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OVERWHELMING is the striking cadence of her beauty, a dance of wonder describing the exquisite grace of her glory, and the seductive eloquence of her sultry allure... A voluptuous beat; a fresh candle lit from the radiant core of her soul, essence a resplendent glow, refulgent and bright as a sun of burnished gold Swayed by the tempting touch of her nubile beauty, I can taste the sweet flush of her vibrant heart, the tender lines of her lovely face, the gift of her effervescent smile, like a butterfly issuing forth from its cocoon, to caress me with the sultry kiss of her soul It's a tangible thing, a rich burst of savoury flavours exploding upon the tongue, a saccharine delicacy of sensuousness the taste of her delectable lips, wherein I feel the influence of her provocative nature, the velvet texture of her soft touch, the rich tantalizing fragrance of her perfume, a whispered breath upon my skin I can feel the power of her regard, in the rapturous embrace of her spirit, feel it in the heat which stirs my body at the slow stroke of her epicurean caress, subtle it is, yet as powerful as a sword thrust to the heart... It holds one breathless, for hers is a beauty which inspires, devout; a worship of the goddess figure, whose touch, is as a cloak of majesty-sparked wonder, clothed in the spun silken mantle of the moon A vessel of grandeur, she is filled with the dazzle, the species opulence of the moons pearlescent light, hers is an enchanting sense of presence which awes, from the luscious smoulder of her hypnotic eyes, to the sybaritic curves of her graceful figure, cutting the air like the fragrant sent of rose blossoms, riding on the soft sigh of the night Overwhelming is the striking cadence of her beauty... CAUGHT within the hypnotic pull of her eyes I feel unfettered... Free... flying like a bird through the sky, riding the stirring currents of the wind, soaring under the sunlit brilliance of her regard, feeling the warmth of its heart slowly envelop my body, the eyes which mesmerize and seduce, enthrals, bewitch and beguiles... reservoirs of the soul, the still pond of my desire, her tears glittering to fall unchecked,

like the glimmer of stars carelessly strewn across the night sky, a virtual treasure raining down; sparkling diamonds of the soul... It enthrals with a touch of grace, pulling one into a descending paranoia of sweet obsession, a moment eternally stretched in time, lost within a beauty that illuminates, which smoulders with an effervescent fire, yet refreshes like the taste of a cool autumn breeze, bound as though by strings of light to the stir of awakened passions, leaving one unfettered... Free... Free as the clouds which sails across, the cerulean depths of the sky... LOST within the sparkling grandeur of her mesmerizing eyes, afloat upon the warm sensuous rhythms of her lithesome soul, speared by the rosy elegance of her alluring smile, matched in harmonious song, to the soothing and tender blessings of her beating heart... Touched of her wonder, I stretch forth, reaching as if for the glory of the stars, which are as the light which lies at the center of the abiding heart of her passions, the smouldering scintillence of her woven enchantments, embracing me within the sultry haven of the night The deep silence of the voluptuous moon, speaks to the provocative lines of her eloquent allure, a visual cocktail which blinds, intoxicates with the halcyon brilliance of her stunning beauty, the aureate glow of her aura permeating everything, down to the bare atoms of my very soul A calescent wind of seduction, she makes of her heart a bed of roses upon which I lay, swathed in the rich earthy scent of her aromatic fragrance, she makes of her soul ropes of the softest silk, to hold me, within the bosom of her desire, she makes of her spirit a golden pathway, leading me into the beating womb of her heart, where she silences me with the touch, the taste, the flavour of her sweet and luscious lips... SHE is my destiny, the face of my desire, the heart of my passion, singing a song of sweet surrender which but serenades my soul, she is a warm breath of sincerity, imbued with an alluring touch of grace, heavens harbinger, with the stars, a string of brightness draped across the provocative softness of her flesh She is the memory of dreams, spun from webs of pearlescent light holding me in a tight embrace, where the flavour of her touch, is an argent caress that bares my soul to the nectarous kiss of her heart,

and the residual tremors of ecstasy, is but the taste of my desire, pressed upon the delicious softness of her succulent lips She is my paramour, rising from the evocative essence of the dark, touched of a tide of shadows, yet she is birthed from the embrace of the light, she paints the canvas of the night, with the gleaming wonder of her argent light, an iridescent rose blossoming in luscious profusion -the moondancing with a light easy grace through the darkness of the night, teasing and tempting, yet blessing with the touch of her light, massaging my soul, and so binding me with her silken enchantments, a spell-wrought touch of wonder, sweet as the kiss of an angel, parting the dream-shrouded shadows of the night, to fill my heart with the aria of her light!!! Richard Poetikz Burton 03/21/2013

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