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This dissertation would not have been possible with the help of several individuals who contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study. First, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our adviser Prof. Ninfa C. Osias for the continuous support for our Undergraduate study and research as language teachers. Her guidance helped us in all the time of the researching stuff and the writing of this thesis. Besides our adviser, we would like to thank the rest of our thesis committee; our panel of examiners, Ms. Ninfa C. Osias, MAEd, Mr. Wilson B. Caliat, MA, and Ms. Rizhaly B. Maandig, MA, for their encouragement, insightful comments, and productive rectification toward this study. We also give thanks to our fellow English Majors for an ever supportive spirit upon completion of this academic requirement. Together we study, together we graduate as we claim. Thanks also to our loving mothers, Mrs. Claudia Lopez and Feliciana for supporting us financially physically and morally, throughout our student life. Sacred thanks to our fathers, Mr. Lopez and Mr. Rabago who are now happily resting in the paradise of the Lord God for your divine presence in our hearts that inspire us in the most adorable and eternal touch. Lastly, a million thanks to the Father up above who endlessly gives us the hope and the will to continue the research beyond casual academic pursuit. Without Him, we cannot do anything wise in this study.

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