend..." "steam_menu_friendsstatus" "Definir estado dos amigos" "[english]steam_menu_friendsstatus" "Set Friends Status" "steam_viewfriends" "VER LISTA DE AMIGOS" "[english]steam_viewfriends" "VIEW FRIENDS LIST" "steam_onlinefriends" "%friends_online% Online" "[english]steam_onlinefriends" "%friends_online% Online" "Steam_Tooltip_Steam" "Steam" "[english]Steam_Tooltip_Steam" "Steam"

"Steam_Tooltip_Working" "Steam - em funcionamento" "[english]Steam_Tooltip_Working" "Steam - working" "Steam_Tooltip_Offline" "Steam - offline" "[english]Steam_Tooltip_Offline" "Steam - offline" "Steam_Tooltip_Syncing" "Steam - a sincronizar" "[english]Steam_Tooltip_Syncing" "Steam - synchronizing" "Steam_Tooltip_Downloading" "Steam - a transferir a %s1/s" "[english]Steam_Tooltip_Downloading" "Steam - downloading at %s1/s" "Friends_online" "Online" "[english]Friends_online" "Online" "Friends_away" "Ausente" "[english]Friends_away" "Away" "Friends_busy" "Ocupado" "[english]Friends_busy" "Busy" "Friends_snooze" "A dormir" "[english]Friends_snooze" "Snooze" "Friends_offline" "Offline" "[english]Friends_offline" "Offline" "tooltip_view_details" "Visualizao Detalhada" "[english]tooltip_view_details" "Detail View " "tooltip_view_list" "Visualizao em Lista" "[english]tooltip_view_list" "List View " "tooltip_view_grid" "Visualizao em Grelha" "[english]tooltip_view_grid" "Grid View " "steam_menu_setcategory" "Definir categoria" "[english]steam_menu_setcategory" "Set Category" "steam_menu_newcategory" "Criar novo..." "[english]steam_menu_newcategory" "Create new..." "steam_details_changetag" "Mudar categoria..." "[english]steam_details_changetag" "Change category..." "steam_recentlyplayed_today" "Hoje" "[english]steam_recentlyplayed_today" "Today" "steam_recentlyplayed_yesterday" "Ontem" "[english]steam_recentlyplayed_yesterday" "Yesterday" "steam_recentlyplayed_lastweek" "Esta Semana" "[english]steam_recentlyplayed_lastweek" "This Week" "steam_recentlyplayed_lastmonth" "Este Ms" "[english]steam_recentlyplayed_lastmonth" "This Month" "steam_recentlyplayed_previously" "Anteriormente" "[english]steam_recentlyplayed_previously" "Previously" "steam_menu_minimode" "Modo pequeno" "[english]steam_menu_minimode" "Small mode" "steam_menu_largemode" "Modo grande" "[english]steam_menu_largemode" "Large mode" "Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Title" "Erro" "[english]Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Title" "Error" "Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Body" "Desativaste a Comunidade Steam dentro d o jogo nas configuraes do Steam.\n\nReativa a configurao primeiro se desejas modific ar esta configurao individualmente para cada jogo." "[english]Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Body" "You have disabled Steam Communi ty In-Game in your Steam wide settings.\n\nPlease re-enable it there first if yo u wish to modify the setting on a per-game basis." "Steam_UseDirectWrite_Option" "Ativar o DirectWrite para melhorar a suavizao e \ "kerning\" das letras" "[english]Steam_UseDirectWrite_Option" "Enable DirectWrite for improved font sm oothing and kerning" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SignatureSupport" "Cdigos do Fornecedor Criptogrfico : %s1 %s2 %s3 %s4 %s5" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SignatureSupport" "Crypto Provider Codes: %s1 %s2 %s3 %s4 %s5"

"SteamUI_DriverDenied_Info" "O teu hardware de vdeo no possui os requerimentos mnimos necessrios para este jogo. Este jogo no pode ser executado na configurao atua l." "[english]SteamUI_DriverDenied_Info" "Your video hardware does not meet the m inimum requirements that we have set for the game. This game cannot be run on t his hardware." "Steam_Install_CreateApplicationShortcut" "Criar um atalho para %game%" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateApplicationShortcut" "Create an application s hortcut for %game%" "Steam_Install_CreateMultipleApplicationShortcut" "Criar um atalho para ca da jogo" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateMultipleApplicationShortcut" "Create an appli cation shortcut for each game" "Steam_Preferences_Title" "Preferncias" "[english]Steam_Preferences_Title" "Preferences" "steam_menu_preferences" "Preferncias" "[english]steam_menu_preferences" "Preferences" "Steam_InternetSpeedLabel" "Ligao Internet" "[english]Steam_InternetSpeedLabel" "Internet Connection" "Steam_CloudLabel" "Steam Cloud" "[english]Steam_CloudLabel" "Steam Cloud" "Steam_CloudInfo" "O Steam Cloud armazena informao para que a tua experincia de produto seja consistente entre diversos computadores." "[english]Steam_CloudInfo" "The Steam Cloud stores information so your prod uct experience is consistent across computers." "Steam_EnableCloud" "Ativar a sincronizao com a Steam Cloud nas aplicaes que a s uportam" "[english]Steam_EnableCloud" "Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for applicat ions which support it" "Steam_EnableCloudForApp" "Ativar a sincronizao com a Steam Cloud no %game%" "[english]Steam_EnableCloudForApp" "Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for %game%" "Steam_CloudUsage" "%used% utilizados / %available% disponveis" "[english]Steam_CloudUsage" "%used% stored / %available% available" "Steam_CloudEnableLink" "Vai a Definies / Transferncias + Cloud" "[english]Steam_CloudEnableLink" "Visit Settings / Downloads + Cloud" "Steam_CloudEnableLinkContinued" "para reativar o Steam Cloud na tua cont a." "[english]Steam_CloudEnableLinkContinued" "to re-enable the Steam Cloud fo r your account." "Steam_CannotCreateBackupDirectory" "O diretrio escolhido no existe e o Steam no conseguiu cri-lo." "[english]Steam_CannotCreateBackupDirectory" "The chosen directory does not e xist and Steam was unable to create the directory." "Steam_NoBetaChosenNonAdmin" "%numbetas% atualmente disponveis\n(S o utilizador que instalou o Steam pode alterar a participao em programas Beta.)" "[english]Steam_NoBetaChosenNonAdmin" "%numbetas% currently available\n(Only t he user who installed Steam can change Beta participation.)" "Steam_UserCantSetBeta" "%electedbeta%\n(S o utilizador que instalou o Steam pode alterar a participao em programas Beta.)" "[english]Steam_UserCantSetBeta" "%electedbeta%\n(Only the user who insta lled Steam can change Beta participation.)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Software" "Software instalado:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Software" "Installed software:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSWineString" "Verso do Wine: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSWineString" "Wine version: %s1" "Steam_Uninstall_Games_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Desinstalar" "[english]Steam_Uninstall_Games_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Uninstall" "Steam_Uninstall_Games_Dialog_Text" "A desinstalar %game% ..." "[english]Steam_Uninstall_Games_Dialog_Text" "Uninstalling %game% ..."

"steam_menu_updatevendorgraphicscard" "Atualizar os Drivers de Vdeo da %graphic s_vendor%..." "[english]steam_menu_updatevendorgraphicscard" "Update %graphics_vendor% Video Drivers..." "steam_menu_checkforvideodriverupdates" "Verificar a existncia de atualizaes para o Driver de Vdeo..." "[english]steam_menu_checkforvideodriverupdates" "Check for Video Driver Updates..." "Steam_CheckForVideoDriverUpdates_Title" "Steam - Atualizaes de Driver de Vd eo" "[english]Steam_CheckForVideoDriverUpdates_Title" "Steam - Video Driver Up dates" "Steam_NoVideoDriverUpdateAvailable" "Os teus drivers de vdeo j se encontram at ualizados." "[english]Steam_NoVideoDriverUpdateAvailable" "Your video drivers are already up-to-date." "Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloading" "Uma atualizao do driver de vdeo est disponve l, e est agora a ser transferida." "[english]Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloading" "A video driver update i s available, and is now being downloaded." "Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloaded" "Uma atualizao do driver de vdeo foi transf erida." "[english]Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloaded" "A video driver update has been downloaded." "Steam_InstallVideoDriverNow" "Instalar Agora" "[english]Steam_InstallVideoDriverNow" "Install Now" "Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Title" "Steam - Aviso" "[english]Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Title" "Steam - Warning" "Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Text" "O teu computador no consegue aceder aos servidores Steam neste momento, ou o servio encontra-se temporariamente desativad o.\n\nPor favor, tenta mais tarde." "[english]Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Text" "Your computer is either current ly unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled .\n\nPlease try again later." "Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Text" "Ocorreu um problema ao executar o atual izador dos drivers de vdeo." "[english]Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Text" "There was a problem launching t he video driver updater." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Recommend" "Recomendar a amigos..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Recommend" "Recommend to Friends... " "Steam_Game_RecommendGame" "Recomendar..." "[english]Steam_Game_RecommendGame" "Recommend..." "Steam_Screenshots" "Capturas de ecr" "[english]Steam_Screenshots" "Screenshots" "Steam_ViewAllScreenshots" "Ver biblioteca de capturas de ecr" "[english]Steam_ViewAllScreenshots" "View screenshot library" "Steam_MoreScreenshots" "+%morescreenshots_notshown%" "[english]Steam_MoreScreenshots" "+%morescreenshots_notshown%" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_SamePassword" "A nova palavra-passe igual palavra-pass e atual. Volta atrs para escolher uma nova palavra-passe ou cancelar e iniciar se sso com essa palavra-passe\n" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_SamePassword" "The new password matches the cu rrent password. Hit back to choose a new password or cancel and log in with that password\n" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewScreenshots" "Ver Capturas de Ecr" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewScreenshots" "View Screenshot s"

"Steam_ShowUrlBar_Option" "Mostrar barra de endereos URL do Steam quando di sponvel" "[english]Steam_ShowUrlBar_Option" "Display Steam URL address bar when avai lable" "Steam_ForceChangePassword" "O Suporte Steam marcou a tua conta como requere ndo uma nova palavra-passe a ser estabelecida. Isto pode-se dever tua conta anti ga ser suspeita de estar comprometida, ou porque o Suporte Steam recuperou a tua conta perdida e tinha estabelecido uma palavra-passe temporria.\n\nIremos ajudar -te a estabelecer uma nova palavra-passe agora." "[english]Steam_ForceChangePassword" "Steam Support has flagged your account as requiring a new password to be set. This can either be because your old accou nt was suspected of being compromised, or because Steam Support had recovered yo ur lost account and had set a temporary password.\n\nWe'll walk you through sett ing a new password now." "Steam_ForceChangeSecretQuestion" "Deves mudar a tua pergunta e resposta s ecretas agora." "[english]Steam_ForceChangeSecretQuestion" "You must change your secret que stion and answer now." "Steam_ChangePasswordFailedIllegal" "Falha ao mudar palavra-passe.\nA palavr a-passe no satisfaz os requerimentos de complexidade adicionais. Por favor, escol he de novo." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailedIllegal" "Failed to change password.\nTha t password did not satisfy additional complexity requirements. Please choose aga in." "Steam_ChangePasswordFailedReuse" "Falha ao alterar a palavra-passe.\nNo po des reutilizar uma palavra-passe antiga. Por favor, escolhe de novo." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailedReuse" "Failed to change password.\nYou may not reuse an old password. Please choose again." "Steam_ChangeSecretQAFailedSame" "A pergunta e a resposta so iguais s defin idas atualmente.\nPor favor, escolhe uma pergunta e uma resposta diferentes." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQAFailedSame" "That question and answer is the same as the current setting.\nPlease choose a different question and answer." "Steam_PasswordStrength" "Eficcia da palavra-passe:" "[english]Steam_PasswordStrength" "Password strength:" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_NotChangedYet" "Uma mensagem de confirmao foi env iada para o teu novo endereo de e-mail proposto." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_NotChangedYet" "Contacting Steam Server s to send a confirmation code to your proposed new email address." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_WaitingForVerify" "Esta alterao estar concluda quando confirmares a receo do e-mail ao clicar no link includo." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_WaitingForVerify" "This change wil l be complete once you have acknowledged the receipt of that email by clicking t he link within." "SteamUI_Selection_Turkish" "Trke (Turco)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Turkish" "Trke (Turkish)" "SteamUI_CreateAccountFailedPasswordIllegal" "Falha ao criar conta.\nA palavr a-passe no satisfaz os requisitos de complexidade adicionais. Por favor, escolhe de novo." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccountFailedPasswordIllegal" "Failed to create accoun t.\nThat password did not satisfy additional complexity requirements. Please cho ose again." "Steam_EnableCloudScreenshots" "Abrir o gestor de capturas de ecr depois de fech ar um jogo, se alguma foi tirada" "[english]Steam_EnableCloudScreenshots" "Open the screenshot uploader after a cl osing game if screenshots were taken" "SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescriptionAlt" "O teu endereo de e-mail no foi verificado .\nClica em 'Seguinte' para verificar o teu endereo de e-mail com o Steam.\nUm en dereo verificado ser usado para confirmar quaisquer alteraes nas credenciais da tua conta Steam, para que tu, e s tu, possas alterar a tua pergunta e resposta secret as."

"[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescriptionAlt" "Your email address is not verif ied.\nClick Next to verify your email address with Steam.\nA verified address will be used to confirm any changes to your Steam account credentials, so you and on ly you can change your secret question or password." "SteamUI_ManageSecurityButton" "Gerir Segurana da Conta com Steam Guard..." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurityButton" "Manage Steam Guard Account Security..." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Title" "Gerir Steam Guard" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Title" "Manage Steam Guard" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_DoNothing" "Boa escolha! Apesar de precisares de ac eder ao teu e-mail para iniciar sesso no Steam a partir de outro computador, a tu a conta estar muito mais segura com o Steam Guard ativado." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_DoNothing" "Good choice! While you will nee d access to your email to login to Steam on another computer, your account will be more secure with Steam Guard enabled." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_DoNothing2" "Para tua segurana, certifica-te de que a s palavras-passe da tua conta Steam e do teu e-mail so diferentes." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_DoNothing2" "For your security, please be su re your Steam account and email address passwords differ." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockAccount_Success" "Qualquer computador ou browser podem agora ter acesso tua conta Steam, desde que o teu nome da conta e palavrapasse sejam providenciados." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockAccount_Success" "Any computer or browser may now have access to your Steam account, provided your account name and passw ord are provided." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Reenable" "Para reativar o Steam Guard, clica em ' Gerir Segurana da Conta com Steam Guard' nas Definies do Steam." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Reenable" "To re-enable Steam Guard, click 'Manage Steam Guard Account Security' in Steam Settings." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_CodeSent" "Um e-mail com um cdigo foi enviado para o teu endereo de e-mail.\nUsa este cdigo quando iniciares sesso num computador dife rente." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_CodeSent" "An email with a code has been s ent to your email address.\nUse this code when you login on a new computer." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied" "Todos os outros computadores no esto mais autorizados a aceder a esta conta Steam sem o teu prvio consentimento vi a e-mail." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied" "All other computers are no longer authorized to access this Steam account without your prior consent vi a email." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied2" "Para iniciar sesso no Steam a pa rtir de outro computador, necessitars de introduzir um cdigo de acesso nico que te iremos enviar para o teu endereo de e-mail quando tentares iniciar sesso." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied2" "To login to Steam on an other computer, you'll be required to enter a unique access code which we'll sen d to your email address when you attempt to login." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Working" "A contactar os Servidores do Steam para fazer o pedido..." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Working" "Contacting Steam Servers to per form request..." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel" "A tua conta Steam est agora protegida pe lo Steam Guard, para impedires que a tua conta caia em mos erradas." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel" "Your Steam account is now prote cted by Steam Guard, to protect your account from falling into the wrong hands." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel2" "Isto significa que precisas de ter aces so tua conta de e-mail de contacto de modo a aceder tua conta Steam a partir de um computador ou browser desconhecidos." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel2" "This means you will need access to your contact email account in order to access your Steam account from an unr ecognized computer or browser." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel3" "O Steam ir enviar uma mensagem para o te

u endereo de e-mail de contacto na primeira vez que tentares aceder tua conta Ste am a partir de um computador ou browser que no sejam reconhecidos. Esta messagem ir incluir um cdigo especial de acesso, que ser necessrio para que possas aceder tua conta Steam." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel3" "Steam will send a message to yo ur contact email address the first time you attempt to access your Steam account from an unrecognized computer or browser. This message will include a special a ccess code, which will be required in order to access your Steam account." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NothingRadio" "Manter a minha conta protegida com o St eam Guard" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NothingRadio" "Keep my account protected by St eam Guard" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockRadio" "Desativar Steam Guard (No Recomendado)" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockRadio" "Disable Steam Guard (Not Recomm ended)" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_RemoveOtherComputersButton" "Desautorizar todos os o utros computadores agora" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_RemoveOtherComputersButton" "Deauthorize all other computers now" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo" "A sua conta Steam pode ser protegida co m o Steam Guard, para impedires que a sua conta caia nas mos erradas." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo" "Your Steam account can be prote cted by Steam Guard, to protect your account from falling into the wrong hands." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo2" "Com o Steam Guard, o Steam ir enviar uma mensagem para o teu endereo de e-mail de contacto na primeira vez que tentares a ceder tua conta Steam a partir de um computador ou browser que no sejam reconheci dos. Esta messagem ir incluir um cdigo especial de acesso, que ser necessrio para qu e possas aceder tua conta Steam." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo2" "With Steam Guard, Steam will send a message to your contact email address the first time you attempt to access your Steam account from an unrecognized computer or browser. This messag e will include a special access code, which will be required in order to access your Steam account." "SteamUI_LockAccountButton" "Proteger a minha conta com Steam Guard (Recomen dado)" "[english]SteamUI_LockAccountButton" "Protect my account with Steam Guard (Re commended)" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel_LockedWithIPT" "Esta conta tem Proteo de Identidade da Intel e s pode ser acedida deste computador." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel_LockedWithIPT" "This account ha s Intel Identity Protection and may only be accessed from this computer." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_AddComputerRadio" "Adicionar um novo computador li sta de autorizaes" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_AddComputerRadio" "Add a new computer to a uthorized list" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_EnableIPT" "Ativar Proteo de Identidade da Intel" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_EnableIPT" "Enable Intel Identity Protectio n" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_RemoveIPT" "Remover Proteo de Identidade da Intel" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_RemoveIPT" "Remove Intel Identity Protectio n" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeActivated" "Proteo de Identidade da Intel ver ificada.\nA contactar o servidor para registar este computador." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeActivated" "Intel Identity Protecti on verified.\nNow contacting server to register this computer." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeFailed" "A Proteo de Identidade da Intel f alhou ao iniciar.\nPor favor, verifica a instalao do programa." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeFailed" "Intel Identity Protecti on failed to initialize.\nPlease verify software installation." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_IPTRegistrationComplete" "Proteo de Identidade da I

ntel est agora ativa.\nS este computador pode aceder a esta conta Steam." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_IPTRegistrationComplete" "Intel Identity Protection is now active.\nOnly this computer may access this steam account." "Steam_LockedAccountRecover_Title" "Steam Guard - Autorizao Requirida para o Computador" "[english]Steam_LockedAccountRecover_Title" "Steam Guard - Computer Authoriz ation Required" "Steam_RecoverLocked_Info" "Ol! Vemos que ests a iniciar sesso a partir de um computador diferente." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_Info" "Hello! We see you're logging in from a new computer." "Steam_RecoverLocked_Details" "Como medida de segurana adicional, precisas de p ermitir o acesso deste computador, introduzindo o cdigo especial que acabmos de ma ndar para o teu endereo de e-mail %s1." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_Details" "As an additional security measure, you' ll need to grant access to this computer by entering the special code we've just sent to your email address at %s1." "Steam_RecoverLocked_UseCode" "Recebi a mensagem do Suporte Steam e estou pron to para introduzir o meu cdigo especial de acesso." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_UseCode" "I've received the message from Steam Su pport and am ready to enter my special access code." "Steam_RecoverLocked_MustRecover" "Qual mensagem de e-mail? No recebi nada. .." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_MustRecover" "What email message? I don't hav e it..." "Steam_RecoverLocked_WhyIsThisHappening" "Por que est isto a acontecer?" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_WhyIsThisHappening" "Why is this happening?" "Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCode" "O meu cdigo especial de acesso :" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCode" "My special access code is:" "Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCodeDetails" "Depois do teu cdigo ter sido verificado, o Steam ir adicionar este computador lista de mquinas que podem aceder tua conta Steam." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCodeDetails" "Once your code has been verifie d, Steam Guard will add this computer to the list of machines that are allowed t o access your Steam account." "Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCode" "Desculpa, isso no est correto." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCode" "Sorry, that isn't quite right." "Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCodeDetails" "Volta atrs para tentares de novo, ou cli ca em Seguinte para obteres a ajuda que irs precisar para acederes tua conta Stea m a partir deste computador." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCodeDetails" "Go back to try again, or click Next to get the help you'll need to access your Steam account from this computer ." "Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmail" "Verificaste a tua pasta de spam?" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmail" "Did you check your spam folder?" "Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails" "Se no encontras uma mensagem recente do Suporte Steam na tua caixa de entrada, experimenta verificar a pasta de spam da tua conta de e-mail." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails" "If you don't see a recent messa ge from Steam Support in your inbox, try looking in your email account's spam fo lder." "Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails2" "Volta atrs para introduzires o teu cdigo caso o tenhas encontrado, ou clica em Seguinte para obteres a ajuda que necessit as de modo a acederes tua conta Steam a partir deste computador." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails2" "Go back to enter your code if y ou've found it, or click Next to get the help you'll need to access your Steam a ccount from this computer." "Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery" "Lamentamos que estejas a ter problemas - deixa-nos ajudar!" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery" "Sorry you're having trouble - l

et us help!" "Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery2" "Sabemos que a tua conta Steam valiosa p ara ti e estamos comprometidos a ajudar-te a manter o acesso a ela nas tuas mos." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery2" "We know your Steam account is v aluable to you, and we're committed to helping you keep access to it in the righ t hands." "Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery3" "Por favor, contacta o Suporte Steam par a que um membro da nossa equipa possa ajudar. Pedidos de ajuda legtimos para aces so conta so a nossa prioridade nmero um." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery3" "Please contact Steam Support to have a member of our staff assist you. Legitimate claims for help with account access are our number one priority." "Steam_RecoverLocked_RecoverySupportLink" "Contactar o Suporte Steam" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_RecoverySupportLink" "Contact Steam Support" "Steam_RecoverLocked_LearnMore" "Sabe mais sobre a Tecnologia de Proteo de Identid ade da Intel" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_LearnMore" "Learn more about Intel Identity Protection Technology" "Steam_RecoverLocked_CannotAccess" "Lamentamos, mas esta conta no pode ser a cedida a partir deste computador sem autorizao adicional." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_CannotAccess" "Sorry, this account can't be ac cessed from this computer without additional authorization." "Steam_RecoverLocked_Success" "Sucesso!" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_Success" "Success!" "Steam_RecoverLocked_SuccessDetails" "Agora tens acesso tua conta Steam a par tir deste computador. O Steam adicionou este computador lista de mquinas que pode m aceder tua conta Steam no futuro." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_SuccessDetails" "You now have access to your Ste am account from this computer. Steam Guard has added this computer to the list o f machines that are allowed to access your Steam account in the future." "Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultWorking" "Steam - em funcionamento..." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultWorking" "Steam - working..." "Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultFailure" "Falha ao contactar servidores do Steam" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultFailure" "Failed to contact Steam servers " "Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultFailureDetails" "Os servidores do Steam no pudera m ser contactados neste momento. Por favor, tenta mais tarde." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultFailureDetails" "The Steam servers could not be contacted at this time. Please try again later." "steam_library_search" "Pesquisar" "[english]steam_library_search" "Search" "Friends_game_on_PS3" "%s1 na PlayStation3" "[english]Friends_game_on_PS3" "%s1 on PlayStation3" "steam_voice_unknowncodec" "Codec de voz desconhecido usado por emissor rem oto - a desligar. Deve estar a utilizar uma nova verso do cliente Steam." "[english]steam_voice_unknowncodec" "Unknown voice codec used by remote end - hanging up. They must be running a newer version of the Steam client." "steam_voice_datacorrupted" "Dados de voz invlidos recebidos por emissor remo to - a desligar." "[english]steam_voice_datacorrupted" "Bad voice data received by remote end hanging up." "steam_voice_disconnect" "Ligao de voz a recetor remoto terminada inesperad amente." "[english]steam_voice_disconnect" "Voice connection to remote end disconne cted unexpectedly." "steam_statuslabel" "Estado" "[english]steam_statuslabel" "Status" "steam_screenshotsupload_title" "Envio de Capturas de ecr" "[english]steam_screenshotsupload_title" "Screenshot Upload" "steam_screenshotsuploading_title" "A enviar..."

"[english]steam_screenshotsuploading_title" "Uploading..." "steam_upload_a_screenshot" "Enviar uma captura de ecr?" "[english]steam_upload_a_screenshot" "Upload a screenshot?" "steam_upload_screenshots" "Enviar %upload_screenshot_count% capturas de ec r?" "[english]steam_upload_screenshots" "Upload %upload_screenshot_count% screen shots?" "steam_upload_size" "Tamanho de envio:" "[english]steam_upload_size" "Upload size:" "steam_upload_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%" "[english]steam_upload_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%" "steam_selected_screenshot_size" "Tamanho total:" "[english]steam_selected_screenshot_size" "Total size:" "steam_selected_screenshot_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%" "[english]steam_selected_screenshot_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%" "steam_remaining_storage" "Espao livre:" "[english]steam_remaining_storage" "Remaining storage:" "steam_remaining_storage_info" "%screenshot_remaining_storage%" "[english]steam_remaining_storage_info" "%screenshot_remaining_storage%" "steam_visibility" "Visibilidade" "[english]steam_visibility" "Visibility" "steam_upload" "Enviar" "[english]steam_upload" "Upload" "steam_private" "Privada" "[english]steam_private" "Private" "steam_published" "Publicadas" "[english]steam_published" "Published" "steam_public" "Pblica" "[english]steam_public" "Public" "steam_friendsonly" "S para amigos" "[english]steam_friendsonly" "Friends only" "steam_screenshot_upload_info" "A enviar captura de ecr para o Steam Cloud" "[english]steam_screenshot_upload_info" "Uploading screenshot to Steam Cloud" "steam_screenshots_upload_info" "A enviar %upload_screenshot_count% capturas de ecr para o Steam Cloud" "[english]steam_screenshots_upload_info" "Uploading %upload_screenshot_co unt% screenshots to Steam Cloud" "steam_also_delete_from_cloud" "Eliminar tambm do Steam Cloud" "[english]steam_also_delete_from_cloud" "Delete from Steam Cloud as well" "steam_screenshots_error_info" "Ocorreu um erro ao enviar %ScreenshotsErrors% c aptura(s) de ecr. O Steam Cloud pode estar temporariamente indisponvel." "[english]steam_screenshots_error_info" "There was an error uploading %Screensho tsErrors% screenshots. Steam Cloud may be temporarily unavailable." "steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshot" "Tens a certeza que queres eliminar perm anentemente esta captura de ecr do teu disco rgido?" "[english]steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshot" "Are you sure you want to perman ently delete this screenshot from your hard disk?" "steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshots" "Tens a certeza que queres eliminar perm anentemente estas %delete_screenshot_count% capturas de ecr do teu disco rgido?" "[english]steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshots" "Are you sure you want t o permanently delete these %delete_screenshot_count% screenshots from your hard disk?" "steam_screenshotdelete_title" "Eliminar Capturas de Ecr" "[english]steam_screenshotdelete_title" "Screenshot Delete" "steam_delete" "Eliminar" "[english]steam_delete" "Delete" "steam_screenshots_selected" "Selecionaste %selected_screenshot_count% captur as de ecr." "[english]steam_screenshots_selected" "You've selected %selected_screenshot_co unt% screenshots."

"steam_screenshots_select_all" "Selecionar todas" "[english]steam_screenshots_select_all" "Select all" "steam_screenshots_deselect_all" "Desselecionar todas" "[english]steam_screenshots_deselect_all" "Deselect all" "steam_view_screenshots" "Ver as minhas capturas de ecr..." "[english]steam_view_screenshots" "View my screenshots..." "steam_screenshot_not_loaded" "Captura de ecr no pde ser carregada: %file_not_loa ded_filename%" "[english]steam_screenshot_not_loaded" "Screenshot could not be loaded: %file_n ot_loaded_filename%" "steam_screenshots_no_selection_title" "Partilha capturas de ecr dos teus jogos preferidos na rede" "[english]steam_screenshots_no_selection_title" "Share screenshots of your favor ite games on the web" "steam_screenshots_no_selection_instructions" "Pressiona %screenshot_hotkey% d urante o jogo para capturar o ecr\n\nSeleciona as capturas de ecr que desejas envi ar para a tua biblioteca online\n\nSeleciona vrias capturas de ecr pressionando a tecla Shift ou Control\n\nDefine o tipo de visualizao das tuas capturas de ecr para Pblico para as poderes partilhar na rede" "[english]steam_screenshots_no_selection_instructions" "Press %screenshot_hotke y% while in-game to take a screenshot\n\nSelect the screenshots you want to uplo ad to your library online\n\nSelect multiple screenshots by holding the Shift or Control key\n\nSet your screenshots visibility to Public to share them on the we b" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustLoginPS3_Headline" "No jogaste %game name% no sistema PlayStation3 com a tua conta" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustLoginPS3_Headline" "Your ac count has not played %gamename% on the PlayStation3 system" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustLoginPS3" "O cdigo de produto que i ntroduziste requer que primeiro jogues %gamename% no sistema PlayStation3 antes d e ser registado. \n\\Por favor: \n\n- Inicia o %gamename% no teu sistema PlaySta tion3\n\n- Associa a tua conta Steam tua conta da PlayStation3 Network \n\\- Conec ta-te ao Steam enquanto jogas o %gamename% no sistema PlayStation3\n\n- Regista e ste cdigo do produto pelo Steam" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustLoginPS3" "The product cod e you have entered requires that you first play %gamename% on the PlayStation3 sy stem before it can be registered.\n\nPlease:\n\n- Start %gamename% on your PlayS tation3 system\n\n- Link your Steam account to your PlayStation3 Network account\n \n- Connect to Steam while playing %gamename% on the PlayStation3 system\n\n- Reg ister this product code through Steam" "Steam_Game_DLC_Title2" "Possuis o seguinte contedo transfervel para o jogo %game% " "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_Title2" "You have the following downloadable con tent for %game%" "Steam_Game_DLC_InstallState" "Estado" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_InstallState" "State" "Steam_Game_DLC_Installed" "Instalado" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_Installed" "Installed" "Steam_Game_DLC_NotInstalled" "No instalado" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_NotInstalled" "Not installed" "Steam_AlreadyRunningError_SupportTicket" "Por favor, contacta o Suporte S team o mais rpido possvel" "[english]Steam_AlreadyRunningError_SupportTicket" "Please contact Steam Su pport as soon as possible" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_Label" "Estado de Segurana:" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_Label" "Security Status:" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_0" "O endereo de e-mail ainda no foi verificado" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_0" "Email address not yet v erified"

"SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_1" "Protegido pelo Steam Guard" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_1" "Protected by Steam Guar d" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_2" "Steam Guard desativado" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_2" "Steam Guard disabled" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_3" "Desconhecido, offline" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_3" "Unknown, offline" "steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveFromCategory" "Remover de '%category%' " "[english]steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveFromCategory" "Remove from '%c ategory%'" "steam_AppSupport_Title" "Suporte de Problemas com a Aplicao" "[english]steam_AppSupport_Title" "Application Support Issue" "steam_AppSupport_Info" "Esta aplicao tem requerimentos especiais para o teu mtodo de instalao, clica no endereo em baixo para detalhes." "[english]steam_AppSupport_Info" "This application has special requiremen ts for your installation environment, click the URL below to see details." "steam_ClosedBeta_Title" "No-autorizado" "[english]steam_ClosedBeta_Title" "Unauthorized" "steam_ClosedBeta_Message" "Esta verso do Steam est atualmente em beta fechad a.\nInicia a sesso com uma conta registada para continuar." "[english]steam_ClosedBeta_Message" "This version of Steam is currently in c losed beta.\nLogin with an enrolled account to continue." "steam_tryoutvoicechat" "Psst, experimenta o nosso novo e melhorado chat de voz! " "[english]steam_tryoutvoicechat" "Psst, try our new & improved voice chat !" "WelcomeToSteamPSNAccountSetup" "Jogadores PS3: Primeira vez a usar o Steam?" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPSNAccountSetup" "PS3 Players: First time signing into Steam?" "Steam_Login_PS3Players" "Jogadores na PlayStationNetwork" "[english]Steam_Login_PS3Players" "PlayStationNetwork Players" "Steam_Login_PSNAccountSetup" "PS3 - 1 vez a iniciar sesso?" "[english]Steam_Login_PSNAccountSetup" "PS3 - First time signing in?" "Steam_NoGamesOfThisType" "No encontrmos nada! Tenta limpar o campo de pesqu isa ou selecionar uma outra categoria acima." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType" "We've come up empty! Try clearing your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above." "Steam_Login_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_Login_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Error" "Steam_Login_DisabledTitle" "Steam - Contacta-nos" "[english]Steam_Login_DisabledTitle" "Steam - Contact us" "Steam_Login_ContactSupport" "Por favor, entra em contacto com o Suporte Stea m para resolver este problema." "[english]Steam_Login_ContactSupport" "Please contact Steam Support to resolve this issue." "Steam_PSNAccountSetup_Title" "Iniciar sesso via PlayStationNetwork" "[english]Steam_PSNAccountSetup_Title" "Sign in through the PlayStationNetwork" "Steam_GuestPasses_ShowGift" "Mostrar" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ShowGift" "Show" "steam_guestpass_ignore" "Ignorar este presente" "[english]steam_guestpass_ignore" "Ignore this gift" "steam_guestpass_dealwiththislater" "Perguntar novamente mais tarde" "[english]steam_guestpass_dealwiththislater" "Ask me again later" "Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Incoming" "Ainda no aceitado" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Incoming" "Not yet accepted" "steam_tradedialog_title" "Trocar" "[english]steam_tradedialog_title" "Trade" "SteamUI_Brazilian" "Portugus (Brasil)" "[english]SteamUI_Brazilian" "Portuguese-Brazil"

"SteamUI_Bulgarian" "Blgaro" "[english]SteamUI_Bulgarian" "Bulgarian" "SteamUI_Turkish" "Turco" "[english]SteamUI_Turkish" "Turkish" "SteamUI_Selection_Brazilian" "Portugus (Brasil)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Brazilian" "Portugus-Brasil (Portuguese-Brazil)" "SteamUI_Selection_Bulgarian" " (Blgaro)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Bulgarian" " (Bulgarian)" "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label" "A validar ficheiros da cache do Steam ( %cache_number% de %cache_total%)" "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label" "Validating Steam cache files (% cache_number% of %cache_total%)" "Steam_RecoverLocked_ExpiredCode" "Este cdigo muito antigo e expirou." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_ExpiredCode" "That code is too old and has ex pired." "Steam_RecoverLocked_ExpiredCodeDetails" "Procura na tua caixa de e-mail por um e-mail mais recente e clica em retroceder para tentar de novo, ou clica n o boto seguinte para requisitar um novo e-mail com um cdigo novo." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_ExpiredCodeDetails" "Check your email folder for a more recent email and click back to try again, or click the next button t o request a new email with a new code." "Steam_RunGame_Title_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "Sistema de Contedo Steam" "[english]Steam_RunGame_Title_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "Steam Content S ystem" "Steam_RunGame_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "Este jogo est a ser convertido p ara o novo sistema de contedo do Steam" "[english]Steam_RunGame_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "This game is being conv erted to Steam's new content system" "Steam_PreallocateAppStatus" "A alocar espao no disco para %s1 ..." "[english]Steam_PreallocateAppStatus" "Allocating disk space for %s1 ..." "Steam_ValidateAppStatus" "A procurar ficheiros existentes para %s1 ..." "[english]Steam_ValidateAppStatus" "Discovering existing files for %s1 ..." "Steam_App_Install_Failed_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_App_Install_Failed_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_App_Install_Failed_Text" "Um erro ocorreu durante a instalao de %game% (%re ason%)" "[english]Steam_App_Install_Failed_Text" "An error occurred while install ing %game% (%reason%)" "Steam_UpdateSuspended" "Atualizao suspensa" "[english]Steam_UpdateSuspended" "Update suspended" "Steam_UpdateRequired" "Atualizao necessria" "[english]Steam_UpdateRequired" "Update required" "Steam_GameUninstalling" "A desinstalar..." "[english]Steam_GameUninstalling" "Uninstalling..." "Steam_GameRunning" "A executar" "[english]Steam_GameRunning" "Running" "Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Encerrar" "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Shutdown" "Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Text" "A encerrar o Steam..." "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Text" "Shutting down Steam ..." "Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Game" " espera que %game% encerre ..." "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Game" "Waiting for %game% to shut down ..." "Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Download" "A parar transferncia de %game% ..." "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Download" "Stopping download for %game% .. ." "Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Cloud" "A concluir sincronizao do Steam cloud ... " "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Cloud" "Finishing Steam cloud sync ..." "Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Logoff" "A terminar sesso ..."

"[english]Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Logoff" "Logging off ..." "Steam_Shutdown_ForceQuit" "Sair Agora" "[english]Steam_Shutdown_ForceQuit" "Exit Now" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=guestpass" "Este passe de c onvidado tem requisitos adicionais" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=guestpass" "This gu est pass has additional requirements" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextMustOwnApp$type=guestpass" "Antes de poderes redimi r um passe de convidado para %package%, necessitas de possuir %appname%. Ao ser adquirido, por favor, tenta redimir este passe novamente." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextMustOwnApp$type=guestpass" "Before redeeming a guest pass for %package%, you must own %appname%. Once owned, please try to redeem this guest pass again." "Steam_GameProperties_BetasTab" "Betas" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_BetasTab" "Betas" "Steam_ChooseGameBeta" "Seleciona a Beta em que gostarias de participar:" "[english]Steam_ChooseGameBeta" "Select the beta you would like to opt into:" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=gift" "Este passe de presente possui requisitos adicionais" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=gift" "This gift pass has additional requirements" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextMustOwnApp$type=gift" "Antes de aceitares um p resente para %package%, necessrio que tenhas %appname%. Depois de o obteres, por favor aceita este presente de novo." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextMustOwnApp$type=gift" "Before acceptin g a gift for %package%, you must own %appname%. Once owned, please try to accept this gift again." "steam_downloads_installing" "A instalar" "[english]steam_downloads_installing" "Installing" "steam_downloads_starting" "A iniciar" "[english]steam_downloads_starting" "Starting" "steam_downloads_validating" "A validar" "[english]steam_downloads_validating" "Validating" "steam_downloads_preallocating" "A pr-alocar" "[english]steam_downloads_preallocating" "Preallocating" "steam_downloads_stopping" "A parar" "[english]steam_downloads_stopping" "Stopping" "steam_menu_friends_showtagged" "Mostrar todos os utilizadores na seco AMIGOS" "[english]steam_menu_friends_showtagged" "Show everyone in the FRIENDS se ction" "Steam_ErrorAccountIPLoginRestricted" "Esta conta no pode ser acedida a partir desta localizao.\n" "[english]Steam_ErrorAccountIPLoginRestricted" "This account can not be accesse d from this location.\n" "Friends_lookingtotrade" "Quer trocar" "[english]Friends_lookingtotrade" "Looking to Trade" "Friends_lookingtoplay" "Quer jogar" "[english]Friends_lookingtoplay" "Looking to Play" "Steam_Convert_Content_Dialog_Title" "Converso do contedo do jogo" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Dialog_Title" "Game content conversion" "Steam_Convert_Content_Text" "O Steam precisa de converter o contedo do jogo \ "%game%\" para um novo e mais eficiente formato. Isto requer conexo Internet e al guns minutos." "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Text" "Steam needs to convert the game content for \"%game%\" to a new, more efficient format. This will require an Internet c onnection and a few minutes time." "Steam_Convert_Content_Start" "Ok" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Start" "Ok" "Steam_Convert_Content_Cancel" "Cancelar" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Cancel" "Cancel"

"Steam_Convert_Content_Removing_Old" "A verificar contedo existente ..." "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Removing_Old" "Checking existing content ..." "Steam_Convert_Content_Reconfiguration" "A reconfigurar o novo contedo ..." "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Reconfiguration" "Reconfiguring new conte nt ..." "Steam_Convert_Content_Validation" "A converter o contedo existente ... %pro gress%" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Validation" "Converting existing content ... %progress%" "Steam_Convert_Content_Preallocation" "A preparar o novo contedo ... %progress% " "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Preallocation" "Preparing new content ... %prog ress%" "Steam_Convert_Content_Done" "A converso foi concluda. O contedo em falta est ago ra a ser transferido ..." "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Done" "Conversion complete. Missing content is being downloaded..." "Steam_Convert_Content_Error" "A converso falhou (%error%)" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Error" "Conversion failed (%error%)" "CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Title" "Steam Cloud - Remover Ficheiro" "[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Title" "Steam Cloud - Remove File" "CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Info" "Tens a certeza de que desejas remover %filename % da tua Steam Cloud? Isto ir tambm eliminar permanentemente a tua cpia local do fi cheiro.\n\n(Esta ao no pode ser revertida.)\n" "[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Info" "Are you sure you want to remove %filena me% from your Steam Cloud? This will also permanently delete your local copy of the file.\n\n(This action cannot be reversed.)\n" "CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Button" "Remover" "[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Button" "Remove" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_Title" "Erro de Inqurito" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_Title" "Survey Error" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_InvalidID" "ID de inqurito invlido" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_InvalidID" "Invalid survey ID" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_TryAgain" "Ocorreu um problema a comunicar com os servidores Steam. Por favor tenta outra vez mais tarde." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_TryAgain" "There was a problem communicati ng with the Steam servers. Please try again later." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_NotOnline" "Tens de estar online para participares neste inqurito." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_NotOnline" "You must be online to t ake this survey." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_SurveyUnavailable" "O inqurito em que ests a tentar p articipar no existe ou j no est disponvel." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_SurveyUnavailable" "The survey you are trying to take does not exist or is no longer available." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_Denied" "No foste convidado(a) a participar neste inqurito." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_Denied" "You have not been invited to ta ke this survey." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_AlreadyComplete" "J participaste neste inqurito. Ob rigado pela tua participao." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_AlreadyComplete" "You have already taken this survey. Thank you for your participation." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome" "%surveyname%\n\nObrigado por aceitares particip ar neste inqurito. Este inqurito tem duas partes.\n\nPrimeiro iremos recolher info rmao sobre a tua mquina. Estes dados no so annimos e sero partilhados com o autor dest inqurito.\n\nSegundo, iremos reencaminhar-te para uma pgina web de modo a obter d ados demogrficos adicionais.\n\nPara comear, clica em \"Seguinte\"" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome" "%surveyname%\n\nThank you for a greeing to take this survey. This survey has two steps.\n\nFirst we will gather

information about your machine. This data is not anonymous and will be shared wi th the author of this survey.\n\nFor step 2, we will forward you to a website to gather additional demographic data.\n\nTo get started click \"Next\"" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome_HW_Complete" "%surveyname%\n\nObrigado por ac eitares participar neste inqurito.\n\nParece que comeaste este inqurito anteriormen te, ento no precisamos de recolher informao sobre a tua mquina outra vez. Clica em \" Terminar\" para abrires a pgina web onde poders completar o resto do inqurito." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome_HW_Complete" "%surveyname%\n\nThank y ou for agreeing to take this survey.\n\nIt looks like you started this survey ea rlier so we do not have to gather information about your machine again. Press \" Finish\" to open a web page where you can complete the rest of the survey." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_ForwardToWeb" "A Parte 1, recolher informao do hardware, est agora concluda.\n\nClica em \"Terminar\" para abrires uma pgina web e completa res a Parte 2. O inqurito no estar concludo at completares a Parte 2." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_ForwardToWeb" "Step 1, gathering hardware info rmation, is complete.\n\nClick \"Finish\" to open a web page to begin step 2. Th e survey will not be finished until you complete step 2." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Sending_Data" "A enviar informao recolhida..." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Sending_Data" "Sending gathered data..." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Cancel" "Cancelar" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Cancel" "Cancel" "Steam_RightClick_OpenCloudFile" "Abrir ficheiro" "[english]Steam_RightClick_OpenCloudFile" "Open file" "Steam_RightClick_PublishCloudFile" "Publicar '%filename%'" "[english]Steam_RightClick_PublishCloudFile" "Publish '%filename%'" "Steam_RightClick_DeleteCloudFile" "Eliminar..." "[english]Steam_RightClick_DeleteCloudFile" "Delete..." "Steam_PublishFile_Title" "Partilhar Ficheiro Com a Comunidade: %filename% " "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Title" "Share File With Community: %filename%" "Steam_PublishFile_Description" "Partilhar este ficheiro com a Comunidade Steam? " "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Description" "Share this file with the Steam Community?" "Steam_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Ttulo:" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Title:" "Steam_PublishFile_DescriptionLabel" "Descrio:" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_DescriptionLabel" "Description:" "Steam_PublishFile_VisibilityLabel" "Visibilidade:" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_VisibilityLabel" "Visibility:" "Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Private" "Privado" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Private" "Private" "Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_FriendsOnly" "Apenas Amigos" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_FriendsOnly" "Friends Only" "Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Public" "Pblico" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Public" "Public" "Steam_PublishFile_TargetAppLabel" "Publicar Para:" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_TargetAppLabel" "Publish For:" "Steam_PublishFile_ConfirmButton" "Publicar" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_ConfirmButton" "Post" "Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPrivate" "Parabns! Publicaste o teu fichei ro na cloud. Podes agora partilhar a hiperligao do teu ficheiro com qualquer pesso a, mas no ser publicamente partilhado com o resto da comunidade Steam." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPrivate" "Congratulations! You h ave posted your file into the cloud. You may now share the link to your file wi th anyone, but it will not be publically shared with the rest of the Steam commu nity." "Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityFriendsOnly" "Parabns! Partilhaste o t eu ficheiro com os teus amigos e com qualquer pessoa a quem tenhas partilhado a hiperligao do teu ficheiro."

"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityFriendsOnly" "Congratulations ! You have shared your file with your friends and anyone who you've shared the link to your file with." "Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPublic" "Parabns! Partilhaste o teu fiche iro com o resto da Comunidade Steam." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPublic" "Congratulations! You h ave shared your file with the rest of the Steam Community." "Steam_PublishFile_Success" "Por favor, nota que publicaste este ficheiro ne ste especfico momento. Quaisquer novas mudanas que queiras partilhar devero ser rep ublicadas de novo. Se usares o mesmo ttulo, qualquer pessoa que esteja a seguir e ste ficheiro ir encontrar automaticamente a nova verso publicada." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success" "Please note that you've posted this fil e at this point in time. Any new changes that you wish share must be re-publish ed again. If you use the same title, anyone following this file will automatica lly get the newly published version." "Steam_PublishFile_Progress" "A publicar ficheiro na Comunidade Steam..." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Progress" "Publishing file to the Steam Community. .." "Steam_PublishFile_Failed" "Ocorreu um problema ao publicar o teu ficheiro na Comunidade Steam. Por favor tenta outra vez mais tarde." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Failed" "There was a problem publishing your fil e to the Steam Community. Please try again later." "Steam_PublishFile_Failed_DuplicateName" "J existe um ficheiro com o ttulo que providenciaste. Por favor seleciona um ttulo diferente, ou seleciona \"substi tuir\" nas opes de publicao." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Failed_DuplicateName" "A file already exists w ith the title you provided. Please select a different title, or check 'overwrit e' in the publishing options." "Steam_PublishFile_Failed_AccessDenied" "Tens de ter este programa de modo a pud eres publicar ficheiros nele. Por favor, adquire este produto antes de tentares publicar um ficheiro." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Failed_AccessDenied" "You must own this progr am in order to publish files for it. Please purchase this product before attemp ting to publish a file." "Steam_PublishFile_Failed_SyncError" "Ocorreu um erro de sincronizao ao atualiz ar o teu ficheiro com a Steam Cloud. Poders ter de resolver conflitos entre a tua cpia local e a cpia guardada na Steam Cloud antes de tentares publicar de novo." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Failed_SyncError" "There was a synchronization err or updating your file with the Steam Cloud. You may need to resolve conflicts b etween your local copy and the copy stored in the Steam Cloud before you can att empt to publish again." "steam_cloud" "Steam Cloud" "[english]steam_cloud" "Steam Cloud" "steam_fileincloud" "Tens %cloud_files% ficheiro guardado na cloud para este jogo" "[english]steam_fileincloud" "You have %cloud_files% file saved in the cloud for this game" "steam_filesincloud" "Tens %cloud_files% ficheiros guardados na cloud para es te jogo" "[english]steam_filesincloud" "You have %cloud_files% files saved in the cloud for this game" "steam_viewallcloud" "Ver Todos Os Ficheiros Na Cloud" "[english]steam_viewallcloud" "View All Files In Cloud" "Steam_MoreCloud" "Ver Todos Os Ficheiros" "[english]Steam_MoreCloud" "View All Files" "steam_community_files" "Workshop" "[english]steam_community_files" "Workshop" "steam_community_files_info" "Cria, descobre e joga contedo criado pela Comuni dade Steam." "[english]steam_community_files_info" "Create, discover, and play content crea

ted by the Steam Community." "steam_community_files_view_all" "Visitar o Workshop" "[english]steam_community_files_view_all" "Browse the Workshop" "steam_paginationtext" "A mostrar %start%-%end% de %total%" "[english]steam_paginationtext" "Showing %start%-%end% of %total%" "Steam_App_Update_Failed_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_App_Update_Failed_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_App_Update_Failed_Text" "Um erro ocorreu ao atualizar \"%game%\" (%reaso n%)" "[english]Steam_App_Update_Failed_Text" "An error occurred while updating %game% (%reason%)" "steam_downloads_preloading" "A pr-carregar" "[english]steam_downloads_preloading" "Preloading" "steam_downloads_unpacking" "A extrair" "[english]steam_downloads_unpacking" "Unpacking" "steam_community_files_info_error" "No possvel estabelecer ligao aos servidores do Steam Workshop neste momento." "[english]steam_community_files_info_error" "Unable to connect to the Steam Workshop servers at this time." "Steam_SupportAlert" "Tem um alerta do Suporte Steam" "[english]Steam_SupportAlert" "You have an alert from Steam Support" "Steam_BackupComplete_Error" "A cpia de segurana falhou. Por favor, verifica os ficheiros de cache do teu jogo." "[english]Steam_BackupComplete_Error" "Backup failed. Please verify your game cache files. " "Steam_ForgottenPassword_AuthorizationNoQuestion" "Um e-mail contendo um cd igo de verificao\nacabou de ser enviado para o endereo fornecido.\nPor favor verifi ca o teu e-mail\ne preenche a informao pedida abaixo." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_AuthorizationNoQuestion" "An email messag e containing a verification code\nhas just been sent to the address you provided .\nPlease check your email,\nthen enter the requested information below." "Steam_SendGuestPass_AccountLockedError$type=guestpass" "A tua conta est bloquead a e no pode enviar ou receber passes." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_AccountLockedError$type=guestpass" "Your ac count is locked, and cannot send or receive guest passes." "Steam_SendGuestPass_AccountLockedError$type=gift" "A tua conta est bloquead a, e no pode enviar ou receber presentes." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_AccountLockedError$type=gift" "Your account is locked, and cannot send or receive gifts." "steam_inventory" "Inventrio" "[english]steam_inventory" "Inventory" "steam_inbox_item" "1 novo item no teu inventrio" "[english]steam_inbox_item" "1 new item in your inventory" "steam_inbox_items" "%items% novos itens no teu inventrio" "[english]steam_inbox_items" "%items% new items in your inventory" "steam_inbox_invite" "1 novo convite" "[english]steam_inbox_invite" "1 new invite" "steam_inbox_invites" "%invites% novos convites" "[english]steam_inbox_invites" "%invites% new invites" "steam_inbox_gift" "1 novo presente" "[english]steam_inbox_gift" "1 new gift" "steam_inbox_gifts" "%gifts% novos presentes" "[english]steam_inbox_gifts" "%gifts% new gifts" "Steam_BetaRequiresPassword" "Esta Beta privada, e requer uma palavra-passe." "[english]Steam_BetaRequiresPassword" "This beta is a private beta, requiring a password." "Steam_ContentBetaCheckPassword" "Verificar" "[english]Steam_ContentBetaCheckPassword" "Check Password" "Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordSuccessful" "Palavra-passe verificada com su cesso. Ests agora aprovado no beta de '%betaname%'."

"[english]Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordSuccessful" "Password checked succes sfully. You are now opted into the '%betaname%' beta." "Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordUnsuccessful" "A verificao da palavra-passe falh ou. Por favor, reescreve a palavra-passe e tenta de novo." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordUnsuccessful" "Password check failed. Please retype the password and try again." "Steam_ContentBetaOK" "Aderiste com sucesso Beta: '%betaname%'." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaOK" "Successfully opted into the '%betaname%' conten t beta." "Steam_ContentBetaProblem" "Ocorreu um problema ao aderir Beta: '%betaname% '." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaProblem" "There was a problem opting into the '%b etaname%' content beta." "Steam_ContentBetaOptOutOK" "Sada da Beta efetuada com sucesso." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaOptOutOK" "Successfully opted out of content betas ." "Steam_ContentBetaOptOutProblem" "Ocorreu um problema ao sair do contedo b eta." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaOptOutProblem" "There was a problem opting out of the content beta." "Steam_ErrorCantStartGame2" "Este jogo est atualmente indisponvel ( %error% ). " "[english]Steam_ErrorCantStartGame2" "This game is currently unavailable ( %e rror% )." "Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateLabel" "Navegador de servidores de jogo: pings mx / minuto" "[english]Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateLabel" "Game server browser: max pings / minute" "Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateInfo" "Se encontrares problemas com a conexo In ternet enquanto pesquisas por servidores de jogos, tenta baixar este valor." "[english]Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateInfo" "If you experience Internet conn ection problems while browsing for game servers, try lowering this value." "Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateDefault" "Automaticamente baseado na Conexo Intern et (%PingsPerMin%)" "[english]Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateDefault" "Automatic based on Internet Con nection (%PingsPerMin%)" "Steam_HelpUsTranslate" "Fluente em ingls? Podes ajudar-nos a traduzir o Steam pa ra a tua lngua." "[english]Steam_HelpUsTranslate" "Fluent in another language? Help us tra nslate Steam." "Friends_mobile_device_only" "%s1, num Dispositivo Mvel" "[english]Friends_mobile_device_only" "%s1 on Mobile Device" "Friends_mobile_device_extra" "%s1, Dispositivo Mvel" "[english]Friends_mobile_device_extra" "%s1, Mobile" "SteamUI_Greek" "Grego" "[english]SteamUI_Greek" "Greek" "SteamUI_Selection_Greek" " (Grego)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Greek" " (Greek)" "steam_emailaddress_query" " este o teu endereo de e-mail atual?" "[english]steam_emailaddress_query" "Is this still your current email addres s?" "steam_emailaddress_query_yes" "Sim" "[english]steam_emailaddress_query_yes" "Yes" "steam_emailaddress_query_no" "No, atualizar" "[english]steam_emailaddress_query_no" "No, update" "steam_emailaddress_query_info" "O teu endereo de e-mail usado para confirmar com pras e ajudar-te a gerir o acesso da tua conta Steam." "[english]steam_emailaddress_query_info" "Your email address is used to c onfirm purchases and help you manage access to your Steam account." "steam_emailaddress_query_info_link" "Saber mais"

"[english]steam_emailaddress_query_info_link" "Learn more" "steam_emailaddress_query_info_url" "https://support.steampowered.com/kb_art icle.php?ref=5151-RUAS-1543" "[english]steam_emailaddress_query_info_url" "https://support.steampowered.co m/kb_article.php?ref=5151-RUAS-1543" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Eyefinity" "Eyefinity Detetada (%s1 Monitores)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Eyefinity" "Eyefinity Detected (%s1 Displays)" "SteamUI_SteamGuardProviderEmail" "Email" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardProviderEmail" "Email" "SteamUI_SteamGuardProviderMobile" "Cliente Steam para Dispositivos Mveis" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardProviderMobile" "Steam Mobile Client" "SteamUI_SteamGuardDontRemember" "Ters de inserir o cdigo outra vez se quis eres iniciar sesso na tua conta atravs deste computador novamente." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardDontRemember" "You will need to enter the code again if you want to log in to your account on this computer again." "SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile" "Usa a aplicao Steam para Dispositivos Mveis para f ornecer o teu cdigo do Steam Guard" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile" "Use the Steam Mobile application to pro vide your Steam Guard code" "SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile2" "Tenho o meu dispositivo mvel pronto" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile2" "I have my mobile device ready" "SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile3" "J no tenho o meu dispositivo mvel com a aplicao Stea m para Dispositivos Mveis..." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile3" "I no longer have my mobile device with the Steam Mobile application.." "Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Account" "Se j registaste anteriormente esta Chave de CD numa conta Steam e no te lembras do nome da conta, por favor clica em \"Re cuperar Conta\" para receberes um e-mail contendo o nome da tua conta Steam." "[english]Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Account" "If you have previously register ed this CD Key to a Steam account and do not remember the account name, please c lick 'Retrieve Account' to receive an email containing your Steam account name." "Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Button" "Recuperar Conta" "[english]Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Button" "Retrieve Account" "Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Feedback" "Um e-mail foi enviado ao dono do cdigo d o produto que introduziste." "[english]Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Feedback" "An email has been sent to the owner of the product code you entered." "Steam_Receipt_AlreadyPurchased" "Esta conta Steam j tem o(s) produto(s) a ssociados a este cdigo de ativao. Clica em seguinte para iniciar a instalao." "[english]Steam_Receipt_AlreadyPurchased" "This Steam account already owns the product(s) associated with this activation code. Click next to proceed to i nstallation." "Steam_Receipt_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "J Possuis Este Produto" "[english]Steam_Receipt_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "Product Already Owned" "steam_inbox_commentnotification" "1 comentrio novo" "[english]steam_inbox_commentnotification" "1 new comment" "steam_inbox_commentnotifications" "%comments% comentrios novos" "[english]steam_inbox_commentnotifications" "%comments% new comments" "Steam_RedeemWalletVoucher" "Ativar um Cdigo para a Carteira Steam..." "[english]Steam_RedeemWalletVoucher" "Redeem a Steam Wallet Code..." "Steam_RightClick_OpenWithCloudFile" "Abrir com" "[english]Steam_RightClick_OpenWithCloudFile" "Open with" "Steam_RightClick_ExploreCloudFile" "Abrir localizao do ficheiro" "[english]Steam_RightClick_ExploreCloudFile" "Open file location" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Synced" "Sincronizado" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Synced" "Synced" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Syncing" "A sincronizar" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Syncing" "Syncing" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_ChangesLocal" "Pronto para sincronizar"

"[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_ChangesLocal" "Ready to Sync" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_ChangesRemote" "Pronto para sincronizar" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_ChangesRemote" "Ready to Sync" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Conflict" "Em conflito" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Conflict" "Conflict" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Unknown" "Desconhecido" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Unknown" "Unknown" "tooltip_view_fullscreen" "Modo Big Picture" "[english]tooltip_view_fullscreen" "Big Picture Mode " "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_SetCustomImage" "Definir imagem personalizada... " "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_SetCustomImage" "Set Custom Imag e..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveCustomImage" "Remover imagem personal izada..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveCustomImage" "Remove Custom I mage..." "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Title" "%gamename% - Definir imagem personalizada" "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Title" "%gamename% - Set Custom Image" "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ChooseImage" "Escolhe uma imagem para representar \"% gamename%\" na vista em grelha do Steam." "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ChooseImage" "Choose an image to represent %g amename% in Steam's grid view." "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ImagePrescription" "Este ficheiro deve ser uma imag em JPEG, PNG ou TGA com aproximadamente 460x215 pixels de tamanho." "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ImagePrescription" "This file should be a J PEG, PNG, or TGA image approximately 460x215 pixels in size." "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ThisFile" "Ficheiro de imagem personalizada:" "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ThisFile" "Custom Image File:" "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Browse" "Procurar..." "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Browse" "Browse..." "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_TryAgain" "Por favor, introduz um nome de ficheiro vlido." "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_TryAgain" "Please enter a valid filename." "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_LocateImage" "Localiza a tua imagem" "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_LocateImage" "Locate Your Image" "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_SetImage" "Definir imagem" "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_SetImage" "Set Image" "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Cancel" "Cancelar" "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Cancel" "Cancel" "SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Title" "%gamename% - Remover imagem personaliza da" "[english]SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Title" "%gamename% - Remove Custom Imag e" "SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Confirm" "Remover a imagem personalizada que apli caste em \"%gamename%\"?" "[english]SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Confirm" "Remove the custom image you hav e applied to %gamename%?" "SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Continue" "Continuar" "[english]SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Continue" "Continue" "SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Cancel" "Cancelar" "[english]SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Cancel" "Cancel" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome_No_Web" "%surveyname%\n\nObrigado por aceitares participar neste inqurito. \n\nEste inqurio recolhe informao sobre a tua mquina. Este s dados no so annimos e sero partilhados com o autor deste inqurito.\n\nPara comear, c lica em \"Seguinte\"" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome_No_Web" "%surveyname%\n\nThank you for a greeing to take this survey. \n\nThis survey gathers information about your mach ine. This data is not anonymous and will be shared with the author of this surve y.\n\nTo get started click \"Next\""

"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Complete" "Obrigado por completares este inqurito. Os teus dados foram registados." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Complete" "Thank you for completing this s urvey. Your response has been recorded." "Steam_PreloadSuspended" "Pr-carregamento suspenso" "[english]Steam_PreloadSuspended" "Pre-load suspended" "Steam_Legal_SSADisagree" "Discordo" "[english]Steam_Legal_SSADisagree" "I Disagree" "SteamUI_PPA_Agree" "Por favor, l este acordo na ntegra. Tens de concordar com os termos da Poltica de Privacidade da Valve para continuar." "[english]SteamUI_PPA_Agree" "Please read this agreement in its entirety. You must agree with the terms of the Valve Privacy Policy to continue." "steam_library_filter_allplatform_linux" "Jogos p/ Linux" "[english]steam_library_filter_allplatform_linux" "Linux Games" "steam_menu_profile_view" "O meu Perfil" "[english]steam_menu_profile_view" "My Profile" "steam_menu_view_profile" "Perfil" "[english]steam_menu_view_profile" "My Profile" "steam_menu_view_groups" "Grupos" "[english]steam_menu_view_groups" "My Groups" "steam_menu_view_inventory" "Inventrio" "[english]steam_menu_view_inventory" "My Inventory" "steam_menu_view_screenshots" "Capturas de Ecr" "[english]steam_menu_view_screenshots" "My Screenshots" "steam_menu_view_videos" "Vdeos" "[english]steam_menu_view_videos" "My Videos" "steam_menu_view_recommendations" "Recomendaes" "[english]steam_menu_view_recommendations" "My Recommendations" "steam_menu_view_workshop" "Workshop" "[english]steam_menu_view_workshop" "My Workshop" "steam_menu_account_details" "Detalhes da Conta" "[english]steam_menu_account_details" "Account Details" "steam_menu_account_view_profile" "Ver Perfil" "[english]steam_menu_account_view_profile" "View Profile" "Steam_ClickToPrint" "Clica aqui para imprimir" "[english]Steam_ClickToPrint" "Click here to print" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewGameHub" "Ver Central Comunitria" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewGameHub" "View Community Hub" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_KernelName" "Nome do Kernel: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_KernelName" "Kernel Name: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_KernelVersion" "Verso do Kernel: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_KernelVersion" "Kernel Version: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XServerVendorName" "Editora de Servidor X: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XServerVendorName" "X Server vendor : %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XServerVendorRelease" "Verso de Servidor X: %s1 " "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XServerVendorRelease" "X Server releas e: %s1" "steam_menu_view_badges" "Medalhas" "[english]steam_menu_view_badges" "My Badges" "Steam_Game_GameHub" "Central Comunitria" "[english]Steam_Game_GameHub" "Community Hub" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchApplication" "Iniciar aplicao..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchApplication" "Launch App... " "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallApplication" "Instalar aplicao..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallApplication" "Install App..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseApplication" "Comprar aplicao..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseApplication" "Purchase App... "

"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=application" "Iniciar" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=application" "Launch" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=application" "Iniciar aplicao a ssim que estiver pronta" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=application" "Launch application as soon as it's ready" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupApplication" "Fazer cpia de segurana... " "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupApplication" "Backup App File s..." "Steam_Launch_App" "Iniciar" "[english]Steam_Launch_App" "Launch" "Steam_ApplicationReady" "Pronta para iniciar" "[english]Steam_ApplicationReady" "Ready to launch" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=application" "Manter sempre esta apli cao atualizada" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=application" "Always keep thi s application up to date" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=application" "No atualizar esta aplicao automati camente" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=application" "Do not automati cally update this application" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=application" "(Esta aplicao e a s suas atualizaes sero automaticamente\nadquiridas assim que estiverem disponveis.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=application" "(This a pplication and its updates will be automatically\nacquired as soon as they are a vailable.)" "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=application" "(O contedo para esta aplicao no ser automaticamente adquirido.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=application" "(Conten t for this application will not be automatically acquired.)" "Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=application" "Verificar integridade d a cache da aplicao..." "[english]Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=application" "Verify integrit y of application cache..." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=application" "Eliminar contedo local d a aplicao..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=application" "Delete local ap plication content..." "Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=application" "Fazer cpia de seguranaa dos fiche iros da aplicao..." "[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=application" "Backup application file s..." "Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=application" "Todos os fichei ros desta aplicao sero agora transferidos atravs do Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=application" "All fil es for this application will now be downloaded through Steam." "Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=application" "A criar ficheiros de ca che locais da aplicao..." "[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=application" "Creating local application cache files..." "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=application" "A preparar a lista de aplicaes do Steam%progress%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=application" "Preparing list of Steam applications%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=application" "A procurar atualizaes de aplicaes d o Steam%progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=application" "Scanning for Steam appl ication updates%progress%" "SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=application" "No h aplicaes do Steam para mostrar

." "[english]SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=application" "No Steam applic ations to display." "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=application" "Por favor, espera enqua nto o Steam verifica os ficheiros da aplicao." "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=application" "Please wait while Steam verifies application files." "Steam_LaunchApp" "Iniciar" "[english]Steam_LaunchApp" "Launch" "Steam_FindContent$appType=application" "Procurar software..." "[english]Steam_FindContent$appType=application" "Browse software..." "Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=application" "No encontrmos nada! Experimenta l impar o teu campo de pesquisa ou selecionar outra categoria a partir da caixa de seleo acima." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=application" "We've come up empty! Tr y clearing your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown abo ve." "Steam_Game_Developer$appType=application" "Programador" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=application" "Developer" "Steam_LaunchOption_Application" "Iniciar %game%" "[english]Steam_LaunchOption_Application" "Launch %game%" "Steam_GamesSection_Applications" "SOFTWARE" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_Applications" "SOFTWARE" "steam_library_filter_allapplications" "Todo o Software" "[english]steam_library_filter_allapplications" "All Software" "steam_downloads_preloaded" "Pr-carregamento concludo" "[english]steam_downloads_preloaded" "Pre-load complete" "steam_downloads_application_ready" "Pronta para iniciar" "[english]steam_downloads_application_ready" "Ready to Launch" "steam_downloads_launch_app" "Iniciar %app%" "[english]steam_downloads_launch_app" "Launch %app% " "steam_details_lastlaunchedheader" "Iniciada pela ltima vez: %last_played_da te%" "[english]steam_details_lastlaunchedheader" "Last launched %last_played_date %" "steam_details_totalusetimeheader_minutes" "%minutes% minutos de utilizao" "[english]steam_details_totalusetimeheader_minutes" "%minutes% minutes of us e" "steam_details_totalusetimeheader_hours" "%hours% horas de utilizao" "[english]steam_details_totalusetimeheader_hours" "%hours% hours of use" "steam_friendsplayingnowapplication" "De momento, tens %friendsplayingnow% Am igos a utilizar %gamename%!" "[english]steam_friendsplayingnowapplication" "You have %friendsplayingnow% Fr iends using %gamename% right now!" "steam_friendplayingnowapplication" "De momento, tens %friendsplayingnow% Am igo a utilizar %gamename%!" "[english]steam_friendplayingnowapplication" "You have %friendsplayingnow% Fr iend using %gamename% right now!" "steam_morefriendswhoplayapplication" "Tens mais %friendswhoplay% Amigos que u tilizam %gamename%" "[english]steam_morefriendswhoplayapplication" "You have %friendswhoplay% more Friends who use %gamename%" "steam_morefriendwhoplaysapplication" "Tens mais %friendswhoplay% Amigo que ut iliza %gamename%" "[english]steam_morefriendwhoplaysapplication" "You have %friendswhoplay% more Friend who uses %gamename%" "steam_friendswhoplayapplication" "Tens %friendswhoplay% Amigos que utiliz am %gamename%" "[english]steam_friendswhoplayapplication" "You have %friendswhoplay% Frien ds who use %gamename%"

"steam_friendwhoplaysapplication" "Tens %friendswhoplay% Amigo que utiliza %gamename%" "[english]steam_friendwhoplaysapplication" "You have %friendswhoplay% Frien d who uses %gamename%" "steam_nofriendswhoplayapplication" "No tens Amigos que utilizem %gamename%" "[english]steam_nofriendswhoplayapplication" "You don't have any Friends who use %gamename%" "steam_viewallfriendsapplication" "Ver todos os Amigos que utilizam esta a plicao" "[english]steam_viewallfriendsapplication" "View All Friends Who Use This A pplication" "steam_fileincloudapplication" "Tens %cloud_files% ficheiro guardado na cloud p ara esta aplicao" "[english]steam_fileincloudapplication" "You have %cloud_files% file saved in th e cloud for this application" "steam_filesincloudapplication" "Tens %cloud_files% ficheiros guardados na cloud para esta aplicao" "[english]steam_filesincloudapplication" "You have %cloud_files% files sa ved in the cloud for this application" "steam_nav_workshop" "Workshop" "[english]steam_nav_workshop" "Workshop" "steam_nav_greenlight" "Greenlight" "[english]steam_nav_greenlight" "Greenlight" "steam_nav_marketplace" "Mercado" "[english]steam_nav_marketplace" "Market" "steam_nav_profile" "Perfil" "[english]steam_nav_profile" "Profile" "steam_nav_gamehubs" "Centrais de Jogo" "[english]steam_nav_gamehubs" "Game Hubs" "steam_nav_friends" "Amigos" "[english]steam_nav_friends" "Friends" "steam_gamehub" "Central Comunitria" "[english]steam_gamehub" "Community Hub" "steam_details_contributioncount" "Contribuies" "[english]steam_details_contributioncount" "Contributions" "steam_nav_forums" "Fruns" "[english]steam_nav_forums" "Forums" "steam_nav_discussions" "Discusses" "[english]steam_nav_discussions" "Discussions" "steam_nav_groups" "Grupos" "[english]steam_nav_groups" "Groups" "Steam_DeleteApplicationConfirmation_Title" "Eliminar os ficheiros da aplicao? " "[english]Steam_DeleteApplicationConfirmation_Title" "Delete Application File s?" "Steam_DeleteApplicationConfirmation_Text" "Isto vai eliminar todo o contedo da aplicao %s1\ndeste computador.\n\nA aplicao permanecer na tua Biblioteca de Softw are,\nmas para a iniciares no futuro, vais ter de transferir\nnovamente o seu co ntedo primeiro." "[english]Steam_DeleteApplicationConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s 1 application content\nfrom this computer.\n\nThe application will remain in you r Software Library, but\nto play it in the future you'll have to first\nre-downl oad its content." "NoBigPicture_Title" "Modo Big Picture" "[english]NoBigPicture_Title" "Big Picture mode" "NoBigPicture_Explanation" "O modo Big Picture do Steam no suportado na tua plataforma." "[english]NoBigPicture_Explanation" "Steam Big Picture mode is not supported on your platform." "NoBigPicture_Anchor" "Visita o Suporte Steam para mais informaes."

"[english]NoBigPicture_Anchor" "Visit Steam Support for more information." "steam_menu_bigpicturemode" "Modo Big Picture" "[english]steam_menu_bigpicturemode" "Big Picture mode" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_ManageInstalledApps" "Pastas da Biblioteca Steam" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_ManageInstalledApps" "Steam Library Folders" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_Title" "Pastas da Biblioteca Steam" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_Title" "Steam Library Folders" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_InstallFolder" "Pasta" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_InstallFolder" "Folder" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_NumApps" "Instalados" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_NumApps" "Installed" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_DiskUsed" "Espao utilizado" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_DiskUsed" "Used Space" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_DiskFree" "Espao livre" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_DiskFree" "Free Space" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_InstalledAppName" "Aplicao" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_InstalledAppName" "Application" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_AddInstallFolder" "Adicionar pasta da Biblioteca" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_AddInstallFolder" "Add Library Folder" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_InvalidFolder" "A pasta selecionada da biblioteca Steam no existe" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_InvalidFolder" "Selected Steam library folder d oesn't exist" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotEmptyFolder" "Pastas novas da biblioteca tm de estar v azias" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotEmptyFolder" "New Steam library folder must b e empty" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotWritableFolder" "Pastas de biblioteca novas no podem ser s de leitura" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotWritableFolder" "New Steam library folder must b e writeable" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_FailedToAdd" "Falha ao adicionar uma nova pasta da bi blioteca" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_FailedToAdd" "Failed to add new Steam library folder" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_UninstallApp" "Desinstalar aplicao" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_UninstallApp" "Uninstall Application" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_Refresh" "Atualizar" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_Refresh" "Refresh" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_Text" "As pastas da biblioteca Steam permitem a instal ao de contedo do Steam em vrios discos." "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_Text" "Steam library folders allow installing Steam content on multiple drives." "SteamUI_ChooseInstallFolder" "Escolhe onde instalar:" "[english]SteamUI_ChooseInstallFolder" "Choose location for install:" "Steam_DiskUsageMBOnDrive" "Uso do disco: %diskusagemb% MB na unidade %driv ename%" "[english]Steam_DiskUsageMBOnDrive" "Disc usage: %diskusagemb% MB on drive % drivename%" "Steam_DiskUsageMB" "Uso do disco: %diskusagemb% MB" "[english]Steam_DiskUsageMB" "Disc usage: %diskusagemb% MB" "Steam_SizeOnDiskColumn" "Espao no disco" "[english]Steam_SizeOnDiskColumn" "Size on disk" "steam_welcome_app" "Info da Aplicao" "[english]steam_welcome_app" "Application Info" "NoBigPictureVista_Title" "Modo Big Picture" "[english]NoBigPictureVista_Title" "Big Picture mode" "NoBigPictureVista_Explanation" "O modo Big Picture do Steam necessita de Direct Write. A tua verso do Windows Vista compatvel com o DirectWrite, mas necessitas de instalar o SP2 e o Windows Vista Platform Update (disponvel via Windows Update).

" "[english]NoBigPictureVista_Explanation" "Steam Big Picture mode requires DirectWrite. It looks like you are running Windows Vista which supports Direct Write, but you need to install SP2 and the Windows Vista Platform Update (availa ble via Windows Update)." "NoBigPictureWin8AMD_Title" "Modo Big Picture" "[english]NoBigPictureWin8AMD_Title" "Big Picture mode" "NoBigPictureWin8AMD_Explanation" "Os teus drivers de vdeo da AMD para Wind ows 8 so incompatveis. Existe um problema com esta verso, em que o Big Picture deix a de funcionar depois de 30-60 segundos de uso. Tenta revert-los para a verso 8.97 .10 dos drivers Catalyst (Windows 8), ou atualiza-os para uma nova verso." "[english]NoBigPictureWin8AMD_Explanation" "Sorry, but it looks like you ar e using an incompatible AMD Video Driver version on Windows 8. There is a known issue with this version that will crash Big Picture after 30-60 seconds of use. Try rolling back to the 8.97.10 of the Windows 8 Catalyst drivers, or updating to a newer version if available." "SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveInstallFolder" "Remover pasta da biblioteca" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveInstallFolder" "Remove Library Folder" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_NoDriveRoot" "A nova pasta da biblioteca no pode ser o diretrio raiz da unidade" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_NoDriveRoot" "New Steam library folder can't be the drive root" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_DriveAlreadyHasLibrary" "A unidade selecionada j tem uma pasta de biblioteca Steam" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_DriveAlreadyHasLibrary" "Selected drive already has a Steam library folder" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_SelectInstallFolder" "Criar ou selecionar nova pasta de biblioteca Steam:" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_SelectInstallFolder" "Create or select new St eam library folder:" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailed" "Ocorreu um erro ao remover a pasta de b iblioteca selecionada." "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailed" "Removing selected Steam library folder failed." "SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailedDefaultFolder" "A pasta de instalao padro do Steam no pode ser removida." "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailedDefaultFolder" "The default Steam insta ll folder can't be removed." "SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailedUsedFolder" "Apenas pastas de biblioteca Ste am vazias podem ser removidas." "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailedUsedFolder" "Only empty Steam librar y folders can be removed." "SteamUI_InstallUnder" "Instalar em %s1" "[english]SteamUI_InstallUnder" "Install under %s1" "SteamUI_CreateNewDrive" "Criar nova biblioteca Steam na unidade %s1" "[english]SteamUI_CreateNewDrive" "Create new Steam library on drive %s1" "Steam_GamePropertiesOpenFolder" "Procurar ficheiros locais..." "[english]Steam_GamePropertiesOpenFolder" "Browse local files..." "Steam_CloudConflict_Newer" " - MAIS RECENTE" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Newer" " - NEWER" "Steam_CloudConflict_Older" " - MAIS ANTIGO" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Older" " - OLDER" "Steam_CloudConflict_Unknown" "Desconhecido" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Unknown" "Unknown" "steam_subscribed_files" "%name% - Contedo do Workshop" "[english]steam_subscribed_files" "%name% - Workshop Content" "steam_subscribed_files_complete" "Completado" "[english]steam_subscribed_files_complete" "Completed" "Steam_ErrorCantStartGameDetailed" "Falha ao iniciar jogo (%error%)." "[english]Steam_ErrorCantStartGameDetailed" "Failed to start game (%error%).

" "Steam_AppUpdateError_0" "nenhum erro" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_0" "no error" "Steam_AppUpdateError_1" "erro desconhecido" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_1" "unknown error" "Steam_AppUpdateError_2" "atualizao pausada" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_2" "update paused" "Steam_AppUpdateError_3" "atualizao cancelada" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_3" "update canceled" "Steam_AppUpdateError_4" "atualizao suspensa" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_4" "update suspended" "Steam_AppUpdateError_5" "sem licena" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_5" "no licenses" "Steam_AppUpdateError_6" "sem ligao internet" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_6" "no internet connection" "Steam_AppUpdateError_7" "ligao expirou" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_7" "connection time out" "Steam_AppUpdateError_8" "o contedo ainda est encriptado" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_8" "content still encrypted" "Steam_AppUpdateError_9" "configurao da app em falta" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_9" "missing app configuration" "Steam_AppUpdateError_10" "erro de leitura de disco" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_10" "disk read error" "Steam_AppUpdateError_11" "erro ao escrever no disco" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_11" "disk write error" "Steam_AppUpdateError_12" "sem espao em disco suficiente" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_12" "not enough disk space" "Steam_AppUpdateError_13" "ficheiros de contedo corrompidos" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_13" "corrupt content files" "Steam_AppUpdateError_14" " espera de disco de instalao" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_14" "waiting for install disc" "Steam_AppUpdateError_15" "diretrio de instalao invlido" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_15" "invalid install path" "Steam_AppUpdateError_16" "app j est a ser executada" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_16" "app already running" "Steam_AppUpdateError_17" "contedo partilhado em falta" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_17" "missing shared content" "Steam_AppUpdateError_18" "no instalado" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_18" "not installed" "Steam_AppUpdateError_19" "requer atualizao" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_19" "update required" "Steam_AppUpdateError_20" "ocupado" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_20" "busy" "Steam_AppUpdateError_21" "servidores indisponveis" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_21" "content servers unreachable" "Steam_AppUpdateError_22" "config de app invlida" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_22" "invalid app config" "Steam_AppUpdateError_23" "config de depot invlida" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_23" "invalid depot config" "Steam_AppUpdateError_24" "manifesto de contedo em falta" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_24" "missing content manifest" "Steam_AppUpdateError_25" "app no lanada" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_25" "app not released" "Steam_AppUpdateError_26" "restringido a certas regies" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_26" "region restricted" "Steam_AppUpdateError_27" "cache de contedo corrompida" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_27" "corrupt content cache" "Steam_AppUpdateError_28" "executvel em falta" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_28" "missing executable" "Steam_ErrorCantStartGameDependency" "Falha ao iniciar jogo com contedo partil

hado. Por favor, atualiza primeiro estes jogos:\n\n %dependencies%" "[english]Steam_ErrorCantStartGameDependency" "Failed to start game with share d content. Please update these games first:\n\n %dependencies%" "Steam_BPMOnStartup_Option" "Iniciar o Steam no Modo Big Picture" "[english]Steam_BPMOnStartup_Option" "Start Steam in Big Picture Mode" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FailureReports" "Relatrios de Falha Recentes:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FailureReports" "Recent Failure Reports: " "Steam_Convert_Content_Unpacking_GCF" "A desempacotar depsitos de ficheiros exi stentes..." "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Unpacking_GCF" "Unpacking existing depots..." "SteamUI_VideoDriver_Recommendation_None_Title" "Verificao de Drivers de Vdeo" "[english]SteamUI_VideoDriver_Recommendation_None_Title" "Video Driver Ch eck" "SteamUI_VideoDriver_Recommendation_None_Info" "A verso das tuas drivers de vdeo est atualizada." "[english]SteamUI_VideoDriver_Recommendation_None_Info" "Your video driver packa ge is up to date." "SteamUI_No_VideoDrivers_Detected_Info" "O Steam no conseguiu encontrar as driver s de vdeo recomendadas no teu sistema." "[english]SteamUI_No_VideoDrivers_Detected_Info" "Steam could not find re commended video driver packages on your system." "SteamUI_VideoDriver_Detection_Disabled_Info" "A deteo de drivers de vdeo no teu sistema pelo Steam est desativada." "[english]SteamUI_VideoDriver_Detection_Disabled_Info" "Steam is unable to perf orm video driver detection on your system." "Steam_Install_CreateApplicationIcon" "Criar um cone de aplicao do sistema para % game%" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateApplicationIcon" "Create a system application ico n for %game%" "Steam_Install_CreateMultipleApplicationIcon" "Criar um cone de aplicao do sistem a para cada jogo" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateMultipleApplicationIcon" "Create a system applica tion icon for each game" "SteamApp_Description" "Aplicao para organizar e executar jogos no Steam" "[english]SteamApp_Description" "Application for managing and playing games on S team" "Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewSteamGuides" "Ver Guias Comunitrios" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewSteamGuides" "View Community Guides" "Steam_ErrorFilesystemNotExecutable_Title" "Steam - Erro" "[english]Steam_ErrorFilesystemNotExecutable_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_ErrorFilesystemNotExecutable" "O sistema de ficheiros selecionado no pe rmite execut-los.\nMonta-o novamente com a opo exec e tenta outra vez." "[english]Steam_ErrorFilesystemNotExecutable" "The selected filesystem does no t allow executing files.\nPlease re-mount it with the exec option and then try a gain." "Steam_Subscription_RateLimitedCDKey_Headline" "Demasiadas tentativas de ativao" "[english]Steam_Subscription_RateLimitedCDKey_Headline" "Too Many Activation Att empts" "Steam_Subscription_RateLimitedCDKey" "Ocorreram recentemente demasiadas tenta tivas de ativao fracassadas nesta conta. Aguarda ou tenta usar o cdigo novamente ma is tarde." "[english]Steam_Subscription_RateLimitedCDKey" "There have been too many recent unsuccessful activation attempts from this account. Please wait and try your pr oduct code again later." "steam_guides" "Guias Comunitrios" "[english]steam_guides" "Community Guides" "Steam_Convert_Content_Updating" "A atualizar contedo ... %progress%" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Updating" "Updating content ... %progress% "

"steam_inbox_offlinemessage" "1 mensagem de chat no lida" "[english]steam_inbox_offlinemessage" "1 unread chat message" "steam_inbox_offlinemessages" "%offlinemessages% mensagens de chat no lidas" "[english]steam_inbox_offlinemessages" "%offlinemessages% unread chat messages" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotExecutableFolder" "A nova pasta da biblioteca Stea m tem de estar num sistema de ficheiros montado com permisses de execuo" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotExecutableFolder" "New Steam library folde r must be on a filesystem mounted with execute permissions" "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort3" "palavra-passe demasiado curta" "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort3" "password too short" "Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch2" "palavra-passe no coincide" "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch2" "passwords do not match" "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooWeak" "palavra-passe demasiado fraca" "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooWeak" "password too weak" "Steam_Login_CapsLockWarning" "Caps Lock ligado" "[english]Steam_Login_CapsLockWarning" "Caps Lock On" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_4" "Steam Guard no est ativo" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_4" "Steam Guard not enabled " "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=demo" "Jogar demonstrao" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=demo" "Play demo" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=demo" "Iniciar demonstrao logo q ue esteja pronta" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=demo" "Launch demo as soon as it's ready" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=demo" "Manter esta demonstrao sempre atu alizada" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=demo" "Always keep thi s demo up to date" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=demo" "No atualizar automaticamente est a demonstrao" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=demo" "Do not automatically up date this demo" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=demo" "(Esta demonstrao e as res petivas atualizaes\nsero adquiridas logo que estejam disponveis.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=demo" "(This demo and its updates will be automatically\nacquired as soon as they are available.)" "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=demo" "(O contedo para esta dem onstrao no ser automaticamente adquirido.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=demo" "(Content for th is demo will not be automatically acquired.)" "Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=demo" "Verificar integridade da cache da demonstrao..." "[english]Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=demo" "Verify integrity of dem o cache..." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=demo" "Eliminar contedo local da demons trao..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=demo" "Delete local demo conte nt..." "Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=demo" "Fazer cpias de segurana da demonstrao..." "[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=demo" "Backup demo files..." "Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=demo" "Todos os ficheiros dest a demonstrao sero agora transferidos atravs do Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=demo" "All files for t his demo will now be downloaded through Steam." "Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=demo" "A criar ficheiros de cache loca is da demonstrao..." "[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=demo" "Creating local demo cac he files..." "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=demo" "A preparar lista de demonstraes Steam%pro

gress%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=demo" "Preparing list of Steam demos%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=demo" "A procurar por atualizaes de demonstraes St eam %progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=demo" "Scanning for Steam demo s updates%progress%" "SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=demo" "Sem demonstraes Steam para exibir ." "[english]SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=demo" "No Steam demos to displ ay." "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=demo" "Aguarda enquanto o Stea m verifica os ficheiros da demonstrao." "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=demo" "Please wait whi le Steam verifies demo files." "Steam_FindContent$appType=demo" "Procurar demonstraes..." "[english]Steam_FindContent$appType=demo" "Browse demos..." "Steam_Game_Developer$appType=demo" "Programador" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=demo" "Developer" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_1_WithTime" "Protegido pelo Steam Gu ard desde %s1" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_1_WithTime" "Protected by St eam Guard since %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XWindowManagerName" "Gestor de Janelas X: %s 1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XWindowManagerName" "X Window Manage r: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SteamRuntimeVersion" "Verso Runtime do Steam: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SteamRuntimeVersion" "Steam Runtime V ersion: %s1" "SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Title" "Problema de Driver de Vdeo" "[english]SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Title" "Video Driver Problem" "SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Info" "Este sistema tem a verso 13.1 dos Driver s de Vdeo AMD instalada. Atualiza para a verso 13.2 ou superior antes de usares o Big Picture." "[english]SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Info" "Your system has AMD Video Drive r version 13.1 installed. Please upgrade to version 13.2 or above before using S team Big Picture." "SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Url_Label" "Transferir Drivers de Vdeo AMD" "[english]SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Url_Label" "Download AMD Video Driv ers" "SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Url" "http://support.amd.com/br/gpudownload/l inux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx" "[english]SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Url" "http://support.amd.com/us/gpudo wnload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesTitle" "Notificao do Steam Guard" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesTitle" "Steam Guard Notificatio n" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesDetails" "Desde a ltima vez que iniciaste sesso neste computador, as tuas credenciais de conta foram usadas e o Steam Guard foi autorizado a partir de outro local.\n\nPor favor, confirma que estas sesses foram autorizadas por ti:" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesDetails" "Since you last logged i n from this computer, your account credentials were used and Steam Guard was aut horized from another place.\n\nPlease confirm these sessions were authorized by you:" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesExplainButtons" "Se alguma das sesses no f oi autorizada por ti, seleciona 'No, isto no fui eu' para mudar a tua palavra-pass e e endereo de email da conta Steam e desautorizar os outros locais."

"[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesExplainButtons" "If any listed s essions were not authorized by you, select 'No, this was not me' to change your Steam password and email address and deauthorize other locations." "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesTurnedOff" "Desde a ltima vez que iniciaste sesso neste computador, as tuas credenciais de conta foram usadas e o Steam Guard foi desativado a partir de outro local.\n\nPor favor, confirma que estas sesses foram autorizadas por ti:" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesTurnedOff" "Since you last logged i n from this computer, your account credentials were used and Steam Guard was dis abled from another place.\n\nPlease confirm these sessions were authorized by yo u:" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesExplainButtons2" "Se alguma das sesses no f oi autorizada por ti, seleciona 'No, isto no fui eu' para mudar a tua palavra-pass e e endereo de email da conta Steam, desautorizar os outros locais e reativar o S team Guard." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesExplainButtons2" "If any listed s essions were not authorized by you, select 'No, this was not me' to change your Steam password and email address, deauthorize other locations and re-enable Stea m Guard." "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_WebBrowserAt" " IP do browser web" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_WebBrowserAt" " web browser IP " "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_ComputerAt" " IP do computador" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_ComputerAt" " computer IP " "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_CloseButton" "Sim, fui eu" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_CloseButton" "Yes, this was m e" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_PanicButton" "No, isto no fui eu" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_PanicButton" "No, this was no t me" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_UnknownCountry" "pas desconhecido" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_UnknownCountry" "unknown country " "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_info_link" "Sabe mais" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_info_link" "Learn more" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_info_url" "https://support.steampowered.co m/kb_article.php?ref=7137-PGHL-8428" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_info_url" "https://support.steampo wered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7137-PGHL-8428" "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Title" "Steam - Segurana da Conta Violada" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Title" "Steam - Account Security Compro mised" "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Explain" "A segurana da tua conta de email e do St eam aparenta ter sido violada.\n\nA autorizao do Steam Guard foi revogada para tod os os outros computadores." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Explain" "Your Steam and email ac count security appears to have been compromised.\n\nSteam Guard authorization ha s been revoked for all other computers." "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Explain2" "A segurana da tua conta de email e do Steam aparenta ter sido violada.\n\nO Steam Guard foi reativado e a autori zao foi revogada para todos os outros computadores." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Explain2" "Your Steam and email ac count security appears to have been compromised.\n\nSteam Guard has been re-enab led and authorization has been revoked for all other computers." "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ExplainActions" "Muda a palavra-passe da tua con ta de email imediatamente:\n%s1\n\nNota: Usa uma palavra-passe nova e nica.\n\nNo continues at que o faas, a tua conta no estar segura sem esta alterao." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ExplainActions" "Change the password for your email account immediately:\n%s1\n\nNote: Use a new and unique password.\n\ nDo not proceed until you have done so, your account will not be secure without

this change." "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ExplainPasswords" "A seguir irs mudar a pal avra-passe da tua conta Steam." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ExplainPasswords" "Next you will c hange your Steam password." "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ChangePasswordButton" "Mudar palavra-passe" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ChangePasswordButton" "Change password " "steam_subnav_featured" "Em destaque" "[english]steam_subnav_featured" "Featured" "steam_subnav_news" "Notcias" "[english]steam_subnav_news" "News" "steam_subnav_recommended" "Recomendados" "[english]steam_subnav_recommended" "Recommended" "steam_subnav_wishlist" "Lista de Desejos" "[english]steam_subnav_wishlist" "Wishlist" "steam_subnav_games" "Jogos" "[english]steam_subnav_games" "Games" "steam_subnav_software" "Software" "[english]steam_subnav_software" "Software" "steam_subnav_media" "Multimdia" "[english]steam_subnav_media" "Media" "steam_subnav_tools" "Ferramentas" "[english]steam_subnav_tools" "Tools" "steam_subnav_downloads" "Transferncias" "[english]steam_subnav_downloads" "Downloads" "steam_subnav_community_home" "Incio" "[english]steam_subnav_community_home" "Home" "steam_subnav_discussions" "Discusses" "[english]steam_subnav_discussions" "Discussions" "steam_subnav_workshop" "Workshop" "[english]steam_subnav_workshop" "Workshop" "steam_subnav_greenlight" "Greenlight" "[english]steam_subnav_greenlight" "Greenlight" "steam_subnav_market" "Mercado" "[english]steam_subnav_market" "Market" "steam_subnav_activity" "Atividade" "[english]steam_subnav_activity" "Activity" "steam_subnav_profile" "Perfil" "[english]steam_subnav_profile" "Profile" "steam_subnav_friends" "Amigos" "[english]steam_subnav_friends" "Friends" "steam_subnav_groups" "Grupos" "[english]steam_subnav_groups" "Groups" "steam_subnav_content" "As minhas coisas" "[english]steam_subnav_content" "Content" "steam_subnav_badges" "Medalhas" "[english]steam_subnav_badges" "Badges" "steam_subnav_inventory" "Inventrio" "[english]steam_subnav_inventory" "Inventory" }

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